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Inside the Diamond:
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Recently engaged?
Make your dream wedding become a realityâ&#x20AC;Ś
-*,&&1'="(!$0= Missouri Athletic Club Founded in 1903 January 2013 CHERRY DIAMOND STAFF Publisher - Joel L. Karsten Director of Communications - James M. Wilson Graphic Designer - Diane Rackovan Communications Assistant - Kelly Barbour
New Year, New You
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Boxing is Back!
Follow the MAC on Facebook and Twitter T
!"#$BCD$E&F*+1$D"38:*&+5"*:5$%*(($9#$"#()$&+$ !"0'5)346$G#9.$=H7!C#D-(2!A(#?!&,-!E&7!F#392!.-&(#! C#D9$>!0@3B!'9@@!2G31(-!#AA!1>19$2&!(1$H-6!#==#$-$&2!9$! -D49&9$>!B#3&2!9$!51(9#32!'-9>,&!695929#$27
General Manager - Wallace L. Smith
T advertise, call 314-539-4488 or e-mail: advertise@macTo stl.org The Cherry Diamond Vol. 106/No. 10 (UPSP: 102-560) is published monthly by the Missouri Athletic Club, 405 Washington Ave., A St. Louis, MO, 63102 Tel. T (314) 231-7220. Subscription, $39 per year, subject to sales tax.
FEATURES 14 Bright Lights Gala and Auction 15 Mia Hamm is Coming Back! 16 Jack Buck Awards 19 Santa Stops By the Club 22 Education Section
Departments 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 25 27 30
New Members The President’s Column Calendar Athletics Fitness MAC Hospitality From the GM’s Desk Clubs Within the Club Club News Snapshots
$22,000 600
was raised by the Charitable Society for Children in 2012. calories are burned during one hour of racquetball play.
25 20
years ago, by an overwhelming majority, members voted to allow women to join the Club. years ago, Mia Hamm won her first of two consecutive Collegiate Soccer Player of the Y Year awards, at the MAC. Mia will be the featured speaker at the MAC Hermann Trophy Banquet on Jan. 11. See page 15 for details. T
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Eveker, Robert J. (Nancy): Charter Business, 941 Charter Commons Dr., T Town & Country MO 63017, 636-387-6588; Res. 305 Hillside Ave., A St. Louis MO 63119, 314-962-3372
Akerberg, Nicholas E.: MaterialMix, 619 Olive St., 12th Floor, St. Louis MO 63103, 800-649-1423; Res. 226 Olive St. #519, St. Louis MO 63103, 702-335-7188 Bright, Thomas R. (Kathleen): Bright & Assoc., 10 The Pines, St. Louis MO 63141, 314-878-6778; Res. 1531 Winter Chase, Fenton MO 63026, 636-225-4051 Buehler, Angela M. (Nathan): Charter Business, 941 Charter Commons Dr., T Town & Country MO 63017, 636-387-6591; Res. 5749 Wendl Dr., Hillsboro MO 63050, 314-226-5565 Cook, Jeffrey (Madeline): ARCO Construction, 900 N. Rock Hill Rd., St. Louis MO 63119, 314-963-0715; Res. 12 Algonquin Lane, St. Louis MO 63119, 314-963-0639
636-237-1000; Res. 1214 Pond Rd., Wildwood MO 63038, 314-517-8520
Favazza, Perry T. (Dottie): Favazza Food Group, 5800 Southwest Ave., A St. Louis MO 63139, 314-932-1144; Res. 10043 Springwood Drive, St. Louis MO 63124, 314-276-8200 Garrett, Noelle M. (Richard): Barnes Jewish Hospital, 1 Barnes Jewish Hospital Plaza, St. Louis MO 63112, 314-362-2389; Res. 2220 Oregon Ave., A St. Louis MO 63104, 641-425-9087 Luechtefeld, Alicia L. (Ryan): Res. 1450 Gambier T Terrace Ct., Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Fallon IL 62269, 618-593-3608 Courtesy Products, 10840 Linpage Place, St. Louis MO 63132, Res. 7426 Gannon, St. Louis MO 63130, 314-550-3661
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Days Away
Women Of Distinction Awards
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Election Rooftop Party
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Friday, Jan. 11 !"#$%&'$())*(++,$-.#/#)0/$12++#3#$ /211#.4/$5#./62)$27$0"#$8#6/9()$!.2-",$ 02$0"#$02-$9(+#$():$7#9(+#$-+(,#./$6)$ 0"#$12*)0.,;$!"#$(<(.:$"(/$"2)2.#:$ /211#.$+#3#):/$%6($8(99=$>.6/06)$?6++,$ ():$&+#@6$?(+(/;$ 5:45 p.m. - Press Conference (Cocktails) 7 p.m. - Dinner 8 p.m. - Program $60, inclusive Downtown Clubhouse Call 314-539-4430 for reservations.
Saturday, Jan. 26 !"#$&*1062)$<6++$"#+-$.(6/#$)#1#//(.,$ 7*):/$72.$0"#$'+*A;$&$-2.062)$27$0"#$ -.21##:/$<6++$A#$*/#:$02$/*--2.0$0"#$ %&'$'"(.60(A+#$D216#0,$72.$'"6+:.#)$():$ 0"#$%&'$E.#/#.5(062)$F2*):(062); 6 p.m. – Gala $125, inclusive Call 314-539-4470 for reservations.
