The Flagship 09.19.2024

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NORFOLK,Virginia (September06 2024)- Chiefs and chiefselects cross the finish line during the 2024“Runwith the Chiefs 5kevent on board Naval Station Norfolk September6,2024.The “Runwith the Chiefs 5kis an annual run that invites chiefs and chiefselects from across the region to participate.(USNAVYPHOTOSBYBOATSWAIN’SMATE3RDCLASSJESSICANUNES)

Run with the Chiefs’ 5K on Naval Station Norfolk

NORFOLK,Va NavalStation(NAVSTA) Norfolk’s Chief Petty Officer Mess and Norfolk Morale, Wellness and Recreation (MWR)hostedthe2024RunwiththeChiefs 5konboardNAVSTANorfolk,Sept 6,2024

TheRunwiththeChiefs5Kisahighlight of the six-week initiation period for chief petty officer (CPO) selectees known as “Chief Season. During this time selectees undergoaseriesoftrialsandeventsdesigned topreparethemfortheirroleandtheireventual pinning as full-fledged chief petty officers Over 3,800 chiefs, senior chiefs and master chiefs from across the region came together to show their support for the new CPOselectees

“I think this event is a great way to bring us together, remembering heritage and motivate each other during the rest of the [Chief]Season,”saidIntelligenceSpecialist ChiefPettyOfficerSelectAndrewHall,from Commander, Naval Surface Group (CNSG) Middle Atlantic. “It falls halfway through thesixweeksandwegettoseeeveryoneout here cheering us on to keep moving until the end. We got a lot of support from the communityandeventheretireesouthere. Participants started arriving at dawn, with chiefs and chief selectees assembling withtheirrespectivecommandstoformup and take part in warmup activities During

NORFOLK,Virginia (September6,2024)- Capt.Matt Schlarmann,the commanding officerof Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk,and NAVSTANorfolkCommand MasterChiefIanThompson judge chiefselectees’guide-on flag during the 2024“Runwith the Chiefs”5kevent onboard NAVSTANorfolk September6,2024.

formation period Capt. Matt Schlarmann, the commanding officer of NAVSTA Norfolk,alongwithCommandMasterChief

IanThompsonvisitedeachdivisiontojudge andratetheirguide-onflags Afterthejudging was complete, the participants made theirwayacrossthefieldtothestartingline in front of the NAVSTA Norfolk HeadquartersBuilding

The run kicked off at 8:30 a.m., and the mass of chiefs headed down Gilbert Street. The chiefs ran in unison with their respectivecommands singingcadenceandproudly holding guide-on flags high, celebrating NavyChiefPrideandunity

The commands would concluded their run at the McClure Field baseball stadium. After completing, the run the chiefs and chief selectees d to a cookout were they could enjoyed the barbeque, live music and additionalfestivities

Withthesuccessoftheevent,Thompson reflectedonwhythe“ChiefSeason”andthe RunwiththeChiefs5kisimportant. “They are invested in making good leaders,tryingtogetthebestproductforourSailors,” said Thompson. “This is my third run andmyfirstrunningitontheinstallationas theCommandMasterChiefanditisimportanttomakesureit’sagoodtimefortheSailorsandtheteamsthatshowedup.”

Though the run is over “Chief Season” continuedforanothercoupleofweeksafter The next Run with the Chiefs 5k event is scheduledtotakeplaceinthefallof2025


CRANE,IN Militaryandcivilianpersonnelfrom all the commands on Naval Support Activity Crane came together today to mark the 23rd anniversary of thedeadliestcoordinatedterroristattacktohaveever occurred at a traditional morning colors ceremony withandaddedsymbolictollingofabellforthefallen andarenditionof“Taps”onabugle,Sept 11. After the ceremony, the attending personnel were ledinamomentofsilencebyInstallationCommanding Officer Cmdr Luis “Homie” Martinez to recognize the 2,977 people killed and thousands injured duringtheattacksinNewYork WashingtonD.C.and Shanksville,Pa

“Many of us here can remember exactly where we were when we got the news of what was occur-

ring in New York City, then the Pentagon and finally the crash of the hijacked airplane in Pennsylvania,” said Martinez to the approximately 100 personnel assembled in front of NSA Crane’s oldest building and command flagpole “For many of us those terrible moments became a calling to serve our nation in some capacity or another For others already serving our nation, it meant activations or deployments to places unknown on short notice as we came to grips of what we now call the “Global War on Terror.” The teammembershereonNSACranehavebeensupporting our nation for almost 83 years now and many of our team members saw a major increase in operations tempo after 9/11, and we continue to support the nation’s defense today. Thank you all for coming outandcommemoratingthistimeandremembering thosewelost23yearsagotoday.”

Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek Fort Story holds 243rd annual “Battle of the Capes” Ceremony

VIRGINIABEACH,Va Sailorsassigned to Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek - Fort Story (JEBLCFS), French Marine NationaleSailors,CityOfficialsfromthecity of Virginia Beach and various other organization representatives attended the 243rd “Battle of the Capes” memorial ceremony and wreath laying at First Landing Cross onboard Joint Expeditionary Base Fort Story,Sept.6,2024

The “Battle of the Capes” is an annual event that honors the sacrifices of those French soldiers who fought to support the United States’ fight for freedom during the RevolutionaryWar.

The “Battle of the Capes,” which took place Sept. 5, 1781, is a historic revolutionary war battle in which the French Navy successfully kept British resupplies and support from Lord Charles Cornwallis’s forces who were operating in Yorktown, Virginia. The French Navy led, by Adm Francois Joseph Paul, Comte de Grasse, cametotheaidofthefledglingUnitedStates attherequestofGen.GeorgeWashington.

The battle would result in a decisive Frenchvictory,withtheBritishfleeingafter three days, and abandoning Cornwallis to hisfate Thisbattleforplayingapivotalrole in the Americans winning the war and for

beingabattlefoughtwithoutanyAmerican troopinvolvement.

On October 17, 1976, the French governmenterectedabronzestatueofdeGrasseat the First Landing Cross memorial on Fort StoryasagifttotheUnitedStates Thisyear’s memorialceremonywasheldinfrontofthe statue

The ceremony began at 11 a.m. with opening remarks followed by the benediction and playing of both the French and U.S. national anthems Accompanying the anthems, a combined color detail, formed from members of the Sons of the American Revolution and the Marine Nationale, presentedcolorsandpostedthetwonations’ flagsoneithersideofthestatueofdeGrasse Ernie Coggins a past president of the Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution,deliveredtheSonsoftheAmericanRevolutionpledgeandCouncilwoman Dr Amelia Ross-Hammond, representing Virginia Beach Mayor Bobby Dyer and the Virginia Beach city council, took the stand toreadaproclamation

Theproclamationsummarizedthehistory ofthe“BattleoftheCapes”andendedwitha declarationofobservance

I, on behalf of our Mayor Bobby Dyer, of the city of Virginia Beach, Virginia, do herebyproclaimSeptember7,2024“Battle of the Virginia Capes Observance Day” in VirginiaBeach,”saidHammond.

Editorial Staff ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner

757-262-2852 |

Rear Adm. Cassidy Norman, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, Norfolk, took the stand after Ross-Hammond to deliver words of remembranceandthanks

“As we stand here together to pay tribute tothebravesoldiersoftheFrenchNavywho helped win our independence, we should also recall that today our two Navies sail together around the world to keep the sea lanes open, promote security, and contributetoastableandprosperousworldorder,” said Norman. “On behalf of Adm. Daryl Caudle,commanderofUnitedStatesForces Command,I’dliketothankthemembersof theFrencharmedforcesforthestrongpartnershipbetweenourtwoforces.”

Capt. David Gray commanding officer of JEBLCFS took the podium next thanking the French military for attending the event andtheireffortsduringthewar.

“It is my honor to welcome the French SailorstotheBattleoftheCapesceremony,” said Gray “Today we honor the teamwork and sacrifice of both nations to accomplish acommongoal,toremovethetyrannyofour oppressors Thankstothestrategicplanning and bravery of our two nations’ troops and Sailors and their sacrifice for freedom, our country is here today because the French nationwastherewhenweneededthemthe most.”

Theceremony’sguestspeaker,RearAdm. Frederic de Rupilly, Marine Nationale, J5,

Joint Forces Command, Norfolk, delivered aspeechexplaininghowtheFrenchmilitary became involved in the battle and what the lessonscanbelearnedfromtheevent.

“We know how it was handled and we Sailors brought some lessons from that battle,” said Rupilly “Like understanding the tactical situation and embracing risks like being prepared and ready and getting thebigpictureright Andseizingtheadvantage of superiority at sea when the conditionsareright.”

Rupilly would go on to state that those in attendanceshouldcelebratetheSailorswho supportedtheUnitedStates “So let us celebrate and remember the Sailors who to the best of their abilities supportedthebirthofthisgreatnation,and if I may, were the inspiration for its great Navy,”saidRupilly

RupillywouldthenreceivetheSonsofthe American Revolution International Medal fromtheNationalSocietySonsOftheAmericanRevolution,forhisexceptionalsupport forthegroup.

The event concluded with Dr Darryl Addington, President-General of the National Society Sons of the American Revolution, and Rupilly paying respects to those involved in the battle by saluting the centralwreath.

Commodore John Barry Memorial: Sailors and community honor Naval pioneer



A ceremony was held Sept. 8, at Old St Mary’s Church, where the Funeral Honors team assigned to Naval Support Activity Philadelphia and members of the Irish community of Philadelphia gathered to honor Commodore John Barry, often hailed as the “Father of the American Navy.” The annual graveside event, featuring a Navy color guard, ceremonial bugler and wreath laying marks a tribute toBarry’senduringcontributionstotheUnitedStatesNavyandhisrole inAmericanhistory

Barry,borninthetownofBallysampson,Ireland,in1745,immigrated to America as a young man and quickly made a name for himself as a skilled mariner With the onset of the American Revolution, he joined theContinentalNavy wherehecommandedshipsthatplayedacritical roleinthewareffort.OverthecourseoftheRevolution,Barryledseveral successfulnavalengagementsagainsttheBritish,earningrespectforhis tacticalbrillianceandtenacity

Following the war, Barry remained active in naval affairs and was appointed by President George Washington as the first commissioned officerinthenewlyformedUnitedStatesNavyin1794.

Afterdecadesofservicetohisadoptedcountry,Barrypassedawayon September13 1803 inPhiladelphia.Hisdeathmarkedtheendofastoried career buthisinfluenceontheNavycontinues.Barrywaslaidtorestat OldSt Mary’sChurchinPhiladelphia,wherehisgraveremainstoday.

“It is only fitting and proper that today, 221 years after his passing, thatwetakethetimetorecognizeandhonorCommodoreJohnBarry,a gallant mariner who served his nation well and stands tall in the annals of American naval history,” said Lt Cmdr James Kwasny, the Facilities and Acquisition Director for the Public Works Department of Pennsylvaniaandthekeynotespeaker

MorethantwocenturieslatertheannualgravesidememorialcontinuestoinspireSailorsintheworld’sfinestNavy “Ithinkitisimportantto keepmemoriesandtraditionsalive,anditfeelsgoodtobeabletobeapart of that, said Aviation Support Equipment Technician 2nd Class Bryan Pallaviccini,whowasamemberoftheFuneralHonorsColorGuardteam thatsupportedtheevent.

Theceremony,thoughsimple,isfilledwithreverenceforamanwhose actions helped shape a fledgling nation’s destiny, his death a reminder thatevenheroesaremortal,buttheirlegaciesliveon.

Berti assumes command at FRCE

JoeAndes Fleet Readiness Center East Public Affairs


CHERRY POINT, N.C. Capt Randy J. Berti assumed command of Fleet ReadinessCenterEast(FRCE)fromCapt.James M. Belmont during a change of command ceremony Sept. 12 For Belmont, a Chicago, Illinois, native, the ceremony marked the conclusion of his military career; the outgoing FRCE commandingofficerwillberetiringfollowing 30 years of service Belmont assumed command of FRCE Apr. 15 2022 after 11 months serving as FRCE’s executive officer the depot’s second-in-command. He led the organization with an emphasis on providing the nation’s warfighters with high-quality, combat-readyaircraftandcomponentsand keeping the depot’s workforce safe

“Since 1943, FRC East has played a vital roleinournationaldefense,”saidBelmont. “Itwasanhonorandaprivilegetobecome part of the depot’s 80-year history of ensuring our nation’s warfighters have the combat air power they need to fight and win. It was an even greater honor to lead andservealongsidethemenandwomenof FRC East. Without them, none of what we accomplish here would be possible.”

Securing future workload and expanding capabilities were major highlights of Belmont’s tenure with FRCE earning designation as the Depot Source of Repair (DSOR) for several new and existing platforms In 2022, the U.S. Air Force tapped FRCE as the DSOR for 81 major structural and dynamic components of the U.S. Air Force MH-139A Grey Wolf helicopter, the plannedreplacementfortheUH-1NHuey

The Air Force also selected FRCE as the DSOR for the HH-60W Jolly Green II, the air service’s new combat rescue platform. FRCE will conduct all helicopter airframe programmed depot maintenance for Jolly Green II aircraft located within the continental United States, which represents about 70% of the platform’s total expected workload. Work on these platforms is scheduled to begin as soon as fiscal year 2027 Navy officials announced in 2023 that FRCE will serve as the designated repair


CHERRY POINT, N.C. For the second timeinthreeyears,FleetReadinessCenter East (FRCE) earned recognition as the safestorganizationwithintheDepartment ofDefense(DoD)withthe2024Safetyand OccupationalHealthManagementSystem (SOHMS)AchievementAwardintheorganizational category

Occupational Health and Safety Director Phillip Santee of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness presented FRCE with the SOHMS Achievement Award during a ceremony held at the Voluntary Protection Programs Participants’ Association National Safety+ Conference in Aurora Colorado Aug. 26 FRCE Executive Officer Capt. Randy Berti said receiving this award represents asignificantmilestoneforthedepotandits safety journey

“Safety is one of the core tenets of this command,andhavingourhardworkrecognized by the Department of Defense is an honor,” said Berti. “By fostering a culture wheresafetyisatoppriority weensurethat eachperson fromoursafetyprofessionals toourartisansonthefloor makesithome every night. It has been a long journey, but ourcollectivecommitmenttosafetyexcellence is what sets FRC East apart from other commands, and I am proud of this achievement.”

