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Members celebrated the 2023 Board of Governors Election with drinks, dinner and the gauntlet tradition before the announcement of the Class of 2026 Governors.
The Missouri Athletic Club is gearing up for an exciting summer! Read more about the many sports, swimming and youth program activities at the Club in the coming months, and the history of families enjoying their summers at the MAC.
Founded in 1903
JUNE 2023
Cherry Diamond Staff
Publisher – Neal Perryman
Director of Communications – Jim Wilson
Content Marketing Manager – Caitlin Demaree-Dyer
Communication Coordinator – Caitlin Brenner
Communication Strategist – Monica Ryan
Graphic Design – Lilyann Rice
General Manager – Wallace L. Smith
To advertise, contact Caitlin Demaree-Dyer at 314-539-4447 or cdemaree@mac-stl.org.
Join the MAC for an evening of camaraderie and celebrate the Club’s tradition of athletic excellence as the class of 2023 is inducted into the MAC Hall of Fame!
Bring the family to the West Clubhouse pool on Friday, June 23 to enjoy a boat regatta, a movie under the stars, live entertainment and more!
The Missouri Athletic Club is ready for a summer jam-packed with activities and fun for the whole family! With the West Clubhouse Pool officially open and summer camp in full swing, Members can look forward to enjoying summer at the MAC.
The Cherry Diamond Vol. 117/No. 6 (USPS: 102-560) is published monthly by the Missouri Athletic Club, 405 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63102, (314) 231-7220.
Subscription - $50 per year, subject to sales tax.
PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT ST. LOUIS, MO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Cherry Diamond, 405 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63102
Board of Governors Officers
Neal Perryman - President
Cheri McLaughlin - Vice President
Mark Niemeyer - Second Vice President
Aaron Pawlitz - Secretary
Mark McClanahan - Treasurer
Class of 2024
Mark McClanahan, Cheri McLaughlin, Mark Niemeyer, Aaron Pawlitz, Neal Perryman
Class of 2025
Tom Dankenbring, Tim Maynard, Jodi Petersen, Gary Sextro, Jeff Wehmer
Class of 2026
Carrie Burggraf, Adrian DiBisceglie, Michael Kozeny, Matthew Masiel, David Sweeney
Powered by Mungenast St. Louis Acura and Mungenast & Burkard Alton Toyota
The MAC will host the 2023 High School Senior All-Star Soccer Games at Soccer Park in Fenton! The games will feature the top male and female soccer players in the St. Louis area. Tickets will be sold at the gate.
6 p.m. | Girls game
8 p.m. | Boys game
Adults: $7 Students: $5
Enjoy an MAC golf outing at Dalhousie Golf Club. For reservations, call the Dalhousie Golf Club at 573-332-0818 ext. 309.
11 a.m.
$115 per person, includes lunch
Enjoy brunch with the family at the West Clubhouse to celebrate Father’s Day.
10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Adults: $39.95, plus Club charge
Children (5-12): $14.95, plus Club charge
Children 4 and under: Gratis
Enjoy an evening of camaraderie and celebrate the Club’s tradition of athletic excellence as the class of 2023 is inducted into the MAC Hall of Fame.
6 p.m. | Cocktails
7 p.m. | Dinner
8 p.m. | Program
$75 per person, plus Club charge
Bring the family to the pool in your best swim attire from the early 1900s and other decades to continue celebrating the MAC’s 120th anniversary! This event will include a boat regatta, a movie under the stars, live entertainment and much more.
5 p.m. | Games and Lite Bites
6:30 p.m. | Boat Regatta Registration
7:30 p.m. | Boat Regatta
Movie to follow
No charge to attend.
Enjoy a breakfast buffet in the Sportsman’s Club to celebrate the 140th America’s Birthday Parade. Continue the festivities by attending the annual St. Louis parade downtown!
7-10 a.m.
Adults: $20.95 per person, plus Club charge
Children (5 and older): $12.95 per person, plus Club charge
Children (4 and under): Gratis
Sponsored by MAC Golf Club and MAC Basketball League
This year’s MAC Ryder Cup is at Glen Echo Country Club. For more information, contact Katie Maurer at kmaurer@mac-stl.org.
2 p.m. shotgun start $80 green fee ($26 cart fee)
Members must cancel reservations 72 hours prior to the event to avoid a charge of 33% of applicable price. No-shows will be charged in full. Cancellations must be made online or by contacting the MAC Catering Department. All events held in the Missouri Room require business attire unless otherwise specified.
am extremely honored to write this first Cherry Diamond column as the 108th President of the Missouri Athletic Club. It is particularly humbling to assume this role in the midst of the 120th year of our iconic institution. I am grateful to be serving with my fellow officer class, Cheri McLaughlin, Mark McClanahan, Mark Niemeyer, and Aaron Pawlitz, each of whom is a committed and proven leader who will put the Club and its Members first in all things.
