This edition is dedicated to the second Electra Mining Exhibition after the COVID pandemic.
2024: CoverImage:Specialised Exhibitions
Electra Mining Africa
In 2022, Electra Mining Africareturnedwithabang afterahiatusattheheight of the COVID-19 pandemic to rave reviews. The 2024 bi-annual event promises to be bigger and even betterbyintroducingmore value-added services. The Specialised Exhibitions Teamfieldsquestionsfrom MiningBusinessAfrica.
It carries more significance, as the mining sector has all but recovered, with a number of mineral commodities in high demand. This is especially related to the minerals that are deemed critical to the green energy transition—critical minerals, as they are now called in mining parlance.
Talking about which, there are several ongoing projects in African countries to meet demand in the global electric vehicle sector and renewables. There is high demand for various technologies central to this.
This development bodes well for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), who have reciprocated by unveiling factory-fresh, pristine machines for various applications from pit to port. Some of the equipment incorporates artificial intelligence for better efficiency, safety, and energy efficiency.
We are looking forward to these and many more technologies from different organisations involved in the mining supply chain.
Electra Mining doesn’t disappoint. The event always exceeds the hype.
We are eager for an electrifying experience at 2024 Electra Mining!
Nick Barnes
ArtDirector/Layout NicoleRoberts
NTRDesigns +27713826547
In 2022, Electra Mining Africa returned with a bang after a hiatus at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to rave reviews. The 2024 bi-annual event promises to be bigger and even better by introducing more value-added services. The Specialised Exhibitions Team fields questions from MiningBusinessAfrica.
MBA:Whatwerethemilestonesof2022 ElectraMining?
SE: The biggest milestone has to be Electra Mining Africa celebrating 50 years at the 2022show;theinauguralshowtookplacein 1972. It was also a 50 years celebration for thosecompanieswhohadbeenexhibitingat Electra Mining Africa since the first show, underliningthesuccesstheyhadachievedat theshowsovertheyears.
TheindustrygaveitsfullsupporttoElectra Mining Africa 2022, which had just short of 30,000 visitors through the gates and 650 exhibitors showcasing their latest products, innovations, and technologies. We’re expectingtoexceedthosenumbersthisyear. The2022showwasheldaftercomingoutofa very tough period following the pandemic. Thesenseofanticipationandpositivitythat wasexpressedontheflooroftheexhibition throughouttheshowwereenormous.Itwas back to meeting face-to-face, making connections,andpeoplelovingtheexhibition environmentthathadbeenmissed.
for the coveted title of Forklift Driver Champion. The automation technology hall was a big addition to the show and very popular with visitors. The theme days, conferences, workshops and free-to-attend seminarswerealsowellreceived.
There could be no better endorsement of theshowthanthealmost50%ofexhibitors
ofexhibitorswhohadalreadyrebookedtheir stands for the 2024 show, even before the gateshadclosedonthe2022show.
MBA: What is the relevance of Electra Mining in the context of lingering supply chain challenges impacting construction and mining companies in the region? SE: Exhibitions, and specifically we reference ElectraMiningAfricahere,arestillextremely relevant and beneficial. Every two years at one venue for the five days of the show, industry comes together to trade and do business. Local and international exhibitors arelookingtopromoteandselltheirlatest products, technologies, services and solutions.Visitorsarelookingtobuyorlearn about the latest products, technologies, servicesandsolutions.ElectraMiningAfrica helps to stimulate trade in the industrial, manufacturing, and mining sectors of the SouthAfricaneconomy.Anylingeringsupply chain challenges are not affecting this businessexchangeattheexhibition.
Electra Mining Africa offers a 5-in-1 trade expo experience embracing the areas of mining, electrical, automation, manufacturing, power, and transport—all interconnectedindustries.Itisatradeshow thatmoveswiththetimes;ashowthathelps buildconnectionsforfuturebusinessgrowth. Asatradeshoworganiser,weunderstandthe importance of markets and connecting buyersandsellers.Weworkhardtoensure we have a clear understanding of the industries that Electra Mining Africa representstoenableustoprovideexhibitors withtherightvisitors.Weworkcloselywith our exhibitors and other industry stakeholders. Quality visitors who make purchasing decisions or strongly influence purchasingdecisionsaremoreimportantto exhibitorsthanthequantityofvsitorsonly. Thequalityoftheexhibitorsisalsoimportant aspeoplearegivinguptheirtimetovisitthe show and want to know that it is time well spent.
everything was ready when the doors opened.
MBA:Theconferenceandexhibitionsectors have seen the introduction of niche technology.WhatinnovationsisSpecialised Exhibitionsintroducingin2024tocopewith this competition and, most importantly, ensure Electra Mining is still relevant and ahead of the curve? SE:Sincetheinaugural show in 1972, Electra Mining Africa has continuallyevolvedovertheyearstoensure its relevance and to attract the right audiencetotheshow.Forexample,therewas not much talk of automation at the 1972 show, but in 2022 Electra Mining Africa introduced a dedicated automation hall highlighting the latest innovations and technologies.Thisyear,theautomationhall isevenbigger,withanevengreaterfocuson allthatautomationcanoffer.
Asfollow-uptoourshowsweaskexhibitors and visitors to participate in post-show surveys to provide us with feedback as to whether we met their expectations. By stayingcloselyintouchwiththeneedsofall industry stakeholders, Electra Mining Africa does stay relevant and ahead of the curve. Thisyear’sElectraMiningAfricawillbeone ofourbestandbiggestshowsinthe52years since the first show. We are already 30% bigger exhibitor-wise than we were in 2022. As an organisation and a division of Montgomery Group, we have embraced the latest technology to best facilitate our business, from our marketing to operations andsales.
MBA:Whataboutnewvalue-addedservices andexperiencesforexhibitorsandpatrons? SE:Weareexcitedthisyeartointroduceour new Platinum Guest visitor option. For a reasonable cost, visitors to the show can elevate their visitor experience by selecting the paid-for Platinum Guest option and benefitingfromexclusiveconvenientparking, an exclusive registration area, and the welcoming air-conditioned lounge with complimentary refreshments, workstation facilities,andwi-fiavailability,amongstother benefits. There is a limit of 100 Platinum Guestsperday.
Electra Mining 2024
We are also thrilled that WiMBIZ is participating at the show this year for the first time. Representing 500 female-owned companies in the mining industry, WiMBIZ willcreateanetworkingspacewherevisitors and exhibitors can engage and talk about beneficialbusinesspartneringopportunities. There will also be a hosted networking functiontofacilitatetheseconversations.
TheSouthernAfricanInstituteofMiningand Metallurgy (SAIMM) and the Lifting Equipment Engineering Association of SA (LEEASA) will both be hosting conferences alongside Electra Mining Africa. Women in Mining South Africa (WiMSA) will conduct a half-dayworkshop.Visitorscanincreasetheir industry knowledge by attending the South AfricanInstitutionofMechanicalEngineering (SAIMechE)free-to-attendseminarsinHall9. Acrossthefiveshowdays,industryexperts will be sharing their knowledge and experience across many essential and currentindustrytopics.Thetopicswillalign with our theme days: Sustainability Day, Women’sDay/SkillsDay,Safety&LiftingDay, InnovationDayandSouthAfricanDay.
Organised in partnership with the South African Capital Equipment Export Council (SACEEC),we’regoingbiggerandbetterwith the New Products and Innovation Awards competitionthisyear.Theawardsrecognise the outstanding levels of innovation at the show. More exhibitors will enter the competitionthisyearcomparedtothe2022 show. The Forklift Driver competition, organised in conjunction with Lifting Africa andLEEASA,isalsobackthisyearonamuch biggerscalewithmoreentrants.Thejudges willbelookingforexceptionalforkliftdriver skillsandtheForkliftoperatorscompetingin the competition are looking to win the covetedtitleofForkliftDriverChampion.
We’re really pleased that there will be an Inward Buying Mission attending the show this year, organised in partnership with the South African Capital Equipment Export Council (SACEEC). Electra Mining Africa is assistingdelegatesfromneighbouringAfrican countries and from Europe and South America to attend the show by subsidising someoftheirtravelcosts.
Visitorswillhavetheopportunitytoconnect withover850exhibitorsacrossthesixhalls andextensiveoutsideexhibitareas.Thefive days of the show will see thousands of peopleconnectingacrossindustriesenjoying theface-to-faceinteractions,andthousands ofnewproductsandinnovationswillbeseen ondisplay.Ourfiveshowsconceptprovides an exciting showcase of new technologies, ground-breaking machinery and equipment, cutting-edgeproducts,systemsandservices, and more. Plus, for the first time this year, the Local Southern African Manufacturing Expo is incorporated within Electra Mining Africa.
MBA:Whatcanyoutellcompaniesthatare undecided about participating in future Electra Mining events? SE: With over five decades of experience and as the largest trade show of its kind in Southern Africa, ElectraMiningAfricapresentsaveryunique platform for bringing together related industry sectors all under one roof. Large organisations and SMMEs are represented across the areas of mining, electrical, automation, manufacturing, power and transport.Theycometotheshowtotrade. Toshareandexchangevalue,whetherthat’s technology or products or solutions. They come to the show for five days to do business in one of the biggest trading marketsthatthiscountryhastooffer.Electra Mining Africa provides an outstanding opportunity to connect with thousands of potential buyers and decision-makers. ElectraMiningAfricahelpsstimulatetradein the industrial, manufacturing, and mining sectorsoftheSouthAfricaneconomy.
Exhibitorsmakesalesattheshow,generate qualifiedleads,andbuildnewcustomerand distributor partnerships. Visitors have the opportunity to see, evaluate and compare the latest products and services that meet their business and operational needs. What better way to bring a brand to life: on the floorofanexhibitionwhereyou’reengaging with your target market face-to-face. It’s a uniquevaluepropositiontoparticipateinan exhibitionlikethis.
Electra Mining 2024
Exhibitors are able to gain a deeper understanding of their target customer by getting firsthand feedback as the visitors interact with the products and services promoted on the stands. Participating can drive sales and brand recognition by exhibitingalongsidethebiggestnamesinthe business, with access to the 30000+ industryprofessionalswhoarevisitorstothe show.
With Electra Mining Africa having achieved ongoingsuccesssincetheinauguralshowin 1972, the fact that many companies have beenexhibitingatElectraMiningAfricasince thefirstshowthusunderliningthesuccess they have achieved at the shows over the years, and there being no better endorsement of the show than the almost 50%ofexhibitorswhohadalreadyrebooked theirstandsforthe2024show,evenbefore thegateshadclosedonthe2022show,are all positive reasons why companies should participate in future Electra Mining Africa events.
Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs) for Mining Projects
In a coal-fired power station, the use of electrostatic precipitators, together with scrubbing systems, to remove particulate matter and other contaminants minimises solventloss,reducesmaintenancerequirements,andoptimisesenergyconsumption.
The reductionofflue gas emissions from processes is cardinal to contemporary
mining operations, where sound ESG reportinghasbecomecentrepiece.
Thisisnotjustabouttick-boxenvironmental compliance;itisalsoanoperatingexpenses (OPEX) matter. So, doubtless, mining companies should be more meticulous in the selection process of techniques they utilisetomitigatetheimpactofemissions.
Several options
Talking about technologies, conveniently, thereareseveraloptionsminescanuseto handlepollutant-ladenfluegases.However, it is about what could work best in their respective circumstances, as the saying goes:Thereisnoone-size-fits-all.
Carbon emission abatement
Ofcourse,whenCO2emissionabatementis mentioned, what instantly springs to mind are scrubbing technologies. Beyond question, such technologies are effective whenincominggasesarefreeofundesirable impuritiesattheinlet.
Ontheotherhand,whentheincominggas hassolidparticulatematter(PM),scrubbers falls short. Thus, for an effective carbon controlprocess,cleaningincominggasesis essential.
Electrostatic precipitators
Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) are regarded as one of the tried and tested technologies employed to reduce PM from flue gases in off-streams and process streamsinminesandotherindustries.One example of this application is discharging gases from a boiler steam plant in base metalandpreciousmetalrefineries.
InESP,electricalforcesremovethePMfrom flue gases. Typically, a high-source (dischargingelectrode)generatingacorona current charges the PM, which migrates to the collecting plate (collecting electrode) andisremoved.
Fascinatingly,advancesintechnologieshave madeESPsmoreefficientandcosteffective in treating gas streams with sub-micron particulate. Where all fundamentals are properlyfollowed,theprocesscanachieve separation degrees of up to 99.9%, where thefundamentalsareproperlyapplied.
Wet and dry ESPs
Tocaterforuniquerequirementsinprojects and preferences, ESPs are available in wet anddryoptions.
There are some conditions in which dry separation is not possible due to the characteristics of the gas. In this case, wet electrostaticprecipitators(wetESPs)would be recommended. Generally, wet ESPs are ideal for separating the finest dust-laden water droplets and oil-containing exhaust gases,amongothers.
Essentially, wet and dry ESPs work on the same principle and design. However, the majordifferenceisthatmechanicalrapping systemsareusedforcleaningthedischarge and collecting systems in dry ESPs. On the otherhand,inwetESPs,duetotheeffectof theelectricfield,afilmofliquidformsonthe collecting electrodes that continuously drainsoff.