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Wednesday, Feb. 20 6:30-8:30 p.m. $30, for MTS Members ZD;7?A>?7@C'.D;; $35, for non-MTS Members Saturday, Feb. 9 Downtown Clubhouse '#+#A.(0#$G(+#)06)#4/$H(,$<60"$($7(A*+2*/$ Call 314-539-4470 for reservations. :6))#.$:()1#$6)$0"#$A#(*067*+$%6//2*.6$ I(++.229$/-2)/2.#:$A,$0"#$H()1#$'+*A; `99<'[7;;9GC6>K'=DP 6 p.m. - Cocktail Reception (cash bar) Saturday, Feb. 23 7 p.m. - Dinner Don’t miss one of the great traditional 8 - 11 p.m. - Dancing events at the Club, as the Athletic $50, inclusive Department hosts the annual Good Downtown Clubhouse Fellowship Day Party. It is a day of food, Call 314-539-4470 for reservations. fun and friendship on the 5th Floor.
Thursday, Jan. 17 %#9A#./$():$0"#6.$3*#/0/$(.#$6)560#:$ 02$+#(.)$76./0B"():$"2<$02$-.#-(.#$($ <2):#.7*+$3+*0#)B7.##$9#(+;$'"#7$C.()0$ 8633/$<6++$:#92)/0.(0#$0".##$12*./#/$ (/$(00#):##/$/(9-+#$0"#$'"#74/$ 9(.5#+2*/$1.#(062)/; 11:30 a.m. – Reception Noon – Program $30, inclusive West Clubhouse Call 314-539-4490 for reservations.
*DKKP'*9L: Thursday, Jan. 31 5 – 8 p.m. Free of Charge Downtown Clubhouse Reservations are not required.
\QD:7?AC'0>H6A'$LA]' X><C@'-99E>?H'-;DCC Saturday, Feb. 16 %&'$J6:/$(.#$6)560#:$02$+#(.)$76./0"():$ "2<$02$-.#-(.#$($/(+(:$():$-6KK($A,$'"#7$ C.()0$8633/;$&$/-#16(+$9#)*$72.$-(.#)0/=$ 7#(0*.6)3$<6)#$-(6.6)3/=$<6++$A#$/#.5#:$6)$ 0"#$H6)6)3$L229; 6 – 8 p.m. $20, inclusive West Clubhouse Call 314-539-4490 for reservations.
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Father/Daughter Banquet
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Women Of Distinction Awards
G.J237$ !2751 *DKKP'*9L: Friday, March 22 5 – 8 p.m. Free of Charge Downtown Clubhouse Reservations are not required.
Save the Date Upcoming Events
Thursday, Feb. 28 I2@#./$7.29$(.2*):$0"#$D0;$?2*6/$%#0.2$ I2@6)3$'+*A$<6++$/U*(.#$277$(3(6)/0$ .()J#:$2--2)#)0/$6)$#@1606)3$A2*0/$6)$ 5(.62*/$<#63"0$:656/62)/; 6 p.m. - Cocktails 7 p.m. - Dinner (Cocktails by subscription only) 8:15 p.m. - Boxing begins $110 Ring Side - $130 Downtown Clubhouse Call 314-539-4470 for reservations.
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Please call with your own reservation.
call 314-539-4441.
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Days Away
Days Away
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.77EID?N'!99:7'-DKAL:7'+7DHL7'-6DIK>9?C6>KC The winner of the 2012 Fall Open League was the team captained by Governor Greg Beekman. They beat the team captained by Brad Mills 49-47, in the championship game, to finish with a record of 8-2. Governor Troy Robertson led the league with an average of 20.4 Points Per Game (PPG). The winner of the Fall Over-40 League was the team captained by Jeff Moore. They beat the team captained by Gerry Burns 49-33, in the championship game, to finish with a record of 8-2. Brian Rodgers led the league with an average of 16.3 PPG. (See page 31 for pictures!)
Ron Daugherty represented the MAC in the North American Cup, one of the important national tournaments, in Milwaukee, Wis. He finished second and earned the silver medal at the tournament, which lasted from Dec. 7 – 10. This winning result puts Daugherty at fifth place in the country, in the veteran division in the 50 -59 age bracket. His standings will give him a big opportunity to be on of the USA Veteran team in the coming Veteran World Championship. Congratulations, Ron!
Ron Daugherty gets his silver medal for his performance at the North American Cup.
Racquetball Director Dave Schwent has been working with Visitation racquetball players, and MAC members, Danielle Nuckolls and Elizabeth Lovinggood. Nuckolls is on the varsity team; she and doubles teammate Amalia Tettambel are currently undefeated. Lovinggood is on the junior varsity team and won the Top Seed Tournament, in the second seed division: She is the team’s mostimproved player. Schwent is also working with other high school players, who have had undefeated seasons and placed first and second in the Top Seed Tournament, in the first seed division. All of his current clients are quickly advancing, and private lessons with Schwent will surely help improve clients’ racquetball skills. Call Dave Schwent at 314-539-4467 to make an appointment. 10
Portraits of each Hall of Famer are on display in the Sportsman’s Club on the 4th Floor.
