USS San Jacinto (CG-56) decommissions, honoring 35 years of service
USS SanJacinto honored more than three decades ofnaval service during a decommissioning ceremonyat Naval Station Norfolk,Sept 15. PAGEA3
USS San Jacinto (CG-56) decommissions, honoring 35 years of service
USS SanJacinto honored more than three decades ofnaval service during a decommissioning ceremonyat Naval Station Norfolk,Sept 15. PAGEA3
Commander Navy Region Mid-Atlantic
YORKTOWN, Va Capt. Daniel Patrick relieved Capt. Christopher Horgan during a change of command ceremony assuming the responsibility of commanding officer of Naval WeaponsStationYorktown,Sept 15
Rear Adm. Wesley McCall, commander of Navy Region Mid-Atlantic presided over the ceremony “Events like today are just the glue that binds usalltogether,”saidMcCall “Thisceremonyby itsverysignificancehelpstosolidifythatbondas a public display of the continuity of Navy leadership.”
Horgandeliveredaspeechthankinghiscrew, his extended family; his wife, Jennifer; and his children,AlexandNatalie beforepassingonhis
Patrick, a Taylor Michigan native, enlisted in theNavyin1994andgraduatedwithaBachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering and RadiologicalSciencesfromtheUniversityofMichigan in 1999 He also has a Masters of Engineering Degree in Engineering Management from Old DominionUniversity Patrick delivered the ceremony’s closing remarks thanking his wife Charlotte and his sons, Zachary and Tyler, for their love and support.
WhenIarrived,Ididn’tappreciatehowvast the contribution of our tenants and partner commandswastotheNavyandtheDepartment ofDefenseasawhole,”saidPatrick.“Ijustwant to reaffirm my commitment to our combined missionacrosstheweaponsstationandcontinue tosupportyouineverywaypossible.”
Naval Safety Command NORFOLK, Va The Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM) is releasing the annual Fall and Winter Safety Awarenesspresentationfor2023,aimedatprovidingSailorsandMarineswithinformationto safely enjoy recreational activities during the cooler months.
“We are excited to bring back the Annual Fall and Winter Safety Awareness Presentation for 2023,” said NAVSAFECOM Command Master Chief CMDCM (AW/ SW)DeanSonnenberg.“TheFallandWinter presentation and media campaign builds uponoureffortsfromthe101DaysofSummer tocreateyear-roundsafetyawareness.”
BetweenOct.1andMarch1offiscalyears 2019-2023, 149 Navy and Marine Corps membersdiedinoff-dutyincidents Ofthese, 73wereduetoautomobilecrashes,44from motorcycle crashes nine were pedestrian-relatedandanother23werekilledduring off-dutyrecreationalactivities.
With a focus on ensuring the well-being ofournavalpersonnelandtheirlovedones,
The annual Fall andWinterSafetyAwareness presentation is aimed at providing Sailors and Marineswith information to safelyenjoyrecreational activities during the coolermonths.(U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASS(SW/AW)WESTONA.MOHR)
the Naval Safety Command is committed tofosteringacultureofsafetyallyearlong As the temperatures drop and the weather
becomes more unpredictable it becomes increasingly important to be informed and preparedfortheuniquechallengesthatfall
and winter can bring
“Our primary goal is to empower naval personnel, their families and the community with the knowledge and tools they need to have a safe and enjoyable fall and winter season, said Sonnenberg “We believe that by working together, we can help create a safe environment for everyone.”
NAVSAFECOM will produce a variety of Fall and Winter Safety media products, which will be available on the NAVSAFECOM website and via social media. The presentations are designed to betailorabletoindividualcommandneeds and objectives Download the presentation on the NAVSAFECOM website at Safety-Stand-Down/
AboutNavalSafetyCommand:TheNaval SafetyCommandisdedicatedtopreserving warfightingcapability combatlethalityand readinessbyworkingwithourstakeholders toidentify mitigateoreliminatehazardsin ordertoreduceunnecessaryrisktopeople and resources
Area’s largest and longest running CPO training event returns to the Naval Museum Over250 ChiefPettyOfficerSelectees mustered dailyon September11-13th last weekto kickoffthe museum’sAnnual ChiefPettyOfficerHeritage Days training event PAGEA2
Hampton RoadsNaval Museum
NORFOLK,Va.—Beforethecrackofdawnfor threedayslastweek,Norfolk’sTownPointPark reverberatedwiththe echoes of theU.S.Navy’s fightsong“Anchors Aweigh”. The park, next to theHamptonRoadsNavalMuseum,waswhere asea of over 250 ChiefPettyOfficer Selectees mustereddailyonSeptember11-13thlastweekto kickoffthemuseum’sAnnualChiefPettyOfficer HeritageDaystrainingevent.
The eventisthe largest and longestrunning trainingevent fornewlyselectedCPO Selects in the region. Over the course of three days over700 CPO Selects from overscores of area commands in the region and elsewheregathered to connect with the rich history and heritageoftheU.S.Navythroughouttrainingstations aboardthedecommissionedIowa-ClassBattleshipUSSWisconsin(BB-64).
After moving with apurpose to cross the brow of the Battleship,guest presenters at variousstations providedawealthofhistoricalinformationtogroupsofCPO Selects.The Battleship’swardroom wasthe setting for a presentationbyMasterChiefPettyOfficeroftheNavy(Ret.) JimHerdt,whoprovidedsomeinsightsintohistenureasthe U.S. Navy’s 9thMCPON.Augmenting his engaging presentationwasFleetMasterChief(Ret.)ThomasHoward,who alsoechoedsharedsomeofhisexperienceswithselectees
The air conditionedCaptain’swardroom aboardthe WisconsinwasthesettingforapresentationbyFleetMaster Chief (Ret.) SusanWhitmanand Senior Chief(Ret.) April
Maletz, who tag teamed an energetic presentation about theroles of Women in the Navy andWomen Accepted for VolunteerEmergency Service (WAVES). Additional learning stations throughout the spaces aboard the Battleship werefacilitatedbyareaChiefPettyOfficersbothactiveand retired Presenters also gathered for learning stations in the Wisconsin’s messdeckand CPO mess.Command Master Chief (Ret.) James Parlier,who served his firsttour as Command Master Chief onboardthe USSCole (DDG 67), shared some of his experiences and actions during
the attack by Al Qaeda on October 12,2000 on the destroyer while in-port at Aden, Yemen. Thatattackclaimed the lives of 17 Sailors and injured another 59.The NavalMuseum’sMilitary Educator,Matthew Headrick, presented aboutdiscriminationandracialstrifeintheU.S. Navy,while other spaces belowdecks hosted learningstationswithotherdistinguishedguest presenterswhoallsharedtheirexperiencesand offeredwordsofwisdomtothosewhoattended thiscovetedthreedayevent.
After mustering on the fantail,CPO Selects cycled through forgroup photosand lunch.At the conclusion of each daywas the culminatingevent,thecadenceandguidoncompetition.
As in years past, the eventwas held under the coveredSail Nauticus Pavilion wheregroups of CPO Selectsand area CPOsgatheredfor an event that merged thelinesofa USOshowand vaudeville act to showesprit de corps while competingforthetitleofBestMess
Groups took their turnonstageshowcasing theirbestcadence renditionsand presentedtheir guidons to the panelofjudges.Guestspeakers after the competition includedFleet Master Chief (Ret.) Susan Whitman, FleetMasterChief(Ret.)ThomasHowardamongothers.A presentationofthetrophyfortheBestMesswaspresented eachdaybythemuseum’smilitaryceremoniescoordinator andchair, Mark Freemanalong with this year’s activeduty co-chairs HMCS Jackie LaDue and HMCS JovanWells, which concluded eachdaysevent that has enabledgroups of CPO selects to connect with the history andheritage of theU.S.Navy.
Commander Naval Surface Force Atlantic NORFOLK, Va USS San Jacinto (CG-56) honored more than three decades of naval service during a decommissioning ceremonyatNavalStationNorfolk,Sept.15
ViceAdm.JimKilby,deputycommander U.S. Fleet Forces Command, who previously served two tours aboard San Jacinto presided over the ceremony and provided keynoteremarks.
“Whenweserveonaship,itbecomespart ofus,Imeanwhoweare,howwethink,and howweconductourselves.”saidViceAdm. Kilby. “San Jacinto is the most formative and significant ship I have ever served on.
I worked for five consecutive commanding officers as Operations Officers and Executive Officer I owe San Jacinto and many of youanunpayabledebtofgratitude.
Capt.ChristopherE.Marvin,whoserved asthetwentiethandfinalcommandingofficerofSanJacinto,oversawacrewof30officers and 300 enlisted members, and led the warshipduringtheirfinaldeploymentinthe Mediterranean Sea as part of the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group in support of U.S.6thFleetandNATOexercisesin2022.
“The professionalism and warfighting excellence San Jacinto has imparted on thosethathave servedaboardover35years will provide an enduring legacy and serve theNavyandnationforyearstocome.”
San Jacinto is the tenth Ticonderoga-Class cruiser, and the third warship in theNavynamedfortheBattleofSanJacinto.
The first San Jacinto was a frigate built in 1851 fought in the Civil War for the Union, andwassoldin1871.ThesecondSanJacinto (CVL 30) was an aircraft carrier that was commissionedNov.15,1943,foughtinWWII andwasdecommissionedMarch1,1947 TheSanJacinto’sconstructionbeganOct 5,1984,atIngallsShipbuildinginPascagoula, Mississippi.HerkeelwaslaidJuly24 1985 ShewaslaunchedonNov.14 1986 andchristenedJan.24 1987bythewarship’ssponsor Dr WendyLeeGramm,wifeofUnitedStates SenatorfromTexas,PhilGramm.
San Jacinto was commissioned on Jan. 23, 1988, in Houston, Texas, by then-Vice President George H.W. Bush, who himself servedaboardthesecondSanJacinto(CVL 30)duringWorldWarII.
Since her maiden deployment in 1989 the warship has demonstrated the combat credibility of our Navy and has served as an exemplar for the Navy’s mission to defend freedom,preserveeconomicprosperity,and keeptheseasopenandfree
In August 1990, she executed shortfused deployment in support of Operation Desert Shield, where she served as Red Sea Battle Force Anti-Air Warfare Commander and launched the first Tomahawk Cruise missiles ever fired in combat during the openingsalvosofOperationDesertStorm
Other operation highlights include: directly supporting Operations Southern Watch, Inherent Resolve, and Iraqi Free-
dom;counterterrorismoperationsfollowing the September 11 attacks; various maritime interdiction and interception operations; humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts as well as a sustained focus on partnership building during multi-national, Joint,andNATOexercises
In January 2020, she deployed as a part of the Dwight D. Eisenhower strike group to the Arabian Sea, breaking the U.S. Navy recordforconsecutivedaysatseaat206.
The name San Jacinto honors the April 21, 1836 battle by the San Jacinto River in Texas, where Gen. Sam Houston and his greatly outnumbered Texas soldiers won independence for the Republic of Texas, decisively defeating Gen. Santa Anna and his1,200-1,500manMexicanArmy.Houston madeaneloquentspeechtohistroops,closingwithinspiringwords,“Victoryiscertain!
Embodyingthatsametoughness,grit,and tenacity, San Jacinto Sailors adopted this samemantra.
“Throughout her service, San Jacinto executed 16 deployments many availabilities, and as many training cycles She was upgraded with the latest combat systems, her crew professionally trained over her life to continue to be a true lynchpin in our
Fleet,” said Kilby. “By my rough estimates she has had over 6,000 Sailors serve on her and steamed over 500,000 nautical miles duringdeployments Sheearned15BattleE’s as a testament to her sustained excellence SanJacinto’slegacyisatributetohercrews allofus shecertainlyliveduptohermotto “VictoryisCertain.” In the warship’s storied 35 years of service, her crew has been awarded the Chief of Naval Operations Commendation, Humanitarian Service Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal, Joint Meritorious UnitCommendation,SecretaryoftheNavy Letter of Commendation, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Armed ForcesExpeditionaryMedal ArmedForces Service Medal, Navy Unit Commendation, PresidentialUnitCitation,MeritoriousUnit Commendation,andNavyERibbon.