President Beumer and I have had a little over four months of transition time together, and I thank him very much for his counsel and guidance over that period. A number of Past Presidents have been eager to offer support, which has been sincerely appreciated. I also wish to congratulate President Beumer for his successful leadership over the past year. In like manner, I am thankful for the other departing officers: Steve Albart, Tracey Beckette, Justin Fowler and Chris Swank. These gentlemen all provided tremendous leadership for the Club and certainly left it in a better place than they found it. During their Board tenure, membership numbers grew to and remained at (modern) record levels, the newly renovated 1903 Dining Room and Jack Buck Grille opened with great success, the Speaker Series was initiated and is thriving, and our old defined benefit pension plan obligation has been addressed and eliminated, just to name a few significant accomplishments. This outgoing group of leaders has been cohesive and very hard-working, and they will be missed. With respect to the outgoing officers, I would be remiss not to give a special note of thanks to Governor “General” Beckette: he recently completed his NINTH year of continuous board service. His leadership, particularly with planning, has been invaluable.
I have enjoyed getting to know better and working with our now “Junior” Board class: Governors Tom Dankenbring, Tim Maynard, Jodi Peterson, Gary Sextro and Jeff Wehmer. With a year under their “belts,” I know they are all ready to take on this year’s challenges and opportunities. Finally, congratulations again to our newly elected Governors: Carrie Burggraf, Adrian Di Bisceglie, Mike Kozeny, Matt Masiel and David Sweeney. I know they are ready to get to work on behalf of the Club! Our Club depends on new leaders every single year who answer the call to run for the Board and serve the Club and its Members.
This coming year will be one of both celebration and transition. We will continue to celebrate our great and
historic Club throughout this 120th anniversary year. At the same time, we will bid farewell to MAC General Manager Wally Smith, who will be retiring after providing the Club with nearly a dozen years of outstanding leadership. The Board and the Search Committee have been working for many months on this significant transition to find the right next professional to lead our Club and its outstanding staff. One thing we have learned during this process is that a leader in the club industry with Wally’s length of service is quite unusual. We are very fortunate that Wally chose us years ago and that our past leaders hired him. But Wally is not leaving us quite yet; we will have time in the coming months to properly thank Wally for all his service.
As I write this article, we are hopefully close to being in a position to announce our next leader; stay tuned! I do ask that all Members be patient through this period of change. Rest assured our Board’s goal is not to rest upon our successes but to continue to work to make our Club the very best it can be in all respects.
In moving forward this year, our Board will be guided by our Club’s Vision and Mission statements, which I believe are worth repeating as we kick off a new Board year:
To be the foremost private club in St. Louis known for attracting exceptional people and enriching lives for generations.
To create extraordinary experiences in all aspects of club life in the spirit of excellence, service, and tradition.
These words were chosen carefully and intentionally. They are powerful, aspirational and inspirational.
We will work hard as a Board to live up to our Vision and Mission statements in all things we undertake. And if we can move the Club even a bit closer to meeting these high standards, it will be a successful year indeed.
Again, it is a great honor to be a Member of the MAC and to help lead it. I hope to see each of you around the Club soon.
Neal Perryman, President Missouri Athletic ClubUse Your Donor Advised Fund to Support The MAC Sports Foundation or The MAC Charitable Society for Children
n A Donor Advised Fund is an easy way to distribute money to charitable organizations.
n You receive a tax deduction in the year in which you make the deposit to your Donor Advised Fund account.
n You are allowed to make a distribution to the charity immediately or in a later year.
n Deposits from the donor may be in the form of cash, securities or other assets.
n You control how your deposit is invested until you are ready to make a distribution to a 501(c)3 entity such as:
The MAC Sports Foundation or The MAC Charitable Society for Children
If you already have a Donor Advised Fund established and would like to make a distribution, use the following information:
MAC Sports Foundation, 405 Washington Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63102 Tax identification number: 43-1587269
As I enter my final few weeks in the city, there is light at the end of the tunnel in Downtown St. Louis. It feels like we have been pushing a rock up a hill for a long time, but now some change is coming as new leaders settle into their positions. A new circuit attorney has been appointed as well as new Police Chief Robert Tracy who recently met with Downtown business owners and leaders for a luncheon hosted by MAC Past President Mark Belew of Redbird Carriers. Downtown stakeholders who are always in and out of the MAC are taking positive action. As I am on my way out the door, it is nice to see that St. Louis has some powerful mojo and some good things to build upon.
While the city makes leadership changes, the Club has as well. The voters elected the 2026 Class of Governors on May 4. Congratulations to Governors Carrie Burggraf, Adrian Di Bisceglie, Michael Kozeny, Matthew Masiel and David Sweeney. I am confident they will bring their experience and expertise to the forefront of the Club. I want to thank President Brent Beumer for his service to the Club these past three years. He and his cohorts, Governors General Tracy Beckette, Justin Fowler, Chris Swank and Steve Albart, led the Club valiantly through the trying times of COVID, and I thank them for their years of service. Looking forward, President Neal Perryman takes the reins along with First Vice President Cheri McLaughlin, Second Vice President Mark Niemeyer, Secretary Aaron Pawlitz and Treasurer Mark McClanahan. I wish them all the best of luck as they continue to guide and shape our Club in their final year on the Board.
