Çağdaş 1985 sayı / issue: 19

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“Çağdaş1985” Mine Sanat Galerisi’nin Sanat Postasıdır, Para İle Satılmaz / “Contemporary1985” The Free Of Charge Art Magazine Published By Mine Art Gallery | SAYI / ISSUE: 19 |Ekim / September 2014




E K İ M / O C T O B E R


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K A S I M / N O V E M B E R

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AÇILIŞ / OPENING: 23 EKİM / OCTOBER 2014, PERŞEMBE / THURSDAY, 17.30-20.30 M İ N E A R T G A L L E R Y N İ Ş A N T A Ş I Merkez / Centre: Teşvikiye, Prof. Dr. Müfide Küley Sok. No: 1/1 D: 5 Nişantaşı / İstanbul Şube / Branch: Yalıkavak, Palmarina No: D105 Merkez Mah. Çökertme Cad. Bodrum / Muğla T & F : + 9 0 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 8 1 3 | M : + 9 0 5 3 6 5 5 3 5 0 6 6 | i n f o @ m i n e s a n a t . c o m www.minesanat.com | blog.minesanat.com | posthoc.minesanat.com facebook.com/minesanat1985 | twitter.com/mineSanat | youtube.com/minesanat

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