April 2012 Cherry Diamond

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CHERRY DIAMOND A Club For the Ages

For the young and the young at heart... the MAC has it all!

Victor Farah, Age 99 Joe Quatrochi, Age 22


Inside the Diamond:

• 2012 MAC Golf Classic • Birds Back in Action • Good Fellowship Day • Migneron Nets Tennis Scholarship • Great Golf Opportunities 1 • Talking Hockey with Hitch • Fight Night at theApril MAC2012

•F l yer s •Books •Menus

p o r t u s o e y n L L ao A s r d o e f e e n c l r a u n o o s i t e r o m o r p & t n i pr

•Banner s •Cat al ogs •Br ochur es •Pos t car ds

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CHERRY DIAMOND Experience Club Election Excitement - May 3

Missouri Athletic Club Founded in 1903


All members are encouraged to visit the Downtown Clubhouse on May 3, to show Club spirit and experience the excitement of MAC election night. Cast your vote, enjoy dinner and stick around for the announcement of the election results. Remember, there will be no mail-in voting for this year’s election. So, make plans now to attend the election festivities.

April 2012 CHERRY DIAMOND STAFF Publisher - Thomas C. Albus Director of Communications - James M. Wilson Art Director - Tabitha L. Wilson Communications Assistant - Melissa Mauzy

A Club for the Ages

General Manager - Wallace L. Smith

To advertise, call 314-539-4488 or e-mail: advertise@mac-stl.org The Cherry Diamond Vol. 106/No. 4 (UPSP: 102-560) is published monthly by the Missouri Athletic Club, 405 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO, 63102 Tel. (314) 231-7220. Subscription, $39 per year, subject to sales tax. PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT ST. LOUIS, MO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Cherry Diamond, 405 Washington, Ave., St. Louis, MO 63102

Follow the MAC on Facebook and Twitter


Whether you are young or just young at heart, the MAC has something to offer for people of all ages. From the toddlers playing in the West Child Care Center to the seasoned members fraternizing over lunch in the Sportsman’s Club, the Club has opportunities that anyone can enjoy.

FEATURES 4 13 16 17 19 27 29

2012 MAC Golf Classic Birds Back in Action Good Fellowship Day Migneron Nets Tennis Scholarship Great Golf Opportunities

Poore to Serve Last Drink Fight Night at the MAC

Departments 4 5 6 12 14 20 22 24 28 30

New Members The President’s Column Calendar Dining Focus on Fitness Staff Spotlight Clubs Within the Club What’s on the Web Kids Corner Snapshots



35 3 176.2

minutes and 15 minutes before the first pitch is thrown at home Cardinals games, the MAC shuttle will take members to Busch Stadium.

courses will be served with the Cherry Diamond plate offered at MAC West during April.

miles were swum by MAC member Mary Boyle in 2011. Boyle was honored as the Swimmer of the Year.

1,000 77 3.1

“Likes” is the goal for the MAC Facebook page.

years separates the oldest member of the Club, Victor Farah, 99, and the youngest member, Joe Quatrochi, 22.

miles will get you to the finish line at the St. Louis Komen Race for the Cure on June 23. Sign up to be on Team MAC.

April 2012


New Members

BEATTY, MARK A.; U.S. District Court, 750 Missouri Ave., East St. Louis IL 62221, 618-482-9072; Res. 1604 N. Main, Apt. B, Edwardsville IL 62025, 618-979-0228 BRIDDELL, RON J., (Dee Viviano); Briddell Remodeling, Inc., 2311 Keebler Rd., Collinsville IL 62234, 618-345-8840; Res. 2311 Keebler Rd., Collinsville IL 62234, 618-792-6965 BOPP, JACOB T.; Mid America Metals, P.O. Box 186, Forsyth MO 65653, 800544-4576; Res. 1520 Washington Ave., #523, St. Louis MO 63103, 314-3930827 COBLE, CARSON T.; LHM, One South Broadway, St. Louis MO 63102, 314641-8821; Res. 7512 Cromwell Ave., Apt. 7, St. Louis MO 63105, 314-8538541 COVA III, RENO; Hawkins Parnell Thackston & Young LLP, 10 S. Broadway, Suite 1300, St. Louis MO 63102, 314-678-8600; Res. 5452 Odell St., St. Louis MO 63139, 314-807-1464 MARCUM, JOHN D.; Allergy-Asthma, Inc., 1020 St. Clair Plaza, St. Clair MO 63077, 636-629-6030; Res. 13025 Pagada Parkway, St. Louis MO 631271931, 314-602-4042

MCCOOK, BRIAN M., (Jennifer); Anders Minkler & Diehl, 705 Olive, 10th Floor, St. Louis MO 63101, 314-655-5500; Res. 49 Autumn Way Ct., Eureka MO 63025, 314-458-7656 MCENERY III, CHARLES J., (Katherine); Scottrade, Inc., 700 Maryville Centre Dr., St. Louis MO 63141, 314-965-1555; Res. 9 Devondale Ln., St. Louis MO 63131, 314-994-0849 MCGRATH, MATTHEW J., (Lisa); Holmes Murphy & Assoc., 7777 Bonhomme, St. Louis MO 63105, 314-678-6401; Res. 832 Heatherhaven Dr., Ballwin MO 63011, 314-761-6288 MANTOVANI, JOSEPH R., (Mary); Polsinelli Shughart, 100 S. Broadway Suite 1000, St. Louis MO 63102, 314-552-6877; Res. 6344-A S. Rosebury Ave., St. Louis MO 63105, 314-753-4289 OBERTINO, RICH A., (Jennifer); Tri Architects, 9812 Manchester Rd., St. Louis MO 63119, 314-395-9750; Res. 9380 White Ave., St. Louis MO 63144, 314-963-4290 PETERSON, MELISSA M., (Troy); Community Music School of Webster University, 470 E. Lockwood Ave., St. Louis MO 63119, 314-246-4448; Res. 1944 Grinnell Terrace, St. Louis MO 63146, 314-799-6894

POTTS, DANIEL E., (Jan); St. Luke’s Hospital, 222 S. Woods Mill, Chesterfield MO 63017, 314-576-6700; Res. 1260 Royal Glen Dr., St. Louis MO 63131, 314-452-0650 POTTS, STEVEN J., (Christina); Primary Systems, Inc., 4000 Green Park Rd., St. Louis MO 63125, 314-880-9977; Res. 2620 Potts Rd., Barnhart MO 63012, 636-942-4421 SIMMONS, IAN C.; Beck Simmons LLC, 3500 Magnolia Ave., St. Louis MO 63188, 314-772-2889; Res. 2842 Shenandoah Ave., St. Louis MO 63104, 314-776-1275

Thanks to the following members for sponsoring new members to the Club. Steve Albart John Byrne Scott Dankenbring Clark Davis Brandon & Dominie Donat Peter Fonseca James Keefe Marion Keyes Mike Kniepman Mark & Patti Mantovani Robert Minkler If you would like to refer a new member, please contact Patti Cundiff (Downtown) in the Membership Office at 314-539-4429 or Julie Kueper (West) at 314-539-4408.

MAC Golf Classic Monday, Aug. 27 SAVE THE DATE! The beautiful Country Club at the Legends will host the 5th annual MAC Golf Classic to benefit the MAC Preservation Foundation. Enjoy a day of fun and friendly competition with fellow MAC members while showing support for your Club. • Sponsorship Opportunities Available • Auction Items being Accepted • Accepting reservations now! Call 314-539-4470


APRIL 2012

Missouri Athletic Club Preservation Foundation

Golf Classic

President’s Column

President’s Column Fellow Membersam pleased to have lots of good news to share with you this month, about the leadership transition of the club, about the club’s positive financial performance over the last several months and about the wonderful events coming up in the month of April at our Club. First, take it from a “lame duck,” our General Manager Wally Smith has hit the ground running and has wowed the Board, all the committees and staff leaders with whom he has met with his energetic and systematic approach to improving and reinvigorating our Club. I have been meeting on a weekly basis with Wally and President-elect Joel Karsten to ensure a smooth transition, and Joel has as many great ideas as Wally. These two men, with support of the Board and staff, will do a wonderful job leading our Club in the coming year. Next, I am happy to report that the Club’s finances are markedly improved from their position at the beginning of my term. A combination of energized members, hardworking staff and necessary expense cutting has resulted in a succession of months during which we have exceeded our budget goals for membership and overall financial performance as an organization. March 1 was the mid-year of our Club’s fiscal year, and next month I will share more detailed data explaining how well the club is performing. Rest assured that a few months of good news will not cause the Board and staff to lose sight of the need to remain vigilant over club finances and careful to ensure its secure future. Indeed, along with the mid-year financial report, I will announce that a number of club leaders, including each and every member of the Board, have stepped


forward to underwrite a capital reserve fund to further strengthen the club’s balance sheet during these continued tight financial times. At that time, I will invite every member to consider a gift to contribute to this reserve fund, which will only be spent by action of the full Board and only for capital needs or unforeseen financial contingencies that can always arise. Additionally, the Board continues to cut benefits that have been traditionally provided during different economic times. This past summer, I told the Board I would not accept a life membership at the conclusion of my term. Last month, the Board took the next step and voted to repeal the club by-law by which such life memberships are awarded. This by-law amendment will be submitted to you all this spring, and I hope you support it. Of course, the tradition of the membership awarding a life membership to retiring club presidents was a fine one and the memberships were richly deserved by those who have received them. I think the Board feels, and I know I feel that, going forward it is time to end that tradition in recognition of the lean governance model we need to adopt for the foreseeable future. Turning to club events, April is one of the busiest months at the Downtown Clubhouse just before the focus of many members pivots to the West clubhouse and the pool during the summer months. To name just a few, Easter Sunday, April 8 and the World Champion Cardinals home opener on Friday, April 13 are two days not to miss at the Downtown Clubhouse. The Apollos Spring show will be Friday, April 20 and my Apollo buddies tell me the updated Broadway show they are putting together will be wonderful.

