Autumn Unfolds at the MAC

Autumn Unfolds at the MAC
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The 2024 MAC Sports Foundation Golf Tournament took place on Aug. 26 at Glen Echo Country Club. See photos from a day full of golf play and MAC camaraderie!
As the fall season rolls in, the MAC offers a lineup of activities and events that blend warmth, tradition and connection.
23 MACtivities is Back!
MACtivities at the West Clubhouse kicks off this month! Review important dates and details regarding this special Youth Programs offering.
The candidates for the Sports Personality of the Year Award are set! Learn more about how to cast your vote ahead of the 55th Jack Buck Sports Awards.
The MAC has plenty to offer as the fall season sets in, including outdoor dining options! Relax on the 1903 Patio at the West Clubhouse and enjoy the warmth of the fire while dining and sipping cocktails.
Founded in 1903
Cherry Diamond Staff
Publisher – Jodi Petersen
Director of Communications – Jim Wilson
Communication Strategist/Managing Editor –
Monica Ryan
Content Marketing Manager – Caitlin Demaree-Dyer
Communication Coordinator – Caitlin Brenner
Graphic Design – Lilyann Rice
General Manager – Donald L. “Chip” Misch
To advertise, contact Caitlin Demaree-Dyer at 314-539-4447 or cdemaree@mac-stl.org.
The Cherry Diamond Vol. 118/No. 10 (USPS: 102-560) is published monthly by the Missouri Athletic Club, 405 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63102, (314) 231-7220.
Subscription - $50 per year, subject to sales tax.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Cherry Diamond, 405 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63102
Board of Governors
Jodi Petersen - President
Tom Dankenbring - Vice President
Jeff Wehmer - Second Vice President
Gary Sextro - Secretary
Tim Maynard - Treasurer
Class of 2025
Tom Dankenbring, Tim Maynard, Jodi Petersen, Gary Sextro, Jeff Wehmer
Class of 2026
Carrie Burggraf, Adrian DiBisceglie, Michael Kozeny, Matthew Masiel, David Sweeney
Class of 2027
Bob Bax, Mark Milton, Peggy Northcott, Jerina Phillips, Cale Prokopf
Sponsored by the MAC Associates
All members are invited to join the MAC Associates on the beautiful Downtown Clubhouse rooftop to enjoy cocktails, networking, live entertainment, and prizes! Don’t forget to register in advance to receive complimentary drink tickets. Business attire is required. Rain or shine.
5:30-8:30 p.m.
No charge to attend.
Join us for an oyster roast with live entertainment on the pool deck at the West Clubhouse! Member signature bar available. Club casual attire required. In case of inclement weather, the event will be hosted from 12-5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 5. Club casual attire is required.
6 p.m.
$95 per person
Hosted by the MAC Women’s Initiative Group Presented by Mosby Building Arts
Join the MAC as four women from the community and one Rising Star are honored for their tremendous vision and mentorship in business, civic and philanthropic endeavors. Business attire is required.
11:30 a.m. Reception
12 p.m. Luncheon
12:30 p.m. Program
$65 per person
MAC app to register for all upcoming MAC events! To register, tap Calendar on the bottom red navigation bar of the home screen and select Club Calendar. From there, all upcoming events will be listed in chronological order.
To register over the phone, please call the following numbers: Downtown: 314-539-4470 | West: 314-539-4490
Wrestling at the MAC is back by popular demand! Experience a thrilling night of live matches in the Missouri Room featuring excitement, drama and high-flying action. Includes appearances by WWE Hall of Famers Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake, Tito Santana, along with WCW legend Buff Bagwell! Become a sponsor to secure a ringside table. For details, contact wrestling@mac-stl.org
6 p.m. Cocktail Reception
7 p.m. Dinner
8 p.m. Wrestling
Premium Seating: $2,500 ($250 per person)
General Seating: $1,750 ($150 per person)
Individual Seating: $175 per person
Hosted by the MAC Art Society
All members are invited to join the MAC Art Society for a special performance by the Arianna String Quartet, hailed as one of America’s finest chamber ensembles. Enjoy a concert performance in the Art Lounge followed by dialogue with the musicians. Business attire is required.
5:30 p.m. Reception
6 p.m. Concert followed by dialogue with musicians
7 p.m. Conclude
$35 per person, plus Club charge
Hosted by the MAC Business Development Group
View members’ classic car collections while networking and sipping cocktails. Prizes and raffle included! The raffle will support the MAC Sports Foundation benefiting the MAC CSC. For more information about registering cars, contact MAC member Charley Baine at 314-255-3241
Limited to first 40 cars! Club casual attire is required.
4:30-7 p.m. (Rain or shine!)
No charge to attend.
Sponsored by the Mark Twain Society
Save the date for a tasting sponsored by the Mark Twain Society. More details to come.
6:30 p.m.
Presented by the MAC Rod and Gun Club
Members are invited to participate in the 2024 Interclub Clay Target Championship with the MAC, Strathalbyn Farms Club, Old Warson Country Club, and Racquet Club East at Strathalbyn Farms. Enjoy a day of shooting and competition, followed by awards, appetizers and cocktails.
1 p.m.
$100 per person
Complimentary for MAC Rod and Gun members
Hosted by the MAC Wine Society
This special event only comes once a year! As always, local wine purveyors will offer various assortments of wine available for taste and sale and priced a fraction over the cost. Business attire is required.
6-9 p.m.
$40 per person, plus Club charge
Complimentary for Wine Society members
Co-sponsored with the MAC and St. Louis Rotary Club
Attend a luncheon hosted by the MAC and Rotary Club of St. Louis to honor our veterans.
11:15 a.m. | Reception and Military Exhibits
12 p.m. | Lunch and Program
$35 per person
Join fellow women MAC members in the 1903 Bar and enjoy coffee and pastries.
8-10 a.m.
No charge to attend.
Hear from Dr. Ness Sandoval, associate director of SLU’s Geospatial Institute and associate professor of sociology, as he discusses demographic trends projected in 2040 for the U.S. and St. Louis. Business attire is recommended.
5 p.m. | Cocktail Reception
5:30 p.m. | Dinner
6:15 p.m. | Program
$50 per person for members and their guests
$40 per person for MAC Associates
Hosted by the Women’s Initiative Group
Spend an evening at the Downtown Clubhouse shopping from local vendors for jewelry, beauty and spa gifts, candles, home décor, and more! For shuttle transportation from the West Clubhouse, register on the MAC app.
5:30-7:30 p.m.
No charge to attend.
All members are invited to listen to the MAC Apollos in the beautiful Art Lounge. Songs include “A Hard Day’s Night,” “Imagine,” “Jailhouse Rock,” and “American Pie.” Business attire is required.
6:30 p.m. | Cocktails
7 p.m. | Program
$20 per person
Enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving Day buffet at the Downtown Clubhouse. Registration opens Oct. 15 at 10 a.m. and closes Nov. 18 at 5 p.m. Register on the MAC app or call 314-539-4470
1-4 p.m.