(A6;7A>M'*D;;'9F'[DI7'A9'"?<LMA'-;DCC'9F'2345 On Friday, March 1, some of the Missouri Athletic Club’s most distinguished athletic figures will be inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame. A dinner will be held in their honor in the Missouri Room. The Hall of Fame Committee reviewed nominations from MAC members and recently selected the 2013 class of inductees. Bob Gronemeyer is being inducted for handball. Gronemeyer competed in the sport over three decades and won several doubles championships. Tom O’Toole Jr. is entering the Hall of Fame for golf. The United States Golf Association Vice President has been instrumental in growing the sport at the Club. Tom O’Toole Sr. is entering the Hall for Distinguished Service. He played a key role in the acquisition of the West Clubhouse, while serving on the Board. The induction of the O’Tooles will mark the first time that a father and son have entered the MAC Hall of Fame. Brian Rodgers will enter the MAC Hall for basketball. He has been a key member on the MAC traveling team and has been on several March Madness championship teams. An outstanding 3-point shooter, Rodgers has received the Bill Daake Award in recognition of outstanding sportsmanship. D. Scot Hunsaker will receive the “Dan Barks Award.” Named for the long-time MAC Athletic Director, the award honors an individual who participated in sports in the Club as a child, and has gone on to make a mark on athletics as an adult. Hunsaker is the president of Counsilman-Hunsaker where he has been involved with the planning and design of more than 850 pools around the world, including at the Olympic Games. The MAC Athletic Hall of Fame was established in 1993 to honor Hall of Fame Banquet those members of the Club who Downtown Clubhouse distinguished themselves in the $60, inclusive field or in the development of Call 314-539-4470 for athletics at the Club. reservatiions.
Now that the New Year is here, it’s time to make your fitness and weight loss resolutions! If you are not seeing results or are starting to hit a wall, a personal trainer may help give you that extra push. Gil Clagget is a personal trainer at the West Clubhouse. He has been a part of the MAC team for 16 years and has worked 20 years as a personal trainer. Gil is an American Council on Exercise (A.C.E.) certified personal trainer. If you need help boosting your fitness routine, set up an appointment with Gil; he works with a wide range of clients from teens to senior citizens. Working with a trainer will help get you on the right path. “When working with a trainer you learn how to exercise safely and more efficiently,” Gil said. “Many times people will quit because of injury or lack of results, but I will help you get back on track and help you achieve your goals.” One way Gil motivates his clients to reach their goals is by learning what makes them “tick.” He says motivation is both inward and outward. “It is called ‘personal’ training because each person is different,” Gil said. “Motivation is different for everyone, and I have to find out who my client in order to figure out what pushes them.” In the end, he hopes his clients feel better physically and mentally. He says the more you keep exercising, the better you feel. Gil gets great satisfaction out of seeing his clients reach their goals. “All the trainers at the MAC want to help members achieve their fitness goals,” Gil said. “So let us help you.” If you are interested in setting up an appointment, you can contact Gil at 314-539-7454. Both Clubhouses have a motivating and experienced staff of personal trainers to help you stay fit. Visit the MAC website for information on trainers and how to set up an appointment.
Tradition is rich at the MAC, and although some events have faded in and out of popularity, others have not; the Good Fellowship Day Party is one that endures. On Saturday, Feb. 23, the MAC will host its annual Good Fellowship Day Party, a tradition that members have been gathering for since the 1930s. To this day, athletes are the focal point of the Good Fellowship Day Party. As tradition calls, athletes and spectators still gather for a rewarding buffet of meats, salads and hors d’oeuvres, along with cold beer after the athletic events are over. Outside of the camaraderie, the best part of Good Fellowship Day is that it’s free! If you are a new member or have never come out for this celebration before, don’t miss out! The MAC encourages you to attend and participate, no matter what your fitness level is. If you have any questions, contact Rick Schneider at 314-539-4434 or Jeff Tuhro at 314539-4485.
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Teah Folkerts brings years of experience to the MAC. She is certified in Prenatal, Postpartum, Labor and infant massage. Massage benefits the mother-to-be while her body adjusts to pregnancy and delivery. Massage also helps with infants struggling with colic. Teah is certified to teach both parents how to massage their infants, which helps with the bonding experience. To make an appointment with Teah, call 314-539-4431.
Where Exceptional Hospitality $$$$$$$,-$."#$/01%2
Now ow that the holiday season is over, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to get back to business. The MAC has many meeting spaces available to members. The MAC can accommodate anywhere from six to 500 people. With the excellent wait staff, delicious catering options and overnight guest rooms for your out-of-town attendees, your Club is the perfect place to host your business meetings, and impress your guests. Call 314-539-4470 to make reservations Downtown, or 314-539-4490 to make reservations at West.
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The MAC is offering a special romance package for the entire month of February. L(0#/$/0(.06)3$(0$PQQ]$W$_)1+*:#/$($PTS$722:$():$ A#5#.(3#$1.#:60=$($A200+#$27$1"(9-(3)#=$1"212+(0#/=$ 129-+69#)0(.,$3(.(3#$-(.J6)3 ():$)2$#@0.(B-#./2)$7##/; `*##)$B$PQQ] >6)3$2.$!<2$`*##)/$B$PQQZ D*60#$B$PQT] a@#1*065#$D*60#$B$PQX]
Call 314-231-7220 to make reservations.