When is ESP a necessity?
Switching from another separation technology to an ESP would become necessary when tests indicate that a plant hasPMemissionsexceedingthelimit.Infact, it is safe to err on the side of caution by cleaningthegasatalltimes,wherethesolids couldbemicronsinsize.
Serious implications
ThepresenceofPMhasseriousimplications in two areas: potential penalties due to breaching environmental regulations and increasedoperatingexpenses(OPEX).
1.Environmental legislation
TheremovalofPMandotherpollutantsfrom fluegasisincompliancewiththerespective requirements of environmental management. In South Africa’s case, the National Environmental Management: Air QualityActapplies.Moreimportantly,thisis infulfillmentoftheOccupationalHealthand SafetyAct(MHSA),whichobligatesminesto mitigate health and safety hazards that mineworkersareexposedto.
From an OPEX standpoint, Monoethanolamine(MEA)scrubbingsystems are costly to operate on their own without effectivecleaning.Thisspecificallyrelatesto experiences such as solvent loss, high maintenance,andhighenergyconsumption.
For example, in a coal-fired power station, thepresenceofcontaminantsintheinletgas stream can result in solvent loss. Besides, theycancausefoulingofequipmentsuchas heat exchangers in the scrubber system, promptingunplannedreplacementsorrepair costs, which escalates plant maintenance costs.
Another consideration is that the presence of impurities in the gas can result in 30 percentmorepowerconsumptioninanMEA scrubbing system. In addition, ESPs overcome airflow resistance experienced in technologies like conventional bag filters, whichofferresistancetoairflow.
Significant difference
Generally speaking, recent experience with CO2scrubbersinotherindustriesillustrates the importance of the cleanliness of the gases entering a scrubber system. It has beendiscoveredthatsomegasescontaina high level of PM. Thus, ESP technologies present an opportunity to reduce the PM load at the inlet to a scrubber, ensuring cleanerair.
But what could work best?
Based on what providers of ESPs provide various solutions have told this publication that the main preferences of clients in mining and other sectors are low maintenance requirements and quick installation.
2 - 3 October 2024
is a highly influential mining industry platform, renowned for its straight talk, refreshing insights and collaborative atmosphere. Since its inception, the Joburg Indaba has developed a reputation as a which unpacks a wide range of
The Joburg Indaba highly regarded and influential industry platform critical issues affecting all stakeholders in the mining industry.
This 12th edition of the Joburg Indaba will bring together CEOs and senior representatives from all major mining houses, investment firms, Government, parastatals, communities, organised labour and legal and advisory experts.
Plus, the Gala Dinner will be held on the evening of 1st October, when we will be inducting new members into the SA Mining Hall of Fame!
Follow us on our website for the latest speakers and programme developments
Joburg Indaba 2024 is proudly sponsored by:
GEECOM's Electrostatic Precipitators
GEECOM: your trusted provider of High Technology Solutions for Environmental Protection Systems
ationofsystemsthataid in reducing an
organisation’senvironmentalimpact,thereis a growing consciousness towards the adoption of highly effective air pollution control systems by industrial enterprises acrosstheboard.
It is against this backdrop that GEECOM, a Southern African leader in the supply and installation of control and mechanical components for dry and wet Electrostatic Precipitators has, for more than 40 years, been working with both large and medium sizedindustriestohelpthemcombatpolluted airintheirenvironment.Todatethecompany hashelpedalargenumberofcustomerswith theircleanerairpoliciesbyhavingcompleted over300projects.
At the forefront of this success is a determineddrivetoimprovementintermsof the equipment on offer as well as constant development and intro-
GEECOM prides itself in the provision of highly effective turnkey solutions that are tailor-made to meet the express needs of individualcustomers.Thecompany’steamof dedicated experts currently work with organisationsinthecement,paperandpulp, steel,chemicalandpetrochemical,aswellas metallurgicalandpowergenerationindustries tonamebutafew.
“We achieve necessary results through the provision of products, systems and services relatedtothefieldofenvironmentalcontrol, that have been designed and built around solidknowhowandexperienceinthisarea.
We believe that we are able to assist customersinachievingtheirowngoals-and become environmentally responsible
companies,” states Justin Mischkulnig, ManagingDirectorofGEECOM
With a geographical footprint that extends across the Southern African continent, GEECOM works with customers by defining their specific requirements through relevant needsanalysisandsolutionarchitecting.
From design to installation, and then maintenance as well as related services of installed systems, the company is a trusted partnerforcustomerslookingtoharnessthe powerofElectrostaticPrecipitatorsaswellas otheremissioncontroldevices.
GEECOM provides individual or complete services for the construction as well as refurbishment or upgrades of both dry and wetElectrostaticPrecipitators.
Duetothesensitivenatureofthebuildand design of these systems, the most stringent
GEECOM's Electrostatic Precipitators
Asasinglesourcesupplierofbothmechanical and electrical systems, each solution is designed and tailored for a client’s environment. A GEECOM system or product willaidanorganisationinthecleaningofair throughtheremovalofanumberofharmful particulates found in most industrial processes. qualitycontrolsneedtobeundertaken,andit is with this that GEECOM has secured an ISO9001-2015 as well as ISO-3834 certification,andaFiveStarHealth&Safety ratingbyNOSA.
“All of our systems are designed and manufactured locally making use of our computerised design tools. We ensure that everyproductwebuildisqualitytestedand checkedbeforesupplyingtoaclient,andwe achievethisthroughongoingtestingandthe application of live process models to ensure optimised operation of each product,” mentionsJustinMischkulnig.
High technology is exemplified by the followingmainelements: StainlessSteelCollectorelectrodeswhich benefit the removal of precipitated dust duringrappingactionsaswellasextended life-cycleperiods.
Stainlesssteeldischargeelectrodeswhich promote the constant and long term operationofmaximumcoronaandpower input
“Swing-arm” mechanism for Discharge Electrode rapping leading to longer propagationofthehighestrappingforces Rapping hammers with revolving heads resulting in constantly changing impact points
High Frequency High Voltage control systems comprising automation elements for higher average power supply and better regulation of the precipitation process
The Team GEECOMemploysonlythebestintheirfield and its team of engineers are all in environmental control technologies, services and associated products. The company investsheavilyinitspeoplethroughongoing training,mentorshipandskillstransfer.
JustinMischkulnigadds:“Inourindustryyou needtoremainaheadofthepackatalltimes, andyouneedtoensurethattheproductsand servicesyousupplydeliverontheirpromisethere is simply no room for failure.No one understands this better than the GEECOM teamandweallpulltogether
Each employee is required to buy-in to the fourcornerstonesofthebusiness,thatbeing: environmentalawareness,quality,safetyand health.Thesevalueshavebeendeterminedas a yardstick for customer service excellence andthedevelopmentanddeliveryofquality products. In addition to these cornerstones, GEECOM invests significant amounts into dedicated research and development initiatives.
“Thereisnoquestionthatindustryneedsto adopt the use of environmental protection systemsmoreaggressively,butwithsomany productsinthemarketitmaybedifficultto settle on a single supplier. My advice to organisationsinthemarketforasolutionisto select a partner with proven high end technologies, a solid track record, qualified customersites,andyearsofexperienceunder theirbelt,”endsJustinMischkulnig.
For more information about GEECOM its products and services contact +27 11 794 3801/6, email: or visit to develop and deliver innovative products that meet our customer’s exacting business needs.”
Manufacturing of Collector Electrode plates using continuous Roll-Forming machine
Electrical test field using in-house Electrostatic Precipitator unit
Corona effect at Discharge Electrodes
High Frequency Units (HFI) for ESP control
Construction of new Electrostatic precipitator including Explosion Proof panels
Installation of stainless versus mild steel plates
Specialists in Environmental Control systems including the following:
• Electrostatic Precipitator
• Wet Type Electrostatic Precipitator (WESP)
• Bagfilter
• • Consulting and Plant Review Technical Audits and Inspections Design
• Project Management
• Manufacturing
• Installation and Commissioning
• Maintenance Contracts
• Training Courses After Sales Services
Electrical Mechanical
Electrostatic Precipitator Internals
Collector Electrodes: Mild and Stainless Steel
Discharge Electrodes: Stainless Steel G-Spike Rapping Systems and Auxiliary Devices
• • High Frequency Control Systems
GEECOMatic Control Systems
Transformer Rectifiers Rapping Controls
Auxiliary Elements
Electrostatic Precipitator for Smelter Plant
Wet Scrubbers
Any product is as effective as its correct
application. This is
that industry doyens share, and it is what leadingmanufacturersofwetscrubbersusedin dust control for mining and other industries moreorlessechoinconcurrence. The message could not have come at a more perfecttime.
Health hazards
Currently, mine sites are a beehive of various activities—drilling and blasting, grinding and blasting,nameit.Emissionsfromequipmentfor these applications are a health hazard to the worker.
Wide range of mitigation measures
Thankfully, with unprecedented technological advances, mines have a wide range of hazard mitigation measures. However, this hinges on thewisdomoftheirchoicesingettingthemost suitablesolutiontohandleultrafineparticulate matter, due to the differences in dust properties. The health risk workers face when exposed to PM is highlighted in the article on electrostaticprecipitators.
The options
Mines use cyclone dust collectors, scrubbers, cartridge collectors, and conventional air bag housefilterswherethereisaneedforcleanair freeofvapours,particulates,andgases.Eachof these options has its unique upsides and downsides.
Wet scrubbers
Product selection is application-specific, depending on the end-users’ preferences. However, it is generally agreed that wet scrubbers are most appropriate for dust with certain properties, which conventional baghouse filters cannot handle effectively. Specifically, where cleaning a moisture-laden gasstreamisinvolved,thewetscrubberwould bethetoolofchoice.
Water as the medium
Drydustfiltrationextractionsystemsusefilter elements. On the other hand, in wet scrubber systems, water or water-based media are the media used to collect pollutants from the exhauststream.Generally,wetscrubberswork best where there is a need for an effective techniqueofcleaningor'scrubbing'emissions to eliminate vapours, gases, and particulate matter(PM).
Wetscrubbersareidealwherethe particulatebeingcollectediscombustible, involving combustible dust. Using water to eliminate the particulate, a wet scrubber minimises the risk of an explosion in the scrubber.
Of course,thelevelofriskdependsonthetype
of dust, particulate size, temperature, andconcentration.
Some would suggest outfitting dry scrubbers withsafetyequipmenttodealwithsafetyrisks. Butcan'tthisescalatethesystem'scost, defeating the objective of saving costs by purchasingconventionalbaghousefilters?
What also comes to the fore is that, in most cases, dust-related explosions in bag house filters are due to poor maintenance. However, whereongoingmaintenanceistobecarriedout religiously,theexerciseiscostly.
On the whole, there is no question that in applications involving combustible dust, a wet scrubbereliminatestheriskofanexplosion.
2. Moist gas streams
Thestickymaterialinthebaghousesblindsand filters, necessitating unplanned replacement costs. Empirical evidence from projects demonstrates that wet scrubbers handle this challengewell,achievingaseparationlevelof99 percentofultrafineparticulate.
3. Abrasive slurry characteristics
Indryextractionsystems,theabrasivenatureof theslurrycanresultinclogginganderosionof injection nozzles. For instance, the sticky material in bags houses blinds and filters, necessitatingunplannedreplacementcosts. Thiscanincreasemaintenancecosts.
Diagram of a wet scrubber
conventional wisdom
▪ Can be installed underground (road headers) or at the surface (material handling plant) where there is a need for dust control.
▪ Easy to integrate with customer PLC for system management and performance monitoring.
▪ Easy to move from one location to another
Each products tailor-designed in collaboration with the customer to suit his/her specific needs. Designed to suite African, European and Asian standards. Easy to install, maintain and replace parts. IECEx (Ex db l Mb) and ATEX (I M2 Ex h l Mb) certified.
Wet Scrubbers
Reality check
Thereisarealitycheck.Foralltheirbenefits,in fairness, wet scrubbers have downsides. The followingaremostoftencited:
i.High initial costs
Obviously, the high initial cost is due to their durability.Themostcommonmaterialof construction used is stainless steel to handle corrosive liquids. On the other hand, bag houses,cartridgecollectors,anddustcyclones aremadeofcheapercarbonsteel.
i.Higher energy costs
Another plain fact: a wet scrubber—venturi scrubbers, in particular—has higher energy coststhanadryextractionsystem.Thisisgiven that more force is required to mix water with exhaust gas. Typically, high-horsepower fans areusedtoperformthistask.
i.Waste disposal
Secondly, as a wet scrubber collects contaminants,thewatergetsdirty and mustbe
Automated wet scrubbing
The wet scrubbing industry has not beencaughtnapping,leftbehindbythe times.Manufacturersareansweringthe demandforautomationbyintegrating automatedwetscrubbersystemsinto existing plants. These offer a wide range of benefits, mainly eliminating manual manpower involvement and thereby reducing exposure to equipmenthazardsandaccidentrisks.
What is more, IOT detection systems monitor a system’s performance, leakages, failures, and energy consumption and share data in realtimeornear-real-timefromanywhere.