Adults: $65 per person, plus Club charge
Children (5-12): $28 per child, plus Club charge
Children (4 and under): Gratis
As the leaves change and Halloween approaches, our Club's activities are in full swing. We’re nearly a month into our fiscal year 2025, and as Club CFO Pam Roth mentions in her update on page 7, we’re focused on setting a solid foundation for the year ahead.
Our Planning and Finance Committees are currently reviewing our 10-year plans and preparing for the Master Planning and Reserve Study. They are keeping a close eye on operational costs and ensuring we have the funding needed to support critical capital projects in this year’s plan. As I mentioned in my September email, maintaining and improving our 400,000 square feet of facilities presents ongoing challenges. You can get a sense of those needs in the planned enhancements outlined on page 30.
Recently, around 150 members were invited to participate in one of five focus group sessions regarding the opportunity in Clayton. I want to clarify that these sessions were not designed as town hall meetings, where specific details like services, amenities, and dues would be discussed. Instead, the goal was to gather broader insights from members on what would make any expansion successful, along with potential challenges and corrective actions. I was impressed by the thoughtful feedback, which echoed many discussions our task force and Board had previously, while also introducing fresh perspectives. A summary is currently being prepared, and we look forward to sharing it soon.
This valuable input will help us complete as much internal due diligence as we can at this point. As you may have read in the St. Louis Business Journal, a potential buyer of the Pierre Laclede Center has been identified. When appropriate, discussions will commence regarding the potential for an MAC expansion there. I’ll continue to keep you informed, and as a reminder, we will not make any commitments on behalf of the MAC without further member input and an all-member vote.
If you've visited our West Clubhouse lately, you will have noticed enhanced safety and security measures, including door access via our MAC app. This step addresses a top concern raised by the Planning Committee’s work over the past year. Future enhancements, including card or fob access for those who prefer not to use their phones, are on the way — Chip will share more details soon.
In mid-September, we completed the renovation of the 6th Floor in our Downtown Clubhouse. It looks fantastic,
and those who have dined there thus far have said the experience was incredible. You can see for yourself by booking a dinner, meeting, or social event.
Additionally, our annual MAC Sports Foundation Golf Tournament in late August was a great success, despite the heat. We raised over $60,000 for the MAC Sports Foundation to support the MAC Charitable Society for Children (CSC). Thank you to all who participated! A special shoutout to Past President John Bugh for his years of dedication as the event's chair; we look forward to the Sports Foundation Committee naming his successor soon.
I want to express our gratitude to Keith and Ginny Barket for their generous contributions to the Downtown Clubhouse enhancements. The newly painted lobby ceiling looks fantastic — be sure to look up next time you’re there!
We recently celebrated our incredible MAC teammates at an Employee Appreciation Day Downtown, capped off with a Cardinals game. Additionally, I want to acknowledge the Club’s Distinguished Employees of the Quarter for their outstanding contributions: Bill Greenstreet and Lynda McCoy. Greenstreet has been with the Club for 18 years and works in Maintenance at the West Clubhouse. McCoy came to the Club in October 2022 and is a server and bartender at the Downtown Clubhouse.
As I said, things are in full swing around our Club! If you have any questions, concerns, or insights, please don’t hesitate to contact me at jodi.petersen@bofa.com. And as always, thank you for your continued engagement and support as we move forward together!
With gratitude,
Jodi Petersen, President Missouri Athletic Club
Amazingly, it is estimated that two-thirds of Americans do not have a will or estate plan!
Not having a will or estate plan is risky – no matter your age.
National Estate Planning Awareness Week is October 21-27, 2024
Why not decide right now to make some wise decisions about your future and provide for your loved ones and your favorite charities?
And when you do, please consider leaving a lasting legacy at your Club by remembering the MAC, the MAC Sports Foundation and/or the Charitable Society for Children.
To discuss giving opportunities or for estate planning assistance, please contact:
LARRY ABSHEER (“LA”) Director of Advancement 314-604-3890 or labsheer@mac-stl.org
Scan the QR code to go to the Club’s Foundations page.
We appreciate your generosity ... it matters!
There is much to share as we begin the fall season for the MAC.
The transition to using the MAC app’s mobile key access feature for access to the West Clubhouse is complete and is performing as expected. As noted previously, with change comes a learning process and naturally some constructive feedback. Please share your thoughts with any member of the management team, and we will adjust as needed to improve the experience. Thank you all for your support in this process.
The Downtown Clubhouse proudly welcomes the newly renovated 6th Floor back into service! The catering team is readily available to book your meeting, dinner, or social event. They can be reached by calling 314-539-4470. The finished look is exceptional, and I am certain members will find this updated offering a welcome addition to serving business clients, family, or friends.
In our efforts to position the MAC as an “Employer of Choice,” we continue to find thoughtful ways to celebrate our team! Recently, employees and their guests enjoyed a day at the ballpark watching a Cardinals game! It was a beautiful day that began with lunch Downtown and was filled with fun alongside family and friends from work!
A special note of thanks to the Board of Governors for celebrating the day with us as well!
One of the many highlights of my first year at the MAC has been the impressive offerings available to members through our “Clubs within a Club!” The camaraderie, fun, and variety of events is outstanding, and I encourage all members to explore our website and app for a wonderful introduction to all that these CWC’s offer:
F Apollos
F The Associates
F Book Club
F Business Development Group
F Charitable Society for Children
F Forever Young
F Golf Club
F Lawyers Group
F Lunch and Tour Group
F Rod and Gun Club
F Mark Twain Society
F Military History Club
F Toastmasters Club
F Wine Society
Getting involved is a wonderful way to enhance your MAC experience!
October also signals that the holidays are just around the corner. Please start thinking about your Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s plans at the MAC! Look for upcoming announcements for events and offerings. As always, we are more than happy to assist with take-home meals and desserts!
We are just beginning a new fiscal year at the MAC, following a year of notable growth on many levels. The MAC added 98 new members over the past year, placing the Club at 2,648 members strong! Our support for our operations grew by nearly 14% over the year prior, putting the Club in an overall revenue position above $30 million annually.
The point of focus for the year ahead is on the frontlines at all levels – enhancing the member experience. The food and beverage team has been challenged to take another step forward in adding to and enhancing our menus for all restaurants, driven by your input!
In addition to advancing our Master Planning efforts at the West Clubhouse with the firm Peacock + Lewis, we also have a variety of important projects planned for the year ahead. Please refer to page 30 of this issue of the Cherry Diamond for details on what’s to come.
The Missouri Athletic Club extends a heartfelt “Thank You” to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Barket, who have generously curated and funded the painting of our Downtown lobby ceiling. Mr. Barket and local artisan John Pisani presented and executed a vision that has received overwhelming accolades from members. The work began in August and was completed a few weeks later. Mr. Barket, who joined the MAC in 1978 and has been working Downtown for over 50 years, said, “As I witnessed the many improvements Downtown over the past year, I wanted to add to the momentum!” It appears the inspiration will continue into the Art Lounge. Stay tuned!
