Missouri Athletic Club, Cherry Diamond, February 2023

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Meet Me at the MAC


Good Fellowship Day

Good Fellowship Day has been a cherished event by Members since the 1930s. Visit the Downtown Clubhouse on Saturday, Feb. 25 for a day of fitness, competition and fellowship!

MAC Fitness Feature: We’re Here For You!

Read more about the Missouri Athletic Club Athletic Department’s mission to help Members achieve health and fitness goals.


Founded in 1903


Cherry Diamond Staff

Publisher – Brent Beumer

Director of Communications – Jim Wilson

Communication Coordinator – Caitlin Brenner

Communication Strategist – Monica Ryan

Graphic Design – Lilyann Rice

General Manager – Wallace L. Smith

To advertise, contact Caitlin Demaree-Dyer at 314-539-4447 or cdemaree@mac-stl.org.

The Cherry Diamond Vol. 117/No. 2 (USPS: 102-560) is published monthly by the Missouri Athletic Club, 405 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63102, (314) 231-7220.

Subscription - $50 per year, subject to sales tax.

PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT ST. LOUIS, MO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Cherry Diamond, 405 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63102

Board of Governors


Brent Beumer – President

Tracy Beckette – Vice President

Justin Fowler – Second Vice President

Chris Swank – Secretary

Steve Albart – Treasurer

Class of 2023

Steve Albart, Tracy Beckette, Brent Beumer, Justin Fowler, Chris Swank

Class of 2024

Carter Alexander, Mark McClanahan, Cheri McLaughlin, Mark Niemeyer, Neal Perryman

Class of 2025

Tom Dankenbring, Tim Maynard, Jodi Petersen, Gary Sextro, Jeff Wehmer

FEBRUARY 2023 F 1 30 Hermann Trophy Banquet Relive the Hermann Trophy Banquet, powered by Mungenast St. Louis & Mungenast & Burkhard Alton Toyota, which took place on Friday, Jan. 6. IN THIS ISSUE 2 Upcoming Events 4 President’s Column 5 Foundations 6 General Manager’s Column 10 Membership 14 CWC 20 Athletics 25 Wellness 28 Youth Programs 29 Around the Club 33 Snapshots DEPARTMENTS
ON THE COVER Members are invited to Meet Me at the MAC for the Club’s 120th Anniversary Gala on Feb. 11. The Club will announce celebrations throughout the year to honor the legacy of the Club. 16
Join the Missouri Athletic Club on Saturday, Feb. 11, for the 120th Anniversary Gala as the Club celebrates 120 years of excellence, service and tradition.
@macstlouis CONNECT


FEBRUARY 1 Scotch Tasting DT

Join the Mark Twain Society for a scotch tasting, along with cigars, hors d’oeuvres and raffle prizes. Business attire is required.

6:30 p.m.

MTS Members: $35 per person

Others: $39 per person


MAC Speaker Series: A Celebration of St. Louis Soccer DT

Hear from many of the greatest legends in St. Louis soccer history, including featured speaker Taylor Twellman! Reminisce on what made St. Louis the soccer capital of the U.S. and look forward to our town’s exciting future with the launch of St. Louis City SC. Head Coach Bradley Carnell will be in attendance to talk about the team.

5:30 p.m. | Reception

6:30 p.m. | Dinner

7:30 p.m. | Program

$95 for Adults

$75 for Associates

$35 for Children


MAC 120th Anniversary Gala DT

Meet at the MAC for the kickoff of the Club’s 120th anniversary celebration at the Gala! Enjoy a night of free-flowing food, an open bar, a program with details about the Meet Me at the MAC anniversary campaign, live music and dancing.

6 p.m. | Cocktails

7 p.m. | Food stations open

8:30 p.m. | Live music and dancing

$120 per couple

register for events

DT 314-539-4470 F W 314-539-4490


Members must cancel reservations 72 hours prior to the event to avoid a charge of 33% of applicable price. No-shows will be charged in full. Cancellations must be made online or by contacting the MAC Catering Department. All events held in the Missouri Room require business attire unless otherwise specified.



Annual Boxing Championship DT SOLD OUT

Watch boxers from around the St. Louis Metro area square off against ranked opponents in exciting bouts in various weight divisions.

6 p.m. | Cocktails and cigars

7 p.m. | Dinner

8 p.m. | Boxing




Irish Whiskey Tasting DT

Join the Mark Twain Society and Women’s Initiative Group for a special Irish Whiskey Tasting.

6:30-8:30 p.m.

MTS Members: $42.50 per person, plus Club charge Non-MTS Members: $46.50 per person, plus Club charge


Prospective Member Open House DT

Members are invited to bring a new, prospective Member to tour the Club, meet other Members, sample our cuisine and learn more about the benefits of joining the only Platinum City Club in St. Louis. Complimentary appetizers, beer and wine. Limited capacity.

5:30-7:30 p.m.

Please RSVP to Will Johnston at wjohnston@mac-stl.org or register online.

Good Fellowship Day DT

Visit the Downtown Clubhouse for a day of fitness, competitions and fellowship. Lunch will be provided in the Sportsman’s Club.

9 a.m.-12 p.m. | Events and fitness classes

11 a.m.-3 p.m. | Lunch and drinks

This event is complimentary to attend.


St. Patrick’s Day Parade DT

Ride aboard the MAC’s float in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and pass out beads to the crowd! Spots are limited.

11 a.m. | Depart from Downtown Clubhouse

12 p.m. | Parade begins



Although I can’t believe January has already come and gone, I am elated that we are halfway through winter, and spring is right around the corner. I am even more excited about all the fun, exciting and compelling Club events and activities that are forthcoming in the month of February and beyond!

First, I want to highlight some outstanding events that took place in the month of January and bring you up to date on the work of the Board of Governors. Once again, the MAC had the honor and privilege of hosting a banquet to present the MAC Hermann Trophy, the most coveted individual honor in NCAA Division I soccer, to the men’s and women’s collegiate players of the year. Congratulations to this year’s women’s winner, Michelle Cooper from Duke University, and men’s winner, Duncan McGuire from Creighton. I would also like to thank fellow MAC Member and “broadcast-extraordinaire,” Tom Ackerman, for serving as the Master of Ceremonies. His interactions and interviews with the award winners, their coaches, and featured speaker, Fox Sports lead World Cup analyst, Alexi Lalas made for a very entertaining evening.