Their shows always represent our club at its best. As the month wears on, it will be election season at the MAC. Read all about the fine candidates who have offered themselves in service of our great Club. They will be campaigning in person at both clubhouses and on the telephone. The rooftop Happy Hour on April 26 as well as lunchtime meet and greets will be opportunities to encourage the candidates and give them your two cents on what the club’s priorities for next year should be. I encourage you to speak your mind to the candidates when you are contacted. Our Club is a much purer democracy than most corporations, and it can only remain that way with your thoughtful input during the election process. Election Day will be Thursday, May 3. It is a day like no other in this town, this club or anywhere in the country. Please come down to cast your vote in person, share a complimentary dinner with fellow members and cheer on the new Board class of 2015. On behalf of the Board, please accept my thanks for your membership and support. On behalf of my wife Alicia and me, please accept my best wishes for a blessed Easter season. Here’s hoping we continue to enjoy beautiful weather this spring. Yours in fellowship and service,

Thomas C. Albus President


TERM ENDS 2012 Thomas C. Albus Justin S. Fowler Bob Hagnauer John S. Kingston Donald A. Stork

TERM ENDS 2013 Gordon Bush Daniel Fusz Joel Karsten Christopher Michalak David P. Weiss

TERM ENDS 2014 John Bugh Mary Frontczak Terry K. Hammer Judith R. Hanses Troy W. Robertson April 2012





NCAA Championship Viewing Downtown

9 Easter Brunch Downtown
















Ballroom Dance Lessons Downtown


Invitational Sanctioned Bridge West Ballroom Dance Lessons Downtown


MAC Golf Season Kick-Off Downtown



Cardinals Opening Day


Ballroom Dance Lessons Downtown



Invitational Sanctioned Bridge West




NCAA Championship Viewing

Sunday, April 8 Celebrate Easter at the Club and enjoy a scrumptious brunch, a petting zoo and pictures with the Easter Bunny. Missouri Room- Seatings at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., noon and 1 p.m. Crystal Room- Seatings at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and noon Adults- $30.95 + gratuity Children 12 & Under- $13.95 + gratuity Children 3 & Under- gratis Downtown Clubhouse


APRIL 2012





MAC Rooftop Happy Hour Downtown


Monday, April 2 Catch the NCAA Championship game and enjoy a delicious game time buffet. 6:30 p.m. 7 p.m. - Dinner buffet 8 p.m. - Game MTS members - $30+ gratuity non-MTS members - $33 + gratuity Sportsman’s Club, Downtown Call 314-539-4470 for reservations.

Easter Brunch

Apollos Spring Concert Downtown Forever Young Club




Apollos Spring Concert

Friday, April 20 The Apollos will present their annual spring concert. 6 p.m. - Cocktails 7 p.m. - Dinner 8 p.m. - Program $33.95 + gratuity

MAC Election Rooftop Happy Hour

Thursday, April 26 All members are invited to meet and mix with your fellow members. You are encouraged to bring spouses, a date and/ or guests. 5:30-9 p.m. $1.50 Draft beer, $2 Bottles, $3 Wells Rooftop, Downtown *In case of rain, Jack Buck Grill Call 314-539-4470 for reservations.

MAC Election Day Thursday, May 3

Be a part of one of the great MAC traditions! A complimentary buffet dinner will be served from 5:30-8 p.m.

Dinner Dance Club at Casa Loma Ballroom Friday, May 4 Members can enjoy a 3-course dinner in the Rendezvous Room and then ride the MAC Shuttle to the Casa Loma Ballroom for dancing. 6:30 p.m. - Dinner in the Jack Buck Grill 8 p.m. - Departure to Ballroom 8:30-10:50 p.m. - Dancing $38.50 + gratuity Call 539-4470 for reservations.

Annual Business Meeting

Thursday, May 10 Club members are invited to attend this meeting to discuss current issues pertaining to the MAC and the Club's Board of Governors. The quarterly Town Hall update will also take place. 5:30 p.m.- Veterans Room Downtown No reservation required.









4 Dinner Dance Club at Casa Loma Ballroom

Club Election






Invitational Sanctioned Bridge West



Mother’s Day Brunch Downtown








Memphis at the Fox


Father/Daughter Dance Downtown






MAC Basketball 40th Reunion Downtown Forever Young Club




MAC Happy Hour Downtown MAC





Mother's Day Brunch

Sunday, May 13 Treat mom to the best brunch in town. Missouri Room - Seatings at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., noon and 1 p.m. Adults - $30.95 + gratuity Children (Age 4-12) - $13.95 + gratuity Children 3 & Under- gratis Downtown Clubhouse

Father/Daughter Banquet

Wednesday, May 16 Fathers, daughters, grandfathers and granddaughters are all invited to this popular traditional Club event. Call 314-539-4470 to reserve carriage rides in advance. The cost is $10. 5:30 p.m. - Carriage rides and Photos 7 p.m. - Dinner 8 p.m. - Dancing Ages 12 and over: 29.95 + gratuity Ages 11 and under: $23.95 + gratuity

MAC Broadway Series at the Fox Memphis Thursday, May 10, 2012 The Lion King Friday, August 17, 2012 *Dates Subject to change. $130 per ticket. Call 314-539-4402 for reservations.


Ongoing CWC Meetings

Save the Date

The MAC offers many Clubs Within the Club (CWC) providing a variety of social opportunities for people who share common interests. Events sponsored by the CWCs are open to the general membership and their guests.

Upcoming Events

Race for the Cure - June 23

Apollos Mondays, 7 p.m., Downtown

FYC Trip to Indiana - July 1-4 Lion King at the Fox - August 17

Forever Forever Young Club Young Third Friday of the month, Club 11:30 a.m., West

Preservation Foundation Golf Classic - August 27 MAC


• Reservations for events can be made by calling 314-539-4470 or visiting the website (mac-stl.org). • Club events are subject to gratuity. • Cancellations must be made at least 72 hours before the event to avoid a one-third charge. • No shows will be charged in full. Please call with your own reservation. • For Jack Buck Grille reservations, call 314539-4417. • For dining reservations at West, call 314-5394441.

Military History Club Fourth Tuesday of the month, 11:30 a.m., Downtown Toastmasters Friday (2nd & 4th), 7:15 a.m. West Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m., Downtown Business Development Group Third Thursday of the month, 7:15 a.m. Downtown

To join a CWC or for more information, visit the MAC Web site (www.mac-stl.org) or call 314-539-4402.

April 2012


Experience the MAC Election Excitement


ll members are encouraged to visit the Downtown Clubhouse on May 3, to show Club spirit and experience the excitement of MAC election night. Cast your vote, enjoy dinner and stick around for the announcement of the election results. Remember, there will be no mail-in voting for this year’s election. So, make plans now to attend the election festivities.

Board of Governors Election Schedule Monday, April 23 Campaigning Begins

Friday, April 27 Candidates meet and greet at West - 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday, April 30 Candidates meet and greet Downtown - 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday, May 2 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Silent voting in the Downtown Veterans Room, fourth floor and MAC West Thursday, May 3 Polls open at the Downtown Clubhouse, 7 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Gauntlet is open: 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 3-6 p.m. A complimentary traditional buffet will be served from 5:30-8 p.m. at the Downtown Clubhouse. At 8 p.m. the results will be announced.

Absentee Ballots

Voting Members must request an absentee ballot from the Membership Department in person or by phone. The absentee ballot will be sent from the Membership office only. Absentee ballots will be mailed on Friday, April 20. Complete ballots must be returned by 5:30 p.m. the day of the election. To obtain an absentee ballot, call Linda Van de Riet at 314-539-4448.

Thursday, May 10 Annual Business meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Veterans Room Downtown.

2012 Candidates for the Board of Governors Greg Beekman

Personal Address: 492 Manorcrest Ln., St. Louis, MO 63011 DOB: December 29, 1970 Spouse: Ann Beekman Children: Kelly (11), Margaret (8) Business Position: Member Company: Lewis, Rice & Fingersh, L.C., Nature of Business: Attorneys at law Education St. Louis University High School St. Louis University St. Louis University School of Law Missouri Athletic Club Member since 1998 Platinum Member, October, 2011 to Present Diamond Member, 2003 to October 2011 Membership Committee, 2010 to Present Basketball League since 1998 Committee member of numerous successful campaigns over the last 14 years Activities/Associations 2006-2009, Greenbriar Hills Country Club Membership Committee 1992-present, St. Louis University High Alumni Board 2005-present, Board Member of Mary Carroll Alonso Charity Golf Tournament 1995-present, Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis Qualifications to be Governor Having lived or worked in the City of St. Louis for my entire life, I have a deep appreciation for the special role of the Missouri Athletic Club in our community. Since joining the Club in 1998, my wife and I have been active in all aspects of Club life: athletic, social and service. My


APRIL 2012

experiences at the Club and my training as a lawyer have led me to seek a position on the Board of Governors. As a corporate and transactional attorney, I have the privilege of counseling and advising a wide array of business entities, from start-up companies to international firms, on complex topics as diverse as acquisitions, real estate, employment and finance. The nature of my job is to find solutions which will satisfy the competing interests of many interested parties in order to achieve a common goal. If elected Governor, I will use these skills to help the Club grow and thrive in a climate that is challenging for all private clubs.