Weighing up the options
In the present atmosphere, the issue of initial cost versus long-term gain crops up when mining management is discussing procurement decisions. replaced to meet pollution targets. Besides, wastedisposalcomesatacost.
While considering costs is the easy way out, whatemergedfromthediscussionisthatmining companies have to weigh up the potential consequences of industrial accidents due to settlingforthecheaperoption.Athoroughrisk andbenefitanalysishastobecarriedoutonthe meritsordemeritsofascrubberinaparticular application.Nowsomefoodforthought:Whatis rational?Settlingforaconventionalairbagfilter against the seemingly high initial cost of purchasing a wet scrubber and facing the consequences,ortakingalong-termview?
Ultimately,awisedecisionisworthweighingin gold. The adage ‘better safe than sorry’ resonates.
Seeking expert advice
Overall,itisimportanttoavoidmakingacostly gamblebyseekingadvicefirst.Itisimportantto ask difficult questions to manufacturers or a highly-regarded sage in the field. Would a wet scrubberberecommended?
Mainly,pollutantstobeseparated,particlesize, and dust load in the emissions determine the selection of the scrubber type. Manufacturers of wet scrubbers concur that the following factors top the list of prominent client preferences for wet scrubbers: high water collection efficiencies, low water recirculation, minimum pressure drop, and high absorption efficiencyforliquidsandvapours. Wheretheobjectiveistoaddresstheinherent limitations experienced with a conventional air bagfilter,aswitchtoawetscrubberwouldbe feasible. Some manufacturers claim wet scrubbers can remove up to 99 per cent of particulatesthataretoosmalltobecaughtin baghousesandcartridgefilters.
Emmissions at a Coal-Fired Power Plant
Automated Weighbridge Management
Inefficient weighbridge systems fuel huge financial losses in stolen raw materials, as criminal syndicatesexploitloopholes.
Fexaggerated, take this as a dose of reality: PowerutilityEskomreportedthatninepeople werearrestedattheKusilepowerstationon7 September2024,fortheftofcoalandfraud. orscepticsthat dismissthe need forimprovingweighbridge managementoperationsas
Eight of the nine culprits were weighbridge operatorsemployedbyEskomRotekIndustries, and the ninth was a coal truck driver. Coal hauliers were allowed to bypass the Kusile power station without offloading the ordered coal.Theweighbridgeoperatorswouldprocess weighbridge transactions without the coal haulierenteringthepowerstationtooffloadthe coal.However,theKusilePowerStationwould be invoiced and unknowingly pay for the coal orderedbutnotreceived.
This incident could only be the tip of the iceberg. When one considers unidentified incidents, the scale of the losses from coal stockbecomesghastly.Whenonecalculatesthe losses,thecostisincredible.
In an industry brief, JustWeights, a South African weighbridge automation solutions provider, laments that coal theft has grown worryingly.Thecompanyhighlightsthemodus operandi of tampering or diverting coal by syndicates involved. The company noted the following malpractices: truckloads of coal are weighed incorrectly; good grades and poor grades are mixed; and coal is removed by syndicatestoearnaprofit.
“Oftentimes, the grade of coal ordered by a client is lowered, with the better grade held by members of an illicit syndicate.
They then resell the better-grade coal, while peddling poorer-grade coal to legitimate customers,“ said JustWeights, adding that this couldrunintobillionsofrands.Sadly,somebig corporatebuyersmaybeoblivioustothis.
This problem reflects the shortcomings of the traditional weighbridge system in picking up discrepancies.Minesuseweighbridgestoverify thenetvalueoforeorrawmaterials.Theyare used together with ERPM systems, which monitor business functions such as stock control and orders, and truck and driver identification. In addition, a software package compares the tonnage of the goods with an order.
Theproblem,though,isthattheERPMsystems are not directly linked to the weighbridges. Hence, situations that do not match the order alwaysarise.
To deal with this, goods are physically accountedfor,aprocesspronetohumanerror. The theft of coal at Eskom demonstrates that tamperingandtheftcanoccur.Atbest,aslow, outdatedcomputersystemisused.
There is a need for a system that fulfils the following roles: bridge the gap between the tonnageoftherawmaterialsandtheorder;and monitortheactivitiesofweighbridgepersonnel andthedrivers.
Cloud-based Weighbridge Management for Mine Operators
Turning Weighbridge Management from Burden to Benefit
With Tontrac Weighbridge Management Solution, production data is captured automatically and made available to mine operators and hauliers in the cloud via their PC or mobile device in real time. This results in a wide range of benefits that turn the weighbridge from a liability into an asset.
invoicing. They have diverse applications in everything,fromscrapmetaltofast-moving commercialgoods(FMCG)tominingtowaste management. Particularly, these industrialsizescalesarecriticalcomponentsofmodern mining.
However, despite their benefits, mechanical weighbridges have several downsides. Specifically,theseinclude:
They constitute a bottleneck to production and cash flow. No matter how large the stockpile is, it cannot be turned into cash untilithasbeenmovedoveracertifiedscale.
Weighbridges are large and require a considerable investment in capital equipmentandspace.Investmentinqualified staff to operate the weighbridge is also required.
Typically,processingaminevehicleacrossa weighbridge can take up to five minutes or more. There are safety issues if drivers are requiredtogetoutofvehiclesorweighbridge clerksarerequiredtowalktothevehicle.
Historically, the only way to increase weighbridgeproductioncapacityhasbeento install additional weighbridges. However, whenspaceisaconstraint,thisisnotalways feasible.
Data generated over the weighbridge is typically stored on paper or in Excel spreadsheetsandcantakedaysorweeksto process, delaying billing and cash flow. This elaborate and time-consuming method is costly for mining, where time is of the essence.
Generally, these limitations call for a convenientwayofmanagingweighbridges.
The Tontrac Weighbridge Automation System
TontracWeighbridgeAutomationSystemhas proven to be a proven alternative to conventional methods of weighbridge management. It takes humans off the weighbridgeandautomatestheprocessesof identifying drivers and vehicles, weighing, andticketgeneration.
Tontrac Weighbridge Automation system providesseveralbenefits,mostprominently:
Production time over the weighbridge (“wheelsonwheelsoff”)canbedecreasedto lessthan60secondspervehicle,massively increasing throughput over the existing weighbridge.
The system is safer and more secure as humansareremovedfromthedecisionloop. Production data (stockpile, haulier, driver, vehicle, and order information) is captured automatically and made available to mine operatorsandhauliersinthecloudviatheir PCormobiledeviceinreal-time.
Additional security features include biometrics, number plate recognition, and geofencing for vehicle tracking and control betweensites,aswellaswaybillcomparison betweendispatchandreceivingsites.
Inter-site transactions are processed automatically, and Weighbridge data is availableinstantly.Thisallowsforimmediate billingandacceleratedcashflow.
Thus far, Tontrac is encouraged by the success of its weighbridge management solutions in mining and other sectors. However, the company is constantly innovating its solutions to keep abreast of contemporary needs. This is evident in its investmentinMineDigitization.
Tontrac has been at the forefront of Mine Digitalization for over a decade. With the sudden, worldwide advent of “AI in everything”, the company is leading the implementation of AI tools in the mining sector.
TeamTontraciscommittedtothepursuitof helping mining companies turn weighbridge managementfromanoperationalburdentoa benefit.Contactthemforsuggestionsonhow to lead your mine operation into the 5th IndustrialRevolution.
For further details, visit:
AI Powered Site Access Control | Weighbridge Automation | Remote Monitoring | Inter-Site Weighbridge Integration | 24/7 Field Service | Load tracking & Geofencing | Route Deviation Alerts
ONYEN AI-driven ESG reporting software consolidates the complicated process of ESG reporting, facilitating compliance. This increases a mine’s prospects of attracting capital investment, improves relations with stakeholders, and meets the regulator’s conditions for the mining licence renewal.
commodities in African mining all vow commitment to sound ESG reporting compliance in their projects. One mining company goes as far as pronouncing, "We strivetoexceedstakeholderexpectations.” companies involved in different ntheir respective mission statements, I
Such is the high value attached to ESG reporting compliance for contemporary mining operations. Stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, governments,andthebroadercommunity, haveavestedinterestinhowminesconduct business and have a bearing on long-term sustenance.
Itisnowonderthatminingcompaniesare striving to achieve high ESG scores at all costs. Thus, they need to utilise effective tools.
SixmonthsafterdemonstratingONYEN’sAIbasedESGreportingsoftwaresolutiontoa wowed audience during The Investing in AfricanIndaba2024,theDirectorofONYEN Canada, Lauri Clark, reiterates the importanceofeffectivetools.“Theaccuracy oftheESGscoresisaseffectiveasthetools used,” she stresses, urging mining companiestoexploreONYEN’ssolution.
Educated choices
Indisputably,sheraisesavalidpoint. Mining companies need to make educated choices regarding reporting tools. A high ESG reporting score can make or break a miningbusiness.Chiefly,anESGscorehas implications in the following areas: the renewal of a mining licence by a relevant government authority; the chances of accessingorattractingcapital,determining thestateoftherelationshipwiththehost
community,justtociteafew.Thereismore atstake.
Outdated reporting
Unfortunately, the matter of fact is that mining companies are employing outdated reporting techniques. During the recent JuniorMiningIndabaheldinJohannesburg, thedirectorofaminingandenvironmental lawfirm,MalanScholesAttorneys,Hulmes Scholes,highlightedthis.Helamentedthat thechallengeconfrontingminingcompanies is not commitment to ESG reporting compliance per se, but reporting in the correct format. Augmenting this perspective,anotherspecialistattheevent, Junior Mining Council founder and President, Fred Arendse, noted that frustration comes when companies fail to package ESG in specific and predefined ways.
AI-driven ESG Reporting Software
Unfortunately, though well-intentioned, compiling relevant data using traditional reportingmethodscanbeaburdensome,errorproneprocess,whichaffectstheintegrityofthe results.
ONYEN AI-driven forthright and impactful reporting
Conveniently, the ONYEN AI-driven reporting software solution provides a practical alternativetotraditionalreportingtechniques. “Oursolutionfacilitatesforthrightandimpactful reportingforminingcompaniestothriveinan evolvingESGlandscape,”affirmsClark,pointing out that the solution gives organisations the edgeinseveralways,particularlythefollowing:
1.Comprehensiveandaccuratedata collection
UtilisingthecapabilitiesofAI,Onyensoftware compiles vast amounts of data from departments in different locations. This simplifies the task of processing and analysis, offering meaningful insights into organisations and ESG performance. On the whole, the softwareensurescomprehensiveandaccurate datacollection
Accurateinformationiscentraltomitigatingthe risks associated with climate change and biodiversity, loss, workforce safety, and corporate governance. With Onyen’s reporting system’s advanced analytics and predictive modelling, mines can identify potential risks before they become too complex to manage. Through this, companies can implement targetedmitigationstrategies.
Byconsolidatingthereportingprocess,Onyen AI-driven software enhances the credibility of disclosedinformation.Thistransparencyfulfils the expectations of socially-responsible investors,increasingthelikelihoodofattracting capital.
Flexible and scalable, Onyen's ESG reporting systemhelpswithinternalgapanalysis.Itallows organisations to adapt seamlessly to evolving regulations, remaining compliant without overburdeningresources.
AsaresultofenhancedESGreporting,aminer fosters relationships and builds trust with stakeholders through clear and transparent communication of sustainability initiatives, performance,andlong-termgoals.Intheend, corporate values exceed stakeholder expectations.
Designedforeaseofuseandcompatibilitywith variousenterpriseprocesses,Onyenseamlessly incorporates ESG reporting into existing business processes. Thus, the software minimises disruption to day-to-day operations while maximising efficiency in data collection and reporting. By eliminating the need to overhaultheirITinfrastructure,itallowsfora smooth transition to a more sustainable and responsiblebusinessmodel.
Without a doubt, with a wide scope of capabilities, ONYEN’s AI-driven ESG reporting solutioncangiveAfricanminersacompetitive edge in ESG compliance. In this manner, they canachievethefollowing:increasedprospects for attracting capital investment; long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with stakeholders;and,aboveall,agoodreputation
Last but not least, another food for thought worth considering came from Arendse: “Early adherencetoESGnormswouldlowercostsand reducefuturestress.”Whataboutadoptingthis triedandtestedsoftwareatprojectinceptionto runthroughthelife-of-mine?
The team at ONYEN is ready to address the needs of potential clients in African mining regardingESGreporting.“Wearecommittedto enhancing seamless, adaptive, and convenient compliance in ongoing projects in African mining,”Clarkdeclares.
that will boost productivity while enhancing sustainability – and Sandvik Rock Processing Solutions has what they need. Exciting developments in the company's integrated offering of crushers, screens, screening media, lifecycleservicesanddigitaltechnologieswillbe ondisplaywiththecompany’scompetentteam on hand to share technical information and insights.
According to Tarynn Yatras, Vice President for Sales Area Africa at Sandvik Rock Processing Solutions, the lineup will include a working demonstrationscreenwithdigitalconnectivity. Yatrashighlightshowthecompany’spioneering technologyisdrivenbyitsaimtoadvancethe worldthroughengineering.