Donald “Chip” Misch, CCM COO/General Manager Missouri Athletic Club
The financial results for fiscal year 2024 are officially in the books (pun intended!). This was the first full year under Chip’s leadership, with the theme of enhancing the member experience at every level. As a result, the Club achieved several significant milestones during the year.
Our year-end membership headcount was 2,647, up 98 from August 2023. This increase in membership contributed to additional usage of all amenities across both Clubhouses and drove unprecedented revenue levels.
Operating revenues for the year totaled $16.3 million, compared to $14.7 million in FY 2023, an increase of nearly 11%. Downtown Food and Beverage revenues reached $6.1 million, topping last year’s revenues by $700,000, or 12%. West Food and Beverage revenues came in at a new high of $4.7 million, which was $700,000, or 18% more than 2023 revenues. Tennis revenues exceeded $1 million for the first time and registered a 14% increase over last fiscal year, while West Pro Shop revenues experienced growth of 15%.
One area that was intentionally curtailed was the level of “outside” hotel activity. Rates were increased and access was restricted in a deliberate move to limit nonmembers in the Downtown Clubhouse. The outcome was a reduction of $228,000 in overnight rooms revenue, or 16%. While this impacted bottom-line net income by $117,000, it signals a renewed focus on elevating the member experience
While revenues exceeded budget and last year’s results, expenses exceeded budget as well. Payroll expenses were up $1.7 million in FY 2024, a 13% increase, and unallocated/overhead costs rose $1.6 million. Added expenses include additional shuttle runs, enhanced security at the Downtown Clubhouse, flowers at both Clubhouses, elevated levels of cleaning supplies and services, improvements in the Club’s position as an employer of choice, and ongoing challenges with deferred maintenance at both Clubhouses. In addition, a capital reserve study was performed for the West Clubhouse. Information from this comprehensive study will provide the basis for future capital planning, as well as developing the master plan for West.
The Club’s bottom-line operating cash flow for the year was $1.4 million, which was $246,000 more favorable than last year. At the end of August, the Club’s Cash Reserve Fund had a balance of $2,731,000 and long-term
bank debt totaled $7,336,000. Principal payments on debt were $694,000 for the year, and capital expenditures totaled just over $2 million. Key projects included the renovation of the West Poolside Café, new pool furniture, the addition of a third shuttle bus, new fitness equipment and locker room fixtures at both Clubhouses, planters throughout both Clubhouses, door locks and mobile key access for West, the remodel of the board room, and several facility/infrastructure repairs.
Looking ahead to FY 2025, the budget projects operating cash flow of $2.3 million. One component of the budget is an 8% dues increase that took effect on Sept. 1. The average increase across all membership categories is just over $20 per month. Another component is an increase in the initiation fee from $5,000 to $7,500 for Residents and Junior Residents. If you have a friend or colleague that is considering membership, encourage them to reach out to our Membership department before the initiation fee goes up. Call Elizabeth Brown Downtown at 314-549-4408 or Hannah Rowland at West at 315-539-4471
Planned capital projects for the coming year include updating the historic Missouri Ballroom and foyer, replacing furniture in the downtown lobby, IT upgrades and security cameras, updating one hotel suite and creating a bridal suite, additional pool furniture and outdoor bar upgrades, expanded seating in the Cherry Diamond Café, refinishing the West basketball court, fitness equipment replacement, and finally, master planning for the West Clubhouse.
To continue the momentum generated during FY 2024 and to complement the FY 2025 budget, the Board of Governors approved a new $2 million loan. The debt service on the new loan will be partially funded by the interest earned on the Cash Reserve Fund. This new funding will ensure continued improvements in Club facilities which ultimately enhance the value of your membership and ownership position in the Club while fulfilling its vision and mission.
If you have any questions regarding the Club’s finances, please contact the Club’s Chief Financial Officer, Pam Roth, at 314-539-4400 or proth@mac-stl.org.
Pam Roth, Chief Financial Officer Missouri Athletic Club
Richard Browne
Robert Bryan of Compass Group Equity Partners and Rebecca Bryan of Fiber Artist/Entrepreneur
Raymond Desloge of Brandmovers Inc. and Katherine Desloge of Edward Jones
August Helmkampf of Gavaii LLC
Stephanie Moley and Patrick Moley of Piper Sandler
Joel Montgomery of Montgomery Intermediary Group
Madison Qualy of Northwestern Mutual
John Reagan of Cammon Company and Molly Reagan
Ty Sander of Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc.
Brenda Smith and Brian Smith of Eastman Chemical Company
Logan Spence of Shadow Lion Productions and Claire McKee
Benjamin Sturm of Schaeffer Manufacturing Co.
James Towey of McCarthy, Leonard & Kaemmerer and
While extraordinary service is part of the MAC mission, the Club has adopted a “no tipping” policy. In all dining outlets, members and guests do not tip, as a 20% service fee is already included in each bill listed as a Club charge. Each year, members have the opportunity to show appreciation to staff through the Employee Holiday Fund. The MAC’s employees are always incredibly thankful to the Club’s membership for this outpouring of gratitude. To learn more about the annual Employee Holiday Fund, turn to page 31.
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the intersection of Olive and I-270
Alessandro Sani was born in Florence in 1897 and became a member of the successful North Italian School of genre painting. In color and style, this painting is reminiscent of the great Flemish artists, with its wealth of detail, warmth of subject and lifelike delicacy of flesh tone. The scene is a country inn in the vicinity of Florence where Sani spent most of his life depicting the lives and times of its people. A very fine example of his work hangs in the museum of Arras, France.
Do you recognize this terrain? During the 1950s and again in the 1970s, the MAC was actively acquiring paintings in this genre of American art — many by notable artists like this one.
Alessandro Sani, Italian (1856-1927)
The Merry Jest, Oil on canvas, Signed lower left 18-1/2 x 14 inches, Missouri Athletic Club Art Collection Purchased 1953.
Past President Keith Phoenix, a graduate of St. Louis University School of Law, focused on his academics during his time as a student. SLU athletics came to his attention once he was on the Board of Trustees and befriended Athletic Director Doug Woolard in 1994.
Phoenix has enthusiastically supported St. Louis University athletics ever since solidifying his friendship with Woolard. In recent years he has taken his support to new heights by hosting Phoenix Championship Dinners in the Missouri Athletic Club’s Art Lounge for any team that wins a conference championship – regular season title or postseason tournament.
“It’s a reward for all their hard work and their success during the year,” Phoenix noted.
The first dinner came after the SLU Women’s Soccer Team won the Atlantic 10 Conference Tournament but had a disappointing showing in the NCAA Tournament. With the team feeling down, SLU Athletic Director Chris May asked Phoenix if he would take the team to a nice dinner. Due to the MAC’s connection to the Hermann Trophy and its support of athletics, May suggested the dinner be hosted at the Downtown Clubhouse. The team had a wonderful evening. About ten months later the women won the
conference tournament again, celebrating their win with another dinner at the MAC. The dinners became a topic of conversation among the teams, so the offer expanded to include all SLU teams who won a title.