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From the General Manager Manager!s !!s Desk 8D;;P'#I>A6
Dear MAC Members: First, a big thank you to all who took the time to complete our survey. As I began this update, I referred back to the survey for some information, and then found an hour had passed as I got caught up reading all of the great comments and suggestions. The survey is laced with terrific ideas, along with honest input as to where we need to focus efforts for improvements and a better member experience. The survey was also a very valuable tool as we compiled our capital and operational plans, for this year and beyond. As most of you know the “Bright Lights Gala and Auction” is on Saturday, Jan. 26. I’ve heard stories about the first Gala in 2011 and all the fun that was had, how much money was raised and how it was then put to use. It was a smashing success! Saturday, Jan. 26, promises to be another grand success, and sell out, so call Stephanie today at 314-5394470 and let her know you will be joining the party. I’ve seen the list of auction items and there are great values to be had. I’ve also stuck my nose into the format of the
event, and promise it will be the party to remember. We have both Chef Bart and Chef Grant collaborating on a “stations” walkabout culinary discovery event like you have never seen at the MAC. Joe and Darrin have teamed up on the service plan, with catering, and everywhere you wander you will find something wonderful. In the end though, the best part will be mixing and mingling with all your fellow MAC members and guests. And, speaking of guests, this will be a night to show off your Downtown Clubhouse to friends and associates who enjoy fun, great food and spirit. Bring your soon to be Platinum Partner, and start the year off with some MAC fun and elegance. The funds raised through the auctions will be put right back into the Club via, “What you told us on the survey.” We have all new fitness equipment scheduled for March, new pool furniture and accompaniments outside around May and some dollars targeted for discovery in regard to our dining and bar operations, all at our West Clubhouse. Please join us on Jan. 26.
And, don’t forget that January is “Meet me at the MAC” month, where everyone is going to have just one more lunch, dinner, event, lesson or workout at the Club, with a guest of your choosing. The MAC is on the move, and our Platinum Partnership Membership program has been “simplified and energized.” Let us tell you how it really works, and the awesome value we’ve created for you and your Platinum Partner. Let me conclude with huge thank you from your entire staff. The generosity that was shown through your giving to the employee holiday and foundation fund request was phenomenal. Actually that’s Phenomenal with a capital P. All of our employees enjoyed a significantly larger holiday check this year and we thank you very, very much! Happy New Year to all. See you at the Club, Wally
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Twenty years after Mia Hamm first visited the Missouri Athletic Club to receive the Collegiate Soccer Player of the Year Award, the most famous soccer player in U.S. soccer history is returning to the Club as the featured speaker of the Hermann Trophy Banquet. Find out who will win college soccerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s version of the Heisman Trophy, and see Mia Hamm! On Friday, Jan. 11, the MAC will present the crystal soccer ball trophy to the top male and female collegiate soccer players in the country. The trophy represents the highest individual achievement in the sport. In addition to two-time MAC Hermann winner Mia Hamm, the jerseys of all the past winners, like Kristine Lilly, Claudio Reyna and Alexi Lalas, are on permanent display in the Sportsmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club. The event kicks off with a press conference, where the finalists are introduced and the winners are announced. Following cocktails and a fabulous dinner, master of ceremonies Bill McDermott will treat soccer fans to a memorable evening at the MAC. The banquet will sell out quickly, so make reservations now.
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n. 11 nce Friday, Ja s Confere s e r P . 5:45 p.m ocktails 6 p.m. - C inner 7 p.m. - D rogram 8 p.m. - P sive $60, inclu se n Clubhou rvations. e s Downtow e r r o f 39-4430 Call 314-5
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Joe Buck is one of many visitors to the Club who canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t help but stop and admire the handsome Brick Display in the Downtown Clubhouse - He even snapped a picture with his brick! Buck is the honorary chairman of the MAC Preservation Foundation, which was formed to raise funds for necessary infrastructure improvements to the historic Downtown Clubhouse. Commemorative bricks are on permanent display in the new Preservation Gallery area and are readily visible to all lobby visitors. There are still a few bricks left for purchase. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss the chance to be a permanent part of MAC history. Donors may designate those whom they choose to honor with personalized text. Contributions are tax deductible. Forms are available at the Downtown Front Desk or can be requested electronically by emailing Pam Roth at proth@mac-stl.org. JANUARY 2013
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Boxing is back this winter at the MAC. The MAC Boxing Championships will be held on Thursday, Feb. 28. Boxers from the St. Louis Metro Boxing Club will square off against ranked opponents in exciting bouts in various weight divisions. Cocktails begin at 6 p.m., followed by a steak dinner with all of the trimmings at 7 p.m., and the matches at 8:15 p.m. After 7 p.m., cocktails are by subscription only. The price is $110, per person plus gratuity. There are also a limited number of ring side seats available for $130, plus gratuity per person.
To make your reservation to be a part of this KO night of fun, call 314-539-4470.
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The Downtown and West Clubhouses were filled with festive decorations, holiday cheer and lots and lots of excited children when Santa visited this year. Santa was so impressed with how good everyone had been all year, he visited the Club four times to hear MAC childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wish lists. While each child waited patiently to see Jolly Old St. Nick, there was plenty of delicious food, sweet treats, face painting and gingerbread houses to decorate. Santa stopped at the West Clubhouse to feast on a tasty dinner buffet. He didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get a chance to rest because he was up early the next morning visiting the Downtown Clubhouse for breakfast. Santa wants to thank all of the girls and boys at the MAC.
Molly Monroe gets a butterfly face painting.
Oliver Bolen, David Ogden and Jane Bolen meet Santa and Mrs. Claus.
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Sophia and Olivia Riley excitedly getting ready to meet Santa, adorned with festive face paintings.
Ava Pluard and Billy Albus have a great time building gingerbread houses.
Taylor and Erin Whiting giving Santa their wish lists.