“We lead the way in eco-efficient rock processing,andwillbetalkingtoourvisitorsat ElectraMiningAfricaabouthowwehelptodrive their productivity, profitability and sustainability,”sheexplains.“Ourwiderangeof quality products are combined with lifecycle services to give customers fully integrated solutions across the crushing and screening process.”
The focus on eco-efficiency ensures customers can process rock using the least possible resources.Inadditiontothemulti-functiontest screen on the company's exhibition stand, visitors can inspect and discuss the Sandvik screening media and cone crusher that will be ondisplay.
“AnotherexcitingelementofourElectraMining Africa presence will be the digital technology that enhances our equipment’s performance and longevity,” she says. “Our automation and connectivitysystem(ACS)willbeondisplay,as applied to our cone crushers (ACS-c) and our screens(ASC-s).”
These connectivity systems link back to Sandvik’sdigitalSAMplatform,whichusesdata to drive insights, support and performance. Visitors can view the products and see the technology in action, she says, learning more aboutremoteconditionmonitoringofmachines andrelatedserviceofferings.
plantoptimisation,especiallywiththedepthof expertise imbedded in the Sandvik Rock Processing Solutions teams around Africa. The SAM platform also allows a user-defined data selection,tosuittheparticularroleintheplant –frommanagementtooperator.
“Among our continuous improvements in conditionmonitoringhasbeenanupgradefrom wired sensors to self-powering sensors on our screens,” she says. Local digital experts and those from Sweden will be available on the Electra Mining Africa stand to discuss the systems in detail – including the range of benefitsthatcustomerscanderive.
“Customersarealsolookingtowaystoachieve theirclimatechangegoalswhilereducingcosts, and we will be showcasing how we promote decarbonisation by reducing energy use through equipment optimisation,” says Yatras. “Our vision – as a leading player in the mining sector–isaimingforamorecirculareconomy while driving productivity to extract maximum valuefromresources.”
Thisisachievedthroughtheintegratedoffering ofcrushers,screens,screeningmedia,lifecycle servicesanddigitaltechnologies.Addedtothis isSandvikRockProcessingSolutions’extensive support footprint across the continent – close tothecustomerwithworldclasslocalfacilities andexpertise.
Visit Sandvik Rock Processing in Hall 6 Stand C22.
Sandvik Rock Processing’s design and engineering processinvolvesclosecollaborationwithcustomers tounderstandtheirspecificneeds.
Sandvik Rock Processing’s digital technology enhances equipment’s performance and longevity, openingvaluableopportunitiesforplantoptimisation.
Mill Lining Solutions
ME FIT System is our integrated solutions program for large mining operations. it focuses on creating value for mining processes by quantifying the impact of their solutions while improving key productivityindicatorsinmineralextraction and processing. Our ME FIT program solutionsaremadepossiblethroughmutual collaboration between our clients and the MEElecmetalmultidisciplinaryteam.
By having an in-depth understanding and knowledge of each site’s operational issues weareabletopositivelyimpacttheirpriority key performance indicators: productivity, reliability,availability,safety,efficiencyand/ or energy consumption. We align with the priorities of our customers, positioning ME Elecmetal as a true strategic partner in mining.
Products and Services that Make a DifferenceMillLiners
Grinding mill liners are subjected to severe impact and high abrasion. They must be manufactured using the best technologies and designs for superior strength and durability.Thatiswhywemakesureweoffer customers the best possible solutions for everychallengeandmilltype.
MEElecmetalanalyzescustomeroperations todeterminetheidealcombinationofdesign and materials to achieve the optimal performanceoftheirequipment.Whetherit is an AG, SAG, ball, tower or rod mill, our innovative liner and alloy designs deliver provenperformance,whileminimizingcostly reline and downtime.Wecollaborate closely with operators and plant maintenancecrewsto
monitor wear performance and production rates, customizing each liner for the best possible performance. All variables are considered in this analysis — from the characteristics of the ore and the customer’s operative strategies to their productiongoals.Weidentifyopportunities forimprovementandadapttochallengesas they arise to offer solutions that exceed customer expectations. Our liners are manufactured according to the highest quality standards and state-of-the-art technologyandengineering,resultinginthe most reliable, lowest total-cost-ofownership-solutionsforourcustomers.
ME Elecmetal designs, manufactures, and supplies the highest quality forged steel grindingmediaforSAGandballmillsinthe world.
Mill Lining Solutions
Our extensive field experience, engineering and consulting expertise enables us to accurately analyze operational data, so we can support our customers to achieve continuous improvement in their grinding processes. The process begins when we deliver the grinding media to your site and endswhenyourfinalproductexitsthemill.
Our experience and large-scale grinding mediaproductioncapacityhavepositioned ME Elecmetal as a strategic partner in the globalminingmarket.Ourexperiencedand knowledgeable sales and application engineers can help you monitor and improve your processes by collecting and analyzing operating data, improving media chargingpracticesandofferingsolutionsto optimizeyourgrindingmediaconsumption andimprovethroughput.
CrusherWearPartsandSafetyTooling MEElecmetalistheleaderinofferingwear solutions to crusher operators. We provide wear parts for primary, secondary, and tertiary crushing applicationsforthemining,aggregateand recycle industries with optimal designs andalloysspecificallydevelopedforeach application.
Wewillhelptackleanycustomerchallenge, while striving to maximize the benefits we provide. We can adapt to any type of equipmentcustomersmayhaveonsite.
Withafocusonsafety,durability,andeaseof-use, ME Elecmetal also offers a full line of Crusher Safety Tooling products designedtohelpyougetthejobdonesafer, faster,andsmarter!
There is an increasing demand in the miningindustryfortechnologycapableof optimizing processes, equipment, and performance. ME Elecmetal believes thereisalwaysroomforimprovement.We focus on delivering tailor- made technology solutions for grinding and crushing applications, with a complete offering
of optimization tools, including wear monitoring, to further improve efficiency and provide our customers with timely information.
ME Elecmetal’s technical support and training goes beyond standard services offeredbyothersuppliers.Theseservices includeDEMandFEMsimulationservices, 3Dlaserscanningforwearanalysis,reline optimization, continuous improvement programs, grinding circuit optimization, andmore.
Loadlevels,waterpercentage,speed,liner design, ball mill size and bolt torque are someofthevariablesthatcomeintoplay, and digitization allows these variables to be addressed individually, or in combination to gain a better understandingoftheoperation.
For more information on ME FIT Solutions andtolearnmoreabouthowMEElecmetal can help you optimize your mining processes, visit or call480-730-7500.
These days one can put a wager on encounteringthefollowingtopicsatamining
conference:thedepletionofrichoredeposits; the high operating costs; the arduous task of complyingwithenvironmentalregulations;and the increasing obligation to enhance safety measures.
Therecenthigh-profileforumwherethesewere discussed in depth was the 2024 Investing in African Mining Indaba, whose theme was EmbracingthePowerofPositiveDisruption:A Bold New Future for African Mining. The underlying message to the industry was clear: Adopt to Prevail. And it has never been more relevant.
Thiscallresonateswiththecurrentatmosphere of crushing and milling. In this sphere, conditionssuggesttheneedfornewtechniques that can facilitate sustainability and cost containment. This is particularly true in secondaryandtertiarygrinding,regrinding,and fine-grindingapplications.
In these applications, using conventional comminution processes, such as SAG and ball crushers,togrindtheoretoflotationfineness has become challenging. Mostly, this encompasses two processes: first, coarse crushing, followed by SAG milling or wet ball mill circuits. Alternatively, multiple-stage crushingisfollowedbyrodandballmilling. Previously, grinding high-grade ore to achieve flotation particle size using conventional methods was relatively easy and more costeffective. Nevertheless, these days, significant variations in ore mineralogy (variant mineral ores)arecommon.
these ore grades involves incurring high costs (mainly in energy consumption) and leaving a big environmental footprint (in terms of pollution).
Particle size determines the efficiency of flotation.Hence,thecomminutionprocessmust beeffective.LoeschesharedareviewwithMBA: "The particle size is critical for a sufficient degreeofmineralliberation."
Basedontheabove,thereisagapinsuitable grindingtechnologiesforvariantsulfurdioxide copper-gold ores to flotation fineness. The variant ores require improved fine grinding to achievebetterrecoverythroughflotation.This pavesthewayforopportunitiesforalternative methods.
VRM comminution technology is one of the alternativesworthconsidering.Theotheroneis High-Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGR), which, comparatively, has a bigger footprint. VRM employsaparticle-on-particlebeddrygrinding principle. Using high-speed impacts to break down particles, the ore is cracked on the mineral lines to expose more minerals to the flotation process. Furthermore, in most operations, the VRM is paired with an air classifier.
Therehavebeenseveralstudieswhosefindings underline the relevance of VRM technologies. Loesche has conducted a number of them. In investigations,Loeschecompareddryandwet grindingtechnologiesongrindingperformance and particle fineness. The findings suggested improvedflotationperformancesofdryground products,specificallyVRM.
with an internal air classifier, VRM equipment increasestheenergyefficiencyofcomminution (low energy consumption), improves particle size flotation fineness (large reduction levels), and increases the sustainability of mineral processing.
Generally, the VRM is used extensively in cement and coal grinding applications. Significantly, for these commodities, the method offers more energy efficiency than tumblingmills.
Thesedays,upliftingly,LoescheandotherOEMs in the comminution area have been deploying VRMwithsignificantsuccess.Thisisbasedon results in projects where dry grinding was deployedindifferentcommodityprojects.
Compared with conventional milling equipment, energy consumption can range between40%and45%lessthanawetball millcircuit.
They achieve better liberation beyond the standard beneficiation processes. In some mills,feedfrom80mmto140mmcanbe reducedto75µminonepass. Reduced reagent consumption: cleaner concentratesneedfewerreagents. Environmentally friendly: VRM allows for copingwithwaterscarcity.Besides,thereis lessneedforwaterreclamation.
Isn'titclearthatthereisacompellingbusiness caseforminingcompaniestoadoptVRM? VRMcanenablethemtoachieveenvironmental compliance and reduce energy costs in their communitionrequirements.
Vertical roller mills can help mines achieve environmental compliance and reduce energy consumption in their fine-grinding applications.
Jimmy Swira
Dynamic innovation maximumdurability Mill Linings
RThe MVR mill for dry application is a proven equipment over many decades in industry applications for grinding of hard to medium-hard materials. More than 3000 Gebr. Pfeiffer vertical roller mills have been installed in the cement, lime, gypsum, solid fuels-industry and in industrial minerals.
ising power costsas well as constructionand consumablecostpaired with declininggrades
and the need to process harder ores requireachangeincomminutionequipmentselection.
Reducedenergyandwaterconsumptionaremandatoryforenhancedsustainability.Adrygrinding systemthatiswellknownandcapableofachievingthisistheverticalrollermill.Verticalroller mills are traditionally air-swept mills. The material being ground is dried, if necessary, and transportedbyastreamofairduringcomminutiontotheclassifiermountedontopofthemill. Thosecontinuousoperatingmillsareusedforflexiblyadaptablecomminutionandsimultaneous dryingveryhardtomedium-hardmaterials.Themodernmilltypeisknowninmanyindustriessuch ascement,limeandgypsumindustryaswellasforgrindingofsolidfuelsforpowergeneration.
Start-up and shutdown of this mill type is much easier than in traditional milling. In today’s energy-constrainedworldtheenergyusecanbemanagedmuchmoreeasilywiththeflexibilityof a vertical roller mill. Also, dry grinding is the pre-condition for subsequent downstream dry separationincombinationwithreducedwaterconsumption.
The MVR mill for dry application is a proven equipment over many decades in industry applications for grinding of hard to medium-hard materials. More than 3000 Gebr. Pfeiffer verticalrollermillshavebeeninstalledinthecement,lime,gypsum,solidfuels-industryandin industrial minerals. This flexible equipment reduces energy consumption to enhance sustainability and improve the circuit’s overall emissions profile also in ore processing. Depending on the ore body the grind size adjusted for coarse particle flotation (CPF) could reducefurthergrindingenergy,producecoarsertailingsanddecreasethefootprintofflotation circuitandsolid-liquidseparation.
ThedrygrindingoforeintheMVRmillresultsinoptimumgrindsizeandincreasedliberation.In the rougher stage downstream the MVR sorting and separation of tailings and grade material takes place with the target to produce tailings with very low content of grade material. The amountofmaterialtobeconcentratedfurtherdownstreamshallbereducedasmuchaspossible.
Gebr. Pfeiffer’s MVR vertical roller mill technology offers the highest power density in the industry.Thecompactnatureofthemachinewitheverythingincludedinanintegrateddesign (including a classifier), is complemented by up to 18 MW of operating power, providing productionratesofupto7,000t/hwithasinglemill.
Mobile Screening Plants
Heeding the call
New mobile screening solutions offer convenience, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability to entrylevel companies
OEMS in the crushing and screening space are
bending over backwards to serve the
evolving contemporary equipment needs of clientele in diverse sectors from compact (portable) to monster sizes. This can be witnessedinmobilescreeningnichemarketthat serves start-up mining projects, quarries, and entrylevelandmedium-sizedcontractors. OEMs and their agents are introducing new products and services specifically tailored for this. This is what findings of a survey from MiningBusinessAfricaindicates
OEMs are undertaking several endeavours to meet the requirements of this clientele. Particular developments stand out and have beengainingtractionexponentially-growthin rental business and automation. This is what Mining Business Africa observesfromengaging contractorsandOEMs.