“At dinner I always try to pass on a pearl of wisdom,” Phoenix explained. “I tell them that in turn for the dinner, here’s what I would like for them to do, for themselves or for somebody else.”
Phoenix now has a foundation set up for these dinners. He also has wording in his trust that these dinners will continue in perpetuity at the Missouri Athletic Club for any team that wins a conference championship.
The annual MAC Sports Foundation Golf Tournament was a hole-in-one!
On Monday, Aug. 26, members took to the Glen Echo Country Club for a day of friendly competition and camaraderie. Highlights included a fantastic round of golf, a delicious dinner, and an exciting auction paying tribute to the legendary Past MAC President Kim Tucci.
The real showstopper of the day was owed to MAC member Paul Reilly, who aced the “Hole-In-One” contest, driving away in a brand-new car! Reilly is the first member in over ten years to win. The MAC extends appreciation to everyone who made the 2024 tournament unforgettable.
To view more photos from the event, visit the MAC app under Stay Connected > Photos > Club Photo Gallery
Men’s Longest Drive: Matt Morris
Women’s Longest Drive: Lisa Fusz
Men’s Closest to Pin: Frank McDonough
Women’s Closest to Pin: Angie Minges
Hole in One Car: Paul Reilly
1st Place: Paul Reilly, John Pennington, Bill Swoboda
2nd Place: Nat Walsh, Matt Morris, Tim Van Rhein
1st Place: Dean Eggerding, DJ Hrebec, John Germain
2nd Place: Mark Belew, Dack Ledbetter, Brian Hayes
1st Place: Jodi Petersen, Angie Minges, Jerina Phillips
2nd Place: Paul Passanise, Joe Garlik, Mike Garlik
Co-sponsored by the Missouri Athletic Club and the St. Louis Rotary Club
Thursday, Nov. 7 | Downtown Clubhouse
11:15 a.m. | Reception and Military Exhibits F 12 p.m. | Luncheon and Program
$35 per person
Register on the MAC app or call 314-539-4470.
Lieutenant General Jered P. Helwig, Deputy Commander, U.S. Transportation Command
Rodney “Rocky” Sickmann graduated from Washington High School in 1976 and immediately joined the U.S. Marine Corps. On Nov. 4, 1979, Sickmann was one of the 65 American hostages when militants overran the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. He remained a hostage for 444 days before being released on Jan. 20, 1981. Three months later, he was honorably discharged after six years of service in the Marine Corps. During his time in service, Sickmann received several accolades, including the Congressional Gold Medal and the Prisoner of War Medal. Following his military career, Sickmann worked in advertising for KMOX Radio in St. Louis before spending 34 years in the private sector with Anheuser-Busch InBev, most recently as the U.S. National Director for Military and Industry Affairs until his retirement in 2016. He now works for Folds of Honor, a nonprofit that provides life-changing educational scholarships to the families of fallen or disabled U.S. service members and first responders.
Bob Gassoff graduated with honors from the University of Michigan with a bachelor’s degree in Russian and Eastern European Studies. While at Michigan, he played on the university hockey team and later joined the NHL to play for the St. Louis Blues. After the Sept. 11 attacks, Gassoff left his hockey career to become an active-duty Navy SEAL officer. He is now a reserve SEAL commander with over 21 years of service. Gassoff holds an MBA from Washington University and currently serves as President of Lohr Distributing Company. He is a business owner, a father of three, and resides in St. Louis.
Larry Lock served in the U.S. Army from 1968 to 1970, achieving the rank of E-5 Sergeant. He served the 1st Infantry Division during the Vietnam War and earned several honors, including the Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star, as well as Air Medals and recognition as Squad Leader. Lock began his career as a financial advisor in 1975 and co-founded Universal Financial Group in 1984. He earned a master’s degree in financial services from the American College in Byrn Mawr, Pennsylvania, in 1998. In 2007, Universal Financial Group was recognized as one of the top 100 independent financial advisors in America. Lock supports several veteran organizations, including History Alive at Lindbergh High School, Wreaths Across America, and the Tunnels to Towers Foundation.
Bill Sei worked at Emerson Electric before joining the U.S. Navy in 1966. He was stationed at NAAS Whiting Field in Milton, Florida from 1966 to 1968, then served as an aviation storekeeper aboard the USS Forrestal until 1969. After his military service, Sei worked at A.G. Edwards as a municipal bond trader until 2007. He has been married to the love of his life, Rosie, since 1975, and they have four children and six grandchildren. Sei has volunteered for various organizations, including Oasis Tutor, Harrison’s Hope, Cardinal Ritter, and the city of Manchester. He and Rosie were named Manchester Citizens of the Year and received the Greater St. Louis Honor Flight.
Thursday, Oct. 10 F 5:30 p.m. F West Clubhouse
Thursday, Nov. 14 F 5:30 p.m. F West Clubhouse
As leaves assume redder hues, Governor Adrian Di Bisceglie will lead the discussion of The Women by Kristin Hannah on Oct. 10.
Women can be heroes. When 20-year-old nursing student Frances “Frankie” McGrath hears these words, it is a revelation. Raised in the sun-drenched, idyllic world of Southern California and sheltered by her conservative parents, she has always prided herself on doing the right thing. But in 1965, the world is changing, and she dares to imagine a different future for herself. When her brother ships out to serve in Vietnam, she joins the Army Nurse Corps and follows his path. The Women tells the story of one woman going to war, but it shines a light on all women who put themselves in harm’s way and whose sacrifice and commitment to their country has too often been forgotten.
Jane Molden will lead the discussion of our final book of 2024, Tom Lake: A Novel by Ann Patchett on Nov. 14.
In the spring of 2020, Lara’s three daughters return to the family's orchard in Northern Michigan. While picking cherries, they beg their mother to tell them the story of Peter Duke, a famous actor with whom she once shared both a stage and a romance at a theater company called Tom Lake. As Lara recalls the past, her daughters reflect on their own lives, their relationship with their mother, and are forced to reconsider everything they thought they knew. Tom Lake is a meditation on youthful love, married love, and the lives parents lead before their children are born. Both hopeful and elegiac, it explores what it means to find happiness even when the world is falling apart. As in all her novels, Ann Patchett blends compelling storytelling with sharp insights into family dynamics.
For monthly MAC Book Club meetings, please make reservations by contacting Dr. Genie McKee, Book Club Chair, at evmckee@gmail.com
Tuesday, Oct. 22 | 11:30 a.m. | Downtown Clubhouse
For its October meeting, the Military History Club will focus on the Civil War and the long history of prisoners of war (POWs) and missing in action (MIA) as it welcomes National Park Service Ranger Sherri Bernard for a Zoom presentation. Bernard serves at Andersonville National Historic Site in Andersonville, Georgia. After initially volunteering at the site, she was hired as a permanent park ranger. She has led living
history events at the park, conducted public and educational tours, and coordinated special events. Currently, she is developing new hands-on educational programs and has a personal connection to POW history –her grandfather, Lester Todd, was a prisoner of war during the Korean War and was recently featured in the National Prisoner of War Museum’s Korean War exhibit. While preserving the best-known
The MAC offers a variety of Clubs within the Club (CWCs) to bring together Members with common interests.
