Tariq Magazine - VOL 23 - ISSUE 1 - 2019

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Vol. 23, No. 1


Nov-Dec 2018




Holy Quran ‫اعوذ باهلل من الشيطان الرجيم‬ ‫بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬

ُ ‫اك ْم ِّم ْن َذ َك ٍر َّو ُأن َثى َو َج َع ْل َن‬ ُ ‫اس ِإنَّا َخ َل ْق َن‬ ‫اك ْم‬ ُ ‫َيا َأ ُّي َها ال َّن‬ ِ ‫ِع ْندَ ا‬ ‫هلل‬

‫ إ َِّن َأ ْك َر َم ُك ْم‬- ‫ُش ُع ْو ًبا َّو َق َبا ِئ َل ِل َت َعا َر ُف ْوا‬ َ ‫ إ َِّن‬- ‫اكم‬ ‫اهلل َع ِل ْي ٌم َخ ِب ْي ٌر‬ ْ ُ ‫َأ ْت َق‬

O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female; and We have made you into


that you may recognise one another.

sub-tribes Verily, the most


honourable among you, in the sight of Allah, is he who is the most righteous among you. Surely, Allah is AllKnowing, All-Aware.

Surah Al-Hujurat, 49:14

HADITH ‫اللهم صل على محمد و على آل محمد كما صليت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد‬ ‫اللهم بارك على محمد و على آل محمد كما باركت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد‬

‫ ْالُ ْس ِل ُم َأ ُخو‬:‫َأ َّن َر ُس ْو َل ا ِهلل صلى اهلل عليه وسلم َق َال‬ َ ‫ َو َم ْن َك‬،‫ َو َال ُي ْس ِل ُم ُه‬،‫ َال َي ْظ ِل ُم ُه‬،‫ْالُ ْس ِل ِم‬ ،‫اج ِة َأ ِخي ِه‬ َ ‫ان ِفي َح‬

ُ َ ‫َك‬ ِ ‫اج ِت ِه‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ف‬ ‫اهلل‬ ‫ان‬ َ َ

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said, “A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim. So he should neither oppress him nor hand him over to an oppressor. And whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother,

fulfil his needs.”

Allah will

Sahih al-Bukhari 6951, Book 89, Hadith 12

Extract of the Promised messiahas The Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdias states:

These are truly fragile times. Everyone ought to fear the wrath of Allah Almighty, for He has no care except for those who are His pious servants. Foster

brotherhood and love amongst yourselves; forsake barbarity and mutual dissension. Withdraw completely from all forms of jest and mockery, for mockery moves the heart far away from the truth. Treat one another with respect. Each and every one of you ought to give

preference to the comfort of your brother over themselves. Reconcile sincerely with Allah the Exalted and become subservient to Him once again. The wrath of Allah Almighty is descending upon the earth and only those will be saved who fully repent of all their sins and return to God. Malfuzat, Vol. I, p. 267

‫بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬


Team Chief Editor: Daniyal Kahlon Assistant Editor (English): Rashid Mubashir Assistant Editor (Urdu): Salman Qamar Content Checking & Proofreading: Fateh Alam Graphics: Labeed Mirza & Ehtesham Arif

Official Websites: www.tariqmagazine.org www.khuddam.org.uk Sarae Khidmat, 16 Gressenhal Road. Southfields, SW18 5QL

Management Sadr Majlis: Abdul Quddus Arif Mohtamim Isha’at: Numaan Chaudhry

In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the ever Merciful

EDITORIAL ‫السالم عليكم ورحمة اهلل و بركاته‬ Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you. Welcome to this issue of ‘Tariq Magazine’, the official organ of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK. The aim of this magazine is to present to our readers articles on varying issues, along with keeping the Majlis informed about MKA’s activities across the country. We would love to hear from our readers about ways we can improve our Magazine. This issue is a special number on the historic trip that Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya UK had organised for both Khuddam and Atfal to visit Ghana. It was the desire of our beloved Imam, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba that we cover this trip in this issue. Hence, we have tried to give our reader a brief glimpse into the trip through the words of those Khuddam who accompanied the Atfal on this historic tour. In addition to this we have presented some rare content with regards to the life of our beloved Imam, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba whilst serving as a Life Devotee in Ghana. I would like to thank all the team members who have worked tirelessly to bring this magazine to life. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Makhzan-eTasaweer for providing us with valuable photos of our beloved Khulafa. With a humble request for prayers,


The Editor 15.12.18




Salutations and their Meanings: sa Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam ‫َص َّلی اهلل َع ِل ْي ِه َو َس َّل ْم‬ َ َ as Alayhis-Salam ‫السلم‬ َّ ‫َعل ْی ِه‬ ra ‫َر ِض َی اهلل َع ْن ُه‬ Radiyallahu Anhu rh Rahmatullahi Alayhi ِ ‫َر ِح َم ُة ا‬ ‫هلل َع َل ْی ِه‬ aba ‫ اَ َّيدَ ُه هلل َت َعالی ِب َن ْص ِر ِه ال َع ِز ْیز‬Ayyadahullahu Ta’ala Bi-Nasrihil-Aziz

Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him Peace be on him Allah be pleased with him Allah shower his mercy upon him May Allah the Almighty help him with His powerful support

THE BRIEF THE BRIEF COVERS THE ACTIVITIES OF VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS of the Majlis DURING THE months of september, october & november 2018.


Taleem (moral & spiritual development) (Education)



Number of Tarbiyyat sessions held during these three months.

Number of Taleem sessions held in these past three months

WAQAR-E-AMAL (dignity in labour)

Sehat-e-Jismani (health & fitness)

726 Number of sporting events held throughout the nation.

1199 Number of Waqar-e-Amal sessions held by the Majlis.

Khidmat-e-khalq (Service to humanity)



Amount raised through the poppy appeal for the Royal British Legion. An additional £8.5K were raised for another armed forces charity as well.

These regions consists of the following Qiadats:

Baitul ehsan 1) Carshalton 2) Cheam 3) Cheam South 4) Hackbirdge 6) Sutton 7) Sutton West 8) Wallington

Islamabad 1) Islamabad 2) Crawley 3) Aldershot 4) Bournemouth 5) Jamia

Bashir 1) Oxford 2) Reading 3) Woking


Timeline of the Trip


Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba in Ghana Interview


Extract from Abid Khan Sahib’s Diary


Early History of Ahmadiyyat in Ghana

28 34

Khuddam & Atfal Diaries Various Khuddam & Atfal

Following the Footsteps of a Man of God: A personal Account Moonis Nasir


5 Questions with Sadr MKA Ghana Nasir Ahmed

48 52

Closing Remarks Ali Khan


MKA United Kingdom

Ghana Trip 2018

Day 1

Day 2

Visit to Asafo Mosque, Kumasi 4 Hours away from Accra, Kumasi is the second largest city in Ghana. MKA UK was welcomed into the city with the recital of ‘Taranas’ (poems) sung by local children.

TI College, Kumasi Populated with 3000 students and 300 teachers, Talimul-Islam School is considered one of the best schools in the Ashanti Region. MKA UK played a friendly game of football with the TI College Team.

Arrival in Accra, Ghana Arrived at 21:00 local time greeted by Missionary In-Charge, and Sadr MKA Ghana. Departure from United Kingdom Flight departed at 14:20, from Heathrow.

Day 3

Day 4

Jamia International, Ghana Tour of the new Jamia building was given. Jamia was opened in 2012.

Cape Coast Castle As well as acting as a fort overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, Cape Coast Castle also acted as a central hub for Gold and Timber and Slave transaction with Europe. The fort had many dungeons where Slaves would be kept awaiting export.

Saltpond Beach Dinner was served as a picnic at Saltpond Beach.

Saltpond Missionary Centre A Tour and Discussion held about Saltpond Missionary Center.

Arrival in Jamiatul Mubashireen Located on the heights of Saltpond, Jamiatul Mubashireen, the group arrived in the early evening. Tour of Kokofu Hospital Greeted by Dr Mahmud Ahmad Butt and shown around the hospital.

Tour of MTA Wahab Adam Studio MTA Ghana Tour given of MTA International Ghana Wahab Adam Studios.

