Mind Blowing Magazine-2022 Men's Edition-Chandler Moore

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with april daniels

Someone asked me, “How does God's voice sound when you hear Him talking to you?” While everyone at the table chimed in with a version of what they imagined, I said, “It’s strong yet gentle. Strong enough to command my attention but soft enough not to startle me.” It’s crazy how I remember the stories my great grandmother would share about hearing God's voice. For a long time I thought that was crazy talk, until one day I experienced it for myself. As the Editorial Director and creator of this column, my strategy has always been to hear the voice of God. Every feature, each contributor, every bit of content, and more begin with a lot of prayer to align with the heart behind MB Magazine. I knew for the “Men’s Edition” I wasn’t going to write as I normally do. I also knew I wanted our male readers to hear from a man who had something to say that would be authentic and powerful. As I started my normal process, God immediately laid my brother on my heart. A brother not by blood, but for the steadfast example of family he has shown my sons and me long after his brother, my late husband, transitioned. His integrity exemplifies enormous selflessness as he often pours into others. His heart connects with the needs of others not only through his words but also through his actions. Brother, I’m grateful for our family ties, your transparency, and your male perspective on every topic we find ourselves discussing in deep conversation, no matter how many times you say, my sister and I can’t advise one another, lol. I didn’t know the response I would get when I asked; all I knew was I was walking in obedience. Thank you for your “yes,” and I pray the blessings that come from this moment are more than you imagined, bringing abundant increase over your life ...

Mindblowing Magazine | 13

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