Mondays, 7 p.m., Downtown Book Club
Second Thursday of the month, 5:30 p.m., West
Business Development Group
Third Thursday of the month
Meeting: 7:15 a.m., Downtown
Happy Hour: 4:30-7 p.m., alternating locations
Forever Young Club
Third Friday of the month, 11:30 a.m., West
Military History Club
Fourth Tuesday of the month, 11:30 a.m., Downtown Toastmasters
First and third Wednesday of the month, 5:30 p.m., West
For more information, visit mac-stl.org/GetInvolved or call DT: 314-539-4470 WE: 314-539-4490
Civil War POW camps, the Andersonville National Historic Site is also home to the National Prisoner of War Museum and serves as a memorial to all American POWs. Join the Military History Club to learn how these Veterans served their country in captivity. Register on the MAC app or call 314-539-4470 to attend.
Friday, Oct. 18 | 11:30 a.m. | West Clubhouse
Jim Pettit from the St. Louis Honor Flight Program will address the Forever Young Club at their lunch meeting this month. The Honor Flight Program transports qualified military veterans to Washington, D.C. for an unforgettable day of touring the impressive monuments dedicated to the U.S. military services in our nation’s
capital. Pettit leads the Community Outreach efforts of this remarkable organization. He will provide insights on how the program began, who is qualified to travel, and how to apply.
All MAC members are welcome to attend. To register, visit the MAC app or call 314-539-4490.
Join the Business Development Group in viewing members’ classic car collections while networking and sipping cocktails. Prizes and a raffle are included, supporting the MAC Sports Foundation
benefiting the MAC CSC. Club casual attire is required.
All MAC members are welcome to attend. To register, visit the MAC app or call 314-539-4490
The fall season brings plenty of activity around the MAC. Stay up to date on all that’s happening around the Club through the MAC app! Upcoming events and newsworthy items can be found under the “Events & Announcements” banner on the home screen. Simply scroll to the left to view each item and tap on the tiles to learn more.
The Missouri Athletic Club Podcast Studio is open for business! Whether you’re a seasoned podcaster or new to the scene, we invite you to share your voice with the world at the MAC. Elevate the storytelling of your established business or exciting side project with the equipment and expertise of the MAC Podcast Studio. Don’t just listen to the buzz — become a part of it! To book your recording slot or to sponsor the Missouri Athletic Club Connections Podcast, contact Communications Strategist Monica Ryan at mryan@mac-stl.org.
As the crisp autumn air begins to roll in, the Missouri Athletic Club offers the perfect blend of warmth, tradition, and connection. Whether you’re here to enjoy quality time with your family, engage in professional networking, or stay active in your athletic pursuits, fall at the MAC promises something special for every member. From highpowered meetings in our boardrooms to dining fireside on the 1903 Patio, there’s a rhythm to fall at the MAC that balances work, play, and everything in between.
Thanksgiving Buffet at the Downtown Clubhouse
Nov. 28 | 1-4 p.m.
Celebrate Thanksgiving in style with a bountiful buffet at the Downtown Clubhouse. This annual tradition brings together family and friends for a meal you won’t forget, all while enjoying the elegant surroundings of our historic venue.
Perfect for members who want to relax and focus on the holiday without the stress of hosting at home, this buffet is a great way to connect with other families and professionals.
Holiday Buffet and Family Fun
Oct. 27
Looking for an event the whole family can enjoy? The West Clubhouse is offering a fallthemed day of fun on Sunday, Oct. 27th. Kids will love the pumpkin painting and festive crafts, while adults can savor a special holiday buffet. With possible hayrides and fall movies playing on the big screens, it’s a perfect Sunday to spend with loved ones.
Nov. 27 & 28
Busy with work or family obligations but still want to host Thanksgiving dinner? The West Clubhouse offers Thanksgiving To-Go, so you can enjoy a traditional feast without the hassle of cooking. Pre-order your meal a la carte or choose from various party platters, perfect for entertaining family or colleagues.
As St. Louis sports transition from soccer to hockey, the Downtown Clubhouse is your go-to spot for pre-game excitement. With CITY’s soccer season wrapping up at the end of October and Blues hockey kicking off in early October, there’s no better time to enjoy the MAC's game day perks.
Make an evening of it by gathering with friends and fellow fans at the Jack Buck Grille. After a delicious meal, hop on the Club’s shuttle service to either CITYPARK or Enterprise Center for a seamless and stressfree game day experience.
Cool fall evenings provide the perfect backdrop for dining al fresco. Relax on the West Clubhouse 1903 Patio, wrapped in the warmth of a fire as you enjoy your meal. Whether it’s an intimate dinner with family or a casual business conversation over drinks, the patio offers a unique space to unwind, surrounded by the crisp autumn air.
Pair your evening with a glass of wine or one of the MAC’s hearty fall dishes, and settle in for a peaceful, cozy night under the stars.
See the calendar of events on page 2 for more details about reserving your space at any of the above activities.
Autumn at the MAC is not just about celebrations — it’s also about staying connected and on track with your personal and professional goals. The Club continues to offer a wide range of athletic programs, from fitness classes to sports leagues, keeping you active throughout the season. Plus, the Club’s welcoming spaces make it easy to host or attend networking events, board meetings, or even just catch up with colleagues in a more relaxed setting.
Whether you’re focusing on fitness or fueling your professional ambitions, the MAC remains a hub for members to engage, grow, and build meaningful connections.
After a slower pace in the tail-end of summer, wedding season made a swift return in the fall! Weddings are one of the pastry team’s favorite aspects of working at the Club, as the creation of a wedding cake brings unique challenges. Every bride has a different dream and aesthetic; it’s a joy for the pastry team to bring the couples’ vision to life while adding their own personal touches.
Each member of the pastry team has their own signature style or skill they thrive at and look forward to representing in wedding cakes.
“My favorite is when people add colors to their wedding cake! I feel like a touch of color elevates the cake,” says Assistant Pastry Chef Liz Hamilton. For Executive Pastry Chef Katie Acker, she enjoys adding brush embroidery techniques she doesn’t usually get to add to other desserts. Brush embroidery is a technique that adds texture to designs, such as adding detail to buttercream flowers on a cake.
Presently, '80s-style ruffles on wedding cakes are trending. The pastry team loves to see what styles pop up each wedding season. At the end of the day, the team goes above and beyond to ensure each bride loves her cake. “I just really hope they like what we make,” says Pastry Cook Laura Simon.
Discover healthy, fresh and seasonal flavors at the newly rebranded Cherry Diamond Café at the West Clubhouse! From member favorites to exciting new offerings, it’s the perfect spot to grab a bite or unwind with a refreshing drink. Stop by and see what’s cooking!