The MAC’s spirit of tradition shined in May at Mother’s Day Brunch and the Father-Daughter Banquet. Did you know some dads and daughters have attended our special event for 40 years? That is incredible! Of course, our catering team and Executive Chef Bart Philipps did a fantastic job there, but they truly shined at the Mother’s Day Brunch. The decadent desserts nearly looked too good to eat, but you had to indulge while celebrating Mom!
The Club’s 120th anniversary celebration continues this month with Family Fun Night on June 23 at the West
Clubhouse! Pay homage to the Club’s history by wearing your best swim attire from the early 1900s and other decades. The night will include a boat regatta, a movie under the stars, live entertainment and more.
With summer upon us, be sure to take the kids to the West Clubhouse for all the fun happening there.
Athletic Director Jeff Tuhro and Programs Manager Joy Holdmeier have worked hard to make sure our MAC kids have a super fun time at all our sports camps, activities and more.
The Club is bringing back a beloved tradition this month by hosting the MAC Athletic Hall of Fame Dinner on Thursday, June 22. This will be the first time the event has been held since 2016. Our Club, rooted in athletics, will honor the achievements of our Members that night. The Athletic Hall of Fame was established in 1993 to honor Club Members who have distinguished themselves in the field or in the development of athletics. Those inducted that night will permanently solidify their place in MAC history with a portrait of themselves on the Sportsman’s Club wall.
Further, we will commemorate the Club’s anniversary with Spirit Week in September. The MAC's 120th Anniversary celebration kicked off in February with a glamorous Members-only event at the Downtown Clubhouse. The Club will continue to celebrate its anniversary throughout the summer. Spirit Week will take place during the second week of September to honor the Club's opening date.
Lastly, forever hold a piece of the Club’s 120th anniversary year with top-of-the-line merchandise available at both Clubhouses. Some of these include a collared Nike Dri-Fit shirt with the 120 MAC logo embroidered on it, a Nike hat, and an exclusive whiskey bundle with commemorative glasses etched with the 120 logo.
Wally Smith, General Manager Missouri Athletic ClubTrent Dulle of Carrollton Bank and Carrie Dulle of BJC Medical Group
Melissa Henriques of Enterprise Fleet Management and Daniel Henriques of The Reinforced Earth Company
Martha Kampen of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce STL and Paul Kampen
Casey Mahoney of Safeguard Asset Management and Joshua Mahoney of Fidelity Investments
Robert Ropp and Olivia Ropp of Phillips 66
Jacob Schmiedeskamp of IENg Design (Icon Mechanical) and Kailin Leisure of SSM Health SLUCare
Josephine Sewell of Abbott Vascular and Daniel Sewell of Huron Consulting Group
Steven Stiegman of Newbold Toyota BMW and Elizabeth Stiegman
Andrew Widowski of Feed Products and Services
Tierney Wilson of Inspirato and Alexander Wilson of The Perfect Mound
The MAC is a unique place because of its Members. Recently, the Club’s Membership Department created the Exceptional Member Guide to remind Members about the MAC’s vision and mission statements, Clubhouse rules and the culture the Club strives to maintain.
The guide consists of the MAC Diamond Rule and ten additional guidelines.
The guide is available online at mac-stl.org/ Membership/New_Member_Info.
Mr. Don Nies, a distinguished Member of the MAC, has become the longest-tenured Member in the Club’s 120-year history. On Feb. 26, 2023, he became only the second Member ever to reach the 75 years of membership milestone. Mr. Nies has continued his membership in the months since and has now surpassed Mr. Don Sher’s time as a Member.
Referrals from Members are the best way to grow our Membership. The Missouri Athletic Club will open its doors to those interested in joining the Club! Members are invited to bring a new, prospective Member to tour the Club, meet other Members, sample our cuisine and learn more about the benefits of joining the only Platinum City Club in St. Louis. The Missouri Athletic Club
Prospective Member Open House occurs on the second Thursday of every month from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Downtown Clubhouse.
June 8 and July 13
Downtown Clubhouse 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Club Members can register online or RSVP to Will Johnston at wjohnston@mac-stl.org.
On Thursday, April 27, Members enjoyed the Election Happy Hour in the Sportsman’s Club. Attendees enjoyed hors d’oeuvres, drinks and live entertainment throughout the evening. Members took this opportunity to mingle with the Class of 2026 Board of Governor candidates ahead of the election.
On Tuesday, May 2, the current class of the Board of Governors and their plus ones gathered in the Art Lounge for the annual Formal Candidates Dinner. Attendees wore their best blacktie attire for an evening of camaraderie, drinks and a meal set by Executive Chef Bart Philipps.
The Downtown Clubhouse was full of MAC spirit for the 2023 Board of Governors Election! Members walked through the gauntlet on Thursday, May 4 to cast their vote for the Class of 2026. After a day full of celebration, Members enjoyed an Election Night buffet in the Missouri Room. President Beumer addressed the audience ahead of his announcement of the winning candidates, thanking the MAC for his year as Club President. To conclude the evening, President Beumer announced the five newest MAC Governors: Mike Kozeny, Carrie Burggraf, Matt Masiel, Adrian Di Bisceglie and David Sweeney. Thank you to all the candidates and Members who made this a memorable election.