Wahab Adam Sahibrh

Prayer Maqbara Moosian Prayer atatthe grave stone of Abdul

Tour of Baghe Ahmad Tour of Jalsa Gah, Ghana.

Visit TI Ahmadiyya Senior High School Essakyir School at which Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V aba taught at.

Ekrawfo Mosque Tour of Ekrawfo Mosque, Saltpond.

Day 5 Day 6

Tour of Raqeem Press The printing press of the Ghana Jama’at, Raqeem Press is located in Tema, Greater Accra.

Closing Ceremony Led by Ameer Jamaat Ghana. Gifts exchanged


Departure for UK Left from Accra at 23:00, arrival in United Kingdom at 6:00.



IN GHANA The following is an extract from an interview with Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba that took place at the occasion of the centenary year of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya in 2008. Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK had the honour of conducting this interview. The full text of the interview has been published in the Centenary edition of the Tariq magazine. Here we present the sections about the time our beloved Huzoor-e-Anwaraba spent in Ghana:

I enjoyed living there. When I went there I did not know that I was going to such a place where there is no light, no gas, no water. The Principal of the school took me along from Kumasi to Salaga – the remotest town in the northern region of Ghana. The house was very small where we used to live. Two small rooms and a 3 feet wide corridor - running around those two rooms. On one side was a kitchen and toilet/bath. I stayed with him in that house and he was staying with his family. So it was very difficult, you know, for an Ahmadi to live in a place where a family is living. Whenever you have to go to toilet or have to go anywhere, you have to announce first that I am coming out, I am going there, etc., to make the house owners alert that these are going to be your movements. For some months I stayed with him. I stayed separately in the same house. I enjoyed that place. I stayed alone for one year without my family. There is a big city called Tamale which is 70 miles from Salaga. At that time we were building some school block, we used to go there for our building material and even for household commodities, gro-

ceries, etc. We used to travel 70 miles to Tamale. There was no proper means of transport; there was only one government transport bus that used to come from Tamale, one in the morning and one in the evening. We enjoyed travelling. Nobody knew when it will break down. I first learnt how to make chapatis there from our missionaries who were living in Tamale. Early morning for breakfast I would make 2 chapatis and normally I used to take bread and eggs. There would be no afternoon lunch. In the evening after closing from School around 4 o’clock I would make my food, sardine or mackerel and prepare some chapaties. I lost almost 25 pounds weight at that time. Later on it was okay. I enjoyed that also – it was an adventure. Another adventure during those days, as I have said there was only one bus that used to commute between Tamale and Salaga and also 16 miles further on from Salaga to a place where it was the end of the road, Lake Volta starts from there. Once, our Missionary Razzaq Butt Sahib and I were travelling to Tamale. He used to come and spend 2-3 days with me and teach Islamic Studies to children.

“Early morning for breakfast I would make 2 chapatis and normally I used to take bread and eggs. There would be no afternoon lunch. In the evening after closing from School around 4 o’clock I would make my food, sardine or mackerel and prepare some chapatis.” When that bus would reach Salaga from the lake you would not find any place to even stand there. What we used to do was that we would take the bus when it reached Salaga and go to the end of the road 17 miles further. There you could easily get some comfortable seat as the bus is empty there. So we used to travel 34 miles extra travel to get seats. One day the bus broke down at that end and it was evening. I was going to purchase some building material for our building – we were everything there, builder, contractor, etc. I had a large amount of money in my briefcase and the night was fast approaching and I was afraid, not for myself but that somebody could snatch the bag and take it away. By 10 o’clock they could not repair the bus. Later on they announced that now they have sent the message to Tamale through some truck driver who was going there and the bus will soon come. That “soon” was after 8 hours. We spent the whole night there. I found a bench and sat on it. I held my briefcase very firmly so if somebody tries to snatch it then at least I would wake up from the resulting jerk and I suggested to Maulvi Sahib to sleep half the night and the other half I will sleep to take care of

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the briefcase properly. Next morning at 4 o’clock the bus came and we reached Tamale. Once the bus broke down on the way and we could not find any means of transport and so we had to climb on top of a loaded truck and travel about 70 miles. So there were quite a few experiences there and I enjoyed them. Even when we were running a farm, there were quite a number of days I would travel by a tractor to the farm which was almost 35 miles from my residence. Sometimes I used to drive the tractor and some days I would sit on the mudguard of the tractor – by the time you would get to the place you were so tired, it is very difficult for you to do your job. So I would spend the night there. There was no proper house, not even a single room as it was a small village. So we would spend our nights with the local people in their thatched mud rooms. There are thatched houses and they spread mats on the floor and there you sleep. I don’t know whether you have experienced that but I am very well experienced. I have spent many nights in the bush. Whenever I would wake up in the night

I would look around to see if there were any scorpions or such because there were so many snakes and scorpions around. It was a concept among agriculture experts that wheat cannot be grown there. There was Harmattan season. I felt that during the Harmattan when the temperature goes down, we can grow wheat but how when there was no water? There is a big river in Ghana that is called Volta River. There is White Volta and Red Volta that comes from Burkina Faso and passes through Ghana and falls into the Volta Lake which is their reservoir of Akosombo Dam and then the water goes to sea. I was of the view that if we get water or irrigation facilities we can grow wheat easily because I had known earlier that in some parts of Nigeria wheat was grown where there were water facilities

for irrigation. So luckily we found a water pump with sprinklers, although we could only cover a small area, some two acres, at least it was enough for my experiment. I asked one of my friends in Nigeria to send me some wheat seeds and I experimented there. It grew very well. We irrigated them with sprinklers. We lifted all water from the Volta River and it was quite successful. I could not calculate the feasibility or to see the feasibility but at least it did very well. Even up to now Ameer of Ghana, Wahab Adam Sahib has kept that small quantity of wheat in a jar and kept that jar in the exhibition hall in Ghana Jama’at. Till now it is very well preserved. I did it for two years but later on because of non-availability of facilities for irrigation it could not be continued.”

“Even when we were running a farm, there were quite a number of days I would travel by a tractor to the farm which was almost 35 miles from my residence. Sometimes I used to drive the tractor and some days I would sit on the mudguard of the tractor – by the time you would get to the place you were so tired, it is very difficult for you to do your job.”

Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba in Ghana 21

“O Ahmadis of Ghana! I congratulate you for you have fulfilled your allegiance to Khilafat.� Hazrat Khalifatul-masih vaba



During a conversation with an Arab Ahmadi in a Mulaqaat, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba narrated a personal story of his time in Ghana. The dialogue is as follows:

The Arab Ahmadi told Huzoor that he had not yet met with his new-born son, as he had been abroad at the time of birth. Hearing this, Huzoor smiled and said: “At least you know that your son has been born and is well. I was in Ghana when I found out that my daughter had been born in Rabwah whilst reading Al-Fazl one month after the birth!”

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“A few days before I read the Al-Fazl article, a person came up to me and actually said that ‘I heard you had a daughter’ and in reply I said to him ‘I do not know!’ and it was only from Al-Fazl that I received confirmation that Allah had blessed us with a daughter. Then, only after a further ten months did I meet my child for the first time.”