SanJacintowillbeinactivatedandtowed to the Navy’s Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where they will be in a Logistic Support Asset (LSA) status For more news from Commander, Naval SurfaceForceAtlantic, local/cnsp/, unit/COMNAVSURFLANT, and https://
Naval Medical Forces Atlantic
PORTSMOUTH,Va Sailors,withhope in their heart and papers in hand, confidentlystrideintoanofficethatholdsthekey totheirfutureasanAmericancitizen.Upon entering,theygothroughalengthyandoften stressful process that ultimately sees them transitionfromimmigranttocitizenfollowingtheirOathofAllegiance.
On the 236th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution, Sailors assigned to Naval Medical Forces Atlantic share their experiences of going through the naturalization process and reflect on the privilege ofbeinganAmericancitizen.
PersonnelSpecialistSeamanRecruitViviana Huergogodoy, a Nieva-Huila, Columbia native, is a NMFL Sailor currently going through the naturalization process to become a U.S. citizen. Her mother first brought her family to the U.S. to study English when she was 16, and after receivingaresidencywithinfiveyears,shedecided tojointhemilitary “IwantedtojointheU.S.militarybecause
ByKristiRBrittNorfolk Naval Shipyard
The Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) Departmental Command Resilience Team (DCRT) hosted the semi-annual Culture Standout Recognition Ceremony Sept. 8, celebrating the individuals who work daily tohelpbuildabettercultureattheshipyard and exemplify good working standards in everythingtheydo
Twenty-one individuals from across the shipyardwererecognizedasCultureStandouts eachgoingaboveandbeyondthecall of duty in their everyday workplace Each individual was highlighted for their individualeffortsinsupportoftheshipyardand received a signed certificate of appreciation from Shipyard Commander Capt. Jip MosmanandNuclearEngineeringandPlanning Department (NEPD) Director Jeremy Largey.
“To me, culture is about treating each other as people and the environment,” said Capt. Mosman. “When I think about the culture at the shipyard if we treat each otherwithrespect,gohomeattheendofthe dayhappy,wehadagooddayandareexcited tocomebacktomorrow thenIthinkwehave a good culture. I was here a few years ago and I got the opportunity to come back and see that the shipyard is indeed in a better place.ThecultureisbetteratNorfolkNaval Shipyard I’m excited to see that change and I felt it the first day I drove through the gates It’sacontinuousjourneyandIbelieve togetherwearemovingforwardintheright direction.Eachofyouarebeingrecognized todayforcontributingtoourculturechange aswecontinuethatjourneytobetteringour cultureandIthankyouforyoureffortsinall thatyoudo.”
DCRT Co-Lead Talia Crockett said, “We havetoencourageourco-workerstocreate an environment that is inclusive of people
itisthebestintheworld,”saidHuergogodoy, whoisapayandpersonneladministratorfor the command. “Plus I am grateful for the opportunities that the Navy has given me andhopefultobecomeacitizen.
Others in the command have already completed the process and are fully naturalized citizens. Over the last five years, a total of over 5,500 Sailors became naturalizedcitizensthroughtheirserviceintheU.S.
Navy and a total of over 33,000 throughout theDepartmentofDefensehaveearnedthe privilege to become a citizen of the United StatesofAmerica
Eversincehewasyoung,HospitalCorpsman 1st Class Samuel Jean-Louis was interested in the medical field As a native of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, he knew that he wouldn’thavethesameeducationalopportunities available to reach his aspirations, so he joined the U.S. Navy in a job that has the largest, most professionally diverse and highly decorated hospital enlisted corps to achievehisdreams
“It’s been the best decision I’ve made,” explained Jean-Louis, who is the leading petty officer for the directorate for administrationatNMFL.“NowIjustwanttogive
back notonlytobeagoodexampleformy kids and my family but to also give back to thiscountryandtheNavy.”
To become a citizen through military service,thenaturalizationprocessforthose eligible can take anywhere from 18 to 24 months under special provisions of the ImmigrationandNationalityAct(INA).
Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Jordan Brown, a native of Kingston, Jamaica remembersthemorninghebecameacitizen after completing his naturalization interviewandtheOathofAllegianceandthefeelings that came after when he could finally callhimselfaU.S.citizen.
“IgotdressedandputonmySundaybest,” reminiscedBrownwithasmile,anadministrationactionofficerfortheunitdeployment cellatNMFL “Iwalkedintothatoffice,and they interviewed me I took a test, and I walked out of that office with a certificate. ThenIwentdowntotheimmigrationoffice andIleftitasacitizen IstillhavethatcertificatewithmetothisdayandIfeelasenseof accomplishmentwheneverIthinkofwhere Iamnow.”
“Do not give up,” he advised. “Don’t be afraidtoaskquestions.Oncecompleted the experienceandrewardwillbeallworththe effort Thisisagreatcountryandtherearea lotofopportunities!”
Constitution Week, which is held Sept. 17-23, celebrates the enduring connection between Constitution Day and Citizenship Day,payingtributetothesigningoftheU.S. ConstitutiononSept 17,1787,andthosewho haveembracedU.S.citizenship
Naval Medical Forces Atlantic (NMFL) headquartered in Portsmouth, Virginia, delivers operationally focused medical expertise and capabilities to meet Fleet, Marine and Joint Force requirements by providing equipment, sustainment and maintenance of medical forces during combatoperationsandpublichealthcrises.
Navy Medicine represented by more than 44,000 highly-trained military and civilianhealthcareprofessionals provides enduring expeditionary medical supportto thewarfighteron,below,andabovethesea, andashore
While we might have different beliefs, religions, nationalities and ethnicities and so manyotherthingsthatsetusapart,whatwe haveincommonisourhumanity.”
“When we practice and encourage those around us to treat each other in humane and civil ways, we’re on our way to becoming an employer of choice, which is what Capt.Gasperettitellsmehewantstheshipyard to be,” said DCRT Co-Lead Jacque-
lyn Singletary “When it comes to culture, if we’re working through processes without accounting for the personal side of the process it’sflawed.Ifwe’reonlyconsidering thepeopleintheprocess,that’saflawtoo.I thinkofitbeingtheperfectbalance It’slike takingoffinamanualtransmissioncar Too muchclutchandyouwon’tmove Toomuch gasandyou’lljerk.Balancingtheclutchand the gas gives a smooth take off And when
yougetgoodenough eachtakeoffwillbeas ifyouweredrivinganautomatic.
Crockett said, “Automatic is what we strive to do Positive culture should be an automatic thing in our lives, and especially in an environment comprised of over 10,000 VERY UNIQUE personalities Weshouldlivebytheplatinumrule,‘Treat people the way they want to be treated.’ The only way to do that is to get to know and appreciate each person’s personalities andpreferences.That’sonewaytoimprove the culture. When we begin to understand and implement practices that drive people in positive directions, we improve our culture.”
To nominate someone for a future Culture Standout Award, please send an emailcontainingthename,codeandnominationjustificationtoJacquelynSingletary at
Congratulations NNSY Culture Standouts!
Civilian employees within the U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFFC) enterprise are furthering their leadership skills through a longstanding partnership with Old DominionUniversity Startedin2015,theGraduateCertificatein PublicSectorLeadership(GCPSL)program provideshighperformingDepartmentofthe Navy civilian leaders with the opportunity forfurthereducationinleadership.
Today, the GCPSL a 12-credit graduate certificate program for middle and upper management,hascertified149studentsfrom USFFCanditssubordinatecommandssince itsinception.
“This graduate certificate program does an outstanding job at improving corporate
Navy leadership,” said Matthew H. Swartz, executive director and chief of staff for USFFC.
Swartz, alongside Brian O. Hemphill, Ph.D. Old Dominion University President spoketothemostrecentgraduatingclasson Aug. 31. They were joined by ODU leadership,includingtheVicePresidentforDigital LearningNinaRodriguezGonserandDirectorofContinuingEducationRobertDoherty.
Swartz encouraged graduates to apply whatthey’velearnedtobealeaderofchange intheirfieldofwork.
“But don’t stop here, said Swartz. “Seek new challenges and embrace a passion for lifelonglearning.”
ThroughcompletingtheGCPSL,students develop a broad base of knowledge and experience to lead Federal, State, and local governmentorganizationsandprograms
Studentsattendweeklyclasseshostedby the ODU Norfolk campus, with the option toparticipateasadistancelearningstudent online Lessons include a two-day data analytics class and four 10-week sessions in cyber principles, financial management, organizationaldevelopmentandchangeand contractingprinciples.
Monica Causey, a recent graduate of GCPSL, described the experience as “intense,”sayingthatasasinglemotherraisingateenageson,shefoundtheprogramto be both challenging and rewarding Causey is the division lead for network operations and information technology support at Navy Expeditionary Combat Command in VirginiaBeach,Va
“The most impactful thing I came away with was how important it is to establish relationshipsfoundedontrustandtranspar-
ency,” she said. “It matters how you establish, build and sustain relationships both vertically and horizontally to see a goal to fruition.Weallhaveacommongoalinmind, andthat’sservicetoourcountry.”
The GCPSL course is offered annually to eligible public sector employees Candidatesmustbenominatedbytheirdirectorate headswithinputfromthecandidate’schainof-command Once selected, the command fullyfundsthecourse
Candidates must be permanent civilians in paygrades GS 13-15 or equivalent in the Hampton Roads area, have a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree, a 3.6 or higher on their most recent performance summaryratingoroverallratingandhavean activeindividualdevelopmentplan.
For more information visit https://odu. edu/cepd/execed/public-sector-leadership
Navy and Coast Guard ombudsmen from across Hampton Roads were celebrated Sept. 14 at the 2023 Joint Sea Services OmbudsmanRecognitionDinnerhostedby NavyLeagueoftheUnitedStates,Hampton Roads
The dinner was held on the same day the Navy recognized the anniversary of the ombudsman program’s founding and its many volunteers who have dedicated their time and service to the sea services’ fleets fightersandfamilies
“Weoweatremendousdebtofgratitude to the selfless volunteers who continue to make this program a resounding success,” said Adm. Daryl Caudle, commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, and keynote
speaker for the night. He added ombudsmen, “directly support mission readiness by preparing service members and their families for the physical, emotional, interpersonalandlogisticaldemandsofthemilitarylifestyle andthenseamlesslyformthe ecosystem of support when the unit goes to sea.”
Within the Navy and Coast Guard, the ombudsman is a person appointed by commands as an official volunteer to communicate information to support the life situations that Navy families encounter in the military They serve as the liaison between command families and the command, keeping the commanding officer informed regarding the general morale, health,andwelfareofthecommand’sfamilies Ombudsmen communicate regularly withNavyfamiliesandprovideinformation
and referral services when families request support.
“Fifty-three years ago, the 19th Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, Jr created the Navy Family Ombudsman Program because he recognized the paramountimportanceoffamilyreadiness,”said Caudle.
CaudlesaidZumwaltunderstoodastrong foundation at home mixed with clear and consistent communication with leadership would lead to the peak operational readiness,resiliency,aswellasimprovedtrustand overalleffectivenessofthefleet.
Zumwalt adapted the program from a 19th century Scandinavian custom originallyestablishedbythekingtogiveordinary private citizens an avenue to express their grievancestohighgovernmentofficials
Lindsey Fischler, the ombudsman for
ExpeditionaryStrikeGroup2,attendedthe dinnerandsharedherpersonalthoughtsof fulfillingsuchanimportantrole
“I’ve always had a desire to help people and especially other Navy families in any way, said Fischler “Connecting them with thecommunityandthecommandandrepresentingthemandmakingchangeforthemis onethingI’vealwayswantedtodo.”
In his closing remarks, Caudle reemphasizedtheNavy’sappreciationforthetireless dedicationoftheprogram’svolunteers
“I am confident that I speak for every commander in the room when I say, we could not accomplish our mission without you, he said. “Thank you for your service, for your many sacrifices, and for being an essentialpartofourNavyteam.” Morethan400guestswereinattendance.
ByNavalFacilitiesEngineering SystemsCommandMid-Atlantic
NORFOLK,Va. —Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFACMIDLANT) awarded EG DesignBuildLLC,Germantown, Maryland, a$12,791,547,firm-fixed-price task order (N4008523F6576) —under previouslyawardedmultiple-awardconstruction contract(N40085-18-D-1126)—torenovate and repairHangar LF-60atNaval Station
This task order includes twooptions, which if exercised, would increase the cumulativetaskordervalueto$13,553,847.
Work will be performed in Norfolk, Virginia,and isexpected to be completed bySeptember2025.