The SOHMS Achievement Awards are presented annually by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel Readiness to recognize commands and individualswhohavedemonstratedexceptional performance in the implementation and sustainment of a safety and occupational health management system that aligns with DoD goals and objectives

According to Compliance and Quality Department Head Amy Morgan, the command has introduced several safety andoccupationalhealthinitiativesoverthe pasttwodecades,allofwhichhaveplayeda pivotal role in earning the depot this prestigious award.

“Improving safety in a complex, industrialfacility,especiallyonewithover4,000 civilians and contractors, is no small task,” saidMorgan “Wehaveimplementedavast number of safety projects over the last 20 yearsthathaveimprovedourworkplace all of which took time and effort from everyone involved. Morgansaidsomeofthesafetyinitiatives thedepothasimplementedincludemandatory head and hand protection policies, aircraft-specificworkstandsandupgraded fall protection equipment Additionally, FRCE established two safety doctrines basedoninternationalstandardsandOccupationalSafetyandHealthAdministration (OSHA) guidelines, while also requiring many of its employees to complete a 10-hour OSHA safety training course

In 2004, the depot adopted the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18001, which provided a framework for systematically assessing hazards, implementing risk control measures and reducingworkplaceinjuries,illnesses,and incidents FRCE has since transitioned to anupdatedversion,theInternationalOrganization for Standardization 45001 certification.

The command subsequently adopted

point for Navy and Marine Corps C/ KC-130J Super Hercules and C/KC-130T Hercules aircraft which is scheduled to arrive in fiscal year 2026.

Belmont joined state and local officials inJunetobreakgroundattheNorthCarolina Global TransPark in Kinston for the incomingNavy MarineCorpsandAirForce workload.

“Moving forward, the needs and demands of the warfighter will only continuetogrow,”saidBelmont.“FRCEast is also growing and expanding in order to ensure those needs and demands are met. This reflects the exceptional capabilities and expertise of FRC East’s workforce It alsohighlightsthesteadfastsupportofour partners—the state of North Carolina and the surrounding communities.”

During Belmont’s command, FRCE receivednumerousDepartmentofDefense (DOD)andNavy-levelawardsforoutstanding performance in the areas of environmental and safety management, including the Secretary of the Navy Environmental Award for Sustainability in the Industrial Installation category the Chief of Naval Operations Awards for Aviation Safety

and Shore Safety in the Large Industrial Activity category, and the DOD Safety and OccupationalHealthManagementSystem Achievement Award, presented by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness In 2023 the command was also recognized by the North Carolina Department of Labor for its efforts to keep the workforcesafebybeingpresentedfour“Million Hour awards and its seventh consecutive “Gold Award.”

FRCE ended 2023 with the lowest numberofOccupationalSafetyandHealth Administration recordable mishaps in its history Inrecognitionofhisoutstandingservice Belmont received the Legion of Merit during the ceremony. The Legion of Merit is awarded to individuals who distinguish themselves by exceptionally meritorious service in a duty of great responsibility Berti, who served as executive officer at FRCEsince2022untilassumingcommand, said he is confident the FRC East team is ready to build on the work begun under Belmont.

“I already know that I am surrounded

OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program (VPP), a federal program that recognizes employersandworkersinprivateindustry andgovernmentagencieswhohaveimplementedeffectivesafetyandhealthmanagement systems VPP focuses on preventing fatalities, injuries and illnesses through a system of hazard prevention and control, worksite analysis, training and leadership commitment and employee involvement.

In 2019, the United States Department of Labor recognized FRCE as a VPP Star Site, making FRCE the first naval aviation command to reach that level. FRCE attained VPP Star recertification in 2023

Industrial Hygiene Branch Head Brian Snowsaidsincetheadoptionofthesesafety management systems, workplace safety at FRCE has improved “Wecanseethedirectresultsofoursafety managementsystemsinthenumbers,”said Snow “In2002,beforeweimplementedthe safety management systems, we had 835 OSHA-recordable mishaps; last year, we only had 27 As of right now, we only have

by a dedicated team that is committed to supporting the warfighter,” said Berti. “I’m amazed at what they do each and every day. They understand that their work directly impacts the readiness of our nation’s military We also have our neighbors and partners in the local area and the stateofNorthCarolinawhoshareourdedication in supporting our armed services Moving forward, I am excited to see what we accomplish together.”

BertiisanativeofErie,Pennsylvania,and agraduateofEmbry-RiddleUniversity He enlisted in the Air Force in May 1992, serving eight years as a tactical aviation maintenance specialist. In 2000, Berti laterally transferred to the Navy where he attended Officer Candidate School before receiving acommissionasanaerospacemaintenance duty officer In his 32-year career, Berti has held numerousoperationalandleadershippositions on shore and at sea, including a tour with Strike Fighter Squadron 34 located at Naval Air Station Oceana; as the aircraft division officer quality assurance officer and AIRSPeed officer aboard the USS HarryS.Truman;deputyassistantprogram manager for logistics (T-45 support) for the Naval Undergraduate Flight Training Systems Program Office; and officer-incharge, Fleet Readiness Center Southwest Detachment North Island.

PriortohisarrivalatFRCE,Bertiserved as commanding officer of Fleet Readiness Western Pacific. The incoming executive officer Col. ChristopherC.McDonald,reportstoFRCE afterservingascommanderofMarineAviationLogisticsSquadron14atMarineCorps Air Station Cherry Point. FRCE is North Carolina’s largest maintenance, repair, overhaul and technical services provider with more than 4,000 civilian, military and contract workers Its annual revenue exceeds $1 billion. The depot provides service to the fleet while functioningasanintegralpartofthegreater U.S. Navy; Naval Air Systems Command; andCommander,FleetReadinessCenters

18 and we are nearly three-quarters of the way through the calendar year so we are trackingtobejustaboutwherewewerelast year, if not fewer.”

AccordingtoMorgan,protectingemployees from workplace injuries and illnesses plays an essential role in providing capable and quality aircraft to the warfighter

Since 2016, FRCE has seen a 53% decrease in Federal Employees’ Compensation Program costs and a significant decrease in lost workdays due to injuries

“By increasing our safety training and education, providing better safety equipment,engaginginmorepeer-to-peersafety talks and, most importantly, fostering a culture of safety, we significantly decrease boththenumberofon-the-jobinjuriesand the costs associated with those injuries,” said Morgan. “Avoiding these costs which can run into the millions of dollars helps support our command’s financial stability and, in turn, ability to continue supporting our warfighters

“Fewer injuries mean more employees

areheretosupportourworkload,”Morgan explained. “The more people we have out onthefloor,thefasterwecanreturnaircraft to the fleet, which is why lowering the number of lost workdays is so important. In 2020, we had 146 lost workdays and in 2023,weonlyhad62 Theworkwedohere isveryimportant,andsoareourpeople,so this is a win-win situation.” TheSOHMSAchievementAwardisone of many accolades FRCE has garnered for its safety and occupational health efforts The depot has been recognized with many other prestigious awards In 2024, FRCE earned the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Shore Safety Award in the Large IndustrialActivitycategory,thecommand’s third receipt of this award; a seventh CNO Aviation Safety Award; and its seventh consecutive Gold Award, along with four MillionHourAwards fromtheNorthCarolina Department of Labor

ThoughFRCEhasreceivedmanyawards for safety excellence this year, Snow said the SOHMS Achievement Award is the highest honor the depot has received in 2024

“The SOHMS Achievement Award is awarded to one command and one individual throughout the entire Department of Defense,” Snow explained. “We’re not talking about just within the Department of the Navy no, we are talking about the Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marine CorpsandalloftheDoDagencieswhohave submitted nomination packets to compete for this award.

“For us to be selected for this award is impressive to say the least,” Snow continued. “We are now the example for other commands to emulate.”

Morgan highlighted that, in addition to thesignificanceofthisaward,itrecognizes the effectiveness of the foundational and cultural changes made by the command to improve safety

“This isn’t the depot’s first time receivingthisaward;wealsowonitin2022,”said Morgan.“Tobeabletosaywearethebestof the best in all of the DoD in terms of safety is a tremendous honor, but to say we have wonthisawardtwicewithinthepastthree years,isevenbetter Ittellsuswearedoing something right by continuously improving and, more importantly, sustaining our safety management systems.”

MorganattributedthesuccessofFRCE’s safetyandoccupationalhealthinitiativesto thecollectiveeffortoftheentireworkforce.

“This award was earned by the entire command, said Morgan. “It’s not just one person. It’s not just the safety division. It’s everyone working together as a team to really lean forward into safety by followingtheprocessesandproceduresthatkeep us all safe It says a lot about the workforce herebecausewithouttheircommitmentto oursafetyprograms wewouldn’tbewhere we are today.

FRCE is North Carolina’s largest maintenance, repair, overhaul and technical services provider, with more than 4,000 civilian, military and contract workers Its annual revenue exceeds $1 billion. The depot provides service to the fleet while functioningasanintegralpartofthegreater U.S. Navy; Naval Air Systems Command; andCommander FleetReadinessCenters

FRCE named top organization in safety by Department of Defense

SECNAV Del Toro and Mayor Adams announce International Naval Review 250



NY SecretaryoftheNavyCarlosDelToro and New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced on August 29th that the Navy and the City of New York will host InternationalNavalReview250(INR250)fromJuly 3rdthroughJuly8thin2026,

“There’s no better place to celebrate 250 yearsofAmericanhistorythaninNewYork City’s harbor,” said New York City Mayor Eric Adams “From the early days of our country to the present day New York City has been an unmatched international port, welcoming every corner of the globe to our shores and remaining a leading economic hub.In2026,ourcitylooksforwardtohostingtheglobetocelebrateandcommemorate ournation’spast,present,andfuture.”

AspartoftheSemiquincentennial(250th) celebrationoftheUnitedStates INR250will showcase America’s unwavering support to maritime security, economic prosperity, and freedom of the seas for all nations. It will connect Americans with the Navy’s longstanding role, as set forth in the U.S. Constitution, to protect American shores fromforeignpredationandpreserveaccess to international trade This extraordinary gathering will also pay tribute to countless generationsofAmericanswhohaveserved sacrificedandcontinuetoserveindefenseof ournationandnationalmaritimeinterests

“New York City has always been and remains a historic maritime powerhouse,” saidNYCDepartmentofVeterans’Services’ Commissioner James W. Hendon. “From theBrooklynNavyYard,whereiconicships liketheUSSArizonawerebuilt toitsongoing significance in fostering international navalpartnerships NewYorkCityhasbeen and will always remain a gateway to global tradeandmaritimeinnovation.Hostingthe International Naval Review on the nation’s 250th birthday, yet again proves that New York City is the most Veteran and military friendlycityintheworld.”

From the early days of exploration and independence to the present era of global maritime commerce and strategic competition the United States has always recognizeditsvitalconnectiontothesea.INR250 willofferauniqueopportunitytoreflecton theproudheritage,achievementsandsacrificesthathaveshapedournation’smaritime legacy

“For 250 years, our Navy and Marine Corps Team composed of our Sailors, Marines, Navy Civilians Merchant Mariners and supported by America’s shipyard workforce have built, crewed and sailed acrosstheglobe,defendingliberty,promot-

ing freedom and advancing maritime statecraftonbehalfofournation,”saidSecretary DelToro “Ournavalheritageisintertwined withtheearliestdaysofAmericanindependence,andINR250speakstoourlongstanding connection with New York City and its harbor.”

The U.S. Navy is inviting international navies maritime forces and coast guards from over 130 Allied and partner nations to join INR250 and celebrations throughout the week from July 3-8. Scores of foreign warships, aircraft, and delegations will join the U.S. Fleet in the Port of New York and NewJersey Likepreviousreviews,warships and vessels from federal, state, City of New York, and other partners will anchor as far south as the Verrazano Bridge and as far northastheGeorgeWashingtonBridge

An aerial review and flyover for INR250 willincludealltypesofmilitary historic,and other aircraft and will likely be among the largest gathering of aircraft for a review in decades TheU.S.NavyandtheCityofNew York will showcase one of the largest gatherings of Tall Sailing ships from around the world for the International Parade of Tall ShipscoincidingwithINR250 InadditiontoINR250 Sail4th250 working alongside the U.S. Navy will oversee what promises to be the greatest gathering of international tall ships in celebration of

America’s 250th birthday on July 4, 2026 in the Port of New York and New Jersey

The International Parade of Tall Ships will feature30internationalTallShipsaccompanied by hundreds of other historic, leisure, andsailingvessels The“ParadeofSail”will span from the Verrazzano Bridge to the GeorgeWashingtonBridge “Sail4th 250 is proud to be working with the U.S. Navy the City of New York, the US Coast Guard, and countless others to continue the long tradition of bringing the international Tall Ships to the world’s most famous harbor for this historic milestone event America’s Semiquincentennial,” addedSail4th250PresidentChrisO’Brien.

The International Parade of Tall Ships started with the 1964 World’s Fair led by Operation Sail For America’s 250th celebration, Sail4th 250 will build on this maritime spectacle not seen since July 4, 2000 duringthemillenniumcelebration.

Mayor Adams and Secretary Del Toro alsoannouncedtheshiftoftheannualFleet Week New York to coincide with INR 250 It will include events featuring the Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, the Blue Angels, large-scale outreach events, public engagementsforU.S.andinternationalSailors, static displays and other engagements throughouttheTri-Statearea.Theseevents will be open to the public and international

visitors INR 250 will display the

willdemonstratetheUnitedStates’commitmenttointernationalcooperationandmaritimesecurity INR250willbethe7thinternationalnaval review hosted in the United States and the 4th held in the Port of New York and New Jersey, following 1976, 1986, and 2000 reviews With New York as its centerpiece, INR 250 will commence a series of events withU.S.NavyandinternationalTallSailing ship participation, to include Fleet Weeks and port visits in East Coast and Gulf port cities of New Orleans Norfolk, Baltimore, andBoston. SecretaryDelToroandMayorAdamslook forward to collaboration with the federal partners, the States of New York and New Jersey, and City of New York leadership, andtheAmericanpeopleaswecountdown to America’s Semiquincentennial and the InternationalNavalReview250

USS Arlington visits namesake county


On Saturday, September 7th Captain Ian Scaliatine, and sailors from the USS ARLINGTON(LPD-24)travelledtoArlington County Virginia to visit the Pentagon Memorial and participate in the annual ArlingtonPolice Fire&Sheriff9/11Memorial5KRun.

