Missouri Athletic Club, Cherry Diamond, May 2020

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MAY 20




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Missouri Athletic Club Founded in 1903 MAY 2020 Cherry Diamond STAFF Publisher – Kevin Cantwell Director of Communications – Jim Wilson Content Marketing Manager/Managing Editor – Robyn Dexter Communications Coordinator – Kelsey Sims Photographer – Daniel von Seckendorff Design – Lilyann Rice General Manager – Wallace L. Smith To advertise, contact Kelsey Sims at 314-539-4459 or ksims@mac-stl.org. The Cherry Diamond Vol. 114/No. 5 (USPS: 102-560) is published monthly by the Missouri Athletic Club, 405 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63102, (314) 231-7220. Subscription - $50 per year, subject to sales tax. PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT ST. LOUIS, MO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Cherry Diamond, 405 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63102

BOARD OF GOVERNORS Officers Kevin Cantwell – President Tracy Beckette – Vice President John Pennington – Second Vice President Tim Malyszko – Secretary Mark Brandom – Treasurer





2 President’s Column 3 Chief Financial Officer’s Column 4 MAC Election 8 Dining 9 Fitness 10 Youth Programs 12 Women’s Wellness Week 14 Around the Club

Class of 2020 Tracy Beckette, Mark Brandom, Kevin Cantwell, Tim Malyszko, John Pennington Class of 2021 Gene Frederic III, Daniel Lett, Cheri McLaughlin Jeffery Moore, Nat Walsh Class of 2022 Julie Ahrling, Matt Gross, Angie Minges, Duke Niedringhaus, Aaron Pawlitz

CONNECT @macstlouis

Cherry Diamond F MAY 2020 F 1

from the president This is the last article I will write as the President of the Missouri Athletic Club. Past Presidents’ last articles have been about grandeur and successes. This Board has had many, and I will highlight some, but my last article is about the spirit and soul of the Missouri Athletic Club. The Coronavirus has played havoc on our families, friends, businesses and the economy. The Missouri Athletic Club has not been spared. The Board of Governors and staff have worked tirelessly to make sure we are economically viable when this crisis is over. Three hundred seventy employees had to be furloughed, remaining staff took a 50% cut in their salaries, two clubhouses had to be shuttered, and the institution had to remain a viable entity through a virtual outreach. What was done in a two-week period was unprecedented. This could not have been accomplished if the staff and Board had not worked together, reviewed every scenario, and with many heartfelt discussions, come up with our plan to implement. The most important piece of the plan and the center of all our discussions was the member. The member is the Missouri Athletic Club. We are a unique bastion of many individuals in a community of interest that has been around for 116 years. We have been through the good times, the not so good and the ugly. No matter what, we have a tremendous core group of members that are here and will continue to be here. You have rallied around the employee with the COVID-19 Relief Fund. You have rallied around the Board and staff with the many emails of encouragement and enlightenment. You continue to support the Club by paying your monthly statement. The Board has been using the phrase “we are one day closer to being open” in all of our correspondence. And we are. From the crisis, we will emerge a stronger and better MAC. As we turn the key to open the doors to the MAC, everything we have done will be reviewed with these three simple questions: “Why are we doing it this way, Is there a better way, and Is it really needed?” For 116 years we have been a building with four walls and a roof. In the next 116 years, those walls will be augmented, and the Club will be reaching outside of our traditional operating mode. The walls and the roof will remain, but

services provided and access to the Club will be virtualized. The crisis will challenge the MAC like never before, and we have the leadership between the Board and the staff to accept the challenge. What has the crisis shown me personally? We have a staff under the direction of our General Manager Wally Smith that is committed to the MAC. Tough decisions had to be made. Wally, Pam Roth, Chris Mauer, Joe Dietz, Darren Harnetiaux and the amazing team of the MAC worked with the Board to do what was necessary. The member is the MAC, but the heart and soul are these friends that we call employees that make our place premier. Three years have flown by and this past year even faster. I had the privilege to be elected to the Board with MAC members Mark Brandom, Tracy Beckette, John Pennington and Tim Malyszko. I now have the privilege to leave the Board with four lifetime friends that have been a tremendous advocate of the MAC with their talents, commitment and contributions. We are leaving the Board with the next group of leaders that are solidly planted in the crisis at hand. Two months before the Coronavirus was even heard of, we set up the transition from one class to the next. President Elect-Dan Lett has been included in every conversation, meeting and email since the day after his election. The Committee Chairs and the Vice-Chairs have been joined at the hip so the meetings by the new Chairperson is not disruption but a smooth transition. First Vice President Nat Walsh, Second Vice President Jeff Moore, Secretary Gene Frederic and Treasurer Cheri McLaughlin are talented leaders that will keep the train on the track. They are outstanding leaders that have the membership and MAC at the forefront of their decisions. Governor Minges, Governor Arhling, Governor Niedrignhaus, Governor Gross and Governor Pawlitz have been a perfect complement to the other Board members’ expertise and will be in the leadership positions sooner than they realize. Time flies by when you are on the Board. One area that we have tried to maintain throughout this crisis is an open Club even if the facilities are closed. We continue to have Committee meetings, Board meetings, Club Life

