The voice of Majlis Khuddamul-Ahmadiyya UK
True Caliphate
Khilafat and its blessings for mankind
“ It is Khilafat that focuses on the pain of every Ahmadi of the world and Khalifa of the time prays for them. ”
Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih v [atba] on 6th June 2014
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Articles 12
An account from the biography of the Holy Prophet [saw]
Arabia at the time of the birth of the Prophet of Islam [saw]
An account from the life of the Promised Messiah [as]
Companions of the Promised Messiah [as]
True Caliphate
The Mayan Civilisation
The Diary : Singapore Tour of
Incidents of Bai’at (pledging allegiance)
Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V [atba]
Regular From the Editor 05 Qur’anic Verses & Sayings of the Holy Prophet [saw] 06 Writings of the Promised Messiah [as] 09 Pearls of Wisdom 11 Introducing the Books of the Promised Messiah [as] 21
Message from Sadr Majlis Dear Khuddam Brothers [salam] By the Grace of Allah Majlis Khuddamul-Ahmadiyya UK is getting the opportunity to publish its first edition of Tariq magazine during this Khuddam year. I pray that this edition is blessed in every respect and may Allah reward the Editor and his team in this regard, [ameen]. Dear brothers, as you know these days Islam and the Holy Prophet [saw] character is being attacked and ridiculed from all directions. The opponents of Islam believe they will be successful in maligning the reputation and character of the Holy Prophet [saw] but their nefarious efforts and plans cannot harm this beloved of God in any way at all. However, at the same time Muslims have not helped themselves. Recently so called Muslims have reacted by attacking a magazine office, Charlie Hebdo in Paris and killing innocent people, which is completley against the teachings of the Holy Qur’an. Islam being a religion of peace does not permit any person to take the law in to his own hands and does not justify or condone violence or extremism. This has nothing to do with the true teachings of Islam. In such circumstances our beloved Huzur[atba] advised and guided by educating the members of Jama’at, on what the reaction should be of a true follower of the Holy Prophet [saw]. And that reaction is, that one should invoke more blessings on the Holy Prophet [saw], that we should try our utmost to follow the footstep of Mohammad [saw] and that the teachings of the Holy Prophet [saw] with regards to peace and harmony should be promoted and spread throughout the world. In light of Huzur’s [atba] Friday sermon delivered on 16 January 2015 may Allah enable us to invoke more and more blessings on the Holy Prophet [saw] and spread the message of peace and harmony in the world. [ameen] I would also like to take this opprotunity to request all brothers to listen again to Huzur’s [atba] Friday sermon delivered on 16 January 2015. The Friday sermon is available on AlIslam at the following link: In the end I finish with the following words of Huzoor[atba] from the Friday Sermon of 16 January 2015: ”May God enable us to recite Durood in the true sense and may we attain nearness of God due to it as well as always increase our love for the Holy Prophet [saw]ﷺand may we always expend our capacities in spreading his Shariah. May we always play a positive role in removing disorder from the world according to his teachings! May God always enable us to do so!” [wasalam] Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sadr Majlis Khuddamul-Ahmadiyya UK
Editorial Dear Brothers Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya (UK)
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Hope you are well.
In the world today, and more importantly the western world Khilafat has become a major discussion point. Primarily because of the formation of the self proclaimed Khilafats like ISIS creating unrest in their region. By their actions and agendas all they are doing is portraying a completely wrong image of Islam and are acting completely against the teachings of the Holy Qur’an.
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Khilafat is a divine institution and Allah bestows it upon whom so ever he pleases. Hazrat Musleh Maud [ra] at one point said:
Sadr Majlis Khuddamul-Ahmadiyya UK
” Remember this very well that Allah makes Khalifa, and who so says that Khalifa is appointed by man is a lier. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I [ra] in his Khilafat of six years kept on emphasising constantly on this issue that Khalifa is appointed by Allah and not man. And in reality by reading the Holy Qur’an in detail one finds out that not even at one place Khilafat is related to man, rather in regards to all types of Khulufa Allah says that he makes them.” (Anwarul Aloom, Volume 2, Page 11)
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Sahibzada Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib
Editor Hamid Chaudhry Mohtamim Ishaat Usman Ahmad Editorial Team Abdul Qudus Arif
The article on page 18 focuses on the issue above and makes for an interesting reading. By the sheer Grace of Allah we are very fortunate to have accepted the Imam of the time and Allah has blessed us with the true Khilafat (here we must not forget our forefathers who actually paved the way for us by accepting Ahmadiyyat, and so we should always remember them in our prayers). May Allah always enable us to remain attached with this divine institution and be its humble servants. [ameen]
Mudassar Basit
A new feature from this edition onwards will [insh] be The Diary. The Diary is a compilation of personal accounts by Abid Khan Sahib (Incharge Central Press & Media Office), which he compiles as part of tours conducted by Hazrat KhalifatulMasih V[atba]. When I received the diary, I just wanted to quickly check its content, so I started reading the first page and just after a while when I was interrupted I realised that I had read 20 pages of it. It’s such an interesting diary, I am very sure that all my brothers will thoroughly enjoy reading this.
Design and Layout
[wasalam] Hamid Chaudhry
Ghalib Khan Damir Rafi Sharjeel Ahmad Proof Reading Zafrulah Khan Abdul Qudus Arif
Muhammad Akram Anjum Waleed Dawood Naumaan Hadi Daud Ahmad Hafiz
Tariq Magazine is published by Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya (UK), the youth organisation of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK in Islam. Some of the views expressed by contributors may not be the representative views of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya (UK), or the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK.
