The Paradigm Shift Towards Adding Value by Adopting Best Practice
The Malta Information Technology and Training Services Ltd (MITTS Ltd) continues to place all its efforts in order to sustain the momentum gained in the past years of continuous improvement and to ensure that the challenges brought about by the exciting change programme in the Public Service and the Company’s adoption of best practices in the application of ICT converge. The need to be in the leading edge, coupled with the inevitable requirement to be flexible, fast responding and innovative are not only characteristics of the information economy and society, but are now an integral part of the strategic and operational fabric of MITTS Ltd. 2001 saw MITTS Ltd consolidate its business strategy, its operations, its internal structure and its processes, together with adopting the paradigm shift of not seeing its clients as such, but as building a relationship of partnership which embraces the concept that together we can achieve more. This consolidation process and the business partnership approach reinforced the Company’s foundations and induced MITTS Ltd to move further in its efforts to bring even more value to its business partners, whilst placing the internal pressure to continue improving on what has been achieved. In this context, 2002 saw considerable efforts in extending quality mechanisms, re-aligning internal structures that are more conducive to the business environment in which MITTS Ltd is operating and heavily investing not only in technology and people, but also in a culture of being client focused and professional in everything MITTS Ltd does.
Re-aligning Ourselves to Add Further Value In January 2002, MITTS Ltd embarked on a journey that turns the often used cliché of being ‘effective and efficient’ into reality. MITTS Ltd was cognisant of the fact that although its internal structures were consolidated, however, the Company through its continuous efforts of trying to translate its client expectations into value added solutions, required to re-align its organisation structure in order to bring in synch what is actually being developed in terms of solutions and services with what is being demanded by the Public Service client base. In this regard, the Company re-aligned its internal structures in order to clearly distinguish solutions that are developed within the parameters of a project, as opposed to ICT services that are offered by MITTS Ltd. The Company moved away from the traditional structure of having a Systems House and a Technical Infrastructure Department, and instead consolidated all projects of a systems or infrastructure nature under a Projects Management Office, whilst having all type of ICT Service Management functions, such as Networks Management; Service Call Centre; Internet and Groupware Services; and Workstation and Server Support all housed under a Service Management Department. Moreover, the Company recognised the increased relevance of integrity, trust and confidence in the ICT institutional ambiance, and thus established an Information Security and Risk Management Department which placed the critical importance of business continuity for the Public Service and in ensuring that the
Public Service has the means to manage the risks associated with Information Management as a core business function for MITTS Ltd. Apart from aligning the delivery arms with the market, MITTS Ltd also looked internally to always keep pace with organisations of the Information Age, through the appointment of a Chief Information Officer for MITTS Ltd and the establishment of the required supporting functions in this Office such as ICT Improvements; Applied Research and Development; Quality Assurance; and Process Improvement. Due to economies of scale, this Office also includes a delivery function in relation to testing of solutions, Data Architecture Standards and Data Protection. Furthermore, as part of the consolidation exercise of ensuring that the delivery arms have the required support structures, Human Resources; Finance; Administration; and Contracts and Supplier Management were consolidated under a Corporate Services Department, whilst Corporate Strategy; Business Development; and Performance Monitoring were migrated to a newly established Strategy and Business Development Department. MITTS Ltd, however, did not stop at just ensuring that its structure is conducive to business requirements, but also continued in the efforts that stemmed from the 2001 vision and strategies which encompassed a wide ranging programme of adopting internationally recognised best practice methodologies, tools and processes. In particular, 2002 saw the continued realisation of three major corporate
MITTS Ltd Annual Report 2002