Summer Edition l Vol 1 Issue 2
@MinnDak.KeyClub MinnDak Key Club
@MinnDak Key Club District
BULLETIN EDITOR NOTE Hello MinnDak! It’s your Bulletin Editor Gao-je! Welcome to the MinnDak Summer Edition 2017! I hope you all enjoyed your summer. I know that MinnDak was pretty busy! This season’s newsletter is filled with events we did. I’ve been wanting to tell you all that I’m looking for more clubs to feature in the MinnDak Quack! All you have to do is email me a paragraph or two of your event you did along with some pictures. You can also email your LTG or anyone on the district board. I look forward to seeing more of you guys on the MinnDak Quack! Besides just wanting articles of events, it be amazing to see your newsletters! It can be difficult if you don’t know how, but make sure to check out my BE Tips section if you want to learn how to make one or other ways of turning in reports. Did you know that MinnDak has a YouTube channel? Check it out! It has resourceful videos and recaps such as “How to fill out a monthly report
report” and “MinnDak ICON Tour Recap 2017”. Make sure to also follow our social media accounts for updates! Fall Rally is coming up soon and there will be more information coming out! Or check out our website for more details too, and you can register there. If you’re ever looking for any help about your positions or duties, feel free to contact the district board and ask questions! We always look forward to answering your questions! I hope you all enjoy reading my newsletter! Look out for the next newsletter! Your BE, Gao-je Vang
GOV NOTE TRUSTEE NOTE Hi Minn-Dak! I am Kacie Iverson, your new MinnDak Governor. My goals for the year are to increase communication between international, the district and individual clubs, not only maintain, but increase membership and finally, increase attendance at district events. A little effort from each of us goes a long way. For my governor's project, I have decided to support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. I chose this organization because I believe the rate of suicide and mental health issues for teens are too high. Many of us have personal ties to those struggling with mental health so I hope that'll motivate us to do more and donate this year. Key Club can make a change for these individuals. Again, I am very excited to work with you all this year. Please let me know if you have any questions.
My name is Audrey Dilgarde from the Rocky Mountain District, and I am honored to introduce myself as your newly elected International Trustee to Minnesota-Dakotas, Ohio and Missouri-Arkansas for this upcoming service year. I’m so excited to work with all of you! As an International Trustee, my job is to primarily assist the Governors, District Boards and District Administrators with any objectives. My responsibilities also extends to participating in two district visits and most importantly, representing your voices on the International level of Key Club. On the International Board, I am a member of the Executive Committee, Committee on Service, and Committee on Membership Experience. If you have any questions about my assigned committees, or any of the other committees on the International Board, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Your International Trustee,,
Your Gov, Audrey Dilgarde Kacie Iverson
I pledge on my honor, To uphold the objects of Key Club International; To build my home, school and community; To serve my nation and God; And combat all forces that tend to undermine these institutions.
Key Club Pledge 3
REPLAY IT NEWS VALLEY FAIR LEADERSHIP DAY The MinnDak District held their first Valley Fair Leadership Day in June. On this day MinnDak hosted the event for all Key Clubbers in the district to attend. When everyone arrived they each were given a puzzle piece, which would determine their groups they’d work in. In groups they met new Key Clubbers in the district and worked together to solve problems. They learned a lot about the MinnDak District and Key Club’s history. After a fun time of games and groups, they moved on to service projects. There were tie-blankets, tissue flowers and decorating bags! All of the service projects were easy and fun to do! Key Clubbers met new people, did service projects and learned how to be a leader. The rest of the day was dedicated to rides and fun!