The USS Arlington was named to honor the victims, and the thousands of first responders from Arlington County and other jurisdictions in the National Capital Region, who responded to the Pentagon after the attack on September 11, 2001. The USS Arlington crew visited the 9/11 PentagonMemorialwheredocentsattheMemorial explained the events of the September 11th and the significance of the Pentagon Memorial.

At the Arlington Police, Fire & Sheriff 9/11 Memorial 5K Run Captain Scaliatine addressed the crowd and spoke of the

honor it was for the USS Arlington sailors to participate in the race USS Arlington crewmembersnotonlyrantheracebutalso participated in the joint Honor Guard and awardfinishingmedalstorunners USSArlingtoncrewmemberswereregistered in the “Military Teams” category for theraceandfinishedinfirstinthatcategory Their visit was sponsored by the USS Arlington Community Alliance works to maintain a link between the USS Arlington and 9/11 family members, first responders on 9/11, and the Arlington community The Alliance supports the USS Arlington in a number of way such as awards for Sailors of the Quarter and Sailors of the Year care packages during deployments, and hosting visits to Arlington County The USS ArlingtonCommunityAllianceisa501c3organizationandifyouwouldlikemoreinformation, or would like to support their efforts, visit USSArlington.orgtogetmoreinformation.

Naval Station Norfolk PACT Rodeo lassos up rates for undesignated Sailors

NORFOLK, Va Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk hosted a Professional ApprenticeshipCareerTrack(PACT)Rodeo at Vista Point on NAVSTA Norfolk, August 19-20,2024

The PACT program is a Navy special program that allows Sailors who have not chosen a rate within the Navy to become eligible for one. To qualify to choose a rate, PACT Sailors must be onboard their command for 12 months, meet with an Enlisted Community Manger (ECM) and have authorization for the career field they desire.

On August 19, the PACT Rodeo opened to Sailors at 7:30 a.m., and once the Sailors checked in, they were free to take the first steps in their journey to be designated with arate StationedthroughouttheeventwerevariousECMs,seniorenlistedSailorswhohave finalsayonaPACTSailor’sratingapproval, and rating detailers Sailors were able to speak with these individuals to gaining insight in rate qualifications, rating specification and various career paths that are availablewithineachcommunity

“Thisisprobablyoneofthemostrewarding things that I get to do,” said Capt. Raymond Sudduth, Director of ECM, BUPERS-32.“It’samazingtometoactually see the smiles on the Sailors’ faces when they’re leaving the PACT Rodeo with the ratetheychooseandgettingtheopportunity togowheretheywanttogo.”

AftersittingdownwithECMsandgatheringinformationonthevariousratings,PACT Sailors who met specific qualification standards could choose a rate to be assigned to, along with orders to their next command PACT Sailors, such as Airman Michael Santana-Torres, praised the event for its ease of access to information and streamlinedapproachtotheevent.

“I feel like this makes the process of getting a rate so much easier,” said Santana-Torres “It’snotalwayseasytogetahold of the detailers with the number of personnel they’re servicing so having this opportunitytositdownandgooverwhatIdesire frommycareermakesmefeelmoreatease. KnowingI’mbeingheardandwillwalkout ofherewitharate,notjustanybuttheoneI wantmakesmefeelthiswasthebestchoice forme.” On August 20 the PACT Rodeo would wrap-up at 4 p.m., with 195 PACT Sailors from NAVSTA Norfolk and its tenant commandsreceivingarating FurtherPACT Rodeo events would take place on Joint ExpeditionaryBaseLittleCreekonAugust21 andNavalAirStationOceanaonAugust22



Naval Station Norfolk conducts change of command and retirement ceremony

NORFOLK, Va Naval Station

(NAVSTA) Norfolk conducted a combined change of command and retirement ceremonyAugust23,onboardNAVSTANorfolk, wherein Capt. Matt Schlarmann relieved Capt.JanetDaysascommandingofficer

Days successfully completed her command tour, marking a milestone in U.S. navalhistory beingthefirstAfricanAmericanfemaletocommandNAVSTANorfolk.

While Days was in command, NAVSTA Norfolk saw many organizational achievements and advances in service to the Fleet, Fighter and Navy family Committed to improving Sailor quality of service she spearheaded improvements to unaccompanied housing piloting Commander, Navy Installations Command’s initiative to provide high-speed Wi-Fi to all Sailors and oversaw the overhaul of Naval Station Norfolk’sWindandSeaRecreationalCenter Theater Additionally, she was the mastermind behind Naval Station Norfolk’s first “Education Summit,” an initiative to bring together academic institutions and voluntary education providers to highlight training, educational programs, credentialing optionsandotherresourcesavailabletoSailorsandtheirfamilies

“NavalStationNorfolkisasmallcitywith a significant mission. Our task has been to provideunparallelserviceandsupporttothe AtlanticFleetandtheirfamilies,”saidDays “As Ecclesiastes, 9:10 reminds us “Whatever your hand finds to do do it with all of your might. This principle has guided me inourefforts,andIamproudtosaythatmy

team has exemplified it in every way. We embracedeverytaskwithdeterminationand passion,knowingthatourefforts,nomatter howsmalltheymayseem,contributedtothe greatermission.”

Days is retiring after more than thirty-seven years of military service, which began in 1987 as an enlisted Soldier in the U.S. Army She then transferred to the U.S. Navyandgraduatedsummacumlaudefrom Old Dominion University in 1999 with a

BachelorofScienceinBusinessandreceived her commission through Naval ROTC via theEnlistedCommissioningProgram.Days completed her command tour aboard the USSMcFauldeployingindependentlytothe U.S.6thand5thFleetAORs Daysservedon five Navy combatants and multiple shore assignments to include a deployment to Kabul, Afghanistan as the Joint Staff J7 liaison officer to the International Security AssistanceForceheadquarters

Days reported to NAVSTA Norfolk as Executive Officer in September 2021 and assumedcommandasthe51stCommanding OfficerinFebruary2023

“Oneofthegreatestjoysofmycareerhas beenthechancetomentorandcoachothers The Navy allowed me to serve my country and make a difference in the lives of those I served alongside I am passionate about service andIhavealwaysbelievedthatone of the most important things we can do is to lift others up, to guide them, and to help themnavigatetheirpaths,”saidDaysduring theretirementportionoftheceremony “To all those I have mentored along the way, thankyoufortrustingme Youhaveinspired me as much as I hope I have inspired you. AsIpreparetostepintothisnextchapterof my life, I know there are many things I will miss—thecamaraderie,thesenseofpurpose, andtheincrediblepeopleI’vehadtheprivilegetoservewith,bothmilitaryandcivilian. The Navy has been my family, and saying goodbye is not easy But I do so with a heart fullofmemoriesandaspiritthatwillalways carry the lessons, friendships, and experiencesI’vegainedoverthesepast37.”

During the ceremony, Capt. Matt Schlarmanns gainedcommandafterservingasthe installation’s executive officer from February2023 Schlarmann expressed his enthusiasm for taking the helm of NAVSTA Norfolk by saying, “I am truly humbled and honored totakecommandoftheworld’sbiggestand bestnavalinstallation.CaptainDays,likeher predecessors ledthiscommandwithhonor integrityandvision.Iwillendeavoreachand everydaytodothesame.”

The Evolving Path of Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Fire Chief

Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Public Affairs Specialist

From the early days as a volunteer in Virginiatocommandingavastnetwork of fire and emergency services across the Navy Region Mid-Atlantic, Chief Christopher Payne’s 22-year career in fire service embodies a remarkable evolution of dedication, expertise and leadership Chief Payne’s journey began at the ageof15whenhejoinedtheSperryville Volunteer Rescue Squad in Sperryville, Virginia. His early commitment to emergency services, demonstrated by earning his Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification by 17 laid the foundation for a career marked by continuous learning and service FurthereducationatNorthernVirginia Community College, at Annandale, whereheachievedhisVirginiaCardiac Techniciancertificationin1995,marked thebeginningofhisprofessionalascent

“Prior to becoming a volunteer, as a child,IwantedtobeanF-14pilotforthe Navy MydadwasanLCDRatNavalAir Station Oceana, and my brother and I were fascinated with the jets. In October 1990, my little brother was hurt in an ATV accident and almost did not survive. We lived in the country where

there was no paid fire or EMS I never feltmorehelplessthanduringthattime It was then that I decided I wanted to become involved in public safety, to prevent others from feeling like I did. Sixmonthslater,mymomandIstarted volunteering to help others in our community Volunteering at 15 years old gave me the experience and drive toknowwhatIwantedtodoasacareer when I became an adult. Said Chief ChristopherPayne In January 1996, Payne transitioned from civilian life to a role as a Combat MedicintheArmy.Hisdeploymentsto BosniaandtheMiddleEastwithHeadquarter Battery 6-52 Air Defense Artillery followed by service with the 28th Combat Support Hospital at give the name it goes by now and then state it was formerly named Fort Bragg, North Carolina, provided him with critical experiencesthatwouldshapehisfuture in fire and emergency services These years honed his skills in high-pressure environments, preparing him for leadershiprolesincivilianfireservices

“While in Bosnia, I served as part of theNorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization Implementation Force, which transitioned to the NATO Security Force. Some of my responsibilities included providing medical support to military personnel and going on patrols with

some of our NATO counterparts This deployment really helped me understand how fortunate we are here in the United States We take things for granted,likehavingcleanwatertodrink andshowerwith,propersanitation,and beingabletowalkdownthestreetwith asenseofpeace,”saidPayne Uponcompletinghismilitaryservice Payne joined Madison County EmergencyMedicalService(EMS)andlater Loudoun County Fire and Rescue His graduation from the Fire Academy Recruit Class 6 in 2002 marked his formalentryintothefireserviceprofession. His subsequent role as Captain for County of Orange Fire and EMS in Montford, Virginia showcased his leadership potential, a trait that would becomeevidentinhisfuturepositions

“I didn’t always see myself in a leadershipposition Growingup,Iwasmore focused on my personal interests and goals However, my experiences, especially volunteering and serving in the military, gradually shaped my perspective Theserolesrequiredmetostepup, take responsibility and support others whichnaturallyledmetodevelopleadership skills Over time I realized that I

CNRMA Sailor’s selfless act saves a life

NORFOLK, Va A Sailor, assigned to Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic (CNRMA),wasawardedaNavyandMarine Corps Achievement Medal aboard Naval Station Norfolk Sept. 4 for a heroic action shetookinAugustthisyear

Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (launch and recovery) 3rd Class Christina Shockley and her friend Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Leeann Madigan, assigned to Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, were on their way back from visiting a mutual friend in Marylandwhentheystumbledacrossamotorcyclecollisionjustafterithappened.

Themotorcyclist’sbrakesfailed causinga crashwiththevehicleinfrontofhim.Without hesitation Shockley and Madigan say theysteppedintoaction.

Prior to joining the Navy, Shockley says she was studying to become a trauma surgeon and said she has been trained to handlesituationslikethese

Madigan said she has military medical response training that helped her respond effectively in the situation. While Madigan assisted the motorcyclist, Shockley repositionedtheircartoclearanareafortheemergency vehicles to get through and began directingtrafficaroundtheincident.

This life-saving feat was second nature for Shockley, she said, and she lives by the mottos “everybody is somebody’s special person” and “you get what you give”. She said those quotes mean helping others as if they were her own loved ones and treating otherpeoplehowshewouldwantherloved onestobetreated.

“Ifthatwasmygrandfather,ifthatwasmy brother, my dad, I would want someone to stop if they had the training to help them,” Shockleysaid.

ShockleyalsocreditsherNavytrainingfor knowingwhattodoinastressfulsituation.

“They train us very well, and that’s what IappreciatefromtheNavy,”Shockleysaid

Shockley shared some advice for others basedonherexperience.

“Lean into your training, and trust that they trained you properly,” she said “If you dothat,everythingwillworkout.”

Sailors assigned to CNRMA support a robust mission as CNRMA is the regional coordinator for all shore-based Naval personnelandshoreactivitiesintheMid-Atlanticregion,whichencompasses20states, 13installations,andnumerousNavyreserve centers from Maine to Virginia and as far westasIllinois

NRMA Fire Chief from Page 1


His tenure with Quantico, VA Fire and Emergency Services was marked by significant contributions, including serving on the Rappahannock EMS Council Protocol CommitteeandleadingtheQuanticoRescue Task Force. His work in establishing the STOP THE BLEED program and training for active shooter events underscored his commitment to innovative and responsive emergency management.

“The National STOP THE BLEED program is a public health initiative aimed at training people to control severe bleeding in emergency situations Launched by the White house in October 2015 The program encourages bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help inableedingemergencybeforeprofessional help arrives

Key aspects of the program include:

TrainingCourses:Participantslearnhow to recognize life-threatening bleeding and how to effectively intervene using techniques such as applying pressure, packing wounds and using tourniquets

PublicAwareness:Theprogrampromotes awareness through campaigns and events like National Stop the Bleed Month.