Also in January, the MAC was honored to host the St. Louis Blues inaugural Blues Hall of Fame Induction ceremony and the 63rd annual St. Louis Baseball Writers Dinner. I would like to especially recognize Wally Smith, Chef Bart Philips, Katie Mauer, Courtney Hake, Stephanie Leadlove, Mensur Becirovic and the entire Downtown staff for their hard work and diligence in hosting these two very special events as they showcased all that the MAC has to offer.

This past month was very busy for The Board of Governors. Of most importance, at a special meeting held on Jan. 12, the Board of Governors elected the 2023/2024 Officers. Congratulations to the following Governors who will take their leadership positions in May 2023:

President – Neal Perryman

Fist Vice President – Cheri McLaughlin

Second Vice President – Mark Niemeyer

Treasurer – Mark McClanahan

Secretary – Carter Alexander

Our Club and the Board of Governors are very fortunate to have such an exceptional and committed group of leaders. I look forward to working with President-elect Perryman and the entire class of newly elected officers in the coming months. Less than 48 hours after the Officers’ election, the Board of Governors met on Saturday, Jan. 14 for a morning strategy session focused on several topics, the most important of which was finalizing the position profile in connection with the search for the Club’s next general manager. This position profile has been posted and the search committee will work with consultants from GSI Executive Search in the coming weeks and months to identify candidates, review resumes and conduct preliminary interviews. Rest assured that I will use this

space to keep our Members up-to-date and informed regarding this most important process.

Finally, as it relates to the Board of Governors, active and engaged leaders are imperative to the long-term viability and success of our Club. The Board of Governors election is right around the corner. Specifically, prospective Governor candidates may submit letters of intent to the Nominating Committee by Tuesday, Feb. 28, election campaigns will begin on Monday, April 24 and the new Board Class will be elected on Thursday, May 4. If you are interested in running for the Board of Governors or hearing more about the election process and/or serving on one of the Club’s standing Committees please reach out to Past President Dan Lett, Past President Angie Minges or any other member of the Nominating Committee (a full list of Nominating Committee members is available upon request).

As I reviewed the Club Calendar in preparation for writing this letter, I was overwhelmed by all that the Club has to offer in the month of February. First and foremost, as was previewed in last month’s Cherry Diamond, on Saturday, Feb. 11, we will kick off a year of celebrating the Club’s 120th Anniversary with a gala. In advance of the upcoming first season of Major League Soccer in St. Louis, the Club will host an MAC Speaker’s Series event on Friday, Feb. 17 featuring St. Louis’ own Taylor Twellman and several members of the leadership, staff and roster from St. Louis City SC. Thursday, Feb. 23 marks the return of the Club’s Annual Boxing Night in the Missouri Room (to quote my good friend, fellow Governor and parttime ring announcer, Justin Fowler, “LET’S GET READY TO RUMMMBLE!). Finally, we will gather on Saturday, Feb. 25 in the spirit of camaraderie, competition and friendship to celebrate Good Fellowship Day. I encourage you to check the Club calendar on the MAC website for additional Club events in the month of February.

It makes me proud to be part of a Club that values the best staff and exceptional Members. I want to recognize the Downtown Clubhouse’s distinguished employee who works diligently behind the scenes.

Title: Lead Laundry Attendant

Start Date: June 2021

Deborah, thank you for your rear-round dedication and service to our hotel guests.

Have a great February, and I look forward to seeing you at the Club!

We appreciate your generosity ... it matters! To discuss giving opportunities or estate planning guidance, please contact: LARRY ABSHEER (“LA”) Director of Advancement 314-604-3890 or labsheer@mac-stl.org MAC FOUNDATIONS CORNER Have You Ever Thought About Remembering the MAC in your Estate Plan? Naming the MAC in your Will or Trust or as a Beneficiary on an investment account are excellent ways to establish your family’s legacy at the MAC. Your planned gift will help ensure the MAC maintains its prestigious status as a Platinum Club of America. Our future depends on YOU and we sincerely appreciate your support. Leaving a Legacy 2023 IS HERE AND IT’S TIME TO START THINKING ABOUT NEW THINGS! DECEMBER 2022 F 5


One of the biggest challenges I walked into as general manager of the Missouri Athletic Club was dealing with the Club’s underfunded pension liability. It was a daunting task that seemed far, far away from any resolution other than continuing to feed it close to $500,000 per year for ever and ever.

For the last ten years, we have been looking for solutions and potentially the right time, the right opportunity and the right market conditions where it might make sense and be financially practical to transfer the Missouri Athletic Club’s pension liability to an annuity provider. When I started, the pension fund balance was in the $7 million range. The actuarial studies at the time showed an unfunded balance of approximately $4.5 million. That’s a big hill to climb!

In September 2014, the Pension Sinking Fund was born. We earmarked most of that year’s dues increase and established by Board Resolution a $20,000/month contribution into a restricted fund for pension purposes only. We also created our 10-Year Cash Flow Projection working tool as part of our annual planning process with the first line representing these deposits to underscore the importance of addressing the liability. Shortly thereafter a long-term loan that the club had been paying on for years at $24,000 per month was finally paid off. With that loan gone, we dedicated an additional $20,000 per month to the pension fund, upping the monthly contributions to $40,000 per month.

These steps were all well and good, but the numerous fees related to the pension consistently seemed to pile up. To release the pension fund’s liability from the MAC, market conditions needed to be favorable for an insurance company to make the purchase and the unfunded portion needed to be in a realistic range that the Club could afford. Strong market performance and rising interest rates finally came into view this past year. Our team refers to this and the timing as “the perfect storm.”

We were ready, had done our homework, and had our game plan and players in place. I’m very happy to report that we successfully transferred the entire pension liability to United of Omaha, the winning bidder between Christmas and New Year’s. Our team members were all on vacation that week but jumped in on seven or eight zoom calls with follow-up work after each. Our number one goal in all of this was to be sure there was no negative impact on any of our current or future retirees that are eligible to participate. That number one goal was accomplished. As to the outlook and impact, the following highlights a number of factors.

F The cost to transfer the liability was roughly $1.2 million versus recent 10-year Cash Flow Projections of $3.4 - $5 million – a savings of $2.2 - $3.8 million.

F PBGC premiums for the next 10 years were projected to be nearly $1.8 million – The MAC will save that entire amount.

F We will also save an estimated $350,000 in administrative

costs over the next 10 years (actuarial services, audit, legal, investment management fees, etc.)