But first, what specific challenges are OEMs addressing?
Mainly, the following are the contractors’ concerns:
There are screening machines are vital assets butthentheycanalsobealiabilitydepending onthefinancialstandingoftheenduser.While big mining companies are well-resourced, for start-upminingcompaniesandcontractors,the initialinvestmentcanbedeterrence. Inmostcases,thecostoutweighsthebenefit.
Economics doesn’t allow it. Even worse, the ongoing maintenance and repair demands can escalatethecostofownership.Thereisaneed forasolution.
First, regulators are adopting a zero tolerance towards safety breaches. That is if new regulations that are being introduced to improvesafetyareanythingtogoby.
This is obligating contractors to invest in improving safety at all costs, prompting purchase of new safety enhancing products (refertoanarticlecontractorcomplianceinthis issue). Unwittingly, this well-meant endeavour maycomeatacosttoacontractor.
Compounding matters, the design of old equipment may pose hazards to operators. Usually,some,ifnotmostoldgenerationplants, is not outfitted with safety- features to meet newprovisionsinhealthandsafetyregulations. Thisinitselfisahazard.
Second, in projects the expression ‘time is of theessence’ismorethanacliché.Contractors need equipment in optimal condition. Hence, equipmentperformancehastobetiptopatall times to meet their targets. Their clients need nothing short of results. Efficiency is paramount.
Third, in industries, energy - usually dieselconstitutes a big operating expense in mobile screening plants, just like in other mining equipment. The cost of diesel has been increasingduetogeopoliticalinstabilityinthe MiddleEast.
Ofcourse,thereisthefleetingmarginalfallin price.Butthisdoesn’tbringmuchjoy. Not only is diesel costly. Its continued usage releases greenhouse emissions. This makes contractors liable for polluting the environment.
End-user requirements are evolving, and simultaneously OEMs and their agents are keeping abreast. Bearing testimony to the adage:“Necessityisthemotherofinnovation”, they have taken initiatives in the following areas:
WhatapparentisthattheOEMshaveembraced energy efficiency and sustainability. For instance, hybrid and fully electric variants are available.SomeOEMSclaimthattheirmachines havelow-fuelconsumptionengines.
Equipment suppliers have increased their inventoryforequipmentrental.Thisapproachis meant to meet contractors’ demand for specialised equipment. Leasing is a viable option rather than committing substantial upfrontcapitalexpenditure.Thiseliminatesthe financialburdenofownership.
New screening machines incorporate automation,digitisation,andremotemonitoring (AI-driven controls, IoT connectivity). Through the convenience of real-time data collection andanalysis,theseofferthreebenefitsatone fellswoop.
The first one is safety. At the coal face of screening,wheresafetyiscardinal,theremote control features enhance operator safety. Machineoperatorsdonothavetobeclosetoor touch plant components, removing
Whatismore,anothersafety-enhancingfeature is pre-programmed delayed start-up features. Increasingly, this is becoming part of the automationbouquetinnewscreeningplants.
Relating to South African mining sector, this featureisrecommendedundertheMineHealth and Safety Act (MHSA) regulations and OccupationalHealthandSafetyAct(OHSA). The second one is predictable maintenance schedules.Equippedwithactionabledata,fleet managers can monitor, remotely control and automate the screening process for better performance.
Thereisn’tamoreconvenientwayofgathering informationonthenextphaseofmaintenance. Predictable planning of machine maintenance breaks translates into improved machine performance, reduction of downtime, and ultimately,increaseinproductivity.
One of the classic examples of remote monitoring is OEM Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology’s new Peak Screening designed to enable screening productivity. It integrates remote monitoring and automation into the screeningprocess.
WhatisclearisthatOEMSandtheiragentsare uppingthegameinthedrivetoheedtothecall of clients in market segment. With AI opening new frontiers, screening machines new groundbreakingcapabilitiesaresettoenterthe marketforcommercialusage.
Equipment suppliers have increased their inventory for equipment rental. This approach is meant to meet contractors’ demand for specialised equipment.
A mobile screening plant (Image credits; ELB Equipment)
Modular Mineral Processing Plants
For operations with short life of mines (LOM), modular processing plants are emerging as the ideal option. Particularly, this is in projects where equipment is needed within a short time.
Amining sector, which has a huge appetite for innovations. One notable trend is the increasing shift towards modular plants for single-processapplications.
Doubtless,thereisnobetterproofofthistrend than OEMs noticing a consistent in product ordersfromclientsinthepastdecade.Thisis what a snap survey of ten organisations with hugeclienteleinAfricanminingreveals.
Naturally, casual observers might pose two questions: What could this shift towards modularplantssuggest?Coulditbeafleeting fadoranecessity?
Where time and cost are essential in single recovery processes, naturally, plants offering convenience are an unqualified necessity, not anoption.Thisisduetothe'fasttrack'feature ofmodularplants.
Firstly, the structure of a modular plant is a pre-engineered recovery system consisting of pre-assembled process units. This is ideal for single-process applications such as crushing, dense media separation, ore scrubbing, screening, grinding, gravity concentration, flotation,cyanidation,anddewatering.
That is why, for most mine operators, it is a popular choice for fast-track production. The pre-assembledstructuremakesiteasytoerect on-site,whichminimisescivilandinfrastructure costs. Whilemanufacturingandqualitycontrol issuesareoffsite,everythingisdeliveredtothe projectsitepre-assembled.
Generally, this translates into quicker delivery times,installations,andoperations.
What’smore,potentialprocesschangescanbe accommodated seamlessly, and installation is donebyaskeletalteam.
Remotelocationswithashortlifeofmine Thisspeaksvolumesaboutwhymodularplants are suitable for open-cast operations with a short life (at most five years) in remote locations. The pre-engineered feature makes relocationeasierwhenneeded.
However, for modular processing plants to performthetaskoptimally,asdesired,precision is needed in their engineering processes. And so,thereareseveralthingstobeconsideredfor thistobeachieved.
One of the mistakes is expecting standarddesigned modular plants to perform beyond theircapacity.FreddyMahlare,headofprocess engineering at UMS, said this in a press interviewlastyear.
“If a mine wants a 20 000 t/pm or smaller generic-designed chrome process, a modular plant could be suitable for this application. However, if the same operation requires operating at increased throughputs and processing or producing challenging ores or products, then it would not just be a case of replicatingthe20000t/pmmodule.“
The oversight with this assumption is that the modular plant design might overlook various engineering and process requirements. This couldcompromiseprocessoperability,increase operating costs, and reduce efficiencies, Mahlarepointedout.
This expression could fit the cliché, "fitting a square peg into a round hole" in engineering terms.
Instead, Mahlare advises, there are critical stepsforthemodularplanttomeetexpected performanceexpectations,mainlythefollowing:
Therefore, just like with a fixed process plant, the design of an off-the-shelf or material processing plant needs comprehensive engineering to consider whether the ore body canbeeconomicallyprocessed.
Then comes the most important part of all: capital expenditure. The engineering process design criteria, safe access to operations, and maintenance of the specific equipment determinethis.
Nonetheless, there is a piece of sage advice: bypassing critical engineering can result in missingsomesteps.Eventually,itcanbecome inoperable, requiring costly excessive maintenance,andassociatedcostimplications fortheend-user.
All things considered, the long and short is: modular plants can work perfectly if applied within the correct selection criteria for a particular solution, considering the necessary engineering.
By Nick Barnes
t any given point, there are fascinating
developments unfolding in the African
Care and Maintenance for Open Cast Mining Projects
Care and maintenance phase is a critical period at a mine that has huge implications on future operations. After lapsing, a mine can either thrive or stagnate, depending on how the phase is plannedandexecuted.
The volatility of the mineral commodities
business compels open-cast mines to
implementcareandmaintenanceatsomepoint. Insomecases,ifnotmost,thesituationisoutof theoperator'sorowner’sdiscretion.Thisaction is within the ambit of regulation. Nonetheless, mining companies are entirely liable for the consequencesofthechallenges.
When a mine is in a state of care and maintenance (temporary closure), the implication is that it will have stopped productionduetoseveralfactors.Thisincludes, but may not be limited to, technical, healthrelated(likeduringCOVID-19hardlockdowns), financial, environmental, or labour-related (in most cases, a strike). This is in the hope of resumingoperationswhenconditionsareideal. However,theoperatororownerisnotplanning toclosetheminepermanently.
The hard lockdown that followed COVID-19 demonstrated how preventative measures can impact mining operations. They ceased operationsforafewweeks,andwheretheydid, theoperationswereatmostskeletal.
A prolonged strike with no parties— management and unionised staff—failing to reachaconsensuscanforceaminetogointo care and maintenance. Operations can restart afteranamicablesolution.
Careandmaintenanceimpactthefollowing:the owners and management of the mine; the workers,contractors,andconsultants;andthe surrounding communities and suppliers. Basically,itleavesnostoneunturned,beyond thosedirectlyinvolvedinminingoperations.
This is a very tempting time, as laxity might creep in and the mine might take the foot off thepedalofdiligence.
Inevitably, the knock-on effects of care and maintenance can be far-reaching if not wellplanned.
Careandmaintenancecausesomeriskstothe mine. A well-intentioned legal process can go wrong,resultinginunintendedconsequencesif poorly planned and executed. Some of these issues are related to the following in surface mining:
In South Africa, under the Department of MineralResourcesandEnergy,theMineraland Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002(“MPRDA”)isareferencepointinminingrelatedmatters.
Under its ambit, Section 28(1) of National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 (“NEMA”) obligates “every person” who has caused or will cause degradation of the environment to take steps to prevent degradation or pollution from occurring, continuing,orreoccurring.”
Laxity can creep in, leading to breaches of miningpermitrequirements(WaterUseLicence comestomind).Forinstance,thecessationof mining activities can result in flooding in surrounding areas due to the suspension of dewatering. Tackling this could delay the restartingofoperationsatthemine.
An illegal miner (Image credit: Barberton Times)
Care and Maintenance for Open Cast Mining Projects
Dewatering is an essential service that should continue. The mine operator should have provisionsfordewatering.
Thisapproachshouldapplytoallidentifiedrisks of environmental degradation. In short, the mine should adhere to its environmental complianceobligations.
Duringthelockdown,inpoorlyguardedmines, criminals had a field day wreaking havoc, vandalising infrastructure, and carrying out illegalminingactivities.
Some mines had their equipment, like substationsandprocessequipment,vandalised. EvenTransnet,whichrendersessentialservice to mines, lost kilometres of rail infrastructure, bothcommunicationcablesandinfrastructure. Fixing damaged equipment can cost a mine hundreds of thousands if not millions.
FromwhathasbeenobservedinSouthAfrica, dormant mines attract illegal miners called Zama-Zama in local vernacular parlance. Their activitiescancausegroundsubsidence.
The community may be sceptical about the rationale,thinkingthemineischickeningoutof MiningCharterobligations.Contractors,usually smallbusinesses,mayincurincomelosses. Strainedrelationshipswiththehostcommunity canstallprogresswherethecommunity’sbuyinonacriticalissueisneeded.
Central to seeking stakeholder consent is ensuring transparency through effective communication.
The director of environmental consulting company Environmental Assurance (Envass),
Emile van Druten, says, “It is absolutely imperative” for a mine to correctly communicateitscare-and-maintenanceplanto not only staff and stakeholders but also the affectedcommunitiesandsuppliers.“
Thesignificanceofproactiveplanningfromthe get-gocannotbeoveremphasised.Everyaspect likely affected by the care and maintenance should be audited, and the envisaged consequences should be properly managed. Proactiveplanningensuresasmoothtransition from care and maintenance to the project resumption.
commodity prices can prompt a mine to go into care and maintenance.
Aincredible tasks. Now, mines can monitor the performance of mission-critical machinery withoutphysicallydispatchingpersonnelthere.
Foroveradecade,Ramjackhasbeenconsulting in remote monitoring for clients in different sectors. A member of the remote monitoring team at Ramjack, Katrina Willey, Ramjack, has noticed an increase in uptake for remote equipment monitoring solutions from African mining.
BasedonRamjack’sobservation,corroborated byotherorganisations,threetakeawaysemerge from the penetration of AI and machine learning in equipment monitoring. These are mainly:
Usingtelemetrydevicestocapturefleetdata,a maintenance team has real-time insight into machine health. Hence, over time, they can utiliseAIalgorithmsthatprocessalltheloads of data to identify trends, enabling them to proactively schedule preventative maintenance. This optimises uptime. Case studieshaveshownthatonehourofdowntime onaproductionmachinecancost$100kUS+.
AI-poweredsystemscanmonitorvarioussafety parametersacrosstheminesite.Theseinclude but are not limited to instrumentation monitoring,fatiguemonitoring,airquality,gas levels,andgeotechnicalmonitoring.
Willeyelucidates,“Usingreal-timesensordata and historical patterns, mines can identify potential safety hazards with AI, and set up automatedalertstopreventaccidents.