Andrew Petersen puts finishing touches on his gingerbread house.
Tim and Caroline Malyszko enjoying her very first breakfast with Santa. JANUARY 2013
Picture, if you can, the main dining room at the West Clubhouse being completely full. One-hundred ten reservations, and everyone showed up. As you can see, the lobby was packed with people having a good time. Besides the beverages, wait staff was there offering tuna tartar and beef Carpaccio already on spoons - A simple bite, and no need to hold on to a plate. When the dining room opened, it was set in formal fashion and everyone quickly found his or her seats. A menu was already at every seat, showing the nights three course menu, - an opening lobster salad, followed by filet mignon with mashed potatoes and veggies and, finally, bananas foster complete with a spectacular flambé display. Chef Grant and staff did an incredible job. Every course was served with flourish and the food was magnificently prepared. How is it possible to serve 110 filet mignons, each just past medium, and soft enough to easily be cut with a butter knife? The dessert, though, was the crowning glory. Chef set up an outside flambé station, which was clearly visible through the dining room windows; when it came time, his team was outside performing the ‘table-side’ flaming of the brandy sauce, for all to see at once. After dinner, Darren brought in all the kitchen staff and the wait staff for a well-deserved round of applause, and introductions. He even remembered to introduce the harpist who had played throughout dinner. As is the function of a typically nosy governor, I went around the room both during and after the meal to get reactions from the diners - Almost all from Forever Young, which was behind the idea of a meet-the-Chef night. Not one negative comment, and loud praise for everyone involved. Members were talking about coming back for the occasional dinner, and all were looking forward to what the Forever Young Club said would be a hoped-for quarterly event like this one. A good time was had by all? No, a great time. There are now 110 people out there talking about how great the event was. It will be interesting to see how we top it next time. ~Governor John Salter
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Smoked Maple-Glazed Shrimp Gorgonzola Whipped Potatoes, Charred Tomato Puree ~ Coconut-Crusted Shrimp Pineapple, Sweet and Sour Sauce ~ New Orleans BBQ Shrimp Sweet Potato Shoestrings, Green Onions Entrée Shrimp Scampi Angel Hair, Tomatoes, Asparagus Tossed In White Wine Sauce ~ Petite Filet and Shrimp Parmesan and Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Béarnaise Vegetable Medley ~ Grilled ‘Spanish’ Prawns Saffron Risotto, Lemon-Scented Asparagus, Chimichurri
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4 – 6 p.m. $13.95 Choice of Small Salad or Cup of Soup Chefs Feature Entrée of the Evening Beverage Included Wednesday Night Family Night 5 p.m. - Close Adults – $15.95 Kids (11 & under) - $6.95 Choice of Small Salad or Cup of Soup Chefs Home-Cooked Feature of the Evening Price includes Beverage
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The ! January wine of the month is the Bella Novello Calistoga. This 2008 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon features notes of dark cherry, cocoa, plum and hints of pepper. Bella Novello Calistoga can be enjoyed by the glass for $12 or shared with friends for $48 per bottle.
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Ways to Help Your Children Succeed in School
[$&#1)* #-*$$+ 6235 Wydown Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63105 314.726.4542 ForsythOnline.com Admission@ForsythOnline.com
Where can you map the world by memory, perform in a Shakespeare play, and rappel off a 50-foot cliff, all in sixth grade? At Forsyth School! On a one-of-a-kind campus, Forsyth offers a challenging, engaging education for children age 3 – Grade 6 with support from exceptional teachers. With a strong academic foundation that includes the visual and performing arts, sports, and challenge education, Forsyth graduates are well prepared for selective secondary schools.
Forsyth has a commitment to diversity, summer programs, a comprehensive extended day program with after-school classes and year-round league sports, and a supportive tuition assistance program. Admission application deadline is February 1, 2013.
Open House Event Perspectives on Forsyth: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 7:00 pm
Academic success can be achieved by any child, if they have the right skills. With a new semester starting, now is the perfect time to make sure your child is on track for success in school. As a parent, you are your child’s first and most important teacher. When parents and families are involved in their children’s schools, the children do better, and have better feelings about going to school. In fact, many studies show that what the family does is more important to a child’s school success than how much money the family makes or how much education the parents have. There are many ways that parents can support their children’s learning at home, and throughout the school year. Here are some ideas to get you started! Check out the list of key skills to helping your child achieve academic success. This list comes from colorincolorado.org. Partner with Your Child’s School Meet your child’s teacher. As soon as the school year starts, try to find a way to meet your child’s teacher, and that you want to be contacted in case there are problems or successes with your child at school. Get to know who’s who at your child’s school. There are many people at your child’s school who are there to help your child learn, grow socially, emotionally and navigate the school environment. Attend parent-teacher conferences, and keep in touch with your child’s teacher. Stay connected with your child’s teacher throughout the school year. Schools usually have one or two parent-teacher conferences each year. You can also ask to meet with your child’s teacher any time during the year. If schedules don’t permit meeting face-to-face, set up a time to talk over the phone or on a video chat. Support Your Child Academically Find out how your child is doing. Ask the teacher how well your child is doing in class compared to other students. If your child is not
Apply for special services, if you think your child may need it. The teacher might be able to provide accommodations for your child in class. If the school finds out your child has a learning disability, she can receive extra help at no cost.
keeping up, especially when it comes to reading, ask what you or the school can do to help.