Kim DeMotte

Personal Address: 1008 N. Bompart Avenue, Webster Groves, MO 63119 Born: August 27, 1946 Spouse: Margaret Children: Rebecca, Amanda Business Kenton Group, LLC 353 Marshall Avenue, Webster Groves, MO 63119 Team Performance Professional, Executive/Leadership Coach Education Morristown, (NJ) High School Indiana State University B.A.,M.A. Psychology University of Chicago School of Business MAC Experience In my 10th year Platinum Partner Nominating Committee Membership Committee CWC Representative Numerous governor campaigns Active participant in 10 CWC’s including being a founding member of

Toastmasters and Vice President of (and soloist in) Apollos Qualifications • Authored the book, “The Positive Power of NO”. • Professional member, National Speakers Association for 15 years. • Produce the popular HDClarity blog (articles/video presentations on subjects of Interpersonal Wellness, Individual Growth). • Developer/Chairperson of National Rally Racing events in Missouri over 35 years. Currently chair a 501c(4) organization that produces such events. • Active member, St. Louis (downtown) Rotary Club. I’ve owned, kept the lights on and made payroll at two distribution companies, one manufacturing company, two service companies, one software company and one consulting firm. I’ve managed events with 300+ volunteers. I’ve served on Association Boards. My consulting experiences, since 2004, include engagements ranging from Fortune companies Caterpillar and Autodesk to family owned businesses here in Missouri. My work as a Team Performance Professional (getting diverse egos and talents on the same page to get things done) I think prepares me well to serve as Governor. The MAC faces tough challenges as it has often in its illustrious 109 years. Professionally, I work with businesses facing these same types of struggles to find their “magic” by focusing leadership. If elected to this team, I believe my experiences and skills can contribute to focusing on our “magic”, assuring the MAC remains available to my grandchildren and generations beyond.

Dean Eggerding

Personal 569 Oakwood Fenton, MO 63026 8/1/74 Spouse: Erica Children: Cole (8) Chloe (6) Max (4 months) Business Vice President USI 3668 S. Geyer; St. Louis, MO 63127 Insurance Consultant providing benefit solutions to companies 50-1,000 employees. Education Lutheran High School South Saint Louis University: B.A. Business/Marketing MAC Member since 2001 Membership Committee Basketball Participant for 10 years MAC Golf Club MAC Preservation Golf Committee Worked on numerous campaigns since 2001 Regular use of fitness, dining, social events and hosting business functions at the MAC. Activities/Associations Concordia Lutheran Church Council Concordia Church Chairman of Nominating Committee Director of Lutheran Association Special Education Golf Tournament Qualifications I am a second generation member and been coming to the Club since I can remember. Many memories have followed including Father/Son banquets, holiday events at the MAC and having our wedding in the Missouri Room. These and other events over the years have ingrained the MAC as part of my family. As a member myself over the last 11 years, it has allowed me to meet many people and develop some great relationships. I enjoy being involved in various aspects of the MAC, but the Board of Governors elections are truly an honor to be involved with. Working on various campaigns in the past has been an awesome experience and I am excited to be running myself as a potential candidate and work for the MAC members. My business involves providing answers to complex issues and the club industry currently has a number of challenges that need creative

solutions that I feel I can provide. If given the chance as Governor, I will work toward continuous improvement at the MAC during challenging times. As a second generation member, I want my children and future generations to enjoy a legacy of memories that the MAC has provided me and my family. The MAC is a special place and I would welcome the opportunity to serve as Governor.

Cheri R. McLaughlin

Personal Address: 317 White House Farm Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017 Date of Birth: August 1, 1961 Spouse: James R. McLaughlin, Jr. Children: Jonathan (22), Stephanie (20) and Katie (19) Business Position: President Company: Sparks Milling Co, LLC Address: 317 White House Farm Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017; PO Box 4526, Chesterfield, MO 63006 Nature of Business: Sparks Milling is a creative agency providing web site design, multi-media content, web software development and custom database development. With selected business partners, it also provides strategic marketing, strategy and consulting services. Education Kickapoo High School, Springfield, MO Missouri State University – B.S. Finance and Information Systems Drury College Cannon Trust School Certified Trust & Financial Advisor (ABA) Missouri Athletic Club Joined April 2008, Diamond Club Member Activities: Membership Committee member 2010-2012; Women’s Initiative Committee 2011-2012. Frequently found in the west clubhouse working out, participating in the Golf Club outings, or at the pool in the summer! Community Activities and Associations Church of the Annunziata – Parish Volunteer – 2011-2012 Estate Planning Council of St. Louis – Board Member – 2011-2012 Women’s Foundation of St. Louis – Board Member – 2006-2007 Family Resource Center – Development Committee – 1999-2001 The Noonday Club – Board Member – 2002-2004; Entertainment Committee Chair 2000-2001; Entertainment Committee member 19981999; Monthly Speaker Series Chair; Women’s Business Forum; Women’s Mentor Exchange St. Louis Symphony Volunteers, Jr. Division – 1998-2003 Qualifications In the 26 years I spent in the financial services industry, I honed my skills in business development; networking; problem solving and relationship management, all key areas to the club. I hope to continue to add to the rich legacy of the club by contributing my skills to bring more members, attention, and cache to an institution that has such deep roots in our community.

Candidates continued on page 10...

April 2012


John M. Noce

Personal Address: 310 Runnymede, Creve Coeur, Mo. 63141 DOB: February 13, 1949 Spouse: Laura Business Position: Sr. VP & CFO (retired) Company: Bi-State 1979-2011 (dba ”Metro”) Address: 707 No. First St. St. Louis, Mo. 63102 Nature of Business: Special Purpose Agency which owns and operates the St. Louis public mass transit system, among other entities. Education High School: Normandy High School College: B.S. MSC, Denver, Co. Graduate School: Attended SLU MBA program Military Service: USAF, Sergeant MAC Joined: 2003 Activities: Diamond Member since 2003 Frequent user of both downtown and west dining rooms and fitness facilities Finance, Audit, Membership & Athletic Committees, Toastmasters (past President, Treasurer & Youth Leadership Program co-developer and leader), Charitable Society, The Apollo’s, Military History Club (Co-Vice Chair), Golf Club, MTS, LB Table, American Legion Post #4 (Commander) Community Parishioner of Our Lady of the Pillar, Creve Coeur (past chair Administrative Committee) - St. Vincent Home for Children, Normandy, Mo. (past Officer) – Trustee, Runnymede Subdivision – City of Creve Coeur (past Finance Committee member) - Financial Executives International - Government Finance Officers Association - as well as several Transit Industry financial organizations. Interests Member of SLI Investors (an Investment club formed in 1981Normandy Alumni Association - Supporter of the St. Vincent Home for Children Annual Eighth Grade Invitational Basketball Tournament (participated since 1986) Qualifications: I strongly believe in the relevance of the MAC to the St. Louis Community and I am proud to be both a member and promoter of the club and its many activities. I recognize that the MAC needs to examine opportunities to broaden its membership appeal while maintaining balance between the high level of service, efficiency and economy. My professional and community experiences, serving in the financial, governmental and not-for-profit sectors, provides me with a healthy respect for the economic challenges facing the club today and where we have to get to for a healthy future.

John D. Salter

10 Glenmaro Lane, Town & Country, MO Born March 30, 1947 Married for 43 years to Marie. Daughters Shannon and Jennifer. Two grandchildren. Business Secretary/Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer Wunderlich Fibre Box Company 821 Clinton St., Saint Louis Manufacturer of Corrugated Packaging and Displays Education High School: Western Military Academy, Alton, IL College: Northeastern University, Boston, MA, BSBA (Financial Management); Suffolk University, Boston, MA, Masters in Business Administration, Master of Science (Accounting) Military Vietnam Veteran. United States Army, 1966-1969. Staff Sergeant, Bronze Star Medal, Vietnam Campaign and Service Medals, National Defense Service Medal, Good Conduct Medal. MAC Joined 1989


APRIL 2012

Activities: Annual Election Inspection & Policing Committee; Finance Committee Active Participant in 5th Floor athletic activities at both Downtown and West facilities. Regular early morning exercise participant. I am a squash player both downtown and west. Current Missouri State Class D Doubles Squash Champion, representing the MAC, with partner Rob Wunderlich. Marie and I use the club’s dining and banquet facilities regularly. In addition to my activities, Marie is chairman and co-founder of the Lunch and Tour Group, member of the Women’s Initiative Committee and a member of the MAC Charitable Society for Children. She Co-chaired the 2010 MAC Gala. We are a family committed to participating at the MAC. Our club continues to endure hardships caused by difficult economic times and the changing lifestyles of its members. While our Board has worked hard to reverse the long decline in membership, we still have much we need to do. Our Club’s fiscal health depends on strong financial management, not only in controlling expenses, but in prudent spending to enhance our Club experience where we can. I have the background needed and the strong desire to work with our board and staff to make our MAC even better. I ask for your support.

Jack B. Spooner

Personal: Address: 324 South Spoede, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Birth: St. Louis, Missouri 1961 Family: Margaret Cribbin Spooner (Ladue HS/TCU); Kendal (18), Peyton (17) (Villa Duchesne) and Jack, Jr. (13) (Chaminade) Business: Attorney - Spooner Law, LLC 7733 Forsyth, Suite 2000, St. Louis, MO 63105 Litigation practice with emphasis on complex business and injury matters from both the plaintiff and defense perspective. Education: Ladue High School Southeast Missouri State University President - Sigma Chi Fraternity, President - Student Senate, Vice President Student Body. Saint Louis University - Juris Doctoris Staff Member and Articles Editor - St. Louis University Law Journal Professional/Affiliations: Member of the state bars and courts of Missouri, Illinois and Texas; United States Supreme Court, Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, District Courts Eastern and Western Missouri and Southern District of Illinois; Certificate in Civil Trial Advocacy by the National Board of Trial Advocacy; Youth soccer and basketball coach in both CYC and select leagues over the past 13 years. MAC Activities: Diamond Club member since 2000; Membership Committee; Athletic Committee; Daily use of MAC for work outs, regular diner at all dinning options; children sports programs and swim team; Member Mark Twain Society. I will be a dedicated and productive Governor. I believe in honoring tradition, in being measured by actions, in improving our “brand.” I was inspired to step up and run for Governor to instill and share the camaraderie, fellowship and competition the MAC has instilled in me. Even though I was not elected last year, my desire and passion to serve the Club has grown, not just from the past election experience, but also from my involvement in MAC committees, which is why I am running again. Thank you for your consideration and support. I am honored to receive your vote. Vote Spooner - MAC Governor!