For instance, if gas levels exceed safety thresholds in a particular area of the mine, automatedventilationequipmentcanbesetto turn on and mitigate poor air quality. Then alerts can be sent to evacuate personnel or initiate emergency protocols. Proximity detectionandcollisionavoidancearealsothe benefitsofAI.”
AI can analyse vast amounts of data from sensors, geological surveys, and historical production records, which can be used to optimise mining processes. These algorithms canidentifyopportunitiestoimproveefficiency and optimise load/haul to minimise transportationcostsandfuelconsumption.
Generally, Willey says, the key to achieving successful productivity increases and safety performanceimprovementsisreal-timedatato ensure the execution of key decisions on the ground. “The closer to “the face” good decisionsaremade,themoreeffectiveallthe downstreamprocesseswillbe.”
Beyond improved productivity and enhanced safety,AIandmachine-learningcapabilitiescan help industries achieve compliance and improve ESG reporting. “AI and machine learningtakevastamountsofdataandprovide concise reports based on your parameters. Compliance and ESG reporting become streamlinedwithcentralisedaccesstoalldata to create reports specific to regional requirements.”
Willey foresees this trend continuing as companiesaimforequipmentavailabilitywhile rampingupproduction.
remote equipment monitoring to perform
I and machine learning have allowed
There is growing traction for remote monitoring as a predictive maintenance tool for equipment in African Mining projects.
Green Ammonia for Mineral Extraction
The adoption of green ammonia could be a feasible and sustainable way for power generation plants to reduce emissions.
By Jimmy Swira
The downsides of coal, as a fossil fuel, have been extensivelydocumented and
dissected countless times. Still, it is worth reiteratingthatindustrieslikemining,power generation,oil,andgasmustdotheirpartin reducingScope3emissionsfromtheircoalfiredpowerplants.Itisamatterofputting words into action. At the end of the day, resultscount.
‘Green’ ammonia through water-electrolysis Undoubtedly, the good news is that, progressively, the industry is transitioning from coal gasification and steam methane processes to green ammonia-powered turbines to reduce its footprint. ‘Green’ ammonia is considered a feasible and sustainable alternative to coal in power plants, given its low carbon impact. Green ammonia is produced using hydrogen, generated through water electrolysis, poweredbyrenewableenergy.
Conventional production of ammonia Incontrast,conventionalammoniaisformed by isolating hydrogen from natural gas. However, for all its convenience, this process increases greenhouse gas emissions.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) says global ammonia production accounts for 1.3%ofenergy-relatedCO2emissions.
Dose of Reality
But there is a reality check amid the excitement with opportunities in ‘green’ ammonia:twoobstacles.
First,thegreenammoniaprocessisenergyintensive.Andthisdoesnotcomecheap.So, any venture has to make financial sense fromalong-termperspective.Hopefully,as renewable energy prices fall, this will becomecheaper.
Besides, while green ammonia energy is a viableoption,therearesafetyneedstobe accounted for. Owing to its toxicity and corrosiveness, green ammonia requires propertransportationandstorage.
The World Economic Forum acknowledges that the development of green energy production is still in its early stages.This is because significant investment in infrastructureisneeded.
Unquestionably, these obstacles can be turnedintoopportunities.
Ofcourse,wearenotthereyet.Butthereis progress.
Fiveyearsago,theWorldEconomicForum’s Davos Agenda predicted that green ammoniawouldhaveastakeintheworld's industrial energy mix. Then, it might have soundedasifitwouldtakealifetime.
Certainly,theindustrybuy-inisencouraging. InSouthAfrica’sEasternCapeProvince,a5 billion dollar hydrogen production plant is underconstruction.
The project is scheduled for completion in 2026.Coal-firedpowerplantownersshould beobservingthisdevelopmentkeenly.
This is a commendable development. Doesn’t the journey of a thousand miles beginwithasinglestep?
Reduce CO2 and costs: Ammonia Solutions from thyssenkrupp Uhde
mmonia is a highly versatile chemical compoundthatisusedbymanyindustries
foravarietyofapplications.Theminingsector uses ammonia for the extraction of elements (copper and molybdenum) and metals (nickel) from ores. Ammonia is employed to cleanse exhaust gases from smokestacks, removing sulfur oxides and NOx, thereby enhancing the efficiency of electrostatic precipitators. The chemicalcompoundalsoservestoregulatethe pHinwaterinthetreatmentofwastewater.The ammonia that is used in these applications is produced by the reforming of carbon-based fuels(coalornaturalgas).
Despiteitsessentialuse,miningcompaniesface mounting pressure to reduce their carbon footprintandtotransitiontomoresustainable practices.Withthisinmind,thyssenkruppUhde hasdevelopedanammoniaproductionsolution based on renewable feedstocks that is 100% CO2-free.ProductionofammoniathatisCO2free is designated as green ammonia. Besides climate considerations, other drivers of the move to distribute production of green ammoniafromsmall-scaleplantshavebeenthe desire for localised self-sufficiency, avoidance of high transportation costs and import or carbontaxes.
"Whereas in conventional ammonia plants, ammonia is produced by steam reforming natural gas, thyssenkrupp Uhde’s green ammonia process is underpinned by green hydrogen produced by electrolysis," says Nithesh Mohun, Business Development ManageratthyssenkruppUhde.
According to Mohun, the feedstocks for the greenammoniaproductionarehydrogen,water and renewable power. Renewable power is producedbyeithersolarPV,wind,hydropower or a combination thereof. Explaining green ammoniaproduction,Mohunsays,"Withinthe electrolysisplant,waterisconvertedintogreen hydrogenbytheapplicationofdirectelectrical current. Nitrogen is produced in an air separationunit(ASU)."
For the production of green ammonia, thyssenkrupp Uhde has developed solutions with capacities ranging from 300 tpd up to 5 000tpd."Oursmallerscaleplantsincapacity classes 300 tpd, 600 tpd and 1200 tpd are offered on a fully modularized basis," adds Mohun. The plants would be fabricated, preassembled and pre-commissioned as skids for easy transportation. Limitation for modularization is typically the shipping envelope.Subsequently,largerplantcapacities are primarily considered being executed on a stick-builtapproach.
Nevertheless, even greater capacities are further developed considering more modularization.
Mohunaddsthatthekeyisstandardizationto maximumextentinordertoeaseexecution.The hydrogen and ammonia modular solutions are matched.Forexample,the300tpdmoduleis pairedwitha120MWplant.
Modularizationprovidesbenefitsinadditionto the underlying technology. These include reducedimplementationtimeframes,improved quality control, reduced project investment cost through lower contingency requirements and greater risk mitigation through significant reduction of on-site construction effort and time.
Small-scale ammonia plants have the advantage of distributed production location and reduction of logistics risks and costs. The small-scaleplantcanbedesignedtoservicethe immediatemarketandthuslimitcapitaloutlay andtransportationoflargeconsignmentsofthe productaswellaslogisticsrisksinoff-loading andstorage.
Small-scalegreenammoniaplantscancompete withconventionalplantsundertherightframe conditions.Thekeydriversforgreenammonia competitiveness are reduced capital expenditure, cost effective renewable power supplyandstringentCO2taxesandpenalties.In mostpartsoftheworldrenewablepowerisnow more affordable than power produced from fossil fuels. Capital costs for green ammonia plants are falling with increased research and development efforts. Governments and environmental organizations are strongly drivingenforcementofCO2taxesandpenalties. "Considering the above, green ammonia can already today reach price parity with conventional ammonia production, e.g. by leveraging CO2 incentives and eliminating the needtoimportammoniaoverlongdistances," statesMohun.
When the project focus is on conventional ammoniaproduction,thyssenkruppUhdeoffers the modular A01 and A04 series Gas Heater Reformer(GHR)solutionwithcapacitiesranging from 50 - 350 tpd. The GHR solution was developed in collaboration with Johnson Matthey. The system is based on gas heated reforming (GHR) technology with a pressure swingadsorption(PSA)systematthefrontend andthyssenkruppUhdelow-pressuresynthesis loop at the back end. The design is less complicated than a conventional primary/secondary reformer and is especially suited for small capacities with low ammonia needsandhightransportationchallenges.
The GHR is a cost-effective solution as it eliminates the need for an externally- fired primary reformer, the elaborate waste heatrecovery section and the consequent excess steamproduction.
Moreover, as the reforming operates with air, thereisnoneedforanairseparationunit.The modular nature of the GHR offers, amongst others, reduced implementation timeframes, improved quality control and reduced project investment. thyssenkrupp Uhde also offers conventionalammoniaproductionplantsupto 5000tpdbasedonUhdeammoniatechnology withalmostacenturyofexperienceandmore than130plantsbuilt,resultingintotaltoabout 50milliontonsperannumequivalent.
About us:
thyssenkrupp Uhde South Africa,thelocalsubsidiaryof thyssenkrupp Uhde was establishedinSouthAfricain 1959. We are your leading partner for the engineering, construction and service of industrialplantsandsystems. Oursolutionsencompassthe entire range of services for Fertilizers, Petrochemical, Oil & Gas, and others. Our experience spans 100 years andoversixdecadesinAfrica with an impressive reference list that extends throughout sub-SaharanAfrica.
Lubricant-enabled Reliability for Mining Equipment
At Steelpoort - a chrome mining project, WearCheck customer recently embarked on a reliabilityimprovement programme. WearCheck technicians identified soot levels to be exceptionally high engines used in LHDs. An audit was completed and recommendations for improvements were broken downintoquickfixes,aswellasmedium-andlong-termgoals.
In this article, Chris Hattingh, WearCheck’s Lubrigard manager, discusses a case study in which refinements to the filtration and lubricationsystemswereabletoextendthelife ofakeyengineatamine.
At Steelpoort - a chrome mining project, WearCheck customer recently embarked on a reliability-improvement programme, which focused on the handling and management of commodities used in the mine’s production equipment(LHDs–load,haul,dumpmachines), namelyfuel,lube,airandcoolant.Anauditwas completed and recommendations for improvements were broken down into quick fixes,aswellasmedium-andlong-termgoals. movingandoperatingsmoothly,particularlyin theminingsector.Keepingthelubricantsclean and contaminant free is a sure way to extend theirlifespan,improvetheirfunctionandthatof themachinestheylubricate,andsavemoneyon maintenancecostsatthesametime.Thisforms the basis of any good lubricant-enabled reliability(LER)programme.
When examining the customer’s oil analysis data, WearCheck technicians identified soot levels to be exceptionally high on both the CumminsandJohnDeereenginesusedinthese LHDs.Thesemachinesoperate80hoursaweek andareservicedataroundthe160hourmark.
Attempting to push past this point would negativelyaffectthelifecycleoftheengine.
Due to high levels of wear, increased viscosities,andasignificantspikeinsootfrom timetotime, these engines had to have their
theirserviceintervalsreducedfromtheOEM’s recommendationof250hours.Thedecisionto service these machines comprehensively every twoweeks,coupledwithenginefailures,became abigcostpressureforthemine.
The problem
Soot is a by-product of combustion. Increased levelsofsootcouldindicatemanythingsbut,in this case, WearCheck found that after the 160 hourmark,theseairfilterswereheavilyloaded with process contamination. The poor air/ fuel mixture no doubt caused the high soot levels, and an attempt to bring soot levels down was initiated.
The graph below represents the soot values betweenservices:
The solution
ThefilterusedbytheOEMonthisLHDwasa Donaldson PowerCore. This filter has a conventional primary and safety filter set-up with a built-in pre-cleaner. Given that the oil reportswerehighlightingmajorproblemsatthe air filter, WearCheck advised the client to substitute the PowerCore filter with another Donaldsonfilter,asitwasfoundthattheFRG serieshousing(FRG11-0241)ofthismodelwould be the right choice for this application. This filter was added to the NEZROTEK air precleaner.
Technicians hard at work inside one of WearCheck’s 14 laboratories. Mining, earthmoving, industrial, transport, shipping, aviation and electrical operations are among the many industries that benefit from WearCheck’s conditionmonitoringprogrammes.
Lubricant-enabled Reliability for Mining Equipment
Hattingh continues, ‘One of the more notable trends was thatoftheTotalBaseNumber (TBN). Less harmful byproductsofcombustionmeant that the oil did not have to work as hard, thereby increasingtheTBNtohealthier levels.
InadditiontoLER,WearCheckisaleadingproviderofmany otherpredictivemaintenancesolutions.Thecompany’score service is the scientific analysis of used oil, fuel and other fluids, which entails analysing fluid samples for trace particles, to indicate which component is suffering unusual wearpatterns.
Hattingh was happy with the outcome of the filter change.
‘We have, since these results, marginally increased the size ofthepre-cleanertoallowfor moreairflowandlowerclean deferential pressure, which should allow for even longer filter life. This, in conjunction with lower overall wear and improvedoilhealth,allowsus tolookatextendingthedrain interval. This will be a consideration, however - for now - the focus is on getting maximum life out of the capital-intensivecomponents.’
WearCheck’s other reliability solutions techniques include asset reliability care (ARC), transformer chemistry services and advanced field services (AFS) - nondestructive testing (NDT), technical compliance (TC) and rope condition assessment.