meetings, and we will have the Election of the new Board of Governors on May 7. This year, if the orders are not removed for social gatherings, the election will be virtual. All the tools are in place to make this happen. Please check the MAC website and social media platforms for videos and bios of these six outstanding members. You will be notified on how to vote online. Please show your support to the Club and these candidates by voting. This is your Club, and they have stepped up to represent you. The past three years have been a whirlwind of activities at the MAC that started with Phase 1 and ended with Phase 2 at the West facility. The Downtown workout areas were redesigned and the fitness rooms were changed. The Downtown Clubhouse is looking like new with work continuing under the Building on Tradition campaign (Robert J. Trulaske Jr. Family Foundation matching grant campaign). The USBWA dinner was added to the MAC social calendar and has been a must-attend event for members. Before this crisis hit, membership had grown, finances stood strong, and capital projects were teed up to meet the members’ requirements. Another key by-law change that this Board championed was the inclusion of all married members as one. No one is considered primary or secondary. The Missouri Athletic Club will remain strong. The next group of leaders is poised to take us to the next level. I want to thank all the Past Presidents that I honored this year with the publication of their article along with the many that time prevented me from recognizing. They are an extremely talented group of leaders that I have been able to ask for advice, receive recommendations and get direction. Finally, I want to thank my wife, Mary, for supporting me through my term on the Board and especially this past year. We have walked side-by-side.

Kevin Cantwell, President Missouri Athletic Club

Since 1903, the Missouri Athletic Club’s mission has been to be the premier athletic, dining, and social club for business, professional, and civic leaders and their families in the St. Louis region. 2 F Cherry Diamond F MAY 2020

from the chief financial officer February marked the end of the first six months of the Club’s fiscal year. While the first half of our fiscal year posted strong financial results, the club is thoughtfully planning for what will be a challenging second half of our fiscal year. The club’s administration and board made the tough decision to close both clubhouses and furlough 325 employees as of March 20 due to COVID-19. Since that time, another 50 employees have been furloughed. While it was hoped that the closure would be short-lived, staff began to develop a cash flow model to estimate the effect the closure would have on our financial stability under various scenarios. All expenses were reviewed; many were suspended or minimized. Factored into the model was six months of principal forbearance and interest savings, negotiated with our long-time banking partner, Jefferson Bank & Trust. They also agreed to an increase in the availability on our line of credit. Through our comprehensive cash flow model, we are projecting negative cash flow going forward based on a reduction in member headcount, member concessions, and the loss of all operating revenue. At the same time, we are ensuring our ability to return to normal operations and welcome our members back when the time comes.

Throughout this process, the staff and board have been determined to do whatever possible to provide relief to our members. This resulted in the following concessions that were rolled out April 1: F No Food & Beverage minimums for Platinum Partner and ala carte members F Credit to Diamond Club members for the F&B minimum portion of their dues F No Athletic or locker fees for ala carte members F Credit to Diamond Club and Platinum Partner members for the Athletic fee portion of their dues F No Capital fees for any members On average these initiatives represent approximately $100 per month. Further concessions may be considered if the closure continues. We are striving to find the right balance as we realize that every member is wrestling with their own business, employees, and family. The good news is that the club generated strong cash flow during the first half of our fiscal year due to record performance in several areas. This allowed us to complete Phase II of the West Fitness Renovation as planned and gives us a solid footing to weather this storm. During the first half our fiscal year, the

club experienced record performance in the following areas: F Overnight Rooms revenue F Rooms departmental profit F Downtown Banquet revenue F Total Downtown Food & Beverage revenue F West Banquet revenue Other benchmarks include: F Total dues-paying members of 2,403, up 19 from last year’s 2,384 F Net operating cash flow (net income before depreciation) of $1,233,000, second only to last year F The line of credit balance was zero F The Club’s long-term bank debt was $6,079,000 We look forward to welcoming you and your families back to the club as soon as possible! In the meantime, Keep the Club Spirit Alive! If you have any questions regarding the Club’s finances, please contact the Club’s Chief Financial Officer, Pam Roth, at 314-539-4400 or proth@mac-stl.org.

