The MAC Connections Podcast Studio has been fully renovated by the Club’s maintenance team! In this issue, take a look at the newly refurbished space.
Learn more about the voting process for the upcoming election. Electronic voting will begin on April 29. The Club will be open for in-person voting on May 2.
MAC members enjoyed a yoga retreat in Costa Rica with yoga instructor Megan Mahley. Learn more about their trip, as well as the upcoming 2025 retreat.
With updated menus and new opportunities, the dining experience at both Clubhouses continues to progress. Read more about what’s to come this spring!
MAC Yoga Instructor Megan Mahley led the 2024 Costa Rica retreat at The Nomadic – Yoga + Surf boutique hotel. Participants spent a week enjoying two daily yoga classes, guided meditations, local meals and much more.
Founded in 1903
APRIL 2024
Cherry Diamond Staff
Publisher – Neal Perryman
Director of Communications – Jim Wilson
Communication Strategist/ /Managing Editor –Monica Ryan
Content Marketing Manager – Caitlin Demaree-Dyer
Communication Coordinator – Caitlin Brenner
Graphic Design – Lilyann Rice
General Manager – Donald L. “Chip” Misch
To advertise, contact Caitlin Demaree-Dyer at 314-539-4447 or cdemaree@mac-stl.org.
The Cherry Diamond Vol. 118/No. 4 (USPS: 102-560) is published monthly by the Missouri Athletic Club, 405 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63102, (314) 231-7220.
Subscription - $50 per year, subject to sales tax.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Cherry Diamond, 405 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63102
Board of Governors
Neal Perryman - President
Cheri McLaughlin - Vice President
Mark Niemeyer - Second Vice President
Aaron Pawlitz - Secretary
Mark McClanahan - Treasurer
Class of 2024
Mark McClanahan, Cheri McLaughlin, Mark Niemeyer, Aaron Pawlitz, Neal Perryman
Class of 2025
Tom Dankenbring, Tim Maynard, Jodi Petersen, Gary Sextro, Jeff Wehmer
Class of 2026
Carrie Burggraf, Adrian DiBisceglie, Michael Kozeny, Matthew Masiel, David Sweeney
Join the MAC Golf Club to kick off their 2024 golf season with Jay Delsing, American Professional Golfer, and Dan McLaughlin, Sports Talk Radio Co-Host on 101 ESPN. Club Casual attire is required.
5:30-7:30 p.m.
No charge to attend. Member signature bar.
Join the MAC Art Society in welcoming fine art and antique dealer, appraiser, and auctioneer Mark O. Howald. Listen to his stories about uncovering treasures, determining value, and how the fascination with collecting persists.
5:30 p.m. | Reception
6 p.m. | Program
$10 for Art Society members; $15 for others
Witness history from the Downtown Clubhouse Rooftop for the last solar eclipse visible from any part of the U.S. until the year 2045! The partial eclipse will begin at 12:42 p.m. St. Louis daylight time. The maximum partial eclipse will start at 2 p.m. and will end at 3:17 p.m. Eclipse Viewing Eyeglasses included.
12-3:30 p.m.
No charge to attend.
Presented by the Women’s Initiative Group benefitting the MAC Charitable Society for Children
An evening of fashion featuring spring and summer looks from local boutiques with event proceeds supporting the MAC Sports Foundation benefitting the 2024 Charitable Society for Children’s charities. More details available online.
6 p.m. | Cocktail Reception
6:30 p.m. | Fashion Show Begins $35 per person
Sponsored by the Mark Twain Society
All members are invited to join the Mark Twain Society and Lunazul Brand Ambassador Joe Frade for a fun evening of tequila tasting and hors d’oeuvres.
6:30-8:30 p.m.
$20 per person plus Club charge
Join the Missouri Athletic Club in celebrating the biggest names in college basketball, featuring Hall of Fame coach Roy Williams! Business attire is required.
5:30 p.m. | Cocktail Reception
7 p.m. | Dinner
8 p.m. | Awards
$175 per person, all-inclusive
Member-only event. All members are invited to meet and mix with fellow MAC members for the annual MAC Election Rooftop Happy Hour! Rain or shine. Business attire is required.
5:30-7:30 p.m.
No charge to attend.
“Spring into Summer” with the MAC Apollos! Hear the singing group perform songs like “Sitting on the Dock of the Bay,” “Summer Breeze,” “Farmer Tan,” and many more.
6:30 p.m. | Cocktails
7 p.m. | Program
$20 per person
All members are invited to participate in a day that’s filled with horse racing and celebration amongst friends! Join us in your best Kentucky Derby attire. Includes hors d’oeuvres, signature bar and raffle prizes.
3 p.m. | Cocktails (signature bar)
5:30 p.m. | Race Viewing
$35 per person
Join the MAC Wine Society for the second annual Summer Wine Tasting and Sale at the West Clubhouse. Enjoy scrumptious appetizers and taste over 50 summer wines. Order whites and rose wines at great prices! Club Casual attire is required.
6-8 p.m.
$30 per person plus Club charge
Enjoy Mother’s Day with a celebratory brunch! Registration for both brunches opens on April 9 at 10 a.m.
Downtown Clubhouse | 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Professional family portraits available for purchase by member signature. Business attire is required. Registration is online only.
Adults: $55 plus Club charge
Children (5-12): $23 plus Club charge
Children (4 and under): Gratis
West Clubhouse | 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. No online registration. Call 314-539-4490 or email epranger@mac-stl.org
Adults: $50 plus Club charge
Children (5-12): $23 plus Club charge
Children (4 and under): Gratis
Sponsored by the Mark Twain Society
Fathers and grandfathers are invited to escort their daughters and granddaughters to this special event. Each lady will receive a special gift upon arrival. The new MAC Photobooth will be available to capture special moments! Business attire is required. Reservations are required for carriage rides, $10 per person. Call 314-539-4470 or email downtownevents@mac-stl.org
5-6:15 p.m. | Reception & Carriage Rides | Art Lounge
6:30-7:30 p.m. | Dinner | Missouri Room
7:30-9 p.m. | Dancing & MAC Photobooth | Missouri Ballroom
Adults & Children (12 and up): $50 plus Club charge
Children (11 and under): $30 plus Club charge
Join the Missouri Athletic Club in celebrating the biggest names in college basketball, featuring Hall of Fame coach Roy Williams! Business attire is required.