WearCheck Water tests wastewater, groundwater and surface water in areas surrounding mining and exploration sites. Compliance with municipal by-laws and environmental safety standards allows for the safe disposal of wastewater into streamsandrivers.
WearCheck’sfootprintspans16world-class laboratoriesinninecountriesacrossAfrica, Dubai and India. The company services clientsinmanyadditionalindustrialsectors including renewable energy fleet management,aviation,maritimeandmore.
Please visit, email, call WearCheck on +27 (31) 700-5460, or contact Chris Hattingh on or cell +27(0)83625-0808
TAchieving Low No-Load Losses in Transformers Achieving
Low No-Load Losses in Transformers
Minimising no-load losses can lower operational costs in mining-specific distribution transformers. But thetaskrequirespayingattentiontodetail.
By Jimmy Swira
area:escalatingoperationalcosts,including running(ofwhichenergyisprominent)and maintenance,andtheimperativetoreduce emissions. Naturally, the challenge mine management faces is how to achieve this simultaneously. miningcompaniesinthepowerdistribution
Encouragingly, there are several options at the disposal of mining companies. One of the areas where opportunities lie is in the selection of distribution transformers. Naturally,thequestionishowtransformers, subject to no-load and load losses, enable this. Firstly, to get to the bottom of the matter, it is vital to appreciate the intricaciesofno-loadandloadlosses.
No-load and load losses
An advisory to the industry from Trafo Power Solutions describes the two: “The lossesofatransformercomprisetwoparts: no-load(orcore)lossesandload(orcopper) losses.No-loadlossesareaconstantandare independent of the power being drawn, while load losses vary according to the powerbeingdrawn.”
Relating to transformer losses, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards stipulate thresholds for maximumallowableloadandno-loadlosses.
Factors Determining Load Losses
Themainfactorsdeterminingloadlossesare the winding material properties, including the diameter and purity of the material. These two have a direct impact on the resistanceofthewindingmaterials.
“The greater the resistance, the higher the losses,astheresistanceofthematerialsis measuredbythetemperatureatwhichitis measured,”explainstheadvisory.
No-load losses
No load energy loss occurs when a transformerisenergisedbutnotsupplyinga load.Thetransformer’scorehastomaintain a magnetic field with low no-load losses, which can be a tough ask. Hence, they are usually optimised to have lower no-load losses. Ultimately, when the transformer is notheavilyloaded,therearelowermonthly electricitybills.
Procuring no-load transformers
Basedontheabove,TrafoPowerSolutions suggests the following factors to be considered prior to procuring a no-load powertransformer:
1.Higher capital costs
Though the monthly cost of electricity for no-loadlosstransformersislowerthanthat ofload-losstypes,thecapitalcostofanoloadlosstransformerwillbehigherdueto the design requirements to meet lower losses.
DavidClaassen,ManagingDirectorofTrafo PowerSolutions,commentedonthesubject inthecompany’spressreleasesharedwith MiningBusinessAfricarecently.“Therated powerofatransformerisusuallyamongthe key determinants of its capital cost, but therearevariousdesigndifferencesthatwill also come into play,” said Claassen, citing winding materials and environmental conditionsamongthem.
3.Lower operational costs
After paying an arm and a leg for the transformer, the next issue to consider is the operational cost, which encompasses running and maintenance costs. “Running cost is essentially the cost of electricity, measuredinkWh.Thesecostsareaffected by the efficiency of the transformer. All transformershavebothno-loadlossesand loadlosses,”saidClaassen.
Attention to Detail
The process of selection can be elaborate, requiringattentiontodetail.Andso,mining companies can seek advice from manufacturers to assess the capital cost, throughdataonparameterssuchaslosses, winding material, and environmental conditions,tonameafew.
operations,wherepowerisneededinprocess plants, among other equipment. As process plants are energy-intensive, every kilojoule counts,andenergyefficiencyiscritical.
No load loss
Unfortunately,minersencounterthecommon issue of high no-load loss in distribution transformers, which is a costly burden. The logical approach is to switch to low-no-load losstransformeralternatives.
Nevertheless, this sounds simpler than it actually is, as no-load loss distribution transformercomponentsarenotmadeequal; specifically,thisappliestocoretechnology.
Alloy Magnetic Cores
A South African company with a pan-African focus, Alloy Magnetic Cores (Pty Ltd.), a leading manufacturer of innovative, high-quality strip-wound and folded cores, hasresponded enthusiastically to this need. Jo Williams, the technical operations manager, says the company is raising awareness
about the relevance of its solutions, highlighting the significance of informed productselection.
One of the common misconceptions Alloy MagneticCoresisseekingtoclarifyisno-load loss. Specifically, Williams explains that achieving suitable no-load losses (NLL) on transformersisnotonlybasedonthedesign ofthecore,butalsoonthematerialusedto manufacture the core. “A wide range of materialisproducedworldwidewithdiffering losses on the mother coil. Hence, selecting low-lossmaterialwhiletakingthedestruction factorintoaccountisimportant.”
Andso,consideringhowmaterialimpactsthe no load-loss factor, AMC‘s folded cores (Jencores) go through stress-relief annealing, whichfurtherlowersthelossesonthefinished core.
Meticulous material selection
TheteamatAlloyMagneticCoresemploysa meticulous process to deliver the most suitable magnetic core for no-load-loss transformers.
They ensure that the cores are built to customer specifications using suitable materials to achieve the NLL required.
“The material selected undergoes a screening processtoensurequality,thematerialisthen sentthroughtomanufacturingonlyafterithas beenverified.Overandabove,asthecompany is ISO 9001 compliant, the team ensures completetraceabilityofmaterialfromstartto finish.”
Enormous benefits
Largely, adopting no-load transformers manufacturedwithAlloyMagneticCores’HighQuality Strip Wound and Folded Magnetic Cores in projects offers massive benefits for miningcompanies,Williamsguarantees.“Using afoldedcoreoveramitredcore,especiallyfor smaller kVA’s (up to around 1MVA), can drastically alter the losses, owing to current movement around the core. Therearefewer“hotspots”onafoldedcore, whichaffectsnotonlytheeddy-currentlosses buttheharmonicsaswell.”
Safe, secure and efficient fuel storage Bulk Fuel Storage Tanks
What happens from the refinery to the storage facility in a mine is the most worrying part of fuel management. And so, best practice starts with the design and construction of a storage facility to ensure the fuel is of expected quality while minimising loss and waste.
AAbulk diesel storage facility is a necessity onsite.Itsconveniencecannot be doubted.
Imagine the convoluted administrative process and the huge costs incurred through manually fillingvehicles.
However, the process of designing and setting up a storage tank may seem like an inconvenienceifnotwellmanaged.Thisisfrom product safety and security, and cleanliness perspectives.
This is because diesel, flammable liquid, is classified as hazardous substance. So, one can understand the layers of legal compliance requirements and processes that mine operatorsmustadhereto.
A diesel storage system can be a risk to the health and safety of employees, the general public,andthesurroundingenvironment.
Therefore, a mine should have measures to mitigatetheadverseimpactofitsdieselstorage systemonthehealthandsafetyofemployees, thegeneralpublic,andtheenvironment.Inthis case, it is imperative to get the correct equipment, maintenance processes, and asset managementregulationsinplace.
The most fundamental step is getting the necessary approvals from the relevant authorities. Admittedly, this can be frustrating and viewed as unnecessary red tape for a businessdesperatetostartoperating.
The regulations may vary from country to country,buttheyaremeanttoachieveasimilar objective. In South Africa’s case, the National BuildingRegulationsspellouttherequirements for building plan applications and the list of standardstomeettogetapprovalfromalocal authority.Thisiswherearationalassessmentis needed to establish whether the facility complieswiththerequisitestandardsofsafety andenvironmentalprotection.
The rational assessment is submitted with the applicationtoobtainapprovalforthestorageof ahazardoussubstance.Ittakesintoaccountthe risks that hazardous substances stored or handledpresent.
Therationalassessmentcoversaseveralcritical elements. These are the properties, characteristics,andbehaviourofliquidsduring storage. Generally, the basic ways of reducing risk from the liquids are through the sound design, layout, operating procedures, construction, and implementation of maintenanceregimes.
These seemingly onerous measures are in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, governing the safety of employees andthegeneralpublic.
Aftertheinstallationandthetankisgoodtogo, thebiggestchallengeissoundfuelhandling. In most cases, fuel from refineries and petroleumcompaniesiscompliant.Thewayfuel is transported and stored can compromise quality.
This is a point John Evans, Wearcheck’s Diagnostic Manager, raised in the June/July Edition of Mining Business Africa. “One of the first things to identify, is what we mean by “qualitydiesel”-letusnotconfusepoorquality with dirty, wet or adulterated fuel. It is extremely unlikely that a single drop of diesel leaving South Africa’s refineries does not conformtotheSANSstandardforthequalityof diesel. It is from this point that the problems start, with poor transport methods, poor handling,sloppystorageandcorruption.Awide varietyofengineproblemscanbetracedback tocontaminateddiesel,”heobserved.
Contaminated and inferior-quality fuel can damage or reduce the life span of a vehicle's engine. It causes reduced engine output, increasedfuelconsumption,ignitiondifficulties, andirregularexhaustgastemperatures,among others.
The following are some of the causes of poor fuelqualitythatshouldbeavoided:
When fuel is diluted or mixed with water; Sometimes,useofinferioradditives.
The deterioration of poor breather and filtrationsystemsontanks Poormaintenancepractices. Thesecanresultinrust,dirt,moistair,water, algae,orsludgeaccumulatinginbulktanks. Best practice in bulk fuel storage ensure good quality and clean fuel for a mine’s optimalperformance.
Bearinginmindthesignificanceoffuel,sound fuel inventory management is important at all times.Itisencouragingthattherearesolutions tomitigatethis.
The advent of software, that enables fuel monitoringorsmartfuelmanagement,and
monitorsfuelvolumesinnear-realtimeissaidto minimiselosses.Thisisbasedoninterviewsthis publication conducted with providers of these technologiesinpreviouseditions.Typically,data on trends in fuel usage informs actions to be takenwhenirregularitiesareidentified,averting hugelosses.
Consideringthatenergy,ofwhichdieselisone of the sources, is used in mining, sound fuel managementinbulkstoragefacilitiesshouldbe standard practice at every point. Adopting effective measures to mitigate contamination andreduceproductlossesshouldbeprioritised. Mining companies do not have the luxury of toleratingthesecostlyerrors.
Environmental regulations related to fuel storage (South Africa)
TheEnvironmentalManagementAct,No.107 of 1998, obligates organisations that handle bulkfueltobeconversantwiththefollowing:
Anenvironmentalimpactassessment(EIA) is performed before the installation of above-ground or underground diesel tanks.Furthermore,undergroundtanksall require authorisation, no matter the storagesizeofthedieseltank.
Anenvironmentalmanagementplanisalso neededfordecommissioningdieseltanks to ensure safe removal and pollution prevention.
Response strategies for diesel tank spills include emphasising protecting human healthandrestoringusability.
Abovegroundtanksneedtohaveabund, (a surrounding wall that can contain at leastone-thirdofthetank’scontents).
As part of diesel tank maintenance, companies must hire engineering experts toinspecttankvalves,flanges,andpumps toensurenoleaks.
Underground tanks must be placed in a containedholesealedwithconcrete.The space around the tank is filled with an immovablematerialtopreventchemicals fromleakingintotheearth.
have a stable foundation or support structure suitable for all operating conditions. beprotectedfromfire,heat,vacuum,and pressure,whichmightcausetankfailure. be sized to align with storage requirements.
Customisable Bulk Fuel Storage
uel quality could be an aspect mining
companies may overlook as theyintensely
focus on achieving big numbers in revenue. However, this oversight could prove detrimental; poor fuel quality damages equipment,whichresultsincostlydowntimeto production. What’s worse, unwittingly, it causes increased emissions, in violation of environmentalregulations.
Understanding the unique challenges the mining industry faces in fuel management, PETRO Industrial Solutions, as a seasoned leader in the field, goes beyond the call of duty. Unlike competitors, the company does not just sell tanks, but comprehensive fuel storage solutions specifically customised to individualminingoperations.“Ourexpertisein fuelstoragemeansyoucantrustustoprovide systems that minimise downtime and protect your operations,” PETRO Industrial Solutions’ Operations Manager affirms, as he highlights relevant speciality, a customised approach, andacommitmenttoqualityassuranceasthe company’sstrongpoints.
Relevant speciality
PETRO Industrial specialises in robust selfbunded, above-ground fuel storage tanks, designedtoensurefuelqualityandreliability. The tanks are built to withstand the demanding conditions of mining environments. Compared to traditional externallybundedtanks,theseoffersuperior flexibility,easiermaintenance,andaremore environmentallyfriendlyandcost-efficient.
Thecompanyhasawidearrayofself-bunded storage solutions, from small-scale tanks to extensive tank farms. These range from compact1,000-litreCubetankstoexpansive 75,000-litrecontainerisedtanksthatcanbe scaleduptoformtankfarms.