Qur’anic Verses
Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do good works that He will surely make them Successors in the earth, as He made Successors from among those who were before them; and that He will surely establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them; and that He will surely give them in exchange security and peace after their fear: They will worship Me, and they will not associate anything with Me. Then whoso is ungrateful after that, they will be the rebellious. Surah An-Nur Chapter 24 : Verse 56
Sayings of the Holy Prophet [saw]
Hazrat Hudaifa [ra] relates that the Holy Prophet [saw] once said: Prophethood shall remain among you for as long as Allah wills. He will then cause it to end. Then a caliphate will be established in the footsteps of prophethood which will last for as long as Allah wills. He will then cause it to end. Kinghood will follow which will inflict great pain and misery on its subjects. Its rule will last for as long as Allah wills. He will then cause it to end. After this tyrannical monarchies will follow. Their rule will last for as long as Allah wills. He will then cause it to end. The caliphate will be re-established in the footsteps of Prophethood.� Thereafter the Holy Prophet [saw] became silent. (Masnad Ahmad, Vol. 5th, p.342. No. 17939 Mishqatul-Masabih, Kitabur-Riqaq, Babul-Indhar wal-Tahdhir)
Writings of the Promised Messiah [as]
o dear friends! Since it is the Sunnatullah, from time immemorial, that God Almighty shows two Manifestations so that the two false joys of the opponents be put to an end, it is not possible now that God should relinquish His Sunnah of old. So do not grieve over what I have said to you; nor should your hearts be distressed. For it is essential for you to witness the second Manifestation also, and its coming is better for you because it is everlasting, the continuity of which will not end till the Day of Judgement. And that second Manifestation cannot come unless I depart. But when I depart, God will send that second Manifestation for you which shall always stay with you just as promised by God in Barahine-Ahmadiyya. And this promise is not for my person. Rather the promise is with reference to you, as God [addressing me] says: I shall make this Jama‘at who are your followers, prevail over others till the Day of Judgment. Thus it is inevitable that you see the day of my departure, so that after that day the day comes which is the day of ever-lasting promise. Our God is He Who keeps His promise and is Faithful and is the Truthful God. He shall show you all that He has promised. Though these days are the last days of this world and there are many a disaster waiting to happen, yet it is necessary that this world continues to exist until all those things about which God has prophesied come to pass. I came from God as a Manifestation of Divine Providence and I am a personification of His Power. And after I am gone there will be some other persons who will be the manifestation of the second Power [of God].
Ruhani Khazain, Volume 20, Al-Wasiyat, page 305 - 306
Pearls of Wisdom
s far as proofs and arguments are concerned, we are always at an advantage over our detractors. No one can contend with those who regularly read the Promised Messiah’s [as] books and this was indeed the Promised Messiah’s [as] claim. However, when we see the state of affairs as far as the lifestyle changes the Promised Messiah [as] wished to bring about, we have cause for concern. Is each one of us defeating every societal ill by contending with it? Is everyone around us impressed by our morals or are we succumbing to the influence of society and forgetting Islamic teaching and traditions? Is each one of us trying the utmost to reform their lifestyle as the Promised Messiah [as] taught? Teaching that demands whether we have established that level of truthfulness where there is not even a hint of falsehood and deception! Do we keep an eye on the Hereafter as regards our worldly dealings? Do we give precedence to faith over worldly matter? Do we observe extreme caution in avoiding every ill and every bad practice? Do we shun usurping others? Do we observe five daily prayers? Do we always engage in prayer and remember God with humility? Do we abandon associates/friends whose influence is bad? Do we respect and serve our parents and listen to everything good they say to us? Are we gentle and kind towards our wives and their family? Do we deprive our neighbours of small matters of goodness? Do we forgive those who wrong us? Are our hearts free of all kinds of rancour and malice for others? Is every husband and every wife paying the dues of each other’s trusts? Do we keep an eye on our condition in light of our pledge of Bai’at? Are most of our gatherings/assemblies free from slandering others and from back-biting? Is there discourse about God and His Messenger in most of our gatherings/assemblies? If the answer to these questions is in the negative, then we are distant from the teachings of the Promised Messiah [as] and should be concerned about our lifestyle. If the answer to the questions is in the affirmative then fortunate are those who are paying heed to their lifestyle and are paying the dues of their Bai’at. Realistically looking sometimes we do not follow some of the aforementioned matters and societal ills repeatedly interfere in our lives and at times we succumb to them. There is no doubt that 99.9% of us claim that our belief is strong and nothing can make us waver from it.
However, we should always remember that when lifestyle weaknesses are caught up in societal surge they can also shake the roots of belief. Satan attacks gradually. One becomes distant from the Nizam (administrative system) of the Jama’at and this leads to distance from Khilafat. One weakness causes another weakness and everything is destroyed. We know that the beauty of Ahmadiyyat is in being corded together in the string of Nizam of Jama’at and Khilafat and this alone is the strength of our faith as well as the strength of what we practice. This is why Khulafa of the time always draw attention of the Jama’at to various weaknesses, so that before any Ahmadi becomes so distant that he reaches the point of no return, he can engage in Istaghfar (seeking forgiveness from God), keep an eye on his weaknesses and make an effort to remove them while remembering God’s favours on him.
Extract from Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V [atba] on 06/12/2013
An account from the biography of the Holy Prophet [saw] Extract taken from Life of Muhammad [saw]
he Holy Prophet [saw] took They thought that the Holy Prophet [saw] no part in the quarrels and would refuse to do anything for fear of the general rivalries of others, except with opposition to him and particularly for fear of the a view to putting an end to them. It opposition of Abu Jahl. If he refused to help this is said that the tribes living in Mecca man, he would be said to have broken his pledge and the territories around it were to the association. If, on the other hand, he did tired of the unending blood feuds. not refuse and chose to approach Abu Jahl for the To help the victims of the aggressive repayment of this loan, Abu Jahl was certain to and unjust treatment they formed turn him away with contempt. an association called Hilful-Fudūl. This man went to the Holy Prophet [saw] When the Holy Prophet [saw] and complained to him about Abu Jahl. The Holy heard of this, he gladly joined. ‘‘The Holy Prophet took no part in the
quarrels and rivalries of others, except with a view to putting an end to them..’’
It seems that no other member carried out any task for this association. But opportunity came to the Holy Prophet [saw] when he had announced his mission. His worst enemy was Abu Jahl, a chief of Mecca. He preached social boycott and public humiliation of the Holy Prophet [saw]. It is narrated that during that period an outsider from Mecca came. Money was due to him from Abu Jahl, but Abu Jahl refused to pay. He mentioned this to people in Mecca. Some young men, out of sheer mischief, suggested that he should approach the Holy Prophet [saw].
Prophet [saw], not hesitating for even a second, stood up, went with the man and knocked at Abu Jahl’s door. Abu Jahl came out and saw that his creditor was standing with the Holy Prophet [saw]. The Holy Prophet [saw] mentioned the loan and suggested its payment. Abu Jahl was taken aback and, making no excuses, paid at once. When the other chiefs of Mecca heard of this they reproved Abu Jahl, telling him how weak and self-contradictory he had proved. He preached the social boycott of the Holy Prophet [saw], yet he himself accepted direction from the Holy Prophet [saw] and paid a loan on his suggestion. In selfdefense, Abu Jahl pleaded that any other person would have done the same. He told them that as he saw the Holy Prophet [saw] standing at his door, he also saw two wild camels standing one on each side, ready to attack.