5:30 p.m. | Cocktail Reception
7 p.m. | Dinner
8 p.m. | Awards
$175 per person, all-inclusive
Electric: A St. Louis Institution DT
Hear from Lal Karsanbhai, President and Chief Executive Officer of Emerson Electric, on the story behind Emerson’s success for over 130 years, the significance of St. Louis on the business, and the decision to stay in the city. Business attire is required.
5 p.m. | Cocktail Reception
5:30 p.m. | Dinner
6:30 p.m. | Program
$95 per person for members and their guests
$75 per person for MAC Associates
Baseball is back. This is one of the best times of the year in St. Louis, as the Cardinals begin their annual campaign and expectations for the season are high. Hopefully, we will still be talking about the Cardinals deep into October this year. The Cardinals’ last World Championship in 2011 seems like a long time ago; it is time for another World Series in St. Louis! In addition, the St. Louis Battlehawks season is commencing, which is exciting.
I am pleased to report that the MAC has reached another noteworthy and important membership milestone. As of the date this article is submitted, the MAC has 2,602 memberships. This is the highest membership level the MAC has reached since 2009. Thanks to the Membership Committee and MAC employees for all their work in reaching this point. This is a big deal — the Club is moving in a very positive direction.
At the end of the day, an essential component driving our success in retaining and recruiting new members is our employees. Our members’ experience at the Club directly results from the service and treatment they receive from our employees. Period. So, we must recognize our employees, without whom our Club would not operate or be what it is. MAC employees are dedicated and loyal, and we are fortunate to have them. They have performed exceptionally well during this period of leadership change.
I was honored to attend the Employee Service Awards dinner on March 15, along with several other Governors. It was a wonderful celebration for our great team. At this annual event, our Club honors employees who have reached 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years of service to the Club. At this year’s dinner, these four employees were honored for 25 years of service to the MAC, a significant accomplishment: Tennis Director Scott Stutz; Executive Chef Barton Philipps; Assistant Athletic Director Rick Schneider; and Pro Shop Supervisor Carrie Davinroy. They joined 13 other active MAC employees who have reached this mark. Thanks to each of them for their service to the Club. Amazingly, the employees receiving awards consistently remarked that their best memories and experiences with the Club came from
interactions with our members and relationships with them. Please take a moment to thank an MAC employee next time you are at the Club. I know it will be appreciated.
April should prove to be a busy and fun month at the MAC. Saturday, April 6 will be particularly busy as the Cardinals, St. Louis CITY SC and the Battlehawks all play on the same day. The Downtown Clubhouse will be packed and a weekend headquarters for many members. On April 8, a Total Solar Eclipse Viewing party will be on the rooftop downtown. This should be a fun and unusual event — this is projected to be the last such eclipse visible in the lower 48 states for 20-plus years.
Later this month, during MAC election season, plan to attend the annual MAC Election Rooftop Happy Hour on April 25. The next day, April 26, the Apollos, our Club chorus, will perform their spring show. This is always an enjoyable and well-attended event.
On the GM leadership transition front, about eight months in, GM/COO Misch and team strive daily to make our Club better as best they can. The MAC is a complicated organization, but Chip and the team are working through things well and continue to learn how to best serve the Club and its members. Top of mind for Chip and his team is the Club’s Mission: “To create extraordinary experiences in all aspects of Club life in the spirit of excellence, service, and tradition.”
Finally, the Board continues to be busy, including continued work on master planning for the future of the West MAC Clubhouse and campus, following the MAC West whiteboard visioning work session last Fall. In late February, the Board and Planning Committee spent a good chunk of Saturday, February 24, working on envisioning the future of the Downtown Clubhouse. Effective planning should help position our Club well for the future.
See you around the Club!
As a general rule, anyone 73 years of age or older is required to take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from their tax-deferred accounts (IRAs and 401k) by Dec. 31, 2024, and pay taxes on the distribution.
You can make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your IRAs to your favorite charities and avoid taxation.
The MAC Sports Foundation is a 501(c)(3) entity and is eligible to receive Qualified Charitable Distributions!
Why not decide right now to save taxes this year and help the MAC Sports Foundation or the Charitable Society for Children at the same time?
A QCD is an excellent tax-saving vehicle, but there are rules to be followed and pitfalls to be avoided.
am continually reminded by the constant stream of activity at both Clubhouses. I am particularly mindful of how much is taking place at the Downtown Clubhouse and the city of St. Louis! April will highlight the start of the Battlehawks season and the arrival of baseball with Cardinals Opening Day — and not to be overlooked, we will continue to cheer for a playoff run from the Blues and a successful second season from St. Louis CITY SC! Downtown will remain an outstanding option for members to enjoy pre-game dining and drinks and then be driven to the game in one of our MAC shuttles! And please do not forget that we offer overnight rooms for family and guests visiting from out of town — for work or fun.
An impactful part of the Downtown experience is the team of employees greeting and directing members and guests as they arrive! Fred Nelson leads a team of professionals who tend to your every need, and this group is constantly celebrated for their efforts in serving all! A special word of acknowledgement to Henry, Rodney, Carl and Greg for adding to the Downtown experience, as their engagement and interaction with members is heartwarming and at the very core of what makes the MAC extraordinary! Collectively, they have been with the MAC 116 years and I am certain we can expect to see them all for many more!
Our dedicated team of employees stands out as a hallmark of the MAC! Recently, we celebrated our employees for their accomplishments and years of service to the Club. More than 340 years of collective service was celebrated, and four employees reached the 25-year service milestone to the MAC! Please enjoy the many photos in this issue of the Cherry Diamond from that night and join me in congratulating this incredible team! An exceptional note of thanks goes to the Club’s Director of Human Resources,
Chris Mauer, and Human Resources Assistant, Cassidy Clark, for their tremendous efforts in preparing for a memorable night!
Scan the QR code to see more photos.
As we enter spring, it is also a reminder that golf season is ready! An incredible offering of options awaits MAC members at Glen Echo Country Club, Sunset Hills Country Club, St. Clair Country Club, Bogey Hills Country Club, Panther Creek Country Club, The Legends Golf Club and Dalhousie Golf Club! Please be sure to join our own MAC Golf Club which plays golf weekly at designated locations! Look for the separate e-mail announcement on all our reciprocal programs and we look forward to seeing you on the course!
The team continues to diligently plan for a wonderful summer ahead at West. The swim teams and summer camp programs will again be incredibly popular, and the culinary and service teams plan to elevate the poolside dining experience. As we approach May, more details will be shared. As with all that is taking place in our planning efforts throughout the Club — “better” continues to drive the planning approach, and we are excited to add to member experience wherever we can. In step with this, much more planning is being done to control access to the Clubhouses for the safety of all. As we approach the pool season, we will also communicate plans for our enhanced guest access and registration processes.