Community Involvement: It encourages grassroots efforts to spread knowledge and skills within communities

Thegoalistoreducethenumberofdeaths from preventable bleeding by equipping as manypeopleaspossiblewiththeselife-saving skills,” said Payne In 2017, Payne took on the role as Assistant Chief of Emergency Medical Services atNavyRegionMid-AtlanticFireandEmergency Services in Norfolk, Virginia. His leadership led to NRMA F&ES receiving the American Heart Association’s Mission Lifeline-BronzeAward.Hisrolesexpanded within the department to include acting deputychiefofoperationsanddivisionchief of technical services

“Thiswasamilestoneforthedepartment. NavyRegionMid-AtlanticFire&Emergency ServiceswasthefirstDoDagencytoreceive this award. This required a lot of new training and changes in how we operated as an agency to improve care quality by integratingallcomponentsofheartattackandstroke care into a seamless system. For me it was the first time I was able to implement and support change on such a large scale. The teamworkittookforouragencytomeetthis standardandreceivetheawardmademefeel like anything was possible.” By late 2019, he was promoted to district fire chief, overseeing a vast area including Norfolk Naval Shipyard and other key locations Hisrecentappointmentasfirechiefin September2023representstheculmination of years of dedication and expertise

“I never thought I would become a Fire Chief in my career My highest hope was to one day become an EMS Chief for a larger agency Once I achieved this goal in June 2017, I took my career day by day and kept my faith in God.” Throughouthiscareer ChristopherPayne haspursuedhighereducationtoenhancehis knowledgeandleadershipskills.Heearned an Associate’s Degree in Emergency MedicalServicesTechnology,aBachelor’sDegree in Emergency Management, and a Master’s DegreeinOrganizationalLeadershipwitha

concentration in Public Administration, all fromWaldorfUniversityinForestCity,Iowa

He is currently working towards a Doctorate degree in Public Administration from Liberty University

“Ifeelyoushouldneverstoplearningand tryingtobetteryourself Inarapidlychanging world, ongoing learning helps you stay current and relevant,” said Payne

Theinfluenceofmentorshasbeenpivotal in his career His parents Geraldine Baily and Francis Payne, instilled moral values, while his grandfather, Larry Sheppard, emphasized the importance of a strong work ethic. Professionally, retired Captain DanielCorder,CaptainGaryLewis,Deputy ChiefMontyWillaford,andFireChiefKevin Janney, provided invaluable guidance

“These mentors were the cornerstone of who I wanted to be as a person and as a leader They helped me define my morals and ethical values I feel like they were put in my path for a reason. They helped me get to where I am today,” said Payne

The unwavering support of his family, especially his late wife Jennifer Payne, has beenacornerstoneofhissuccess Herguidance and support were crucial throughout his career until her passing in August 2022.

“Next to my faith, my family has been the most important thing to me in this world.

Careers and jobs will come and go, but my family has always been there. This is one of the things I try to share with new people coming up in the fire service The job will be there. In the fire service, the people you workwithbecomeanextendedpartofyour family but the key word is extended. I have never heard a dying person say, ‘I wish I had spent more time at work. But all too frequently, I have heard people say, ‘I wish I had spent more time with my family.’ My family means the world to me There is not a day that goes by that I do not thank God for the gifts He has given me and the ability to spend time with and love the mother of my children, even though the time was too short,” said Payne

TrainingremainsacornerstoneofPayne’s philosophy. He said it’s essential for safety, careeradvancement,andprofessionaldevelopment. His support for ongoing training programs ensures that NRMA F and ES personnel are equipped to handle evolving challenges and providing top-notch service to the community

“Training in the fire services helps me continuously improve and stay updated with the latest techniques and knowledge Especially in this career field, proper training ensures that everyone knows how to handle emergencies safely and effectively It also ensures that you and the people you lead get to go home to their families at the end of shift,” said Payne Payne’s22-yearjourneyinthefireservice reflects a career dedicated to service leadership and continuous improvement. His experiences, from volunteer days to leading a complex fire and emergency services network, illustrate a commitment to excellenceandinnovationinemergencymanagement. As he leads NRMA F&ES into the future,hisdedicationtotraining,community service, and professional development will continuetoshapetheevolvinglandscapeof the fire service.

“Never stop pushing yourself Never let others tell you that you will never achieve yourdreamsorgoals Iremembercomingup in my career, people telling me that it was a wasteoftimetogetahighereducation.They

said it was a waste of money and would get menowhere.Ididnotletthatstopme With thesupportofmyfamilyandmentors Ikept the drive and continued to push forward. I tell people, if you cannot advance where youare,thenmaybethatplaceisjustnotthe rightfit.Donotbeafraidtotrynewthingsin new places,” said Chief Christopher Payne

Norfolk Naval Shipyard hosts annual Patriot Day Fall-In and Remembrance Ceremony to honor those lost

When our Nation awoke on Sept. 11 2001, many carried on with their morning routine just like any other day, commuting to work, school, or wherever life took them that particular day. It was just another day in the United States…and then everything changed as 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial airplanes with the intent to cause a devastating blow to the country Two of these flights, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 crasheddirectlyintotheTwinTowersatthe WorldTradeCenterinNewYorkCity two staples of the city skyline crumbling to the ground veiled in flame and smoke as many watched on in horror of what was happening American Airlines Flight 77 soon met a similar fate as it crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93 never made it to itsintendeddestinationasthebravepassengersstormedthecockpitandseizedcontrol, bringing the plane down in Shanksville, Pa Sept. 11, 2001 was cemented in history as the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil. 2,977 people from 93 nations lost their livesandmorethan6,000wereinjured,with 2,753 killed in New York, 194 killed at the Pentagon, and 40 killed on Flight 93 It was deemedadaywewould“neverforget.”

It has been 23 years since that fateful day and yet many still recall exactly where they were when the towers fell and the Nation was shaken to its core. Our Nation rallied in its darkest hour, uplifting our brothers and sisters through tragedy and turmoil, instilling pride and strength in the American people In the present day, Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) continues to honor the fallen with the annual Patriot Day Fall-In for Colors Sept. 11. Hosted by the NNSY Veterans Employee Readiness Group (VET-ERG) and the Chief Petty Officers Mess, the ceremony provided the workforce a moment to honor the memory and sacrifice of those who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks, as well as echo stories of where they were that fateful day and how it impacted their lives VET-ERG PresidentRogerBashawprovidedtheinvocationandbenedictionfortheceremony,the chiefsprovidedatimelineoftheeventsthat transpiredthatday,andtheU.S.Navyband, Command Master Chief (CMC) Stephanie Canteen, as well as bagpiper Lt Col. (Ret ) Thomas Metz provided musical accompanimentsastheworkforcetookamomentto pauseinreflection.

Chief Warrant Officer (CW03) Edward Williamswasoneofthetwokeynotespeakersforthisevent,sharinghispersonalstory of where he was the day the towers fell. “I wasaBoatswain’sMate(BM3)onUSSLake Champlain(CG57)andwewereabouttogo ondeployment.Beforethatthough,Iwanted totakesometimeandreturnhometoJersey City,NewJerseywithmyfamily,”heshared “I enjoyed my time there; however, three daysbeforeIwassupposedtoreturnformy deployment, I needed to go into Manhattan to Bank of America. I took the bus and thetrain,whichwastakingmerightunderneath the World Trade Center The train’s doors would not open and many of us were trying to figure out what was going on. The trainfinallymovedandletusoutatPavonia Newport, which felt like you were practically right across the street from the World Trade Center When we were all finally off ofthetrain,everyonewaslookingtothesky Bothplaneshadalreadyhitthetowers Iwas in awe not sure what was going on and thinking to myself this was an accident and this was something we would overcome The last terrorist attack I remembered was in the Jimmy Carter era and it was the furthestthingfrommymind.”

He continued, “And then, the buildings began to collapse To see that happen and to watch the smoke and debris run across the water as if it were a sandstorm I will never forget that. We all ran, trying to get away Noneofusknewwhythiswashappeningtous Ihadtowalkallthewayhome a comparabledistancetothedistancebetween Portsmouth and Suffolk here At that time, the World Trade Center was a plateau for everything our country stood for A symbol oftradeinoureconomyandoureffortswith the United Nations Those antennas at the top of those buildings when it collapsed, completelycutoffamajorityofourcommunicationsinthearea.IrememberwhenIgot home,mymomwasdevastatedbecauseshe knewIwasunderneaththattradecenter and she didn’t know if I was going to make it home I entered the house, pure white from the debris And I didn’t realize until thatmomentmymothertoldmethatwehad just been involved in a terrorist attack. So when we think of Patriot Day, we need to askourselves,howdidthiseventchangeour lives?Ittookmeaweektofinallygetbackfor mydeploymentandweweredeployeduntil Augustthefollowingyear Wewereinvolved withnumerousevolutions,pullingintoports had completely changed, and even standingwatchhadbecomedifferentforallofus The terrorists attacking on United States

Portsmouth Naval Shipyard hosts Family Day celebration

Forthefirsttimeinsixyears thefamilies of Portsmouth Naval Shipyard’s dedicated workforce were invited to Seavey’s Island to attend a Family Day celebration Saturday,Sept.14

The event featured several attractions highlighting the expertise of Portsmouth’s submarineprofessionalswhodeliverexcellenceeverydayinsupportoftheNavy Event volunteerseducatedguestsofallagesshowcasing virtual reality simulators SeaPerch underwater robot testing pools submarine mockupsandnumeroustrade-specificinteractive displays Shipyard families were also treated to live music, lawn games, bounce housesandtoursofthehistoricPeaceTreaty RoomandQuartersA.

Ontheshipyardmall,guestsgatheredfora demonstrationofthepresentationofColors tohonorournation’smilitary

Theday’seventsalsofeaturedaShipyard Command Overview presentation from DeputyPublicAffairsOfficerGaryHildreth, whichremindedgueststhatascivilianshipyardworkers,theirfamilymembersprovide a vital service to the Navy by delivering combat-ready submarines to the combatantcommanders

“Family Day is about showing off our shipyard and the incredible work our Portsmouth PROs do every day to support our Navy and our nation,” said Shipyard Commander Capt. Michael Oberdorf “It’s a fun-filled and educational day to instill in ourlovedonesthesame‘Portsmouthpride’ ourworkforceputsondisplayeverydayand


Family Day Coordinator and STEM

Outreach Program Manager Libby Hite recalled attending the last Family Day in 2018 and how it sparked an interest for her to be involved in planning a future Family Day event that also highlighted the importanceofSTEM.

“Family Day is such an incredibly special event for colleagues to come together with their loved ones,” said Hite “Seeing each event volunteer talk about their important jobs and facilitate activities with kids of all ageswassuchahighlightforme Theenthusiasmwascontagious andyoucouldn’thelp butsmileatthepridetheyexuded.

STEM Outreach Program Support Specialist Tiffany Towning, who co-coordinatedtheFamilyDayevents,commented on how the people of Portsmouth Naval Shipyardcontinuallyrisetoachallengeand exceedexpectations

“Our shipyarders always stun me with their hands-on demonstrations They were tasked with showcasing their work and as usual,theywentaboveandbeyondthecall, said Towning “Our families, friends, and communityreallygottoseetheabsolutebest PortsmouthNavalShipyardhastooffer!”

“A special thanks to everyone involved with making Family Day a safe and joyous occasion. It was an honor to celebrate our phenomenalworkforcewiththosewehold dear,”saidOberdorf “Wecouldnotsuccessfully execute our mission without the supportofourfriendsandfamily Together, WE ARE PORTSMOUTH NAVAL SHIPYARD!”

soil made this country different for many of us and still affects us today. So I ask you all to remember where you were 23 years ago andhowit’simpactedyoutoday.”

Machinist’s Mates (MMNC) Chief Tim Barth was the second keynote speaker and provided his own personal story of where he was that day. “I was working in Southern Pennsylvania as a substitute teacher I got up early that morning for breakfast and to prepare to head to class for my certifications I turned on the radio to a comedy showandIremembergettingintomycarto drive to my class at 8:46 a.m. when the first planehittheWorldTradeCenter Iremember the hosts kept saying on the radio that thiswasnotajoke,thiswasnotaprank,this was actually happening By the time I had gottentomyclassandfinishedupthatmorning, I returned to my car and turned on the radioagaintofindoutasecondplanehadhit theWorldTradeCenter,aplanehadhitthe Pentagon, the towers had collapsed I sat therethinkingtomyself,whatwasgoingon? Theworldwasturnedupsidedown.”

He continued, “I had a half-day of work thatafternoonwithmiddle-schoolersteachingscience Idon’trememberalotaboutthat daysinceitwassuchawhirlwind;however, Idorememberthosestudentsjusttryingto make sense of everything happening What was going on, what happened to these people?Ihadahalldutythatdayandusually intheschooltherewouldbealotofnoiseof

classes going on, students chatting through the halls That day, it was completely silent saveforthesoundofthetelevisionsplayingthenewsfromthesamestationinevery classroomandeverystudentstaringatwhat wasgoingon.Andallwecouldtellthemwas, ‘watch and pay attention, you’re watching historyhappenrightbeforeyoureyes.’Every single person in my generation that I have talkedtoknowsexactlywheretheywereand whathappenedonthatday.Everybodyhasa story soIencourageeveryonetotellthose stories Themottothatcameoutofthatday was,‘neverforget, andIknowIwon’t. ShipyardCommanderCapt.JipMosman said, “Today that pride we felt after Sept. 11, 2001 remains strong in all of us as we continueonthelegacyofthosewhowehave lost. And with new challenges ahead of us as overseas entities are once again threatening our way of life. We must remember why we do what we do here at NNSY We must continue to execute our mission to return ships and submarines back to sea in supportofourSailorsgoingintoharm’sway in support of our Nation’s defense Each of youareavitalassettoourNation.Youmake our mission happen. This command isn’t a machinerunningongasandoil,it’sanorganizationthatrunsonpeople.Withtheright focus for all of us to make it more efficient and more effective for the work to get done atthedeckplate,wewillbesuccessfulinour missionandhelptheNavytobepreparedfor what might come From leadership to our supportcodestoourwaterfrontwarriors we’re all in this together to secure our fleet asmission-ready Soaswecontinuetohonor our fallen, let’s keep that pride alive and do ourbestineverythingwedohereatNNSY.”

ABOVE: NorfolkNaval Shipyard employees and Sailors came togetherforthe annual Patriot DayFall-In forColors Sept 11, honoring the memoryand sacrifice ofthosewho lost their lives during the terrorist attacks.