We cannot say what this experience was. Was it a miraculous appearance designed to upset Abu Jahl or was it the awe-inspiring presence of the Holy Prophet [saw] which produced this hallucination? A man hated and oppressed by a whole town had taken the courage to go alone to the leader of that town and demand the restitution of a loan. Maybe this very unexpected sight frightened Abu Jahl and for a moment made him forget what he had sworn to do against the Holy Prophet [saw], and forced him to do as the Holy Prophet [saw] suggested.
13 13
Arabia at the time of the birth of the Prophet of Islam [saw]
The Holy Prophet [saw] was born in Mecca in August 570 A.D. He was given the name Muhammad [saw] which means, the praised One. To understand his life and character we must have some idea of the conditions which were in Arabia at the time of his birth. The Persians were a superpower in the east, and the Romans in the west. Both Romans and Persians were rich nations. They were ruled by great kings and generals. Between these two big powers lay the vast sandy deserts of Arabia. The Arabs were a wild people. They had no king and no central authority. They were divided into many tribes, who knew no law but the law of vendetta. They worshipped stars and stones. The climate of Arabia was dry and hot in summer, and dry and cold in winter. The people were poor and ever in search of water.They would, therefore, travel from one place
to another. They had no brick houses and lived in tents. They could thus move easily about with their families. Wild life had made them brave and warlike. They had short tempers but long memories. They were, therefore, quick to quarrel but slow in making peace. They had a lustful disposition and were ever at war with one another over one thing or the other. They also fought for water rights. The quarrels of the Arabs were over petty causes but were bloody and long. It is said that once a man saw a bird lay eggs in its nest. Passing by, he promised to look after it. Next day he saw two shattered eggs lying near about. A camel was grazing not far away. The man guessed that the camel must have disturbed the nest. He went to the keeper of the camel and told him to stay away from the tree. But the owner of the camel only laughed at him. The man was so angry that he killed the camel there and then. This small matter led to a bloody fight. First the families of the two and later their tribes went to war. The war lasted for forty years. Arabs had no schools and no books. Except for a few, no one knew how to read and write. Sons, horses and poets were greatly prized among them. The birth of a daughter brought on great grief. Some of them buried their female children alive. The Arabs were very loyal to their tribes. They kept slaves and were proud of their families. They were cruel in war and had no mercy for the enemy, not even for women and children. But they were very brave. They had no fear of death and were kind to strangers.
An account from the life of the Promised Messiah [as]
The Promised Messiah [as] had to deal with a long series of cases on behalf of his father. In lawsuits people do not generally care much for truth, honesty and righteousness. But in carrying out his father’s wishes by faithfully conducting the legal proceedings, the Promised Messiah[as] never lost sight of his duty to God, Whom he loved with all his heart and all his soul. In an Indian court parties to a lawsuit have often to wait a long time outside the court before the judge summons them to his presence through a crier, who shouts out the name of the parties. No definite time of the day is fixed for the hearing of particular cases. The Promised Messiah[as] once went to Lahore in connection with an important lawsuit and stayed there with Sayyid Muhammad Ali Shah, a resident of Qadian, who in those days lived at Lahore and worked in the forest department. A servant of the host used to bring food to the Promised Messiah [as] in the chief court, where he had to remain in connection with the
lawsuit. One day he told the servant to return home with the food, saying that he would have it at home. After a while the Promised Messiah[as] arrived with a cheerful expression and appeared to be in very good spirits. When he was asked whether he had won the case, he replied that he had lost it. People are generally grieved and shocked when they lose an important case. The result of this case was a bitter disappointment to his father and a great misfortune to the family. Grief and sorrow are, however, of no avail in such circumstances. The Promised Messiah [as] was happy in so far as he had done his duty to his father to the best of his ability, and more so because, as he said, he would now have more time at his disposal to devote to the service of God.
‘‘The Promised Messiah [as] never lost sight of his duty to God, Whom he loved with all his heart and all his soul. ‘‘
Companions of the Promised Messiah [as] Incidents of Bai’at
Extract taken from Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Kalifatul-Masih V [atba] on 24/08/2012
to the guest house. Time for Maghrib model of modesty. He was deeply absorbed azrat Nizam Din Sahib [ra] was close so they asked where Mirza in this sight wondering that his maulwi writes that he belonged to sahib led Salat. Someone took them had declared this person a liar when Salat Ahle-Hadith community, to the mosque. In those days Masjid started. During Salat he wondered how the which presumed to be most righteous. Mubarak was extremely small. Nizam maulwi with a long beard had announced He once came to Lahore to attend an annual religious convention. Next to the sahib sat down on the spot to the right holding the Qur’an that ‘Mirza’ (God Forbid) where the Promised Messiah [as] was had caught leprosy. Nizam sahib doubted marquee of the convention a maulwi expected to sit. Due to the small size if anyone could tell falsehood while holding was distributing leaflets while holding the Qur’an and felt that it was possible the Qur’an in one hand and announcing of the mosque only six people could stand in one row and the congregation that the person standing next to him was that ‘Mirza’ had (God forbid) caught not Mirza sahib leprosy because and that he was he insulted ‘‘Maulwi Abdul Kareem sahib stood in front and delivered an there to deceive Prophets, address. Nizam sahib looked at the Promised Messiah [as] newcomers. Yet, called himself Isa (Jesus) from head to toe. His heart was affected to see the Promised when he visualised the pure and etc. It did not Messiah’s [as] appearance. Hair on his head and his beard resplendent face even cross of the Promised Nizam sahib’s appeared as if cords of gold to him and his half-closed eyes Messiah [as] he mind that one presented a perfect model of modesty.’’ wondered if the holding the maulwi had been Qur’an would lying. After Salat make a false could not be more than six rows deep. the Promised Messiah [as] called Hazrat statement. He was with two friends at The Promised Messiah [as] arrived Khalifatul-Masih I [ra] to come to the the time and they took a leaflet from soon after the Adhan and stood next the maulwi. The leaflet mentioned what to Nizam sahib. Maulwi Abdul Kareem front of the congregation. The Promised Messiah [as] then spoke of his prediction the maulwi was announcing. Intrigued, sahib stood in front and delivered an about the plague and said that he had Nizam sahib decided to visit Qadian to address. Nizam sahib looked at the warned people that he had seen angels see Mirza sahib for himself, so that on Promised Messiah [as] from head to sowing black plants, which were trees of the his return he could prove the lies of his toe. His heart was affected to see the Ahmadi friends. His two friends agreed Promised Messiah’s [as] appearance. plague but he had been mocked by people who had said that plague only affects to join him after some persuasion. Hair on his head and his beard They headed for Batala and from there appeared as if cords of gold to him and coastal areas. But now plague had spread in reached Qadian after Asr. They went his half-closed eyes presented a perfect Punjab. Nizam sahib wondered at the disparity
Jalsa Salana Qadian 2011
‘‘Nizam sahib’s eyes filled with tears and he censured himself for not yet taking Bai’at..’’ Nizam sahib wondered at the disparity between what his maulwi had said and what he had seen. Next morning they decided to ask Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I [ra]. Someone in the gathering raised the objection that the earlier Prophets did not have much to eat and endured starvation whereas Mirza sahib ate pilao and zarda (rich rice dishes). Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I [ra] replied that the Qur’an had indeed declared them as Halal. Nizam sahib showed him the leaflet and said his maulwi had said Mirza sahib had caught leprosy and was the person he had just seen the real Mirza sahib. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I [ra] told him that he had indeed seen the real Mirza sahib and it was up to him to believe who he wished to believe. Nizam sahib’s eyes filled with tears and he censured himself for not yet taking Bai’at. He requested the Promised Messiah [as] at Zuhr time to take his Bai’at but was told to wait lest the maulwi caused him to slip again. Nizam sahib wept and said that the maluwi could not cause him to slip any more. He took Bai’at the following day.