A Club For the Ages

For the young and the young at heart... the MAC has it all!


hether you are young or just young at heart, the MAC has something to offer for people of all ages. From the toddlers playing in the West Child Care Center to the seasoned members fraternizing over lunch in the Sportsman’s Club, the Club has opportunities that anyone can enjoy. Although they have a 77 year age gap between them, Victor

Farah and Joe Quatrochi have more in common than you would think. Both are proud to call themselves members of the MAC. Victor joined the Club in 1994, and at 99 years old, he still is an active member; while 22-year-old Joe just joined in 2011. Victor and Joe utilize the Club in different ways, but both have found camaraderie and fun in belonging to the MAC.

Victor: I joined in 1994. I came to Missouri after I retired as a Vice President When did you join at Smith Barney in New York. I had the Club? been a member of the New York Athletic Club. It was the type of Club I was proud to present to clients. I have found the Missouri Athletic Club goes one step higher. Victor Farah Age 99

Victor: Cliff Kurrus and I belong to the same Why did you join? church. He invited me to a Forever Young Club meeting to listen to a talk about one of the military campaigns I had been involved in during the War knowing that I might be able to add to the discussion. I decided to join because of the friendliness of the group. Victor: I primarily use the West Clubhouse. I take advantage of the gym for fitness and enjoy having lunch at West as well as attending the Forever Young Club meetings. I rarely get downtown, but enjoy the Downtown Club whenever I am able. I must laud the staff at West. From the fitness center to the dining room and Stan Musial Grill, the staff always has a “feel at home” friendliness.

How do you use the Club?

Joe: I joined the MAC in August of 2011 shortly after moving to St. Louis in June from Kansas City, Mo.

Joe Quatrochi Age 22 Joe: I joined the MAC after two of my co-workers, current MAC members, told me about the great benefits of being a member. Plus, the Downtown MAC is close to my office making it very convenient. Joe: I typically use the MAC for the gym and basketball court. I enjoy using the cardio machines and the weight room. I also enjoy shooting baskets or playing the occasional pick-up basketball game. The Downtown location is very convenient for a quick workout during lunch or a longer workout after work. On occasion, I also grab lunch at the club.

Victor: It has been a source of enjoyment to be a member of Joe: The MAC has been a great place for me to the Club. The best way I can describe it is to say it is a source What does the meet new friends while enjoying lunch or working Club mean to you? out. of friendship. Victor: The camaraderie that you find here at the Club is the ultimate reason to join. You develop friendships here that last for a long time.

Why would you Joe: I would encourage others to join the MAC so encourage other they can take advantage of the nice facilities while people to join the also getting to know the members. MAC?

Victor: I peddled newspapers when I was 14, which was in 1928.

What was your first job?

Joe: I graduated last May from University of Missouri-Columbia and am currently employed at my first job. I work in equity research at Stifel Nicolaus. In college, I worked at the Mizzou Rec Center and had an internship.

Victor: I had a 1929 model T Ford. It was black, which was the only color they came in. It was a great source for getting around and gas only cost 20 cents per gallon.

What was your first car?

Joe: My first car was a 2008 Nissan Altima.

Victor: I enjoy all music, from opera to 1940 big band music and classical as well. I played violin with the Huntington, New York chamber music society. I love Bach, Stauss, Mozart, etc. The on the other side of the coin: Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Benny Goodman, Guy Lombardo.

What type of music do you enjoy?

Joe: I enjoy most genres of music, but usually I listen to Top 40.

Victor: I graduated from Manual High School in 1932.

What year did you Joe: I graduated from high school in 2008 from graduate High Oak Park High in Kansas City, MO. School? April 2012



Celebrate the Holidays at Your Club


elebrate Easter Brunch Sun., April 8 Easter and Seatings: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. spend time with Adults - $30.95 + gratuity your family at the Children (Age 4-12) - $13.95 annual MAC Easter + gratuity Downtown Brunch on Sunday, RSVP: 314-539-4470 April 8. Children will love having their picture taken with the Easter bunny and seeing the animals in the petting zoo that will be set up in the lobby. A delicious Easter Brunch will be served in the Missouri and Crystal Rooms complete with Easter candy!


Mother’s Day Brunch how your appreciation Sun., May 13 Seatings: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. for your mother Adults - $30.95 + gratuity Children (Age 4-12) - $13.95 by celebrating + gratuity Mother’s Day at Downtown the MAC. On RSVP: 314-539-4470 Sunday, May 13, the annual Mother’s Day brunch will be held in the Missouri Room. Family photos will be available in the Art Lounge from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


njoy a delicious three-course meal at a great value. In April, the West Clubhouse is serving up a Cherry Diamond plate Monday though Thursday evenings. The plate comes with a choice of small Clubhouse salad or cup of soup, entrée with choice of vegetables and/ or starch sides ending with a mini pecan ball with caramel and chocolate sauces. Each evening will feature a different entrée. From 4:30-6 p.m., you can feast on the Cherry Diamond plate for only $11.95. The plate will have a smaller portion. From 6-9 p.m., the price is $14.95. For dinner reservations, call 314-539-4441. Entrees Monday - Meatloaf Tuesday - Pork Parmesan Wednesday - Fried Chicken Thursday - Citrus Crusted Salmon


APRIL 2012

Menu Item of the Month

Grilled New York Strip Steak


Dining Specials

Cherry Diamond Plate

Wine and Dine

Themed Thursdays


hile a trip to Italy may not be in the cards, you can feel as if you are there with a delicious meal at the MAC. The Sportsman’s Club buffet will have an Italian theme every Thursday during April. Enjoy pastas, rich sauces and other tasty Italian fare for only $9.95.

reat yourself to a wonderful steak feast in the Jack Buck Grill at the Downtown Clubhouse. This month’s menu item of the month is the grilled New York strip steak. The 12 ounce steak is Certified Angus beef and dry-aged for 45 days. The steak comes with roasted garlic whipped potatoes and grilled asparagus and vegetables for only $28. The MAC dry ages all steaks in house. When you order a steak from the MAC, know you are only getting the best. The Club provides Certified Angus beef because is it the highest quality and required a certain amount of marbling. Next time you are looking to treat a client, family member or friends to dinner, remember the MAC. With this delicious steak dish on the menu you know you are in for a fantastic meal.

April Wine of the Month A to Z Pinot Gris, Oregon ow that spring is here, enjoy the warmer temperatures and a refreshing glass of Pinot Gris at either Clubhouse. This month’s Wine of the Month is the A to Z Pinot Gris. From Oregon, this wine shimmers in the glass with pear, ginger, almond and vanilla aromas. You can sip on a glass of Pinot Gris for $10 or share a bottle for $38.


Need Cards Gear?


he 2011 World Champion Cardinals take the field at Busch Stadium on Friday, April 13, for the home opener. With a new manager and new talent taking the field, Cardinals fans are anticipating another exciting season. Make the MAC your preand post-game destination for every Cardinals home game. On opening day, the Sportsman’s Club will feature a ballpark buffet until 3 p.m. Fill up on your favorite baseball treats before heading to Busch. Throughout the season, visit the Jack Buck Grill for food and beverages before and after games. In April, the Jack Buck Grill will feature the Cardinals Cooler for only $5. A mix of vodka, sprite and grenadine, this refreshing cocktail will get you fired up for games. Also, be watching for appetizer specials in the Grill. The MAC offers a one-way only shuttle to most home games. The shuttle will leave 35 and 15 minutes


Birds Back in Action


f you need some new Cardinals gear to show your team support, the MAC Pro Shop has shirts, hats and more. A new selection of merchandise is now available. Stop in and deck yourself out in red!

before scheduled game times. So for a 12:05 p.m. game, the bus will leave at 11:35 a.m. and 11:55 a.m. The bus will load in front of the Club. Some games will not have bus service due to members chartering the bus. The Front Desk and Jack Buck Grill will be notified when the bus is not available. Stop in your home Club before heading to Busch Stadium to cheer on your home team.

Don’t Miss the Best Happy Hour in Town


njoy the beautiful spring weather from the MAC rooftop for the annual happy hour on Thursday, April 26 from 5:30-9 p.m.. All members are invited to relax and socialize with your friends while enjoying the spectacular view of the city. You can’t beat the drink prices at the MAC. Draft beers are $1.50, bottled beers $2 and well drinks $3. A special tasting will also take place. For reservations, call 314-539-4470.

April 2012



Focus on Fitness

Break Out of the Routine by Adding Variety to Your Workout By: Kelsey Ryan ith swimsuit season just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to amp up your workout routine. If you want to have the energy to enjoy the beautiful spring weather here is your chance to get into shape. Research has shown that since our muscles adapt to repeated movement patterns, doing the same exercise over and over will stop challenging our bodies. This research has also revealed that people who switch up their workout routine enjoy exercising more because most people need to be mentally stimulated as well as physically stimulated. Experts say that you should change your exercise plan if it becomes boring to you or stops challenging you. Another sign that it is time for a change is when you stop seeing results. If your workout leaves you more tired and sore, you may be


overtraining. You can also change the sequence in which you perform your exercises to make your muscles adapt to a new training stimulus. The MAC offers many different fitness classes to help you avoid hitting a workout plateau. Whether you are looking to boost the intensity of your workout or just add some variety, the MAC has a class for you. Boot Camp is a class that is full of energy and action and will surely give your body the wake up call it needs. This combination of sports drills and resistance training will push you to build strength, agility, and cardiovascular fitness. Dynamic Core is perfect if you’re looking to calm down your workout routine. This class is non-impact but will strengthen, tone, and define your abs, lower back, hips, and glutes. Kettle Bells is a great strength training class for those who are looking

for real results but don’t have an hour or more to train. This 30 minute no-nonsense class will give you the energy you need for the day. “It’s the best 30 minutes of exercise I’ve ever had,” said Joe Lampen. He has been doing Kettle Bells for 10 years. Bob Kraiberg agreed saying, “It is the best total body workout I have found.” Stretch & Flex concentrates on stretching specific muscle groups using low resistance bands. This class will increase your range of motion. Resistance bands are just as beneficial as free weight exercises to help us build muscle endurance and strength.