Pam Roth, Chief Financial Officer




Cherry Diamond F MAY 2020 F 3

>> mac election VOTING INFORMATION Balloting for the election of five (5) members to serve the regular term of three (3) years on the Board of Governors will be open from 8 a.m., Monday, May 4 until Thursday, May 7 at 6:30 p.m. You may cast your vote electronically by logging into the MAC website any time after 8:00 a.m. on Monday, May 4, 2020. If you wish to cast a paper ballot, you may request a mail-in Absentee Ballot, which must be received in the Downtown Clubhouse no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 7th. Only Resident, Fellowship, Emeritus and Associate members in good standing and not in arrears are permitted to vote. Absentee ballot votes and paper ballot votes must be cast on the Official Ballot. No ballot will be counted that is marked with more or less than five names. The five candidates receiving the most votes will be elected. Don’t forget to sign the yellow card if you are voting with a paper ballot. Election winners will be announced via livestream from the Missouri Room at 7 p.m.


Leaving a Legacy

No RMDs Required for 2020! Coronavirus Legislation Provides Relief AFTER

If you are 70½ years of age or older, you probably know that the IRS mandates annual Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) from your tax-deferred accounts, such as IRAs, 401(k)s and 403(b)s. However, thanks to the new CARES Act, RMDs are waived for 2020. This waiver allows you to keep your money invested rather than having to receive a distribution while the value of your investments is low (because of the recent downturn in the market) and pay taxes on the amount distributed to you. Even though RMDs are waived for 2020, you can still get a tax break on giving to a 501(c)(3) entity such as one of the MAC’s three foundations. If you are at least 70½ years of age, you can obtain this tax break by making a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from one of your tax-deferred accounts. The funds can be directly transferred from your IRA, 401(k), or 403(b) to an MAC foundation and excluded from your taxable income, resulting in tax savings.

For more detailed information and assistance, contact: Larry Absheer, Director of Advancement 314-604-3890 or 314-539-4477 F labsheer@mac-stl.org 4 F Cherry Diamond F MAY 2020


E. Tracy Beckette

PERSONAL Name: Steve Albart Address: 1226 Lindgate Dr., Kirkwood, 63122 Birth Date: 11/1/70 Spouse: Anne Children: Maggie

PERSONAL 7273 Northmoor Drive, St Louis, MO 63105 DOB: July 10, 1947 Spouse: Cathy Children: Michael, Elizabeth, Peter, Ann Grandchildren: 5

BUSINESS Position: Regional President Company: Enterprise Bank & Trust Nature of Business: Commercial Banking EDUCATION College: University of Missouri - Columbia, Personal Financial Planning Graduate School: University of Missouri - St. Louis, Masters in Public Policy Administration Webster University, Masters in Business Administration MAC 2004 – Platinum Member Membership Committee 2017-Present Finance Committee - 2007-2010 Audit Committee - 2012-2015 Most Members Referred in 2016 All-Star monthly contributor Racquetball Personal Training Family is active in fitness, swim team & camps Numerous Governor Campaigns ASSOCIATIONS Kirkwood School District - Finance Committee, 2019 – Present Missouri Bankers Association - Banking Leadership of Missouri 2018 Jefferson College Foundation - Treasurer, 2018 - Present American Subcontractors Association – Board, 2009 - Present Kids in the Middle – Board, 2000-2012 National Tooling & Machining Association - Program Chair 2015-2018 Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity Alumni Association STATEMENT I am proud to be nominated to run for the Board of Governors for the MAC to continue the legacy of a 117-year-old St Louis institution. I’m running for the Board to do my part to ensure the Club continues its tradition for generations to come. My family enjoys the benefits of the hard work and dedication of the members and Governors before us. The MAC is part of my family’s everyday life. The Foundations Gala, FatherDaughter Dance, Easter Egg Hunt, Christmas Downtown, and Mother’s Day Brunch are a short-list of my favorite events each year. My service on the membership, finance and audit committees, along with being active in numerous club activities, gives me great knowledge to lead the MAC. I am honored to have the opportunity to give back to the Club that means so much to St. Louis and my family.

BUSINESS Retired Commercial Banker:1971-2016 EDUCATION Christian Brothers College St Louis University, BA & MBA Army Command and General Staff College Army War College MILITARY US Army & National Guard: 1971-2005 Rank: Brigadier General (R) Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army, Missouri (East) 2013-Present MAC Joined: 1971 Board of Governors, First Vice President, 2014-Present Activities: Strategic Planning (Chair), Audit (Chair), Finance, Pension, Governance, Veterans Day Committee, Wine Society, Mark Twain Society, Forever Young Club ASSOCIATIONS Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR)-State Chair, 2006-2013 American Red Cross Mid-County YMCA-Executive Committee Mental Health America of Eastern Missouri-Treasurer Association of the United States Army Gateway Chapter-Treasurer Gateway Community Veterans Engagement Board-Co-Chair STATEMENT My re-election to the Board of Governors provides the leadership continuity required to continue the progress achieved in developing a disciplined strategic planning process. This process is not a one-year function but rather a continuous process. For the first time, the Board is not pursuing the newest idea but rather working with a 10-year financial and capital plan which provided MAC West Phase 1 & 2 and Downtown athletic equipment and facility upgrades as well as other member amenities. I am proud to say that I have championed and ushered these projects through to completion. The challenge is to enhance the MAC’s Platinum status so that it remains relevant and adaptable in our challenging environment by enhancing the member experience while remaining fiscally prudent. I am committed to continue harnessing my proven skills in board experience, team building, fiscal management, organizational leadership, and strategic planning to make the MAC the “Club of Choice”. Let’s continue the forward progress – Re-Elect E. Tracy Beckette – “MAC First”