True Caliphate By Abdul Ghalib Khan, Manchester North
here is no doubt that Caliphate has been the centre of attention the world over in 2014. Though previously many attempts have been made to establish or declare caliphates around the world none has captured the imagination of the press and public as has that of IS. When on 29th June 2014, IS declared Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi to be the Caliph of all the Muslims and the Commander of the faithful, eyes and minds around the world began to scrutinise this blessed institution. As adherents to the world’s largest and oldest Caliphate, we must realise that any smoke which may cloud opinion of this institution in general, would also leave stains of doubt, mistrust and uncertainty upon our own blessed institution. Hence it is particularly necessary for us as Ahmadi Muslims to understand and portray the true nature and purpose of Caliphate. Caliphate is an English rendering of the Arabic word Khilaafa which is derived from the triliteral root Kha La Fa and linguistically refers to succession. This is very important as a great number of the many issues which surround this subject may be dismissed outright if this simple point were to be understood; Caliphate is a system which succeeds a prophet of God and a Caliph is therefore one who succeeds a prophet. Without this condition, no such system may be called a Caliphate.
The Muslim community have been promised Caliphate in Chapter 24 verse 56. It says: ”Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do good works that He will surely make them Successors in the earth, as He made Successors from among those who were before them; and that He will surely establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them; and that He will surely give them in exchange security and peace after their fear: They will worship Me, and they will not associate anything with Me. Then whoso is ungrateful after that, they will be the rebellious.”
‘‘An individual may witness the signs of the truth of this Caliphate personally, simply by holding firm to this rope of Allah. It will lead one to the path which leads to God.’’ This is not something new or unique to Islam. In fact the Holy Prophet [saw] says ”There had not been any Prophethood which was not succeeded by Khilafat.” (Kanzul Ummal fi Sunanil Aqwal wal Af‘al, Vol. 11, Hadith No.32246). The existence of Caliphate in the past is alluded to by the verse itself. It says ‘as He made successors from those who were before them’
Of course, comparing Caliphates of the past
and present does not imply that they will be identical in every aspect. How could they be? For no two Prophets whom a Caliphate succeeded were ever identical. Rather it is testimony to an ongoing practice of God Almighty, which has taken various guises since its inception with Prophet Adam [as]. Thus, in accordance with this tradition, Caliphate was also established in Islam to succeed the Holy Prophet [saw] at the time of his demise. It was certainly a period of trial and immense pain for the Muslims. On the one hand they had lost the man most beloved to them and on the other dissention was beginning to rear its ugly head. Opponents of Islam and those who wished to usurp power and land saw this as a perfect opportunity to satisfy their evil intentions. At this critical juncture the magnificent community of noble Muslims prepared by the Prophet of Islam elected Hazrat Abu Bakr [ra] as their first Caliph and head of state and united at his hand. It is worthwhile at this point to delve in to how this took place. A group of companions gathered together to discuss who among the Muslims should be the next Caliph. After some deliberation, they were unanimous in their decision to elect Hazrat Abu Bakr [ra]. In fact following the demise of a Prophet and each successive Caliph, a new Caliph is always elected and this is alluded to in the verse above. It says the establishment of Caliphate is a promise to the believers; therefore their Caliph becomes that person around whom the community gathers. One may ask that if this institution is indeed divinely established how then can people choose the Caliph? But is it not often the case that God’s will is realised through Men? For example, God wished to establish Islam as the religion of the world. Yet, this religious code was revealed to the Holy Prophet [saw] and delivered through him to the people. In the case of a Caliph, God guides those involved in the electoral process through revelation and inclines their hearts towards the individual he deems appropriate. In this
way God reminds us that Caliphate is His promise to the believers and that He himself creates the means of establishing both the system and Successor of His choice in the earth. This seems an appropriate time to remove a misconception common among many Muslims. Most if not all of you will have noticed that I referred to Hazrat Abu Bakr [ra] as both Caliph and head of state. This is not without reason. A vast majority of non-Ahmadi Muslims would not have made this distinction as they hold the view that caliphate cannot exist without a state i.e. that the spiritual leader of the Muslims must also be the temporal head of a state. They say that since they have seen the four divinely-guided Caliphs after the Holy Prophet [saw] were the leaders of a state, it is a necessary requirement for any person to be called a Caliph, to also have a Kingdom or state. This is incorrect. This misconception arises only as a result of not pondering over the actual meaning of the Arabic word ‘Khilaafa’ and its connotations. Thankfully, Hazrat Musleh Maud [ra] has done this rather beautifully as per the following quote: ‘Their point of view in this regard is no different than that of a person who goes to the shop of a tailor and finds that a young trainee is addressing his master as ‘Khalifah’. Having heard this, he comes out of the shop and proclaims that ‘Khalifah’ is a title to be used only for a tailor... Similar is the situation of the person who observes that the Khulafa’ of the Holy Prophet [saw] had kingdoms and sovereign governments, and therefore concludes that only a person who has a kingdom can be a Khalifah and no other person should be addressed as Khalifah, for being a Khalifah requires one to have a kingdom.’ (Blessings of Khilafat by Hazrat Mirza BashirudDin Mahmud Ahmad[ra], page 11) The spiritual successors of the Holy Prophet [saw] did not need a state to operate as the spiritual heads of the Muslim community. Just as the Prophet of Islam [saw] did not require a state to be the prophet of God (as is the case with the first 13 years of his mission), similarly his spiritual successors also did not require it. There is no question that the Prophet Muhammad