F We also achieved annuity premium savings of $475,000 thanks to due diligence during the annuity provider selection process and relentless work of our team.

Without forward thinking and strategic planning, we would not have been in the position to act as we did. Kudos to the entire Pension Subcommittee and especially our Chief Financial Officer Pam Roth and Chris Maurer our Human Resources Director. Also, a huge shout-out to our distinguished Chair, Past Governor Chris Michalak. Gov. Michalak was there every step of the way, showing up for employee meetings, answering emails, and sitting on the phone for countless hours to get this done. The money was transferred on Dec. 28, 2022, strategically timed thus eliminating any further cost in fees.

Again, all of our pensioners are wholly taken care of and will see no difference in their benefits.

Governor Michalak said about this effort, “Truly a remarkable outcome and it was 1000% a team effort! Pam and her crew killed it, and our partners were professionals through and through.”

Congratulations to the team. It’s been great to check this box, and I’m looking forward to checking off a few more before I leave my post.

One of them being the Downtown Youth & Family Center (YFC) initiative. We are close on our fundraising goals and are still accepting donations for the installation of a new gymnasium floor and main entrance enhancements!

A huge “Thank You” to Past Governor Chris Hyams and his company GS&S Construction for their time and expertise shepherding us through this impactful undertaking. Past Governor Hyams and GS&S Construction have been instrumental in the 1903 Bar expansion and did all the work on our fitness renovations at the West Clubhouse. We appreciate all their time and expertise in ensuring the YFC renovations move forward successfully. I encourage any business or individual interested in directly impacting the lives of our downtown neighbors to contribute to our $200,000 goal. To the MAC Members who have already donated – thank you for your support! To donate, visit mac-sportsfoundation.org. Contact Kara Kelpe at kkelpe@mac-stl.org to get involved.

This is a big one that we need to check off our list as well. Happy New Year Everyone!

See you at the Club!

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The MAC to Host College Basketball’s Best on April 12

The Big O... Pistol Pete... Larry Legend... Air Jordan... Tamika... the Wizard of Westwood... Muffet... Geno… Since 1959, the U.S. Basketball Writers Association has honored the accomplishments of the biggest names in basketball.

The Missouri Athletic Club, since its inception including the key role that it played in the 1904 Olympics, quickly established an athletic tradition that has endured for more than a century.

In 1970, broadcasting legend and MAC Member Jack Buck built on that tradition

of celebrating athletic excellence with the creation of the Sports Personality of the Year Award. Beginning with Baseball Hall of Famer Bob Gibson, an impressive list of coaching greats, all-stars, and Hall of Famers have been honored in this ballroom.

In 1986, the MAC enhanced its national reputation by becoming the home of college soccer’s version of the Heisman Trophy. The Club has presented its Hermann Trophy to the biggest names in soccer history including Mia Hamm and Alexi Lalas.

In 2018, when the U.S. Basketball Writers Association was looking for a permanent home for its Awards Banquet, the MAC was a natural fit. Club Members have enthusiastically supported the banquet with each event selling out quickly. This celebration of college basketball honoring the top male and female player of the year, freshman of the year, and coach of the year has quickly become one of the MAC’s

most popular events. In just a few years, the Missouri Room has hosted some of the biggest names in college basketball including Trae Young, Zion Williamson, Megan Gustafson, Rick Barnes, Aliyah Boston, John Calipari, Oscar Tshiebwe and Jabari Smith.

Make plans to attend this special event on Wednesday, April 12. Reservations will open on Tuesday, Feb. 7 at 10 a.m. and they will fill up quickly. Be ready to register at mac-stl.org/events.


Wednesday, April 12 Downtown Clubhouse

5:30 p.m. – Cocktails

7 p.m. – Dinner

8 p.m. – Awards Presentation

$175 per person, all-inclusive




The Nominating Sub-committee is seeking 10 qualified candidates to run for the 2023 Board of Governors. Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to give back to your Club.

Not only is it a way to give back, but the experience is extremely rewarding. Serving on the Board of Governors gives you the opportunity to:

F Bring value and enrichment to the MAC through your unique skills and abilities.

F Work with other MAC leaders toward a shared goal.


F Have the opportunity to work with our professional and hardworking MAC staff.

F Gain further satisfaction in helping to educate other Members about this great Club.

F Develop a deep camaraderie with other Members as you continue the legacy of the MAC through your leadership.

F Have fun!

If you are interested in running, please contact any of these Members of the Nominating Sub-committee:

Dan Lett (Chairman), Angie Minges

(Vice-Chairman), Bill Swoboda, Brent Kaniecki Chris Michalak, Chris Hyams, Gary Wideman, Greg Beekman, Judith Hanses, Nick Lamb, Mark Brandom and Mike Hackett.

If you have questions about what Board service is all about, feel free to contact any current Governor or Past Governor. They are more than happy to answer your questions and share their experiences.

Your letter of intent is due on or before Feb. 28, 2023.

The Board of Governors elected the 2023-2024 Class of Club Officers on Jan. 12. Congratulations to President-elect Neal Perryman, First Vice President Cheri McLaughlin, Second Vice President Mark Niemeyer, Secretary Carter Alexander and Treasurer Mark McClanahan. Their terms will begin in May.


John Barenkamp and Susan O’Malley of CLA

James Barton, Jr. of The Gellman Team with EXP Realty

Alec Bausch of IPX Exchange Services & 1031 Consul

Christopher Blair of World Wide Technology Raceway

Kirk Briden and Suzi Briden of Banker’s Caddy

Thomas Clark of State of Missouri

Ashlyn and Anthony Cundiff

Curtis Francois of World Wide Technology Raceway and Amy Francois

Jamie Guignon of Greystar and Robert Guignon of Wells Fargo

Elizabeth Hawn

Craig Horstmann of JP Morgan Chase and Angela Horstmann

Ryan January of BrandSafway and Kelly Murphy of Pure Storage

Joseph Lux of NISA Investment Advisors and Haylye Lux of Altair Travel

Dr. Carlos Mahia and Dr. Paula Leiva of Washington University

Margaret McDonald of Hok and David Ott of Acropolis Investment Management

New Members from December

Declan O’Neill of World Wide Technology Raceway and Kimberly O’Neill of Douglas Elementary School

Kyle Quatrochi of RGA Reinsurance Company and Kelli Quatrochi of Energizer Holdings