For a full list of fitness classes and times go to mac-stl.org


Biggest Losers Shaping Up

nspired by the hit television show the “Biggest Loser,” the MAC began hosting its own weight loss contest in January. This year, 14 members are participating at both clubhouses. Included in the contest for each participant are health assessments, nutrition classes, as well as periodic weigh-ins. The winner of the contest will be the person who loses the most % of body weight, not the most pounds. Fabulous prizes will be presented to the winners. This is truly a contest where everyone who participates is a winner. The contest participants are experiencing noticeable results. The competitive element of the contest and the spirit of camaraderie among the participants have served as great motivators. Read the May Cherry Diamond for final results.


APRIL 2012


Focus on Fitness

Small Goals Generate Big Results for MAC Teen


s high schoolers, most kids are more worried about sports, where they are going to go to college or their date for the next school dance than if they are living an active, healthy lifestyle. For senior Nate Turner, his health and well-being have become a top priority over the past year and a half. Nate began training with MAC personal trainer Paul Helfrich during his junior year, and since then he has dropped more than 60 pounds. With a goal of reaching a healthy weight, Nate has worked hard to go from 262 pounds to 205. He started a high protein diet, cutting out fast food and soda, typical staples in most teenagers’ diets. Nate also spent two afternoons a week working out with Paul at the West Clubhouse. Once he got the hang of their weight lifting routines, he began working out on his own mixing in cardio. “I started out setting small goals for myself,” Nate said. “I’d focus on 1015 pounds at a time. As I reached the goals, I would set new ones.” This approach mixed with positive

reinforcement from Paul, got Nate down to 215 pounds. Then he hit a plateau. To get the numbers on the scale dropping again, Paul and Nate picked up the intensity during his cardio and weight workouts. Paul says one thing that has helped Nate be so successful in his weight loss journey is his determination to never give up. “Nate always keeps trying and pushing,” Paul said. “Sometimes we have to step back and reassess what we are doing and where we are going. It “I am more focused in my classes and have more energy to devote to my schoolwork,” - Nate said. is important to make sure he is in the right frame of mind.” A positive frame of mind hasn’t just helped Nate lose weight. He has found that training and living a healthy lifestyle has helped him to sleep better, and he has also seen an improvement in his grades. “I am more focused in my classes and have more energy to devote to my schoolwork,” Nate said. Paul has also seen a transformation in Nate beyond weight loss. He says Nate’s confidence with his body are greater than ever. Nate is no longer

Nate Turner and trainer Paul Helfrich.

the shy teenager who walked into the gym nearly two years ago. As he nears closer to his high school graduation, Nate hopes to eventually break the 200 pound mark. Next year, Nate will head off to the University of Minnesota. He plans to keep up his fitness routine. Paul has helped give him the skills to be successful, and he knows that if he gets in a rut, Paul is always a call or text away to get him back on track. If you or your child needs an extra push to jump start health or weight loss goals, personal trainers at the MAC are a great resource. For more information about personal training, visit the MAC website (mac-stl.org).

MAC Finishes Second in Great Lakes Swim





Est. 1903

The Downtown Athletic department will be closed on Sunday, April 8, in observance of Easter. The department will re-open at 4 a.m. on Monday, April 9.

he MAC recently competed against Clubs from around the country to see which club’s members could swim the most laps in one month. The competition wrapped up at the end of February, and MAC members swam a total of 1,195,600 yards, which is 679.3 miles. That put the MAC in second place out of seven clubs. Way to go MAC swimmers! Thanks to everyone who contributed to the laps for showing support for your club. The results are: Overall Yards The Boulevard Club 1,522,475 Missouri Athletic Club 1,195,600 Los Angeles Athletic Club 1,125,475 Union League Club of Chicago 842,550 Milwaukee Athletic Club 487,520 The Toledo Club 441,790 The University Club of Chicago 343,721

Overall Miles 865 679.3 639.5 478.7 277 251 195.3

April 2012



Food, Fun and Friendship at Good Fellowship Day


embers, both old and young, gathered at the Downtown Clubhouse for the annual Good Fellowship Day party. Celebrating camaraderie and a commitment to fitness, a variety of athletic events were held, followed by a delicious lunch in the Sportsman’s Club. Lunch wouldn’t be complete without all the cold beer members could drink. On the courts, the Club’s basketball players put on an exhibition game. Squash, handball and racquetball players competed in doubles matches. Mason Poelker won the three-point contest, hitting 8 out of 10 shots. Mason also won the closest-to-the-pin contest. His shot landed 18-feet from the pin. In the rowing competitions, members competed by age class. Bert Cross won the Under 40 class light weight division. In the 40-49 age group, Rob Wunderlich was the victor. Wunderlich also had the best times in each event. Steve Turner, Bruce Cross and Ken McKenna won the 50-59 class, the 60+ 500 meter and the 60+ 2000 meter respectively. Members also participated in free fitness classes including spinning, hardbody yoga, boot camp and core class. Whether members were competing, working up a sweat or just cheering from the sidelines, everyone had a great day at the MAC.

Andrew and Tom Dankenbring. Lucas Poelker.

John Daniel and Ev Shearburn.

Greg Hantak, Mike Reedy Jr., Mark Neill and Carwin Lindenbusch play handball.



APRIL 2012

Don Fuller.

Bill Winkeler enjoys a massage.

Club’s Top Swimmers Honored at Good Fellowship Day group of MAC swimmers logged hundreds of miles in the Downtown pool throughout 2011. Swimmers logged their laps Mary Boyle. each time they swam. The swimmer who completed the most laps in a month at the Downtown pool received the honor of “Swimmer of the Month.” At the end of the year, one of the 12 monthly recipients is given the title of “Swimmer of the Year.” Mary Boyle won that honor. She swam a total of 176.2 miles

Basil Pappas and Don Costello.

Ryan, Gary and Garrett Gossett.

if you swim 20 or more days per month. Jim McDonald was awarded the “Honorary Swimmer of the Year.” McDonald was an “honorary swimmer of the month” every month in 2011.

Swimmers of the Month

Don Clooney, Jim McDonald and Rick Lodewyck.

throughout the year. Each swimmer was awarded with a gift certificate for their accomplishments. Even if you can’t log enough laps to be a “swimmer of the month,” you can still be recognized. Any member can be an “honorary swimmer of the month”

January: Dale Ross February: Roy Gray April: Carl Hogan May: Dave Nester June: Mary Boyle July: Donald Clooney September: Mark Levison October: Brian Brungardt November: Stephen Maull December: Rick Lodewyck

Celebrate MAC Basketball... Having a ball on and off the court for 40 years!


urrent and 40th Reunion Banquet Friday, May 18 former 6:30 p.m. - Cocktails (cash bar) MAC basketball 7:30 p.m. - Dinner/Program $60, inclusive players are getting together Downtown RSVP: 314-539-4470 at the MAC for the 40th Reunion Banquet on Friday, May 18. The Club previously held annual basketball banquets, which honored and roasted the Club’s players in a fun and informal evening. If you currently play in the leagues or are a former basketballer, don’t miss out on the reunion.




Basketball Reunion

Roundball Recap

he winter basketball leagues recently concluded and new champions were crowned. The winner of the 2012 Winter Over 40 League was the team captained by Jeff Moore. They beat the team captained by Troy Gordon 36-27 in the championship game, and finished the league with a record of 9-1. Brian Rodgers led the league in scoring with 24.3 ppg. The winner of the 2012 Winter Open League was the team captained by Jacob Mohnke. They defeated the team captained by Steve Holdren 41-33 in the championship game. The championship squad finished with a record of 8-2. In late April, the MAC will be sending a team to compete in the National Association of Club Athletic Directors Tournament. Members of the MAC team are Troy Robertson, Steve Holdren, Matt Morris, Rich Sauget, Jim Dibble, Larry Drury, Addam Wall, Mason Poelker and Duffy Dunn. Good luck to the MAC squad as they head to the Washington Athletic Club to take on the top private club teams in the country. The MAC is also sending two golfers to compete in the first-ever NACAD Golf Championship. Duffy Dunn and J.W. Best will head to Seattle to compete at TPC Snoqualmie Ridge and Chambers Bay golf courses.

The Over 40 League Champions: (l-r, front row) Gerry Burns, Alan Schneider, Capt. Jeff Moore, and J.W. Best (back row L-R) Brian Rodgers, Brian Ulione, Gary Sextro and Gary Sextro’s mother.

The Open League Champions: (l-r) Paul Kowert, Lenny Kagan, Larry Drury, Duke Niedringhaus, Capt. Jacob Mohnke, Brad Schmidt, Tom Finan and Adam Rucker.

Migneron Nets Tennis Scholarship

fter years of playing baseball, Ryan Migneron was looking to try something new. So, he traded in his bat and glove for a racquet and hit the tennis courts at MAC West. The then 13-year-old attended a clinic with Mario Barretto and has never looked back. Now a senior in high school, Ryan was recently awarded a tennis scholarship to Missouri Baptist University. He credits his tennis foundation to his time at the MAC. Ryan regularly hits at the Club three to four times a week. When he isn’t on the soccer field, he is playing tennis or participating in clinics at the MAC. Ryan’s mom Karen praises Mario for encouraging Ryan to continue to pursue tennis. “Mario taught Ryan how to play,”

Karen said. “He was great with him, and he helped him fall in love with tennis.” A top Varsity player at John F. Kennedy High School, he was the number one singles player last year as a junior. As Ryan looks ahead to the future, he hopes tennis will continue to play a role in his life. While he isn’t sure what will happen in college and beyond, he has found a sport that he can enjoy his whole life. The MAC offers clinics and lessons throughout the summer. If you or your child is looking to get into tennis, now is the perfect time. For more information, check the Member Guide Book or website (mac-stl.org).