All throughout 2023, works of art from the MAC Art Society’s Featured Artist Series will continue to be featured at both Clubhouses! The April-May featured artist John Salozzo discussed his career as an artist on Tuesday, May 16. Salozzo’s illustrations and photorealistic paintings have appeared in national magazines and publications; one of his most recognizable works is the 1986 album cover for the rock band Boston.
Keep an eye out for new works of art on display from the rest of the 2023 Featured Artists in the coming months! All artworks are available for purchase. For more information about the MAC Art Society, contact Kara Kelpe at kkelpe@mac-stl.org.
Friday, Oct. 13 F Downtown Clubhouse
Since 2011, the Missouri Athletic Club has annually honored six women from the St. Louis region who have demonstrated tremendous vision in business, civic engagement, philanthropic
programs and mentorship. Celebrate the 2023 honorees at this year’s Women of Distinction Awards Luncheon!
For those interested in becoming a sponsor of this event, visit mac-stl.org/WOD. Submissions are due by Sept. 1.
Wednesday, June 14 F 5:30 p.m. F West Clubhouse
Thursday, July 13 F 5:30 p.m. F West Clubhouse
On Wednesday, note the day change, June 14, Pam Gershuny will guide us through The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb.
Growing up Black in rural North Carolina, Ray McMillian’s life is already mapped out. But Ray has a gift and a dream—he’s determined to become a world-class professional violinist and won’t let anything stand in his way. When he discovers that his beat-up family fiddle is a priceless Stradivarius, all his dreams suddenly seem within reach, and Ray and his violin take the world by storm. But the violin is stolen on the eve of the renowned and cutthroat Tchaikovsky Competition. As the competition approaches, Ray must not only reclaim his precious violin but prove to himself—and the world—there has always been a truly great musician within him.
On July 13, Jane Molden will lead us through a discussion of Celeste Ng’s Our Missing Hearts, a popular novel with an average of 4.3 out of 5 from over 13,000 Amazon ratings.
Twelve-year-old Bird Gardner lives a quiet existence with his loving but broken father, a former linguist who now shelves books in a university library. His mother Margaret, a Chinese American poet, left the family without a trace when he was nine years old. For a decade, his family’s life has been governed by laws written to preserve “American culture” in the wake of years of economic instability and violence. When Bird receives a mysterious letter containing only a cryptic drawing, he is pulled into a quest to find his mother. His journey will take him back to the many folktales she poured into his head as a child, through the ranks of an underground network of librarians, into the lives of the children who have been taken, and finally to New York City, where a new act of defiance may be the beginning of much-needed change.
For monthly MAC Book Club meetings, reservations are made with Dr. Genie McKee, Book Club Chair, at evmckee@gmail.com.
Tuesday, June 27 | 11:30 a.m. Downtown Clubhouse
This month, the Military History Club delves into the colonial wars in which Spain and England struggled for dominance in what is now Florida and Georgia. The MHC welcomes Phil Officer, Supervisory Park Ranger of Fort Frederica National Monument in St. Simons Island, Georgia.
With the outbreak of hostilities between the British and Spanish in 1739, the fate of the British Colony of Georgia hung in the balance.
James Edward Oglethorpe, the founder of Georgia, made himself a General. Oglethorpe commanded the 42nd Regiment of Foote at Fort Frederica and saw a looming threat in the nearby Spanish fortification of the Castillo De San Marcos. After a failed invasion attempt of his own, Oglethorpe defended the barrier islands of the Georgia coast with the remaining forces he had and fended off a Spanish invasion. Learn how these European rivalries shaped the development of America at the June MHC meeting. To register, visit mac-stl.org/events.
On Thursday, April 20, the Charitable Society for Children hosted the first-ever Meet the CSC Charities Night at the West Clubhouse. Members and guests met representatives from the three local charities being supported by the Charitable Society for Children this year: Foster Together, The Soulard School and North Side Community School. Each representative gave a presentation about their respective charities, explaining their missions and how attendees can help make a difference in the community.
To donate, visit mac-stl.org/Foundations/Donate. For more information about the CSC, contact co-chairs Jarid King at 314-249-0871 or jaridking@hotmail.com or Nat Walsh at 314-614-4366 or nwalsh@stltitle.com.
The Gatesworth provides the perfect canvas to enjoy life your way. Living in an exquisitely appointed apartment surrounded by beautiful, lush grounds, you’ll feel inspired to pursue new interests, expand your knowledge, build friendships and embrace your independence.
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The Gatesworth is all-encompassing to me. It is a beautiful place for anybody and everybody.
Members and guests gathered at the Downtown Clubhouse on Wednesday, May 10 in the Sportsman's Club for a whiskey tasting sponsored by the Mark Twain Society! Attendees tried various offerings from Pinckney Bend, Stumpy's Spirits Distillery and The Washington Distilling Company.
On Tuesday, April 16, the MAC Golf Club welcomed KMOX Sports Director Tom Ackerman and American Professional Golfer Jay Delsing to the West Clubhouse! Attendees learned more about upcoming golf events and the MAC's partnership with Urban Golf of Greater St. Louis.