Fiscal year 2023 operation and maintenance (Navy) funds in the amount of $12,791,547 will be obligated at time of award, and will expireatthe end of the currentfiscalyear
Thistaskorder wascompetitively procured via the sam.govand ProcurementIntegrated Enterprise Environment websites,withtwooffersreceived NAVFAC MIDLANTisthe contracting activity.
NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering,publicworksandenvironmental products and services across an area of responsibility thatspans from South Carolina to Maine,asfar west as Illinois,and down to Indiana.Asanintegral memberof
theCommander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic team, NAVFAC MIDLANT provides leadershipthroughtheRegionalEngineerorganizationtoensuretheregion’sfacilitiesand infrastructureare managed efficiently and effectively Foradditional information about NAVFACMIDLANTonsocialmedia,follow ouractivitiesonFacebookatwww.facebook. com/navfacmidatlanticandonInstagram@ navfacmidatlantic.
NavalSafety Command
Aftermorethan twoyears of hardwork, theNaval Safety and Environmental Training Center (NAVSAFENVTRACEN) received confirmation that the CommissionoftheCouncilonOccupationalEducation(COE)approvedthecenter’srequestfor accreditationSept.7.
The long-awaited good news was announcedduringNAVSAFENVTRACEN’schange of command ceremony Sept. 8, when Rear Adm. Christopher Engdahl, commander of NavalSafety Command and presiding official for the ceremony, highlightedthe achievement as oneofthe center’smanyaccomplishments
“Leading from the front througha comprehensive revision of (the center’s) course curriculum through development and management methodologies,the team securedlearningcenteraccreditationstatus throughtheCouncilofOccupationalEducationyesterday,”Engdahlsaid.
NAVSAFENVTRACEN announced its intenttoseek accreditation in August2021, andthecenterwasapprovedforCOEcandidacyOct.18,2021.Candidatestatusallowed NAVSAFENVTRACENtomoveforwardon thepathtoaccreditationandbeganalengthy processthatincludedworkshops,self-study oftrainingcenterprocesses,andvisitsfrom COErepresentatives
The mostrecent and final COE visit, which wasessentially an audit, took place April 26-27, 2023, whererepresentatives examined the NAVSAFENVTRACEN’s programs,gathering the information required to determine whether the COE would vote to approve the center’s accreditationinthefall
“Wetreated the visit likeaninspector general audit, but we really didn’tknow specifically whatthey were going to look at,”saidthen-Cmdr.CharlesWilhite,former NAVSAFENVTRACEN commander, who waspromoted during the center’s change of command and relievedbyCmdr.NicholasSchaal
“Sowemade sureour processes were very tight andthat we were following best practices of the industry,” Wilhite said.
“Our instructors really worked hardto ensureevery aspectofwhat we’redoing as an education facility wasinline withbest practices.” Wilhite emphasized that when he said NAVSAFENVTRACENinstructorsworked hard,ittookeveryinstructorontheteam it was“all handsondeck” throughout the 14-monthaccreditationprocess,whichalso happenedto alignwith thechiefofnaval operations’“GetReal Get Better”efforts to identify,correct and improve processes throughouttheNavy
“Itwas amomentouspush by the whole command, and we revamped and rewrote
every instruction theschoolhouse had,”he said The work paid off. The COE’s visit resultedinnocriticalfindingsandthetraining centeronly received three noncritical findings, whichwereofanadministrative nature. The COE’sfinalreport on thisvisit wascompletedinMay,andtheboardvoted toapproveNAVSAFENVTRACEN’saccreditationearlierthismonth.
Now,asaCOE-accreditedinstitution,the training center is recognized for meeting or exceeding the COE’scriteria for educational standards and student achievement, which assuresthat NAVSAFENVTRACEN provides high-qualityinstruction in career and technical education. “This recognition simply validateshow the training center’s accomplishments have set the benchmark for education and training excellence,” Schaalsaid.Additionally,COEaccreditation putsthe command on apathwaytoobtain accreditation from the American Council onEducation,orACE.
“What theACE accreditationdoesfor us is allowsustogivecollege credittothose students who attend our courses,” Wilhite said. “Iftheyattend a40-hour course,they canget aone-hour credit for an electiveor somethinggearedtowardapossibledegree in safety,occupational health or environmentalmanagement.”
Notonly will the ACEaccreditationbe integral in raising the overall safety knowl-
edge levelofthe Navy and Marine Corps, but it will also helpbuildthe safetyculture throughoutthe navalenterprise,Wilhite added.
Schaalfurtherexplainedthat “ACE accreditation will facilitate our ability to promotethesafetyandoccupationalhealth, industrial hygiene,environmental protection and emergency management fields to createmoreprofessionalsandaddressshortagesinqualifiedworkersbybuildingexcitementfortheprofession.”
NAVSAFENVTRACEN is aiming to receiveACEaccreditationinthefallof2024
NAVSAFENVTRACEN provides quality education and training for military and civilian Navy and Marine Corps personnel, bothafloatandashore,intheareasofsafety andoccupationalhealth,industrialhygiene, environmental protectionand emergency management.
The quotasfor FY24 will becomeavailablethrougheNTRSonOctober4.Forquota reservations,logintoeNTRSathttps://app,navigate to theRequestMenu, input the course CDP,updatethe dates,submit, verify the coursedate,enter the student’s DODID, submit, add student information, doublecheckemail accuracy and select“process request.”
Assistant Secretary of the Navy Berger kicks off Climate Week NYC with JROTC students Students talkabout the importance of climate change to theirgeneration and how theirSTEM based academics can support future efforts to confront this issue. PageB3
CHURCH CREEK,Md (Sept.17 2023) – Secretaryofthe Navy(SECNAV) Carlos DelToro todaynamed a U.S.Navyship afterAmerican abolitionist and social activist HarrietTubman,Sept 17 The future USNS HarrietTubman (T-AO 213) follows the tradition ofnamingJohn Lewis-class oilers aftercivil rights leaders.SecretaryDelToro made the announcement during an Emancipation Celebration at the HarrietTubman Underground RailroadVisitorCenterin Church Creek,Md.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSOMARPOWELL)
Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Carlos Del Toro announced today that he named aU.S.NavyshipafterAmerican abolitionist andsocialactivistHarrietTubman,Sept.17.
SECNAV Del Toro made the announcement during an Emancipation Celebration at Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center in Church Creek, Md National Park Service Director Chuck Sams, who is also a U.S. Navy veteran, joined Secretary Del Toro for the announcementatthepark.
The future USNS
Harriet Tubman (T-AO 213) follows the tradition of namingJohnLewisclassoilersaftercivil rights leaders and is the second vessel to bear her name. The first was a Liberty ship built in the UnitedStatesduring WorldWarII.
“It’s an honor to maintainthenaming tradition for our JohnLewis-classoilers, andHarrietTubmanismorethandeserving ofthisrecognition,”saidDelToro “Shewas born into unimaginable circumstances, but shededicatedherlifetofacinggreatdanger and adversity, becoming a ‘conductor of freedom’, helping others escape slavery In addition,duringtheCivilWar,Tubmanwas the first African American woman to serve formallyinthemilitary Herlegacydeserves ournation’scontinuedrecognition,andour fleet benefits from having her name emblazonedonthehullofoneofourgreatships.”
Born into slavery on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, in 1822, Tubman was named Araminta by her enslaved parents, Ben and Rit Ross She changed her name to Harriet after marrying freeman John Tubman in
1844 Tubman escaped slavery in 1849, when her enslaver died and she was to be sold Sept. 17, 1849, marks the day Harriet Tubman made the important decision to self-liberate Itwasthisdatethatsheandher brothersBenandHenryranaway;however, afteracoupleofweeksintotheirjourneyher brothers “disagreed with her about directions” and succumbed to the fear of being captured and convinced her to return with
she continued to advocate for the rights of African Americans and women, speaking at a number of women’s suffrage events alongside Susan B. Anthony. Tubman died in 1913 and was buried at Fort Hill Cemetery in Auburn, New York.
“Thistributecommemoratesthepowerfullegacyofoneofourcountry’smostselfless heroes,” said National Park Service Director Chuck Sams “The Underground
freedom, family, democracy and love Aunt Harriet’slegacyisaninspirationtoahigher callingwithinusall,andoverall,howweare enabled by sharing love for others and self
It is her supply from God that she had been abletosupplyothersthroughoutherlifetime and still, her footprint lives on and supplies usnow.Suchastronganddazzlingexample ofsymbolisminherhonor thenamingofan oiler a ship that supplies other ships with fuel and cargo to function at its highest level, is an example of what she gave in life and continues togive,”saidWyatt
The future USNS Harriet Tubman is the ninth ship of the John Lewis-class
The class and lead ship are named in honorofthelatecivil rightsiconRep.John Lewis from Georgia. The ships are designed to supply fuel to the Navy’s operating carrier strike groups The oilers have the ability to carry a load of 162,000barrelsofoil andmaintainsignificantdrycargocapacity
them. Tubman left a second time later that fall(exactdateunknown)andreachedfreedominPhiladelphia. In the ensuing years, she undertook numerous missions south to help at least 70 men, women, and children escape slavery Known as “Moses,” Tubman became an iconic figure during the American Civil War, serving as a Union spy, scout, nurse and cook. In June 1863, she helped plan and execute a successful raid on Combahee Ferry near Port Royal, South Carolina, guiding Union naval steamships carrying 300 Black troops of the 2nd Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment (Colored). The raid resulted in the liberation of more than 750 enslaved people After the war,
Railroad’s most famous conductor was devoted to the cause of ensuring freedom for all despite personal sacrifice and risk. A true role model for the sailors who will serve on the USNS Harriet Tubman, her passion, courage and intelligence empoweredhertoovercomeextremeobstaclesfor the benefit of others.”
Alongwiththeship’sname,DelToroalso announced that the ship’s sponsor will be Tina Wyatt, the great, great, great grandniece of Harriet Tubman. The ship’s sponsor represents a lifelong relationship with the ship and crew Wyatt has spent her life helpingothersasanurseandalsoeducating and sharing the legacy of Harriet Tubman.
Find more information about Fleet Replenishment Oilers online at https:// Display-FactFiles/Article/2222909/fleet-replenishment-oilers-t-ao/
Find more information about Harriet Tubman at the following:
HarrietTubmanUnderground RailroadNationalHistoricalPark
HarrietTubmanUGRR pages/eastern/tubman.aspx
Commander Navy Installations Command
WASHINGTON Navy Wounded Warrior is offering a new way for seriously wounded, ill and injured Sailors and Coast Guardsmen to connect via its first online esports tournament on September 30 at 1400 ET with a 2v2 Tournament featuring RocketLeague. NavyWoundedWarriorEsportsisatestamenttotheNavy’scommitmenttoproviding relevantandinnovativesupporttoitsservice members and recognizing the unique challengesfacedbytheNavyWoundedWarrior community This event will help wounded warriors stay engaged, build resilience and connectwiththeirpeerswhoshareapassion forgamingandarealsoonhealing,recovery,
“Navy Wounded Warrior is excited to continue offering esports as part of our recreational offerings,” said Jenna Link, DirectorofCommander,NavyInstallations Command’s Fleet and Family Readiness Casualty Support Programs “This is our second program, though first online, and it willallowrecoveringservicemembersfrom across the country to socialize and build personal connections through gaming It will allow us to engage a new generation of spectators too.”
This program is for active-duty Sailors andCoastGuardsmencurrentlyenrolledin Navy Wounded Warrior Enrollees on the Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL status) will be placed on a waitlist after registering. Service members not currently
enrolled in Navy Wounded Warrior are not able to participate in in this tournament
If you are not already enrolled in Navy WoundedWarrior,contactusat855-NAVY WWP/855-628-9997 or via email at navywoundedwarrior.fct@navy.miltodetermine youreligibility
Navy Wounded Warrior coordinates the non-medical care of seriously wounded, ill and injured Sailors and Coast Guardsmen. Theprogramoffersindividualizedguidance on pay and benefits caregiver resources bedside travel job training childcare, and more to encourage retention and return to duty or support a smooth transition to the VA should a medical condition prohibit continuedservice.Participationisvoluntary
and requires Sailors and Coast Guardsmen to either self-refer or be referred by their commands, chaplain, medical team, peers orothersforenrollmentdetermination.