Missouri Baptist coach James Graham, Ryan Migneron and Mario Barretto.

Ryan Migneron signs papers committing to play tennis at Missouri Baptist. April 2012



Choosing Massage Over Anti-Inflammatory Meds By Mark Friedman, Massage Therapist


thletes and health professionals have long claimed massage eases pain and reduces inflammation in sore muscles. Anecdotal evidence supported these claims, but new empirical research is shedding light on the way muscles heal after exercise and gives credence to these claims. In a recent study, scientists found that vigorous exercise causes tiny tears in muscle fibers, leading to an inflammatory response, as the body gets to work repairing injured cells. Scientists studied the muscles of subjects worked to exhaustion, with one leg receiving 10 minutes of massage and the other recovering passively. They found massage had a big advantage over passive rest. Massage stimulates the production of mitochondria, the tiny powerhouses inside cells that convert glucose into the energy needed for cell function and repair. The scientists also found


that massage reduced production of cytokines, a compound the body produces during inflammation. Dr. Tarnopolsky of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, said that massage works differently than NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs) and other antiinflammatory drugs, which may actually retard healing. For many folks who take an Aleve or some aspirin when their muscles are sore, “There’s some theoretical concern that there is a maladaptive response in the long run if they’re constantly suppressing inflammation with drugs. he said. Massage can suppress inflammation and actually enhance cell recovery.” Dr. Tarnopolsky suggests that in the long run a professional massage may be a better bargain than a pill. “If someone says, ‘This is free and it might make you feel better, but it may slow down your recovery,’ or do you still want it?”

tub, dry heat sauna and two tanning beds, available at an additional cost, are also inside the locker room as well as a wet steam room. “The amenities are even nicer in the 5M Locker Room,” said Tom Dankenbring. “More importantly, there is even an additional degree of camaraderie for the other locker room folks on 5M. I really enjoy seeing the same faces on 5M each morning.” The locker room is attached to the men’s 5M deli, which is open for lunch Monday through Friday. Men can eat in their workout clothes or order lunch to

or call Royce Vessell, MAC member direct at 573-518-4994

APRIL 2012

(Adapted from the 2/6/12 article “How Massage Heals Sore Muscles”, by Nicholas Bakalar, NY Times.com)

Enjoy Added Amenites in 5M Locker Room

elax in the comfort and privacy of the 5M locker room Downtown after a tough workout. The Men’s Locker room has space available and features larger lockers than the men’s North & South locker rooms. There is an up charge of $20 per month for all members in the 5M locker room, but the amenities make the extra charge worth it. Besides larger lockers, each locker is adorned with a nameplate. The locker room also features two lounge areas, complete with flat screen TVs and loungers for relaxing. A single use hot


he said, “would you rather spend 60 bucks for a post-exercise massage that also might enhance your recovery?”

be ready after your workout. All men are welcome to use the deli, but only 5M locker holders have it attached to their locker room. Additional amenities include readyto-use toothbrushes, razors, washcloths, thicker quality bath towels, higher quality shampoo, bar soap and more. The 5M locker room has a fraction of the total number of lockers making for a quieter and more private experience. The locker room is only accessible to 5M locker holders. If you are interested in obtaining a locker in the 5M locker room, please contact Rick Schneider at 314-5394434.

MAC Swings Open Great golf Opportunities North, south, east or west… it doesn’t matter where you live or work, chances are that you are near one of the private local golf clubs where MAC members receive special guest privileges. The lineup of courses will offer MAC golfers a challenging and enjoyable experience each time they hit the links. Diamond Club members immediately have access to the special golf privileges. If you are an A La Carte member, and would like to sign up for golf privileges, contact the Accounting department at 314-5394432. The seasonal fee is $300.

the Legends

• Phone: 636-938-6295 • www.thelegendsgolf.com

Join the MAC Golf Club

The MAC Golf Club brings MAC members who enjoy playing golf together on a regular basis. MAC Golf Club members receive GHIN registration, prizes and additional league specials and $25 off of the first round of the Club Championship. League play will include Glen Echo, WingHaven, The Legends, St. Clair and more. Annual dues are only $50. For more information about the MAC Golf Club, contact Chairperson Tim Powers, 314-9228958 or trpowers7@yahoo.com.

2012 Schedule May

• Thursday, May 31 - MAC Golf Opener (First 36 to sign up, Shotgun start), WingHaven Country Club

Glen Echo Country Club • Phone: 314-383-1500 • Tee Times: 314-382-5780 • www.gecc.org


• Thursday, June 14 - Glen Echo Country Club • Thursday, June 28 - TBD


• Thursday, July 12 - St. Clair Country Club • Thursday, July 26 - Glen Echo Country Club


Panther Creek Country Club Phone: 217-546-4431 www.panthercreekcc.com

• Thursday, Aug. 9 - The Legends • Thursday, Aug. 23 - Glen Echo Country Club


• Thursday, Sept. 6 - Club Championship at Glen Echo Country Club • Thursday, Sept. 20 - The Legends


• Thursday, Oct. 11 - Glen Echo Country Club

WingHaven Country Club Phone: 636-561-9464 www.winghavencc.com

St. Clair Country Club • Phone: 618-398-3402 • www.stclaircc.com

For a complete list of details and rates, visit the “Golf ” page on the MAC website mac-stl.org

MAC Golf Club presents Youth Program

The First Tee Life Skills Experience, a curriculum for teaching character education through specific life skills. First Tee Nine Core Values: honesty, integrity, sportsmanship, respect, confidence, responsibility, perseverance, courtesy, and judgment. MAC West Sundays: April 15, 22, 29 and May 6 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. $10 per child Space is limited Call Katie Maurer 314-539-4402 for reservations.

April 2012


MAC Staff Spotlight West Night Manager/ Pool Supervisor


arry Jackson is no stranger to the MAC. The West Night Manager and Pool Supervisor was first employed at the Club in the late 1960s. Working to put himself through college, Larry manned the athletic desk from 1967 to 1971 with such notable employees as Dan Barks, Walter Thoene, Lon Sizemore, Ferdy Valdez and Clarence Doll. He greeted members at the desk, filled in during the occasional handball game and taught swimming. His love and knowledge of the pool would eventually bring him back to the Club. After 29 years with the Red Cross as the Director of Health and Safety, Larry

returned to the MAC in 2003, this time at the West Clubhouse fitness desk. In April 2004, he became the Night Manager and Pool Supervisor. Some of Larry’s responsibilities include handling member issues in the evenings and on weekends, scheduling fitness attendants and supervising Club activity, but his biggest duty comes during the summer months when he handles the pool. You probably can’t find a person in the area who knows more about operating and managing a pool and pool staff than Larry. He is one of the most experienced current lifeguards in St. Louis and stays up-to-date on his training in CPR, AED and life guarding each year. As the pool supervisor, Larry’s main job is to ensure the safety of members and guests as they enjoy the pool during the summer. He oversees the maintenance and cleanliness of the pool as well as helps out with the swim team when necessary. When summer winds down, you can occasionally find Larry on the guard stand. Larry also hires and trains the Club’s pool staff of 30.

Larry Jackson.

“About ninety percent of the lifeguards are children of members,” Larry said. “They are great to work with and love being able to work at their Club.” He loves being able to call the Club home as well. “This is my family,” Larry said. “The members and staff are great to work with and interact with.” As the temperatures continue to warm, it won’t be long before the West pool is up and running for summer. The West pool officially opens on Saturday, May 26.


“Like” the MAC on Facebook

ave you “liked” the MAC on Facebook yet? If not, you are missing out on photos from Club events, special offers and conversations with your fellow members. Stay connected with your Club through the MAC’s page. If you have yet to “like” the MAC on Facebook, it is easy to connect. After signing on, simply search “Missouri Athletic Club” in the search bar. After navigating to the Club’s page, click “like.” The MAC’s page will now show up in your newsfeed when information is posted. In April, the MAC’s page will have a new look and increased content. Look for even more photos, giveaways and special offerings from the restaurants, pro shops and more.


APRIL 2012

Father Daughter Banquet - May 16


ince 1947 fathers and daughters have been getting dressed up and attending the popular Father-Daughter Banquet at the MAC. This tradition has been giving fathers, daughters, grandfathers and granddaughters a special evening together for 65 years! On Wednesday, May 16 the tradition of the FatherDaughter Banquet will be renewed at the Downtown Clubhouse. An evening of carriage rides, dinner, pictures and dancing will provide memories to last a lifetime for both fathers and daughters. Carriage rides will begin the evening at 5:30 p.m. and are $10 per person. You can reserve your carriage ride by calling 314-539-4470. Dads and daughters can also have a professional photo taken in Art Lounge between 5:30 and 7 p.m. At the end of the night, daughters will be given the photo and a special frame as a gift. Dinner will be served at 7 p.m. following photos and carriage rides. The dinner options include a filet

of beef or chicken Father Daughter Banquet tenders, and Wed., May 16 daughters will be 5:30 p.m. given the meal that $29.95 + gratuity ages coordinates with age, 12 and over unless requested and $23.95 + gratuity ages 11 and under noted on reservation. Carriage rides $10/ After dinner, music person and dancing will be Downtown provided by a DJ RSVP: 314-539-4470 from 8-10 p.m. For reservations, call 314-539-4470.