Cherry Diamond F MAY 2020 F 5


Justin S. Fowler

PERSONAL 13001 Sunny Dawn Court Sunset Hills, Missouri 63127 (314) 374-6891 beumerb@dierbergs.com DOB: December 30, 1974 Family: wife, Ashley and two sons, Henry (age 14) and George (age 10)

PERSONAL 300 N. 4th St. Apt. 2810 STL, MO 63102 DOB: 10/29/1977 Children: Daughters; Nellie, Natalie & Julia

BUSINESS Vice President of Real Estate and Corporate Counsel Dierbergs Markets, Inc. 16690 Swingley Ridge Road, 4th Floor Chesterfield, Missouri 63017 EDUCATION High School: Lutheran High School South, St. Louis, Missouri, 1993 University: Vanderbilt University, B.A. Economics and English, 1997 Graduate School: University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law, J.D., 2000 MAC Joined: Oct. 2000 Activities: Current: Governance Committee Member “Over 40” basketball Previous: Membership Committee “Open” basketball BOG Election Campaign Committees for many former and current Governors ASSOCIATIONS Lutheran Senior Services Properties Committee: Current Community Lutheran School Board of Directors: June 2013-May, 2019 President, June, 2017-May 2019 Concordia Lutheran Church Council: Previous Member and Vice President Manor Grove Skilled Nursing Facility Board of Directors: Previous Member STATEMENT In my role as Vice President of Real Estate and Corporate Counsel for Dierbergs Markets, Inc. I deploy my skills as an attorney and real estate professional to negotiate and execute a variety of complex real estate transactions including acquisitions and divestitures, commercial leases and construction contracts. I also have primary responsibility for all corporate governance matters, general contract review, and risk management. My position also requires participation in human resource and labor negotiations matters and corporate finance. My professional expertise in commercial real estate and law, previous and current experience as a MAC Committee Member and membership and leadership on a variety of boards of directors, coupled with my strong interpersonal skills would bring value to the Board of Governors. It is an honor and privilege to be a candidate. Thank you for your consideration.

6 F Cherry Diamond F MAY 2020

BUSINESS Principal CLA Wealth Advisors 600 Washington Ave Suite 1800 STL, MO 63101 Nature of Business: Wealth Management EDUCATION High School: Oakville Sr. High School College or University: UMSL (B.S. Finance & Marketing) MAC Joined: Sept. 2005 Activities: Ring Announcer for Boxing Night, Founder & 1st Vice President of the 1st Vice President’s Club, member of Apollo’s, Mark Twain Society, Wall Street Table, & Planning Committee, active 5M user. Past Governor (20092012), during that tenure I Chaired the Finance & House Committees and was active on Membership Committee. STATEMENT Relationships. That is what the MAC is all about. I love the MAC. I use the Club literally every day. From workouts and personal time with my daughters, to business entertainment and meetings, the Club is a very special place to me. Because of the Club, I have made some of my best friendships and business contacts. I am fortunate to have previously served as a Governor. That tenure was during one of the worst economic times of recent memory. Those Boards worked hard and closely to ensure the Club would not only survive, but thrive, once the economy turned around. Today, that is exactly what happened, and I have some of my best friends from that experience. I am very proud of the work we did then and the continued efforts of the Boards since then to build upon and improve our great Club. I look forward to working with the current Board, the great Staff of our Club, and of course you, the members, to ensure the continued success of the Missouri Athletic Club. See you around the Club!


