ISD 197 Mendota Heights, West St. Paul, and Eagan Mail - Oct...
Mary Townsend <>
October 2015 Twin Cities Family Volunteer Opportunities 1 message Jenny Friedman <> Reply-To: To:
Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 1:03 PM
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October 2015 -‐ Twin Ci3es
We need your input! Be on the lookout for our upcoming DGT communica6ons survey, which will be emailed to you mid-‐October. We appreciate your feedback!
Rake a Difference Day Community Thread Date/Time: Saturday, October 24, 9am -‐ noon. We encourage groups to rake yards between 9am -‐ noon, but group leaders are welcome to work with homeowners to schedule another raking
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6me prior to or following the event. The inclement weather date for the event is Saturday, October 31. Loca3on: Seniors' yards around Washington County Make a difference in your community by helping seniors and individuals with disabili6es remain independent in their homes. Volunteer with Community Thread for Rake a Difference Day on Saturday, October 24 (known as Make a Difference Day na6onwide!) to rake the yard of a fellow community member. This is a great family-‐friendly opportunity to connect with local seniors and enjoy a morning outdoors. Loca6ons are available throughout Washington County. Volunteers should bring their own rakes and gloves; homeowners provide leaf bags. Ages: Open to all ages; volunteers 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult (one adult per every five children age 12 and under). Time Commitment: Three hours or un6l yards are finished. Contact: Sara Pennebecker at 651.439.7434 or Sign up by Friday, October 9 to secure your par6cipa6on!
Twin Ci3es CureSearch Walk CureSearch for Children's Cancer Date/Time: Sunday, October 4, aYernoon. Exact 6mes will vary depending on volunteer task. Loca3on: Lake Phalen in St. Paul CureSearch Walk unites the community and local hospitals to walk towards ending children's cancer. The Walk celebrates families who have been affected by children's cancer, and is family-‐ friendly and fun. Volunteers are needed to help with registra6on, set up, tear down, refreshments, cheer sta6ons, T-‐shirts, form Walk Teams, etc. Ages: Everyone can par6cipate in the walk. Families with children ages three and older can help distribute T-‐shirts, par6cipate at cheer sta6ons, and hand out refreshments. Setup and tear down volunteers must be at least 12; registra6on volunteers must be at least 16. Time Commitment: Between two and seven hours, depending on ac6vity Contact: Brecka Putnam,
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ISD 197 Mendota Heights, West St. Paul, and Eagan Mail - Oct...
Mentor a Child Kids 'n Kinship Date/Time: Ongoing opportunity Loca3on: Your home or the community Kids 'n Kinship matches volunteer mentor families, couples, & individuals with youth ages 5-‐16 in need of addi6onal posi6ve role models for fun and enriching weekly ac6vi6es. Mentoring Works! Please consider stepping forward today to mentor a child with your family. We are based in Dakota County and have served families in Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Farmington, Lakeville & Rosemount for 42 years. Matches are made based on compa6ble personali6es, ages and interests as well as preferences of both volunteer family and the youth and parent/guardian. Our families say that mentoring together ensures they have weekly family 6me and that it's easy to include another child with the family ac6vity, whether it's a board game, sledding, a trip to a park, or going to the zoo or a museum. We offer discounted passes to area adrac6ons to make ac6vi6es more affordable, a 45-‐minute informa6on session, a 2-‐hour training session, as well as ongoing training and support. We ask mentors and mentees to commit to a year's 6me together in order to build their rela6onship; however, many of our matches become lifelong friendships and our average match is about 3 years. Please consider being a mentor to a child -‐ it is one of the most challenging and rewarding ways to volunteer! Ages: Mentors are families, couples, or individuals over 21 Time Commitment: One to four hours per week, on your own 6me (very flexible scheduling: can be weekends, evenings or aYer school) Contact: Rita Younger, Kinship Coordinator at or 651.686.0990
Prairie Plan3ng in Mendota Heights Great River Greening Date/Time: Saturday, October 3, 8:30am -‐ 12:30pm
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ISD 197 Mendota Heights, West St. Paul, and Eagan Mail - Oct...
Loca3on: The Dodge Lilly Property, 680 Highway 110, Mendota Heights. The Dodge Lilly Property is located on Highway 110 between Dodd Rd and Delaware Ave in Mendota Heights. Parking for the event will be available in the Mendota Church of Christ parking lot at 680 Highway 110, Mendota Heights. Join Dodge Nature Center and Great River Greening in a prairie plan6ng event to accelerate prairie restora6on, increase diversity, and provide nectar sources for pollinators at Lilly Prairie, a locally famous jewel for hiking. Prior to European sedlement, Minnesota boasted more than 18 million acres of prairie. Today, less than two percent remains. Join us as we work with neighbors and other community volunteers to help this secluded gem return to ecological health. Ages: Families are welcome to volunteer Time Commitment: Four hours Contact: Jen Kader at 651.665.9500 ext. 11, Registra6on is available online.