Growing Navy Region Korea one construction project at a time


Commander Navy Region Korea

The simmering, 90-degree heat and oppressive humidity do not seem to faze the local engineers and workers on site of the future Combined Maritime Operations Center (CMOC) facility aboard the Republic of Korea Fleet (COMROKFLT) naval base in Busan, Korea, as they build up this $28-million facility that will house the new Naval Forces Korea (CNFK) headquarters beginningFiscalYear2026

About50kilometerstothewest,twoother constructionprojectsaboardFleetActivities Chinhae(CFAC)navalbasearetakingshape and slated for operation in about a year fromnow.OneistheNavalSpecialWarfare OrdnanceStorageMagazinepad,estimated at approximately $1 million, and the other isawatertreatmentplant,estimatedat$9.5 million.

Together, the three facilities make up one-third of the construction projects in variousplanninganddesignstagesthatwill buildoutNavyRegionKorea(CNRK)inthe immediate future Most significantly, they represent the Republic of Korea Funded Construction (ROKFC) projects that are paidentirelybythehostnation.

“WhenwespeakofourROK-USalliance, beyond the obvious military-to-military operations,projectsliketheseillustrateour deep, unbreakable bond between the two nations,”saidMr SteveMurley,CNRKexecutivedirector “TheROKFCprogramwhich began in 1991 under a Special Measures Agreement (SMA) provides in-kind funding to U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) for quality-of-life, mission support, utilities, and warfighting projects The ROK and we see eye-to-eye as a top priority to take care of sailors and families, and that cohesiveness


For example, the approximately 33,000-square-foottwo-storyCMOCfacility willprovideoperationalandadministrative spacesalongwithgearstorageandafitness center for personnel assigned to CNFK in Busan.Thesecapabilitieswillfurtherenable thecommandtoworkcloselywiththeROK Navy and to strengthen collective security effortsintheKoreanTheater

These projects come about thanks to Region Korea’s engineering team which is responsible for identifying and validat-

ing what is required for our naval forces to function effectively and successfully in Korea. “We work closely with the installation(CFAC)andcommand(CNFK)todetermine the scope and budget of every project to optimize our limited resources,” said Ms Liann Lofton, CNRK assistant region engineer “Understanding and articulating the requirements critical to supporting the Fleet elevates our priorities and moves our proposalsforward.

Ithelpsthattheengineeringteamincludes severalKoreanNationalemployeeswhoare

intimately involved throughout the entire approval process, such as Mr Yoo Sang WonandMr YiHun,bothinterdisciplinary engineerswho,withacombined34yearsof experienceworkingwiththeU.S.militaryin Korea, understand how the process works with the host nation’s Ministry of Defense (MND),whilealsopossessingthedemanded technicalknowledgeandexpertise,according to Lofton. This team effort is about to showresultswiththeongoingprojectsthat startedaboutadecadeago

Navy Medicine inspires future medical professionals during first visit to Navajo Technical University

U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

Navy Medicine Sailors visited Navajo Technical University (NTU), the largest tribal college or university in the country, forthefirsttimetodiscussU.S.Navymission andcareeropportunitieswithstudentsand leadershipduringAlbuquerqueNavyWeek, Sept.13

The Navy Medicine-led visit enabled University of New Mexico (UNM) alums Capt. Shauna O’Sullivan and Cmdr Jessica McNulty assignedtotheU.S.NavyBureauof MedicineandSurgery(BUMED),alongwith NavyTalentandAcquisitionGroup(NTAG) Phoenix, to engage with administrators, faculty,students,andveteransatNTUaspart of a community outreach initiative. O’Sullivan graduated from UNM in 1998 and was the recipient of a Naval Health Professions Scholarship and attended medical school at Kansas City University McNulty was a graduate of UNM’s Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps program 2003 Both went ontohavedistinguishedcareersintheNavy

“It was the U.S. Navy’s first visit to the campus, and we received a warm reception,” explained O’Sullivan, a rheumatologistandNavyMedicalCorpscareerplanner atBUMED “Thefacultyandstudentswere polite and receptive to conversations about the opportunities available in the Navy Severalparentswerevisitingwiththeirchildrenandwereopentodiscussionsaboutthe Navy’sofferings.”

NTU is the first university established on the Navajo Nation and encompasses five campus locations across land in New Mexico, Arizonia, and Utah NTU honors Dinécultureandlanguages whileeducating forthefuture andisoneofthepremierinstitutions of higher education in the nation, providingauniquebalancebetweenscience andtechnologyandcultureandtradition.

CROWNPOINT N.M (Sept.13 2024) Capt.Shauna O’Sullivan,a rheumatologist and NavyMedical Corps careerplannerat U.S.NavyBureau of Medicine and Surgery(BUMED),and Cmdr.Jessica L.McNulty,the directorofpublic affairs and outreach and a special assistant to NavySurgeon General and chief,BUMED speakwith students at NavajoTechnical University(NTU) duringAlbuquerque NavyWeek Sept 13 O’Sullivan and McNultygraduated from the UniversityofNewMexico in 1998 and 2003 respectively andwere a part ofa NavyMedicine-ledvisit to NTU,the largest tribal college oruniversityin

“The opportunity to speak to the faculty andstudentsatNavajoTechnicalUniversity about the amazing opportunities to be of service and save lives in Navy Medicine wasextraordinary,”observedCmdr JessicaMcNulty,directorofpublicaffairsand outreachandaspecialassistanttotheNavySurgeonGeneralandchief BUMED “Thesestudentshavesomuchpotential andtheUnitedStatesNavyhassomuch toofferthem.

The team also had the opportunity to meet Chef Robert Witte, a Navy veteran and the director of the NTU Culinary Arts Program. Over the course of 25 years of service to the university, he’s grown the program from three students to more than150percohort.

“Withoutadoubt,theNavyisthebestthingI’veeverdone,”expressedWitteas he discussed his six-years of service as a culinary specialist in the Navy and postNavycareer

While at the university, O’Sullivan and McNulty were asked by Hoskie Kee, commanderofBaca/PrewittChapterVeteransOrganizationandEasternAgency, to say a few words at a special event honoring Navajo Nation veterans where 31 organizations from across New Mexico provided information and resources to veteransinattendance

“IwashumbledandhonoredtobeinvitedtospeaktotheNavajoNationVeteransAdministrationEasternAgencyStandDown,hostedbyNTU,”saidMcNulty. “TheNavajoNation’sCodeTalkershelpedAmericawinduringWWII;they’venot forgotten their service, nor have I. The Navajo Veterans represent what’s best in America thewillingnesstosacrificeoneselfforthegreatergood.”

The team also had an opportunity to meet with Dr Delores Becenti, NTU’s director of enrollment, and one of the most tenured professors in the university, where she spoke of her passion for Navajo Nation and expanding opportunities forcollaboration.

“NTUisanidealplacefortheNavytocultivaterelationships,”concludedO’Sullivan.“Thecampushasarealsenseofcommunityandmilitarytradition Myvisitand experienceinNavajoNationwasanamazingfinaletoAlbuquerqueNavyWeek.”

Navy Weeks are a series of outreach events coordinated by the Navy Office of Community Outreach designed to give Americans an opportunity to learn about theNavy itspeople anditsimportancetonationalsecurityandprosperity Since 2005 the Navy Week program has served as the Navy’s flagship outreach effort intoareasofthecountrywithoutasignificantNavypresence,providingthepublic afirsthandlookatwhytheNavymatterstocitieslikeAlbuquerque NavyMedicine representedbymorethan44,000highly-trainedmilitaryand civilian health care professionals provides enduring expeditionary medical supporttothewarfighteron,below,andabovethesea,andashore.


Department announces latest efforts to improve quality of life for service members

The Defense Department today announcedanewseriesofinitiativesaimed at improving the welfare and well-being of servicemembersandtheirfamilies


“Our Enduring Duty to America’s Service Members and Their Families,” Secretary of DefenseLloydJ.AustinIIIannouncedanew set of initiatives which are part of his ongoing“TakingCareofOurPeople”prioritythat beganthreeyearsago


„ Establishing Health Care Flexible SpendingAccountsforservicemembers

„ Providing greater access to free wireless internetinunaccompaniedhousing

„ Decreasing the cost burden associated permanentchangeofstationmoves

„ Lowering the cost of procuring uniforms forenlistedservicemembers

„ Expanding spouse employment and professional development opportunities through the My Career Advancement Account,orMyCAAprogram

„ Increasing access to affordable quality childcareandearlychildhoodeducation

„ Improving quality of life conditions at remoteandisolatedinstallations

Thenewinitiatives,alongwithinitiatives over the past three years, were developed after assessing the experiences of service members Taken together, the efforts are meanttoensurethewell-beingandsuccess ofServicemembers,enablingthemtobetter focusontheirpartofthedefensemission.

“Early in my tenure as secretary of defense, I made taking care of our people a top priority,” Austin said in the memorandum.“Doingrightbyourall-volunteerjoint force and their families is a core readiness issue Takingcareofourpeopleisfundamentaltothedepartment’sabilitytorecruitand retain the most talented American patriots and to ensure that the U.S. military remains themostlethalfightingforceontheplanet anditissimplytherightthingtodo.”

As part of a focus on service member and military family health the department plans to offer service members the ability to contribute up to $3,200 in pre-tax earnings to pay for eligible healthcare-related expenses through a Health Care Flexible SpendingAccount,orHCFSA.

With the HCFSA, service members will beabletocontributeupto$3,200eachyear in pre-tax dollars to their accounts and spend that money on things such as insurance co-payments and cost shares, deductibles, braces and other orthodontia, glasses and contact lenses, prescription drugs, and wellness treatments such as acupuncture, massage,andchiropracticcare It’sexpected thattheHCFSAswillbeavailabletoservice membersforthefirsttimeinMarch2025

To keep junior, unaccompanied service members connected to the wider world while off duty the department has directed themilitarydepartmentstocarryoutaseries of pilot projects to provide wireless inter-

netconnectivitytoenlistedservicemembers whoresideinmilitarybarracks

While access to wireless internet will allow those junior service members access to personal email, banking and entertainment options, the department also expects accesscanbeusedtohelpservicemembers connect with mandatory online training requirements and other health and life relatedresourcessuchastelehealthappointments MilitaryOneSource andmilitaryand familylifecounselors

According to department documents, the DOD has long-term plans to establish a “WiFi-connected force.” For service membersinunaccompaniedhousing,there is not expected to be any cost to access the providedinternetservices

Service members make frequent permanent change of station moves during their careers Toeasetheburdenofmovingthemselves and their families from one military base to another, the department is working with partners to adjust the number of days associated with both the Temporary Lodging Expense, or TLE, and the Temporary LodgingAllowance,orTLA TheneweffortextendsTLEfrom14days to 21 days for moves within the continentalU.S.Formovesthatoriginateoutsidethe continental U.S., TLA will be extended to as many as 60 days on the departure side to matchthe60daysalreadyauthorizedonthe arrivalside BoththeTLEandtheTLAallow servicemembersandtheirfamiliestolivein temporaryquarters,suchasinhotels,while lookingforhomesattheirnewdutystation, oraftertheyhavecheckedoutoftheirhomes attheirexistingdutystations

To ensure enlisted service members are best able to maintain their uniforms, the

department has directed a review of the qualityofuniformsthatareissuedtoandare available for purchase by service members

Additionally, the department has directed another review that will look at the annual clothing replacement allowance to determine not only if it is sufficient, but if there arebetterwaystoprovidethatallowanceto servicemembers

The new initiatives also include efforts to improve the recruitment, retention and workingenvironmentsofDODchilddevelopmentprofessionals;expandingeligibility forparticipationintheMyCareerAdvancementAccountcareerdevelopmentprogram to spouses of active duty service members servingingradesE-7,E-8,E-9,andW-3;and assessments of three remote and isolated installations via the “On-Site Installation Evaluation” process Those three installations will be identified in the fall, with the evaluationstakingplacein2025 Thisparticular initiative advances efforts to understand capabilities and needs regarding the well-beingofservicemembersatremoteand isolatedinstallations

Thislatestsalvoofefforts,thethirdinthe department’s effort to improve the lives of service members and their families comes aspartofanongoingnearlythree-yearlong effortwhichbeganin2021.

In November 2021, for instance, Austin addressed economic concerns faced by service members Then, the department providedreliefforthehighcostofhousing and housing shortages with a temporary increase to basic allowance for housing in someareas andanextensionoftemporary lodging expenses where Service members had a difficult time finding housing due to shortages

At that same time the secretary also pushed to extend tour lengths for service members at both overseas and U.S. based assignmentsasawaytominimizehardships associatedwithpermanentchangeofstation moves.

InSeptember2022,Austincontinuedthat effort by directing a review of basic allowance for housing to ensure what was being paidtoservicemembersaccuratelyreflected fluctuationsinthehousingmarket,andalso directed increases in basic allowance for housing for active duty service members in 28 military housing areas that had experienced an average of more than 20 percent spikeinrentalhousingcosts

The September 2022 effort also included direction to fully fund DOD commissaries as a way to cut register prices with a goal of providing service members a 25% savings over private sector grocery stores andalsodirectedcreationofa“BasicNeeds Allowance,” which began in January 2023 to supplement the incomes of qualifying servicemembers

The cost of household moves was also addressed by Austin’s September 2022 memorandum,whichdirectedapermanent increasetostandardTLE.Alsoincludedwas an increase to the dislocation allowance for service members up to E-6 to offset the personalexpensesassociatedwithapermanentchangeofstationmove

In a memo from March 2022, Austin directed implementation of universal pre-kindergarten at Department of DefenseEducationActivityschools,andthe creation of dependent care flexible spending accounts to enable service members withdependentstosetasideupto$5,000in pretax income through payroll deduction foreligibledependentcareexpensessuchas child care, preschool, before or after school programs,andsummercamp

The March effort also included additional support for those with exceptional family members As part of that effort the department established a standard process to enroll and disenroll families from the program, require that support personnel make personal contact with each enrolled familyatleastonceayear bettercoordinate the way support personnel are assigned to families, and ease the transition between supportpersonnel.