We are receiving excellent feedback on our new menus throughout the MAC’s dining venues, and our wine program offerings. Work has already begun for the next wave of menus and your feedback remains invaluable!
I look forward to seeing you around the Club, and as always, please let us know if there is anything we can do to enhance your MAC experience!
The Missouri Athletic Club Connections Podcast Studio has undergone a stunning transformation, inviting podcasters to feel inspired and elevate their storytelling experience!
The original hardwood has been restored, adding a touch of warmth and sophistication, the sleek new control room will provide seamless communication between producer and host, and the studio boasts fresh, bright colors that breathe new life into the space. The best part: the studio is officially open for business! Whether you’re a seasoned podcaster or new to the scene, we invite you to share your voice with the world at the MAC.
Don’t just listen to the buzz – become a part of it! For sponsorship opportunities or to book your recording slot, contact Communications Strategist Monica Ryan at mryan@mac-stl.org
The first half of the Club’s 2024 fiscal year ended February 29, 2024. During this period the Club has experienced unprecedented revenue growth throughout all operations. Our membership has grown to 2,585 members with dues revenue totaling $5,356,000, which was $73,000 ahead of plan and $469,000 better than last year.
Revenue growth continues to have a significant impact on our year-to-date financial position. Operating revenue hit a new high of $8,023,000, which was $316,000 more than budget, and $961,000, or 13.6% better than last year. Departmental operating income was $42,000 ahead of plan, and $174,000 more favorable than this time last year.
Other areas of strong performance include:
F Initiation fees of nearly $330,000, beating last year by $112,000
F Rooms department revenue coming in at $648,000, which was $59,000 ahead of last year
F Downtown Food & Beverage which experienced strong revenues, coming in at $3,313,000, or 8.5% better than plan and 20.4% greater than last year
F West’s Food & Beverage revenues also came in strong at $2,078,000 which was $150,000 better than last year
F Tennis turned in stellar performance with revenue in excess of $554,000, which was 10.8% greater than last year
On the other side of the ledger, our unallocated (or overhead) costs have been trending over budget. Workers’ compensation and other insurance costs have come in higher than expected, as have real estate taxes, employee
wages and benefits, and repairs and utilities. Other added expenses have been intentional and geared toward a better experience for our members. We’ve added a second shuttle driver on game days for quicker service to/from Blues hockey, STL CITY soccer, and Cardinal baseball games. You’ll notice flowers and plants throughout both clubhouses to enhance the ambiance, along with deep cleaning and additional security.
Capital expenditures for the period totaled $757,000. Improvements include the purchase of an additional shuttle bus, new fitness equipment for both Clubhouses (on order), interior landscaping at both Clubhouses, improvement of the massage rooms at both Clubhouses, new towel receptacles/trash cans/soap dispensers, a new Cherry Diamond sign at the rear entrance of the Downtown Clubhouse, and numerous emergency repairs and operational equipment replacements.
The management team’s focus is on an elevated approach to the Club’s service culture and member experience, providing consistent service, and delivering the standard set by the Club’s Vision and Mission statements.
Thank you for your continued support of the MAC! As always, please reach out with any questions or comments.
If you have any questions regarding the Club’s finances, please contact the Club’s Chief Financial Officer Pam Roth at 314-539-4400 or proth@mac-stl.org.
Marc Abel of St. Louis CITY SC and Michelle Abel of the Little Bit Foundation
Kevin Bielicki of J.H. Berra Construction Co, Inc. and Gabrielle Bielicki of AMB Real Estate, LLC
Corey Briggs of Plaza Advisory Group and Kayla Briggs
Andrew Brown of Brownstone Properties, LLC and Deirdre Brown
Randall Fechter of GPM Inc and Kathryn Fechter of USACE
William Gawrych of RubinBrown LLP and Kerry Gawrych of ElmTree Funds
Diego Gigliani of St. Louis CITY SC and Irene Gonzalez
Absolutely! The MAC has a family atmosphere where many families have raised their children. All children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult when on Club property. Children under the age of 18 are not allowed in the 1903 Bar and Patio as it is reserved for adults only. Children under age 18 are not permitted in the Men’s or Ladies’ Locker Rooms, but are requested to use the Girls’ and Boys’ Locker Rooms at the West Clubhouse. Please visit mac-stl.org/YouthPrograms for more information on Youth Programming.
Eric Homan of Slick Trade, Inc
George Hruza of Schweiger Dermatology Group and Carrie Hruza of Envision Eye Specialists
Brian Kearins of Confluent Holdings (DFC MFG) and Suzanne Kearins
Griffin Killion of Square
Jacob Knepp of Gateway Apothecary and Ashley Knepp of St. Louis Children’s Hospital
David Muniz of Sandberg Pheonix and Mary Muniz of Generations Counseling
Matthew Poling of St. Louis CITY SC and Marguerite Poling of The Only Facial
Dorothy Rhodes of Handi-Craft Company
Idus Rhodes of Handi-Craft Company and Caitlin Rhodes
Kyle Rice of CliftonLarsonAllen and Rebecca Fabick
Peter Rodriguez of TKFC LC d/b/a St. Louis CITY SC and Jessica Rodriguez of Kirkwood United Methodist
Todd Salzman of Hermann Oak Leather Co and Angela Salzman of Buchroeder’s Jewelers
Catherine Schwarze of Spencer Fane LLP
The Platinum Partnership has been a recruitment tool for the Club since its inception over 10 years ago, helping to boost member referrals and spur Club growth during a crucial time. In the decade since this tool was first implemented, the Club and our recruitment practices have evolved, and Club leadership remains committed to elevating the overall member experience and MAC profile. With that in mind, the Membership Committee and Board of Governors have approved the following changes:
F The opportunity to enroll in the Platinum Partnership benefit category will be closing on June 11, 2024. This will not alter the benefits of this category to members currently enrolled or to those who are eligible and enroll before the deadline. All new and current members participating in the Platinum Partnership category as of June 11 will remain in this category and will continue to enjoy its benefits going forward without interruption, unless a category transfer or membership resignation is requested.
F New members joining in the month of June will be the last with the option to choose Platinum Partner as a category and any eligible current member transfers into this category must be finalized by this date.
F After June 11, 2024, no new or current members will be permitted to enroll into the Platinum Partner category. It will be closed to new enrollments.