[saw] was blessed with both spiritual and temporal rights. However, had the Holy Prophet [saw] left no state, the caliphs who succeeded him would also have no state, yet they would still have been the caliphs of Islam and the Muslims. If we ponder a little more over this issue we arrive at a rather poignant question, viz. what is the true purpose of a Caliphate? Does this purpose encompass the spiritual, the worldly or both? The answer to this question actually holds the key to understanding and totally removing the aforementioned misunderstanding. I began this article by highlighting that Caliphate is a system which succeeds a Prophet, instituted to uphold and further grow his mission. It ensures that following the demise of a prophet; the lustre of the faith is not lost. Therefore, in order to answer the question I have posed we must first understand the purpose with which a prophet is sent. These aims and objectives, whatever they may be, will allow us to understand the aims and objectives of a system of Caliphate. Recall that a prophet is sent at a time when the people to whom he is sent have forgotten their creator. The prophet rekindles cognition of the divine and instils faith in the hearts. He teaches those who have believed the Book i.e. the law by which their lives and actions should be governed. But he does not rest here; to grant the actions of the believers conviction he teaches them the wisdom behind all of the things they are expected to do. Finally, he becomes a source of purification for them through his prayers. This is the fourfold purpose of a prophet laid down in the Holy Quran in Chapter 2 Verse 130 and it is related entirely to the spiritual. Thus the legacy of a prophet is the spiritual dominion he creates on the earth, not a worldly empire. Any worldly gain is a result only of the spiritual progress of the believers. The Holy Prophet [saw] says ”If in the sight of Allah the world had the value equal to that of the wing of a mosquito, He would not have allowed a disbeliever to drink a mouthful of water out of it.” (Tirmidhi, Kitab az Zuhud)
We deduce from this that the true purpose of a Caliph is, just like a prophet, to bring mankind closer to their Creator. This point is in fact abundantly clear from the verse on Caliphate written above. God associates this system only with the establishment of faith and His worship without associate. No worldly goals are stipulated. The last part of this article; with which I would like to end aims to tackle an important question, which we as Ahmadi Muslims are faced with. In an age when numerous Caliphates are said to exist how do we know our Caliphate is true? This may be tackled in two ways. Firstly, by studying the institution of Caliphate in the Ahmadiyya Community independently. It is the only Caliphate established to succeed a Prophet. No other Caliphate can claim this as every other Muslim group paradoxically rejects the possibility of a Prophet of any kind after the Holy Prophet [saw]. Once Caliphate is taken away, only God can reinstate it by appointing a prophet and establishing Caliphate thereafter. Since its inception in 1908 we have witnessed divine succour and support for this Caliphate at every step. Remember that God only helps those who are from him as is evident from the words ‘ He will surely establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them; and that He will surely give them in exchange security and peace after their fear...’ Despite numerous other so-called caliphates coming into existence, each has been blown away, only one has stood the test of time. Just as all enemies of the Promised Messiah [as] were destroyed, so are the enemies of our Caliphate. An individual may witness the signs of the truth of this Caliphate personally, simply by holding firm to this rope of Allah. It will lead one to the path which leads to God. Is there any greater proof of being from God than to lead others to his court? Secondly, by determining the truth of the Promised Messiah [as]. If the Promised Messiah [as] is truthful (and there is no doubt that he is) the Caliphate he prophesied to succeed him is also true. Hence, we should be sound in our knowledge of the truth of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad [as].
21 21
Introducing the Books of the Promised Messiah [as] Barakatud Dua (Blessings of Prayer) Extract taken from ‘Introducing the Books of the Promised Messiah [as]
ir Sayed Ahmad Khan (who has been mentioned in Aainai Kamalati-Islam) published a book Ad-Dua wallstijaba to show that the acceptance of the prayer was not an actual fact; it was only a sort of consolation that one felt in one’s heart after prayer to God that could be called acceptance of the prayer. Since this ideology is totally opposed to the Islamic ideology of the acceptance of prayer as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an and other sacred scriptures, The Promised Messiah [as] lost no time in issuing a refutation of the ideas of Sir Sayed Ahmad and Barakatud Dua was the result. Sir Sayed Ahmad had also written another book containing his views about the principles of commentary on the Holy Qur’an. The Promised Messiah [as] found that this book also contained incorrect principles. So he included his views on the commentary of the Holy Qur’an. In this book, Barakatud Dua, Sir Sayed was of the opinion that revelation did not mean that it was a message from another source; it only meant what somebody strongly felt as an idea taking hold of him. The Promised Messiah [as] in this respect explained what revelation really is. In this book he says: ‘I have seen that when revelation comes to me - and that is what the wahyi walayat - I feel that I am in the grip of someone and this grip is very strong and sometimes it is so strong that I feel that I am merged in the light of the one who grips me. I find a pull towards Him and I cannot resist in the least. It is when I am in the grip like this that I hear a very clear voice.’ The Promised Messiah [as] also assures Sayed Ahmad that if he wishes to have the proof of the acceptance of prayer
he is prepared to supply the same but he tells him that if the proofs are actually supplied, Sayed Ahmad should abandon his views. Before closing, The Promised Messiah [as] mentions one of his prayers that was accepted; it was in connection with Lekhram. He asks Sayed Ahmad to pray to God that his views about prayer may be corrected and this, he said, he could do by prayer alone. In his booklet Sayed Ahmad had mentioned the principles of the commentary of the Holy Qur’an. The seven principles mentioned by The Promised Messiah [as] are: 1 - The Holy Qur’an comments upon its own verses, i.e. every verse is made clear by some other verses and none of them contradicts in the least. 2 - Our commentary must fall in line with the commentary of the Holy Prophet [saw]. 3 - Our commentary must tally with the commentary by the companions of the Holy Prophet [saw]. 4 - We should purify ourselves and then look into this pure and sacred book. Only such a person can really and truly understand the Holy Qur’an as is pure. 5 - We should know the lexicon of the Arabic language. 6 - The spiritual system of life is akin to the physical system and this must always be kept in view. 7 - We should not lose sight of the visions and revelations of the holy people. They also throw a flood of light on the spiritual affairs.