Canice Rice

Brandon Schnieders of Mastercard and Elisha Schnieders of Mercy

Daniel Silverman of Atlassian and Shannon Silverman of The Paper Crate

Anthony Sizemore of World Wide Technology Raceway and Tricia Sizemore

Henry Slay of One Digital and Mary Slay of Laura McCarthy Real Estate

Steven Spinner and Grace Spinner of Cardinal Glennon Hospital

Bradley Stumpe of Anders CPAs & Advisors and Colleen Stumpe of Special School District

Patrick Cole Waggoner of Bayer

Brandon Williams of XFL Battlehawks and B. Marcell Williams of Anheuser-Busch

Scott Winter of World Wide Technology Raceway and Bridget Winter of Triad School District



Referrals from Members are the best way to grow our Membership. The Missouri Athletic Club will open its doors to those interested in joining the Club! Members are invited to bring a new, prospective Member to tour the Club, meet other Members, sample our cuisine and learn more about the benefits of joining the only Platinum City Club in St. Louis. The Missouri Athletic Club Prospective Member Open House occurs on the second Thursday of every month from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Downtown Clubhouse.

SAVE THE DATES: Feb. 9 | Downtown Clubhouse March 9 | Downtown Clubhouse

Club Members can register online or RSVP to Will Johnston at wjohnston@mac-stl.org.

FEBRUARY 2023 F 11

A NEW OUTLOOK: MAC Minute E-Newsletter Update

As the new year continues to bring exciting events and opportunities for Members, the Club has also updated the look of the weekly e-newsletter! Members will continue to receive the MAC Minute newsletter twice a week, but with a fresh look. This updated design features upcoming events at both Clubhouses, with larger images and a cleaner appearance.

Check your inbox weekly for the MAC Minute to stay up to date on all things happening at the Club!

New year, new strategy.

Let us help your organization solve problems, form solutions and focus on what matters. WATCH THE VIDEO AND CALL MARK PETERMAN AT 314-624-4454 FOR MORE INFO

MAKE IT EASIER TO CONNECT: Update Your Member Profile

Please help us keep our Member Roster up to date by reviewing and updating your personal information. To do so on a desktop browser, hover over your name in the website’s top right-hand corner while logged in. Select “Edit My Profile,” make any necessary changes, and click “Save.”

By updating your profile, it’s easier for fellow Members to connect with you and in turn for you to connect with them. To access the most updated Member information, navigate to “Online Member Roster” under the “Member Central” tab on the MAC website. You may search the Member Roster by name, profession or address. The Online Member Roster is also accessible under “Important Links” on the “Member Central” webpage. You can also access the Online Member Roster on your mobile phone with the MAC app!

Please contact Membership Director Rodney Stoyer at rstoyer@mac-stl.org or 314-539-4429 with any questions.

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The MAC Book Club 2023 Reading List Continues

Thursday, Feb. 9 F 5:30 p.m. F West Clubhouse

Wednesday, March 8 F 6 p.m. F Downtown Clubhouse

On Thursday, Feb. 9, Cathy Beckette leads a discussion of Lessons in Chemistry: A Novel by Bonnie Garmus. Chemist Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman. But it’s the early 1960s, and her all-male team at Hastings Research Institute takes a very unscientific view of equality. Except for one: Calvin Evans, the lonely, brilliant, Nobel Prize-nominated grudgeholder who falls in love with—of all things—her mind. True chemistry results. Laugh-out-loud funny, shrewdly observant, and studded with a dazzling cast of supporting characters, Lessons in Chemistry is as original and vibrant as its protagonist.

On Wednesday, March 8, John Salter guides us through a discussion of State of Terror by Hillary Rodham Clinton and Louise Penny.

After a tumultuous period in American politics, a new administration has just been sworn in. To everyone’s surprise, the president chooses a political enemy for the vital position of secretary of state.

There is no love lost between the president of the United States and Ellen Adams, his new secretary of state. With this appointment, he silences one of his harshest critics, since taking the job means Adams must step down as head of her multinational media conglomerate.

State of Terror is a unique and utterly compelling international thriller co-written by Hillary Rodham Clinton, the 67th secretary of state, and Louise Penny, a multiple award-winning #1 New York Times bestselling novelist. For reservations, email Dr. Genie McKee, Book Club Chair, at evmckee@gmail.com.

MHC Welcomes Author Peter Shinkle

Tuesday, Feb. 7 F 11:30 a.m. F West Clubhouse

Tuesday, Feb. 28 F 12 p.m. F Downtown Clubhouse

St. Louis native and former PostDispatch reporter Peter Shinkle will visit both MAC Clubhouses in February. He will discuss the subject of his new book, Uniting America: How FDR and Henry Stimson Brought Democrats and Republicans Together to Win World War II.

As Adolf Hitler’s Nazi armies threatened Europe, Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt urged a divided America to mobilize to defend democracy and freedom. On June 20, 1940, FDR shocked the country by announcing that two prominent Republicans would take posts in his cabinet. Henry Stimson, former President Herbert Hoover’s secretary of state, became secretary of war, and Frank Knox, the Republican vice-presidential candidate in 1936, became secretary of the navy.

Uniting America is the first book to paint a complete portrait of this extraordinary collaboration, as Shinkle reveals the true extent of bipartisanship during the war.

The MAC Shuttle will be available for Book Club Members and will depart the West Clubhouse at 5:30 p.m. to travel to the Downtown Clubhouse.

Charitable Society for Children: 2023 CHARITIES

The Missouri Athletic Club Charitable Society for Children’s mission is to provide financial assistance and volunteer support to St. Louis children’s charities. The charities are nominated by Members and employees of the MAC. The nominations are presented to the CSC Committee, which recommends the three beneficiaries annually.

toiletries and more so foster parents can focus on connecting with the children in their care. Foster Together works alongside local foster parents, leading to better outcomes for the most vulnerable children in our community.


(TSS) is to build a warm, welcoming learning environment that is an example of the profound and real possibilities of a community dedicated to educating its children. TSS students excel in an integrated and experiential curriculum that encourages them to be inspired learners and good, productive citizens in our community.





Foster Together provides new car seats, clothing, shoes, bedding, baby items,

Irish Whiskey Tasting

March 8 F 6:30 p.m.

Downtown Clubhouse

Join the Mark Twain Society and the Women’s Initiative Group for an Irish whiskey tasting, along with cigars, hors d’oeuvres and raffle prizes.