Huzoor continued:




Extranct from Abid Khan Sahib’s Diary 25



efore the spread of Ahmadiyyat in Ghana, Islam was already being practised by a few tribes. In the early twentieth century, a Chief of such a tribe, by the name of Chief Mahdi Appah, was a devout Muslim who along with his tribesmen would practice Islam. When a Muslim elder from amongst this tribe, Opanyin Yusuf Nyarko dreamt that he was praying alongside some fair-skinned people, he related this dream to Chief Mahdi Appah and the other elders of the tribe, who took a keen interest in this dream. When Chief Mahdi Appah narrated this dream to a Nigerian friend by the name of Abudu Pedro who worked at the Post Office at Saltpond, Mr Pedro informed him that he receives a magazine from a Muslim community in India which is spreading the message of Islam. Upon hearing this, the Chief obtained the address of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at in India and through letters, came into correspondence with Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIra. The Chief requested Huzoorra to send a missionary from India, to which Huzoorra agreed, on the basis that they would cover the travel expenses of the missionary. The sum of the travel expenses was roughly three hundred pounds sterling, which Chief Mahdi Appah and many of his tribesmen sent, many of whom sold their properties in this endeavour. As a result of receiving the sum for the travel expenses of a missionary, in 1921 Hazrat Musleh Maudra sent Hazrat Maulana Abdur Rahim Nayyar sahibra to Ghana, which was known as the Gold Coast in those days. Upon his arrival, Hazrat Maulana Abdur Rahim Nayyar sahibra was welcomed by Chief Mahdi Appah at Saltpond beach. Upon reaching Ekrawfo (the town that was inhabited by this Muslim tribe), Maulana Nayyar sahib firstly conveyed the felicitations and warm greetings of Hazrat Musleh Maudra, and then informed them about the advent of the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdias and the establishment of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Qadian. Chief Mahdi Appah and many of his tribesmen accepted the message of Ahmadiyyat at that very instance and took the bai’at (pledge of initiation) to formally enter into the fold. This was the humble beginning of Islam Ahmadiyyat in Ghana, which has now progressed to new heights and has become a well-established and respected community in the country.

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A photo of Hazrat Maulana Abdur Rahim Nayyar sahibra, the first missionary sent to Africa.



The following are some extracts from the diaries of Khuddam & Atfal regarding their trip to Ghana.

We went to Jamia International where there were people from a lot of countries but they all knew Urdu and they could speak in Urdu as if it was their mother tongue. Later on that day we went to visit the MTA International Studios, and when we got there we were shocked that the studios were really beautiful and really well built. Alhamdulillah I would rate this trip a 10/10, it was really educational and we got to learn a lot!

Azeem Muhammad, 16 Tooting, Baitun Noor

The welcome we received was touching to say the least - children lined up the sides of the mission house entrance and singing La’illaha in a traditional African way and other African Taranas. It was deeply moving. We were also privileged to take photos where our beloved Huzooraba stood during his memorable 2005 trip and tens of thousands of Ghanaians were in front in the school courtyard and the streets around it.

Moonis Nasir, 35 Sutton West, Baitul Ehsan

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We went to an Ahmadi administered hospital based in Kokofu. We saw a lot of patients and I could tell that the hospital was blessed. You could see the love of Khilafat because the people treated us all with so much respect it was humbling. This was one of the best trips organised by the Atfal Explorer’s Club the trip was 10/10 and the Explorer’s Club and the Ghana team get all the credit for it.

Mubariz Ahmad, 14 Morden Park, Sharif Region

We started (the day) with a tour of Jamiatul Mubashireen, after breakfast at 06:30. The principal of Jamia, Fahim Ahmad sahib gave a brief history of Jamia and then led the group for a tour of the site. Jamia Mubashareen is located on a beautiful hilly area in Ekrawfo, and is the birth place of Jama’at Ahmadiyya Ghana.

Abdul Jibran, 19 Mitcham, Sharif Region

Khuddam & Atfal Diaries 31


By Moonis Nasir, 35 Sutton West, Baitul Ehsan


he bitterly cold morning of the 21 October 2018 is one I will never forget. It was on this day that I, together with 26 Atfal, 13 organisers and 12 parents, embarked on a journey to Ghana following in the footsteps of our beloved leader and spiritual father Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba. Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Ghana, under the guidance of Ameer Jama’at Ghana had planned a full agenda for us. We were scheduled to visit various Jama’at institutions, both historic and new, to give us a sense of Huzoor’s life in Ghana and also for us to see the work and progress of the Jama’at. I, as I’m sure some other members of the group, was full of nervous excitement; humbled about the prospect

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of gaining insight into the life of our beloved Huzoor-e-Aqdas prior to Khilafat, nervous about being responsible for the Atfal in my group but equally excited to share in the faith inspiring journey with them. It was with this mixed bag of feelings that we set off. The trip lasted a mere six days but the impact it had on the delegation was profound and I have no doubt the experience will leave an impression on each of us for life. On the evening of 21 October, we arrived in Accra the capital city of Ghana. The warmth hit us immediately upon leaving the plane – it was just a taste of the warmth that we would go on to feel from every Ahmadi we met throughout our stay. We were welcomed by Naeem


Cheema Sahib (Murrabi Silsila) and Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Ghana and his team. Ghanaian Khuddam were lined up in uniform outside the airport. It was a sight to behold. A scene that made me feel so humbled and really made me think about the universality of both the teachings of Islam Ahmadiyyat and the spirit of Khuddam. The Ghanaian Khuddam were ready to receive and help a delegation of boys and men whom they have never met before, and whom they may never meet again, and all because for them we were the guests of our beloved Khalifaaba and the Promised Messiahas. The Ghanaian Khuddam were fulfilling their pledge just as we strive to do so when hosting delegations that visit Huzoor-e-Adqas in London. Notwithstanding our different cultures we were united as brothers in Ahmadiyyat – there was no difference between us in terms of our faith, dedication to, love for nor in our desire to serve Jama’at Ahmadiyya. From the very start I knew this really would be an inspiring experience and I could not wait for what the week had in store for us. It is well known that prior to Khilafat, our beloved Huzoor Aqdas was posted in Ghana through the Nusrat Jehan Scheme. Having heard so much about it the Atfal were greatly excited to see the Scheme in action. We visited the Ahmadiyya Muslim Hospital Kokofu. Our host Dr Mahmud Ahmad Butt Sahib, originally from Qadian, has been serving in Ghana for the past 20 years. Since its opening, the hospital’s reputation for excellence has grown, not only in Ghana but across all of West Africa. We were also fortunate enough to visit a number of schools including Talimul Islam Senior School in Ekrafu where Huzooraba served as

headmaster between 1979 and 1983 and also Talimul Islam Secondary School in Kumasi which is widely regarded as one of the most respectable schools in the Ashanti Region. The student population of both schools comprise a mix of Christian and Muslim (Ahmadi and non-Ahmadi) students. One of the beauties of attending a school established and run by the Jama’at is that the school complexes include a mosque. The Muslim children are able to attend the mosque for congregational prayers. Non-Muslim students are not compelled to attend the mosque for prayers which clearly demonstrates the peaceful nature of Islam. Our religion respects people of different faiths and preaches ‘there should be no compulsion in religion’ (2:257) and this is being implemented and acted upon in the Jama’at Schools in Ghana. In visiting the sites associated with the Nusrat Jehan Scheme the Atfal could see real life examples of the Jama’at benefitting and serving humanity to the highest of standards whilst at the same time upholding the values and teachings of Islam Ahmadiyyat. The Jama’at in Ghana is not only at the forefront of service to humanity through secular institutions, it is also playing a pivotal role in the moral and spiritual training of its youth. Ghana is home to the first purpose built International Jamia. Opened in 2012, Jamia is built on 52 acres of land and includes coconut, mango, orange, papaya and pineapple farms. Currently there are 12 teachers and 180 students enrolled in the seven-year Shahid Degree Course. Jamia International houses students from 26 different countries including Russia, Mauritius, Arab and other African countries.

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Following the footsteps of a Man of God: A personal Account 37

In addition to Jamia International, located in the idyllic landscape of Ekrawfo, is Jamiatul Mubashireen. Students here study a three-year course to become Mualims. The course covers study of the Holy Quran, Ahadith, comparative religions, history of Islam and tajweed (correct pronunciation of the Holy Quran). The grounds of Jamiatul Mubashireen are so beautiful and peaceful that it is mind blowing to think that such a place exists on Earth. It was, however, surprising to learn that water was only supplied to the site in 2018. It was a stark reminder of the fact that Ghana as a country is still developing. All praise belongs to Allah, in spite of these logistical difficulties the Jama’at seems to be progressing in leaps and bounds. The grounds of Jamiatul Mubashireen are also home to Madrasa Hifzul Quran. The Madrasa was started in 2003 and so far, has produced a total of 56 Huffaz (those who have memorised the entire Quran). Each year it receives over 100 applications from countries spanning West Africa. Students enrol immediately following their primary education and return to secondary education upon completion of their Hifz. I was amazed by the level of dedication to learn and to serve Islam in these young boys. All praise belongs to Allah, the future of Ahmadiyyat across Africa looks bright.