MAA UK- Germany Trip 2014 By the Grace of Allah Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya UK organised a trip to Germany as part of an ongoing effort to train and educate our Atfal. The trip took place from the 25th November to the 1st of October 2014. 33 Atfal and 10 Khuddam from across the country participated in the trip. During the tour the Atfal got to visit a number of key and historical sites such as: The Berlin Wall, the Berlin Olympic Stadium, the Berlin Mosque belonging to the Lahori Jamaat, and the Cologne Cathedral. The trip was for 7 days.
Poppy Appeal Campaign Sheffield By the Grace of Allah Majlis Khuddamul-Ahmadiyya Sheffield gathered on 7th November 2014 at Baitul Afiyat Mosque to offer prayer and sold poppies to the members of Jamaat. Upon request of Qaid Majlis Sheffield, the missionary in-charge Sahib agreed that it was a good idea to inform the Jamaat about the poppy appeal and included the importance of loyalty to one’s nation in his Friday sermon. Special prayers were also conducted in this regards. On 8th of November 2014 Khuddam gathered in Sheffield Town centre to collect funds for the poppy appeal. A short briefing was given by Qaid Majlis followed by silent prayer. After this poppy stall was set up with under the banner of ”Love for All, Hatred for None” and sold poppies along with the girl’s scout of Navy force.
Tahir Region Tree Planting Session A successful family day event hosted by Tahir Region on 13th December 2014 to encourage all local communities to attend a tree planting day with over 200 participants for all walks of life. All members of Jamaat were invited to the session and by the Grace of Allah managed to plant 8000 trees.
Midlands Poppy Appeal Campaign 81 Khuddam and Atfal helped RBL (Royal British Legion) on 4th November 2014 to raise £26000 in one day - Birmingham Poppy day. AMYA raised £7000 on that day and all 9 qiadats from the region participated in this event which started at 7am and finished at 6pm. AMYA was able to provide the biggest turnout compared to other organisations helping RBL on that day. Midlands Region has had a busy month of November and December 2014 planting trees. Holding six sessions across the region including: Birmingham, Worcester, Derby, Leicester and Northampton. Midlands qiadats managed to plant approximately 3860 trees with a total of 57 participants.
MKA Fajr Fit South Region By the Grace of Allah the Almighty, South Region began the Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya year by holding Tahajjud prayer on Sunday 2nd November. Around 40 Khuddam attended the Tahajjud and Fajr prayer. South region now hold fortnightly ‘Sleepovers’ In Baitus Subhan on Saturday evenings. By doing this, we were able to add an important element of Tarbiyyat and Taleem as we were able to hold discussion forums after Isha prayer. The first sleepover was a great success with around 40 Khuddam and Atfal. Following Fajr prayer, the Khuddam & Aftal did some exercise by performing stretches and undertaking sports activities such as Table Tennis and running in the nearby park followed by having breakfast together.
Bradford South Atfal Visit Liverpool On Sunday 29th November 9 Atfal and 4 Pre-Atfal, accompanied by 5 Khuddam, from Bradford South took a trip to the wonderful city of Liverpool, once given the title of European City of Culture. The Atfal, who started their journey from Masjid Baitul Hamd in Bradford, visited the World Museum where they learnt about snakes, dinosaurs, bugs, and ancient civilisation. They were wonderfully hosted by the local Liverpool Jamaat, who provided facilities for Zohar and Asr prayers and provided a wonderful lunchtime meal of pizzas. The Atfal then visited the famous Liverpool docks on the Mersey river, which hosts famous markets and wonderful scenery.
A successful family day event hosted by Tahir Region on 13 December 2014 to encourage all local communities to attend a Tree Planting Day with over 200 participants for all walks of life. All members of Jamaat were invited to the sesison and by the Grace of Allah manged to plant 8000 trees.
The Mayan Civilisation The Mayan civilisation flourished in central America from about 2600BC until around AD1000. Today, this area is southern Mexico, Guatemala, northern Belize and western Honduras. By 250 A.D., the ancient Mayans were at their peak of power.
August 11, 3114BC According to the Mayans, the world was created on August 11, 3114BC, which is the date their calendar counts from.
Written Language The Mayans developed the first proper written language in the Americas. The Mayans had fairly advanced writing skills, like the Egyptians their written language was in hieroglyphs. They were capable of writing full sentences and communicating stories. Most Mayans could read some basic hieroglyphs carved in stone but it would have been the nobles and priests that understood the entire language. They covered their cities and building in hieroglyphs and were adept at writing books made out of soft inner bark of fig trees. They wrote using quills made from turkey feathers. The Mayan writing system was made up of 800 glyphs. Some of the glyphs were pictures and others represented sounds.
Mayan civilisation and its people practiced and promoted blood sacrificed to their gods; especially of little children. Their sacrifices usually would take place on the first appearance of the planet Venus or simply to appease the sun.
The ancient Mayans had a class society. At the top were the nobles and priests. Their middle class was made up of warriors, craftsmen and traders. The farmers, workers and slaves were at the bottom.
The Mayans and Aztecs both built pyramids, many of which are larger than those in Egypt.
The Mayans used saunas: An important purification element to the ancient Maya was the sweat bath, or zumpul-chĂŠ. Similar to a modern day sauna, sweat baths were constructed of stone walls and ceilings, with a small opening in the top of the ceiling. Water poured onto the hot rocks in the room created steam, offering a setting in which to sweat out impurities.
Charity collection session, Glasgow
Tree planting session in St. Albans
Pictures from ac
Tree planting session Burton Qiadat
‘‘To serve humanity’’ Discussion forum, Gillingham
Majlis Atfalul-Ahmadiyya UK trip to Berlin
Poppy collection, Birmingham
Fajr fit East Region
Fajr fit Islamabad
across the country
Help for kids collection , Dundee
‘‘To better myself ’’ Poppy collection, Sheffield
Collection for Leo’s appeal and MK Hospital’s children’s ward Milton Keynes
Collecting for Barnados, Birmingham West
The Human Body er ? Focus on Allah’s creation
1. A human baby has over 60 more bones than an adult.
2. There are 100,000 miles of blood vessels in an adult human body.
3. Your body has enough iron in it to make a metal nail 3 inches long. 4. The strongest muscle in the human body is the masseter (jaw muscle). 5. Sweat itself is odorless. It’s the bacteria on the skin that mingles with it and produces body odor. 6. We spend about 10% of our waking hours with our eyes closed, blinking. 7. Ears and nose never stop growing. 8. Similar to fingerprints, everyone also has a unique tongue Print 9. When awake, the human brain produces enough electricity to power a small lightbulb. 10. If the human eye was a digital camera it would have 576 megapixels.