CONVENTION This summer in July a group of MinnDak Key Clubbers attended International Convention, also known as ICON. They left in the morning at 7 a.m. and were on their way to San Antonio, Texas! Their first stop was the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art in Kansas City, Missouri. They saw beautiful sculptures and amazing art pieces. After the museum they went on a college tour at Kansas City Art Institute where they were led by a college student to visit places around the campus. Key Clubbers got an insight of classes and learned more about the school. To end their first day of traveling, the MinnDak Key Club group went to Park University to sleep overnight and rest. After some touring and stops along the way, they were headed toward Texas. They arrived at night and unpacked. The next few days were filled with activities. The first full day in Texas the MinnDak Key Clubbers had a whole touring day at the Riverwalk in San Antonio. There was a boat tour to
go on and learn about the place. There were even gift shops to purchase items. In the evening they went to the Americas Tower where they were up 579 feet high and were just in time to see the sunset. The next day the whole group went to the Natural Bridge Cavern, where they went inside. They also went ziplining and through a amaze. Later on they went to a goat petting zoo to feed dozens of goats. The following day MinnDak went to SeaWorld and saw beautiful sea animals such as dolphins and belugas. It was a very entertaining day. It was also Fourth of July so in the evening they stayed to watch amazing fireworks. On the last day of fun touring the MinnDak group went to a zoo with the Capital District to see animals like flamingos and giraffes. They met new people from a different district and bonded over Key Club. They registered for ICON and were set to begin! They attended Opening Session where they introduced the 2016-2017 International
board and new Key Club governors, where we saw our Kacie Iverson on the stage to represent MinnDak. Then announcing the runners for the international board, where we saw our Emily Rice who was running for International Trustee. In the evening there was a meet and greet where everyone attending the convention got dressed up in their district gear and traded pins. MinnDak’s theme is Searching for Service so they dressed up as detectives; wearing their district shirts, a mustache, suspenders, black shorts and holding their magnifying glass. What a memorable night! The International Convention is an event where all Key Club districts come together to celebrate what they’ve accomplished in the year and vote for their new International Board. It’s hosted in different locations every year. This year was in San Antonio, Texas and next year will be Chicago, Illinois. The convention had speakers everyday, inspiring Key Clubbers to be the change they wanted to see. The days also had a different focus each day which was Heart to Serve, Courage to Engage and Call to Lead. There were helpful workshops to attend. Caucusing took place with our sister-districts where everyone voted for the International Board. Then the following day was was another caucus for final International Board. In the evening was the final ceremony took place where they awarded districts for their amazing works. The new 2017-18 was announced and our very own Emily Rice became a Trustee! Join us next year for ICON 2018!
QUACK NEWS! It’s the Bulletin Editor here, Gao-je Vang! I just wanted to add a little note about this section. The Quack News is a section I renamed. It’ll consist of articles that the MinnDak District Board wrote. They are also found in your LTG’s monthly newsletters. Just in case you missed it, here they are! Not all of the articles will be in her. They are a selected few that I feel should be highlighted in the MinnDak Quack. I named it Quack News, because it’s like saying “quick”, but now quack. Hopefully you all enjoy this section and find it helpful.
DUES Key Club dues are essential to becoming a member and a participating club in the Key Club International Organization. Clubs can start sending dues on October 1st to Key Club International in forms of check or money order. Here remember: ● ● ●
If you have any questions about articles or want more information feel free to contact us! Check the Contact Info on the last page.
Dues should be turned in timely before December 1st. Early bird payments of dues are needed before November 1st. Breakdown of Club Dues: International Key Club dues are $7 and Minn Dak dues are $4.50. By adding the two together, each club’s due for each member should be a minimum of $11.50. Local club dues can also be collected in order to fund local club needs; however the total monetary value for dues cannot exceed the International Due maximum ($17.50). If dues are not paid, clubs can will be suspended on February 1st.
Without dues payments, Key Club participants are not official members! Collected dues fund many important events and activities that make Key Clubs strong in their communities. Lieutenant Governors are great resources if you have any questions.
YOF Key Club is a place where high schoolers can improve their community through service. Key Club International does not want its member clubs to be limited in their ideas. However, there are monetary constraints that can keep stellar service ideas from being realized. This is where the Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) comes in. YOF grants are given to Key Clubs/ Key Club members who want to take action on a service opportunity in their community. This money could easily end up going towards your Key Club’s biggest impact dreams for your community, all you need to do is apply! If you’re still not convinced, perhaps a success story will provide some inspiration. The Warren Hills Regional High School Key Club in Washington, New Jersey Key Club noticed a problem in their neighborhood. Most people in the area lived in apartments with little to no area for a garden. Their solution was to create a community garden, but they knew they would need some serious funding to make their idea a reality. In 2010, they applied for and received a YOF grant for $2000. This, along with local donations, allowed them to create organize a 72-plot vegetable and flower garden. According to John Finnegan, Key Clubber and president of the garden association, they “have 90 different groups working in the garden, exchanging tips and becoming close friends… [and] donated more than 1,000 pounds to our food pantry last year.” Take a page from the Warren Hills Regional High School Key Club’s page and don’t let a monetary barrier get in the way of your service dreams! Apply for a YOF grant by submitting an application this summer or fall, no later than October 15. Further guidelines and information about YOF grants is listed in the Key Club Guidebook under Board Policies or on the Key Club International website.
