August 2012 Newsletter

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Official Newsletter of Millburn High School Key Club/ NJ Division 14

The Millburn Key Welcome to Key Club 2012 – 2013! BY SYLVIA LEVY (Editor)

Volume 3 Issue 3 August 2012

In this issue: Welcome! ................1

As the summer of 2012 winds down and the students of Millburn High school prepare for another year of studies, there is something other than seeing friends to be excited about: KEY CLUB! This year, the officers and committee heads of your MHS Key Club have BIG plans. The month of September kicks off with a Red Mango Night (explained further in the K Column). Later, Key Clubbers will attend the Regional Training Conferences to prepare for this year of service. In October, there are opportunities to go to our own talent show, featuring students from MHS. Also, October is the month of Fall Rally, when Key Clubbers from all over the state go to the “Six Flags” Theme Park to begin the year of service with a bang. This year, Fall Rally’s theme is to “light the torch of service”. Get ready for the Key Club Olympics! If you have any Key Club

Millburn High School Key Club

related questions, feel free to contact any of the officers or Mr. Cooperman, our faculty adviser. All of us on the Key Club board hope you had an incredible summer and continue to be active and excited about Key Club!

Fun in the Sun ..........2 President’s Note ......4 Upcoming Events ....5 K Column .................6

What did Key Clubbers do this summer? See Page 2-3

Find this and other issues of the newsletter at

Fun in the


Key Clubbers answered the question: What did you do this summer? Margaret Mao “I worked on my research on optical fibers and taught a class.”

Aliza Silverman “I was an LIT at Gesher summer camp, and then I went to NJY camps TAC for 3 and a half weeks.”

Lyndsay Wittenberg “I was a camp counselor and went down to the shore every weekend.”

Lauren Wenslau “I worked at Willow Lake Day Camp with Kindergarten boys who were absolutely adorable!!!”

Ashley Rose Lynn “I was a counselor at Camp Deeby Riback! It was a lot of fun, and very tiring! I became close with my co-counselors, and loved every second with my group of 5-year-olds!”

Millburn High School Key Club


Fun… Continued Julia Clipper “I went to music camp in Michigan for 6 weeks and I had so much fun!”

Kevin R. Li “I went to New York City a few times. It was awesome!”

Andrew Fitzpatrick “I went to the Jersey Shore and had a great time!”

Meghna Patny “This summer, I went to India to visit my family, and then came back to Millburn and had a fun time with friends.”

Mariana Bomfim “I went to England and saw Stonehenge!”

Catharine Ma “I interned at UMDNJ for four weeks then I went to a three week church gathering for young people in the Northeast.”


Millburn High School Key Club

A Note from Your President BY MARLEE BIRNBERG

Dear Key Clubbers, Welcome to the 2012-13 school year. We have a great board and committee heads who are dedicated to making sure that this is the best year yet. As the largest club in the school, Key Club plays an important role in both the school community and the worldwide community. Each year we participate in service projects and conduct fundraisers that help people in foreign countries and people close to us alike. Although it is my hope that you continued with community service over the summer, I know that sometimes other plans get in the way. Now is the chance to start up again. Become an official member of Key Club. Last spring when I was elected to be your president, I was nervous about meeting your expectations. After speaking with our advisor, Mr. Cooperman, and planning all summer, I know that I can be a vehicle for all your successes in the club. I encourage you to come to our weekly meetings to stay informed, but even if you can’t make it, I will ensure that you keep updated via e-mails, Facebook notifications, and our

Millburn High School Key Club

website. Each month our Editor, Sylvia, will produce a newsletter that will share details about past and upcoming events. This year I want club members to participate more: try going to a new weekly event, invite a friend to join, apply for different positions, etc. Key Clubbers are in control of their own experience with the club. We require a certain number of community service hours to be an official member and we offer many ways of fulfilling that requirement. However, with Key Club it is never just about getting more hours. There is no competition. Just do what you love doing. Key Club should not feel like a burden in your busy schedules, it should be a sort of haven. If you ever have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to approach me. On behalf of the board, once again, welcome. We look forward to an amazing year with you all. Yours in caring and service, Marlee Birnberg


Upcoming Events Fall North RTC 23 September 2012 Roxbury High School 9am to 1pm

Talent Show 20 October 2012 Millburn High School Auditorium Time TBA


Millburn High School Key Club

Hey Key Clubbers! For those of you who do not know me, my name is Karen Fich. I am our Key Club’s Eliminate Committee Head. I am incredibly excited to share some information with you. Every month I have planned an exciting event for Eliminate. For those of you who do not yet know, Eliminate is New Jersey Key Club’s district project. That basically means that we are going to focus on this organization for quite some time trying to raise as much money as possible. Now, you may be aware that on the first day of school we are having a HUGE Red Mango night. This is September’s exciting event. 20% of your purchase goes towards the Eliminate organization. All you have to do is say that you’re with Key Club! Not only is it a great opportunity to save lives with your contributions, but you also get to meet new people you go to school with! If you have any further questions about Eliminate or any fun ideas, feel free to contact me! I have a Facebook, twitter and email! I hope you all have a magnificent school year!

The K Column is a periodic piece written by Karen Fich highlighting important information about our club, Kiwanis and the projects that we work on. Karen is a Junior and is a highly dedicated member of our club.

Yours in Caring and Service, Karen Fich

2012-2013 Board: President Marlee Birnberg Vice President Chaerin Ahn Recording Secretary Ashley Wu Corresponding Secretary Lyndsay Wittenberg Treasurer Harsimran Minhas

Want to know more about our club’s activities and events? Join our Facebook group and our website!

Editor Sylvia Levy Webmaster Lindsey Jones Advisor Neil Cooperman 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 1-800-KIWANIS FAX 1-317-879-0204

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