Chief Appah Sahib became interested in learning more about Islam after a friend relayed a dream in which he saw himself praying with ‘white’ people (in Ghana Asians are considered as white people). Chief Appah Sahib came to know about the Jama’at through seeing copies of a Jama’at magazine. Chief Appah Sahib sent a letter to Hazrat Musleh Maudra requesting for a missionary to be sent to Ghana. Hazrat Musleh Maudra sent Maulana Abdul Raheem Nayyar Sahib to Ghana as the first missionary. The first mission was set up in Saltpond thus fulfilling the dream mentioned above. Chief Appah Sahib was 76 years old when he accepted Ahmadiyyat. The story of the first conversion was so inspirational. Not only did it demonstrate the importance Jama’at literature has played and continues to play in spreading the message of Ahmadiyyat but also highlighted the sincere efforts people go to in the pursuit of the truth. Even at an old age when most people in the world would be enjoying retirement Chief Appah Sahib was desperately seeking the truth. There is a saying ‘from little acorns do mighty oaks grow’, through Chief Appah Sahib’s request Ahmadiyyat took root in Ghana in 1921 and by the grace of Allah the Jama’at has continued to grow in size and influence ever since.

The progress of the Jama’at in Ghana is also evidence of the fulfilment of the prophecy of the Promised Messiahas ‘I shall cause thy message to reach the corners of the Earth’.

Being born in the age of the internet where knowledge and communication is at our fingertips it was amazing for the Atfal to hear about how Ahmadiyyat first arrived in Ghana. What also became apparent to us was how Allah the Almighty has blessed the Jama’at with the ability and resources to adapt and progress according to technological advancements and the need of the age. Raqeem Press was established in

We were fortunate to meet with Ahmad Afaw Sahib the grandson of Chief Mahdi Appah Sahib, the first Ghanaian Ahmadi. Chief Appah Sahib was a Pagan although had converted to Islam.

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“Seeing Huzoor’s old desk and seat and thinking that the man that once occupied this office and sat in this seat in a remote part of the world would go on to occupy the greatest office on Earth – the office of Khilafat.” Saltpond in 1976. It is a printing press facility owned and run by the Jama’at similar to the Raqeem Press in the UK. Huzoor Aqdas inaugurated the new Press in Tema in 2004. The literature printed at the Press is instrumental in tabligh efforts. Another example of the progress of the Jama’at are the Wahab Adam Studios. Named after Maulvi Dr. Abdul Wahab Adam Sahib, former Ameer sahib and Missionary In-Charge of Ghana (1975-2014) these purpose built studios on the grounds of Bustan-eAhmad are the home of MTA Ghana. It is claimed that they are the best studio facilities in Ghana again demonstrating that the Jama’at is at the forefront of service to its nation and is also instrumental in spreading the true message of Islam to the corners of the Earth. The delegation was humbled to be able to offer prayers at the graves of both Chief Mahdi Appah Sahib and also Maulvi Dr. Abdul Wahab Adam Sahib, two sincere servants of the Jama’at. Over the course of the week the delegation saw the efforts, progress and successes of the Jama’at in Ghana. There were so many scenes that will stay with us forever. From being received by a courtyard full of Ghanaian children singing melodiously in perfect Arabic at Kumasi Mission to the picture-perfect gardens of Jamiatul Mubashireen.

Of course, seeing the Headmaster’s Office at Talimul Islam Senior School in Ekrafu was particularly poignant. Seeing Huzoor’s old desk and seat and thinking that the man that once occupied this office and sat in this seat in a remote part of the world would go on to occupy the greatest office on Earth – the office of Khilafat. Everyone we spoke to had loving memories to tell us about Huzoor-e-Aqdas and his time in Ghana. Almost all the members we met recalled Huzoor-e-Aqdas’ unique character. We were given numerous examples of Huzoor’s humility and kindness to others. It really highlighted the fact that aside from a person’s achievements his personal conduct and treatment of others is actually what leaves a lasting impression on people’s hearts. This is a lesson that the members of the Jama’at in Ghana have truly learned. I cannot begin to explain how hospitable and friendly everyone was. Our hosts went out of their way to ensure our every need was fulfilled, from our transport arrangements to our meals the Ghanaian Jama’at really exceeded all expectations. I never expected to be eating parathas (a flatbread that originated in the Indian subcontinent) in Ghana but it just goes to show the effort made by our hosts to make us feel at home. In Kumasi the local Jama’at arranged for us to stay in a hostel instead of the Mission House be-

Following the footsteps of a Man of God: A personal Account 39

cause they felt there was an insufficient number of washrooms for us to stay comfortably. The attention to detail was meticulous another quality of our beloved Khalifa adopted by the Jama’at Ahmadiyya Ghana. The spirit of sacrifice is also so clearly evident in the Ghanaians. So many of the Jama’at institutions have been built on land donated by members. Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Ghana, Mohtamim Atfal and their Naibeen remained with us throughout our trip sacrificing their time; instead of going to work or spending time with their families they stayed with us day and night. The Khuddam were so knowledgeable and so humble they have such a passion to learn and serve and for no reason other than to earn the pleasure of Allah. I will take so much away from this truly faith inspiring experience. I have a new appreciation of Huzoor’s time in Ghana and how difficult it must have been to reside in a developing country at that time and how Huzoor faced that challenge with content, fortitude and complete faith in Allah. Witnessing the progress of the Jama’at in every sphere of Ghanaian life, from secular institutions to our own religious institutions was also faith enhancing. Our delegation has returned enriched with cherished memories, new friendships, a renewed commitment to fulfil our pledge and most importantly with complete and utter faith and trust in Allah the Almighty.

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Following the footsteps of a Man of God: A personal Account 41

“Should you wish to learn new ways of love and affection for the Khalifa of the age then learn them from Ghanaian Ahmadis.� Hazrat Khalifatul-masih vaba

5 Questions with... Sadr Majlis MKA Ghana

Tariq Magazine: Was this the first time you had to host such a large group of Khuddam & Atfal from another country? What was your initial reaction when you found out about this trip? Sadr MKA Ghana: Indeed it was the first time MKA Ghana hosted such a large number of guests. Prior to this the largest numbers we had ever hosted was about half the number of the delegation that was to come to Ghana. About three or four months before the trip Mohtamim Atfal Ghana informed me that he had seen in one of the social media posts that a delegation of MKA UK were planning to visit Ghana in October 2018. We made further enquiries as to the time of this visit. We really kept thinking about how we would be able to satisfy our guests if they were indeed visiting. I received a call from one of the Naib Ameer’s of Ghana confirming that a group of Khuddam from UK will be visiting approximately a week prior to the arrival of the guests. The entire planning to host our guests was to be done within a week. MKA Ghana was tasked to be responsible for their hosting. Tariq Magazine: What was your plan of action as a host? Did you have any challenges or obstacles that you needed to overcome? Sadr MKA Ghana: My first plan of action was to appoint a committee from the Amilah that will be responsibile to manage all neccessary arrangements. I was also personally involved throughout the entire decision-making as we could just not afford to fail in this task. We had a plan where an itinerary was drawn from details proposed to us by our guests. We then assigned roles to members of the committee we formed to be executed.