Monday-Friday | 6:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Saturday | 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Sunday | Closed
Did you know that you may not need a prescription for physical therapy?
It’s called direct access, and it empowers you to be your own health care advocate. You may be able to be evaluated and treated by a licensed physical therapist without a physician’s prescription.*
This means you can start treatment more quickly to restore your strength, regain your skills and reduce any pain. Depending upon the diagnosis, your therapist at SSM Health Physical Therapy may recommend that you follow up with a physician or other licensed health care professional before beginning your treatment.
Getting therapy first may help you:
• Save time
• Save money
• Expedite treatment
• Avoid opioids
• Prevent surgery
If your physician does prescribe physical therapy, you are not obligated to receive physical therapy in any specific facility. You have the right to choose where you want to go.
When choosing the right physical therapy provider, SSM Health Physical Therapy offers:
• Therapists who are licensed by the state and many hold advanced certifications.
• Participation with most insurance plans, which may help to minimize any out-ofpocket expenses.
• Submission of claims to your insurance company and help estimating any personal financial responsibilities.
• Examples of comments our patients provided so that you may learn more about their experiences with our care.
• Accreditation by the Joint Commission, which ensures the highest level of quality and patient safety.
You are the most important member of your health care team and are free to choose the rehabilitation provider that can best help you meet your goals.
The 2024 Summer Open Basketball League at the Downtown Clubhouse concluded on Tuesday, Aug. 13. Six teams competed in the league. The winners, captained by Joe Hantak, won the championship game 6463 against the team led by Tom Halliday. Team Hantak entered the playoffs as the No. 1 overall seed with a regular-season record of 7-1, while Team Halliday entered as the No. 2 seed with a regular-season record of 5-3. Team Hantak finished the season with a final record of 9-1 en route to the league championship.
Here are the top five scorers in the league with their points per game (PPG):
1. 28.2 Alex Tilley (Team Klages)
2. 27.8 Brenden Harter (Team Wentworth)
3. 26.3 Justin Diecker (Team Hantak)
4. 23.9 Kyle Downey (Team Halliday)
5. 20.7 Alec Bausch (Team Stonecipher)
The MAC has a long-standing tradition of members enjoying athletics while creating life-long relationships. Members organize pickup basketball games multiple times a week. Get added to the MAC pickup basketball email list by contacting Scott Mattingly at smattingly@mac-stl.org.
Please contact Scott Mattingly at smattingly@mac-stl.org if you would like to be a substitute for the fall leagues or to be added to the pickup basketball game email list.
Get your shoes shined at either Clubhouse! Don Rushing is the shoeshine expert at the Downtown Clubhouse and Melvin Clark at the West Clubhouse.
F Downtown: Monday-Friday, 5 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
F West: Monday-Friday, 6 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Contact Don Rushing at 314-539-4482 or drop your shoes off at the Athletic Desk on the fifth floor. Contact Melvin Clark at 314-539-4444 or drop your shoes off at the West Pro Shop or West Haircare. Shoes, boots, and golf shoes all need regular cleaning, so see the shoeshine experts today!
The Downtown Athletic Department’s fall hours begin Tuesday, Sept. 3. This season, members can look forward to working out Downtown on Sundays.
F Monday-Thursday, 5 a.m.-9 p.m.
F Friday, 5 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
F Saturday, 7 a.m.-5 p.m.
F Sunday, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
There may be limited lap space available during Aqua Fit Classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.
2024-25 SEASON
Oct. 3 | MAC Squash Shoot Out
Oct. 8 | Squash Combine
Oct. 25-27 | MAC/RC Open amateur event
Nov. 20-24 | Pro Singles World Tour event
Nov. 29 | Turkey Burner singles & doubles handicap
Dec. 1 | Christmas Softball Doubles
Jan. 1-Feb. 6 | Winter Classic Doubles (self schedule up to semis)
Jan. 22-25 | MO States Singles
Jan. 29-March 7 | MAC Club Champs Doubles (self schedule up to finals)
Feb. 5 | Winter Classic Semifinal
Feb. 6 | Winter Classic Final
Feb. 26-28 | MAC Club Champs Singles (quarters & finals)*
*self schedule earlier rounds Feb. 11-25
MARCH 2025
March 6 & 7 | MAC Club Champs Doubles Finals
APRIL 2025
TBD | Pro Doubles event
Wednesday, Oct. 3 | West Clubhouse
6:30 – 7:30 p.m. | Live random draw
Matches to commence following the live draw.
All levels: A, B, C, D
$35 entry fee
All rounds are first to five points.
Final, first to three points. Double elimination. Includes courtside beers, drink specials and hors d’oeuvres.
Email Alex Ingham at aingham@mac-stl.org to register.
Matches will be played at The Racquet Club of St. Louis and the Missouri Athletic Club.
Singles – A, B, C and D Divisions
Doubles – A, B, C, D, 50+ and 60+ Divisions
To sign up, go to ussquash.org/adult/tournaments and click on “Missouri State Open 2024.”
Entry Deadline: Oct. 16
Regular Entry - $190 | Patron Entry - $380 | +1 Entry - $125
Contact Alex Ingham at aingham@mac-stl.org for more information.
Tuesday, Oct. 8 | 6:45-7:45 p.m.
Test your racquet skills with timed target hitting, speed gun and squash fitness drills to see if you have the skills to pay the bills. Prizes for winners!
Contact Alex Ingham at aingham@mac-stl.org for more information.
MACtivities at the West Clubhouse kicks off this month! This program offers supervised play for kids ages 5-12, featuring games like kickball, soccer, flag football, and more. Registration opens at noon the Monday before each MACtivities session. Stay tuned for further details as renovations to the West Clubhouse Gym are underway.
F Cost: $10 per member child, $15 per guest
F Stay for one hour or all three
F Available only to members with dining reservations at the West Clubhouse
F Members must remain on-site
F Pre-registration on the MAC website is required
F Sign-in by a parent or guardian is required in the gym
Note: Youth Activity Room sessions are a separate reservation and can be made on the MAC app.
F Cost: $8 per session for members, $15 per guest
F Session Times: 4:30-5:30 p.m., 5:30-6:30 p.m., 7:30-8:30 p.m.
F No MACtivities on Nov. 22 (Pro Squash Tournament) or Nov. 29 (Black Friday)
F MACtivities will be in held on Nov. 27 (the day before Thanksgiving)
Holiday Camps will be back during winter break!
F Stay tuned for Holiday Camp dates
F Single-day registration available
F Registration opens Nov. 4
Downtown Fitness Manager Courtney Hutt recently spoke with Maggie Dickinson to learn about her journey to a career in nutrition while also gathering some helpful tips and tricks. Since joining the Wellness team a year and a half ago, Maggie has successfully helped over 80 clients.
Courtney: How long have you been a Nutrition Coach and how did you get into the field?