MTS Members: $42.50 per person, plus Club charge

Non-MTS Members: $46.50 per person, plus Club charge

North Side’s mission is to improve each student’s opportunities in education and in life by developing the skills, knowledge and personal qualities necessary for success.


The mission of The Soulard School

SAVE THE DATE: Women Business Owner Panel Discussion

April 4 F Downtown Clubhouse

11:30 a.m. | Reception and luncheon

12:15 p.m. | Program

Gather at the Downtown Clubhouse on Tuesday, April 4 for the 2023 MAC Women Business Owners Roundtable Discussion! Featured speakers Maxine Clark, Dr. Mary Mason and Jillian Tedesco will motivate, educate and inspire other women business owners and entrepreneurs.

For questions about donations or about the CSC, contact co-chairs Jarid King at jaridking@ hotmail.com or 314-249-0871, or Nat Walsh at nwalsh@stltitle.com or 314-614-4366.


The MAC offers a variety of Clubs within the Club (CWCs) to bring together Members with common interests.


Mondays, 7 p.m., Downtown Book Club

Second Thursday of the month, 5:30 p.m., West

Business Development Group

Third Thursday of the month

Alternating meetings and happy hours

Meeting: 7:15 a.m., Downtown Happy Hour: 4:30-7 p.m., alternating locations

Forever Young Club

Third Friday of the month, 11:30 a.m., West

Military History Club

Fourth Tuesday of the month, 11:30 a.m., Downtown


First and third Wednesday of the month, 5:30 p.m., West For more information, visit mac-stl.org/GetInvolved or call DT: 314-539-4470

WE: 314-539-4490

FEBRUARY 2023 F 15


Downtown Clubhouse

$120 per couple

6 p.m. Cocktails | 7 p.m. Food Stations Open | 8:30 p.m. Live Music and Dancing

Gather for a night of free-flowing food, an open bar, live music and dancing to celebrate the Missouri Athletic Club’s 120th Anniversary! Black tie attire is preferred.

Sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact Katie Maurer at kmaurer@mac-stl.org for more information.

Register at mac-stl.org/Events or email downtownevents@mac-stl.org.



The MAC opened its doors on Sept. 13, 1903, born into a city bustling with preparations for the 1904 Olympics and World’s Fair. The original Clubhouse was established in the Boatman’s Bank Building at 4th and Washington Ave. in Downtown St. Louis. The catalyst for establishing the Club was Charles Henry Genslinger, who had successfully opened clubs in New Orleans and New York prior.

The spectacular new Club played a key role in hosting dignitaries from around the world who were visiting St. Louis for the Olympics and World’s Fair. Athletes from the MAC competed in boxing, wrestling, water polo, swimming and track at the Olympic Games.

The movie Meet Me in St. Louis captures this pivotal time in our town’s history, an era that shaped the formation of the Club. In the spirit of that classic film, the Club will celebrate its 120th anniversary with a Meet Me at the MAC campaign.

From the inception of the MAC, the Club has been a gathering spot for meeting friends and business associates. The MAC plans to honor this tradition at long-established Club events throughout the year by celebrating its longevity, rich history, traditions, and exceptional Members and their influence within the St. Louis community.

The 120th-anniversary celebrations will kick off with a gala at the Downtown Clubhouse on Saturday, Feb. 11. Gather for a night of free-flowing food, an open bar, live music and dancing. Black tie attire is preferred. Register at mac-stl.org/Events or email downtownevents@mac-stl.org.

Stay updated on all anniversary celebrations through the MAC Minute e-newsletter, mac-stl.org, and social media. Visit mac-stl.org/History to learn more about the MAC’s legacy.



Two of the most historic pillars of the Missouri Athletic Club are camaraderie and athletics. The MAC will host Good Fellowship Day on Saturday, Feb. 25 in the Downtown Clubhouse. Good Fellowship Day has been a longstanding event with years of history honoring MAC athletics. What started as the Hall of Health’s YearEnd Jamboree in 1933 has blossomed into a full-fledged event featuring fitness classes, competitions, wellness offerings and a complimentary lunch buffet in the Sportsman’s Club. This event is a great way, especially for new Members, to check out athletic, fitness and wellness opportunities at the Downtown Clubhouse, while getting to know other fellow Members through classes and healthy competition.

Register online for Good Fellowship Day’s fitness classes. Space is limited. Contact Courtney Hutt at 314-539-4495 or chutt@mac-stl.org for more information on the fitness classes.

F 7 a.m. | Athletic Department opens

F 9 a.m.-12 p.m. | Events and fitness classes

• 500 meter & 2000 meter rowing

• Bench Press competition

• Pull-up competition

• 3-point contest following basketball games

• Racquetball, Handball and Squash courts reserved for play

• Massages – contact the Athletic Desk at 314-539-4482 to book

• Pro Shop sale

F 11 a.m.-3 p.m. | Complimentary lunch buffet and drinks at the Sportsman’s Club

This event is complimentary to attend. Reservations are only necessary for the Fitness Classes.

FEBRUARY 2023 F 19 DOUBLE ELIMINATION Basketball Tournament Visit mac-stl.org/events to register. For more information, contact Scott Mattingly at smattingly@mac-stl.org. Begins March 27 | 4 Weeks | $90 per person Registration begins online on Feb. 20 at 8 a.m. and closes on March 15 at 4 p.m. Register early as space is limited.


March 13-17 and March 20-24

Beginner Junior (ages 7-10)

F 8:30-9:30 a.m.

F Member $150

F Guest $200

Intermediate (ages 10-15)

F 9:30-11 a.m.

F Member $300

F Guest $400

Advanced (ages 14+)

F 12:30-3:30 p.m.

F Member $425

F Guest $525

To register, please contact Alex Ingham at aingham@mac-stl.org.



Feb. 1 and March 8 | 6:45 p.m.

To register, please contact Alex Ingham at aingham@mac-stl.org.



The Missouri Athletic Club’s Squash Club Championship takes place in February and March. Members can play doubles or singles. Those who can’t get enough of squash can sign up for multiple divisions. The quarterfinals and semifinals of singles squash divisions will take place on Feb. 15 and 16. The singles finals are on Feb. 17. The final of the Doubles Mixed, C, and D Divisions is on March 1. The final of the Doubles Ladies A, A, and B Divisions is on March 2. To register, please contact Alex Ingham at aingham@mac-stl.org.