‘‘When you work together, you are stronger ’’
nce upon a time, there was a flock of doves that flew in search of food led by their king. One day, they had flown a long distance and were very tired. The dove king encouraged them to fly a little further. The smallest dove picked up speed and found some rice scattered beneath a banyan tree. So all the doves landed and began to eat. Suddenly a net fell over them and they were all trapped. They saw a hunter approaching carrying a huge club. The doves desperately fluttered their wings trying to get out, but to no avail. The king had an idea. He advised all the doves to fly up together carrying the net with them. He said that there was strength in unity. Each dove picked up a portion of the net and together they flew off carrying the net with them. The hunter looked up in astonishment. He tried to follow them, but they were flying high over hills and valleys. They flew to a hill near a city of temples where there lived a mouse who
could help them. He was a faithful friend of the dove king. When the mouse heard the loud noise of their approach, he went into hiding. The dove king gently called out to him and then the mouse was happy to see him. The dove king explained that they had been caught in a trap and needed the mouse’s help to gnaw at the net with his teeth and set them free. The mouse agreed saying that he would set the king free first. The king insisted that he first free his subjects and the king last. The mouse understood the king’s feelings and complied with his wishes. He began to cut the net and one by one all the doves were freed including the dove king. They all thanked the mouse and flew away together, united in their strength. Moral: When you work together, you are stronger.
The Diary Singapore Tour
A personal account of Abid Khan Sahib (Incharge Central Press & Media Office)
On 21 September 2013 Huzoor and his entourage set off from London for a seven and a half week tour. Apart from Huzoor and Khala Saboohi there were nine of us who had the honour to travel with Huzoor. There were four security members, Muhammad Ahmad Sahib (Ahmad bhai), Nasir Saeed Sahib, Sakawat Bajwa Sahib and Khalid Akram Sahib and there were five members of office staff, Munir Ahmad Javed Sahib (Private Secretary), Abdul Majid Tahir Sahib (Add Wakil‐ul‐Tabshir), Mubarak Zafar Sahib (Add Wakil‐ul‐Maal), Bashir Ahmad Sahib (PS Office) and me. I was travelling on behalf of the International Press Desk.
Finding Out I had only learnt I had the honour to travel with Huzoor just over a week before the tour began. Many weeks earlier, Huzoor had asked me one day if my wife Mala would be ok without me for a long period of time. I remember at the time hoping and praying that it meant Huzoor might be planning on taking me but for many weeks after I heard nothing further. In fact, on a number of occasions I had the opportunity to discuss Huzoor’s forthcoming tour with him, however not once did Huzoor mention that he had included me in his Qafila. This is not really surprising, as I have learned over the years that there is no better secret keeper than Huzoor!
Leaving Home I remember the day of travel very vividly. It seemed to go on for a long, long time, because the flight was in the evening and so we did not leave the London Mosque until late afternoon. I remember on the same day a terrorist attack on a large Kenyan shopping centre had begun and was all over the news. As I watched the coverage two thoughts entered my mind. First, I thought that yet again innocent people were being killed in the name of Islam and so our religion would once again be tarnished and branded a religion of terror. Secondly, and in the immediate term, I wondered if the attack would increase security at the airport or delay the flight. In the event, thankfully, I do not think it had any impact on Huzoor’s flight. As, I left home that day, I felt sad that I was not going to see my young baby son Mahid for many weeks and I reflected that upon my return he would probably have forgotten who I was. On the opposite side however, my heart was racing with excitement at the prospect of spending the best part of the next two months accompanying Huzoor and in the knowledge that I would have the opportunity to witness the blessings of Khilafat and visit countries that I could never have dreamed I would ever had the opportunity to travel to.
Flight to Singapore Amongst the Qafila members I was the youngest and certainly I knew that there were many, many people much more talented than me. Yet, I had the opportunity to travel in the same Qafila as Hazrat Khalifatul Masih. No matter how much I thanked Allah for these blessings it could never be enough. The flight to Singapore was over 11 hours and because of the time difference of 7 hours by the time we arrived it was the afternoon of the 22nd September. I was told afterwards that for a period of time during the flight there had been a great deal of turbulence and that they had cancelled serving breakfast in the main cabin because of this. However, throughout that period I was sound asleep and so I have no recollection of that whatsoever! Nonetheless, afterwards it remained a topic of discussion amongst some of the other Qafila members over the next couple of days
Arrival in Singapore and ride on airport buggy As we came off the plane after landing in Singapore, there were some airport officials waiting for us with buggies to transport us across the airport terminal. Huzoor and Khala Saboohi were in the front buggy, whilst I was in the second buggy along with Majid Sahib and Mubarak sahib. Despite being quite tired after the flight, I remember feeling thrilled to have arrived in Singapore. As we moved across the airport I scanned left and right not wanting to miss
any part of our new surroundings. The buggy travelled much faster than I expected and so we were zooming across the airport as though we were taking part in a motor racing event! Our driver was an elderly Indian man and as we drove across the airport he told me his son was a famous Bollywood star who was really good at singing. As I listened to him I could not contain my laughter. It felt truly surreal that I was in Singapore with Huzoor, sat in a buggy, listening to an Indian man telling me I should watch the films in which his son had apparently starred!
Anyway, we were all in good spirits and thankful that with the Grace of Allah, Huzoor had arrived safely in Singapore. Alhamdulillah.
Welcome at Airport Huzoor was welcomed at the airport by Jamaat officials, not just from Singapore but also from the neighbouring countries of Indonesia and Malaysia. It is a sad fact that our Jamaat has and continues to face persecution in both of these countries and so currently it is not practically possible for Huzoor to travel to those countries. Thus, over the next week literally thousands of Ahmadis travelled from these countries to meet with Huzoor. Over the week I became friendly with many of them and they all used to express their longing that Huzoor could one day soon visit their countries. May Allah make it possible, Insha’Allah.
Huzoor’s Residence in Singapore From the airport we travelled to the residence. On the 20 minute drive I immediately noticed that Singapore was a very, very clean country. I had already heard about the infamous law that chewing gum was a crime in the country and as I looked through the window I could see the benefits of such discipline. Lush greenery was visible everywhere, as were beautiful palm trees and as Singapore is an Island, water surrounded the land. Huzoor and his Qafila were staying in a building comprising a number of ‘service apartments’ located very close to our Mosque Masjid Taha. The Jamaat had booked apartments on various levels in the building. On the fourth floor was Huzoor’s room and on the same level were the security rooms. On the floor immediately below was an apartment in which there were four bedrooms. I was given one room in the apartment whilst the other rooms were allocated to Private Secretary Sahib, Majid Sahib and Mubarak Zafar Sahib.