Maggie: I have been a nutrition coach for 28 years. Growing up, my father struggled with obesity and went through countless diets. My mom was incredibly supportive, preparing special meals, but it was a continuous battle that persisted for years. He would lose weight, but never managed to keep it off. As a child, he would bring home donuts, and I would throw them away every time (yes, I got in trouble for it). My father suffered from high blood pressure, thyroid disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
At 12, I began counting calories, and by 14, I started jogging. At 18, I joined a gym and became fascinated by health and fitness. In 1996, I became a personal trainer, and three years later, I embarked on my career as a nutrition coach. I initially tried to help my dad by creating special menus for him, but despite my efforts, I couldn’t achieve the success I hoped for. From this experience, I learned that no matter how much I try to assist
someone in losing weight or becoming healthier, my clients must also make a concerted effort for it to work. Since then, I have dedicated myself to helping as many people as I can live their best lives.
C: What is your favorite thing about being a Nutrition Coach?
M: Changing lives. It’s the best feeling when a client reaches their goal and tells me I couldn’t have done it without you.
C: What is a common misconception about someone wanting to lose weight?
M: Many people believe that eating less is the key to losing weight, but that’s not necessarily true. I teach my clients the concept of “eating to lose.” You don’t have to give up everything you love; it’s about finding the right balance and setting up your day with nutritious foods.
C: Is it possible to stay healthy and lose weight without cooking?
M: Yes, you can stay healthy and lose weight by making the right choices. However, since you can’t control the amount of salt used in restaurant food, I
recommend that my clients increase their water intake and drink hot lemon water before bed.
C: What are some ways to curb sugar cravings?
M: To maintain balanced nutrition, include a mix of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates in your meals. This balance helps stabilize blood sugar levels and minimize cravings. Avoid skipping meals, as this can cause blood sugar drops and trigger cravings. Instead, eat regular meals and healthy snacks. Additionally, stay well-hydrated, as thirst is often mistaken for hunger. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
C: If I exercise every day, can I eat as much as I want?
M: Not quite! While regular exercise can give you some flexibility for the occasional indulgence, it doesn’t mean you can eat as much as you want without consequences. Remember, it’s important not to undermine your hard work with poor eating habits. As the saying goes, “Eat to live, don’t live to eat.”
We are both active people who are self-motivated to work out, but we were not reaching our fitness goals on our own. We decided to enlist Coach Maggie’s help, and we quickly started seeing results. She helped us with a specific plan to get us started and planned personalized menus to stay on course. She encouraged us, and even helped with specific menu plans for days when we had an event planned where we expected to have a meal or beverage intake that was not “on plan.” She helped us navigate those times and crafted an eating plan that allows us to stay on track and know what works for us regarding eating and exercise to maximize our personal success. We are not hungry, we are eating more than usual (the right choices, in the right amounts) and we are achieving our goals. She teaches you how to eat well and feel better. Her plan is easy to follow, all you need is persistence. Highly recommend!
- — Chad and Charisa Brigham
To schedule a session with Maggie, you can book through the app or contact her directly at mdickinson@mac-stl.org
Unique. Extraordinary. Exceptional. These words are often used to describe experiences and places that are good— and may even be great. But accolades like these are most meaningful when they are earned, when the experience in question is truly unlike anything else, that it far exceeds the norm and is, in fact, the exception to the rule.
“We are confident that we offer our residents a lifestyle that really is exceptional,” says Carrie Montrey, executive director at The Gatesworth, St. Louis’ premiere community for active seniors. U.S. News & World Report agrees, having once again placed The Gatesworth on its 2024 list of Best Independent Senior Living communities.
“We are equally confident that we’re exceptional because our residents are,” she adds. Communities like The Gatesworth are rare, in part because of the long list of amenities to match the varied interests of its residents. Some sing in the choir, others
work in the garden. Still others enjoy onsite fine dining and movies in the theater. There’s yoga, a spa, heated saltwater pool, outdoor barbecues with friends and family, educational and cultural lectures and classes, worship services, evening cocktails, and art classes. And that’s just a short list of amenities.
Going beyond the ordinary
Ample parking is available for residents and their guests, as it should be—but so is on-demand transportation with a professional driver in one of the community’s luxury cars. Fitness and wellness classes are available—as are customized programs and personal trainers. These are the kinds of things that make The Gatesworth unlike other communities. And that’s the definition of unique.
What other evidence is there to indicate that a life lived at The Gatesworth is an extraordinary one? Some of The Gatesworth residents have weighed in on this very question.
It’s amazing how quickly the staff get to know you. They call you by name and truly attend to things that keep you happy.
The Gatesworth has everything I wanted: beautiful place, people, grounds, apartment, food, entertainment—and so much more.
My wife and I try to be positive, and it’s easy to do at The Gatesworth. It fits who we are.
“I’d lived in a high rise before, and I thought I have to get somewhere where I can get my feet on the ground and pull a weed if I feel like it. The Gatesworth is like living in a botanical garden.”
“When we’re talking about our community and the lifestyle we offer to residents,” Montrey says, “we like to say, ‘The answer is yes. What is the question?’” And that really gets to the heart of the matter. The Gatesworth staff are there to ensure residents get the most out of life, whatever they imagine that life might be. But what matters most to residents of The Gatesworth is that the community feels like home. Because everyone has a slightly different idea of what home should be, The Gatesworth apartments—which come in one and two bedrooms—can be customized to suit personal tastes and needs.
The actual move is customized, too, thanks to a moving coordinator and her team ready to help with the heavy lifting, making the relatively complicated process of moving a significantly less troublesome endeavor. And that’s exceptional.
The Gatesworth owners Charlie Deutsch, David Smith and Bob Leonard built the community because they wanted to create a place where, after years of sacrifices made for career and family, seniors could celebrate life as they aged.
This “the best is yet to come” attitude is the foundation on which The Gatesworth stands.
The Gatesworth is, essentially, a
community of active seniors, living life the way they define it; filling it with friends, family, new experiences, continuing education, new challenges, favorite hobbies, moments of contemplation and daily beauty—what could be more exceptional? 314-993-0111
The 2024 Women of Distinction Awards Luncheon is just one month away! Join the Missouri Athletic Club in celebrating this year’s four honorees from the community, along with one Rising Star. Each honoree has demonstrated tremendous vision and mentorship in business, civic, and philanthropic endeavors.
DR. GHAZALA HAYAT Professor of Neurology, Director of Neuromuscular, Clinical Neurophysiology services
Wednesday, Oct. 9 Downtown Clubhouse 11:30 a.m. Registration 12 p.m. Luncheon | 12:30 p.m. Program $65 per person Presented
The right approach to providing comprehensive care. The right location for your family. The right amenities all around you, from dining to activities to entertainment. The right environment to rediscover your old self and become your next self. Come learn what makes locally-owned McKnight Place The Right Place for both our residents and their families.
Ask about our all-inclusive pricing.
Sports Personality of the Year Ballot opens Oct. 8 F Reservations open on the MAC website on Oct. 14.