TheDepartment’sMarch2022effortalso addressed the challenges of ensuring military spouses can find meaningful employment.ThroughtheMyCareerAdvancement Accountprogram,forinstance eligiblemilitaryspousesbecameeligibleforupto$4,000 in financial assistance to earn a license, certificate,orassociatedegree

Advancing military spouse employment efforts, the president in January 2023 signed into law an amendment to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, which requiresthatprofessionallicensesbeportable except for licenses to practice law, for service members and their spouses as they move between states

CNRMA civilians attend Management Boot Camp class

CNRMA Public Affairs

NORFOLK,Va Navycivilians,assigned to various Navy Region Mid-Atlantic (NRMA) installations, attended a four-day classtitledManagementBootCampaboard NavalStationNorfolk,Sept.10-13

The class designed by NRMA staff members two years ago aims to provide NRMA managers with tools and resources toeffectivelysuperviseandleadtheirteams Those who attended the class ranged from military housing managers to child development center leaders, and work and familylifeprogramsupervisors

“As a supervisor, the way I view it is they don’tworkforme,”saidLeslieCristea,work andfamilylifeprogramsupervisoratOceana’s Fleet and Family Support Center. “I work for them. It’s my job to have the tools and resources to be able to give to them to effectivelydotheirjob.”

Cristea, who retired from Navy active duty service in 2011, said she hopes others take the course when it becomes available againinearly2025

“It’s needed,” said Cristea “You learn about self-reflection, different personality types and how to better communicate with those different personality types We also talked about logical levels, guiding employees to the vision, and making sure you get feedbackateachlevel.”

Rear Adm. Carl Lahti, NRMA’s commander, attended the last day of the course to speak with the attendees about their experience in the course and how their leadership plays an important role in theNRMAandNavymission.

NRMA is the regional coordinator for all shore-based Naval personnel and shore activities in the Mid-Atlantic region, which encompasses 20 states, 13 installations, and numerousNavyreservecentersfromMaine toVirginiaandasfarwestasIllinois.

Hispanic, Navy Medicine flag officer shares his story during Hispanic Heritage Observance

Military and civilian personnel gathered at the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division(NAWCWD),withmanymorejoining via live stream to celebrate the 2024 HispanicHeritageObservance,Sep 10

The event, themed “Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together,” highlighted the contributions of Hispanic Americans to the Navy and the Nation, and featured keynote speaker Rear Adm. Guido Valdes, commanderofNavalMedicalForcesPacific and director of Defense Health Network Pacific Rim, who shared how his heritage shaped his Naval career and leadership in NavyMedicine Valdes, a Puerto Rico and Miami native of Cuban descent, began by reflecting on thediversityofHispanicexperiencesinthe United States, which now accounts for 20 percentofthepopulation.

“Hispanicityinourcountryisrepresented byadiversehumantapestryresultingfroma variety of historical events, migrations and individualchoices,”Valdessaid.

Despite this diversity, Valdes emphasized three core values that bind Hispanic culture—family,faith,andlanguage—values that deeply influenced his life and leadership Born to Cuban immigrants who fled the Castroregime Valdessharedthestoryofhis family’s migration to the U.S. His parents leftCubain1965withnothingbutwhatthey could carry in a suitcase They rebuilt their livesinPuertoRico,aidedbythegenerosity

of fellow Cuban exiles and the welcoming PuertoRicanpeople Valdesexplainedhow his parents’ resilience and success as small business owners instilled in him a sense of humilityandgratitudefortheopportunities theAmericansocietyhasprovided.

Reflecting on this experience Valdes noted how it shaped his attitude toward opportunityandrisk.

“When offered an opportunity, take it; putintheeffort,makeit;whenyoureapthe rewards,shareit,”hesaid.

Valdes emphasized that this lesson has guided him throughout his military career and leadership roles. He also noted that as a leader it is critical to “take risks on those willingtodothosethreethings,”reinforcing the importance of investing in people who demonstrate hard work, perseverance, and awillingnesstoseizeopportunities

Valdes credited his family for instilling a strongsenseofresponsibility,bothtooneself andtothebroadercommunity “Itwaswithinthisfamilialnucleuswhere my sisters and I learned an essential value: your life is not just about you. This is a very counter-cultural aspect of the Hispanic experiencerelativetotheindividualistethos ofAmericansociety,”hesaid.

Valdesexplainedthat,inHispanicculture, individualsuccessisdeeplyconnectedtothe well-beingoffamily,community,andsociety

This value system laid the foundation for his leadership in Navy Medicine, where he alwaysprioritizedthehealthandwelfareof thoseunderhiscommand

This sense of responsibility and dedication to duty is a cornerstone of Valdes’

leadership philosophy. He described how his family’s teachings of accountability and respect for others guided him throughout hisNavalcareer

“Who you are and what you do is judged byyourdedicationtodutyandresponsibility foryouractions,”Valdessaid.

This mindset not only shaped his decision-making but also helped him cultivate trust and build strong, cohesive teams in NavyMedicine

Faith also played a crucial role in Valdes’ upbringing Growing up in a Catholic household,withapriestasanuncle,hewas immersed in a spiritual environment that taughthimresilienceandperseverance

“Faith generates trust, confidence, and strength to persevere,” Valdes said, underscoring the importance of spirituality in navigating challenges, both personal and professional.

These qualities have been central to his leadershipstyle,particularlyinthedemanding world of military medicine where the ability to remain calm under pressure and leadwithcompassionisparamount.

In addition to family and faith, Valdes pointed to language as another key influence Although he didn’t become fluent in English until his teenage years when they movedtoFlorida,Spanishwasthelanguage spoken in his home He explained that the richness of the Spanish language not only connectedhimtohisculturalrootsbutalso broadenedhisperspective.

“The ability to speak, read, and think in the richness of the Spanish language opens creative and cultural streams that promote

true diversity of thought, judgment, and action,”Valdessaid. This appreciation for linguistic diversity has informed his approach to leadership, enabling him to draw from a wide range of perspectives and foster inclusivity in his command.

Ashereflectedonhiscareer,Valdeslinked hispersonalstorytothebroaderthemeofthe Hispanic Heritage Observance - “Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together.” He spoke with optimism about the future, believing that the values he learned from his parents—hard work, responsibility, and acommitmenttocommunity—willcontinue to guide the next generation of Hispanic leadersintheNavyandbeyond.

“I am convinced that the U.S. Hispanic community will have an outsized influence inoursocietyoverthenext30years,”Valdes said.

Dan Carreño, executive director of NAWCWD and national champion of the Hispanic Engagement Action Team (HEAT), also offered his insight about the criticalcontributionsofHispanicAmericans to the Navy and the nation, reinforcing the Navy’s commitment to fostering diversity andinclusion.

As the observance concluded, the audience reflected on the profound impact of Hispanicpioneersandtheirongoingcontributions to shaping the future of the Navy The event served as a powerful reminder of the importance of diversity in building a stronger, more resilient force—one where every Sailor’s heritage and story is valued andcelebrated.

On iberty

Hope House Foundation hosts the Stockley Gardens Fall Arts Festival on October 19


NORFOLK, Va Hope House Foundation hosts the StockleyGardensFallArtsFestival,afreetwo-daycommunity event featuring 115+ artists, musicians and food vendors TheStockleyGardensFallArtsFestival,presented byTowneBank,takesplaceinStockleyGardensParkatthe corner of Stockley Gardens and Olney Road in Norfolk on October 19 and 20 Festivalhoursare10a.m to5p.m.onSaturdayandnoon to5pmonSunday StockleyGardensArtsFestivalhasbeen namedasoneofthetoptwooutdoorartfestivalsinEastern VirginiabyVirginiaLivingMagazinereadersforsixyears Artists present works in various media including painting glass sculpture, photography, and jewelry. Everyone is welcome to the free Art Party sponsored by Smartmouth Brewing Company on Saturday from 5 to 7 p.m.Thisfuneventrecognizesartists’awardsandfeatures the band Lucky 757 and a cash bar

There are also activities for children throughout the weekend with clowns, musicians, art activities and PBS grab bags for the kids.


ern Auto Group, Mancon, The City of Norfolk, Ghent Business Association, Paycom, Leaf Filters, and Harbor’s Edge Media Sponsors include VEER Magazine, Coastal Virginia Magazine, The Tide 92.3 FM and WHRO. Proceeds from the Stockley Gardens Arts Festivals supporttheprogramsofHopeHouseFoundation,theonly organization in Virginia that provides support for people withintellectualanddevelopmentaldisabilitiesexclusively

& 20

Entertainment Schedule


„ 11:00AMLiz&Brydge/Bass&VoiceDuo „ 12:30PMMattHolloman/IndieAcousticChill „ 2:00PMWineDarkSea/EpicFolk&Original Americana „ 3:30PMJonahRoss/Lyrically-DrivenRock& Americana „ 5:00PMLucky757/Rockn’Roll


„ 12:00PMFeliciaHoyos/Acoustic,Pop,Rock,Soul „ 1:45PMRoyIraMoatsandtheLovecats/Folk, Singer-Songwriter Pop,Reggae „ 3:30PMFoxandtheBear/IndieAmericanaFolk


NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Multi-Platinum entertainerThomasRhettannouncestoday that he’ll be hitting the road in 2025 with his BETTER IN BOOTS TOUR, Fueled By Marathon. Produced by Live Nation, Thomas Rhett will bring his “bombastic, good time energy” (Esquire) to 30 cities next summer across North America with directsupportfromTuckerWetmoreaswell as special guests The Castellows or Dasha Tickets for the majority of the tour go on sale this Fri., Sept. 20 at 10a.m. local time at, with the remaining shows going on sale in the coming weeks; Thomas Rhett’s Home Team Premium members will have first access to presale ticketsbeginningat10amlocaltimeonTuesday. Citi is the official card of the BETTER IN BOOTS TOUR Citi cardmembers will have access to presale tickets beginning TuesdayatnoonlocaltimeuntilThursdayat 10pmlocaltimethroughtheCitiEntertainmentprogram.Forcompletepresaledetails The BETTER IN BOOTS TOUR announcement comes on the heels of the releaseofThomasRhett’sacclaimedseventh studio album, ABOUT A WOMAN A “feelgoodcelebrationoflove (,the 14-songcollectionshowcasesthehitmaker’s signature style while exploring new genre boundaries Blendingafoundationoforganic country with retro ‘80s sounds and pulsatingbeats,fanscanexpecttohearthealbum’s newsongs coined“hisbestworkyet”(CountryLiving),ontheroadnextsummer

Pairing his laid-back perspective with a vocal drenched in casual country soul,

Thomas Rhett has spent just over 10 years gathering 22 Number Ones, 16 billion streamsandarmfulsofawards—eightACM Awards including 2020 “Entertainer of the Year,” two CMA Awards, five GRAMMY® Awards nominations, plus trophies from the CMT Music Awards, Billboard Awards and iHeartRadio Awards in addition to being recognized with five CMA Triple Play awards for penning three No One songs within a 12-month period, he’s never remained static. With both songwriting prowess and charisma, his career has been fueled by equal parts energy and emotion, to continually keep fans on their toes It’s ThomasRhett’sliveshowwhereheconnects first-hand with fans in arenas and amphitheaters all around the world and recently announcedamini-residencyinDecemberat theBleauLiveTheaterinsideFontainebleau Las Vegas. He has also launched a tequila brand, Dos Primos, now offering Blanco, Reposado, and Añejo variants For more information and a full list of upcoming tour dates,


„ July31-Raleigh,NC-CoastalCredit UnionMusicPark^

„ Aug.1-Charlotte,NC-PNCMusic Pavilion

„ Aug.22-Bristow,VA-JiffyLubeLive*

„ Aug.23-VirginiaBeach,VA-Veterans UnitedHomeLoansAmphitheaterat VirginiaBeach+* + Check Local Listing for On-Sale Date

* Additional Support from The Castellows

Additional Support from Dasha



SoundBridge: Bringing the Virginia Symphony Orchestra to the Next Generation Enjoy orchestral music in a vibrant, contemporary atmosphere with a range of engaging activities!


HAMPTON ROADS Va Today the Virginia Symphony Orchestra (VSO) announceditisintroducinganewprogram geared towards fostering new orchestra audiencesinHamptonRoads SoundBridge invites those between 21-45 to experience classical music in a fun and unique setting The Virginia Symphony Orchestra will partnerwithElationBrewingastheSoundBridge Series Sponsor The series features twoeventsthisfall,PicturesReimaginedand AVeryMerryMusicalMarket

“We are very excited to reach out to our


Norfolk, VA - With less than two years to go to America’s 250th commemoration in 2026, Sail250® Virginia Norfolk organizers announced today the final list of official Virginia Affiliate Harbors that will participate in the Commonwealth’s visiting ship program, Sail Virginia℠ 2026, as part of Sail250®Virginia.

Sail250®Virginia Host City Norfolk and it’s 10 Sail Virginia℠ 2026 Affiliate Harbors will welcome more than 60 tall ships, military, and character ships from around the worldovertwoweekends June12 15 2026 and June 18 23 2026 throughout Hampton Roads and Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay region. In addition to ship visits, each Affiliate Harbor will present landside special events and programs, free and open to the public.

Norfolk, the Sail250® Virginia Host City, scheduled June 19-23, 2026, will be the location for the International Government Sail Training Tall Ship Fleet plus privately ownedtallships charactervessels andmilitaryships Sail250®Virginia CEO Karen Scherberger states “The interest to participate in this historic maritime event has been truly remarkable; having both Richmond and Alexandria joining as Affiliated Harbors is unprecedented. Together, our cities will make Sail250®Virginia and Sail Virginia℠ 2026 the largest public event in theCommonwealthforthe250th.