F This will remain in effect until such time as any Board of Governors could make changes to the membership categories in the future.
For more information, please visit mac-stl.org > Membership > Platinum Partnership FAQs. Please contact Rodney Stoyer, Director of Membership, at rstoyer@mac-stl.org for further information.
April 2: Announcement of 2024 Board of Governor Candidates — Watch for candidate and election notices in Club emails. The candidate posting will take place at noon.
April 22: The Board of Governors campaign begins. Candidates and their committee members will lobby for your support.
April 25: Election Rooftop Happy Hour — Meet your candidates for the Board of Governors.
April 29: Electronic voting goes live.
May 2: Club Election — Downtown Clubhouse. In-person voting from 7 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Gauntlet hours from 3-6 p.m. Dinner buffet and election announcement from 7-7:30 p.m.
Balloting for the election of five (5) members to serve the regular term of three (3) years on the Board of Governors will begin electronically on Monday, April 29, by logging into the MAC website any time after 8 a.m. On-site voting will be available at the Downtown Clubhouse on Thursday, May 2, between the hours of 7 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Gauntlet hours are from 3-6 p.m., where you will meet the candidates and their campaign committees in a fun setting along with your fellow members. If you cannot vote electronically or in person, you may request a mail-in absentee ballot after Friday, April 12. Mail-in ballots must be received at the Downtown Clubhouse by 5 p.m. on May 2. Only Resident,
Fellowship, Emeritus Life and Associate Members in good standing and not in arrears can vote. Absentee ballot votes and paper ballot votes must be cast on the Official Ballot. No ballot marked with more or less than five (5) names will be counted. The five candidates receiving the most votes will be elected.
The Downtown Clubhouse will serve a complimentary buffet dinner on Election Day from 5-8 p.m. for all voting members in the Eads Room and the Missouri Room. Election Day buffet costs $40, inclusive for everyone other than voting MAC members. Election winners will be announced in the Missouri Room as soon as results become available.
Edouard Leon Cortes, French (1882-1969) La Madeleine Oil on canvas, 12.5 x 17 inches, signed lower right. Missouri Athletic Club Art Collection, Presented by George R. Schmidt in Honor of his parents, August R. and Emma Schmidt, 1985.
Downtown Clubhouse
5:30 p.m. Reception | 6 p.m. Program $10 Art Society members | $15 others
Join the MAC Art Society to welcome fine art and antique dealer, appraiser, and auctioneer Mark O. Howald. Howald is the proprietor of MOH Antiques and Fine Art in Ladue and has advised buyers and sellers on collecting traditional and contemporary design furniture, decorative art objects, and fine art for more than 40 years. He has extensive experience working in the auction business in St. Louis and New York, has served as an appraiser on PBS’ Antiques Roadshow, and has handled numerous private, estate and institutional collections. Listen to his stories about uncovering treasures, determining value, and how his fascination with collecting persists. Register online at mac-stl.org/events or contact Kara Kelpe at kkelpe@mac-stl.org
French artist Edouard Leon Cortes is regarded for his Impressionist oil paintings capturing romantic scenes of Parisian life. The son of a painter for the Spanish Royal Court, Cortes studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris in 1899 and in 1915 was awarded a silver medal at the Société des Artistes Français. Though Cortès was decades younger than the first generation of Impressionist painters like Claude Monet, his paintings are more aligned with the earlier generation than they are to his Post-Impressionist peers André Derain or Henri Matisse. The Missouri Athletic Club Collection includes three works by Cortes – two of which were purchased in the 1950s through funds received in an art solicitation among the membership, and this third work was presented to the Club by the Schmidt family in 1985. La Madeleine refers to the neighborhood in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, and the church of the same name can be seen in the distance.
A beloved painting of a nurturing moment between generations that has been enjoyed by members since 1960. Have you stopped to notice this painting when passing through the Downtown Clubhouse Lobby?
Presented by the Women’s Initiative Group benefitting the MAC Charitable Society for Children
Downtown Clubhouse Art Lounge
6 p.m. Cocktail Reception
6:30 p.m. Fashion Show Begins $35 per person
Complimentary appetizers and a welcome glass of champagne
Be sure to make your reservations for the upcoming Glamour for Giving event, an evening of fashion and philanthropy! View spring and summer looks from local boutiques, benefitting the 2024 Charitable Society for Children charities: Caritas Connections, Miriam School and Walker Scottish Rite Clinic. Randi Naughton, television anchor and voiceover artist, will be the special guest emcee. Register online at mac-stl.org/events or contact Kara Kelpe at kkelpe@mac-stl.org
Cocktail casual attire. Drinks by member signature. Credit card bar. Raffle tickets are available for purchase, and prizes are donated by participating boutiques! MAC Shuttle service will be available for pre- and post-event transportation. Registration is required.
The MAC Golf Club brings MAC members who enjoy playing golf at any experience level together regularly. Please look out for special events throughout the season at our partnered clubs. For more information about the MAC Golf Club, contact Chair Tim Powers at 314-922-8958 or trpowers@yahoo.com. To join the MAC Golf Club, contact Katie Maurer at 314-539-4402 or kmaurer@mac-stl.org
See the full 2024 schedule at right.
Masters at the MAC: Season Kickoff
West Clubhouse, 5:30 p.m.
Birds and Bogies XIII
Strathalbyn and Glen Echo Country Club, 9:30 a.m.
Dalhousie Golf Club (all MAC member play day)
MAC Ryder Cup
Glen Echo Country Club, 1 p.m
AUG. 8 & 9
Porto Cima Weekend Lake of the Ozarks (limited space)
Annual MAC Sports Foundation Golf Tournament
Glen Echo Country Club, 10:30 a.m.
SEPT. 3-8
PGA Champions Tour –Ascension Charity Classic Norwood Hills Country Club (volunteer opportunity)
MAC Golf Club Championship
Glen Echo Country Club, 12:30 p.m. (NOTE: Scratch Division to have Final Match)
FRIDAY-SUNDAY, OCT. 10 & 11 Travel Trip TBD
Thursday, April 11 F 5:30 p.m. F West Clubhouse
Thursday, May 9 F 5:30 p.m. F West Clubhouse
On Thursday, April 11, Deborah Besserman will guide us through The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America. Combining meticulous research with nail-biting storytelling, Erik Larson has crafted a narrative with all the wonder of newly discovered history and the thrills of the best fiction.