Commander, Navy Installations
Command(CNIC)isresponsibleforworldwide U.S. Navy Shore installation management, designing and developing integrated solutions for sustainment and development of Navy shore infrastructure as well as quality of life programs CNIC oversees 10 Navy regions, 69 installations, and more than43,000employeeswhosustainthefleet, enable the fighter and support the family Follow CNIC on social media: Facebook,; X, @ cnichq;andInstagram,@cnichq
NEWPORT, R.I. Naval Undersea WarfareCenter(NUWC)DivisionNewport’s acting Technical Director Marie Bussiere described to attendees at the ninth annual Defense Innovation Days sponsored by the SoutheasternNewEnglandDefenseIndustry Alliance, how the center is leveraging partnershipstoadvancetechnologyandsupport theU.S.Navyfleet.
With increased threats from adversaries, the need for productive partnerships and rapid innovation has never been more importanttothesecurityoftheUnitedStates. Thatmessagewasconveyedemphaticallyby national security experts defense industry leaders andpolicymakersatthe(SENEDIA) from Aug. 28-30 at the Marriott in Newport, RhodeIsland.
Among the distinguished speakers were U.S. Sens Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse,CongressmanSethMagaziner,Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro, Vice Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Lisa Franchetti,DirectoroftheDepartmentofDefense’s (DOD)OperationalTestandEvaluationNickolasGuertin,andDeputyAssistantSecretary oftheNavyforResearch,Development,Test, andEngineeringDr BrettSeidle.
“Wartime readiness is a major priority
across the warfare centers and our teams are working hard to define and implement crisisresponseplansandprocesses,”Bussiere saidduringhertalkonAug.30 “Weareworking closely within the NAVSEA [Naval Sea Systems Command] community to support theirwartimemissionareas
“This is a team sport and industry plays a major role,” Bussiere said to the audience comprisedofmanyrepresentativesfromthe defenseindustry “Togetherwecanbeaforce multiplier to support readiness, availability, modernization and sustainment. There is tremendousintellectualcapitalthatwehave across the government-industry team, especially in this region In visiting the industry booths and talking to company representatives the passion, innovative thinking and capabilityisobvious.”
Bussiere gave a couple of examples of how government and industry have worked together to rapidly advance technologies for thefleet.
“HereintheNewportarea,wehaveseveral mechanisms to facilitate partnerships, includingtheUnderseaTechnologyInnovationConsortiumandthe401TechBridge,just tonametwo,”Bussieresaid Franchetti theViceChiefofNavalOperations, spoke on Aug. 29 to a packed ballroom andputaspecialemphasisontheNavy’s“criticallyimportant”underseaforces
“I can’t overstate the importance of our
submarinefleet,bothfortodayandfortomorrow, shesaid “It’s imperative that we maintain the undersea advantage that our submarine forcesprovide Andwecan’tdothatwithout those of you who are here today to develop, build,maintainandrepairthosesubmarines.”
Sheadded,“Yourworkiscriticallyimportant bothforournation forourallies,andfor our nation. We must be able to deter fight, and win with these submarines And we are depending on you to deliver in this no-fail mission.”
DelToro,whoalsospokeonAug.29,characterized the relationship with the defense industryascriticaltothenation’ssuccess
“One of my top priorities is enhancing the Department of the Navy’s partnerships with you our defense industrial base,” Del Toro said. “That’s because our nation expects us to be ready with the necessary capabilities andcapacitytoprevailnowandinthefuture. Wecannotdothatwithoutatremendousand continuous push to innovate Ensuring the readinessandmodernizationourSailorsand Marines need to succeed in their mission is fundamental to all that we, in this room, do, whether we work for the private sector or the public What we do here together at this conference the connections we make, the relationshipswebuild istrulycriticaltoour
TurntoInnovation, Page 5
Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro announced today the establishment of the DepartmentoftheNavy’sScienceandTechnology Board (DON STB) federal advisory committee.Theboardwillprovideindependent advice and counsel to the Department of the Navy (DON) on matters and policies relating to scientific, technical, manufacturing acquisition,logistics,medicineandbusinessmanagementfunctions
Consistent with the guidance directed by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III for the governance of independent advisory boards, the DON looked to the nation’s talented, innovative private and public sector leaders, whose services will provide a more diverse and inclusive perspective that promotesvarietyinbackground,experience, andthoughtinsupportoftheBoard’smission.
The DON STB includes national security leaders who have served as Deputy SecretaryofDefense,SecretaryoftheNavy,White HouseDirectorforCybersecurity,andChief Naval Architect. It includes industry executives with both technology and manufacturing expertise, as well as noted thought leaders from national research universities and University-Affiliated Research Center Laboratories.
“We are eager to have the DON STB work with us to amplify existing initiatives and suggestnewpossibilitiesthatwillstrengthen our warfighting capabilities,” said Secretary DelToro “Ilookforwardtomeetingwithour nation’sleadingexperts,manyofwhomhave served in multiple roles within the government,academia,andindustry.”
SecretaryAustinappointedformerSecretaryoftheNavyDr RichardDanzigtoserve as the Chair of the DON STB. The Honorable Danzig brings more than 40 years of experienceasanexpertonnationalsecurity and intelligence strategy He has a proven record of achieving high levels of organiza-
tional productivity and efficiency and is a recognizedleaderintheintegrationoftechnical,operationalandstrategicperspectives.
He served as the 71st Secretary of the Navy from November 1998 to January 2001 and astheUnderSecretaryoftheNavybetween 1993 and 1997. He has been a member of the President’sIntelligenceAdvisoryBoardand the Defense Policy Board. From the spring of2007throughthePresidentialelectionof 2008 the Honorable Danzig was a senior advisor to then-Senator Obama on national security issues “I am honored to be appointed as the Chair of the DON STB, said the Honorable Danzig “The board’s highest priority will be to work with leaders in the Department of the Navy to match new opportunities in scienceandtechnologywithpresentservice needs.”
The Board will host its first meeting Sep 22, 2023. This partially closed meeting will includeclassifieddiscussionsontopicstasked bySecretaryDelToro
The Vice Chair of the DON STB will be Mr Howard Fireman, former Chief Naval Architect of the Navy The Board’s Designated Federal Official will be Ms. Maria Proestou,aformerindustryexecutivehighly qualifiedexpertservingasstrategicacquisition advisor to the Department of the Navy DON STB Members in addition to the HonorableDanzigandMr Firemanare:
Andrew G. Alleyne, Dean of the College of Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota
Jose L. Arrieta, CEO, Imagineer; Former Chief Information Officer, and Chief Data OfficeroftheU.S.DepartmentofHealthand HumanServices
Jesse H. Ausubel, Director Program for the Human Environment at the Rockefeller University
SteveG.Blank,AdjunctProfessor,Stanford University; Co-Creator of Hacking for
LanceCollins,VicePresident&Executive Director VirginiaTechInnovationcampus
Christine Fox, Former Acting Deputy Secretary of Defense; Former Director, DoD Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE); Senior Fellow, John Hopkins AppliedPhysicsLaboratory
JamesR.Gosler,FormerAssistantDirector Sandia National Laboratories, National Security Agency Visiting Scientist; Retired Capt., U.S. Navy; Senior Fellow at John HopkinsAppliedPhysicsLaboratory
SamuelGraham,DeanoftheClarkSchool ofEngineeringattheUniversityofMaryland
Chris Inglis, Former White House U.S. National Cyber Director, Former National Security Agency Chief Operating Officer; Retired Brig Gen., U.S. Air Force; Visiting Professor of Cyber Studies, U.S. Naval Academy
Thomas R. Kurfess Chief Manufacturing Officer Georgia Institute of Technology and Executive Director of the Georgia Tech ManufacturingInstitute
Cara LaPointe, Retired Capt., U.S. Navy; Co-Director, John Hopkins Institute for Assured Autonomy; Adjunct professor, EdmundWalshSchoolofForeignService
Justin Norman Maj. U.S. Marine Corps Reserve; Technical Director for Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Defense InnovationUnit(DIU)
Gregory Robinson, Former Program DirectoroftheJamesWebbSpaceTelescope, NASA; Faculty, Columbia University, School ofProfessionalStudies
Jocelyn Seng, Retired Maj. Gen., U.S. Air Force; Consultant, Institute for Defense Analyses
Robert Work, Former Deputy Secretary ofDefenseandUnderSecretaryof theNavy; Retired Col., U.S. Marine Corps; President, TeamWork,LLC
Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?
A: There are three types of housing available to families:
Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS. CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated NAVY HOUSING Norfolk: 757.445.2832
JEBLCFS: 757.462.2792
Oceana/DamNeck: 757.433.3268 Yorktown: 757.847.7806
Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and they’re all available to you at no cost.
ClinicalCounseling – Individual, Couplesand ChildCounseling
Personal Financial Management
Information & Referral
Family EmploymentAssistance
FamilyAdvocacy Program
Deployment and Mobilization Support
Ombudsman Support
Parenting Programs
Stress andAngerManagement
Command Support
Crisis Support
Suicide Prevention
SAPR Support
Vice ChiefofNaval OperationsAdm.Lisa Franchetti (from left),who has been nominated to serve as acting ChiefofNaval Operations,is greeted by Naval UnderseaWarfare CenterDivision Newport Commanding OfficerCapt.Chad Hennings on the opening dayofthe Defense Innovation Days hosted bythe Southeastern NewEngland Defense IndustryAlliance at the Marriott in Newport,Rhode Island,Aug.28-30 2023.Also attending the eventwere ChristopherDelMastro (second row,from left),head ofDivision Newport’s UnderseaWarfare Platforms and Payload Integration Department,and actingTechnical DirectorMarie Bussiere.(PHOTOBYRICHARDALLEN)Assistant Secretary of the Navy Berger
Kicks off Climate Week NYC with JROTC Students at Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum
StudentsfromCurtisHighSchool,Staten Island,andHighSchoolofGraphicCommunicationArts,Manhattan,metwithAssistant Secretary Berger to talk about the importance of climate change to their generation and the future force, and how their dedication to service and academics, especially Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math,cansupportfutureeffortstoconfront climatechange.
“Climate change is impacting our Navy and Marine Corps, and it is important to this generation, Berger said “Whether in uniformorasacivilian,ifyouareinterested
inworkingtomakesurethatwetakeaction toincreaseourclimateresilienceandreduce the climate threat and remain the world’s dominant maritime fighting force, at the Department of the Navy, we’ve got a place foryou.”
InadditiontotheirdiscussionwithBerger thestudentsobserveddisplaysfromtheU.S. MarineCorpsExpeditionaryEnergyOffice (E2O) that included the demonstration of Hydrogen Small Unit Power (H-SUP), Ruggedized Expeditionary Power Source (REPS),andtheFamilyofSolarPanelstechnologiesandlearnedaboutscholarshipand other opportunities available through the Office of Naval Research and the greater DepartmentoftheNavy
“Considering I grew up in a big city that uses a lot of electricity as we are the “City that never sleeps’, that can be a problem,”
said Annie Rodriguez, JROTC Cadet, High SchoolofGraphicCommunicationArts “To nowknowthemilitaryistryingtohelpwith this global crisis is relieving, as they are not just trying to stop global threats, but help theworld.”
Climate Week NYC is the largest annual climate event of its kind bringing together some 400 events and activities across the City of New York in person, hybrid and online Each year, business leaders, political change makers, local decision takers and civil society representatives of all ages and backgrounds, from all over the world, gathertodrivethetransition,speedupprogress and champion change that is already happening
ThisyearClimateWeekNYCwillbeheld from September 17-24, 2023 The event takes place every year in partnership with
theUnitedNationsGeneralAssemblyandis runincoordinationwiththeUnitedNations andtheCityofNewYork
Intrepid’s history includes becoming the first aircraft carrier in the fleet to launch aircraftwithsteam-poweredcatapults After a modernization period, Intrepid sailed in theUSSixthFleet,deployingmultipletimes throughout the Atlantic Ocean, MediterraneanSea,andthroughouttheCaribbean. Intrepidwasdecommissionedin1974and wassettobescrapped.NewYorkCitydeveloper and philanthropist Zachary Fisher spearheaded a campaign to save Intrepid fromthescrapyard Theshipopenedasthe centerpieceoftheIntrepidMuseumin1982 The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps is focused on increasing climate resilience, reducing the climate threat, and remaining theworld’sdominantmaritimeforce
PENSACOLA, Fla. More than 15 area ombudsmen were recognized for their support of service members at Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola’s annual Ombudsmen Appreciation Luncheon Sept 14 at the MustinBeachClub NAS Pensacola Commanding Officer Capt TerryShashatysignedaproclamation during the hour-long event, denoting Sept. 14 as Navy Family Ombudsman Program AppreciationDay.