The MAC offers a variety of Clubs within the Club (CWCs) to bring together Members with common interests.
Mondays, 7 p.m., Downtown
Book Club
Second Thursday of the month, 5:30 p.m., West
Business Development Group
Third Thursday of the month
Alternating meetings and happy hours
Meeting: 7:15 a.m., Downtown Happy Hour: 4:30-7 p.m., alternating locations
Forever Young Club
Third Friday of the month, 11:30 a.m., West
Military History Club
Fourth Tuesday of the month, 11:30 a.m., Downtown
First and third Wednesday of the month, 5:30 p.m., West
For more information, visit mac-stl.org/GetInvolved or call DT: 314-539-4470 WE: 314-539-4490
Step into the MAC, and you'll immerse yourself in a rich history of sports, community, and tradition that spans over a century. Established in 1903, the MAC has been a strong pillar in the St. Louis community, continuously adapting to changing times while staying true to its mission of creating extraordinary experiences for its Members and their families. Today, as the Club celebrates its 120th anniversary, it continues to bring families together through a vibrant array of youth and family programs.
Summertime at the MAC is a hub of activity, with youth sports programs and family gatherings taking center stage. From basketball to tennis, squash to pickleball, racquetball to swimming, the Club offers a wide range of sports and activities for young Members. The programming at the MAC provides a fun and safe environment for children to learn and grow, with tailored programs for different age groups and skill levels.
Beyond the thrill of sports, family gatherings are cherished traditions at the MAC. Members come together to celebrate holidays, birthdays, and other special occasions in the Club's inviting dining and
social facilities. Picture a warm, welcoming atmosphere where delicious food and laughter fill the air as families create lasting memories.
Yet, the MAC's legacy goes beyond its vibrant present. Founded by Charles Henry Genslinger in 1903, the Club's original location was in the Boatman's Bank Building at 4th Street and Washington Ave. in downtown St. Louis. The Club formed various sports teams, including basketball, swimming, track, baseball, boxing, wrestling, bowling, and billiards, competing nationwide and etching its name in St. Louis' sporting history.
As time passed, the MAC evolved, offering its Members an ever-expanding range of programs and activities. One area that has experienced remarkable growth is youth programming. Embracing its commitment to nurturing young talents, the MAC has diversified its offerings to provide ample opportunities for children to develop their skills and explore their interests.
Today, the MAC boasts an extensive youth program encompassing summer and holiday camps, sports clinics and lessons, childcare and educational initiatives.
From basketball to soccer, swimming to tennis, children of all ages and skill levels can participate in various sports, fostering camaraderie, discipline, and healthy competition. The Club's summer camps are a hit among young Members, allowing them to engage in an array of activities such as sports, arts and crafts, and thrilling outdoor adventures.
“The growing amount of young families here at the Club in recent years has really sparked the birth of so many great youth programs,” says Programs Manager Joy Holdmeier. “We are excited to continue growing and evolving our programs in the coming years. These children are our future Members. It's already been so rewarding seeing kids that have gone through our programs come back as staff.”
The MAC will continue to be a vital part of the St. Louis community, as it has for the past 120 years. With a commitment to youth programming as a cornerstone of success, the Club remains proud to continue offering a range of programs and activities for young people. Stay informed about the MAC's latest news and exciting youth initiatives by connecting with us on social media @macstlouis.
We are diving into some fascinating history as we embark on a thrilling journey to celebrate the 120th Anniversary of the MAC. As we celebrate this milestone anniversary, we honor the Club’s roots and its evolution of youth programming.
Back in 1917, a visionary named Carl Bauer ventured on an extraordinary mission. He kickstarted the Juvenile Class at the MAC, a special place where young boys could unleash their energy through sports and friendship. This program took off, and in 1919, Bauer added another class into the mix: the Junior Class.
After its initial success, the progress was slow for these boys’ classes. In fact, by 1920, only eight boys showed up for the Juvenile Class. But Bauer wasn’t one to give up easily. He poured his heart into expanding this crucial part of the MAC’s athletic programming. His efforts paid off. By the end of 1922, more than 22 boys proudly participated in the
activities offered.
Then, in the chilly winter of 1922, Bauer introduced something new and exciting — the Midget Class. Tightly connected to the MAC Swimming program, it became a smashing success. Participation numbers skyrocketed, and before long, the Midget Class had to be split into two groups: the Elementary Midgets (inexperienced swimmers) and the Advanced Midgets (expert swimmers).
These boys’ classes became the bedrock of the MAC’s legacy. Led by the dedicated staff under Bauer’s watchful eye, rules were drafted, schedules were refined and the curriculum was enriched. It was about more than just sports – it was about instilling discipline, fair play, leadership and the drive to succeed.
There were bumps along the way. The Great Depression cast its shadow, and membership numbers dipped. But in 1932, a flicker of hope emerged as over
Intermediate Midgets. It was a time of growth and renewal.
In addition to learning the art of gym work — swimming, basketball, and all-around exercise — the boys’ classes extended beyond the gymnasium. Exciting outings included hikes and field trips to places like Fallen Springs and Pevely Farms as well as exploring the wonders along the Meramec River.