The candidates for the prestigious Sports Personality of the Year Award are set! Established by MAC member Jack Buck in 1970, the award annually honors the top local sports figure. The candidates for the 2024 Sports Personality of the Year are:
F Eliah Drinkwitz (Mizzou Football Coach)
F Ryan Helsley (St. Louis Cardinals)
F Jordan Kyrou (St. Louis Blues)
F Robert Thomas (St. Louis Blues)
F Masyn Winn (St. Louis Cardinals)
The 2024 Sports Personality of the Year Award will be selected by MAC members. Cast your vote on the MAC website beginning Tuesday, Oct. 8. This award has been presented to some of the biggest names in sports history, including Bob Gibson, Lou Brock, Ozzie Smith, Brett Hull, Albert Pujols, Kurt Warner, and Marshall Faulk.
The Sports Personality of the Year, along with a distinguished group of award honorees, will be recognized at the 55th Jack Buck Sports Awards on Monday, Dec. 16. The banquet is one of the highlights on the Club’s social calendar and always sells out quickly, so plan to make reservations when they open on Monday, Oct. 14, at 10 a.m. Register through the MAC app or call 314-539-4470
Sponsorship opportunities are available. Sponsors are invited to attend the VIP reception featuring the award honorees and receive prime seating at the banquet.
Jack Buck Awards sponsorships benefit the MAC’s Sports Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Contact jwilson@mac-stl.org for details.
The historic Downtown Clubhouse has stood proudly in St. Louis for over a century. In a continued effort to enhance the Missouri Athletic Club, members can now admire another beautiful addition to the Downtown Clubhouse. Gold paint embellishments line the ceiling of the Downtown lobby, accentuating the intricate molding that has graced the building since the Club reopened its doors in 1916. MAC member Keith Barket graciously donated his services, along with Pisani Painting Company, to
complete this project.
“We’ve got to put the icing on the cake,” said Barket, recounting how the idea came to fruition during a discussion with Club GM Donald ‘Chip’ Misch. “This molding needs to be identifiable.”
Pisani Painting Company, a 77-year-old business, is currently operated by three generations of the Pisani family. Barket has worked with Pisani Painting for the past 50 years on personal projects and he knew he could trust their talents to see this one through.
“Some of the work they’ve done at my house looks like they did it yesterday,” said Barket. “It’s such high quality.”
This project was fully donated by Barket and Pisani Painting Company. An MAC member since 1976, Barket is proud to provide this service to the Club, along with contributing funds to the 6th Floor renovation project. “This is my home,” he said of the MAC. The Club is grateful for the generosity of Mr. Barket, as well as John and John Anthony Pisani, for their hard work.
The year ahead is certain to bring noteworthy and important enhancements to the MAC. Each year the Board of Governors, following the review and recommendations by the Planning Committee and Finance Committees, approves a budget for the year ahead for various Capital needs. Some of the improvements and enhancements for the 2024-25 fiscal year include updates to the Missouri Ballroom, hotel room renovations, pool deck upgrades, and a refresh of the childcare room. Stay tuned for exciting updates to come!
As the holiday season approaches, it is time to reflect on a year filled with events and milestones. The Missouri Athletic Club has made significant capital improvements throughout the year, achievements that would not have been possible without the dedication and enthusiasm of Club employees. Their efforts are evident everywhere - in the locker rooms, the bustling kitchens, the basement laundry room and engineering offices. Whether visible daily or working hard behind the scenes, the unwavering commitment of MAC employees has ensured the seamless operation of both Clubhouses for many years.
The Employee Holiday Fund provides an annual holiday bonus to MAC employees and
supports the Club's charitable initiatives. MAC employees are grateful to the membership for this tremendous show of appreciation. This year, a portion of the funds will also support the Charitable Society for Children (CSC), reinforcing the Club's values of tradition, community, and culture.
Your Oct. 31 member statement, whether paper or digital, will include a voluntary contribution of $125, labeled as "Empl Holiday/ Foundations Cont." Unless you inform the Accounting Department otherwise, the funds will be allocated as follows:
F $120 to the Employee Holiday Fund
F $5 to the MAC Charitable Society for Children (a tax-deductible contribution)
No further action is required if you wish to maintain the current allocation. However, if you would like to adjust or opt out of the contribution, you may contact the Accounting Department or access the form through the MAC website or MAC app.
Accounting Department
Call 314-539-4432 or email billing@mac-stl.org
MAC Website
Member Central > Member Documents > Holiday Fund
MAC App Menu > Member Central > Member Documents > Holiday Fund
Thank you for your continued support of the Missouri Athletic Club, its dedicated employees, and the Foundations that strengthen our community. Together, we continue to build a legacy of excellence as we celebrate more than 120 years of camaraderie, achievement, and cherished memories.
The grounds are a perfect place to spend time with my daughter. There is so much to do, and if you participate, you meet some really lovely people. — NANCY MCEVOY
The Gatesworth provides the perfect canvas to enjoy life your way. Living in an exquisitely appointed apartment surrounded by beautiful, lush grounds, you’ll feel inspired to pursue new interests, expand your knowledge, build friendships and embrace your independence. We invite you to discover The Gatesworth and experience exceptional senior living today. Call 314-993-0111.
Exceptional People. Exceptional Living.
314-993-0111 | T he G aT eswor T h . com Facebook.com/TheGatesworth
One McKnight Place, St. Louis, MO 63124
The Gatesworth is an independent senior living community conveniently located north of Highway 40 just off I-170
Mark your calendars for the upcoming MAC Happy Hours. In addition to serving up great drink specials, these events are a great opportunity to meet new members and introduce friends and colleagues to the Club. No reservations are required.
Wednesday, June 25
Wednesday, July 23
Thursday, Aug. 14
5-8 p.m.
West (Poolside)
Saturday, June 14
Saturday, July 12
Saturday, Aug. 23 1:30-4:30 p.m.
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Promote your business, products or services and connect with fellow members with a Business Directory ad in the annual MAC roster. Because Club members refer to it throughout the year, advertising in the Roster offers your business great exposure.
Tim Powers Agent/Broker Past Governor FORE!
Ads start at just $60 – contact Becky Rasmussen at 314-539-4447 or brasmussen@mac-stl.org.
1 On Sept. 1, MAC members traveled to Northcutt Farm in Middleton, Missouri, for the Opening Day Dove Hunt, coordinated by Governor Tim Maynard with the help of the Club and fellow members. 2 Benjamin, son of Tom and Erin Russell, represented the MAC at the 2024 Show-Me State Games in Columbia, placing in eight events and winning gold in the 200-yard backstroke. 3 On Sept. 17, the Federal Bar Association and MAC Lawyers’ Group presented a Constitution Day program for high school and middle school students at the Downtown Clubhouse. 4 (L-R) Governor Bob Bax, President Jodi Petersen, and Mary Bax attended the fifth annual Cigar B-Que, sponsored by the Mark Twain Society, on Sept. 13.