“The contribution you make to the success of a command’s mission is immeasurable,” Shashaty said to Ombudsmen
representing several of NAS Pensacola’s tenantcommands.“Youreffortsinsupporting Navy families enable Sailors and commands to focus on mission requirements, all while knowing families have a trained and reliable resource to provide support.Althoughfamiliesmayexperience uncertain times or crisis events in their lives, you continue to bring compassion through your communication and ensure families feel supported at all times.”
Sept. 14 is set aside for Navy personnel and families to show appreciation to commandOmbudsmenfortheirdedicated service to the Fleet, Fighter and Family. This practice goes back to the inception of
theprogramin1970 whenAdmiralElmoR.
Zumwalt, Jr introduced the Navy Family Command Ombudsman Program created via Z-Gram 24 NASPensacolatenantcommandOmbudsmen present were individually recognized during the Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC)-coordinated event, receivingacertificateofappreciationandgiftbag Shashaty introduced by FFSC Director R Train Hatton during the event added that the link between the family and service member’s command remains vital to the overallsuccessofanymission
“When families in crisis receive information, resources, support and assistance
to better navigate their circumstances it increasesoverallresiliencyandmakesthem betterequippedtonavigatethemilitarylifestylewithgreaterstrength, hesaid NASPensacola,referredtoasthe‘Cradle of Naval Aviation,’ is designed to support operationalandtrainingmissionsoftenant commands, including the Naval Aviation Technical Training Center (NATTC); NavalAviationSchoolsCommand(NASC); Marine Aviation Training Support Groups (MATSG)21and23andservesastheheadquartersfor NavalEducationandTraining Command (NETC).
Pentagon leaders are gathering input from service members and their spouses, child development experts and early childhood educators aimed at generating discussions and gathering ideas for how to improve the Defense Department’s child care programs
TheOfficeoftheDeputyAssistantSecretary of Defense for Military Community andFamilyPolicyconvenedadaylongchild care summit today to facilitate discussions and capture a broad range of perspectives asDODofficialsidentifypoliciesthatbenefitmilitaryparentsandchildcareproviders AshishS.Vazirani,actingundersecretary ofdefenseforpersonnelandreadiness,said improvingaccesstoquality,affordablechild care is a critical component of the DOD’s focus on taking care of service members and their families
“When we take care of our people, members of our total force can focus on their mission to defend the nation,” Vaziranisaidashekickedoffthesummitin Washington “Takingcareofpeople’sbasic needs and improving the quality of life of our people is our mission at [the Office of theUndersecretaryofDefensefor]Personnel and Readiness because our people are our greatest advantage
“And to be absolutely clear, for a two-income family, child care is a basic need, and we have an obligation to do more to help our service members, civilian employees and their families meet that need,” he said.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III has prioritized efforts to strengthen support for DOD personnel and family members under his “Taking Care of Our Service Members and Families” initiative.
Improving access to child care is a key part of that effort.
The DOD operates one of the largest employer-sponsored child care programs in the U.S., serving more than 160,000 children every year The program is also recognizedasaleaderinearlychilddevelopment
Still Pentagon officials have said it’s imperative to continue to improve access toquality,affordableprogramsthatsuitthe unique needs of DOD families worldwide
“I hope you all know that you’ve got someone at the very top in your corner ready to fight for the issues that you’re working on and take child care to the very top within the Pentagon,” said Grier Martin, assistant secretary of defense for manpower and reserve affairs.
The summit featured panel discussions with officials overseeing child care policy at the service and department-wide levels andbriefingsfromchildhooddevelopment experts aimed at generating discussions and gathering ideas for how to improve DOD child care programs
Walter Gilliam executive director of the Buffett Early Childhood Institute at the University of Nebraska, was among the experts who provided insights into the importance of quality child care.
“Childcareisaninfrastructure,”hesaid. “Itisacoreinfrastructureforalleconomies, including the military.”
Gilliam highlighted the importance of reliable child care options for working parents and focused on the critically important work that well trained and engaged early childhood educators do in setting children on a lifelong path for success He also underscored the importance of
supporting the providers themselves.
“I can tell you this: Our children’s cups are filled to the degree that the early educators and child care providers’ cup is overflowing,” he said. “And unless that is happening,unlessourchildcareproviders are well, then our children that are in their care will not be.”
Attendees also took part in a variety of working group discussions focused on:
Enhancing the DOD Child Care in Your Homepilot.
Strategiestoimprovetherecruitmentand retentionofchildcareproviders.
Strategies to improve the well-being of frontlinechildcareproviders
Strategies to enhance communication effortsaboutchildcareprogramswithDOD families
The summit offered an opportunity for a variety of stakeholders throughout the DOD to have their voices heard. Officials saidthosevoicesarecriticalasDODpolicy makers continue to improve DOD child care programs
Patricia M. Barron, deputy assistant secretary of defense for military community and family policy said the insights gleaned from the workshop will be part of broaderdiscussionsasofficialscraftpolicy to build a stronger work force
“It takes a village, she said. “It does take all of us together, pulling together to get after what we want. And what we want is to provide the very best quality, affordable childhoodexperienceforthemostimportant people in our lives: our children.”
The Navy will commission the future USS Marinette (LCS 25) as the newest Freedom-variantlittoralcombatship(LCS) duringa10:00a.m.CSTceremonyonSaturday,Sept 16,inMenominee,Michigan
The Honorable Mike Gallagher, U.S. Representative, Wisconsin’s 8th District, will deliver the commissioning ceremony’s principal address Remarks will also be provided by the Honorable Russell Rumbaugh, Assistant Secretary of the Navy forFinancialManagementandComptroller; Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall, Jr Judge Advocate General of the Navy; the Honor-
able Jean Stegeman, Mayor of Menominee, Michigan; the Honorable Steve Genisot, Mayor of Marinette, Wisconsin; and Mr Chauncey McIntosh, Vice President and General Manager Lockheed Martin Integrated Warfare Systems and Sensors The ship’s sponsor is the Honorable Jennifer Granholm, Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy LCS 25 is the 13th Freedom-variant LCS, the 25th in the class. She is the first naval warship to bear the name of Marinette, Michigan and the third naval vessel. Marinette (YTB-791) and Marinette County (LST 953) were previously named for the community Marinette received its name
on Sept. 22, 2016 The name recognizes the contributionsofhernamesaketownandthe great shipbuilders who bring these ships to life, ensuring they are ready to accomplish missiontaskinginsupportournation’smaritimestrategy TheLCSclassconsistsoftwovariants,the Freedom and the Independence, designed and built by two industry teams Lockheed MartinleadstheFreedom-variantteam,the odd-numberedhulls,inMarinette,Wisconsin AustalUSAleadstheIndependence-variant team in Mobile Alabama, for LCS 6 and thesubsequenteven-numberedhulls Littoral combat ships are fast, optimally-manned, mission-tailored surface
combatants that operate in near-shore and open-oceanenvironments,winningagainst 21st-century coastal threats LCS integrate with joint, combined, manned and unmanned teams to support forward-presence, maritime security, sea control and deterrencemissionsaroundtheglobe
The ceremony will be live streamed at: Thelink becomes active approximately ten minutes priortotheevent(9:50a.m CST).
More information on the littoral combat ship program can be found at: https:// Display-FactFiles/Article/2171607/littoralcombat-ship-class-lcs/
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy through its Manufacturing Capability Expansion and Investment Prioritization(MCEIP)office,hasawarded a three-year, $30 million project to establishanenergystoragesystemscampus The projectwillacceleratetransitionandscaling ofnextgenerationbatteries,whilereducing dependenceonscarcecriticalmaterials
The University of Texas at Dallas spearheaded the successful bid, with a diverse consortium comprising multiple universities, emerging and established businesses, and four national laboratories The energy storage systems campus is part of DoD’s Scaling Capacity and Accelerating Local
Enterprises(SCALE)initiativewhichstimulates commercial investment and builds robust,sustainablemarketsintechnologies that are essential to national security It is partofaportfolioof newMCEIPprograms designed to lower barriers for emerging domesticcompanies,whilemakingiteasier for commercial industry to expand their production in support of DoD and other nationalsecuritycustomers
“The SCALE initiative is built on robust researchthatindicatesmarketpullisneeded to transition innovative technologies into new domestic industrial base capability and capacity,” said Dr Laura Taylor-Kale Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy “Our approach of aggregating demand across national security and commercial markets will generate that
marketpull,drasticallyreducingtimelinesto transitionandscaleemergingtechnologies.”
The energy storage systems campus will leverageandstimulateover$200millionin privatecapital,toaccomplishthreecomplementary objectives: optimizing current lithium ion-based battery performance, acceleratingdevelopmentandproductionof next generation batteries, and ensuring the availabilityofrawmaterialsneededforthese batteries It incorporates workforce development as a key pillar, bringing together universities, trade schools and businesses to create job growth while upskilling the domesticworkforce
AbouttheDepartmentofDefense’sOffice of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for IndustrialBasePolicy:TheAssistantSecretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy is
theprincipaladvisortotheUnderSecretary ofDefenseforAcquisitionandSustainment (USD(A&S)) for developing Department of Defense policies for the maintenance of the United States defense industrial base (DIB), executing small business programs and policy, and conduction geo-economic analysis and assessments The office also provides the USD(A&S) with recommendationsonbudgetmattersrelatedtotheDIB, anticipates and closes gaps in manufacturing capabilities for defense systems, and assesses impacts related to mergers acquisition and divestitures. IBP monitors and assesses the impact of foreign investments intheUnitedStatesandexecutesauthorities undersections2501and2505U.S.C.Title10
Apanel ofspeakers discuss child care programs across the militaryservices during a Defense Department child care summit inWashington,Sept 15,2023.(COURTESYPHOTO)ournation’ssuccess,todayandtomorrow.
Reed, who chairs the Senate Armed ServicesCommittee, provided theopening remarks during areception onAug.28. He saidasChina,Russiaandothernationspose potential threats to national security,there is aneed to transform the Departmentof Defenseandthedefenseindustryatlarge
“Itcan be achievedby reimagining how we fight and by investing in innovation,” Reed said.“To reimaginehow we fight, we firsthavetorecognizethenatureofcompetition, deterrence and conflict in the 21st century.It haschanged dramatically and swiftly.Cyberand information operations canshapethebattlespaceasfundamentally asairandseapower.”
To keep pace with evolving threats, Reed said, the Department of Defense mustbewilling to innovate “atthe speed of relevance,” which starts with investing in modernization, specificallyacquisition reform.
“Wehavethe world’sbestinnovators in the defense industry and the commercial sector,and we have to find ways to help themworkmorecloselytogethertoproduce next-generationdefensesystems,”hesaid.
Reed highlighted the U.S. Navy’s submarineforce,callingitthe“finestintheworld,” andsaidrecapitalizingintheunderseafleet is paramount.Hesaid the aging Ohio-class submarine mustbereplaced by Columbia-class ships,notingthatlastyearamilestonewasreachedwhentheNavycompleted acontract for the next five Columbia-class submarines.
“Manyofyou represent the present and thefutureofoursubmarinefleet,andIhope we continue to supportyour endeavors to maintain our undersea dominance,” Reed said.
Of utter importance to maintainingthat dominance is the workforce,whichReed
said has been challenged in recent yearsby “institutional roadblocks,such as limited career growth opportunities,hiring caps payfreezesandhighlycompetitivebenefits intheprivatesector.
Reed saidCongress andDOD mustfind waystodeveloplong-termsustainableinitiativestoattractandretainskilledpersonnel.
Reed closed by saying the wayforwardis throughcollaboration.
“When possible,weneedtodomoreto link the innovators at our local research universities likeBrown and URI, as well as the engineersand scientists at NUWC [DivisionNewport] and othergovernment labs,tohelp find ways to giveacompetitive advantage to our local small businesses as they seek to compete in the global technologicalmarketplace,”hesaid.“Wealsoneed to develop new models of public-private partnerships,shared research activities andfacilities,andanexchangeinpersonnel betweengovernmentandindustry.”
Lessons learneddecades ago can be applied today, Franchetti said, as she compared the U.S. Navy in the2020s to the forceofthe 1930s,using the term “decisive decade”todescribe both. Back then, at the heightoftheGreatDepression,thefleetwas too small,insufficiently funded andlacked balanceastherewereonlytwoplatforms battleshipsandsubmarines.Thatchangedas thecountryenteredWorldWarII.