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Nasir Ahmed Sahib

One challenge that we faced was when Ameer Sahib Ghana inspected the accommodation arrangments he expressed somehwat dissatisfaction of the bedding. This was just a few hours prior to the arrival of the Khuddam and Atfal from the UK. Tariq Magazine: Did you manage to show our Khuddam & Atfal everything you had planned? Sadr MKA Ghana: Alhamdulillah the final itinerary that we worked with had no stone unturned. All places in the itinerary were visited. Tariq Magazine: What was your overall impression of the Khuddam & Atfal of the UK from this trip? Sadr MKA Ghana: The entire experience has been a blessing for both Majalis. To us we would forever remain grateful to Allah the Almighty for the opportunity we had in serving the guests of the Promised Messiahas and we were happy to hear and feel the satisfaction of our guest for the hospitality we showed to them. Tariq Magazine: What was your goal regarding the Khuddam & Atfal? (What did you want them to learn with regards to your country and the impression that they would take back home with them). Sadr MKA Ghana: Our primary goal was to make our guests appreciate the sacrifices the people of the Jama’at had made in Ghana, and to show the fruits of these sacri-

fices. To this we gave life inspiring stories of members of the Jama’at in Ghana whose lives are likened to the companions of the Holy Prophetsa and the Promised Messiahas. Again we had an objective in showing our guests the areas our beloved Huzooraba lived and the kind of hardships he endured as a Waqf-e-Zindagi (Life Devotee) in Ghana. Alhamdulillah we succeeded in these goals. We also had the chance to allow the Atfal to interact with pupils of the T.I. Ahmadiyya Schools to compare with the advanced resources available to them and see for themselves and appreciate the kind of limited resources available for the pupils yet becoming successful in their academics. Our overall goal was to make the trip a life changing experience that seeks to bring each and everyone closer to Allah than before.

“To us we would forever remain grateful to Allah the Almighty for the opportunity we had in serving the guests of the Promised Messiahas and we were happy to hear and feel the satisfaction of our guests for the hospitality we showed to them.”


“When I was here, I did not for a moment think that I would return permanently to Pakistan... In a way, you could say that I considered myself to be a Ghanaian. Where you were, there I was.� Hazrat Khalifatul-masih vaba



s residents of the Jama’at in the country where the Khalifa resides, there is an expectation that we set an example for the rest of the world in the excellence of our conduct and personal qualities, our administration, our devotion to Khilafat, our sacrifices in time, our sacrifices in money and the love and hospitality that we show guests who visit the UK. During our time in Ghana we have been truly humbled to observe these qualities exist even more in you, than we see in ourselves. From our very arrival on the first day, when we stepped onto a luxury air-conditioned coach, shown to our air-conditioned rooms and were

offered every comfort that we could even wish for; we were greatly humbled by your arrangements for us. What has followed thereafter, under the instructions of our respected Ameer Jama’at Ghana and the tremendous sacrifices of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Ghana led by the Sadr (Nasir Ahmad Bonsu Sahib) & his National Amila, right the way through to the Local Qaid & the Khuddam on the ground everywhere we went, you have provided for us what can only be described as one of the best experiences of our lives. Throughout this trip, we have been absolutely inspired by these examples of financial sacrifices (through the dona-

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tion of land or funds) made by Ahmadi Muslims to support the growth & development of Ahmadiyyat in Ghana throughout its history. It has inspired us to want to contribute in some small way and to be able to partake in these very same special blessings. We have to come to learn of a project MKA Ghana is involved in to build mosques for new Ahmadis in the North of the country and it is our wish to present to Huzooraba on our return to the UK, funds on behalf of Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya UK to build a mosque. But bigger than this, we leave this country, with the progress of the Jama’at here


and the people of Ghana firmly in our hearts and wanting to return and make further contributions in the future. There have been countless instances of hospitality, love, brotherhood every day that I simply do not have time to mention. In particular I would like to thank Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, Nasir Ahmad Bonsu Sahib, who accompanied us on every single minute of this tour and made every single arrangement

his personal responsibility. Sadr Sahib you and your team stopped everything that you are doing, your business, your jobs, your families, your other Jama’at commitments, just to look after us and this is a sacrifice that we will never forget. I would also like to pay tribute to Respected Ameer Sahib Ghana and the Missionary In-Charge of Ghana, Naeem Cheema Sahib for their leadership and guardianship of our trip and for making us feel so welcome & loved by the Jama’at everywhere we went. Jazakamullah Ahsanal Jazaa. (May Allah reward you with the best of rewards)

Closing Remarks by Ali Khan sahib 51




‫وضحر اونر ےک اس وتق ےک اسویھتں ےن بج وضحر‬

‫اک ذرک ایک وت ان ےک رہچے رونش وہ ےئگ۔ آپ وک اکی‬

‫اخومش‪ ،‬ہتفگش زماج اور اینپ ذہم دارویں وک امکل تمہ‬ ‫اور ربص ےس ادا رکےن واال اتبےت۔ ھچک اور ہی ےتہک ہک‬

‫آپ رواحتین ںیم ڑبےھ وہےئ ےھت اور ہی ہک آپ رغاب‬ ‫ںیم اھکان میسقت رکےت اور ان وک احتفئ وجھباےت۔ اور‬

‫اےنپ لمع ےس اےنپ اٰیلع رکدار اک وبثت دےتی۔‬

‫اس وتق ےھجم اینپ وخش یتخب اک ااسحس ہ��ؤا ہک مہ ان‬ ‫امتم افصت اک رجتہب ذبات وخد رکےت ںیہ۔‬

‫مہ ےن اسٹل وپڈن اک یھب دورہ ایک۔ ہی اغان ںیم ادمحتی یک‬ ‫اجےئ دیپاشئ ےہ۔ ومالان دبع ارلمیح اصبح رین ‪1921‬‬

‫ںیم اہیں رشتفی الےئ اور یلہپ تعیب فیچ دہمی ٓااپ‬

‫ےن یک۔ مہ فیچ دہمی اصبح ےک وپےت ےس ےلم وج‬

‫اس وتق ‪ 80‬ربس ےک ںیہ۔ اوہنں ےن ںیمہ ادمحتی‬ ‫یک اترخی ےک وحاہل ےس اتبای ہک سک رطح رضحت حلصم‬

‫وموعد ؓ ےن ومالان ااحلج دبع ارلمیح اصبح رین وک اغان‬ ‫وجھباای اور فیچ دہمی ےن ‪ 1952‬ںیم یلہپ دجسم ریمعت‬

‫رکوایئ۔ فیچ دہمی اصبح یک ربق امجتع ےک ربقاتسن‬

‫ارکیاووف ںیم ےہ۔ واہں اج رک مہ ےن فیچ دہمی اصبح‬

‫اور زمدی رپاےن زبراگن ےک ےئیل داع یک۔‬

‫ےھجم اغان ےس وایسپ رپ اکی بیجع مغ اک ااسحس اھت۔ نکیل‬ ‫اسھت یہ دخا اعتٰیل اک رکش یھب اھت ہک وضحر ادقس ادی ہ اہلل‬

‫اعتٰیل رصنبہ ازعلزی یک زدنیگ لبق از الختف اک اکی رقیبی‬

‫‪ 34‬اک رمد دخا ےک شقن دقم رپ‬

‫اشمدہہ رکےن اک ومہعق الم۔‬ ‫الہ اغان ےن ںیمہ اس دقروتبحمں اور ایپر ےس ونازا ہک‬ ‫ےسیج مہ بس اکی یہ اخدنان ےس ںیہ۔ ان یک امہمن‬

‫ونازی اور رکسماوٹہں اک أترث ات دری دل رپ شقن رےہ اگ۔‬

‫مہ بس الختف ےک اسےئ ےلت اکی زدنہ امجتع ںیہ۔‬ ‫آرخ ںیم داع ےہ ہک دخا اعتٰیل ےھجم اکی دن رھپ ےس‬ ‫رسزنیم اغان اجےن یک وتقیف اطع رفامےئ۔ آنیم۔‬

‫‘‘ الہ اغان ےن ںیمہ اس‬ ‫دقرتبحم اور ایپر ےس‬ ‫ونازا ہک ےسیج مہ بس‬ ‫اکی یہ اخدنان ےس ںیہ۔‬ ‫ان یک امہمن ونازی اور‬ ‫رکسماوٹہں اک أترث ات دری دل‬ ‫رپ شقن رےہ اگ۔‬


‫ےس وطبر وافق زدنیگ اغان ںیم دخامت رس ااجنم دے‬

‫اک ومہعق الم وجہک اکی ڑبے وخوصبرت اہپڑ رپ واعق‬ ‫ة ظ‬ ‫ےہ۔ ایس رطح دمرس� الحف� اہجں اس وتق ‪ 25‬ونوجان‬