Bauer’s master plan was simple yet profound: keep a group of boys together throughout the MAC journey. From Elementary Midgets to Advanced and Juveniles, they’d evolve together, forging lifelong friendships and bolstering their self-esteem. No abrupt shifts or unfair competition, just a nurturing environment where each boy could thrive.
And the legacy lives on. Today the youth program transcends gender, encompassing boys and girls alike. Swimming classes, high school basketball — these vibrant activities continue the MAC’s proud tradition of fostering young talents and shaping their bright futures.
JUNE 9-17
As the West pool heats up with action, don't forget the Downtown pool is still open for lap swimming Monday through Thursday 5 a.m.-9 p.m., Friday 5 a.m.-7:30 p.m. and Saturday 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. It will be closed on Sundays during the summer months.
Aqua Fit classes take place on M/W/F from 8:30 a.m.-9:15 a.m., and that is the only time the pool has limited lane use for lap swimming.
The Downtown Athletic Department will be closed on Tuesday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. It will reopen on Wednesday, July 5 with regular hours.
n Monday-Thursday 5 a.m.-9 p.m.
n Friday 5 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
n Saturday 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
n Sunday Closed Downtown Athletics will be closed on Sundays this summer. It will reopen in September on the Sunday after Labor Day.
MAC Squash Pro Alex Ingham played in a pro squash tournament, the RC Pro Series in St. Louis, against Addeen Idrakie (MAS) #70. Ingham lost 11/9, 11/7, 11/9.
Craig Parker and Michelle Beattie beat Jenny Dolan and Pat Dolan 3/2.
In Chicago’s World Open, MAC Squash Pro Alex Ingham played exhibition with Baptiste Masotti #14 and hit with MAC juniors.
JUNE 5-AUG. 27
Register online by navigating to Athletics > Pickleball > Pickleball Class Registration.
MAY 30-AUG. 27
Register online by navigating to Athletics > Tennis > Tennis Class Registration.
JUNE 5-AUG. 11
Camps will run weekly Monday-Friday, excluding July 3-4.
Register online by navigating to Athletics > Junior Tennis > Junior Tennis Class Registration.
Beginner Junior (ages 7-10)
F 8:30-9:30 a.m.
F Member $150
F Guest $200
June 19-23, July 17-21, Aug. 7-11, Aug. 14-18
Intermediate (ages 10-15)
F 9:30-11 a.m.
F Member $300
F Guest $400
Advanced (ages 14+)
F 12:30-3:30 p.m.
F Member $425
F Guest $525
To register, please contact Alex Ingham at aingham@mac-stl.org.
The MAC sent four teams to the NACAD National Basketball Tournament hosted by the Los Angeles Athletic Club, in Los Angeles, Calif. the weekend of April 28-30. Our four teams competed in the A division, the AA 35+ division, the Masters 45+ division, and the Platinum 60+ division of the tournament. The teams all played and represented the Club well.
The A team faired the best of the four teams. They finished pool play at 2-2 and advanced to the semifinal round, where
they lost to the Spokane Club.
Each of the other three MAC teams won one game each and fought hard against the competition.
NACAD (North American Association of Club Athletic Directors) is an organization comprised of Athletic Directors from private clubs in North America. Our Athletic Director, Jeff Tuhro, is part of this organization that puts on these tournaments.
Michael Lofton coached all 4 teams.
Mike Crawford #32
Luke Bumgarner #25
Jamie Hudson #20
Alex Tilley #35
Alec Bausch #33
Joey Lodes #50
Jimmy Barton #1
Brent Smith #34
Kyle Downey #11
Mike Simon #3
Matt Morris #6
Lucas Poelker #24
Ross Knutson #23
Larry Drury #20
Eric Paradoski #11
Brian Westre #44
Mike Mileusnic #22
Christian Rohlfing #4
Troy Robertson #10
Anthony Clarkson #33
Troy Robertson #10
Greg Beekman #41
Brent Kaniecki #21
Brad Mills #24
Tom Sehy #31
Aaron Pawlitz #14
Brian Albert #3
Anthony Clarkson #33
Tim Van Rhein #1
Al Meitl #10
Dave Wenzel #8
Mike York #15
Dave Ludwig #21
Tim Slater #23
Nat Walsh #5
Gary Clark #12
Gary Sextro #55
Chris Hermann #30
The annual MAC Double Elimination Basketball Tournament concluded on Tuesday, April 18. Tom Halliday captained the winners of the 2023 tournament. They beat the team headed by Eric Paradoski 62-60 in Game #1 to force a winner-take-all Game #2. Team Halliday went on to beat team Paradoski 29-22 in Game #2 to win the tournament. Team Halliday came out of the loser’s side of the bracket which meant they had to win two games against Team Paradoski to win the tournament championship since team Paradoski came from the Winner’s Bracket and was undefeated going into the championship game.