Join the MAC in the Race for the Cure


ach year, Race for the Cure a group of Sat., June 23 MAC Downtown MAC members 7:30 a.m. - T-Shirt and guests join distribution together to form 7:50 a.m. - Team MAC Photo the MAC team 8 & 8:20 a.m. - Shuttle in the Komen services from Downtown Race for the Cure MAC to start to raise money for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. On Saturday, June 23, bring spouses, children and friends together to help make the fourth annual team a strong one. Participants will meet at the Downtown Clubhouse. Help make the MAC a strong showing and support a great cause. Register online - Team name “Team MAC� at www.komenstlouis.org Or in person at either Club location Deadline: Wed., May 23 $25 (cost goes to charity) Contact Katie Maurer at 314-539-4402

April 2012




Whiskey Night

t. Patrick’s Day came early at the MAC. Members and guests gathered in the Sportsman’s Club Downtown for an Irish Whiskey tasting sponsored by the Mark Twain Society. Whiskies for sample included Bushmill’s Original, Black Blush, Malt 10 yr., Malt 16 yr., Malt 21 yr. and Honey. A delicious spread of Irish fare was also served. At the end of the night, several members walked away with fantastic prizes raffled off. If you are interested in joining the Mark Twain Society, call 314-539-4402.

Glenn Bilzing, Tom Dunn and John Noce.

Hugh Law and Kim DeMotte.

Brian Boresi and Tim Lauber. Pat Keefe, Patrick Keefe, Jimmy Williams and Brad Edwards.

Joe Denigan and Bill Berry.

Mike Shumake and Bob Eichelberger.

Lunch and Tour Group Upcoming Outings


he Lunch and Tour Group has a full spring schedule planned. All ladies are invited to join with the group at any time. For further information on any of the planned events or to join the group, please contact Marie Salter, 314-5675976, pphred@swbell.net or Mary Lou Lenkman, mlmlenk@earthlink.net. • Monday, April 16, 10 a.m., the Lunch and Tour Group will tour The Peabody Opera House and lunch will follow at the Downtown Clubhouse. • Friday, May 11, 11:30 a.m., the ladies will lunch on the rooftop, weather permitting, at Vin de Set in Lafayette Square. • Wednesday, June 6, 11 a.m., President Tom Albus will guide the group through the Eagleton Federal Courthouse and the group will again lunch at the Downtown Clubhouse.

The Lunch and Tour Group at Lady Bug Beads. (l-r) Mary Lou Lenkman, Susan Rabbitt, Jean Wunderlich, Valarie Peistrup, Maggie Friedhoff, Connie Shay Smith, Debbie Barnes, Marie Salter and Janice Sheets.

Jean Wunderlich and Susan Rabbitt.


APRIL 2012

Connie Shay Smith.

By: Jerry Sexton


he MAC Apollos will take their audience on “A Walk Down Broadway” on Friday, April 20, at their annual spring concert. All the songs featured in the program are drawn from current and recent hit shows on Broadway; some new and some revivals. The diversified musical selections include “Music of the Night” (from Phantom of the Opera); “On a Clear Day” (from On a Clear Day You Can See Forever); “Blow, Gabriel, Blow” (from Anything Goes); “Brotherhood of Man” (from How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying); “Jailhouse Rock” (from Memphis); “Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You” (from Jersey Boys); “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” (from Spamalot); “Try to Remember” (from The Fantasticks, the longest- running show in Broadway history); plus a few more. The Apollos offer something unique to MAC members and their guests – a dinner-theatre music concert, accompanied by a four-man combo. The musical evening starts with cocktails at 6 p.m. in the Eads Room (cash bar). Dinner is served in the Missouri Room at 7 p.m. Candidates for the board of governors will be introduced around 8:15 p.m., prior to the start of the performance. Dinner is $33.95, plus gratuity. Reservations can be made at 314-539-4470.

Veteran Journalist Bob Duffy at Forever Young Club in April


very day more Americans abandon their daily newspaper in favor of an online version. In St. Louis they chose the Beacon, the area’s premier online news publication, launched in 2008 by several former PostDispatch staffers. The Forever Young Club’s April guest is Beacon associate editor Robert W. Duffy. Duffy joined the Post-Dispatch in 1973, where he served as reporter, critic, columnist, editorial writer and editor during his tenure at the paper, spending time in every department except sports. He has been a Pulitzer Prize juror and published in such national magazines as U.S. News and World Report and Smithsonian. Join the Forever Young gang at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, April 20 at the West Clubhouse to learn how Duffy and his colleagues are forging 21st century journalism for St. Louis. The cost is $12.95 per person. Reservations are welcome by calling Brittney Barton at 314-539-4490 or email bbarton@macstl.org.



Apollos Take “A Walk Down Broadway” In Spring Show

Toastmasters Youth Leadership Summer Program


he MAC Toastmasters are hosting a summer Youth Leadership Program for kids age 11-17. The program will help young people develop their communication and leadership skills to prepare them for the challenges of adulthood and business. Participants learn speaking and leadership skills that they will use for the rest of their lives such as how to overcome nervousness, organizing and presenting logical ideas, listening to others’ ideas and much more. Your child will increase their self-confidence through the skills they will learn. If your child is interested in participating, please contact Tim Powers at 314-922-8958 or trpowers7@yahoo.com. The class only has 16 spaces available so reserve a spot now.

Charitable Society for Children Collects

ince it was founded of the money that has been �������� in 2005, the Missouri ������������� collected is divided equally ����������� �������� Athletic Club’s Charitable among the three deserving ������������ Society for Children has organizations. quadrupled its yearly In 2005, $7,639.32 was donations to local children’s charities. collected, and each charity received Over the past seven years, the MAC $2,546.44. In 2011, $34,350.80 was Charitable Society for Children raised by the CSC, which amounted (CSC) has donated $121,910.18 to 21 to each charity receiving $11,453.60. charities. Some of the charities supported by The CSC’s mission is to provide the MAC CSC have included: the financial assistance to local St. Louis Little Bit Foundation, Angels Arms, children’s charities and to give back Friends of Kids with Cancer, Guardian time and resources to the community. Angel Settlement Association and Lift The group achieves this by selecting for Life. three beneficiaries to donate money This year, the CSC is raising money and offer the use of the Club. The for Our Little Haven, SouthSide charities are nominated by members. Early Childhood Center and the The MAC employees join forces with Walker Scottish Rite Clinic. For more the membership to also donate to information or a donation form, visit the three beneficiaries of the CSC. In the MAC website (mac-stl.org.) January of the following year, 100%

April 2012


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mac-stl.org Dining & Banquets


Overnight Rooms


Sportsman’s Club

he Sportsman’s Club at the Downtown Clubhouse is the perfect spot to take a lunch break from the office or to host a business lunch. It is also a great place to catch your favorite sporting events on one of the large screen TVs. This casual dining location offers a lunch buffet or an a la carte lunch menu. The buffet is just $9.95 and includes a salad and sandwich bar along with a variety of soups, hot vegetables, pastas, seasonal fresh fish, desserts and a carving station. Also available are private dining rooms, which must be reserved in advance. After logging onto the MAC home page (mac-stl.org), look for the Dining & Banquets tab at the top of the page. From here, select the Downtown Dining tab and then the Sportsman’s Club tab. The page features breakfast and lunch menus as well as hours of operation.


Through the Years 1944 From April 18th to the 21st the MAC was host to Commander Croydon M. Wassell, navy physician. He had been awarded the Navy Cross for outstanding courage in evacuating Americans wounded from Java. His services in the Far East were being made into a movie titled “The Story of Dr. Wassell.” 1955 The MAC hosted the Spring Garden Party gala dinner and dance on Saturday, April 9. More than 400 people were in attendance and were able to get the first glimpse of the Easter floral display.

www.mac-stl.org 1987 Five new Board Members were elected on April 29. The new Board members included Charles H. Borchelt, Robert P. Elsperman, Daniel F. O’Sullivan, M.D., Richard Pearce and Kenneth C. Sheibal. The election incorporated the traditional activities of months of campaigning, two days of balloting and all of the anticipation of the participants. 1993 The Apollos celebrated their 50th anniversary this month with a special show titled “Solid Gold: The MAC Apollos Sing 50 Years of Hits.” The night consisted of a cocktail hour, dinner-theatre style show and the traditional “Afterglow”.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowling at the Spring Garden Party, 1955.

1970 The Boys’ gym classes celebrated Easter with an annual party in the Crystal Room. After morning classes, they had lunch on the third floor and listened to the comedic and musical talents of their fellow athletes.

The Apollos played kazoos during the show. 24

APRIL 2012

Members vote in the 1987 election.

Dress Code Guidelines House Committee Update


ummer is upon us, and we all know this is a great time to be a member of the Missouri Athletic Club. Before we know it, the pool at the West Clubhouse will be open, and the Cardinals will be playing at Busch Stadium, just down the street from our venerable Downtown Clubhouse. The warmer weather is inviting of a more relaxed atmosphere and dressing more casual. This is, of course, welcomed at our familyfriendly West Clubhouse. However, we must keep in mind that our prestigious Downtown Clubhouse will continue to be used as a place of business for many of our members, and it is important that it remains as a coveted place to do business for our members and the leaders of our community, and they feel comfortable inviting their most important clients to our Club. Therefore, it is imperative that all members follow the dress code that has allowed the Downtown Clubhouse to maintain the respect and integrity it has earned over its storied history. The most current dress code is listed in the right-hand column. The complete dress code can also be found on our newly redesigned website, mac-stl.org , and is under the “About Us” section. Keep in mind that special privileges are in place for sporting events, and those are specifically outlined in the dress code policy. Thank you for your help in keeping our Club at the level of respect and admiration we all want it to be.