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Make sure that your child gets homework done. Let your child know that you think education is important, and that homework needs to be done each day. You can help your child with homework by setting aside a special place to study, establishing a regular time for homework, and removing distractions such as the television and social phone calls during homework time. Find homework help for your child if needed. If it is difficult for you to help your child with homework or school projects, see if you can find a tutor or someone else who can help. Help your child prepare for tests. Tests play an important role in determining a student’s grade.
MICDS offers a challenging college preparatory education for students in grades Junior Kindergarten through 12. Small class sizes create a spirit of community and intellectual exchange. Strong student advisory (grades 5-12) and college counseling (grades 9-12) programs help students achieve academic and personal goals. At every grade level, we empower students to reach their full potential. Our unmatched education in math, science and the humanities provides strong academic skills and knowledge – and a love of learning. At the same time, our students know the importance of being informed, compassionate and responsible citizens of the greater global community. For more information visit us at micds.org or call 314-995-7367
Photo credit is Steve Woit Photography
Learn what the school offers. Read the information the school sends home. Talk to other parents to find out what programs the school offers. Maybe there’s a music program, after-school activity, sports team, or tutoring program that your child would enjoy. Remember to keep track of events throughout the school year.
MICDS Middle School students enjoy the interactive learning aspects of the Science curriculum.
Volunteer at your child’s school and/or join your school’s parent-teacher group. Teachers appreciate it when parents help out at the school! There are many ways you can contribute. You can volunteer in your child’s class, or in the school library.
Support Your Child’s Learning At Home Showing our children that we both value education, and use it in our daily lives, provides them with powerful models and contributes greatly to their success in school.
Get Informed And Be An Advocate For Your Child
Monitor your child’s television, video game, and Internet use.
Ask questions. If something concerns you about your child’s learning or behavior, ask the teacher or principal about it, and seek their advice.
Encourage your child to read.
Let the school know your concerns.
Talk with your child. It’s through hearing parents and family members talk, and through responding to that talk, that young children begin to pick up the language skills that they will need to be successful.
Z"#")()"$0'(-(=,!1 Visitation Academy 3020 N. Ballas Road, St. Louis Mo. 63131 314-625-9100 visitationacademy.org
Visitation Academy celebrates 180 years of excellence in scholarship, spirituality, leadership and service. In the Lower School, our curriculum includes computer programming and hands-on robotics. iPads are utilized throughout the Lower School to enhance learning. Visitation’s tradition of academic excellence continues in the Upper School where the Worldwide Youth in Science & Engineering team is celebrating a record number of consecutive wins and the average ACT score is a 29.
Encourage your child to use the library. Libraries are places of learning and discovery for everyone. Helping your child find out about libraries will set him on the road to being an independent learner. Encourage your child to be responsible and work independently. Taking responsibility and working independently are important qualities for school success. Encourage active learning. Children need active learning as well as quiet learning, such as reading and doing homework. Active learning involves asking and answering questions, solving problems and exploring interests.
Each year, the St. Louis Rams team up with the St. Louis Food Bank to host the Taste of the NFL dinner. MAC Chef Bart Phillips, along with 17 other restaurateurs, the Boy Scouts and players from the St. Louis Rams were on hand to help raise money and donations for the St. Louis Food Bank, the largest nonprofit of its kind in St. Louis. The organization provides food and supplies for shelters and churches that feed the under-privileged in the St. Louis area.
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The Apollos have been an institution at the MAC since 1943. The Harvard Dictionary of Music credits the MAC Apollos as the “oldest continuing mens’ singing group in the general community.” There are few occasions at the MAC with such a rich family tradition or history as the Apollos. There are two families with multiple generations who are Apollos members: Tom Applewhite and his grandfather Don Krieg are proud Apollos, as are father and son duo Ed and David Smith. The Apollos are always ready for new members to join them, as they carry on this great MAC legacy. To learn more about the Apollos, call Don Costello at 314-802-0462.
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The Charitable Society for Children recently selected three new charities for 2013. After hearing presentations from MAC members representing nine local charities, the CSC narrowed their list to the top three and presented it to the MAC Board of Governors for approval. The Charitable Society is proud to announce the following charities as 2013 beneficiaries: Boys Hope Girls Hope, College Bound and Voices for Children. Boys Hope Girls Hope provides academically capable and motivated children-in-need value-centered, family-like homes, opportunities and education through college. College Bound provides promising students from under-resourced backgrounds with the academic enrichment, social supports and life skills needed to succeed in college and careers. Voices for Children advocates for abused and neglected children and youth in St. Louis by representing their best interests in court and in the community. Throughout 2013, the Charitable Society for Children will raise funds that will be split among the three charities. This past year the Charitable Society for Children raised more than $22,000 through donations from MAC members and employees. Each year, MAC employees can elect to contribute a portion of their paychecks to the MAC CSC. A total of $2,500 was donated by the employees. The three 2012 charities - Our Little Haven, Southside Early Childhood Center and Walker Scottish Rite Clinic will all be presented with checks from this year’s donations. The CSC would like to thank all of the members and employees who contributed.
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The MAC is excited to offer our children's etiquette classes in February, taught by MAC member Melenie Broyles, of Etiquette Saint Louis. The class is a fun way to learn about first impressions, speaking to adults, club behavior, table manners and more. Boys and girls, ages 5-12, will enjoy this interactive class while parents enjoy dinner at the Club, or a nice workout. The price includes dinner on the last night, which give students an opportunity to practice their table manners.