‫ےن‪ 1971‬ںیم رفامای اھت۔ اکی وارڈ اک ااتتفح رضحت‬

‫داھکی سج اک ااتتفح ‪ 2012‬ںیم ہ��ؤا اور اس ےک رپلپسن‬

‫رےہ ںیہ۔ ڈارٹک اصبح ےن ںیمہ اتپسہل اک دورہ‬ ‫رکواای ۔ اس اتپسہل اک ااتتفح رضحت ۃفیلخ احیسمل ااثلثلؒ‬

‫ۃفیلخ احیسمل ارلاعب ؒ ےن رفامای اور ڈارٹک یک راہشئ اک ااتتفح‬ ‫رضحت ۃفیلخ احیسمل ااخلسم ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل ےن رفامای۔‬

‫ڈارٹکز اور رنزس ےس ہی نس رک تہب ریحاین وہیئ ہک سک‬ ‫دقر مک امیل واسلئ ےک اب ووجد اس دقر اٰیلع اکم وہ راہ‬

‫ےہ۔ نکیل امتم اابحب اس ابت رپ قفتم ےھت ہک ہی‬ ‫رصف دخا اعتٰیل ےک لضف ےس ےہ۔‬

‫العوہ ازںی ںیمہ ‪ 4‬ےٹنھگ یک دوری رپ اجۃعم ارشبملنی دےنھکی‬

‫رقآن رکمی ظفح رک رےہ ںیہ۔ اور اجہعم ارٹنلنشین یھب‬ ‫رکمم رفدی ادمح وندی اصبح ںیہ۔‬

‫اس امتم رفس یک بس ےس زایدہ دوسلز وہگجں ںیم ےس‬

‫اکی وضحر اونر ادی اہلل اعتٰیل رصنبہ ازعلزی یک راہشئ اور‬

‫اس ےک رقبی اکی وکسل اھت۔ اہجں وضحر ‪ 1979‬ات‬ ‫‪ 1983‬وطبر ڈیہ امرٹس میقم ےھت۔ اس وتق وکسل تہب‬

‫وھچاٹ اھت نکیل اب ڑبا ایک ایگ ےہ۔‬

‫اطرق زگیمنی ‪33‬‬

‫امہری آدم رپ دصر اصبح سلجم دخام االدمحہی اغان اور‬

‫ںیمہ رہش امکیس دےنھکی اک ومہعق الم ےسج اغان اک دورسا‬

‫ےس ہہک اتکس وہں ہک ان یک تبحم اور اتفل امہری آدم‬

‫تہب اشدنار رطقی رپ ایک ایگ۔ امکیس ےک نیع وطس ںیم‬

‫ان یک میٹ ےن تہب تبحم ےس اابقتسل ایک ۔ اور ںیم نیقی‬ ‫ےس ےل رک ات ااتتخم رفس اس ابت رپ دلیل ےہ ہک اغان‬ ‫ےک ابیس امہمن ونازی اور اھبیئ اچرہ ںیم تہب ڑبےھ‬ ‫وہےئ ںیہ اور ہی ہک الختف ادمحہی ےک اسےئ ےلت مہ‬

‫بس اجکین ںیہ۔ادمحل ہلل‬

‫اس ےک دعب ےک ‪ 6‬اایم اامین ارفوز اور دل ریگ رجتابت‬ ‫ےس رپ ںیہ ںیہنج اکی وھچےٹ ومضمن ںیم ایبن رکان‬ ‫لکشم ےہ ۔ ںیم وکشش رکوں اگ ہک دنچ ابںیت اقرنیئ‬

‫ےک اسےنم روھکں۔‬ ‫‪ 32‬اک رمد دخا ےک شقن دقم رپ‬

‫داراوکحلتم یھب اہک اجات ےہ۔ واہں رپ امہرا اابقتسل‬ ‫دجسم واعق ےہ وجہک تہب وخوصبرت اور دنلب ےہ اور اس‬

‫یک امعرت دل وک ومہ ینیل وایل ےہ۔ ںیمہ واہں اصتوری‬ ‫ےنیل اک ومہعق الم اور اس ےک اسھت رپارمئی وکسل ںیم‬ ‫یھب۔ ایس رطح وہ اقمم یھب داھکی اہجں وضحر ادیہ اہلل‬

‫اعتٰیل اےنپ ‪ 2005‬ےک دورہ ےک دوران ڑھکے ےھتاور‬

‫زہاروں اغنیین ادمحی آاق اک ددیار رک رےہ ےھت۔‬

‫اس ےک دعب مہ وکوکوف ادمحہی اتپسہل ےئگ۔ امہرا اابقتسل‬ ‫ڈارٹک ومحمد ادمح ٹب اصبح ےن ایک وج زگہتش ‪ 20‬اسل‬


‫دع�یل زہشاد‪39 ،‬‬

‫رکایل‪ ،‬االسم ٓاابد‬

‫ےھجم ہشیمہ ےس ارفہقی اجےن اک وشق اھت۔ ایس ےئیل‬ ‫بج سلجم دخام االدمحہی ویےک ےن ہی رپورگام‬

‫لیکشت دای ہک اغان اج رک وضحر اونر ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل رصنبہ‬ ‫ازعلزی یک زدنیگ ےک دنچ ولہپ دےھکی اجںیئ وت ںیم ےن‬

‫اس ومہعق وک اہھت اجےن ںیہن دای۔‬

‫انچہچن ؤمرہخ ‪21‬اوتکرب ‪2018‬ربوز اوتار ‪ 51‬اابحب‬ ‫رپ لمتشم ہی اقہلف رواان ہ��ؤا سج ںیم ںیم اور ریما ڑبا‬ ‫اٹیب ااین ادمح رمزا یھب اشلم ےھت۔ وگ مہ اکی ےئن‬

‫کلم اور یئن داین ںیم اج رےہ ےھت‪ ،‬ںیمہ یسک مسق یک‬

‫رپاشیین ںیہن یھت ہکلب اکی سسجت اور وخیش اک اعمل اھت‬ ‫ہک مہ اس درھیت وک دےنھکی اج رےہ ںیہ اہجں امہرے‬ ‫بیبح آاق ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل رصنبہ ازعلزی ےن اینپ ایحت‬

‫ےک ‪ 8‬ربس زگارے ںیہ۔‬

‫خ‬ ‫اک مرد �دا‬ ‫قن‬ ‫� ق‬ ‫کے �ش �د م پ�ر‬

‫اغان ںیم ہی میظع ااشلن‬ ‫عمجم اس ابت یک وگایہ‬ ‫دےنی ےک ےئل ڑھکا ےہ‬ ‫ہک دخا ےک دنبےدخا رپ‬ ‫وتلک رکےت وہےئ بج‬ ‫دخا ےک ےئل زدنایگں‬ ‫شیپ رکےت ںیہ اور‬ ‫اصمبئ ےک اہپڑوں‬ ‫ےک اقمہلب ےک ےئل اُھٹ‬ ‫ڑھکے وہےت ںیہ وت اہلل‬ ‫یک رصنت آامسن ےس یھب‬ ‫انزل وہیت ےہ اور زنیم‬ ‫رپ ےس یھب دیپا وہیت ےہ‬ ‫اور اس وک اکایمب رکےک‬ ‫داھکیت ےہ۔‬


‫خ ة‬ ‫رضحت �ل�یف� احیسمل ارلاعب رہمح اہلل اعتٰیل‬


‫احالت اک بس وک ربخوں ےس ملع وہات راتہ اھت ۔ ایس نمض‬ ‫ںیم رضحت ۃفیلخ احیسمل ارلاعب ؒ ےن ڑبے ایپر ےس رحتری‬

‫رفامای ہک ‪ ’’ :‬دخا اجےن ہک رسمور وک رپاوھٹں ےئلیک لیت یھب‬

‫اتلم وہ اگ ای ںیہن ‘‘۔ وضحر ےن وجاب ںیم رضحت ۃفیلخ‬ ‫ٹ ن‬ ‫�� ی�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ج‬ ‫احیسمل ارلاعب ؒ وک اھکل ںیمہ اانانس ‪ ،‬الیک ‪� ،‬رنی اھکےن‬ ‫وک ےتلم ںیہ اس رپ وضحر ؒ اک وجاب آای ہک مت ولگ وخش‬

