Who is the Founder ?
He has studied in Korea, USA, and India to get knowledge of oriental medicine, Spa hardware & software, IT marketing. He dedicated himself to make oriental spa system with the knowledge of Ayurveda and TCM. After publishing of the book ‘Ayurveda for spa therapist (2007, Korean version)’, he found that the scientific equipment is really needed for modern oriental spa. He invested lot of money to develop ‘AYUR SPA’, a full automatic spa equipment, to accomplish his dream of ‘modern oriental spa’. It was the world’s 1st multi functional automatic spa machine.
Founder of Dream Vision X
He also concentrated to develop other equipment and materials to complete oriental spa system. Onyx massager is the one of this system to treat muscle, blood stream revitalization, cellulite and obesity effectively. It has heating system in the basement and very effective to treat all kinds of body problem caused by cold body. Now his oriental spa system is famous not only in Korea, also in China and Japan with the name of ‘SPA KARMA’ or other names. He and his followings established ‘International Therapist Association’ on 2008 in Seoul and has taught in university with his book to distribute this system in Korea.
He has taught in university and in his own academy that skin is not simple skin. It is a kind of signal which shows the condition of our body and mind. In the theory of TCM, skin connected with lung and Qi. Lung is the ocean of Qi and shows the condition of Qi through skin. That’s why we can guess our body constitution by skin. If the size of pores are small, skin type is more likely to be a dry type. Dry constitution have not plentiful of sweat and their pore size is small. So skin & scalp care should be concentrated in moisturizing. Also these people normally have some trouble in muscle and joint pains due to it’s lack of Qi (vital energy). Dream Vision X - PRO He acknowledged that we need some special microscope which can be used very easily to check our skin condition. Most of handheld microscopes were developed only for computer (usb type) but it is not easy to carry. So he investigated microscope market in the world and found there’re only Wifi type microscopes for smartphone and tablet which developed in Japan and Taiwan.
But they have fatal weakness to use. If there’s no Wifi system, it is useless and moreover their resolution cannot be accurate due to the limit of Wifi communication technology. He needed something easy to carry and use but there’s no other kinds of handheld microscope. He have met many engineers and programmers. Nobody gave definite answer because nobody have developing experience same as his idea. But he believed that there’re no impossible mission and this belief came from his developing experience.
He made master plan of system (hardware, application, software, website) by himself and had lot of meeting with engineers and programmers. Finally he found some young engineers and programmers who agreed with him. It was the beginning story of dream vision x.
Dream Vision X - Elegance
Now many companies show the result of skin and scalp analysis. How it is possible? Skin and scalp types of millions are all different. There are no same skin and scalp. If somebody want to analyze their skin automatically, there should be over than billion database of skin and scalp. Unfortunately there’re no organization which have this kinds of database.
Pore size and its distribution, distance of skin texture, color of skin are all important to judge skin and scalp type. Also skin condition is very important to understand people’s body and mind constitution. He, as a professional spa consultant, wanted people understand their skin type with very scientific tools and wanted to make people use microscope very easily.
As a founder of dream vision x system, he is working with a Korean graduate school to make skin and scalp data base which gives a scientific skin analysis information. Also trying to make the most excellent handheld microscope for ear, nose, eyes checking system. These all systems can be used in not only skin and scalp also industry, pet, school, field and other special areas.