Two men embodied an element of the great dynamic that characterized America’s rush toward the twentieth century. The architect was Daniel Hudson Burnham, the fair’s brilliant director of works and the builder of many of the country’s most important structures. The murderer was Henry H. Holmes, a young doctor who, in a malign parody of the White City, built his “World’s Fair Hotel” just west of the fairgrounds — a torture palace complete with a dissection table, a gas chamber, and a 3,000-degree crematorium.
The Devil in the White City draws the reader into the enchantment of the Gilded Age, made even more appealing by a supporting cast of reallife characters, including Buffalo Bill, Theodore Dreiser, Susan B. Anthony, Thomas Edison, Archduke Francis Ferdinand, and others. Erik Larson’s gifts as a storyteller are magnificently displayed in this rich narrative of the master builder, the killer, and the great fair that obsessed them both.
On Thursday, May 9, Janet Mug leads the discussion of The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store: A Novel by James McBride.
In 1972, when workers in Pottstown, Pennsylvania were digging the foundations for a new development, the last thing they expected to find was a skeleton at the bottom of a well. Who the skeleton was and how it got there were two of the long-held secrets kept by the residents of Chicken Hill, the dilapidated neighborhood where immigrant Jews and African Americans lived side-by-side and shared ambitions and sorrows. Chicken Hill was where Moshe and Chona Ludlow lived when Moshe integrated his theater and where Chona ran the Heaven & Earth Grocery Store. When the state came looking for a deaf boy to institutionalize him, it was Chona and Nate Timblin, the Black janitor at Moshe’s theater and the unofficial leader of the Black community on Chicken Hill, who worked together to keep the boy safe.
As these characters’ stories overlap and deepen, it becomes clear how much the people who live on the margins of white, Christian America struggle and what they must do to survive. When the truth is finally revealed about what happened on Chicken Hill and the part the town’s white establishment played in it, McBride shows us that even in dark times, it is love and community — heaven and earth — that sustain us.
For monthly MAC Book Club meetings, reservations are made with Dr. Genie McKee, Book Club Chair at evmckee@gmail.com
The MAC offers a variety of Clubs within the Club (CWCs) to bring together Members with common interests.
Mondays, 7 p.m., Downtown Book Club
Second Thursday of the month, 5:30 p.m., West Business Development Group
Third Thursday of the month
Alternating meetings and happy hours Meeting: 7:15 a.m., Downtown
Happy Hour: 4:30-7 p.m., alternating locations
Forever Young Club
Third Friday of the month, 11:30 a.m., West
Military History Club
Fourth Tuesday of the month, 11:30 a.m., Downtown Toastmasters
First and third Wednesday of the month, 5:30 p.m., West
For more information, visit mac-stl.org/GetInvolved or call
DT: 314-539-4470
WE: 314-539-4490
The Forever Young Club welcomes Jane Schell of The Muny as the speaker for their April meeting. Schell is in her tenth season as Group Sales Director, coordinating nights at The Muny for various groups: families, friends, businesses and social organizations. She also manages the Community Access Program which provides free tickets to clients of non-profit services. Schell will provide FYC members with backstage insights as well as preview the upcoming summer season at The Muny in Forest Park.
All MAC members are welcome to attend. Reservations are required. Register online at mac-stl.org/events or call 314-539-4490
The MAC Book Club, Forever Young Club and Military History Club are pleased to host a return visit by renowned author and scholar Donald Hickey. Recognized as a senior American expert on the War of 1812, Hickey’s new book Tecumseh’s War: The Epic Conflict for the Heart of America moves Tecumseh’s War to center stage. Instead of treating this conflict in which Tecumseh and William Henry Harrison made their reputations as an adjunct of the War of 1812, he gives it the prominence that it deserves in both American and Native American history. A sweeping and engrossing account, this book demonstrates that this was the last time that Native Americans had a chance to shape the future of the continent.
Join the Book Club, FYC and MHC as Professor Hickey speaks about this crucial turning point in American history and his method of crafting the results of his research into books that are both enjoyable and edifying to the reading public.
Professor Hickey’s books, autographed and not, will be available for purchase:
F Tecumseh’s War, $30
F The War of 1812: A Forgotten Conflict, $20
F Don’t Give Up the Ship, $15
Please place orders for your book when making your reservation online or by emailing kmaurer@mac-stl.org
For reservations, please register online at mac-stl.org/events or email kmaurer@mac-stl.org. Lunch will be available by member signature.
The person who leaves on a journey is never the person who comes home. Full of new experiences, you return different changed by the world and your adventures in it.
In January, a group of 26 people embarked on an adventure to Nosara, Costa Rica to flow their way into the new year! MAC Yoga Instructor Megan Mahley led the retreat at The Nomadic - Yoga + Surf boutique hotel. As a group, they spent a week enjoying local, fresh meals prepared by a personal chef, two daily yoga classes and meditations, a guided sound healing session by a local practitioner, and more than a few fresh margaritas by the pool. The group shared the experience with friends, strangers, and the sweet local Ticos. It was a beautiful
““My friend and fellow MAC member Bill Berthold asked if Holly and I would tag along on an MAC yoga trip being planned in Costa Rica. We were not quite sure what to expect and were overwhelmed. What a great job Megan did putting the trip together, as well as teaching the daily yoga classes in a beautiful environment. Not only did we get to do yoga, but also surfing — and even caught a big fish that we were able to bring back for the group. Another great offering from our favorite club — well done, Megan.”
— Hal Ball“The retreat served as a wonderful way to disconnect and reset, while also connecting to like-minded individuals on a journey for peace and happiness. The trip was sheer bliss. It changed our perspective in many ways on what was important in this life. We met people that we’d never met before, and as we connected, we soon learned that we were all more the same than different. Costa Rica itself was a gem. Thanks for sharing this little piece of heaven on earth with us.”
— Tim Slaterweek to connect with themselves and one another amongst the monkeys in the trees and the soft, salty Pacific waves. While it’s difficult to summarize all that was taken in while retreating to this Blue Zone (one of the five areas of the world where people live the longest lives, consistently reaching age 100), members of the group took away the importance of making self-care the highest priority. The retreat offered connection, reflection, gratitude, and the glue that holds it together: being present and free.
A yearly retreat will now be an offering for MAC members to enjoy and look forward to for years to come. Coming soon: 2025 Costa Rica Yoga Retreat sign-ups!