Session 1: Jan. 9 - Feb. 18

Session 2: Feb. 20 - March 25

Session 3: March 27 - April 1

Session 4: April 3 - May 26

For more information, contact Conner Stevenson at cstevenson@mac-stl.org.



Change has come for the Missouri Athletic Club’s tennis department.

Tennis Director Kim Steinmetz is stepping down, but a familiar face is taking her place –Scott Stutz.

Steinmetz is saying farewell to the MAC after more than 30 years. Before she and the MAC became synonymous, the St. Louis native played in 26 Grand Slams between 1982 and 1989. Some of her most notable opponents include Chris Evert, Steffi Graf and Martina Navratilova.

Once her professional career was over, she turned her attention to coaching, but some of her best memories at the MAC have been made off the court.

“The friendships I have made through these years just can’t be replaced,” Steinmetz said. “The support and love I feel from Members going back to the baby showers thrown for

for Kim Steinmetz and Scott Stutz

me some 21 years ago to having such sincere congratulations come my way when I was elected into the MAC Athletic Hall of Fame.”

Even though Steinmetz will no longer be Tennis Director, her next chapter will still include the MAC.

“I plan to be back after shoulder surgery: to teach a bit, play some and enjoy the people,” she said.

Stutz has taught tennis for over 30 years and has been at the MAC since 1998. He said Steinmetz has taught the tennis department that “Member satisfaction is super important.”

The Connecticut native played NCAA Division I tennis for Central Connecticut State University and then competed in Satellite events in New England.

“I am looking forward to taking the MAC tennis program to the next level,” Stutz said. Steinmetz plans to use her newfound free time to have outdoor adventures, travel, complete home projects, enjoy more time with family and delve into her family ancestry.


Carolyn Kramer (CK) is the new Adult Tennis Coordinator for the MAC. Kramer previously held the Tennis Communication Coordinator role. She will manage the MAC Ladies Interclub program and organize many adult tennis offerings at the MAC, including special events, adult matchmaking and clinics. Please congratulate and give CK a big “fist bump” whenever you cross paths.

TENNIS TIP from an MAC Pro

MAC Tennis Pro Patrick McNally works with a lot of MAC kids on improving their game and his main goal is to get these kids to have fun and keep the ball in play. He says first and foremost, tennis is a game of control. At a more advanced level, tennis requires consistency, depth, direction, spin and power. Those just starting out should try to be consistent by not making unforced errors. McNally suggests rallying with a partner and having a joint goal of placing 100 shots in the court. This alone will allow players to have a fun and confident game of tennis.

Two of McNally’s young students have been excelling at keeping the ball in play. Ariana Langley, yellow racket, has a 283-ball rally record. Poppy Hanrahan, blue racket, has a 126 ball rally record. Visit mac-stl.org/Athletics to learn more about tennis at the MAC.

FEBRUARY 2023 F 21


Over the past few years, the Missouri Athletic Club has grown its fitness team to a complete wellness team. Just some of the MAC employees who act as a bridge between fitness and wellness include Athletic Director Jeff Tuhro, Downtown Fitness & Wellness Manager Courtney Hutt, West Fitness Manager Paul Helfrich, SSM Physical Therapist Jay Zaber, Integrative Nutrition Coach Melissa Swank and Nutrition Coach Maggie Dickinson.

“As a personal trainer, it is very convenient to have a complete wellness team on site. Whether clients are looking for additional nutrition advice, a massage to help with preventing muscle soreness, or just to improve recovery time, we are now able to offer all these services,” Hutt said.

In addition to personal training, massage therapy, physical therapy, health coaching and nutrition coaching, the Club offers resting and active metabolic assessments as well as functional movement screenings. The wellness team works together, learns from each other and assists one another in helping Members achieve their goals, no matter what stage of fitness they are in.

“Metabolic testing allows Members to have exact information on how they should consume calories and approach cardiovascular training for sports performance, weight loss and dropping body fat,” Helfrich said. “Our staff works collectively to help Members reach their goals from start to finish.”

The MAC’s experienced physical therapists and personal trainers guide injured

Members back to their fitness regimen while preventing future issues. Communication between wellness staff members is second to none to ensure continued improvement for any injury.

“The personal trainers and I are in constant communication about clients becoming patients and vice versa. Sometimes Members dealing with persistent aches and pains need treatment via physical therapy first, and then we can get them back to training feeling much better,” Zaber said. “On the opposite side of things, patients will voice to me their desire to continue with exercise once physical therapy is finished. Then it’s a matter of finding the MAC personal trainer that matches best with that unique Member’s wellness journey.”

The Club also offers numerous massages to assist Members in reaching their overall health goals. Those include Sports Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy, Prenatal Massage, Rehabilitative Massage, and Myofascial Cupping, just to name a few.

Wellness is more than just movement. The Club’s nutrition team works alongside MAC

personal trainers to create individual plans for Members to reach their weight loss or muscle mass goals.

“Physical therapy, health and nutrition coaching along with several different injury assessments and movement screenings have been great additions to our wellness approach,” Tuhro said. “We have a great team in place, so please share your goals with us, and let’s get you on track to accomplish them in 2023.”

Visit mac-stl.org/Fitness_Wellness to learn more about how the MAC can support you on your health journey.


F Personal training

F Group exercise classes

F Physical therapy

F Nutrition coaching

F Massage therapy

F Resting metabolic testing

F Active metabolic testing

F Functional movement screening

FEBRUARY 2023 F 23

PHYSICAL THERAPY — GET BACK TO LIFE with SSM Health Physical Therapy

Injuries can happen at any moment – on the playing field, in the workplace, in your car or even in your home. Without timely treatment, recovery can often become a slow, painful process. Physical therapy uses a variety of evidence-based treatments and physical exercises to begin the rehabilitation process at the onset of injury or pain. Through these treatments and exercises, physical therapy can efficiently and effectively strengthen your body, reduce pain and prevent future injury.

SSM Health Physical Therapy’s highly trained, licensed physical therapists use a variety of evidence-based treatments and physical exercises that may help:

• Decrease pain and irritation

• Improve function

• Increase mobility and flexibility

• Build strength

• Speed your recovery

• Reduce the risk of future injury


You will be evaluated by a physical therapist and receive a personalized plan of care designed to meet your individual recovery needs. Your plan may include:

• Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization

• Manual therapy techniques

• Proper posture education

• Stretching and strengthening muscles

• Therapeutic exercises and activities

At SSM Health Physical Therapy we offer:

• MAC West Clubhouse location, exclusive to members and their families

• 80+ convenient locations throughout the St. Louis Metro Area

• Appointments within 24 to 48 hours

• Dedicated customer service

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: SSM Health Physical Therapy - MAC West Clubhouse. Call 314.822.3205 or stop by the clinic for assistance scheduling. We look forward to serving the needs of you and your family!