Sheadds“Itiswithgreatexcitementthat weofficiallyannouncethefinalscheduleof officialSailVirginia℠2026AffiliateHarbors: June12-15,2026

„ Alexandria-June12-15,2026

„ Hampton June12-15,2026

„ IsleofWight/Smithfield June12-15 2026

youngercommunitymemberswiththisnew program, and to help people explore classical music in an open and more casual environment.Themusicwillnotjustbeclassical pieces but will feature modern hits as well! We are also delighted to showcase individualmusiciansoftheorchestrainamoreintimatesetting,givingthecommunityachance to get to know them more” says VSO PresidentDr AndreaWarren. In celebration of Opening Weekend: Pictures at an Exhibition, the first event, Pictures Reimagined, will feature live chamber music by VSO musicians as you paint your own masterpiece. Sponsored by

the d’Art Center, Pictures Reimagined is on September27,2024,at7p.m.Ticketsinclude paintsupplies lighthorsd’oeuvres andone drink ticket. Additional beverages available forpurchase Tickets for Pictures Reimagined are $30 in advance and can be purchased by visiting or by calling 757.892.6366 Tickets will be $40 at the door d’ArtCenterislocatedat720BoushSt, Norfolk,VA23510. In November, get your holiday shopping doneearlyatAVeryMerryMusicalMarket! This family friendly event will feature live chambermusicwhileyousipontastybrews

fromElationBrewing Theeventtakesplace atElationBrewingonNovember21,2024at 6p.m Your ticket includes light snacks and onedrinkticket.Additionalbeveragesavailableforpurchase TicketsforAVeryMerryMusicalMarket are$15inadvanceandcanbepurchasedby visiting or by calling 757.892.6366 Ticketswillbe$20atthedoor Children 12 and under, $10. Elation Brewing is located at 5104 Colley Ave, Norfolk, VA23508.

„ Onancock June12-15,2026

„ Richmond June12-15,2026

„ Yorktown June12-15,2026


„ CapeCharles June19-22,2026

„ Chesapeake June19-22,2026

„ Portsmouth June19-22/23,2026

„ VirginiaBeach(ShipAnchorageoff LesnerBridgeJune18-19;ParadeofSail startingpoint,June19earlymorning.)

„ Norfolk-OfficialSail250®VirginiaHost Port-June19 23,2026

Bay Region from June 12 June 23, 2026

TheInternationalFleetwillarriveonThursday, June 18, 2026, off the Virginia Beach shore in time for the traditional Parade of SailonFriday,June19,2026

Sail250® Virginia with Sail Virginia℠ 2026AffiliateHarborsandEventsthroughoutNorfolk,HamptonRoads,andVirginia’s Chesapeake Bay region, is planned as part of America’s 250th Anniversary, and one of Virginia’ssignatureeventsoftheSemiquincentennialyear AccordingtoScherberger,“Weareindeed

The year 2026 marks the 250th Anniversary of the nation’s founding in 1776- the United States of America’s Semiquincentennial.

For this milestone occasion, a fleet of the world’s most magnificent international tall ships,historiccharactervessels,andmodern militaryships,willagainsailintotheharbors of Virginia as part of the national Sail250® tour More than 60 ships from 20 countries are expected to fill the harbors of Norfolk, HamptonRoads andVirginia’sChesapeake

honored to partner with VA250 to present

this iconic event as part of the Commonwealth’s 250th events, representing the traditions and rich military and maritime history of Norfolk/Hampton Roads/ChesapeakeBayregionsince1976”.Sheadds”As with our previous OpSail and Sail Virginia maritime events since 1976, the international fleet will once again bring extraordinaryexperiencesandopportunitiestoevery corner of our communities”. Scherberger continues “Hundreds of ship tours events and programs sponsored by the Host City

Norfolk, and our 10 Sail Virginia℠ 2026

Affiliate Harbors will engage residents and visitors with more than 7,000 visiting crew members symbolic of the bonds of internationalgoodwill” Scherbergerconcludes “Itiswithtremendous gratitude that we thank our generous sponsorsandsupportersforprovidingtheir resources and encouragement to make this experiencepossibleforourcommunities”.

Sail250®Virginiasponsorsinclude: Virginia is for Lovers, City of Norfolk, Sentara, TowneBank, Crofton Industries, Dominion Enterprises, E. G. Middleton, Inc., W.F. Magann Corporation, Hampton Roads Shipping Association, Fairlead, Colliers International, Colonna’s Shipyard Inc., Perry Family Foundation, Light Tech, Inc., Visit Norfolk, BAE Systems, Coastal Precast Systems, Coastal Virginia Tourism Alliance, Elizabeth River Concrete, S. B. Ballard Construction Company, Bay Power Solutions,MHIShipRepair&Services,The Dwight and Jane Schaubach Fund of the SuffolkFoundation,BruceBishop Planned in partnership with the United StatesCoastGuard,UnitedStatesNavy,and othermilitarycommandsandregionalmaritime partners, Sail250® Virginia is collaborating with, local, regional, and national governmentdepartmentsandagencies,civic and volunteer organizations, and endorsed by the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission.

Sail250® Virginia is one of five official US ports selected to host the 2026 Sail250® Americatour,includingNewOrleans,Baltimore,NewYork,andBoston.

Sail250®Virginiaisplannedanddirectedby SailNorfolk,themaritimedivisionofNorfolk Festevents,Ltd.,basedinNorfolk,VA Regular updates and more information Inquiriesandrequestsformoreinformation,

The 2024 NAS Oceana Air Show is happening this weekend, Scott Kartvedt, author of “Full Throttle,” shares his flying experience of five combat tours, precision flying with the Blue Angels, stunt pilot for Top Gun Maverick and more

Everyyearfansandvisitorsfromallacross our great country of ours and around the world come to the city of Virginia Beach, Virginia to experience the NAS Oceana Air Show that will be happening this Saturday and Sunday, September 21 and 22 at the Navy’s East Coast Master Jet Base This incredible and very exciting, heart pounding action packed show features the Navy’s premiere flight demonstration team, the Blue Angels, and the F-22 Raptor Demonstration Team There will also be well over a dozen equally exciting other performers aswellasanopportunitytomeettheexceptionalmenandwomenofnavalaviation.

The theme of this year’s air show is: Inspire, Educate, Soar and celebrates the youngmindswhowillhopefullybeinspired through unparalleled flight demonstrations and hundreds of interactive science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education engagements available foralltoenjoyduringtheairshow.

The 2024 NAS Oceana Air Show is free andopentothepublicandallspectatorsover the age of 18 must present a physical photo ID to gain access to this year’s Air Show For more info and a complete list of all the performers and performances make sure togoto I had the pleasure last year to interview one of our very own former fighter pilots, a BlueAngelspilotandtheauthorofthenew book “Full Throttle” Scott Kartvedt. Scott wasstationedinVirginiaBeach,Virginiaout of Oceana in the 2000’s. Here is my interviewwithScott Yiorgo: Thank you Scott for you and your family for your service to our country and also for both of your sons who are now fighterpilotsthemselvescontinuingtoserve. You chose to donate 20% of the proceeds from your book to veteran suicide prevention.Whydidyouchoosethatcharity?

Scott Kartvedt: Thank you for the kind words and your support, Yiorgo It is our pleasure to serve our great country I chose to donate 20% of the proceeds of my book to veteran suicide prevention because I’m ontheBoardofDirectorsoftheBlueAngels Foundation and we are very passionate about continuing to support our veterans withmentalandphysicalhealthchallenges aftertheirservice Sadly,veteransuicideisan epidemicinthecountry,with22adaytaking their lives Each one of those deaths affects 100’s of other people They have served our country and deserve our very best, so providing some of the proceeds to support thatworthycauseisreallyimportanttome Y: Can you tell us about your new book “FullThrottle”.Whyshouldpeoplebuyyour book?

SK: I’ve had these incredible experiences such as the five combat tours, flying with the Blue Angels served as the Navy’s first Commanding officer of the only F-35C Stealth Strike Fighter Squadron and what reallybroughtithomewasmyinvolvement with the movie Top Gun Maverick. It was a full circle journey for me because I saw the originalTopGunmoviewhenIwasasenior

in High School and that’s when I decided that’s what I wanted to do with my life I pursued it with great vigor and it opened upalltheseincredibleopportunitiesforme And 33 years after seeing it as a high school student,Iwasaskedtobeastuntpilotinthe sequel,“TopGunMaverick.”

My dad was the inspiration because he wasasubmarinerintheNavyandhealways said to me, “Son, your experiences in the Navy are outrageous you need to write a book. So when Maverick came out, many peoplewouldaskme,howdidyougettodo that?Allofthatpromptedmeforselfreflection of how I had gotten the good fortune andsuccessesthatI’vehad.Iamnodifferent or more talented than anybody else I have saidyestoopportunitiesandIhavenotbeen afraidtofail.It’samazingthesupportIhave beenabletoreceivefromsomanyandItalk aboutallofthisinthebook.

It is my journey from watching the original “Top Gun” movie to being a stunt pilot in“TopGunMaverick.

Y: What are you hoping the people readingitwillgetoutofit?

SK:Ultimately,it’sdesignedtobeaninspirational book and to recognize that if I can doit,anybodycandoitandIhopepeopleof all ages find it inspirational. In the book, I talkaboutsayingyestoopportunities Sadly somanytimes,peoplewilllimitthemselves because internally they talk themselves out ofdoingsomething Theyneveractuallytry todoit.

Also, what the Blue Angels taught me was to self identify and self correct when I make a mistake or have a failure. So I identify resolveandmoveforward.Weallshould learnfromthoseeventsinourlivesandapply the lessons learned moving forward. And askingforhelpissoimportantbecausemost people want to help and support others So thosethreeguidelinesarewhathasprovided mewiththeseincredibleopportunities

Y:I’vebeenblessedtoseetheBlueAngels perform. Absolutely incredible, thank you and the other pilots Can you tell us how in 1999 you were selected as a member of the US Navy’s Flight Demonstration Squadron, theBlueAngels?

SK: It’s such an intense endeavor to say the least, flying an airplane The military assumes that if you can land an airplane on thebackofashipatnightthenyouprobably have the hand-eye coordination to fly with the Blue Angels What they want to know is do you have the demeanor to learn at an acceleratedpace doyouhavethepersonality and behavior to interact with the public and inspire young men and women to join the military because we are really military recruiters There is no flight test to see if you can be on the team, but there is a four month process: You go to different shows, you meet the team, attend briefs, you get to knoweachotherandyougettoseeifyoucan work together professionally in an exceptionallydynamicenvironment.That’sreally whatitcomesdownto


SK: Oh gosh yes. It was an incredible privilege to fly for the team. The flying was intense, dynamic and exceptional What

I took away from being on the team is not onlytheteammembersandtheprofessionalismoftheorganizationbutalsotheimpact on hundreds of thousands if not millions of people to inspire them about our armed forces and also to be inspired by hospital visits,makeawishfoundation.Thesethings have had an incredible, lasting impression forsure.

Y: How did the opportunity come up to work and be Tom Cruise’s stunt pilot on “TopGun:Maverick”andthenew“Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part Two” movie?

SK: I fly for the Patriots jet team, an all volunteer and the only civilian six plane jet demonstration team in the northern hemisphere. We fly in air shows out on the west coast. It’s a unique organization with the opportunity to fly in air shows again The owneroftheteam,RandyHowell,partnered with another company and bid to be the cinematographygroupforTopGunMaverick.BecauseofmycombatexperienceIwas asked to teach the actors and actresses in Top Gun Maverick about how to fly safely, and maneuver in airplanes So I went to California in the fall of 2018 and we taught theactorsandactresses.IdidnotmeetTom at that time And then in June of 2019 after the filming of Maverick, with the active duty pilots who did all the F 18 flying, they needed pilots to film the final fight scene, where Maverick and Rooster steal the F 14, fight the FS 57s and fight their way to the aircraft carrier and so at that point, Randy calledandaskedifIwouldflywithhimasa subpilotinthemovieandthat’swhatIdid.

Y: Oh my! There’s got to be more stories there.Canyousharesome?

SK: I’ve flown in the Middle East in combat and this filming for Maverick was exceptionally intense because in order to make it look good on film, you have to fly really, really low, really fast and you have to maneuver very dynamically, in close proximity to other jets We filmed the whole fightsequenceintwoweekswhichwasjust incredible Wewereflyingthreetimesaday, itwasgreatandverydynamic.

Y: Did you have an opportunity to meet TomCruise?

SK: Yes I met Tom on a zoom call. He called and asked if I would be his aviation safetysupervisoronamoviethatcomesout the summer of 2024, Dead Reckoning Part II. I did not actually fly in that movie, I was Tom’ssafetyrepresentative.IfindTomabsolutely remarkable and impressive. He is to HollywoodwhatTomBradyistotheNFLor MichaelJordanistotheNBA.Heisthevery best at what he does He is a kind, understanding,listeningpersonandwhenit’stime tomakefilms,heisthebest.

Y: You have an unusual last name, what is your nationality history, where were you bornandwhatmadeyoudecideonamilitary careerandspecificallyapilot?

SK:IamasecondgenerationNorwegian. Thathasnotbeenlosttome theopportunitiesthatourgreatcountryprovidesbecause mygrandparentswereallowedtocomehere I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota and I am a bit of an adrenaline junkie My best

friend and I saw the movie and we said we aregoingtodothatandwebothdid.Weare stillbestfriendsandthatwasalmost40years ago

Y: Your career as a fighter pilot is incredible Theyneedtomakeamovieaboutyour life. Can you tell us about your five combat deployments,91combatmissionsinsupport ofOperationIRAQIFREEDOMandEnduringFreedominAfghanistan

SK: I went to Iraq in 1996 2003 and 2005 and the last two years mentioned, we were deployed against the enemy aggressively in Iraq I was department head, it was after my Blue Angel tour. In 2005 we were in the Persian Gulf supporting operations in Remaldi and Falouza. And then in 2009 I was the Executive Officer we went to Afghanistan in the North Arabian Sea supporting operations I took command during that deployment and then we went back in 2010 so we were actually deployed 13 out of 17 months It was a very dangerous operating schedule and to be honest, my most purposeful, most memorable and favorite time in the military were those 13 monthsdeployedinsupportofcombatoperationswithjustanincrediblesquadron.We were fortunate to win a lot of awards and it wasjustanincredibleexperience

Y: Congratulations for being the Navy’s firstCommandingOfficeroftheonlyF-35C Stealth Strike Fighter Squadron in the US inventory, Strike Fighter Squadron ONE ZERO ONE. Can you share some of that experiencewithus?