Chris Swank

PERSONAL 311 Wild Horse Canyon Drive Wildwood, MO 63005 9/16/1963 Wife: Ann Daughter: Abigail

PERSONAL 700 Dominion Drive Frontenac, MO 63131 DOB: 9/17/77 Spouse: Melissa Children: Charlie (9) & Ellie (7)

BUSINESS Vice President – Clayco 2199 Innerbelt Business Center Drive St. Louis, MO 63113 EDUCATION Lindbergh High School University of Missouri Rolla – BS Civil Engineering Washington University – MA Business & Human Resources MAC Joined 2006 Wine Club, Mark Twain Club Workout regularly at down town and West Club LEADERSHIP Chairman AGC Missouri and St. Louis Chairman Construction Careers Center Charter School - St. Louis Chairman City of Wildwood City Hall Committee Board Member National Maintenance Association Policy Committee Washington D.C. STATEMENT I can still recall the first time I visited the club with Gary Sextro and Jim Goessling. I remember feeling the great comradery and tradition of the club and knew immediately that I had to be a part of it. Fifteen years later, my family and I have never regretted that decision. The various clubs within the club, the updated athletic facilities, the holiday events, the pool in the summer, the vacations with other club members. All have provided lasting memories for me and my family. I am honored to be nominated as a candidate for the Missouri Athletic Club Board of Governors and look forward to the opportunity to pay it forward. I have spent my career in the construction industry and have had the opportunity to serve as the chairman of the Associated General Contractors of Missouri and St. Louis. I have served as chair of the Board of Education for the Construction Careers Center Charter School in St. Louis. I have gained a lot of experience in these positions that would be beneficial for my role in the Board of Governors of the Missouri Athletic Club.

BUSINESS Vice President Swank Motion Pictures 10795 Watson Road St. Louis, MO 63127 Swank is a third party sales agent representing top Hollywood studios and their interests in a variety of niche markets. We license and distribute entertainment content to markets like the cruise industry, parks, stadiums, colleges and universities, K-12 schools and libraries, hospitals, buses, trains, museums and more. EDUCATION Saint Louis Priory School Miami University (Oxford OH), BS: Business Washington University in St. Louis, Executive MBA MAC Joined: 2009 Membership Committee member Activities: Squash, personal training classes, MACtivities nights, family tennis clinics, social events Downtown and West STATEMENT Our family’s membership goes back decades. My early experiences with the MAC were the father-son banquets at the Downtown Club; our company provided the entertainment (cartoons) for the pre-event time in the gym. My own membership began in 2009 and since then my family and I have enjoyed the opportunity to create our own MAC memories some of which include, Breakfast with Santa, participating in the MAC floats in the parades, Friday night MACtivities, tennis clinics and fun around the pools; plus our firm regularly uses the West dining facilities to conduct business. I would consider it a great honor to be elected and am running for The Board of Governors to respectfully give back to an organization that has provided great experiences for myself and my family. If elected, you can count on me to apply my business expertise and the entrepreneurial spirit that helps guide my professional life. It’s important to preserve the culture and essence of the MAC while working to steward the club into the next phases of its continued success.

Cherry Diamond F MAY 2020 F 7

What's on the Menu

Although members are unable to visit the Clubhouses, many have brought the MAC dining experience to their own homes with Curbside To Go from the West Clubhouse! Choose either the pre-set meal option (which changes daily) or the a la Carte menu. Curbside To Go and a la Carte are available 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. For Curbside To Go, place orders no later than 3 p.m.

Call 314-539-4490 or navigate to the Dining Calendar for reservations. Add fresh-pressed juice, beer, wine and liquor to your curbside order! Inquire about selection when you call. For members who have not ordered our to-go meals, they can view our menus on the MAC website under Dining > Specials and click on the article “Order MAC Meals To Go!�

Easter To Go

Although the usual MAC Easter festivities did not take place this year, members got a taste of the MAC experience with Easter To Go from the West Clubhouse. MAC Staff served 100 families around 450 servings of favorites such as roasted turkey breast with peppercorn gravy, prime ribeye with a jus and beef tenderloin with red wine demi with sides such as quinoa, MAC asiago au gratin potatoes, vegetable medley, truffle mac and cheese, dinner rolls with butter, Easter cookies and carrot cake.

Fresh-Pressed Juice El Verde - Green juice Melon Mojito - watermelon, mint and hint of citrus POP-C - sweet citrus Armor - Citrus with ginger and turmeric

$8 each or $42 for a six pack (Order a day in advance for six-pack) Call 314-539-4441 to order! 8 F Cherry Diamond F MAY 2020


F I T N E S S F ROM AFAR Don’t Fret 2 Sweat Although the Clubhouses are closed, the MAC’s fitness community is alive and well. MAC West Clubhouse Assistant Athletic Director Paul Helfrich and Fitness & Wellness Manager Courtney Hutt have made getting daily workout programs and videos that members can do from home, wellness and nutrition tips, healthy recipes, ways for families to stay active and self-awareness and mental health tips. Although the group existed long before the quarantine began, it has grown by 217% with more than 380 members now and even includes more videos from a new coach, Programs Manager and Fitness Instructor Joy Holdmeier. They’ve even encouraged people to post videos and photos of themselves, helping the MAC members gain a sense of community while they’re away from one another. Through this group, they’ve hosted several fitness events including a Virtual 5k, which had more than 40 participants, MAC Wellness Bingo and MAC Mileage Madness. “Don’t Fret 2 Sweat has brought MAC members

together in a different sense during these unprecedented times,” said Hutt.  “Even though we are all eager to be back at the Club, it’s been great to see the support and camaraderie through our page. I’ve enjoyed creating workouts you can do in the home as well as providing wellness and nutrition tips while we all try to navigate through these tough times.“

In addition to this group, the MAC now has an online fitness page that allows members who are not on social media to gain access to all of the wonderful workouts the MAC fitness team has put together. Access this page by going to the website navigating to Fitness & Wellness > Blogs and clicking the article “Don’t Fret 2 Sweat.”


