The Fearless Issue - Milan Harris

Page 58



The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is get on the scale to see how much weight I've lost, or I look at my stomach to see if it's flatter than when I went to sleep. I'm tired of yo-yo dieting and trying to figure out what I should or shouldn't be eating.

I have found myself in the middle of the strategy. Living from a spirit that encourages fear and limitations,and not the Spirit of God, which is alive in me, and wants me to live powerfully, lovingly, and with a mind that is sound and sure about His creation.

I'm tired of worrying about my hair and if it's thinning or if I will develop scarred alopecia like my mother did. I'm tired.


Any time I get frustrated with life or feel down, these body image issues and thoughts come up and grab me in a chokehold. This tells me that it is a strategy that darkness uses to distract me and keep me disconnected from The Light. 56 | MINDBLOWING MAGAZINE

I had a friend who is more like a mother figure correct me one day. I said, “I have had such a bad relationship with food.” I have repeatedly said this in the past, so it feels like a spiel when I say it. And I said it as if I had crossed to the other side of this ocean of struggle.

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