‫بیصن وہ ۔ اہیں وت اانانس تہب اگنہم ےہ ۔‬

‫رضحت دیسہ رہم آاپ اصہبح ےک ہی درایتف رفامےن رپ‬

‫ہک ’’ آپ وک اھگان ںیم ایک اتلم ےہ؟‘‘ آپ ےن اسیک اجعم‬ ‫وجاب دای ہک ’’ اہلل اعتٰیل اک لضف ‘‘ ۔‬


‫وہں اتبان دنسپ ںیہن رفامےت ۔ رگم اھگان ےک یکلم اور اعمیش‬

‫رضحت س�ی�دہ رہم آاپ اصہبح‬

‫ےک �یہ در�ی�اتف رفامےن رپ‬ ‫ہک ‘‘آپ وک اھگان م�یں ک�ی�ا اتلم‬ ‫ےہ؟’’ آپ ےن ک�یس�ا اجعم‬

‫وجاب د�ی�ا ہک اہلل اعتٰیل اک لضف‬


‫ذیحشت االذاہن‪ ،‬دیسان رسمور ادیہ اہلل ربمن‪ ،‬ربمتس۔اوتکرب ‪2008‬ء‪ ،‬ہحفص ‪14‬‬

‫اطرق زگیمنی ‪27‬‬


‫ٹ‬ ‫�‬ ‫وضحر حبص امنز ےک دعب ابل� ی� نوں ےس اپین رھبےت ۔ انتج یھب‬ ‫�ہ‬ ‫�‬ ‫م�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫رضوری اکم وہات یھبک ےھجم �یہ ں اہک آج ں رصموف وہں‬ ‫مت وخد یہ رھب ول۔ بج یھبک م�یں � ب�یم�ار وہیئ وت اھکان اکپےن یک‬ ‫ذہم داری وخد اھبنسےتل اور وچبں وک رقآن اپک ڑپاھےن م�یں‬ ‫یھب م�ی�ری وپری دمد رفامےت۔‬


‫ںیم رھک ول۔ وضحر ےن ااکنر رک دای۔اس رپ وہ ہصغ ےس‬

‫داع رکو۔ مت وخد دوھکی یگ ہک دخا اعتٰیل ںیہمت ےنتک ڑبے‬

‫ےن دروازہ وھکال اور اس وک ادنر ال رک اھٹبای۔انرایگض یک‬

‫یتچنہپ وت ہشیمہ ریمی دوجلیئ رفامیئ۔ یھبک ےھجم ہی ںیہن اہک‬

‫رھبا وہا آای اور زور دار رطہقی ےس دروازہ اٹھکٹھکای ۔وضحر‬ ‫وہج وپیھچ ۔اس رپ اس ےن اہک دنب وبلت رفجی ںیم رےنھک‬ ‫ںیم ایک رحج ےہ؟وضحر ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل ےن وجاب دای ہک‬

‫امہرے یبن یلص اہلل ہیلع وملس ےن رفامای ےہ ہک رشاب‬ ‫ےنیپ واال ‪،‬الپےن واال‪،‬دیشک رکےن واال‪،‬رےنھک واال اور ےنچیب‬

‫واال بس یمنہج ںیہ ۔ اب مت وخد ہلصیف رکو ہک ایک ںیم‬

‫یمنہج اننب دنسپ رکوں اگ؟رہ زگ ںیہن۔اس رپ ااکس ہصغ‬

‫ڈنھٹا وہ ایگ اور وہ ذعمرت رک ےک الچ ایگ۔ رہ ابت وک‬ ‫اخومیش ےس ‪( Judge‬اھبانپن) رک ان اور رھپوبضمط وہ رک‬

‫ہلصیف رک ان وضحر اک اخص رطہقی اکر ےہ۔ ایس رپ اکی‬ ‫رچیٹ ےن رصبتہ ایک اھت ہک آپ اظبرہ اخومش رگم رہ زیچ وک‬

‫ڑبی رہگایئ ےس دےنھکی واےل ںیہ۔ وضحر ںیم ااہظر یک‬ ‫اعدت ابلکل ںیہن رگم رہ رہتش اک ڑبی رہگایئ اور اخومیش‬

‫ےس ایخل راھک اور رےتھک ںیہ ۔ بج یھبک ضعب وفیلکتں‬

‫یک وہج ےس ںیم ربھگا اجیت وت ہشیمہ ےھجم اہک ہک ربص رکو اور‬

‫‪ 26‬وضحر ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل تیثیحب اکی میظع وشرہ‬

‫ولضفں ےس ونازے اگ۔ بج یھب یھبک ےھجم وکیئ فیلکت‬ ‫ہک مت طلغ وہ ہن یہ یسک ےس ومڈ اگبڑا ۔ بج آپ وک وخد‬

‫یسک ےس فیلکت یتچنہپ وت ہشیمہ ہی رصمہع ڑپاھ رکےت‪’’ :‬ایک‬ ‫ریتے اسھت اگل رک دل ںیم وخد یھب ہنیمک نب اجؤں ‘‘ ۔‬

‫ااطتع الختف‬

‫افلخء ےک اسھت ااطتع آپ یک تعیبط ںیم وکٹ وکٹ‬

‫رک رھبی وہیئ یھت اور ہشیمہ ااشرہ ھجمس رک ااطتع یک ۔‬

‫رضحت ۃفیلخ احیسمل ارلاعب ؒ ےک اسھت تبحم اور دیقعت‬ ‫اکی وااہلہن دفاتی اک رگن ےیل وہےئ یھت ۔ ایس رطح‬ ‫وضحر ؒ یھب آپ ےک اسھت اخص تبحم اور اانپتیئ اک‬ ‫ولسک رفامےت اور آپ اک تہب ااسحس ایک رکےت۔‬

‫رضحت ۃفیلخ احیسمل ارلاعب ؒ وک ملع اھت ہک وضحر نپچب ںیم‬

‫رپاےھٹ ےک تہب وشنیق ےھت ارگہچ وضحر ادی ہ اہلل اعتٰیل‬ ‫یک تعیبط ںیم ہی ابت ےہ ہک آپ ےسیج یھب احالت‬


‫ےئلیک ارثک رمدوں ںیم ےس زگران ڑپات اھت۔‬

‫خ�ل لمس�ی‬ ‫رضحت �یف��ۃ ا ح ارلاعبؒ یک آپ ےس تقفش‬ ‫رضحت ۃفیلخ احیسمل ارلاعب رہمح اہلل وک وضحر ادیہ اہلل‬

‫آپ اک ان (وضحر ادیہ اہلل‬ ‫اعتٰیل رپ ےب دح اابتعر اھت اور ؒ‬ ‫اعتٰیل) ےک اسھت تہب یہ تقفش و تبحم اور نسح و‬

‫ااسحن اک ولسک اھت۔ بج مہ اھگان ںیم ےھت وت وضحر یک‬ ‫ایم اجن اور ااب اجن ( رضحت رمزا وصنمر اصبح اور‬

‫رضحت دیسہ آاپ انرصہ مگیب اصہبح) اےنپ ڑبے ےٹیب رکمم‬

‫رمزا وفغمر ادمح اصبح ( وضحر ےک ڑبے اھبیئ) ےک‬

‫اپس ارمہکی ےئگ وہےئ ےھت۔ ان دونں ںیم رضحت‬ ‫ۃفیلخ احیسمل ارلاعب رہمح اہلل یک رطف ےس وضحر ادیہ اہلل‬

‫وضحر ےک اےنپ دتسِ ابمرک‬ ‫اعتٰیل وک طخ الم سج ںیم ؒ‬ ‫ےس ہی ونٹ رحتری راھت ہک ’’ اھبیئ اجن اور ابیج اجن‬

‫ارمہکی یک ریس رک رےہ ںیہ ہن اجےن ان وک ریمے وافقِ‬

‫زدنیگ اجمدہ ےٹیب یک یھب ھچک ربخ ےہ ہک ںیہن‪ ،‬ہتپ ںیہن‬

‫اس یک اید یھب آیت وہیگ ای ںیہن وجہک ارفہقی ےک ولگنجں‬ ‫ںیم دخِتم دنی ںیم رصموف ےہ ہکبج ےھجم وت اانپ ہی‬