The MAC challenged their members to see how many miles they could walk or run starting Saturday, April 18 at 6 a.m. and ending Sunday, April 19 at 10 p.m. It did not matter whether members ran three miles a day or 10, the goal was to get members out and moving. To participate, members had to register on the event page and have a device to track their mileage, ie; iWatch, FitBit, Garmin, etc. Congratulations to Brett Vandegriff, who logged 42.6 miles to win the challenge. For his efforts, he will receive a pro shop gift certificate when the club opens back up.

Since everyone has been stuck at home, the Club athletic managers thought it might be a fun idea to put together a fun fitness activity for members to complete with their families. On Sunday, March 29 at 10 a.m., members donned their favorite MAC apparel and found their favorite 3.1-mile route to run/walk. More than 31 members participated in this event and posted photos of themselves after they completed the run in the Facebook event page.

To encourage continued fitness while staying in quarantine, the Don’t Fret 2 Sweat Facebook challenged its members to complete MAC Wellness bingo cards for a chance to win. Throughout its run, members were challenged to complete tasks such as making healthy recipes with your family, coming up with a new fitness or nutrition goal and completing a Don’t Fret 2 Sweat workout. The real challenge came when members could only cross off two squares per day. Congratulations to Allie Baber for winning! Cherry Diamond F MAY 2020 F 9

>> youth programs


In place of the usual Easter Egg Hunt, MAC kids were tasked with decorating their own eggs for an Easter Egg Coloring Contest. Programs Manager Joy Holdmeier organized this special Easter activity through a group on the MAC Facebook page and invited MAC youth, ages 1-15 to participate. Each entrant was asked to print out a blank easter egg, decorate it with their most imaginative designs and submit them to the MAC by Friday, April 10. The best Easter egg designs were voted on by MAC staff and featured on the MAC Facebook and Instagram pages on Easter! The winners also received a special gift basket. Here are the winners from each age bracket: F Age 1-5 winners: Julian and Dylan Hutt F Age 6-10 winner: Katie Reh F Age 11-15 winner: Sophia Shepperson F Honorable mention: Sophia Sepro, Age 16, too old for the contest but definitely worth showing off!



10 F Cherry Diamond F MAY 2020


Since everyone has been asked to stay inside, finding fun family activities has been an important part of the process. This week-long event ran from Monday, March 30- Friday, April 3. Each day a list of five items or challenges was posted in the Facebook event page. Members were asked to post photos of each completed task. The families with the most points were crowned winners. Congratulations to the Oesch Family and the Moriarty Family who tied for first place! Both families will receive a complimentary dinner when the club re-opens!







youth programs


G E T T I N Summer! ’ Crafty

With the announcement that schools will not resume in-person classes this semester, it is important nowupcoming more thanMAC ever to Mark your calendars for the Happy keep kids entertained. Programs director Joy Holdmeier Hours. In addition to serving up great drink makes specials, is easierthese to achieve thatare with videosopportunity on crafts andto activities events a great meet new members can makeand at home with their families. In her arsenal members introduce friends and colleagues to the of activities, she has included step-by-step videos Club. No reservations are required.for how to make homemade cloud dough, playdough and no-bake protein balls with many more to come. Downtown West (Poolside) Members can locateJune these website by 14 Wednesday, 25projects on the MAC Saturday, June navigating to Youth Programs > Camps/Events and clicking on Wednesday, July 23 Saturday, July 12 the linkThursday, in the first Aug. bullet14 point beneath MACSaturday, Youth at Home. Aug. 23

5-8 p.m.





Although our Don’t Fret 2 Sweat group consists of MAC adults, Programs manager, Joy Holdmeier thought it might be a good idea to put the youth of the Club to a fitness test. On the weekend of April 18 and 19, which thankfully brought sunny skies, children were encouraged to complete a five-mile bike ride and/or one-mile walk or run. Four of our youth members participated and posted their stats in the Facebook group. These members were Molly Moriarty (biked 5.82 miles), Harrison Campbell (biked 6 miles and ran 1.5 miles) and Tristan (biked 5 miles and ran 1 mile) and Miles Kujawa (biked 5 miles).