Parc Provence


Change can act as a significant stressor, even if the changes are wanted or needed. That struggle can be even more profound for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive diseases –and the loved ones who support them. For many with memory issues, one common and significant change is the move from home care to a residential-care community. As you begin to plan for this kind of transition, you can reduce anxiety by minimizing the number of moves your loved one must make and offer your loved one a sense of familiarity and continuity.

Some residential communities offer care for people in the early stages of Alzheimer’s but are not prepared to provide an effective and adaptable treatment plan as the disease progresses.

“At Parc Provence, a licensed skilled-nursing community, we

specialize in caring for people with dementia,” said Administrator Kathy Aragon. “That specialization includes providing all residents with support and medical care at each stage of the disease.”

“Dementia is challenging, not only for those diagnosed with the illness but also for families struggling to understand the impact of this condition,” Aragon said. “Families of seniors in need of memory care are looking for education, support, and compassionate care.”

With more than 30 years of nursing experience, Aragon’s career has focused on long-term care. She understands that dementia is challenging for those with the illness and for their loved ones who must come to terms with the disease.

The expert staff has completed extensive training in all aspects


of dementia and Alzheimer’s care. Medical director Dr. David B. Carr and associate medical director Dr. Lenise Cummings-Vaughn are leading specialists in Alzheimer’s disease and geriatric medicine at Washington University School of Medicine. They bring the latest advances in memory care, ensuring all residents receive the best care available.

Parc Provence offers extensive programs, oneon-one services, and amenities tailored to each resident’s cognitive and social abilities.

“We conduct regular assessments of each resident’s abilities and needs to allow for individual change,” Aragon said. “Our wide range of programs and activities are designed to enhance the strengths of all residents and connect with their old memories, thereby enabling them to function at their highest potential.”

Though a move to a residential community like Parc Provence – one that offers personalized treatment plans and a continuum of care – may eliminate the need for another relocation in the future, the process may still prove stressful for all involved.

Aragon said, “We work with new residents and their families before the move and can offer advice and support that will help make the transition easier. Our residents’ comfort and care are our top priority.”

To learn more about Parc Provence’s individualized continuum of care, designed for people at all stages of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, visit ParcProvence.com or call (314) 542-2500 to schedule a tour.

FEBRUARY 2023 F 27
605 Coeur de Ville Drive Creve Coeur, MO 63141 314-542-2500 parcprovence.com



Summer isn’t quite here yet, but youth Members are already looking forward to warmer weather and the exciting camps offered at the Missouri Athletic Club!

Registration for 2023 MAC Summer Camp begins Feb. 15. Visit the MAC website and navigate to Youth Programs > Summer Camp for more information.

12 Weeks of Camp: Tuesday, May 30 – Friday, Aug. 18

F Full Day: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.*

$240 per week

F Half Day (morning): 9 a.m.-12 p.m.**

$155 per week

F Half Day (afternoon): 1 p.m.-4 p.m.**

$155 per week


Every other week:

F May 30-June 2

F June 12-16

F June 26-30

F July 10-14

F July 24-28

F Aug. 7-11

F Half Day (morning only): 9 a.m.-12 p.m.**

$170 per week

*Lunch is included in Full Day Camp

**Lunch add-on available for $10 for Half Day and Preschool


F Bricks 4 Kids

F Little Med School

F Arts & Crafts Camp

F American Girl Doll Camp

F Nintendo Switch Camp

F Counselor In Training (CIT) and more!


F Basketball

F Volleyball

F Soccer

F Extreme Sports


F Explore STL

F Splash, Climb & Jump!

F Park Hopper

Specialty Camp and Adventure Camp dates, prices and details coming soon! Stay up to date by visiting the MAC website and navigating to Youth Programs > Summer Camps.

New policies regarding camp deposits and camp collection will go into effect this year. Details will be posted at registration.

more and register for Youth Program activities and camps online at mac-stl.org/Youth Programs.



For the first time, the Missouri Athletic Club hosted the 63rd Annual St. Louis Baseball Writers Dinner on Sunday, Jan. 15. The night was spent honoring current and former Cardinals with awards from the St. Louis chapter of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America. Interviews and roundtables with Cardinals players highlighted the night.

Albert Pujols received the Red Schoendienst Medal honoring a person who has been of “Invaluable Service to the Game of Baseball.” Pujols also received the Darryl Kile Award presented to


a Cardinals player chosen by his teammates for being “… A good teammate, a great friend, a fine father and a humble man.”

The duo who set the all-time record for most starts as an MLB battery, Adam Wainwright and Yadier Molina, received the Dr. Robert F. Hyland/Rick Hummel Award for “Meritorious Service to Sports.”

Paul Goldschmidt was presented with the J.G. Taylor Spink Award given to the “St. Louis Baseball Man of the Year.” Also in the Missouri Room, Goldschmidt received his 2022 NL MVP Award, Silver Slugger Award and Players Choice Award.


F Red Schoendienst Medal: Albert Pujols

F Man of the Year: Paul Goldschmidt

He was also presented with an MVP award, Silver Slugger and Players Choice Award

F Kile Award: Albert Pujols

F Rookie of the Year: Brendan Donovan

F Meritorious Service to Sports: Adam Wainwright, Yadier Molina

F Outstanding Achievement: Nolan Arenado, Ryan Helsley, Oliver Marmol

F Comeback Player of the Year: Miles Mikolas

F Nostalgia Award: Mike Shannon

F Good Guy Award: Rick Hummel

F Gold Glove winners: Arenado, Donovan

F Platinum Glove: Arenado

F Team Golden Glove: Cardinals

FEBRUARY 2023 F 29


Broadcaster and Former Hermann Award Winner Alexi

Lalas was the Featured Speaker

Soccer fans filled the MAC on Jan. 6 to watch the winners of the Hermann Trophy be presented with the crystal ball. The award goes to the top NCAA Division I Men’s and Women’s players. Duke sophomore Michelle Cooper and Creighton senior Duncan McGuire were announced the winners of the 2022 award.