MAC Athletic Hall of Fame — Class of 2023
n Jack and Mary Bodine
n Susan Bruce
n Randy Nistler
n Rich Sauget Jr.
n Verena Saunders
n Tim Van Rhein
n The 2006 MAC Basketball Team
6 p.m. | Cocktails
(Signature/Credit Card)
7 p.m. | Dinner
8 p.m. | Program
$75 per person, plus Club charge
On Thursday, June 22, some of the Missouri Athletic Club’s most distinguished athletic figures will be inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame. A dinner in their honor will be held in the Missouri Room. The Hall of Fame Committee reviewed nominations from MAC Members and selected the 2023 class of inductees.
Basketball players Rich Sauget Jr. and Tim Van Rhein will enter the Hall. Verena Saunders and Randy Nistler will be inducted for squash. Susan Bruce is being honored for tennis. Mary and Jack Bodine are being inducted in the “Inspiration” category. The 2006 MAC Basketball team is also entering the Hall of Fame.
Current National Hockey League player Chris Wideman will receive the Dan Barks Award named after the longtime MAC Athletic Director. The award honors an individual who participated in the Club’s youth sports programs and has gone on to professional athletic success as an adult.
The Athletic Hall of Fame was established in 1993 to honor Club Members who have distinguished themselves
in the field or in the development of athletics. Portraits of Hall of Famers are on permanent display in the Sportsman’s Club. Register online at mac-stl.org/events. Reservations close on June 18 at 5 p.m.
Powered by Mungenast St. Louis Acura and Mungenast & Burkard Alton Toyota
This year’s golf tournament on Aug. 28 at Glen Echo Country Club will help support the MAC Sports Foundation. Although golf play sold out quickly, Members are encouraged to join the golfers for dinner and an auction with auctioneer Past President John Bugh. Live auction items include private dinners by Executive Chef Bart Philipps and West Clubhouse Chef Charles Williams, tickets to the Fabulous Fox, golf packages, St. Louis Cardinals packages and so much more!
Sponsorship opportunities are still available, and auction donations will be accepted until Aug. 12. For more information, contact Katie Maurer at kmaurer@mac-stl.org or 314-539-4402.
On May 2, Members had a blast at the 12th Annual Birds and Bogies event co-sponsored by the MAC Golf Club and the Rod and Gun Club. Participants shot 50 birds at Strathalbyn Farms and then played nine holes of golf at Glen Echo Country Club. Cocktails followed these activities.
Wednesday, June 7
Downtown Rooftop F 5 p.m.
$7 per person for class and drinks
Join Courtney Hutt on the Downtown Clubhouse rooftop for a workout followed by drinks!
Register online at mac-stl.org/events. For more information, contact Courtney Hutt at chutt@mac-stl.org.
Summer is just around the corner and it’s time to start planning your vacations! But don’t forget to prioritize your health while you’re away. Coach Maggie has got you covered with some amazing tips to keep you healthy and happy during your summer travels. From eating well to staying active, she’ll help you develop healthy habits that will last all summer long. Contact her today at weightlosscoachmd2014@ yahoo.com or call 314-439-4459 to schedule a consultation and get started on your journey to a healthier you!
8-11-year-olds | 1-1:45 p.m. 12-14-year-olds | 1:45-2:30 p.m.
$10 per class per child
This youth program will develop core strength, explosiveness, speed and injury prevention through ladder/cone drills, medicine ball and weight exercises, along with proper landing and change of direction drills to prevent injuries. Register your children for the Summer Speed and Agility Clinic instructed by Nick Hunziker. Registration opens online on Monday, May 22. Register online at mac-stl.org/ WestFitnessCalendar.
Eight out of 10 Americans will have back problems at some point in their lives. In fact, low back pain is the single leading cause of disability, one that impacts men and women equally. Back pain may begin abruptly or develop over time. And while the level of pain may range from dull to debilitating, about 3.4 million Americans have back pain severe enough to visit the emergency department each year.
Seeking early treatment helps to reduce the risk of your pain becoming chronic or recurrent. The physical therapists at SSM Health Physical Therapy can expertly address pain issues caused by musculoskeletal conditions, including:
• Herniated disc
• Lumbar strain/sprain
• Osteoarthritis
• Poor posture or body mechanics
• Sacroiliac dysfunction
• Sciatica
• Spinal stenosis
At SSM Health Physical Therapy, you’ll find the care and treatment you need.
We start with an initial evaluation to determine the best approach to care for you. Our physical therapists then develop an individualized treatment plan that may include:
• Exercise programs
• Manual therapy, including mobilization, manipulation, stretching and many other techniques
• Pain management strategies
• Education on posture, positioning and body mechanics
Our goal is to help you…
• Strengthen core muscles
• Decrease joint strain
• Increase flexibility and range of motion
• Improve coordination and body mechanics
• Understand and manage pain
• Return to the activities you enjoy
FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: SSM Health Physical Therapy - MAC West Clubhouse Call 314.822.3205 or stop by the clinic for assistance scheduling. We look forward to serving the needs of you and your family!