Rake the Leaves Fall Clean Up HOME Program of Senior Community Services Date/Time: Pick your own date and 6me, star6ng in mid-‐October (depending upon the weather). Loca3on: Yard cleanup at a senior's house in any of the following communi6es: Bloomington, Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Crystal, Deephaven, Eden Prairie, Edina, Excelsior, Golden Valley, Greenwood, Hopkins, Long Lake, Maple Grove, Minneapolis, Minnetonka, Minnetonka Beach, Mound, New Hope, Orono, Osseo, Plymouth, Richfield, Robbinsdale, Shorewood, Spring Park, St. Louis Park, Tonka Bay, Wayzata, and Woodland. Leaves do fall. Improve your health while helping a senior ci6zen remain independent in their home! Volunteer tasks include yard work, leaf raking, window washing, weeding, garage sweeping and cleanup. The Household & Outside Maintenance for Elderly (HOME) Program of Senior Community Services provides affordable home maintenance and chore services to help seniors age 60+ con6nue to live independently in their own homes in 29 Hennepin County communi6es. Ages: Families with children age seven and older are welcome to volunteer.
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ISD 197 Mendota Heights, West St. Paul, and Eagan Mail - Oct...
Time Commitment: Varies, feel free to volunteer once or mul6ple 6mes. Contact: Jeanne, or call 952.767.7894
Help Clean and Refurbish Used Bikes Free Bikes 4 Kidz Date/Time: Bike Dona6on Day, Saturday, October 10, 9am -‐ 6pm. ShiYs are 9am -‐ noon, 11:30am -‐ 3:30pm and 3 -‐ 6pm. Bike repair and cleaning shiYs: October 12 -‐ December 5, shiYs are scheduled 9am -‐ noon, noon -‐ 3pm, 3 -‐ 6pm and 6 -‐ 9pm. Loca3on: Health hospitals and clinics on Saturday, October 10th, from 9:00am -‐ 4:00pm. Exact Mall of America loca6on for Bike Repair volunteers will be sent via email with map and direc6ons. Volunteers are needed to haul, move and organize over 5,000 FB4K bikes! Bikes will be transported to the FB4K warehouse at the Mall of America to be staged for cleaning and fixing. Join the Cleaners, Preppers, or Mechanics for a shiY to repair bikes. We love folks with mad bike repair skills, but if you and your family members are handy with rags, we'd be happy to put you to work. We need volunteers of all skill levels to help us move and clean bikes. This is a fun ac6vity for a family to do together! Ages: Children age eight or older with adult supervision are welcome to volunteer. Youth groups with ages older than 12 are welcome, but we ask for a 1:5 adult to child ra6o. Time Commitment: Three to four hours Contact: FB4K Volunteer Coordinator at Volunteers can register online.
Senior Chore Program Fall Clean Up Northeast Youth & Family Services (NYFS) Date/Time: Arrange a 6me between October 25 and November 7 that works for you.
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ISD 197 Mendota Heights, West St. Paul, and Eagan Mail - Oct...
Loca3on: Seniors' home in Shoreview and White Bear Lake Northeast Youth & Family Services Senior Chore Program is having their annual Fall Cleanup for seniors in need. Volunteers are needed to spend a few hours improving the lives of area seniors and help them live independently for as long as possible. Rake and bag leaves, pick up debris, sweep sidewalks and bring in lawn furniture for seniors who are no longer able to complete these tasks themselves. If possible, bring a rake and work gloves! Please dress for the weather. Ages: Families with children of all ages can par6cipate. Time Commitment: Up to four hours Contact: Debbie, 651.757.4061 or Please register by October 16.