Today’sfocusistodevelopnewtacticsand capabilitiesthroughanenergizedwar-gamingenterpriseattheU.S.NavalWarCollege inNewportandtoconstructadiversefleetto include manned and unmanned platforms The Navy alsomusthavealong-termstrategy,increasingthe capacity of the fleet at peacetime so thecountry can be effective whenit’stimetogotowar.
“Ourcountrystandsataninflectionpoint in history,” Franchetti said. “Our national securitystrategymakesitclearthatweface tremendous challenges,aswell as unprecedented opportunities.It’sour responseto the decisions that we makeinthis decisive decadethat willnot only impact the secu-
rity andprosperityofthe American people, butwillreallydeterminethedirectionofour world.”
Seidle, the Deputy AssistantSecretaryof the Navy for Research, Development, Test andEngineering(RDT&E),whichoversees 57,000civilianemployees,multiplesystems commands and 15 warfare centers, including NUWCDivision Newport, discussed the“criticalityofthetimeswe’rein”andthe importantroletheRDT&Eenterpriseplays fortheNavyduringhistalkonAug.29
“Ifweare drawninto aconflictatsome timeoverthenextdecade,itismyfirmbelief that our successwillbepredicatedby our technical advantage and the operabilityof systems,”hesaid.“Itisourjobtoprovideto our bestasset —our Sailors and Marines thebestpossibleequipmentandtechnology to prevail in anyfuture high-end conflictso theycancomehomesafely.”
ThestrengthoftheNavy’smaritimedominance and submarine communitywillbe critical as well, said Seidle,who previously servedasexecutivedirectorfortheNAVSEA WarfareCenters Changeiscomingtothebattlefield,Seidle said,whetherit’sartificial intelligence or unmanned systems,and to be successful thereneedstobea cohesiveand coherent technical strategy forthe Navy.That starts withbuilding“connectivetissue”amongthe organizationsandsystemscommandsunder thepurviewoftheRDT&Eenterprise
“We’re drivingthe teamtobehaveasone technical enterprise with astrong,understoodtechnicalstrategysothatwecanpivot moreefficiently and moreeffectively when needed,”Seidlesaid.
On Aug. 29,ViceAdm.WilliamHouston, commanderofSubmarine Forces,the U.S. Atlantic Fleet and the Allied Submarine Command, and Lisa Radocha,a memberof the senior executiveservice and executive director of the Program ExecutiveOffice Attack Submarines,led apanel on theblossoming AUKUSprogram, atrilateral security pact between Australia, the United KingdomandUnitedStates
Houston said AUKUSisa powerfulpartnershipcentral to ensuring afreeand open Indo-Pacific region and acalledita“force multiplier”that is needed as the Chinese continuetoincreasetheirforces
He noted this year’s National Defense Authorization Actprovides increased support for high-end impact research at theOffice of NavalResearch, as well as the NUWCDivisionNewport,whichissupporting the dual-pillar AUKUSprogram on a numberoffronts “AstheplanforAUKUSPillar2continues to take shape, these organizations and the criticalresearchtheyareconductingwillbe centraltoPillar2activities,”Houstonsaid.
Avideo featuring Division Newport at Defense InnovationDaysisposted here: video/896841/nuwc-division-newport-participates-2023-senedia-defense-innovation-days
NUWCNewport is the oldestwarfare center in the country,tracing its heritage tothe NavalTorpedo Station established on GoatIslandinNewportHarbor in 1869 Commanded by Capt. Chad Hennings, NUWCNewport maintains majordetachments in West Palm Beach, Florida, and AndrosIslandintheBahamas,aswellastest facilitiesatSenecaLakeandFisher’sIsland, NewYork, Leesburg, Florida,and Dodge Pond,Connecticut.
Joinourteam!NUWCDivisionNewport, one of the 20 largestemployers in Rhode Island,employs adiverse,highly trained, educated, and skilled workforce.Weare continuously lookingfor engineers,scientists,andotherSTEMprofessionals,aswell as talented business,finance,logistics and othersupportexpertswhowishtobeatthe forefront of undersearesearch anddevelopment.Please connect with NUWCDivisionNewportRecruitingatthissite:https:// and followusonLinkedIn @ NUWC-Newport and on Facebook@ NUWCNewport
NationalPOW/MIARecognitionDay,thethirdFridayinSeptember,honors U.S.servicememberswhowereprisonersofwarandthosestillmissinginaction fromeveryconflictsince andincluding,WorldWarII
TheDefenseDepartmenthasasteadfastcommitmenttofinding,recovering, identifyingandrepatriatingtheremainsofitsheroeswhoareunaccountedfor, saidKellyK.McKeague,directoroftheDefensePOW/MIAAccountingAgency.
“The work is complex, arduous and often involves great risk. It is also a humanitarian effort that benefits from the strong cooperation of 45 partner nations,”hesaid
Everyyearforthelast30years,leadersandforensicexpertsfromtheagency have briefed the families of the missing on the status of searches and identificationofservicemembers’remains
Each family is provided an individual case summary on the status of their missinglovedone,McKeaguesaid.
AsofMay22,over81,000U.S.servicemembersarestillmissing,withabout 75%ofthosestillmissingintheIndo-Pacificregion,accordingtotheagency.
Thesearchcanbedifficultbecauseofroughterrain,verydeepoceanlocations withobjectscoveredinsedimentandadverseweather,amongotherthings
With so many still unaccounted for, the agency’s mission will continue for theforeseeablefuture,bothonlandandatsea
Fortunately advances in forensic sciences such as the use of DNA, dental analysisandcranialorskeletalsuperimposition alongwithanimprovedabilitytocompilemoredetailedhistoricalrecords,makeitpossiblefortheagency toassess orreassess unidentifiedremains
Family members, even distant relatives, can help the agency with the identification process by providing their DNA samples, as well as photographs of theirlostlovedones,accordingtotheagency
National POW/MIA Recognition Day was established in 1979 through a proclamation signed by President Jimmy Carter. Since then, every president hasissuedanannualproclamationcommemoratingthatday.
Kickoff Hispanic Heritage Month with Black Bean Chilaquiles
Chilaquiles is a traditional Mexican breakfast dish in which crisp tortillas are simmered in salsa or mole sauce and then combined with eggs, queso fresco and beans PageC4
SevenVenues & Broadway in Norfolk announce tickets for BEETLEJUICE are on sale now!
NORFOLK, Va It’s showtime! BroadwayinNorfolkandSevenVenuesannounced todaythatsingleticketsfortheNorthAmerican Tour of BEETLEJUICE the edgy and irreverent Broadway smash hit musical comedy coming Tuesday, December 12Sunday,17toChryslerHallforeightperformances, will go on sale at 10 a.m. on Friday, September 15 Tickets will be available for purchase at the Scope Arena box office and at Group orders of ten or more may be placed by calling 757-6646418 For more information visit
Based on Tim Burton’s dearly beloved film, this hilarious musical tells the story of LydiaDeetz,astrangeandunusualteenager whose whole life changes when she meets a recently deceased couple and a demon with a thing for stripes. With an irreverent book, an astonishing set, and a score that’s out of this Netherworld, BEETLEJUICE is “SCREAMINGLY GOOD FUN!” (Variety). And under its uproarious surface (six feet under to be exact), it’s a remarkably touchingshowaboutfamily,love,andmakingthe mostofeveryDay-O!
BEETLEJUICE is directed by Tony Award® winner Alex Timbers (Moulin Rouge!, Director of Warner Bros forthcoming TOTO, the animated musical film adaptationofMichaelMorpurgoandEmma ChichesterClark’s2017book)withanoriginal score by Tony Award nominee Eddie Perfect(KingKong);abookbyTonyAward nominee Scott Brown (“Castle Rock”) and TonyandEmmyAward®nomineeAnthony King(“Robbie”);musicsupervision,orchestrationsandincidentalmusicbyKrisKukul (Joan of Arc: Into the Fire); and choreography by Connor Gallagher (The Robber Bridegroom).
BEETLEJUICE features scenic design by three-time Tony Award nominee David Korins (Hamilton); costume design by six-time Tony Award winner William Ivey Long (The Producers); lighting design by TonyAwardwinnerKennethPosner(Kinky Boots);sounddesignbyTonyAwardwinner Peter Hylenski (Moulin Rouge!); projection design by Tony Award nominee and Drama Desk Award winner Peter Nigrini (Dear Evan Hansen); puppet design by Drama Desk Award winner Michael Curry (The Lion King); special effects design by Jeremy Chernick (Harry Potter and the CursedChild),hairandwigdesignbyDrama Desk Award nominee Charles G. LaPointe; make-updesignbyJoeDuludeII;associate
director is Catie Davis and associate choreographer is Michael Fatica; casting by The TelseyOffice Producers for BEETLEJUICE include Warner Bros Theatre Ventures, Langley Park Productions and NETworks Presentations.
BEETLEJUICE opened at Broadway’s Winter Garden Theatre on Thursday, April 25,2019,presentedbyWarnerBros Theatre Ventures(MarkKaufman)andLangleyPark Productions (Kevin McCormick), and won the Drama Desk Award and Outer Critics
including on TikTok, which lead to an additional burst of ticket sales from a new audience for Broadway, making the musicaloneofthetopgrossingshowsonBroadway, going on to break the Winter Garden box office record. The smash hit musical BEETLEJUICE played 366 performances at the Winter Garden Theatre on Broadway before being shuttered with the rest of Broadway on March 12, 2020 BEETLEJUICE returned triumphantly to Broadway with performances on April 8, 2022, at the Marquis Theatre where it continues to
ofthealbum,reachingthelistoftop10most streamed OBCRs of the previous decade
The show’s songs have placed in Spotify’s “Viral50”chartsin13differentcountries In addition,“SayMyName,”oneoftheshow’s breakout showstoppers, was chosen as Amazon’s “Alexa Song of the Day” in 2019.
The incredible growth is partly a result of user-generated content on TikTok, where songsfromthealbumhavebeenusedinover onemillionvideos
BEETLEJUICE is based on the 1988 AcademyAward®-winningGeffenCompany
CircleAwardforDavidKorins’scenicdesign and was nominated for eight Tony Awards including Best New Musical. BEETLEJUICE had a history making run on Broadway - following the release of the musicals original Broadway cast recording and Tony Awardsappearance,theboxofficeexploded, making it the surprise hit of the 2018⁄2019 season. BEETLEJUICE’s Tony Awards performance has gone on to be the most watchedmusicalnumberfromthebroadcast with over 3,921,530 views BEETLEJUICE became a sensation with fans everywhere
GHOSTLIGHT RECORDS and WARNER RECORDS released BEETLEJUICE ORIGINAL BROADWAY CAST RECORDINGfordigitaldownload,streaming and on CD The album is produced by TonyAwardwinnerMattStine TonyAward winnerAlexTimbers,TonynomineeEddie Perfect and three-time Grammy Award winnerKurtDeutschandhassurpassed250 millionstreamsintheUnitedStatesand760 million streams globally. These landmark numbers continue the remarkable success
FollowonTikTok,Twitter,and Instagram@BeetlejuiceBway.
NORFOLK, Va On Sept 30 at 10 a.m the MacArthur Memorial in downtown Norfolk will open a new exhibit: The Price ofUnpreparedness:POWsinthePhilippines duringWorldWarII
TheopeningeventforThePriceofUnpreparedness will feature a brief program and aribboncutting Severalformersurvivors childrenatthetimeoftheircaptivity will bepresent.TheeventandexhibitareFREE, but registration is encouraged. The Price of Unpreparedness will remain on exhibit throughSpring2025.
Within five months of the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan’s empire expanded to include 110 million new subjects and over 132,000 prisoners of war. In the Philippines,20,000Americanand70,000Filipino personnelweresurrenderedandtakeninto captivity 8,000 Allied civilians were also incarcerated. The Price of Unpreparedness documents the nightmare these men, women, and children endured for the next threeandahalfyears.
Thosefortunatetosurvivehadonequestion after liberation: “What is the price of unpreparedness?”ThePriceofUnpreparedness explores that question while sharing this little-known chapter in American and Philippinehistory. Visit for moreinformation.