Where Business Attire is Required Eads Room Missouri Room Rendezvous Room

Downtown Where Casual Attire is Permitted Private Meeting Rooms (at all times) Main Lobby Jack Buck Grill Sportsman’s Club Grill

Athletic Wear Colored workout clothing may be worn, but only gray and white clothing will be laundered. Athletic wear is not permitted in the Lobby of the Downtown Clubhouse. Members and guests entering the clubhouse in athletic wear may only use the Lucas entrance and north elevator located in the rear of the building. Apparel not permitted • Denim jackets • Bare midriff garments • Cut-off shorts • Spandex • Athletic Tee shirts • Swim wear or workout wear (5th floor only) • Tank/tube/ halter tops • Hats/Caps • Overalls/work clothes Game Day Attire: (Cardinals, Rams, Blues, and all Collegiate Events) Casual attire is permitted on all Game Days, except collared shirts should be worn underneath any jersey and hat/caps are permitted to be worn in the Lobby only. West Café Dining Room: Casual Sports Wear Athletic Wear Ball Caps & Hats Dress Shorts Sport Shoes No Bathing Suits Undershirts Tank Tops Cut Offs/Bare Feet Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult or sibling 14 years or older.

Dining Room: Dressy Casual Wear Sports Jackets No Athletic Wear Ball Caps Bathing Suits Undershirts Tank Tops Cut Off shorts / Jeans Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult

Sun., Brunch Cafe and Dining Room - Dressy Casual Snack Bar All casual attire is permitted, including swim suits, tank tops, cut-offs, shorts jeans and bare feet Athletic Facility Dress Code Colored attire may be worn in all athletic facilities. However, locker-holding members using the club laundry service must wear gray or white athletic clothing. Soft-soled shoes are also required (no black soled shoes permitted on the courts.)

Sincerely, Justin S. Fowler 1st Vice President Chairman - House Committee

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April 2012


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APRIL 2012

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One Last “Poore” from Larry

f you’ve ever dined in the Sportsman’s Club, chances are Larry Poore has poured you a drink or two. Mixing up cocktails and filling icy mugs with cold beer for over 40 years, it’s hard to find a drink Larry doesn’t know how to make. After more than 40 years of service to the MAC, Larry will serve up his final drink on June 1, as he is set to retire. In August of 1971, Larry started his first shift at the MAC, but it wasn’t until Sept. 23, that he filled out an application and was officially hired. In his 40 plus years at the Club, Larry has worked as a bartender, bar porter and bar manager. He thoroughly enjoys his job, mostly because of the wonderful members and staff he gets to interact with each day. “I really enjoy working for the members,” he said. “Everyone has always treated me fairly.”

Artist of the Month


Restore Beauty to your hardwood floors in one day!

When Larry retires in June, he looks forward to playing poker, fishing, shooting pool and just relaxing. While he may not be behind the bar serving up drinks anymore, Larry says he won’t be a stranger at the Club, but this time he’ll be the one enjoying a beverage while someone else is mixing them up. Be sure to stop by the Sportsman’s Club during lunch to let Larry serve you one last drink and wish him well in his retirement.

aven Anderson is the featured artist at the MAC this month. Anderson calls himself an “urban realist” and uses watercolor to depict his visions of the city and the people and places which bring it to life. Daven moved to St. Louis four years ago from Chicago and is infatuated with urban life. He paints foreign and other urban settings as well. His painting process begins with walks through the streets to find an image which captures his imagination. Once he has found an image, he takes multiple pictures of the image often returning for more photos as the lighting changes. The next step is to draw the piece which is crucial to the process and can take a lot of time. Finally, the work can be completed with the final coloration and painting. Daven graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1965 where he served in nuclear submarines. He has an MBA from the University of Chicago. Daven is a self-taught painter and only spent one year in a twice weekly open painting session at the American Academy of Art in Chicago. If you are interested in purchasing Daven’s work, contact Linda Van de Riet at 314-539-4448.

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The Cherry Diamond continues to offer advertisers the most affordable access to pre-qualified consumers... Your fellow MAC members! For more information about advertising in the Cherry Diamond, contact jwilson@mac-stl.org

April 2012


Kids Club

Corner Keep Your Kids Active with MAC Summer Sports Camps


eep your kids active this summer with sports camps at the MAC. These specialty camps allow your child to focus on a particular sport they are interested in either to improve their skills or learn something totally new. The West Clubhouse offers children ages 5-18 the opportunity to sharpen their athletic skills through various camps. The Club’s summer clinics are led by expert instructors who have competed and coached at a high level. The following are the youth specialty sports camps. For a complete list of details or for a registration form, refer to the Member Guide Book or the MAC website (mac-stl.org).

Specialty Sports Camps

Cheerleading: June 4-8, June 11-15, July 9-13, July/Aug. 30-3 Soccer: June 4-8, July 2-6, July 9-12 PlyoCity Sports Performance Training: Starts June 5 & 7 Basketball: June 11-15 Field Hockey: June 18-19 Baseball: June 18-22


APRIL 2012

For more information about camps, contact Eric Saxton at 314-539-4468.

Camp MAC

Camp MAC is the place to be during the summer. There are dozens of new and exciting activities for campers to participate in, so there is never a dull moment. Daily activities for campers age 5-12 include racquetball, soccer and tennis instruction with pros, free time in the pool and arts and crafts. Camp meets Monday to Friday and there are several sessions available for sign-up. See the 2012 Member Guide Book for

a registration form and complete list of information, or visit the MAC website. Hours Full Day: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Morning: 9 a.m. – Noon Afternoon: 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Cost: Member Full Day: $179 Morning: $99 Afternoon: $99 Camp Weeks Offered June 4-8 June 11-15 June 18-22 June 25-29 July 9-13 July 16-20 July 23-27 July/Aug. 30-3 Aug. 6-10 Aug. 13-17

Penguin Swim & Dive Teams Prepare for Season

ummer is just around the corner, and the MAC Swim and Dive Teams are gearing up for another successful season in the MAC West pool. The MAC offers one of the top youth swim and dive programs in the St. Louis area. The Penguins compete against other swim clubs. The coaching staff has a proven track record of helping young swimmers and divers dramatically improve their performance. Registration for the Swim and Dive Teams will be held at MAC West on Thursday, April 19, from 4-6 p.m. Help your children prepare for the upcoming swim team season at the Spring Warm-Up. This year’s WarmUp will be on Saturdays, April 14 – May 19, at the Downtown Clubhouse from 9-11 a.m. Each year, the MAC also offers a Youth Learn to Swim Clinic for


Dance/Tumbling Clinic: June 18-22, July 16-20 Golf: June 25-29, July 16-20 Volleyball: June 25-27 Lacrosse Camp with Mike Donio: July 2-6 (No July 4) Flag Football: July 9-13 Fencing Clinic: July 23-27 Tennis & Squash Camps: Various offered throughout summer. Check website.

children ages 4-8. The clinic is for beginner swimmers and is instructed by MAC Swim Coach Lauren Fonseca and staff. Swimmers will become comfortable in the water and learn floating and breathing techniques. This year’s clinic will be held on Saturdays, April 14-May 19, from 11:15-11:45 a.m. The cost is $50 per child and space is limited. To reserve a spot in the clinic, contact Rick at 314-539-4434.

Talking Hockey with Hitch


he KMOX Radio Sports Speaker Series made a smashing debut at the MAC. Members and guests had the opportunity to meet Blues coach Ken Hitchcock. Since taking over the reins of the team earlier this season, Hitchcock has transformed St. Louis into one of the top teams in the NHL. Hitchcock shared stories of winning the Stanley Cup, coaching Brett Hull and insights about this year’s Blues team. He also answered questions from fans in attendance. The Sports Speaker Series has attracted some of the biggest names in St. Louis sports including Ozzie Smith, Aeneas Williams, John Mozeliak, Lou Brock and John Davidson. Find out who will be next sports speaker to visit the MAC by reading the Cherry Diamond. The Club will hosting more dinners later this year.

Tom Ackerman, Ken Hitchcock and Gary Wideman.

Ken Hitchcock

Greg Stanley and Tom Reedy. Above, Tom Ackerman Left, General Manager Wally Smith welcomes the crowd to the MAC.

Fight Night at the MAC

embers filled the Missouri Room once again for the annual MAC fight night. A longstanding tradition of drinks and a luscious dinner gave way to the exciting bouts between some of St. Louis’ top amateur boxers. All in attendance shared another memorable experience at the MAC.


April 2012



Garland and Debbie Raphelt, Katie, Paul, Kathy and Dave Endorf watch the racquetball exhibition matches at Good Fellowship Day. Bob Frederick works out his legs in the weight room on 5M at the Downtown Clubhouse.

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Mark Neill and Genie McKee, Book Club co-chairs, hold an organizational meeting at MAC West.


APRIL 2012

Bob Barnes celebrates his birthday with the Wall Street Table.

Daniel Kerckhoff plays in the Child Care Center at MAC West.

Tom Herrmann works out on 5M at the Downtown Clubhouse.

Jerry Sexton and Pat Boyle hang out on 5M at Good Fellowship Day.

Governor Terry Hammer, Dr. Jim Merenda and Gerard Ezvan at the Mark Twain Society Irish Whiskey tasting.

Joan and Bud Dietrich enjoy a father-daughter lunch in the Sportsman’s Club at the Downtown Clubhouse. Cathy Galan, Susan Rosenthal, Marge Boveri and Pat Corich play bridge at MAC West.

Alicia and Madeline Palatt gear up for tennis after school at MAC West.

Diamond Dialogue ������������ ��

This month: John Kohler John was getting his haircut in the Downtown Barbershop when the Cherry Diamond caught up with him. He has been a member since the late 80’s. 1. Why did you first join the MAC? “I worked a couple of blocks away and had friends who were members.” 2. How do you get the most out of the MAC? “I always like coming down before Rams games and other sporting events.” 3. What is your favorite MAC event? “I try to attend election night when I am in town.” 4. What is your favorite meal at the MAC? “The Walleye. This is the only place in town where you can get a good walleye sandwich.”

april 2012


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