Fall Yard Clean Up DARTS Date/Time: Pick your own date and 6me between October 24 through November 7. Loca3on: Seniors' homes in West St. Paul/South St. Paul, Inver Grove Heights, Mendota Heights, Eagan, Burnsville, Apple Valley, Lakeville, Farmington or Rosemount Families can play a crucial role in helping older homeowners in Dakota County area by raking and bagging up leaves this fall. This is a great way for families of all ages to spend 6me together and connect with a senior. Please bring rakes and gloves. Ages: Families with children ages five and older are welcome to par6cipate. Time Commitment: Two to three hours per yard. Contact: Barb Tiggemann,
Beat Back the Buckthorn Three Rivers Park District Date/Time: Friday, October 16, 9am -‐ noon; Saturday, October 17, 9am -‐ noon; Saturday,
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October 31, 9am -‐ noon. Loca3on: Tierney's Woods, Hyland Lake Park Reserve 8163-‐ 8319 Highwood Dr, Bloomington Help preserve forests and woodlands by removing buckthorn. With no natural controls, this invasive species produces a dense shade that prevents the establishment of na6ve habitat. Volunteers work in wooded areas with uneven terrain and use different methods of removal such as loppers, handsaws, and handwork via pulling younger plants. Removal sites are off trail and/or may be in remote areas of the park. Therefore, volunteers must arrive on 6me or early at the designated mee6ng loca6on. The group is then led to removal sites. Volunteers must come prepared for the weather and bring something to drink (and snacks, if desired). Water and restroom facili6es are NOT on site and require a drive to nearby Hyland Park Reserve at Richardson Nature Center. Training, equipment, and spare gloves are provided at the start of each session, but it is recommended to bring your own preferred work gloves. Dress to get dirty and wear comfortable, sturdy closed-‐toe shoes (no sandals) with long pants and a long-‐sleeved shirt. Be aware that poison ivy, 6cks, mosquitoes, hornets, etc. may be found in some areas of our parks. Use bug spray, learn to iden6fy and avoid poison ivy and check aYer walking through vegeta6on. Ages: Families with children ages eight and older are welcome to par6cipate. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Time Commitment: Three hours Contact: Volunteer Office, 763.559.6706, Online registration is preferred.
Food Packing-‐ Youth & Family Service Day Second Harvest Heartland West Date/Time: Saturday, November 7, 9 -‐ 11:30am, or 12:30 -‐ 2:30pm. Plan to arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of your volunteer shiY. That will give you plenty of 6me to check in, hang up coats and secure purses and jewelry in lockers.
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Loca3on: 6325 Sandburg Rd. Suite 1700, Golden Valley Youth Service Days are focused on opening our doors to youth groups and families with youth for a high-‐energy and fun service opportunity. Volunteers sort and repack donated food into consumer size packages. This ac6vity includes a variety of posi6ons, so there are jobs for a variety of ages and abili6es. These repackaged items then go to our partner agencies, such as food shelves and soup kitchens that serve our hungry neighbors. We hope you will join the fun! Ages: This opportunity is available to youth ages eight and older. Adults who bring infants and children under eight years old will not be able to volunteer. Time Commitment: Two hours Contact:, Volunteers can sign up online at Please note that Youth Service Day volunteer spots fill up quickly.
Clean Up Your Neighborhood Nicodemous Wilderness Project Date/Time: Flexible Loca3on: Pick a loca6on to clean up in your community Fall winds are sending wayward wrappers flying out of open car doors and fludering school papers out of our hands. In spring, everyone is in the mood for neighborhood clean up, but by October, the Earth Day influence seems to have worn off. Recommit to cleaning up during your fall walks. Clear out lider from a sec6on of park, beach, vacant lot or your own neighborhood. Take all necessary precau6ons, including wearing sturdy gloves, being careful on riverbanks or near roads, having adults handle dangerous items and supervising children closely. You can pick your favorite walk and do a one-‐6me sweep, or make clean up a regular family event. Take a few digital photos of what you've picked up. Then have your family send an essay about your experience along with your favorite photo, your names, age(s) and address to Your essay will be published on the Nicodemus Wilderness Project website, your children's names will appear in the Registry of Appren6ce Ecologists, and you'll get an official cer6ficate. Visit the DGT™ Clean Up Your Neighborhood project page for reflec6on ideas, book sugges6ons, and ways to take this project further.
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ISD 197 Mendota Heights, West St. Paul, and Eagan Mail - Oct...
Ages: Everyone can par6cipate Time Commitment: Varies Contact:
DGT WORKSHOPS Did you know? Doing Good Together™ offers engaging workshops that are perfect for parent groups. We offer two popular topics: Compassionate Kids: 10 Steps to Raising a Caring Child Family Volunteering: Simple Ways to Weave Service into Your Hectic Life Both provide adendees with dozens of ideas for fun, meaningful ac6vi6es that fit easily into families' lives. The format includes discussion, problem solving, and idea sharing. We have presented to schools, faith communi6es and community groups, both locally and na6onally, for over 10 years. For more informa6on, contact Jenny at
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This list was compiled by Doing Good Together™ ( When calling to volunteer for any of the opportunities listed above, please let the coordinator know you found it through this listing. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have of the sponsoring organization before committing to a project. Disclaimer: This list is provided as a service to families. Inclusion of organizations in this listing does not imply affiliation, endorsement or quality assurance on the part of Doing Good Together.™ Doing Good Together™ bears no responsibility whatsoever for the activities and actions of the listed organizations. © 2015 Doing Good Together™
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