About the MacArthur Memorial: The MacArthur Memorial was founded in 1964 as a museum and library dedicated to the lifeandtimesofGeneraloftheArmyDouglasMacArthur,whoisburiedintheMemorial’s rotunda with his wife Jean. The City of Norfolk operates the Memorial in partnershipwiththenonprofitGeneralDouglas MacArthurFoundation.Themuseumserves 75,000 people annually and is open free of charge. For more information, please visit
Photo fromThe Price ofUnpreparedness: POWs in the Philippines duringWorldWarII exhibit (WWW.MACARTHURMEMORIAL.ORG)
INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7
motion picture presented by Warner Bros and directed by Tim Burton. The smash hit comedystarredMichaelKeaton,AlecBaldwin, Geena Davis, Jeffrey Jones, Catherine O’Hara and Winona Ryder with story by MichaelMcDowellandLarryWilson.SUBMIT YOUR EVENTS, NEWS AND PHOTOS
The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online.
Only event hosted on Norfolk’s cruise ship pier features sailboats, local brews, live music & more
On September 23 one day prior to the 4,000-passenger cruise ship Carnival Magic returning to Norfolk from the Bahamas, Nauticus’ downtown cruise ship pier will be transformed into the ultimate waterfront event space.ThesecondannualSailFestreturnswithacommunity regattaandpierparty.ThefundraisersupportsSailNauticus, a sailing program for our local, underserved youth.
The family-friendly waterfront event features a driving range(withbiodegradablegolfballs),thelivemusicofSchoonerorLater sailboatracing,andlocalvendors.Ticketholders will enjoy the best creations of local favorites Waters Edge Winery, Elation Brewing, and Neptune’s Fury Coffee Co
“This is a unique, fun celebration for our community,” said Director of Development & Marketing, Rehn West “But our guests definitely know they’re supporting a program that makes a real difference in the lives of Hampton Roads students.”
Community members interested in attending SailFest shouldvisitwww.nauticus.orgtopurchasetickets Theevent features adult and child tickets to include drinks and food fromlocalfoodtrucks,HadesWoodFiredPizzaandHangry’s But hurry, tickets are selling fast!
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va – Grab your best friends and head to Shady Pines! The Golden Girls are back and better than ever inabrand-newstageshowthat’smoreexciting than a trip to St Olaf Golden Girls: The LaughsContinuearrivesatVirginiaBeach’s Sandler Center for the Performing Arts for an exclusive limited engagement, November3 4. Miami’s sassiest seniors have returned for one more hurrah. It’s 2023, and we find Sophia out on bail, after being busted by the DEA for running a drug ring for retirees Blanche and Rose have founded CreakN, a thriving sex app for seniors And Dorothy is tryingtoholditalltogether,withhelpfroma new(much)youngersex-crazedlover.Golden Girls:TheLaughsContinueallowsaudiences torelivetheheartfelthilarityofthefourladies whoneverstoppedbeingbestfriends.
Golden Girls: The Laughs Continue is a professional stage show unlike any other Golden Girls tribute that you might have experienced. The play is written by Robert Leleux,authorofTheMemoirsofaBeautiful Boy and The Living End. His work has also appeared in The New York Times and The New York Times Magazine, and his other plays have been produced across the country Direction by Eric Swanson, who wastheco-founderandExecutiveDirector of The Detroit Actors’ Theatre Company
The cast includes Ryan Bernier as Dorothy, Vince Kelley as Blanche Adam Graber as Rose, Christopher Kamm as Sophia, and Jason Bowen as Stanley/Troy. The productionisproducedbyMurray&PeterPresent. TicketswillgoonsalethisFriday,September 8 at 10 AM and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.comorbyvisitingtheSandler Center box office located at 201 Market Street,VirginiaBeach,VA23462.Ticketsare priced at $32 $47, $62, and $77, plus applicable fees To receive the exclusive presale code to purchase tickets before the general public, join the Sandler Center Cyber Club at The presale for this show will take place on Thursday, September7from10AMto10PM.
Follow Golden Girls: The Laughs Continue on social media:
of Presenting Sponsor, Bay Power Solutions and community sponsors Rivers Casino Portsmouth, Xylem Tree Experts SouthernBank,VirginiaInstituteofMarineScience(VIMS), Williams Mullen, Gentry Locke, Virginia Pilot Association, HamptonRoadsShippingAssociationandVirginiaMaritime Association.
About Nauticus: Nauticus is a maritime discovery center locatedalongthewaterfrontindowntown,Norfolk,VA,offeringauniqueformofexperientiallearningforallages.Through interactive exhibits and STEM to STERN programming, Nauticus uses the museum, Battleship Wisconsin, sailing center and Schooner Virginia to tell the story of the maritime environment, industry and the military The Nauticus Foundationisthenonprofit,501©3thatsupportsthemission and activities of Nauticus Nauticus’ mission is to benefit the community through education, impactful experiences, and sharing access to maritime resources For more information, visit
Partyon the Nauticus cruise pierwith us aswe celebrate oursailing community!Testyourluck at hitting biodegradable golfballs from the pier towin prizes Sponsored byXylemTree Experts (PHOTOCOURTESYOFNAUTICUS)
return to Virginia
for weekend of laughs, cheesecake, and a perfect girl’s night out
Virginia Stage Company At The Wells Theatre is proud to start its 45 season with Fiddler On The Roof, October 4th-29th. This new production, directed by Gary John La Rosa, has a wonderful cast and a lavish orchestra. It is the timeless heartwarming story of fathers and daughters husbandsandwivesandthetraditionsthat define faith, family and all of us It features the Broadway classics: Tradition, If I were a Rich Man, Sunrise Sunset, Do You Love Me?, To Life and many more. For all the info, go to
Yiorgo:Withustodaytotellusallabout it is Actor Director Writer and Blogger Scott Rollins who plays the Constable in Fiddler Tell us Scott, why should people come to this production of Fiddler? What will they see, hear and experience?
Scott Rollins: It’s a universal show that never feels dated. This show is timeless and it relates to what’s happening in the world right now with what is going on in theUkraineandRussiaandtheoppression going on now, being the same back then. Also, the Wells Theatre has really been fixedupwithsound,lightingandthechairs. They have had a complete overhaul. And it’s Fiddler, so you can’t go wrong with the music. This show is going to be quite spectacular
Y:Forthosenotfamiliar,whatisthestory about?
SR: It tells the story of Tevye the Milkman in the village of Anatevka, and how several of his daughters want to marry someoneoftheirchoiceandnotwhoTevye wantsthemtomarry Tevyealsoisre-evaluatinghisrelationshipwithhiswifeandthe problemsoflivinginaRussianvillageinthe midst of the Russian Revolution
Y:Whodoyouplayandhowdoyoutake on a role like that in essence the bad guy?
SR:IplaytheRussianConstablewhohas todowhathehastodoforhisjob Heisthe antagonist and even though he is doing his job,heishavingsomeissueswithit.Ithink
it’s important that the Constable has that human element where the audience sees that he is not a monster
Y: Anything you want to share about some of the other cast members?
SR: It’s always nice when you work with some of the same people from other shows John Cauthen, Matt Friedman and Alec Gillam are people who I have worked with before. Of course it’s always exciting to work with new people as well. I met our Tevye John Payonk and he is going to be awesome Just one night of hanging out with him, I can tell our Tevye is going to be special.
Y: From seeing the movie or the play before, what is your favorite part in the play?
SR: The, Do you Love Me? duet with TevyeandGoldeisalwaysoneofmyfavorites and the whole nightmare number is very well done and a favorite of mine
Y: The play has such great dialogue, do you have any favorite lines?
SR:Ilovethedialoguebetweenmycharacter and Tevye. When the Constable calls Tevye a Jewish dog and Tevye says “Too bad you’re not Jewish. and the Constable says,“What,mebeingJewish,that’shilarious. isafavoriteofmine.Reallyeverything that Tevye says is gold. I also love when Tevye talks to God and the Fiddler.
Y: Let’s talk about you. Where were you born and what made you fall in love with the world of entertainment?
SR: I was born in Poquoson, Virginia and growing up as a kid I was always into acting MyparentswouldgettheTVGuide, wewouldwatchTVandIwouldactoutthe showsaroundthehouse Inmysenioryear in high school I got involved with theatre. I got cast in Count Dracula and that first night performing in front of an audience, I gotmyfirstlaugh,Iwaslike,thisisit,thisis whatI’vebeenlookingforandwhatIwant to do There was a scene where Dracula turns into a bat and flies off the set and we hear a car drive off I’m playing Jonathan Harker and I say, “He drove that car out of here like a bat out of Hell.” I was bitten by
the bug Or in this case the bat, lol
Y: You have been in some fascinating plays What are some of your favorite roles that you enjoyed playing?
SR:Fiddlerismy150thshowandthe10th showthatIamdoingattheWellsTheatre I amreallylookingforwardtobeinginitand playingtheConstable Draculadefinitely,I playedJonathanHarkerinhighschool,six years later I played Renfield and in 2009 I played Dracula at ODU and working with the great Katherine Hammond was one of thebestexperiencesever Notmanyactors cansaythattheyplayedthreecharactersin the Dracula cannon
Another favorite was playing Captain John Smith in the great Chip Fortier’s 1607 First Landing as well as playing the devil Mr Applegate in Damn Yankees, also McMurphyinOneFlewOvertheCuckoo’s Nest, Biff in Death of a Salesman, Eddie in A View from a Bridge and more. I must say thatmydad’sfavoritealwayswasTheNerd
SR: I did theater for about 10 years and then I started doing film. I’ve done the re-enactment TV shows all the different New Dominion series and I did get to do a scene with John Goodman in the movie, Evan Almighty and that was a highlight.
I also enjoy doing plays with my wife Lynn. I actually proposed to her in 2005 aftertheclosingsceneofTeaandSympathy. Idroppedtomykneeinfrontof200unsuspectingpatronsandthankfullyshesaidyes. Thefunnythingwassheissoftspoken,she was crying and someone in the audience said,“Whatdidshesay? Shesaidyesagain. Wehavedonedozensofplaystogetherand I have directed her in a short movie Right now, 17 years of marriage and for the first time, we are doing separate shows at the same time with her doing Radium Girls at LittleTheaterofNorfolk,October20th-November 5th.
Y: Tell us about your blog that you have been doing for quite some time
SR:It’sthatcatchytitle:TheScottRollins FilmandTVTriviaBlog Itstartedwithme sending emails and posts to friends about
the lives of character actors that nobody knewandChipFortier,authorof1607First Landingsaid,“YouknowScott,youshould create a blog and stop sending us these emails.” So that was back in 2010 and I’m closing in on 10 million hits I enjoy going on there and seeing hits from all over the world. I once looked at my rankings and I wasintheupper50%ofblogs sothatmade mefeelprettygood.Ialsowillspendhours looking for photos to include that no one else uses
One of my favorite comments on there was from the son of the great character actor Jason Bernard. Jason has passed away,Iwroteatributeandhissonthanked me about what a lovely tribute that was.
Y:Howaboutapinchmemomentortwo youcan’tbelievethislittleboyfromPoquoson got to experience and be a part of?
SR:IgottoperformMidsummerNight’s Dream with the Virginia Stage Company and the Virginia Symphony at Chrysler Hall. Also when I get caught up in the momentandwhenIhaveagreatscenewith another actor Connecting with another actor, there is nothing like it.
Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist.