1:30-4:30 p.m.



Reserve Your Spot in the Upcoming Roster

Security Services

Carl W. Winters

Promote your business, products or services and connect with fellow FULL SERVICE members with a Business Directory ad AGENCY in the annual MAC roster. Because Club membersApparel refer to itF throughout the year, advertising in the Roster offers Promotional Products your business great exposure. Motivation & Incentives F Corporate Gifts

Michael J. hackett President & ceO

314-644-3600 ext. 101 F cwinters@mihmarketing.com Ads startmihmarketing.com at just $60 – contact Becky Rasmussen

9811 South Forty Drive • St. Louis, MO 63124 314.432.4200 • FAX 314.432.7999

at 314-539-4447 or brasmussen@mac-stl.org.




Rick C. Koelz Owner/Partner Missouri General Insurance Agency, Inc.

Want to see your business HERE? Buy an ad in the Cherry Diamond and reach the best customers around – your fellow members!

Your partner in Insurance and For advertising rates, and to reserve your Risk Management spot in an upcoming issue, contact Becky

providing quality service since 1981 Rasmussen at brasmussen@mac-stl.org or 314-539-4447. BUSINESS • HOME/AUTO • LIFE/HEALTH

Tim Powers 1227 Fern Ridge Parkway • St. Louis, MO 63141 Agent/Broker Optical (314) 922-8958 (c) • (314) 983-2361 (p) Past Governor SUNSET HILLS FORE! www.missourigeneral.com Locally owned Nobody cares for eyes more than Pearle.

• •

Over 1000 Frames personally selected by owners: Kate Spade, Jones New York, Tura, Ted Baker and many more. 40% off Lenses and Frames for MAC Members and Family Every Day! (Valid only at Sunset Hills store)

Insurance Brokers for Business, Personal, and Employee Benefits

Rick C. Koelz Owner/Partner

1227 Fern Ridge Parkway St. Louis, MO 63141 314-432-6464 www.missourigeneral.com

Direct: 314-983-2311 Cell: 314-753-2231 Fax: 314-432-2648 Toll Free: 1-800-432-9170 rkoelz@missourigeneral.com

Vacation Rental

DELUXE Lake of the Ozarks Condo 1/3 LLC Interest

Cherry Diamond F MAY 2020 F 11

The Falls @ the 2-mile marker, 2.5 bdms, 2 bath, plus 27’ Pursuit Danali cruiser, dock & lift, garage, pools.

>> around the club

HA P PY S H OPPIN G! Just because our members are stuck at home doesn’t mean they can’t shop! The MAC Pro Shop is now available online in the HSN (Home Shopping Network) - MAC Edition Facebook group. They have daily/ weekly deals and items of the day. You can call us at 314-539-4409 or direct message the Facebook page for questions or to make a purchase.


ON TRADITION Although the Club is closed, the exterior renovations on the Downtown Clubhouse are still well-underway. This project was made possible through a grant from the Robert J. Trulaske Jr. Family Foundation and generous donations from our members at our Preservation Foundation Ball, which took place on Feb. 15. Thank you to the many generous members who were integral in making this project possible. These renovations on the exterior of the building are taking place on both the eastern and southern-facing elevations. This project includes tuckpointing, power washing, wood windows, metal rails, window lintel and sills, terra cotta, granite and limestone. Other work includes masonry cleaning and brick water repellent.

Women's Wellness Week

Women’s Wellness week has been postponed. Keep an eye out in your emails for the new date. 12 F Cherry Diamond F MAY 2020

around the club


FROM ALL OF US To Our Members


Although the Clubhouse doors are closed, the spirit of the Club and Club activities are still going strong. Board of Governors meetings and committee meetings are now taking place online to brainstorm new and inventive ways of keeping the spirit of the Club alive during this unprecedented time.


