The Naughty Donkey. Yulia Sysoeva

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THE NAUGHTY DONKEY Illustrated by ANNA KISELEVA Daniel Sysoev Inc, New Jersey, 2020 ISBN 978-5-4279-0087-4

The little Donkey and his new friend Mehck are misbehaving. They lied to their parents, took money without asking, ran away from home, and almost got eaten by an outlaw Wolf. Will they manage to escape and get back home? Find out what our friends learned in this book..

Book 4 from the “Be a Brilliant Child” series

All rights reserved. Protected by USA Federal copyright law. Reproduction of this book in wholeor in part is prohibited.

© Daniel Sysoev Inc, 2020 © Yulia Sysoeva, 2020

Sam became a changed donkey after the doctors saved his life. He always listened to his mother. He no longer quarreled with the Soap and the Sponge. They now had pride of place in his bathroom, and he got along really well with them. He no longer threw them down on the floor or left them lying there in a soggy heap. The little donkey still liked to play in his secret spot at the lake. He even made himself a little hut there. Little Tom-Tooth came over often, and then they played together.

Summer came and went, and finally it was time for Sam the Donkey to go school. One morning, his mother packed his new school bag, his lunch box, and the big yellow school bus came to pick him up. The little donkey felt very grown up. The little donkey soon made a new friend, Mehck, the Kid. Mehck was almost a head taller than the little donkey. He was outgoing and conceited. Many children were scared of the little horns on his head.

“Wanna be friends?” asked Mehck Sam the Donkey. “Sure,” replied the Donkey meekly. Sam was a bit scared of Mehck, because Mehck argued constantly with everyone and threatened to hit those who disagreed with him with his horns. Mehck even talked back to the teachers and was often reprimanded for it. One day, as the donkey sat at his homework near an open window of his house, Mehck the Kid came to visit. “Come out and play,” called Mehck through the window. “I haven’t finished my math homework,” replied the Donkey. “What? Are you going to do all your homework,” wondered Mehck the Kid. “I never do my homework, but I always get away with it,” Mehck

boasted importantly, adding, “Do you want me to teach you to be bad?” “What do you mean, ‘teach me to be bad’”? asked the little donkey, surprised. “Come out and play and I’ll tell you everything.” “Mom will get me in trouble if I leave without asking. And she won’t let me go until I’m done with my homework.” “I’ll tell you exactly what you need to do not to get in trouble with

Mom. That’s what being bad means.” “Cool! I want to learn to be bad! That way, Mom won’t tell me off and I’ll still get to do what I want!” “You’re a quick learner,” exclaimed Mehck. “You catch on quickly!” The little donkey got out through the window and took Mehck to his secret spot by the lake. They sat down in the little hut and started throwing pebbles into the lake.

“What a cool place,” said Mehck. “I always wanted to have a place like this, so that my parents wouldn’t know where I was.” “You can come here as often as you like,” cried out Sam. “You’re my friend, and this is a place for my friends! But you promised to teach me to be bad,” said Sam. “I’m listening.” “Can you make out the roller coasters of the big amusement park over the tree tops?” The Little Donkey looked in the direction shown and thought how badly he wanted to go on those rides. “But how would we get there?” Sam asked. “Mom would never let me go on my own or give me money for it.” “That’s the whole point! We won’t ask permission and we’ll

take the money ourselves. That’s what being bad means.” “But that’s wrong!” Sam cried out. “We must not lie to Mom or take money without asking.” “I thought you were smart, but you’re nothing but a coward!” snapped Mehck, jumping up and making as if to run away. “Wait!” Sam cried, “tell me what to do so Mom won’t find out.” “It’s easy!” Mehck sat down again. “Take some money from her purse when she’s not looking. Then, as soon as she leaves the house, we’ll run off, catch a bus to the park, go on the roller coaster, and eat ice-cream. We’ll get back before your Mom comes home from work. She’ll never know.” “Cool!” the little Donkey started jumping in excitement. On the day they had agreed upon, Sam the Donkey took some money from his Mom’s purse. When Mom left for work,


THE NAUGHTY DONKEY Translator and Editor in Chief MARIA NEKIPELOV Illustrated by ANNA KISELEVA Layout and design KYRILL ZUBCHENKO This book is the fourth in a series of books for children about a healthy lifestyle. The books are designed to help introduce children to personal hygiene, the importance of physical activity, safety basics, participation in household responsibilities, basic dietary health, and the effects of computer games, all in a fairy tale format about the consequences of ne-glecting these matters. Each book of this series is dedicated to a particular theme. The books are intended for family reading, but may also be read by young readers on their own. By listening to these books and looking at the colorful, humorous illustrations, for the first time children will learn of their starring role in taking care of their own health as they enjoy these everyday lessons from household life. +1(609)608-8303 Format 230x230 mm. Offset printing. Run of 1,000

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