FEB. 1-7
F 6 nights accommodation
“Megan is not only a phenomenal yoga instructor; she is an incredibly detail-oriented businesswoman who executed a flawless Costa Rican retreat. With structured yoga classes, optional local excursions, simply divine food from an organic, locavore chef, and the perfect boutique hotel experience, this was the trip of a lifetime. Her yoga classes are for EVERYONE, and as someone who modifies some poses for health reasons, I can say firsthand that she structures her classes for all — flowing into asanas with her guidance to know your limits and trust your body. Pre- and post-class intentions, thoughtful quotes, and a rad playlist make her classes inspirational and fun! All of this, plus her general disposition of warmth, love and light, made this a truly awesome experience. I am already dreaming of Megan’s next retreat!”
— Erin Shaw“Just the right amount of structure and flexibility. Megan brought a great group together, where new relationships could be fostered. She curated a wonderful experience. My daughter and I can’t wait for the next one.”
— Colleen TimsonF Morning & evening yoga sessions
F 1 group activity
F Breakfast, lunch & dinner
F Ground airport transportation to the hotel
Space will be limited! Reserve your spot at residentinwander.com/ costa-rica-2025.
For more information, contact Courtney Hutt at chutt@ mac-stl.org or Megan Mahley at meganmahley@gmail.com
FRUIT OF THE MONTH: Pineapple 3/4 c to 1c = 1F (Fruit)
Pineapple, both the fruit and its peel offer several health benefits:
F Pineapples offer a great amount of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, improves your mood, and helps reduce the risk of heart disease. This tropical fruit contains more vitamin C per serving than citrus fruits like grapefruits and oranges, making it an excellent choice for boosting your daily nutrient consumption.
F Pineapple is also a great source of B vitamins, vitamin A, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper and manganese.
F One cup of pineapple has more than half of the manganese you need every day. Manganese is part of an enzyme that works as a powerful antioxidant in the body. This mineral plays an essential role in the way your body metabolizes food, clots blood, and keeps your bones healthy.
Pineapple peel is typically tossed without realizing that you can use it. There are numerous benefits to using the skin and core of pineapples:
F Boiling the skin of pineapple extracts the nutrients present in the peel. After boiling the rind, you are left with a liquid that has a slight tropical taste that you can add to teas or protein shakes. Increase the health benefits of shakes by using pineapple peel water as the liquid.
F Pineapple skin tea can improve digestion, help lower blood pressure, boost immunity, and even help relieve joint pain. It also helps keep you hydrated and boosts your energy levels.
F The fiber in boiled pineapple peel can help reduce hunger cravings, which can help you manage your weight.
F Boiled pineapple peel contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps reduce inflammation and blood clotting, increasing heart health and lowering the risk of heart disease.
F The potassium present in boiled pineapple peel assists in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels by balancing sodium levels within the body.
F Certain compounds found in pineapple peel have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help relieve symptoms associated with chronic inflammation.
After cutting the peel off, wash your pineapple skin thoroughly. Scrub with a vegetable brush, or soak in vinegar for a half hour to remove any bacteria from the skin. Bring the peels and the core to a boil for 30 minutes to an hour. Drain, reserving the liquid for your tea or protein shake. Keep the core and add it to yogurt or cottage cheese.
“Maggie Approved”
Pineapple Protein Shake: P/F/C (Protein/Fruit/Condiment)
In a blender, mix 6 oz. pineapple liquid, 3/4 c fresh or frozen pineapple, 3-5 ice cubes, 1 tsp. honey and 1 scoop of Phormula 1 Vanilla Protein Powder. Add coconut or rum extract for a piña colada shake. Sprinkle with cinnamon and enjoy.
“Maggie Approved”
Pineapple parfait:
3/4 c = d/F/f/C (dairy/Fruit/fat/Condiment)
Add 1/4 c plain low-fat Greek yogurt to a parfait dish, top with 2 Tbsp. of smashed pineapple core, and repeat until you have three layers. Add 1/2 Tbsp. honey and 15 crushed walnuts or pecans. Enjoy!
F Lauren Evans F Nichole Cook
F Matt Cook F Brandon Schneiders
F Jim Poinsett F Tom Suter
F Laurie Byrne F David Molamphy
F Hunter Brown
F Nichole Cook F Matt Cook
F Tom Suter F Laurie Byrne
F Male: Tim Malecek - 10%
F Female: Nichole Cook - 4.6%
F Tom Suter - 8.2%
F Matt Cook - 8.1%
F Jim Poinsett - 6.4%
Megan Mahley instructs yoga at the Downtown Clubhouse where members of all ages and yoga experiences are welcome. MAC member Mark Ohlendorf was inspired by the benefits of yoga after taking Megan’s class; so much so that he invited his family to take a private “Yoga with Grandpa” session at the Downtown Clubhouse.
“A couple of friends, with whom I work out every day, invited me to join them in yoga lessons at the Club. I was a little intimidated as I had never taken any yoga classes. Megan walked us through every move and offered help whenever I needed it. After several sessions I felt the benefits of improved balance, strength improvement, and mostly an increase in flexibility. After every class, I feel stronger and more flexible. I can even touch my toes – quite a feat at my age.
I wanted to teach my family the benefits of yoga, especially the younger children who are all very active in sports. Our entire family came to town for the Christmas holiday, and I wanted to do something special for them. A yoga session at the MAC sounded like fun. Megan and Courtney helped me set up a ‘Yoga with Grandpa’ session. Everyone enjoyed what they learned and practiced the moves over the holidays. The day turned out to be a fun family event.”
— MAC member Mark Ohlendorf
Eight out of 10 Americans will have back problems at some point in their lives.
In fact, low back pain is the single leading cause of disability, one that impacts men and women equally. Back pain may begin abruptly or develop over time. And while the level of pain may range from dull to debilitating, about 3.4 million Americans have back pain severe enough to visit the emergency department each year.
What should you do?
Seeking early treatment helps to reduce the risk of your pain becoming chronic or recurrent. The physical therapists at SSM Health Physical Therapy can expertly address pain issues caused by musculoskeletal conditions, including:
• Herniated disc
• Lumbar strain/sprain
• Osteoarthritis
• Poor posture or body mechanics
• Sacroiliac dysfunction
• Sciatica
• Spinal stenosis
At SSM Health Physical Therapy, you’ll find the care and treatment you need. We start with an initial evaluation to determine the best approach to care for you. Our physical therapists then develop an individualized treatment plan that may include:
• Exercise programs
• Manual therapy, including mobilization, manipulation, stretching and many other techniques
• Pain management strategies
• Education on posture, positioning and body mechanics
Our goal is to help you …
• Strengthen core muscles
• Decrease joint strain
• Increase flexibility and range of motion
• Improve coordination and body mechanics
• Understand and manage pain
• Return to the activities you enjoy
FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: SSM Health Physical Therapy - MAC West Clubhouse Call 314.822.3205 or stop by the clinic for assistance scheduling. We look forward to serving the needs of you and your family!