Cooper was named a United Soccer Coaches First Team All-American and the ACC Offensive Player of the Year after breaking the school record for most points in a season with 49. This year’s runners-up for the women’s award were Florida State senior midfielder Jenna Nighswonger and Notre Dame sophomore midfielder Korbin Albert.

McGuire’s goal-scoring ability earned him the Hermann Trophy winner. He led the NCAA with 23 goals and 50 points. Ten of his goals came in the postseason. This year’s runners-up for the men’s award were Duke junior midfielder Peter Stroud and Syracuse senior forward Levonte Johnson.

Soccer analyst Alexi Lalas won the Hermann Trophy in 1991 when he played for Rutgers. He returned to the MAC as the featured speaker this year. Lalas reflected on his time commentating on the World Cup in Qatar and the future of soccer in the United States. The event was powered by Mungenast St. Louis Acura and Mungenast & Burkard Alton Toyota.


MACSpeaker Series THE


Former U.S. Men’s National Team Player and ESPN’s Lead Soccer Analyst

A Celebration of St. Louis Soccer

Friday, Feb. 17

Downtown Clubhouse

5:30 Reception | 6:30 Dinner | 7:30 Program

$95 for Adults

$75 for Associates

$35 for Children (12 and under)

Business attire is required.

To become a sponsor, contact Katie Maurer at kmaurer@mac-stl.org.

Register online at mac-stl.org/events.

Reminisce on what made St. Louis the soccer capital of the U.S. and look forward to our town’s exciting future with the launch of St. Louis City SC. Taylor Twellman, one of the greatest soccer players St. Louis has produced, is ESPN’s lead soccer analyst.


F Al Trost, Lori Chalupny, Ty Keough, Brad Davis and Steve Trittschuh

F St. Louis City SC Head Coach

Bradley Carnell


F The importance of a strong soccer culture

F What it means to welcome a Major League Soccer team

F St. Louis soccer past, present, and future

Members must cancel reservations 72 hours prior to the event to avoid a charge of 33% of the applicable price. No-shows will be charged in full. Cancellations must be made online or by contacting the MAC Catering Department.

Mark your calendars for the upcoming MAC Happy Hours. In addition to serving up great drink specials, these events are a great opportunity to meet new members and introduce friends and colleagues to the Club. No reservations are required.


Wednesday, June 25

Wednesday, July 23

Thursday, Aug. 14 5-8 p.m.

W. Winters

West (Poolside)

Saturday, June 14

Saturday, July 12

Saturday, Aug. 23

Reserve Your Spot in the Upcoming Roster

Promote your business, products or services and connect with fellow members with a Business Directory ad in the annual MAC roster. Because Club members refer to it throughout the year, advertising in the Roster offers your business great exposure.

(314) 983-2361 (p) www.missourigeneral.com

Ads start at just $60 – contact Becky Rasmussen at 314-539-4447 or brasmussen@mac-stl.org.

IDEAS | SOLUTIONS | MEASURED RESU LT S FULL SERVICE AGENCY 314-644-3600 ext. 101 • cwinters@mihmarketing.com mihmarketing.com Apparel & Incentives Promotional Products Motivation Corporate Gifts 29 MEMBERS ONLY BUSINESS DIRECTORY Advertising Security Services 9811 South Forty Drive • St. Louis, MO 63124 314.432.4200 • FAX 314.432.7999 Jack Priesmeyer Owner 10742 Sunset Hills Plaza – 314-965-EYES (3937) (located across Watson from the Viking Inn next to St. Louis Bread Co. on Lindbergh) Nobody cares for eyes more than Pearle. • Over 1000 Frames personally selected by owners: Kate Spade, Jones New York, Tura, Ted Baker and many more. • 40% off Lenses and Frames for MAC Members and Family Every Day! (Valid only at Sunset Hills store) • We accept most vision plans. • We own our business and want to earn your business! Locally owned Michael J. hackett President & ceO Vacation Rental Insurance Rick C. Koelz Owner/Partner Missouri General Insurance Agency, Inc. Insurance Brokers for Business, Personal, and Employee Benefits 1227 Fern Ridge Parkway St. Louis, MO 63141 314-432-6464 www.missourigeneral.com Rick C. Koelz Owner/Partner Direct: 314-983-2311 Cell: 314-753-2231 Fax: 314-432-2648 Toll Free: 1-800-432-9170 rkoelz@missourigeneral.com DELUXE Lake of the Ozarks Condo 1/3 LLC Interest The Falls @ the 2-mile marker, 2.5 bdms, 2 bath, plus 27’ Pursuit Danali cruiser, dock & lift, garage, pools. Top deck, easy access, GREAT VIEW! Call Mike at 314-749-1588
1:30-4:30 p.m. Tim Powers Agent/Broker Past Governor FORE! 1227 Fern Ridge Parkway • St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 922-8958 (c) •
and Risk
Your partner in Insurance
Management providing quality service since 1981
Place an ad in the Cherry Diamond and reach the best prospects around – your fellow MAC Members! For advertising rates and details, contact the Communications Department at 314-539-4447 or content@mac-stl.org. WANT TO SEE YOUR BUSINESS HERE? ANNUAL MAC BOXING CHAMPIONSHIP THURSDAY, FEB. 23 Reservations sold out quickly, but you can still get in by becoming a sponsor. Contact boxing@mac-stl.org for details. SOLD OUT


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Ann (left) and Flip (right) Schwarz take a photo with Brian Kilmeade (middle) on Dec. 9 at the Downtown Clubhouse at 97.1 FM Talk and Strait Realty’s sold-out show. 2 Bridge Club director Janet Vontz and her husband enjoy the West Clubhouse’s Christmas decorations. 3 (L - R) Ken Schlueter, Pat Corich, Reggie Schlueter and George Martin attend Bridge Club at the West Clubhouse. 4 After Christmas, the beautiful gingerbread display was destroyed. 5 The Ladies’ Holiday Coffee was a hit amongst the Club’s female Members on Dec. 14 at the 1903 Bar. 6 Butch Swoboda, son of Bill and Jennie Swoboda, received his first haircut at the barbershop. 7 MAC Member Lisa Holley (left) and Guest Susanne Boyle (right) pose with Dick Vermeil (middle) at the Jack Buck Awards on Dec. 7. 8 Roman Gossett, son of Ryan and Lindsay Gossett had his hair cut for the very first time at the barbershop. 9 (L – R) Sally Bakula, Brad Karner, Jeanne Redington and Peg Karner enjoy a game of bridge at the West Clubhouse.

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