Checking of Qibla direction The apartment’s living room was also used as a common room for the Qafila to gather at meal times. As the time for prayers was getting late on that first afternoon, the Zuhr and Asr prayers were also offered in our apartment. When Huzoor came down to the apartment he immediately asked for the qibla direction to be checked. I used the app on my phone as did a few other people and it was realised that the direction we had was quite different to the way the local Jamaat had laid the prayer mats. Upon questioning, the local Jamaat admitted that they had guessed the direction and had not checked it properly. Anyway, the direction of the prayer mats was changed and thereafter Huzoor led the prayers.
Huzoor’s guidance about food When we arrived at the residence we are all quite hungry. Although we had been served breakfast on the plane it had been quite light and a number of hours had passed. For some reason, the local Jamaat had assumed that the Qafila would have eaten already and so they had not prepared lunch. When they realised that we had not eaten they organised for some food to come from the Mosque and also I think they ordered some from a local restaurant. Nonetheless, it took quite some time. After, Namaz had concluded Huzoor spoke to Mubarak Chowdhury, the local Kharija Secretary, and said that it was a basic necessity for food to be provided for Huzoor’s Qafila members. Hearing this, Mubarak Sahib said “Huzoor tonight we will provide very delicious and excellent food.” I really loved Huzoor’s reply to this. He said: “We do not need any posh or lavish food. We are very happy to eat Daal Roti– that is quite
sufficient and adequate. The point is that food should be provided for Qafila members but there is no need for any extravagance. We will very happily eat Daal Roti.” The point Huzoor made was that food ought to be provided but Huzoor did not want or require anything lavish, just basic food so that nobody went hungry. During the rest of the tour sometimes local Jamaats would provide local cuisine or some special dishes, but I can say truthfully that none of it ever tasted better than the days when we had garam garam daal with roti! I actually thought about this a few times during the tour that the daal tastes so good and I believed that it was due to the blessings of Huzoor’s words on that very first afternoon in Singapore.
First visit to Masjid Taha In the evening at 7.45pm, Huzoor travelled to Masjid Taha which was about three or four minutes drive. As Huzoor arrived there were hundreds of Ahmadis men, women and children who had lined the Mosque area to greet him. They were all desperate to see Huzoor and to get a glimpse of their beloved Imam. You could see the love and joy on their faces. Huzoor smiled and waved at them and walked through the hall and up the steps to the main Mosque where he led the Maghreb and Isha prayers. Even on that first day I could sense that this would be no ordinary tour but something very, very historic. To be there with Huzoor and to see the love the local Ahmadis had for Huzoor and to see all the Ahmadis who had travelled from countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma, Philippines, Thailand and others was extremely humbling.
We were getting ready for this journey from Sri Lanka ever since we found out Huzoor is coming to Singapore. I have been saving money since April so I can come with my family. It was very tough. My three year old and seven year old were both desperate to see Huzoor. In the end I did not have enough money to bring them with me. So I have been crying for weeks, but I had no option but to come on my own...
Huzoor’s Mulaqats in Singapore Over the next few days the majority of each day was spent at the Mosque as Huzoor conducted Mulaqaats with the Ahmadis. With each day that passed the number of Mulaqaats increased to the point that on the final few days the door to Huzoor’s office was constantly open and rather than sit at his desk, Huzoor would stand in front of it and the Ahmadis would enter, meet Huzoor, have their photo taken and then the next family would come in. Whilst this process was going on they would say whatever they wished to say and Huzoor would respond with prayers and with his guidance. The scene reminded me of a revolving door often seen in hotels where people are constantly entering and leaving. I used to sit downstairs in an office along with Majid Sahib and Mubarak Zafar Sahib but every so often I would go up to where the Mulaqats were taking place. Each time I went it seemed as though there were more and more people who had arrived. There was so much excitement and emotion on the faces of the Ahmadis at the prospect of meeting their Khalifa that it’s hard to describe in words. Many of them would be in tears, both before they went into Huzoor’s office and when they came out. You could see how much it meant to them to be in the vicinity of the Khalifa. It was an
indescribable experience for them something they would never ever forget. One of the guests who had travelled from Sri Lanka, Anees Ahmad (38) told me about the obstacles he had faced to come and meet Huzoor. He said: “We were getting ready for this journey from Sri Lanka ever since we found out Huzoor is coming to Singapore. I have been saving money since April so I can come with my family. It was very tough. My three year old and seven year old were both desperate to see Huzoor. In the end I did not have enough money to bring them with me. So I have been crying for weeks, but I had no option but to come on my own... The Mulaqat I had with Huzoor was so wonderful. Seeing Huzoor with my own eyes brings an electric current. His face is like a star in the sky. May Allah let us stay attached to Khilafat until our final breath.” I remember vividly talking to Anees Sahib as we sat in Masjid Taha. As he recounted how he had been unable to bring his family, tears flowed from his eyes literally like a running stream. I did not really know how to respond and so I just comforted him by placing my hand on his shoulder and I said to him that you tried your best and so Allah knows your intentions and will reward you and your family for that.
To be continued .........
Mind Riddles
1. A man stands on one side of a river, his dog on the other. The man calls his dog, who immediately crosses the river without getting wet and without using a bridge or a boat. How did the dog do it?
Put a coin into an empty bottle and insert a cork into the neck. How can you remove the coin without removing the cork or breaking the bottle?
3. Two boxers are in a match scheduled for 12 rounds. (Pure boxing only – no kicking, UFC takedowns, or anything else). One of the boxers gets knocked out after only six rounds, yet no man throws a punch. How is this possible?
Jokes A man goes into a pet shop to buy a parrot. The assistant takes him to the parrot section and asks him to choose one. ”How much is the yellow one?” the man asks. ”£2,000”, the assistant says. The man is shocked and asks why it’s so expensive. ”This parrot is very special,” the assistant explains. “He knows typewriting and can type fast.” ”What about the green one?” the man asks. ”He costs £5,000 – he knows typewriting, can answer incoming telephone calls and takes notes,” replies the assistant. ”And what about the red one?” the man asks. ”£10,000,” says the assistant. ”Wow!” exclaims the man. ”What does he do?” ”I don’t know,” says the assistant. ”But the other two call him boss.”
Answers will be revealed in the next edition. In the mean time please try to resolve these and send in your answers to Those who send in correct answers will have their names published on Tariq Magazine website.
The voice of Majlis Khuddamul-Ahmadiyya UK