*Preschool campers must be 3-5 and fully potty trained. Themes of the week are listed. Members only.
*Aventure camps are Member only.
50% camp deposit will be charged to member statements at the time of registration. The remainder will be charged the week of camp.d
F Deposits are only refundable if canceled before May 1.
F All deposits are non-refundable after May 1.
For the last four years, MAC Basketball Pro Nicole Bushong has been helping young athletes achieve their competitive goals through private lessons at the West Clubhouse. Parents say they have seen Bushong’s impact on their young athletes on and off the court.
“She’s always telling me positive things and encouraging me to do better. My shot form when I started working with Nicole a year ago was really bad. She’s made it ten-times better, and I make 50% of my shots now.” - Visitation Academy freshman Lily Kinder
“Jake expressed an interest in getting better at basketball, and what better way to do that than with a professional like Nicole? He has had a lesson with her once a week for the past two years, and his confidence on the court has grown tremendously with Nicole’s help. She’s been great! She really caters to the individual athlete.”
— Rick Johnson, sixth-grader Jake Johnson’s dad
“Nicole does such a good job of using fresh innovative ways to keep the kids engaged. Her games, prizes, competitions and obstacles make my kids love coming back.”
— Sophia Siddiqui, 8-year-old Saad and 6-year-old Sarah’s mom
more information go to mac-stl.org/Basketball
Chris Connell and Mark Kornfeld beat Craig Parker and Pat Dolan 13/15 15/12, 15/9, 14/15, 15/9 to win the Doubles Club Championship in early March. Dan Healey and Harry Pettey won the B Division against Tim Engelmeyer and Will Schoenecker.
to all who participated in the Squash Singles Club Championship
Beginner Junior (ages 7-10)
F 8:30-9:30
F Member $150
F Guest $200
Intermediate (ages 10-15)
F 9:30-11 a.m.
F Member $300
F Guest $400
Advanced (ages 14+)
F 12:30-3:30 p.m.
F Member $425
F Guest $525
I am kicking off a new series called “Interclub Interviews” with one of the most energetic and positive ladies on the Interclub team. Jenny Dembiec, while relatively new to tennis, has been a consistently hard worker and a valuable asset to both the “A” and “B” ladies’ Interclub teams. She brings enthusiasm for learning and a hunger to improve every time she sets foot on the practice court. She is also no stranger to winning, as she is currently undefeated for the season in “B” with a 5-0 record and is at .500 on “A” at 2-2. She is the perfect gal to get these interviews started with.
How long have you been an MAC member?
My family and I joined in 2017. We use the Club all the time. It is money well spent, worth every penny.
How long have you played tennis?
I have played tennis for almost four years now. I started casually hitting with friends with a racquet I found in the garage. Then, I added cardio tennis, clinics and lessons to the mix. It was so fun to learn a new sport at 40.
What got you started playing?
I started playing tennis after my two sons, Hayden and Levi, started playing tennis. I wanted to be able to hit and rally with them, and have some fun, quality time with my boys on the court. My younger son, Levi (10), has continued to play tennis and my older son, Hayden (13) transitioned into playing squash. So now I need to improve my squash skills so I can hang with Hayden.
How often do you play at the MAC?
I play tennis 3 to 4 times a week at the Club. It is a great workout, and I love seeing the progress and improvement. I definitely have been bitten by the tennis bug.
How long have you played on the Interclub team?
I have played on the Interclub team for about two years now. I have met so many amazing women. It is a perfect combination of being competitive and having fun.
What is your favorite thing about Interclub?
I love meeting and playing with other MAC members. My favorite part is getting to know and have fun with the ladies on the court. The tennis pros do an amazing job of improving our skills while allowing us to have a blast on the court. We sweat, laugh, and work hard together.
Do you have a favorite tennis memory, either playing or spectating?
My favorite tennis memory was in 2000. I had saved all my money in high school and spent it on a European vacation with my high school friend, Jenny Bartels. She was a big tennis player, and somehow, we managed to get tickets to the French Open. I watched Mark Philippoussis beat Pete Sampras at the French Open. It was amazing! Also, I know I will look back on these times playing tennis with my son, Levi. He crushes me on the court, he coaches me, and lets me know what I am doing wrong. But every time we play tennis, I cherish the time together.
There are several exciting updates in the world of dining at the Missouri Athletic Club! Members visiting either Clubhouse can expect an added flair to their dining experience, from new menu offerings to entertaining atmospheres.
Feast on new menu items in the Sportsman’s Club and Jack Buck Grille! Treat yourself to lunch on the fourth floor and enjoy a wide variety of meals, including Steak Tartare, Smoked Salmon Carpaccio, and Hot Honey Chicken. For dinner, visit the Jack Buck Grille and enjoy Bigeye Ahi Tuna, Chèvre-Stuffed Chicken and MAC Lasagna, among many other delicious dishes. Members can also enjoy a new wine by the glass selection in the Jack Buck Grille!
The MAC team and Sommelier Patricia Wamhoff curated a list of quality wines for members to enjoy while dining Downtown.
View the full menus for the Sportsman’s Club and Jack Buck Grille online at mac-stl.org/Menus
The MAC Pastry Team is thrilled to announce the return of their bakeshop in April! Since closing in 2020, the team is excited to welcome back delectable offerings, like house-made rolls, French baguettes, the MAC-famous caramel rolls, and much more.
April also ushers in a new dessert menu for the Jack Buck Grille. Chef Katie Acker’s elevated treats include a Mile High Carrot Cake, Vanilla Bean Crème Brule, and a third dessert special veiled in chocolate and cherry. Members can also order sharable plates of French macaroons this spring. Members, the MAC Pastry Team would like your feedback on the macaroon offerings. While enjoying delicious treats in the Jack Buck Grille this spring, share your thoughts with the servers. This will help inform the Pastry Team if flavors should stay consistent or be switched out periodically.
Finally, Chef Katie’s Assistant, Liz Behlman will be traveling to Chicago to take a master class on French pastry taught by International Pastry Chef of the Year Anne Courble! Liz is thrilled about the opportunity to apply what she learns to new dessert items this summer.