After the Club’s last business meeting contemplated by Section 7.1 of the Bylaws (such a meeting being a “Business Meeting”), the Board of Governors adopted amendments to the Club’s Bylaws. The adoptions are summarized below. In accordance with Section 13.1(h) of the Bylaws, the Voting Members of the Club will be provided the opportunity to approve such adoption. This document is the notice contemplated by Section 13.1(h) of the Bylaws and by Section 13.2(a)(1) of the Bylaws. The Board encourages all Voting Members to vote in favor of approving such amendments. Such amendments to the Bylaws will, in accordance with Section 13.1(h) of the Bylaws, be discussed at the next Annual Business Meeting. The 2020 Annual Business Meeting is scheduled as follows: Date: Thursday, May 14, 2020 Time: 5:30 p.m. Location: Crystal Room of the Downtown Clubhouse if permitted by city, county and local authorities Summary of the Bylaws amendments: 1. The Bylaws amendments deal with: Cleaning up punctuation errors and other typographical errors (such as in the Table of Contents of Articles, Section 8.4, 9.1(d), 9.2(a)(iii), Article X, and Article XII) and building out a more comprehensive definitions Section (Article I); 2. Embracing the sensible use of defined terms, to aid certainty of interpretation (such as the addition of “Officer” in Article I and other changes in Sections 3.5, 3.7, 8.4, 11.5(h), and 11.5(i)); 3. The implementation, in the membership context, of concepts such as “candidate” and “nomination” rather than the currently-existing (and not appropriate) “applicant” and “application” (such as in Section 2.2, 5.1(f), 6.1(a)(1), and 11.5(a)); 4. De-capitalizing “Membership”, capitalizing “Member”, consistently referring to Club staff who work in the membership area as the “Membership Department”, and removing membership categories that no longer exist. 5. Making clarifications regarding surviving spouses (Section 3.8); 6. Removing the favor shown to widows versus widowers (in Section 4.5); 7. Attempting to avoid the long-standing confusion when using the

term “annual meeting of members” by segregating the “annual election meeting” from the “annual business meeting” (such as at Section 7.1(a), 7.3(a), 8.4, 9.1(c), and 10.5); 8. Expanding the timeframe within which certain notices may be given, as reasonably requested by Club staff (such as at Section 7.3(a) and 7.3(b)); 9. Acknowledging that typically, in recent years, less than 20 Members (other than Governors) show up for the annual business meeting, so we should change the quorum requirement (Section 7.4); 10. Enhancing the discussion of nomination by petition (Section 8.2); 11. Deleting reference to the non-existent House Sub-Committee (old Section 11.4(a)) and the non-existent Athletic Sub-Committee (old Section 11.5(j)); and 12. Revising certain Officer-related discussions to conform them to current reality (such as at Sections 10.4 and 10.5). Access to the language: Voting Members may review redlined Bylaws amendments by: 1. Logging onto the Member Website and clicking on the link “2020 Bylaws Amendments” in the Documents section (mac-stl.org/pvtmember-documents), or 2. By reviewing a hard copy of the redlined Bylaws amendments, which hard copy may be obtained at the front desk of either clubhouse. Voting process: 1. Timeline: Electronic voting will commence on Friday, May 15, 2020 and will end at 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 21st. 2. Voting Options: a. Electronically, by logging on to the Member website. There you will be able to click on the amendment, then vote by clicking the box next to Yes or No. b. Paper ballot, by requesting a ballot at the front desk of either clubhouse. Complete the ballot, then place the ballot in the ballot box. All paper ballots must be returned prior to 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 21st to be counted.

Cherry Diamond F MAY 2020 F 13

>> around the club

MAC Past In 1918, the Spanish Flu hit the United States as the most severe case of influenza to the date. Fortunately, the MAC was not hit too hard and did not have to close its doors that time. To the left is a cartoon from the 1918 Cherry Diamond regarding what the Club did during that time.

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Mother’s Day To Go

Let Chef Charles and the MAC West Clubhouse Culinary Staff take the work out of your holiday meal, allowing you to enjoy the day with friends and family! If you are interested in ordering Mother’s Day meals from the West Clubhouse, please fill out the form and return to: Attn: Mother’s Day Order Missouri Athletic Club 1777 Des Peres Road Town and Country, MO 63131 Keep these dates in mind for your holiday planning: Orders received by mail must be postmarked no later than Tuesday, May 5. Phone and in-person orders will be accepted until Thursday, May 7. Please contact Emma Pranger at 314-539-4490 or Janet Jones at 314-539-4444 ext. 7430 to place your phone order.

ORDER FORM West Clubhouse Mother’s Day to Go Date of order ________________________________________________________________________ Member name _______________________________________________________________________ Member number _____________________________________________________________________ Member phone number ______________________________________________________________ Specify a time: Saturday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m _______________________________________________ Dinner for 2

Dinner for 4

Dinner for 8

Roasted Turkey Breast with Peppercorn Gravy




House Hot-Smoked Salmon with Dill Cream




Beef Tenderloin with Red Wine Demi




(All Tenderloin cooked rare to prevent overcooking when reheating) Each meal comes with: F Baby greens salad with cornbread croutons, heirloom cherry tomatoes, pickled red onions, cran-raisins, shaved parmesan cheese, hard-boiled eggs and a cucumber buttermilk dressing F Loaded twice baked potatoes F Vegetable medley (broccoli, asparagus, baby carrots) F Chicken and ricotta stuffed manicotti F Dinner rolls with butter F Chocolate covered strawberries F Vanilla bean custard crapes with wild berry compote

Please note: Mother’s Day To Go orders are limited to the items listed here. Cherry Diamond F MAY 2020 F 15

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