Certainly worth pointing out, the storage solutions’mostuniquefeatureisversatility. Thetanksanddispensingunitsaredesigned to handle a variety of liquids, including diesel, engine oil, hydraulic oils, lubricants, andwasteoils.
iPETRO Fuel Management Systems
Moretothepoint,knowingthateverydrop of fuel counts, PETRO Industrial Solutions empowers mines with the iPETRO Fuel Management Systems. The systems enable precise tracking of fuel consumption, identifying discrepancies, and reducing idlingtime,whichtranslatesintosignificant costsavings.
End-to-end customisation
ItisworthpointingoutthatPETROIndustrial Solutions aware that the project operates under operating and informs company’s approachtotailor-makingsolutions.“Ourinmanufacturing teams deliver end-to-end storage solutions.Theycollaboratecloselywiththe sales team and a ensures that the product is the
ItisworthpointingoutthatPETROIndustrial Solutions is aware that every tank for the project is distinct as it operates under different operating conditions and requirements. This informs the company’s approachtotailor-makingsolutions.“Ourinhouse design and manufacturing teams deliver end-to-end customised fuel storage solutions.Theycollaboratecloselywiththe sales team and the client to develop a comprehensive solution. This ensures that the exact product is manufactured,” the OperationsManagerexplains.
Quality, safety & compliance
Upholding quality, safety, and compliance, the company’s well-trained and certified teamsfollow stringentprotocolstodeliver superiorfuelstoragesolutions.Forinstance, smaller self-bunded cubes are built in line with SANS 10131, and larger self-bunded containerised tanks are approved to UL142 standardstomeetindustrybenchmarks.
Durability and reliability
To ensure durability and reliability, the company implementsthefollowingkeyinitiatives:
MaterialSelection:Useofonlycarbonsteeland stainless steel, known for their durability and resistancetoenvironmentalstress.
Self-Bunded Design: The double-walled, selfbunded tanks provide an extra layer of protectionagainstleaksandspills.
Protective Coatings: The application of protective coatings reduces corrosion and rusting, particularly in outdoor or humid conditions.
The dedicated team is present on-site during installationandprovidesmaintenancesupportpostinstallation. During installation, it ensures proper on-sitepreparationandcorrectinstallation.
Post-installation, the team provides training and best practices for handling and maintaining the tanks.Further,itattendstoissuesthatmayarise requiringon-siterepairs.
Ultimately, firm internal quality management procedures, in addition to internal inspections, guaranteethathigh-standardtanksreachtheclient.
Supply chain
Aboveandbeyondthecapabilitytoprovideend-toend,customised,comprehensivesolutions,PETRO Industrialassuresclientsofitscapabilitytoprovide the required products devotedly at all times. Through direct manufacturer relationships, the company has an extensive global reach. This ensuresthedeliveryoftop-tier,reliablesolutionsto miningoperationsworldwide.
The go-to partner
Through partnering with PETRO Industrial Solutions,miningcompaniesareguaranteedrobust tanks engineered for harsh conditions. Evident in the project track record, the knack for forging innovationandqualityhaspositionedthecompany asthego-topartnerforfuelstoragesolutions.
Track record in mining projects
Established in 2010, PETRO Industrial Solutionshasbuiltareputationasaleaderin thebulkfuelstoragemarket.Thereisproof more concrete than the extensive portfolio showcasing esteemed clients from diverse sectors.
Mining is one sector in which it has built a reputation,spanningfromlocalSouthAfrican mining enterprises to prominent global players.
Overthepasttwelvemonthsalone,PETRO Industrial Solutions has successfully completedprojectsformorethansixdifferent mines, each presenting unique challenges andopportunities.
Precisely, project highlights include the following:
SupplyingasmallmineinCenturionwith a single 2000-litre cube to power their machineryefficiently.
ForamineinKriel,wedeliveredaseries of four tanks, each tailored for different liquids including diesel, engine oil, hydraulicoil,andwasteoil.
Completion of a project for a mine in Phalaborwa,1.6kilometresunderground. Itinvolveddesigningtwoseriesofthree connected S-cubes on skids for engine oilandhydraulicoilstorage.
On a larger scale, one notable project was for a prestigious global mining company in South Africa. It involved creatingatankfarmcomprising13tanks —six for oil and seven for diesel— integratedwithacustom-builtpumproom forefficientdispensing.
Beyond South Africa, PETRO Industrial has delivered a 16-tank fuel farm successfully to a leading mining and metalsgroupinGuinea.
Wear Plates for Mining Equipment
Alloys of high-resistance Alloys of high-resistance
In mining operations,when feedstockpasses metal surfaces of material handling and
process equipment, it causes significant abrasivewear.Withouttimelyintervention,the cumulative damage can escalate too extensively. Unfortunately, the ensuing downtimecanforceamineoperatortoincur unscheduledrepairandreplacementcoststo fixtheproblem.
Thus, the plant engineer has to forestall this costly outcome. Usually, applying lining to offerprotectionisthemostpracticaloption.
However, unavoidably, with time, the liner’s thickness is reduced, requiring replacement, whichcanbeasignificantcost.Eventually,the more of this exercise, the higher the overall cost.
Intheminingindustry,wearcanbeattributed to 50% of the total maintenance cost (FullScale Simulation and Validation of Wear for a Mining Rope Shovel Bucket by authorsAndreas Svanberg, Simon Larsson, Rikard Mäki,andPärJonsén).
In terms of productivity, equipment manufacturer Cummins estimates that the downtimeofaminingdumptruckcancostup to~USD1,000perhour.Generally,thetotal cost of materials due to wear in the mining sectorcouldbebillionsofdollarsannually.
Obviously,thereisnobetteroptiontoforestall downtimeandreduceunscheduledcoststhan effectivelining.Itkeepsplantsandequipment runningatoptimumproductionlevelsforlong periods. Long-lasting liners can reduce the total cost of ownership, which is the cost of liningdividedbytonnage.
Many products offer protection against extreme abrasion. Conventional wear plate materialsmadeofsteelareamongthem.
Made of specialised materials, hard-facing plates or abrasion-resistant plates protect surfaces of equipment or components from abrasivewear,impact,andcorrosioninvarious industries. These plates significantly extend the lifespan of machinery and equipment exposedtoharshoperatingconditions.Inthe long run, they reduce maintenance costs and downtime.
High-alloy,low-carbonsteelmaterialscontain one or more elements such as chromium, nickel, molybdenum, vanadium, titanium, and niobium. The alloy offers significantly longer resistancethanconventionalsteelinharshand abrasiveconditions.Itprovidesmorestrength and less weight; it is three times harder than mildsteel.
Increasingly,high-alloysteelisregardedasan alternative to conventional steel. In most projects, this type of steel has shown significantresistancetoabrasivematerials.
The Hard and Tough Steel You Can Rely On
SSAB is a global steel company renowned for its leading position in high-strength steel and comprehensiverelatedservices.Itofferstailored,innovativesolutionsacrossvariousindustries.
ith more than 50 years of experience in Wsupporting the mining industry, SSAB is
highly equipped to serve the African mining market at any time and in any region with advancedwearplatesolutionsusingitsflagship Hardox® wear plate. Keenly, the company has been observing project rollouts on the continentwithvestedinterestandiseagerto contributeitsexpertise.
Of course, the African mining market has unique challenges due to many factors. In essence, SSAB helps transform a mining company’schallengesintoopportunities.
“Most mines are always grappling with managing operational costs, with repairs and maintenance often at the forefront. Realising this,weaimtoworkwithminesbyemphasising thatoptingforalower-gradesteelproductto perform this task can cost them more in the long run,” says Raymond Rautenbach, Area SalesManager,SouthernAfrica.
Opportunity for upgrading
ThisiswhySSABencouragesclientstoregard all areas identified as an opportunity for upgrading, where the existing “part” or “equipment” is improved. Thus, by utilising various grades of Hardox® wear plate,the
company can focus the upgrade on the most urgent priority. This could apply to reducing downtime, increasing the life span, or increasingproductivity.
"Our commitment extends beyond providing thebestqualitysteel;wepositionourselvesas a service-oriented company that offers comprehensivetechnicalsupport,suchaswear analysis, material recommendations based on mined mineral and advanced software solutions, to ensure our customers fully leveragetheadvantagesofHardox®.
SSAB offers a vast array of materials specifically designed to meet the upgrading requirements of mining clients. Its main products include Hardox® wear plate and Duroxite®overlay.Hardox®wearplatesrangein hardnessfrom450Brinelltoover600Brinell.
Thisrangeallowsfortailoringthewearsolution to the customer’s needs, maximising the desired benefit. It allows for wear-specific customisation in the wear-affected areas of mining tippers, trays, chutes, conveyors and
more.“Customerscanoptimisetheservicelife of multiple pieces of equipment to achieve optimal productivity. Duroxite® overlay allows mineownersandoperatorstofocuspurelyon slidingwearwhereimpactisminimal.Itcanbe usedincombinationwithHardox®tooptimise the wear life of the desired equipment,” Rautenbach says, shedding more light on features.
Low total cost of ownership
ThereisnoquestionthatSSAB’swideproduct range caters to the vast needs of clients. However, an inescapable reality is that there are hundreds of steel wear plate products targeting the African mining market. “Essentially, by accepting lower-grade or mild steel in the equipment, you run the risk of unpredictableservicelifeandbreakdowns.
Most wear plate suppliers do not guarantee their properties and focus only on offering a plate that meets the required hardness level. However, almost all wear applications require toughness, through-thickness guarantees and throughhardness,whichSSABensureswithits different grades of Hardox wear plate,” Rautenbachsays,assuringpotentialclientsthat a major advantage of Hardox®is the low total costofownership.
Hardox® Wear Plates
Ultimately, the value that mines get from Hardox®wearplatedependsontheoutcomesa mine wishes to achieve, whether through reducing costs by minimising downtime and increasing service life, or focusing on output (productivity). In the main, mines benefit from usingHardox®wearsteelinthefollowingways:
Enhanced Durability: Hardox® wear plate is known for its exceptional hardness and toughness, which makes Hardox® highly resistanttowearandtearintoughapplications. This durability reduces the frequency of replacements and maintenance cycles and, ultimately,costs.
Improved Equipment Lifespan: By using Hardox® wear steel, the lifespan of mining equipmentissignificantlyextended.Thismeans less frequent downtime for repairs and replacements, leading to more consistent operationsandoutput.
Reduced Maintenance Costs: The high wear resistance of Hardox® steel means that maintenance intervals can be extended, reducing the overall maintenance costs and downtime. By reducing one cycle in a year, a minecanhaveasignificantimprovementinboth costreductionandimproveduptime.
Increased Productivity: Withlessdowntimeand fewer maintenance interruptions, mining operations can run more smoothly and efficiently, increasing productivity. Eventually, byfocusingontimeandcoststoaddressallof theabove,minescansignificantlyimprovetheir performance.
PredictablePerformance: Theconsistentquality andperformanceofHardox®wearplateensure predictable service life, which helps in better planningandschedulingmaintenanceactivities. “We refer to this as predictive maintenance. When you have a guaranteed service life, you can plan the replacements well in advance to avoid the dreaded breakdown that ultimately inflates the costs of any operations. This also allows mines to procure the required parts in advancetoensureuptime,”Rautenbachsays.
Since its launch in 1974, Hardox® wear plate has raised the bar in abrasionresistant steel, achieving milestones in differentprojectsglobally.
Withlessdowntimeand fewer maintenance interruptions, mining including loading, transport, and crushing. This to must
Versatility: Hardox® wear plate can be used in various applications in the mining industry, including loading, transport, and crushing. This versatility allows for a more streamlined and efficient operation that can focus on, for example,haulingoverburdens,wheremovingas muchaspossibleforaslongaspossiblematters most.
Generally,installingHardox®wearplatecanlead to significant improvements in operational efficiency and cost savings in the mining industry.Whenchoosingsteelwearplates,mine owners and operators must look beyond the cost. SSAB urges mining companies to adopt Hardox®wearplateandgetmorevaluebeyond the price. “Don’t consider Hardox® as an expensivewearplatebutratherasanessential tooltoprovidestabilityinthemostcriticalareas ofequipmentwheremaintenanceandrepairare oftenneeded,”Rautenbachstresses.
SSAB’sextensiveknowledgeofproducing quenched and tempered (Q&T) steel grades resulted in the highly respected Hardox® wear plate, its premier flagship product.Hardox®wearplateisrenowned for its unique hardness and toughness, makingittheworld’sfirstbendablewear steel. This allows for reliable performancebothintheworkshopandin operation.
Hardox® wear steel is hard from the surface and deep into the material, extendingservicelifeinrealapplications several times compared to other AR materials. Toughness means it can also take heavy blows without denting or cracking.
Marketneedsarecontinuouslyevolving. To keep pace, SSAB has constantly developed the steel over the years, producing new state-of-the-art grades suchasHardox®500Tuf,Hardox®HiAce, andHardox®HiTemp.
Hardox® has a history of unmatched performance and a future of reliable productivity for anyone who uses this steel. It is not surprising that Hardox® wear plate has been the leader in wear steelfor50years.SSABiseagertocreate more milestones within the years to come, ensuring that industries experiencethebenefitsofthereliability ofitshigh-strengthsteel.