Saturday, April 13 | $50 plus gratuity
Enjoy a three-course prefix Italiano meal inspired by our very own Chef Guiliano Zanti! Music will be performed by Tom Kelly from 6-9 p.m. To make reservations, call 314-539-4417.
Jessica Madsen was appointed to the prestigious role of Executive Chef at the West Clubhouse earlier this year. Since taking on her new role, Chef Jess has crafted new menus for the Stan Musial Grille, 1903 Dining Room and Bar, reflecting her passion for providing members with the delicious, high-quality food they deserve.
Members can now enjoy brand-new breakfast, lunch and dinner options while dining at the West Clubhouse. Chef Jess and her dedicated team are excited to unveil an array of fresh and innovative dishes designed to satisfy members’ cravings – from tasty shareable plates to mouthwatering entrees.
For members craving a snack to complement their cocktail in the 1903 Bar, the new menu includes elevated appetizers like Beef Tartare, Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes and Chorizo Lettuce Wraps. This level of sophistication is matched during lunch hours, with offerings like the Mediterranean Open-Faced Sandwich and Ahi Tuna available to order in the 1903 Dining Room. Members grabbing a bite to eat in the Stan Musial Grille after a workout can enjoy a wide variety of deli-style sandwiches made-to-order, an array of soups and salads, or try the new Fried Cod Sandwich on toasted ciabatta. Treat yourself to an exquisite dinner in the 1903 Dining Room and enjoy mouthwatering prime cut steaks, hand-butchered in house, all served with Yukon gold whipped potatoes, jumbo asparagus, confit tomato and veal demi-glace.
Chef Jessica Madsen’s culinary mastery has elevated the dining experience at the West Clubhouse. Her commitment to quality and innovation reflects a dedication to excellence. Explore the new menus online at mac-stl.org/Menus and make plans to dine out West, where your dining experience promises to be nothing short of unforgettable!
The Missouri Athletic Club is excited to partner with the St. Louis Battlehawks as they compete in the UFL this season! Through an exclusive link, MAC members can purchase discounted tickets with $3 per ticket bought going to the MAC Sports Foundation. Scan the QR code below for tickets.
Before heading to the Dome on April 6 for the Battlehawks’ first home game of the season, enjoy a buffet beginning at 4:30 p.m. in the Sportsman’s Club or grab a cocktail in the Jack Buck Grille.
F April 6
F April 20
F May 4
F May 19
F June 1
The 2024 baseball season is upon us! Make the Downtown Clubhouse your home base for home games throughout the season. Enjoy the convenience of parking in the MAC garage, dine pre- or post-game in the Jack Buck Grille, and ride in comfort to and from Busch Stadium in the comfort of the MAC Shuttle!
If you have out of town guests visiting St. Louis for Cardinals games, put them up in a hotel room at the historic Downtown Clubhouse. Hotel guests can enjoy the Club’s amenities while being treated to the MAC’s renowned hospitality and service. To book a stay for you or your guests, contact Hotel Rooms Manager Crystal Nelson at cnelson@mac-stl.org or 314-539-4442.
assisted-living to skilled-nursing care. What’s more, we’ve designed Parc Provence to function as a village—with five levels of care provided in a household setting. Plus a greenhouse, ice cream parlor, library, art gallery, chapel and more, all nestled amongst private pathways and gardens exclusively for residents and their visitors. Putourvillagetoworkforyourfamily.
President and Chief Executive Officer of Emerson
Thursday, May 30
Downtown Clubhouse
5 p.m. Cocktail Reception
5:30 p.m. Dinner F 6:30 p.m. Program
Business attire is required.
$95 per person for members and their guests
$75 per person for MAC Associates
To become a sponsor, contact Katie Maurer at kmaurer@mac-stl.org.
Register online at mac-stl.org/events.
Members must cancel their reservations 72 hours prior to the event to avoid a one-third charge. Members whom no-show will be charged in full. Members must cancel online or contact the Catering Department.
Hear from Lal Karsanbhai on the story behind Emerson’s success for over 130 years, the significance of St. Louis on the business, and the decision to stay in the city.
F Core pieces of Emerson’s strategy that have stood the test of time
F Why Emerson chose to keep its headquarters in St. Louis
F Technology, AI and the future of business for Emerson
On April 17, Hall of Fame coach Roy Williams will headline the highly anticipated USBWA College Basketball Awards as the best in college basketball from the 2023-24 season are celebrated for their achievements.
Caitlin Clark from Iowa and Zach Edey from Purdue are the Player of the Year Award recipients. Dawn Staley of South Carolina and Kelvin Sampson of Houston are the Coach of the Year Award winners. JuJu Watkins from USC and Reed Sheppard from Kentucky are the Freshman of the Year Award recipients.
Tom Ackerman will return as master of ceremonies for the banquet and ESPN Radio’s Michelle Smallmon will return as Q&A moderator. Also, back by popular demand, colorful coach Barry Hinson, who has been a hit with MAC audiences for many years, will offer his unique commentary during the banquet.
The 19th annual Boxing Championship, presented by Midwest Regional Bank, took place in the Missouri Room on Thursday, Feb. 22 to a sold-out crowd of members and guests. The evening began with cocktails and cigars in the Downtown Clubhouse lobby and Art Lounge. Attendees then entered the Missouri Room and enjoyed a steak dinner ringside. Following the Apollos kicking the night off with the National Anthem, the evening’s emcee welcomed threetime World Boxing Champion Devon Alexander to the MAC. It was a thrilling night, as boxers from around the St. Louis metro area squared off against ranked opponents in exciting bouts in various weight divisions.
Mark your calendars for the upcoming MAC Happy Hours. In addition to serving up great drink specials, these events are a great opportunity to meet new members and introduce friends and colleagues to the Club. No reservations are required.
Wednesday, June 25
Wednesday, July 23
Thursday, Aug. 14
5-8 p.m.
West (Poolside)
Saturday, June 14
Saturday, July 12 Saturday, Aug. 23 1:30-4:30 p.m.
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Promote your business, products or services
connect with
members with a Business Directory ad in the annual MAC roster. Because Club members refer to it throughout the year, advertising in the Roster offers your business great exposure.
1227 Fern Ridge Parkway • St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 922-8958 (c) • (314) 983-2361 (p) www.missourigeneral.com
Ads start at just $60 – contact Becky Rasmussen at 314-539-4447 or brasmussen@mac-stl.org.
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The Gatesworth means a new and productive life with new friends and that I never have to be alone again. There is wonderful food and energy throughout this place. I love the staff — they make us feel so special! — JACKIE BROWN “ ”
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