SK: The first Stealth Fighter Squadron that the Navy had, the first Jet that they had was Stealth and it was the F35 Strike Fighter When I left Virginia Beach, I went tothePentagonandIservedastheprocurementsandrequirementsofficerfortheF-35 program and when they needed someone to command the first F-35 squadron I was selected to go do that. I was the seventh person when I got there and we were up to 150 when I left so we had to start it from scratchwithallthevariousprotocols Itwas alargejointprogramwiththeAirForceand themarinecore,ninepartnernations itwas alargeprogram.

Y: How about a couple of wow pinch me momentsinyourlife?

SK:OnewasbeingselectedfortheBlues. That was certainly a pivotal moment I remember distinctly where I was when I got the call. It changed my life The other onewaswhenIgotacallandtheysaid “Hey TomCruiseisgoingtogiveyouacalltomorrow. Will you be willing to take it?” And of coursetheanswerwasabsolutelyyes.

Y:Wherecanpeoplebuyyourbook,learn moreaboutyouandbookyouforanevent?

SK: People can buy the book at Amazon, whereverbooksaresold.Theycangotomy website at for more info andcontactinformation.

Yiorgo is an arts entertainment and sports writer A stage TV and movie actor he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist.

Formerfighterpilot,authorand stunt pilot forTop Gun Maverick,Scott Kartvedtwas stationed inVirginia Beach out ofOceana in the 2000’s.

Dish up afall seafood delight!

5waystoprepare freshlobsterathome


Source: Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative

If you’reseekinga new waytobring your family togetheratmealtimesduringabusyfall,looknofurther than sweet, succulent MaineLobster.Asaversatile solution at the center of delicious dinners,satisfying snacks and beyond,it’sa perfect waytoserveupnew fallfavorites.

ThefallharvestbringspeakseasonforMaineLobster, offeringbountifulopportunitiestoenjoyitssweetness inanabundanceofrecipeslikethesedishesfromMariselSalazar,anaccomplishedLatinxfoodwriterwitha uniqueglobalperspective.Herdebutcookbook,“Latinish,”celebrates morethan 100modernrecipes influencedbyAmericanLatinocuisines

Lobster is easier to cook than somemay believe, making it accessiblefor cooks of allbackgrounds and experiencelevels.SalazarandtheexpertsattheMaine Lobster MarketingCollaborativerecommend these fivemethods:

„ Grilled: Lobster soaksupthe charred flavors from thegrill,deliveringa smoky flavorthatcomplements thesweet,succulentmeat.

„ Air-Fried: Results in acrisp exterior and tender, juicymeat,enhancinglobster’snaturalflavors

„ Boiled: Aquick, easy,popularmethod perfectfor entertaining,boiling bringsout therich, sweet flavor in these recipes for Puerto Nuevo-StyleLobsterand LobsterCeviche

„ Steamed: Preserves lobster’snatural tasteand tenderness as agentlecooking method,making it hardertoovercook.

„ Baked: Allows for flavorful additions likegarlic butter or abreadcrumb topping.Creates adelicious, savorycrustforagourmettwist.

With its firstdocumented catchdating backtothe 1600s,the Maine Lobsterfishery is oneofthe oldest continuallyoperatedindustriesinNorthAmerica.The fisheryemploysmorethan5,000independentlobstermen,harvests90millionpoundsoflobsterand,in2023 landed 80% of the lobster caught nationwide.Find morewaystoenjoyfresh lobster this fallat


Ifyou’relookingforanewdipforyournextget-together and tired of thesame boring salsas and layereddips,this CowboyCaviarmay quicklybecomea familyfavorite

Also known as TexasCaviar,this bean salad can be a hit with lovedones at birthdays, holidays,graduations reunions and more. It serves well with tortilla chipsbut can be enjoyed in avariety of ways.Plus, it’s abreeze to makeand can be even simpler when prepared the night beforeyourbig event. Visit to find morequick and simple appetizer recipes


„ 1can(15ounces)sweetcorn

„ 1can(15ounces)blackbeans

„ 1bunchcilantro

„ 3Romatomatoes

„ 2jalapenos

„ 1/2redonion

„ bellpeppers(mixofgreen,red,orange andyellow, asdesired)

„ tortillachips,forserving


„ 1/3cupoliveoil

„ 1/3cupredwinevinegar

„ 1tablespoonhoney

„ 1tablespoonpaprika

„ 1lime,juiceonly

„ salt,totaste

„ pepper,totaste

Drainandrinsecornandblackbeans;drywell. Finelychopanddicecilantro,tomatoes,jalapenos,onion andbellpeppers. To makedressing: Combine oliveoil,red wine vinegar, honey,paprikaandlimejuice.Seasonwithsaltandpepper, totaste Mixvegetableswithdressing.Servewithtortillachips.


Recipe courtesyofMarisel Salazar,onbehalf of the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative


„ 1bottleMexicanbeer

„ 2MaineLobsters(about3pounds)

„ blackpepper,totaste

„ 2/3cuplard,vegetableshorteningoroliveoil

„ 1/4cupunsaltedbutter

„ flourorcorntortillas

„ 2cupsredrice

„ 1cuprefriedblackorpintobeans

„ 1cuppicodegallo

„ 1cupsalsaverde

„ 6lemonwedges

Bringlarge potofwater to boil.Season withseafood seasoning,totaste,andafewsplashesofMexicanbeer.Boil lobsters3minutes Remove and split lobsters in half down middle.Thoroughly rinse shell and lobster meat, discarding green intestinesandblackveinrunningdowncenteroftail.

Lightlyseasonlobsterhalveswithseafoodseasoningand blackpepper,totaste In deep-fryingpan, heat lard. Fry each lobsterhalf 5 minutesoneachside.Setasidetodrainonpapertowel-lined plate Toserve,scooplobstermeatontotortillawithrice,beans, picodegallo,salsaverdeandsqueezeoflemon.

Lobster Ceviche

Recipe courtesyofMarisel Salazar,onbehalf of the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative

„ 1MaineLobster(about11/2pounds)

„ 11/2tablespoonsfreshlimejuice

„ 1smallredorwhiteonion,mincedorsliced

„ 2tablespoonsfreshcilantro,chopped

„ 1tablespoonjalapeno,seededandminced

„ 1-2tablespoonsextra-virginoliveoiloravocadooil

„ flakyseasalt,totaste

„ saltines,tortillachipsorplantainchips,forserving

Bringlarge potofsaltedwater to boil.Inlarge bowl, prepareicebathwith2quartswaterandlotsofice

If using wholelobster,split lobster in half and use dish toweltotwistoffclawsandtail.Discardbody Boil tail and claws1 1/2 minutes. Remove tail from water andplaceinicebath.Allowclawstoboil11/2minuteslonger. Removeandplaceinicebath

On chopping board, shell lobster tailand claws.Discard shells.Roughlychopintopieces

In medium bowl, tosslobsterand lime juice.Refrigerate 1hour When readytoserve, addonion, cilantroand jalapeno to bowl withlobster;toss to combine. Arrangeonplate or in serving glass.Drizzle with oil and top with flaky seasalt, totaste.Servewithsaltines,tortillachipsorplantainchips

Manage heart health for stronger brain health

The same risk factors that contribute to making heart disease the leading cause of death worldwide also impact the rising globalprevalenceofbraindisease,including stroke,Alzheimer’sdiseaseanddementia.

The global death rate from Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias is increasing even more than the rate of heart disease death, according to the American Heart Association’s Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics2022Update

Globally,morethan54millionpeoplehad Alzheimer’sdiseaseandotherdementiasin 2020, a 37% increase since 2010 and 144% increaseoverthepast30years(1990-2020). Additionally, more than 1.89 million deaths were attributed to Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias worldwide in 2020 compared to nearly 9 million deaths from heartdisease

“Theglobalrateofbraindiseaseisquickly outpacing heart disease,” said Mitchell S.V. Elkind,M.D M.S.,FAHA,thepastpresident of the American Heart Association (202021), a professor of neurology and epidemiology at Columbia University’s Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and attending neurologist at New York-Presbyterian/ColumbiaUniversityIrvingMedical Center “We are learning more about how sometypesofdementiaarerelatedtoaging, and how some types are due to poor vascular health It’s becoming more evident that reducing vascular disease risk factors can makearealdifferenceinhelpingpeoplelive longer, healthier lives, free of heart disease andbraindisease.”

Accordingtothestatisticsupdate people with midlife hypertension were five times more likely to experience impairment on global cognition and about twice as likely to experience reduced executive function, dementiaandAlzheimer’sdisease.Therisk for dementia associated with heart failure wasnearlytwo-fold.

Experts recommend maintaining a healthy weight, managing your blood pressureandfollowingotherheart-healthylife-

style behaviors that can also support good brain health while studies show maintaining good vascular health is associated with healthy aging and retained cognitive function.

Optimal brain health includes the ability to perform tasks like movement, perception,learningandmemory,communication, problemsolving,judgment,decisionmaking andemotion.Cognitivedeclineanddementia are often seen following stroke or cerebrovascular disease and indicate a decline inbrainhealth.

Consider these steps to live a healthier lifestyle and protect your heart and brain health:



„ Reach and maintain a healthy weight. Be mindful of your eating habits; eat foods low insaturatedfat,transfat,sodiumandadded sugars

„ Be physically active. Start slowly and build up to at least 150 minutes of moderatephysicalactivity(suchasbriskwalking) each week. As an alternative, you can do 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity or a combination of the two, to improve


„ Get your blood pressure checked regularly and work with your health care team tomanageitifit’shigh.

„ Have regular medical checkups and take yourmedicineasdirected

„ Decrease your stress level and seek emotionalsupportwhenneeded Learn more about the relationship between heart health and brain health at

TRICARE is your partner in mental health


FALLS CHURCH, Va Editor’s note: If you or someone you know is struggling or incrisis,helpisavailable Callortext988or Thisresourceconnects you with trained counselors who can help yougetthehelpyouneed,24/7. Suicidal thoughts can be experienced by anyone and are a serious mental health concern.Whetheryou’reaservicemember, veteran, family member or retiree it’s important to remember that mental health is just as crucial as physical health. Taking proactive steps to care for your mental well-beingcanmakeasignificantdifference TRICAREisheretosupportyoueverystep oftheway.

“One life lost to suicide is one too many,” said Tisha Petelo, LCSW, behavioral health specialist, Healthcare Operations at the Defense Health Agency “Being aware of your mental health needs and getting support is the strongest tool you have in preventingsuicide Remember,asyourpartnerinsuicideprevention,TRICAREcovers mentalhealthservicestohelpyouandyour familymembersdealwithlife’schallenges.”

Life stressors can negatively impact mental health. Sometimes things like finances relationships isolation, or alcohol misuse can lead to depression and even thoughtsofsuicide

Recognizing when things don’t feel right is the first step to getting the support you need.

Recognizing the signs

Early intervention is key to addressing mentalhealthconcerns Earlysignsofpossiblementalhealthsymptomsmayinclude:

„ Eatingorsleepingtoomuchortoolittle

„ Pulling away from people and usual activities

„ Havingtroubleconcentrating

„ Feelingnumborlikenothingmatters

„ Experiencing unexplained aches and pains

„ Feelinghopelessorhelpless

„ Smokingordrinkingmorethanusual

If you or a loved one experiences any of these signs it’s important to seek help as soonaspossible Remember theseissuesare treatable andrecoveryispossible

Emergency and crisis support

In an emergency, getting immediate help is essential If you or someone you know is experiencingamentalhealthcrisis includingthoughtsofsuicide,call911oryourlocal emergency number, or go to the nearest emergency room. The Military Crisis Line

orVeteransCrisisLineisalsoavailable24/7 withthreecontactoptionstochoosefrom: „ Call988andchooseoption1.

„ Text838255

„ Startachatonline Note:Ifyou’reoverseas,reachoutviachat onlineoption,first,tofindoutthebestphone optiondependingonyourlocation This line offers free confidential support toconnectyouwiththeresourcesyouneed

TRICARE mental health resources

TRICAREoffersarangeofmentalhealth resources to support you. For active duty servicemembers,mentalhealthcareisavailable from military hospitals and clinics and civiliannetworkproviders (Note:Ifyouget servicesfromacivilianprovider,you’llneed areferralorpre-authorization,asdescribed in the TRICARE Mental Health and SubstanceUseDisorderServicesFactSheet online at Fact-Sheets/mental_health_substance.)

Allothers,includingfamilymembersand retirees, can access mental health services throughTRICARE-coveredproviders


„ Office-basedoutpatienttreatment

„ Intensiveoutpatientprograms

„ Partialhospitalizationprograms

„ Inpatienttreatment

„ Psychiatric residential treatment centers (forchildrenandadolescents)


„ HaveTRICAREPrime:Youdon’tneeda referral to see a network provider for in-officeoutpatientmentalhealthservices.

„ HaveTRICARESelect:Youcanseeany TRICARE-authorized provider for mental healthservices Butyourout-of-pocketcosts willbelowerifyouseeanetworkprovider

„ Have TRICARE For Life: Medicare is theprimarypayerformentalhealthservices If your Medicare benefits are exhausted, remembertogetapre-authorization.

„ Are a veteran: Learn how to access servicesthroughtheDepartmentofVeterans AffairsorVetCenter


Telemedicine and other support services

Telemental health services are part of yourTRICAREtelemedicinebenefit.These services allow you to connect with mental health support from your home through secure video or phone options This can be particularly helpful when getting care in personisn’tpossible

The Military Health System offers additionalresources including:

„ The Psychological Health Resource Center(866-966-1020)forlocalresources

„ TheMilitaryHealthSystemNurseAdvice Line(800-874-2273,option1)forhealth-relatedquestionsandmentalhealthconcerns


„ Military OneSource (800-342-9647) for non-medicalcounselingservices

„ Unit or military hospital or clinic chaplainsfornon-medicalsupport Eligibleveteransmayalsoaccesssupport throughVAmentalhealthservices.

Getting support early

Remember, it’s okay to ask for help Getting support is a sign of strength, not weakness Thebesttimetogethelpisbefore you’reinacrisis Ifyouorsomeoneyouknowisstruggling, reach out. Help is available, and TRICARE isheretosupportyou.

Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions, and create your personalized profile to get benefit updates, news, andmore.

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