mapic nEWs ®
Wednesday 13 November 2013
Opening night party
The Majestic Hotel hosted the MAPIC opening night party, this year sponsored by Russian jeweller Adamas See page 4
ent Prés au 2013 PiC A M tand S 4.17 LR
80 boutiques
ouVeRtuRe debut 2015
digital summit
The second MAPIC Digital Summit discussed the increasing convergence of digital and physical retail, with Land Securities’ Sean Curtis outlining the strategy for Trinity Leeds See page 20
Rising stars 2013, Les Docks en travaux
MAPIC shines the spotlight on the vast markets of Brazil, China, India and Russia
Renseignement commeRcialisation constRucta uRban systems Showroom des Docks 10 Place de la Joliette - Atrium 10.7 13002 MArSeille 04 91 17 34 61
Début 2015, ouverture des Docks Marseille®
See page 29
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12/11/2013 21:34