5 p.m. | Games and Lite Bites F 6:30 p.m. | Boat Regatta Registration
7:30 p.m. | Boat Regatta (Cardboard) F Movie to follow
Bring the family to the West Clubhouse pool for Family Fun Night! Wear your best swim attire from the early 1900s and other decades to continue celebrating the MAC’s 120th anniversary. This event is packed with activities for the whole family — a boat regatta, a movie under the stars, live entertainment, games and more! Prizes will be awarded to the first, second and third place winners of the boat regatta, as well as a Most Creative award for the 120th anniversary.
In case of inclement weather, the event will be rescheduled. MAC Management will contact registered Members by 10 a.m. on June 23. The Boat Regatta Rules are available at mac-stl.org/events under the Family Fun Night event page.
Downtown Clubhouse F 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Treat yourself and your friends to one complimentary glass of wine and a night of shopping at the Sip and Shop event! Vendors will sell jewelry, candles, beauty and spa gifts, home décor and other items perfect for holiday gifting. Register online at mac-stl.org/events. For those interested in becoming a vendor, contact MAC Member Lisa York at 618-514-2565 before Sept. 1. The booth fee is $50.
We believe our residents and their families deserve the best memory care possible.
You want your loved one to get the best memory care available. We know how you feel. That’s why memory care is our primary focus. Parc Provence specialists are experts in their fields and committed to compassionate care. Our Medical Directors are leading specialists in Alzheimer’s disease and geriatric medicine at Washington University School of Medicine. Our residents benefit from the latest in research and best practices, so they can continue to make the best of every day.
Please call to learn more or to schedule a tour.
On Saturday, May 6, the West Clubhouse was transformed into a dazzling Derby Day spectacle. With spirits high and outfits on point, Members and guests were welcomed
to the illustrious 1903 Dining Room and Bar for an unforgettable experience. Delicious hors d'oeuvres and refreshing cocktails added to the anticipation in
the air before the races. A day etched in memory; it was the perfect blend of fun, fashion, and of course, horse racing!
On Friday, April 28, the MAC Apollos held their annual Spring Concert in the Downtown Clubhouse Art Lounge. Members and guests enjoyed hearing well-known TV show songs throughout the night. Classics like “Happy Days,” “Flintstones,” and “With a Little Help From My Friends” were performed under the direction of Musical Director Dr. Marc Strathman.
Both Clubhouses were buzzing on Mother’s Day as Members enjoyed a delicious brunch with their families. Decadent desserts accompanied traditional brunch offerings on Sunday, May 14. Multiple generations of Members celebrated mothers and other important women in their lives.
Save the date! This year’s Veterans Day Commemoration event will take place on Thursday, Nov. 9, at the Downtown Clubhouse. At this annual event, the MAC will honor the Veteran of the Year, a retired or former member of the U.S. military from the St. Louis area who demonstrates support of veterans and the U.S. in everyday life and who serves as a role model for other citizens. If you know a deserving veteran, nominate him or her for Veteran of the Year.
The Veterans Day Committee will review the nominations and select the individual to receive the award based on the criteria listed on the nomination form. To nominate an individual, complete the online nomination form located under MAC > Awards > Veterans Commemoration and submit to Katie Maurer by Friday, Aug. 18.
Members who served in the military and would like to be added to the MAC Honor Roll, please submit first and last name, branch of service and exact years of service to Katie Maurer. The MAC Honor Roll is published in the November Cherry Diamond.
The Veterans Committee is seeking Members who are interested in the Veterans’ Award Program. The Missouri Veterans Recognition Program authorized the Missouri National Guard Adjutant General to procure and present, as a token of appreciation of the state, a medal to each member of the National Guard of Missouri who served with a Missouri unit and veterans who served in the armed forces during World War I, World War II, Korean and Vietnam Wars. For more information, contact Katie Maurer at kmaurer@mac-stl.org.
On Wednesday, May 17, fathers and grandfathers left their homes for a fairytale evening with their daughters and granddaughters in tow. The annual Father-Daughter Banquet at the Downtown Clubhouse was a magical night filled with horse-drawn carriage rides, cocktails and kiddie cocktails, photographs, balloon art and a legendary sundae bar. Dinner and dancing rounded out the enchanting night. Daughters of all ages love attending this iconic event with their doting fathers and grandfathers. The Father-Daughter Banquet dates back to the early years of the MAC and has remained a favorite event since then.
Annie Harter, former MAC West Camp Counselor and daughter of Jim and Cindy Harter, received her Accounting Degree with Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Accounting and a Bachelor of Arts in Music from Creighton University in 2022. She had her commencement/hooding ceremony at Creighton in May 2023. Annie received her Master of Accounting (MAC) from Creighton University’s Heider College of Business. She has accepted a position at Ernst & Young’s Boston, Mass. office this summer.
Julia Lett, daughter of Dan and Polly Lett, graduated Cum Laude from Miami University in Ohio with degrees in Interior Design from the College of Creative Arts and Entrepreneurship from the Farmer School of Business. Julia is applying for positions with design firms in the Denver area.
Dean Starrs, son of Greg and Jill Starrs, is the youngest of the five Starrs children. Dean graduated from Butler University, Lacy School of Business, with a Bachelor of Science in Finance and Economics. He plans to live in Indianapolis, Ind., and he has accepted employment at Cummins Inc.