Etiquette Training Tuesdays, Feb. 5 – Feb. 26 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. $150 per student West Clubhouse Call 314-539-4490 for reservations.
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It was an unpretentious beginning -- three St. Louis leaders met in Forest Park and selected the space between two giant oak trees as the site for a production of Shakespeare’s “As You Like It.” Now billed as, “America’s Oldest and Largest Outdoor Musical Theatre,” the Muny’s 2013 summer season will be a seven show mix of contemporary musicals and timeless classics, including four Muny premiers. Join the Forever Young Club at the West Clubhouse at noon on Friday, Jan.18, as Muny Director of Development, Lucie Springmeyer brings to life 95 years of Muny excitement, inspiration and creativity; she’ll preview the new season, which opens June 17 with Monty Python’s Spamalot. Be certain to ask her whatever became of an unknown actor named Archie Leach, who trod the Muny’s boards in 1931!
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The holiday season may have passed, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t have a party! Following with tradition, the MAC Toastmasters will be having their annual holiday party at the Downtown Clubhouse, in the Crystal Room, on the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 23. The party will include a few friendly roasts and announcements of the incoming officers, over a plated dinner. Last year, the emcee and joke master of the meeting was long-time Toastmaster Jim Sheets. This
year, the dinner will be hosted by none other than Toastmasters’ very own, Clark Cole. However, the dinner is only available to Toastmasters and their guests, but it’s not too late to sign up for Toastmasters! Space is limited, so be sure to let us know if you will be joining the party. We hope to see you there. For more information on the Toastmasters party, please contact Tom Applewhite at 314-541-6437 or applewtr@gmail.com.
Santie Wholesale Oil Company St. Louis 314-436-3569 Toll Free 1-800-748-7788 !"#$%&!'"(%) *&+"%),-%(. **********************@@@=-&/'.(5.7@(-'=1$5 26
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25 Years
of Female Members
In 1988, by an overwhelming majority, members of the Missouri Athletic Club voted to allow women to join the then-85-year-old institution. On Sept. 15, 1988, the Board of Governors certified a vote count, 2,768 to 835 (a 77 percent majority), to amend the By-laws and allow female members to join the Club. Then-president William J. Conway wrote the following in his Cherry Diamond column: “Thanks to all of you who exercised your right to vote. With almost 80 percent of your voting, this was a truly remarkable response to this important issue… The vote results are a clear signal from the membership, and I would first like to commend them for making this decision, especially in light of recent U.S. Supreme Court
action. The Board must now go to work and adopt new By-Laws that will establish membership guidelines for the wives and daughters of members, widows of former members and female applicants.” Currently, there are two female Board Members, Mary Frontczak and Judith Hanses, and it is the first time two female Board members have served in the same class. All together, there have been four females who have served on the Board of Governors. The Women’s Initiative Committee was established in 2009 as an avenue to promote the progress of the MAC in regard to women, and to help recruit female members. The Women’s Initiative Committee is coordinating the second Women of Distinction luncheon, on Friday, April 19, at the Downtown Clubhouse. One of the first female members, Jackie JoynerKersee, will be the keynote speaker. Because of the high level of interest for the first Women of Distinction luncheon, early reservations are advised for this event. Call 314-539-4470 to make reservations. The Club will also honor women at Club-sponsored events throughout 2013 to commemorate this historic anniversary. Come and be a part of this year’s celebrations at the Missouri Athletic Club!
The MAC Celebrates
.LCA;>?H'.D:J7:C69K .LCA;>?H' . LCA;>?H'. LCA;>?H' .D:J7:C69K .D:J7:C69K The Downtown Barbershop has been very busy lately. New staff has been added to accommodate members and increase the available services. Take a step back in time with a relaxing old-fashioned straight razor shave at the Barbershop. Straight razor shave professional William Carney joined the Downtown team. The straight razor shave includes a hot lather and hot towel. Manicurist Dannelle Jennings is also there to take care of your nails. You can get both a shave and manicure while you’re in the chair, so pampering yourself has never been more convenient. Stylist Alisa McCulley is now available full time, Monday – Friday. With the increased staff, walk-ins will likely be accommodated, but it’s always encouraged to make an appointment. Call 314-539-4440 to make an appointment, or stop on by!