CLUB SPOTLIGHT Columbia Heights Annual Peach Sale
This summer in August Columbia Heights Key Club sold peaches with their Kiwanis Club. They were also able to collaborate with another Key Club, the Fridley Key Club. Every summer there’s an annual peach sales in Columbia Heights where the community can purchase some peaches that were drove in from Colorado. You could even buy them ahead of time and pick them up. Key Clubbers helped put boxes of peaches into customers’ cars, doing all they can to help out. The Columbia Heights Key Club got to collaborate with their Kiwanis Club during this event that was hosted for three days! They got to meet their Kiwanis, the people who helped fund their trips and
service projects. It was a great time to get to know them and chat with. The Peach Sales even brought them together with another Key Club, the Fridley Key Club! Besides just meeting their Kiwanis, they met other Key Clubbers! They greeted each other and had a great bonding time. The Peach Sale was successful like it usually is every year! Columbia Heights did an outstanding job for their service this summer!
Here is a new section added to the MinnDak that’s called What’s Quack’n? This section is to feature other clubs and highlight what they’ve done during the season. With the Club Spotlight section it only has one club that displays what they’ve done. This new section is to feature more than one club because sometimes a lot of articles are sent in and they should receive some credit!
Fridley High School The Fridley High School Key Club over the summer had many events. They attended the NE Kiwanis Parade and 49ers Parade. The NE Kiwanis Parade was an event hosted by the city. The Fridley Key Clubbers walked in the parade with the NE Kiwanis and handed out peanuts to the crowd. The 49ers Parade was held in Fridley. The Key Clubbers walked in the parade along with the Columbia Heights
Heights and Fridley Kiwanis members, they handed out candy to little kids and crowd. After the parade they went to the 49ers carnival to sell ice cream for the hot summer day.
Henry Sibley High School In Henry Sibley’s June newsletter they featured their events they did this season. One of them were their Kiwanis event. It was a huge event that involved their Key Club helping out their Kiwanis club! They got to set up at the YMCA, The next morning they had a pancake breakfast where they also got to host games for kids to play. Continuing over the summer, Henry Sibley High School
School Key Club had many summer opportunities such as officer training, where officers learn about their position and have fun doing so. There’s a Relay for Life where volunteers could walk and raise money to fight cancer. There’s even an event to help serve meals at elementary schools over the summer along with clean up. Henry Sibley did an amazing job this summer and we hope to hear more!
CHARITIES Governor's Project The Governor’s Project this year is the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The organization was created in 1987 and has the mission educate and empower people affected by suicide. They bring hope to people and help save lives. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) creates a smart culture for mental health with their core strategies: funding scientific research, educating the public about mental health, advocating for public policies and being supporters for survivors. Donations collected go to research and to help people. There are multiple ways to help the organization and get involved.
Preferred Charities Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN) is a nonprofit organization that raises money to benefit hospitalized children while increasing awareness for its member hospitals. All CMN Hospital donations directly benefit hospitals, helping to purchase up-to-date equipment, train staff, conduct life-saving research.
March of Dimes has the mission to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature babies, and infant mortality. After the discovery of the polo vaccine, March of Dimes focused on efforts to improve the health of babies and has been successful with the help and enthusiasm of many grassroots volunteers.
SERVICE PARTNER The Thirst Project’s goal is to build a socially -concious generation of people who end the global water crisis. They educate students and build real water projects all over the world. Waterborne diseases kill more children every single day than AIDS, malaria nad all world violence around the world.
VISION PARTNER Nickelodeon inspires kids to take action and make a difference in the world. The Big Hand and Worldwide Day of Play helps kids and adults to plan events and activities.
UNICEF is an organization of the United Nations and dedicated exclusively to children, work with other United Nations bodies, governments and nongovernmental organizations to assit children in need through community-based services in primary health care, basic education, and safe water and sanitation in over 150 developing countries.
The Eliminate project is to eliminate maternal and neonatal around the world. Every year the deadly disease takes about 49,000 babies and a significant amount of women. We can help with $1.80 at a time- the amount to save a child’s ife.
CO-SPONSOR Rustic Pathways is the leader in providing superior international community service, education and adventure programs for students around the world.
UPCOMING EVENTS Fall Rally : October 13- 15 DCON : April 13- 15 ICON : July 4- 8 13
LILY DICKSON MinnDakSec@gmail.com
AUDREY DILGARDE AudreyDilgarde.kci@gmail.com
LIEUTENANT SUAD MUMIN MinnDakDivision3a@gmail.com
PEYTON WICKLUND MinnDakDivision3b@gmail.com
ALLISON ENGEL MinnDakDivision4@gmail.com
GOVERNORS DANIEL AJAGBUSI MinnDakDivision7a@gmail.com
RANJANI HARIHARAN MinnDakDivision7b@gmail.com
ALICE GENG MinnDakDivision7c@gmail.com
www.MinnDakKeyClub.org www.KeyClub.org