Actor,director writerand bloggerScott Rollins plays the Constable in Fiddleron the Roof (COURTESYPHOTO) Scott Rollins performs in Count Dracula.(PHOTOCOURTESYOFSCOTTROLLINS)ByAmericanHeartAssociationNews
Chilaquiles is a traditional Mexican breakfast dish in which crisp tortillas are simmered in salsa or mole sauce and then combined with eggs queso fresco (fresh Mexicancheese),andbeans Inthisversion, fresh tomato, cilantro, and jalapeño add more flavor. For a spicier dish, leave in the jalapeñoseeds
Calories: 235 Per Serving
Protein: 18g Per Serving
Fiber: 4g Per Serving
Servings: 4 Serving Size: ¾ cup
36-inchcorntortillas stacked,cutinto¾-inchstrips thencutcrosswiseinto1-inchsquares
½cupcrumbledquesofrescoorfarmer’scheeseand¼cup crumbledquesofrescoorfarmer’scheese,divideduse
¾cupcannedno-salt-addedblackbeans,rinsedand drained
1mediumjalapeño,seedsandribsdiscardedifdesired, chopped
In a large bowl, using a fork, lightly beat the egg whites, eggs, and salt.Stirinthetortillasquaresand½cupquesofresco
In a small bowl, stir together the beans and chipotle powder Fold intotheeggwhitemixture.Setasidesothetortillascansoften. In a large nonstick skillet, heat the oil over medium heat, swirling to coat the bottom. Cook the onion and jalapeño for 3 minutes, stirringoccasionally. Stir the tomatoes into the egg white mixture. Pour into the skillet. Cookfor4to5minutes,oruntiltheeggsareset,stirringoccasionally. Just before serving, sprinkle with the cilantro and the remaining ¼ cupquesofresco
Cooking Tip: Aneasywaytochopcilantroistopulltheleavesoffthe stems puttheminacustardcupormeasuringcup andcoarselysnip themwithsharpkitchenshears Thismethodalsoworkswellforother herbs,suchasparsleyandbasil
Here is a great American, Simple Cooking with Heart dish to make on a game day, a weekendorwhenyouhavealittleextratime
Calories: 445 Per Serving
Protein: 33g Per Serving
Fiber: 8g Per Serving
Servings: 6
For the BBQ Sauce and Sandwiches:
12slicesthinlyslicedgreenapple (about1apple)
12slicesthinlyslicedredonion (about½anonion)
For the Homemade Potato Chips:
For the Pulled Pork:
2½-3poundlean,cutporkloinroast (allvisiblefatdiscarded)
For the BBQ Sauce and Sandwiches:
Whisk together applesauce, preserves, chilipowderandvinegartomakeBBQsauce.
Toss sauce with pulled pork. Fill each slider bun with about ¼ cup pork, apple slicesandredonionslices
For the Homemade Potato Chips:
Preheatovento350degreesF. Slice potato as thinly as possible, into about⅛inchthinslices.
Place one sheet of parchment paper on one of the baking sheets Spray evenly with cooking spray and place one layer of potato slices Spray another coat of cooking spray over the potatoes Place another sheet of parchment paper Turn the other baking sheetupsidedownontopofthebakingsheet withthepotatoes.
Bake for 20 minutes
Uncover top baking
sheet and parchment paper, sprinkle with pepper and bake for an additional 15 minutes Remove any chips that begin to turn too brownbeforethe15minutesisover.Letcool andservewithporksliders
For the Pulled Pork: In a small bowl, combine thyme, garlic powder, 1 tsp chili powder, paprika and
pepper Rubevenlyoverpork.Setaside.
In a small bowl, whisk together ½ cup applesauce, ¼ cup vinegar, honey, chicken broth and water. In crock-pot, scatter onions to cover the bottom of dish. Place pork on top of onion and pour applesauce mixtureoverpork. Cook onlowsetting for 6-7 hours
Remove meat from crock-pot and discard remaining cooking liquid. When
cool enough to touch, shred pork by hand or with two forks, discarding any fat and/ or bones (Optional- remove onions with serrated spoon).
Quick Tip: Shredding the pork when it is cooled and assembling the sliders are safe and fun steps to involve kids when preparingthismeal.
The American Stroke Association promotes R.Á.P.I.D.O., a newly developed, culturally relevant Spanish acronym, to raise awareness of common stroke symptoms
ByAmericanHeartAssociationNewsDALLAS, Texas When someone has a stroke every second counts. Identifying the symptoms and calling 911 quickly can make the difference between life and death or long-term disability According to American Stroke Association stroke survey data, only 39% of Hispanic-Latino consumers said they were familiar with the English stroke warning sign acronym, F.A.S.T., and only 42% could correctly name two stroke warningsignsunaided.Tohelpclosethegap between knowledge and action, the American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, is launching JuntosContraelDerrameCerebral,aculturallyrelevantSpanish-languagecampaignto raise awareness among Spanish-dominant audiences around the use and understanding of R.Á.P.I.D.O., a Spanish acronym for strokewarningsignsthatcanhelpsavelives Hispanic-Latino adults in the U.S. have a higherriskofstrokeduetounmanagedrisk factors limited access to health care lower health literacy rates, cultural barriers and socioeconomic determinants of health.[1] Hispanic-Latino stroke patients also have longer delay times to hospital arrival than non-Hispanic stroke patients[2], greater stroke severity[3] and poorer outcomes following stroke[4]. Juntos Contra el Derrame Cerebral aims to increase awareness of R.Á.P.I.D.O address health disparitiesandultimatelyimprovestrokeoutcomes in the Hispanic-Latino community The acronym is constructed to teach the five warning signs of stroke and the need to call 911forquickmedicalresponse
The Association seeks to empower the Hispanic-Latino community to learn the stroke warning signs and what to do using the R.Á.P.I.D.O acronym. This approach considers the community’s unique cultural and linguistic needs, facilitating better comprehension and response to stroke symptoms The easy-to-remember acronymstandsfor:
R- Rostrocaído(Facedrooping)
Á- Alteracióndelequilibrio(Lossof Balance,orLackofCoordination)
P- Pérdidadefuerzaenelbrazo (Armweakness)
I- Impedimentovisualrepentino(Sudden visiondifficulty)
D-Dificultadparahablar(Slurredor StrangeSpeech)
O-Obténayuda,llamaal911(Gethelp, call911)
Projections show that by 2030, the prevalence of stroke among Hispanic men will increase by 29%.[5] The Association’s adoption and promotion of R.Á.P.I.D.O represents significant steps in addressing the lack of awareness of the increased risk of stroke faced by Hispanic-Latino people in the U.S., a group already disproportion-
atelyimpacted “ R.Á.P.I.D.O is a tool that can help save lives,” said José Biller, M.D., an American Stroke Association volunteer expert and professor and chair of Neurology at Loyola University Chicago’s Stritch School of Medicine. “The language barrier is among the most significant barriers to health care access and quality Understanding which SpanishacronymresonatedbestwithSpanish-speaking communities addresses this barrier while increasing stroke awareness andimprovingoutcomesforall.”
The R.Á.P.I.D.O acronym was developed by a group of stroke experts at UTHealth Houston,manyofwhomarealsoAmerican Stroke Association volunteers The Association conducted scientific research to test theacronym’seffectivenessamongHispanic-LatinopeoplewhospeakonlyorpredominantlySpanish.
“The research to identify which Spanish acronym worked best for the Hispanic-Latino community was critical because the acronym reminds people what to look for and to “act fast” when they are having a stroke or see someone having one These symptoms are sudden and must be recognized quickly for the person to receive the appropriate treatment as soon as possible,” said Jennifer Beauchamp, Ph.D., R.N., an associateprofessoratCizikSchoolofNursingandtheUTHealthHoustonInstitutefor Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease Beauchamp, who led a team of nursing students whocameupwiththeideafortheacronym, isanAmericanStrokeAssociationvolunteer expert.
Achievinghealthequityrequiresamultifacetedapproach,includingtargetededucation, accessible resources and community engagement The American Stroke Association’s Juntos Contra el Derrame Cerebral campaign includes a public service announcement highlighting R.Á.P.I.D.O., featuring Miami stroke survivor and Association volunteer Noelia Gutierrez. A catchy jingle that helps people memorize R.Á.P.I.D.O and social and digital assets have also been developed to raise awareness about stroke and the importance of timelyresponsewithintheHispanic-Latino community
By leveraging the cultural relevance of R.Á.P.I.D.O and spreading awareness aboutstrokepreventionwithintheHispanic-Latinocommunity,theAssociation,along with individuals, health care professionals, communityorganizationsandmore,aimsto increase knowledge of stroke signs, symptoms, immediate management and modifiableriskfactorsofstroke helpingbridgethe gap in stroke disparities and work towards achievinghealthequityforallpeople.[6]For more information about R.A.P.I.D.O and stroke awareness, visit
About the American Stroke Association: The American Stroke Association is
to saving people from stroke the No 2 cause of death in the world and a leading cause of serious disability We team with millions of volunteers to fund innovativeresearch,fightforstrongerpublichealth policies and provide lifesaving tools and informationtopreventandtreatstroke The Dallas-basedassociationofficiallylaunched in 1998 as a division of the American Heart Association. Connect with us on, Facebook,X,orbycalling1-888-4STROKE.
About the American Heart Association: TheAmericanHeartAssociationisarelent-
less force for a world of longer, healthier lives Wearededicatedtoensuringequitable health in all communities. Through collaboration with numerous organizations and powered by millions of volunteers we fund innovativeresearch,advocateforthepublic’s health and share lifesaving resources The Dallas-based organization has been a leadingsourceofhealthinformationfornearlya century,Facebook,X,orbycalling1-800-AHA-USA1.
For many families staying healthy is a big priority If you’ll be eligible for TRICARE For Life (TFL)soon,youmightbewondering how this affects your family’s healthcarecoverage
“Your TFL eligibility is based in part on your eligibility for Medicare,”saidAnneBreslin,TRICARE
For Life program manager at the Defense Health Agency “When you become eligible for Medicare your family members who aren’t yet eligible for Medicare may stay intheircurrentTRICAREplans.”
Keep reading to learn how your family’sTRICAREcoverageworks whenonefamilymemberbecomes eligibleforMedicare.
A: TFL is for military retirees and theireligiblefamilymemberswho are entitled to TRICARE and have MedicarePartAandMedicarePart B, regardless of age, as outlined in theTRICAREForLifeHandbook.
You have both Medicare Part A andPartB You show as TRICARE-eligible in the Defense Enrollment
Q:I’veheardthatTFLisanindividual entitlement What does thismean,andhowdoesitaffect myfamily?
A: This means that TFL only covers the person who has Medicare Part A and Part B. Your family members who aren’t eligible for Medicare may stay in their current TRICARE health plan as long as they’re eligible.
Q: Is becoming eligible for Medicare a TRICAREQualifyingLifeEvent?
A: If you become eligible for Medicare at age 65 you won’t have a Qualifying Life Event, but your TRICARE-eligible family members under age 65 will. These family memberscanmakeeligiblechangestotheir TRICAREhealthplanwithin90daysofthe
Medicare-eligible family member’s Medicareeffectivedate LearnmoreatBecoming
Medicare-Eligible online at https://www
Q: I didn’t sign up for Medicare Part B during my Initial Enrollment Period. Howdoesthisaffectmyfamilymembers’ TRICAREcoverage?
A: It doesn’t. Family members who aren’t eligible for Medicare may stay in their current health plan as long as they’re TRICARE-eligible Remember ifyou’reeligibleforMedicare you must have Medicare Part A and Part B tohaveTFLcoverage Thisincludespeople who live overseas and people with employer-sponsoredhealthplans If you have employer-sponsored health
coverage youcandelayMedicarePartBand signupduringaSpecialEnrollmentPeriod.
If you choose to rely solely on employer-sponsoredcoverage,signupforMedicare Part B the month before you retire or lose employer-sponsoredcoverage Thisensures yourMedicarePartBandTRICAREcoverage under TFL starts as soon as your other coverageends
If you don’t sign up for Medicare Part B during your Initial Enrollment Period and you aren’t eligible for a Special Enrollment Period,youcanalsosignupduringtheMedicareGeneralEnrollmentPeriod. TolearnmoreaboutsigningupforMedicare Part B, check the TRICARE For Life Handbook online at
Publications/Handbooks/tricare_ for_life.
Q: Will my family’s TRICARE annual enrollment fee change whenIbecomeeligibleforMedicare?
A: TFL doesn’t have an annual enrollment fee But if you have family members enrolled in a TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Select plan, your family’s enrollmentfeemaychange:
The fee changes to the single rate if you have only one family member enrolled in TRICARE PrimeorTRICARESelect.
Yourenrollmentfeewillstaythe at the family rate if you have two or more family members enrolled in TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Select
Tolearnmoreaboutenrollment fees usethe“CompareCosts”tool onlineat comparecosts You can also call yourTRICAREcontractor
Q: If my sponsor passes away, does this affect my eligibility forTFL?
A: If a sponsor dies after they retired from active duty their spousestayseligibleforTRICARE unless they remarry (unless the new spouse is a retired service member). When the surviving spouse has Medicare Part A and PartB,they’llhaveTFL.
A: There are many resources to help you learn about TFL. Here are a few places to getstarted:
Check out the TRICARE For Life Handbook, TRICARE and Medicare Turning Age 65 Brochure, and TRICARE andMedicareUnderAge65Brochure.
Listen to the “TRICARE For Life 101” seriesoftheTRICAREpodcast.
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