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West Haircare has added new stylists Betty Kohlbrecker and Dave Barton. Betty is available on Wednesdays, from 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Dave is available on Saturdays, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Call 314539-4454 to make an appointment. JANUARY 2013
Dear MAC Member, As we turn the page on another fantastic year at the MAC, it seems a fitting time to reflect on the positive progress that took place this year, acknowledge our goals for improvement and discuss our plan for going forward. This past year brought about much positive change: A comprehensive survey of the members, undertaken by General Manager and Chief Operating Officer Wally Smith and his staff, helped set the stage for a formal Long Range Planning Committee, the first of its kind in recent Club history. With representation across key levels of MAC membership and management, this committee, using the newly-established capital budget, will help to prioritize the capital improvement wishes of our members. Our goal is to remain diligent in addressing our Club’s infrastructure needs, and membership expectations, to ensure the MAC remains an important part of your lives and an attractive, competitive option for potential members. Key staff and programming initiatives have already had a major impact on the Club’s day-to-day operations, beginning with the hiring of Skip Bowders as Facilities Manager. Skip’s 15-year career in overseeing major short-term and long-term development projects, in both the hospitality and corporate facilities industries, make him an important lynchpin in our five-year improvement plan. His fresh eyes will be a welcomed benefit to our strategic plan. Additional key hires include Chef Grant Higgs, Racquetball Director Dave Schwent, Director of Rooms Zach Freeman and Tennis Director Kenny Powell. Individually, each contributes their unique area of expertise, and together,
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they improve the membership experience at our Club as a whole, reaffirming its place as one of the premier private clubs in the St. Louis area. But even the best staff cannot succeed unless given the optimal environment and tools to do their jobs well. As such, the Long Range Planning Committee has prioritized the needs identified in the member survey and will focus on addressing those needs in the coming year, including cosmetic updates in the Stan Musial Grill and bar area at West, and several structural repairs Downtown - including the leaks in the light well, roof structures, and basement. Improved security and in-room Wi-Fi services were also identified as important needs to our Downtown Clubhouse. Critical to accomplishing these goals is the ongoing raising of funds earmarked for the capital budget, something we hope to accomplish at our biennial gala on Jan. 26. In 2011, the event raised $100,000, and our goal is to exceed that amount this year. The funds raised will benefit the projects identified on our five-year plan, including improvements mentioned above, both Downtown and at West. None of this would be possible without the spirited and capable collaboration of our Club’s Management Team and Department heads, whose hard work on behalf of our Club and its members, make it the wonderful place we know and love. We look forward to another great year and take seriously our commitment to make life at the MAC the best it can be, for our members and their families. Christopher Michalak Long Range Planning Committee Chairman
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of the Year award at the MAC. RSSY!(!_6<J'#;<-*!,G!L,#-=!"$#,)<6$!P96<,#!G,#2$#B!A<$!I$>>3!2=,! ;:,#'B!YX!5,$);!$6B!$BB'B!YY!$;;<;-;!G,#!SW!0,<6-;3!)'B!-='!4$#! I'');!-,!$!0'#G':-!X\!(!^!#':,#B!$6B!-='<#!;'J'6-=!:,6;':9-<J'!L"//!:#,26V!I$>>!2$;!-='!RSSY! H,>'6[;!",))'5<$-'!1,::'#!?)$*'#!,G!-='!`'$#V! ")$9B<,!+'*6$3!$!;,0=,>,#'!><BG<')B'#!G#,>!-='!_6<J'#;<-*!,G!K<#5<6<$3!0#,0'))'B!-='!"$J$)<'#;!-,!-='<#! ;':,6B!;-#$<5=-!L"//!-<-)'3!$6B!:$0-9#'B!-='!A'6[;!",))'5<$-'!?)$*'#!,G!-='!`'$#!$2$#BV!F,-=!I$>>! $6B!+'*6$!-,,&!-='!;$>'!-#,0=<';!-='!G,)),2<65!*'$#V!A<$!I$>>!2<))!%'!-='!G'$-9#'B!;0'$&'#!$-!-='! A/"!I'#>$66!4#,0=*!F$6a9'-!,6!7$6V!RR3!X^!*'$#;!$G-'#!#':'<J<65!='#!G<#;-!",))'5<$-'!1,::'#!?)$*'#! ,G!-='!`'$#!$2$#BV!
Susan Kaye (Cebulske) Rogers is inspired and motivated by her fellow artists and enjoys studying the old and current Masters. Basically self-taught, she has been an active painter for over 25 years. Her art reflects a love for landscapes. Susan is concerned with green issues, and hopes to preserve open spaces through her interpretations of it - Susan creates most of her work plein air (in open air) where nature is the instructor. Susan has participated in many juried shows where she has won numerous awards. Most recently, “Best of Category” at the Midwest Salute to the Arts, in August of 2010. She is a member of the Illinois Artisans, Gateway East Artists Guild, the Pastel Society of America and co-founder and member of the Gateway Pastel Artists in Saint Louis. She continues to participate in many of the fine art events and is represented by the Illinois Artistisans Gallery in Whittington, Ill. Her work can be found in many homes and businesses in Illinois, Missouri and many other states. Susan and her husband Craig live in West Belleville, Ill., where she maintains her studio.
I f you are interested
in purchasing any of Susan’s work that is displayed at the Club, please contact Linda Van de Riet at 314-539-4448.
or call Royce Vessell, MAC member direct at 573-518-4994 JANUARY 2013
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Don Cloon ey, Gary S extro and Christmas Kim Tucci spirit at th get in the e Downtow n Clubhou se.
Past MAC . Clubhouse
colate at the Cho th e te t e e sw tisfied their r Group sa u To d n a The Lunch Factory. Chocolate , te la o c o Ch
Jeff Edw ards and Joy Chri variety o stensen f bourbo sample a ns at the Downtow n Clubho use.
Kids and Pros had a great time at the Junior Tennis Exhibition at West!
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That’s a Winner!
g team: e winnin u g a son, e L y Robert ketball s ro a T B r o n e hael overn ter Op awlitz, G man, Mic k P The Win e n e B ro a g agan, A ernor Gre Lenny K apt. Gov C i, k c ie n Brent Ka reeland. James V d n a n o Loft
The O v team er-40 Win : Ste ter B ve as Bob O’Lo n Trulaske ketball Le ughli , ague (Chu Jeff n, Pa ck N t Can Earnhart s winning ash i ,K twell s not and C evin Can pictu twell red). apt. J , eff M oore
Nancy and Mike Hardgrove, Barbara and Bill Conway, Marilyn and Bill Ells were planned the Forever Young Club’s evening, Adventures West.
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