‫اجمدہ اٹیب تہب یہ ایپرا ےہ۔‘‘ وضحر رہمح اہلل ےک ان‬

‫اافلظ ںیم ےب اپایں تبحم اور ایپر یک کلھج رظن آیت ےہ۔‬

‫ظ‬ ‫ح ع� ی�‬ ‫وت �ی�د اک م قبس‬

‫ےساہک ہک ارگ رضحت ٰیسیع ےک ابر ے ںیم وکیئ یھب مظن‬

‫ڑپاھیئ اجےئ سج ںیم ان اک دخا اک اٹیب وہان ای یسک یھب‬ ‫رگن ںیم رشک اک وکیئ ولہپ وہ وت مہ ولوگں ےن رہ زگ‬ ‫ایسی مظن)‪(Hymns‬ںیہن ڑپینھ۔ ایلبمس ںیم مظن ڑپیھ‬

‫اجیت یھت۔ ےلہپ دن ےچب ڈڈنے اھک رک رھگ آےئ ہک مظن‬

‫ہن ڑپےنھ یک زسا یلم ےہ۔ وضحر ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل ےن وچبں‬ ‫وک یلست دی اور اھجمسای ہک ھچک یھب وہاجےئ ایسی مظن‬

‫ںیہن ڑپینھ۔ نیت دن ہی امر اھکےن اک ہلسلس اجری راہ۔‬

‫وچےھت دن وضحر ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل وخد وکسل ےئگ اور ڈیہ‬ ‫رچیٹ ےس اہک ہک مہ املسمن ںیہ اور اکی دخا یک ابعدت‬

‫رکےن واےل ںیہ اور مہ رضحت ٰیسیع وک یبن وت امےتن ںیہ‬ ‫رگم دخا اک اٹیب ںیہن۔ اس ےئل ریمے ےچب وکسل ںیم ہی‬

‫مظن ںیہن ڑپںیھ ےگ ۔ وچبں ےک وکرس ںیم ابلبیئ وطبر‬

‫ومضمن ےک یھت ڈیہ رچیٹ ےن اہک ہک ہی الزیم ومضمن‬

‫ےہ۔ اہمترے ےچب لیف وہ اجںیئ ےگ۔ اس رپ وضحر‬

‫ےن وجاب دای ہک ریمے ےچب بج یھب ہی ذرک آےئ اگ وت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ویں ںیھکل ےگ ہک اسیعیئ ذمبہ اک �ک�ت��ۂ رظن ہی ےہ۔ اس‬ ‫رپ ڈیہ رچیٹ ےن وچبں وک مظن ہن ڑپےنھ یک ااجزت دے‬ ‫دی۔ وضحر ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل ےن تہب تمکح اور دتریب ےس‬

‫اس ہلئسم وک لح ایک اور ہی وتدیح اک الہپ قبس اھت وج وضحر‬ ‫ےن اےنپ وچبں وک دای۔‬

‫‪ Protestant‬اسیعیئ رفہق اک وکسل اھت۔‬ ‫اھگان ںیم بج ےچب وکسل ںیم دالخ وہےئ وت ہی‬

‫ت‬ ‫رش� یع� یک اپدنبی‬

‫اہجں اسیعویئں یک میلعت دی اجیت یھت وت وضحر ےن وچبں‬

‫اھت۔اس ےن اکی دن رشاب یک وبلت یجیھب ہک رفج‬

‫اسیعیئ رفہق اک وکسل اھت۔‬

‫اھگان یک ابت ےہ ۔امہرے اسمہےئںیم اکی رکلن راتہ‬

‫اطرق زگیمنی ‪25‬‬

‫ںیم رقابین ںیہن رکےت ہکلب ااٹل ویبی وچبں ےس رقابین‬

‫امےتگن ںیہ۔‬

‫ادمحہی زریع افرم امٹےل امشیل اغان ںیم آپ رجینیم ےھت‬ ‫اہجں آپ ےن یلہپ ابر دنگم ااگےن اک اکایمب رجتہب ایک۔‬

‫مہ دو اسل امٹےل ںیم ‪Agricultural Farming‬‬ ‫ےک‬

‫ےکہلسلس ںیم رےہ۔ امٹےل انرھت اک رلنجی ڈیہ وکارٹ‬


‫ضعب اواقت وبایئ اوراٹکیئ ںیموضحر ےن دو نیت‬

‫راںیت اگؤں ںیم وللک ولوگں ےک وھجڑپنے ںیم رہ رک‬ ‫زگارںی۔ اس دوران رہ فیلکت وخبیش ربداتش یک ہکلب‬ ‫رھگ ےک اکومں ںیم ریمی رہ رطح دمد یک ۔ اپین وریغہ‬

‫یھب آپ ابرہ رھب رک الےت۔ اھگان ںیم ہشیمہ اپین یک تلق‬ ‫ریہ۔ مہ ےن ابرہ کنیٹ راھک وہا اھت سج ںیم رکنیٹ آرک‬

‫اپین ڈااتل اھت ۔ ادنر نچک اور لسغ اخہن ںیم الپکٹس ےک‬ ‫ڑبے ڈرم ےھت ۔ وضحر حبص امنز ےک دعب ابویٹلں ےس اپین‬

‫رھبےت ۔ انتج یھب رضوری اکم وہات یھبک ےھجم ہی ںیہن اہک‬ ‫آج ںیم رصموف وہں مت وخد یہ رھب ول۔ بج یھبک ںیم‬

‫امیبر وہیئ وت اھکان اکپےن یک ذہم داری وخد اھبنسےتل اور‬ ‫وچبں وک رقآن اپک ڑپاھےن ںیم یھب ریمی وپری دمد‬

‫رفامےت ۔‬

‫زایدہ رعہص ںیہن وہا اھت۔ ان دونں اتپسہل ںیم‬

‫ڈارٹکوں یک ڑہاتل یھت ۔ رصف ون ےجب ےس اپچن ےجب‬ ‫کت ڈارٹک آےت ےھت ۔ اس ےک العوہ ابیق اواقت ںیم اور‬

‫ہتفہ اوتار وک ڈیملکی اٹسف وموجد ہن وہات اھت۔ زعزیم‬

‫واقص ہملس اہلل ایھب رصف دو دن اک اھت ہک اےس دشدی‬ ‫مسق اک ڈارئای وہایگ۔ یئن ہگج اور اتپسہولں اک ان صق ااظتنم‪،‬‬

‫ڈاڑکوں یک ڑہاتل وگای بیجع رپاشیین اک اعمل اھت۔ اےنت‬ ‫وھچےٹ ےچب یک فیلکت ںیہن دیھکی اجیت یھت۔ زعزیہ‬

‫رفح اہملس اہلل یھب اس وتق وھچیٹ یہ یھت ۔ اس ےئلیک‬

‫ںیم اپاتسکن ےس اکی دوایئ ال یئ وہیئ یھت وج اکیف تخس‬ ‫ٹ �ز‬ ‫وہیت ےہ ےسج ڈاک اےنت وھچےٹ ےچب ےئلیک یھبک یھب‬ ‫وجتزیںیہن رکےت۔ رگم اس وتق مہ تہب رپاشین اور‬

‫رکف دنم ےھت ۔ وضحر ادیہ اہلل ےن اہلل رپ وتلک رکےت‬ ‫وہےئ داع رکےکاےنپ داںیئ اہھت یک اکی ایلگن رھب رک‬ ‫دو دہعف ویہ دوایئ زعزیم واقص وج اس وتق ڈارئای‬ ‫ےس ڈناھل ‪ ،‬دودھ وریغہ ابلکل ںیہن یپ راہ اھت ہی ہہک رک‬ ‫اٹچیئ ہک اہلل اعتٰیل یک دقتری ایک ےہ‪ ،‬مہ ںیہن اجےتن رگم‬

‫ہی اوسفس وت ںیہن وہاگ ہک العج ںیہن ایک۔ دنچ ٹنم ںیم‬ ‫تعیبط لھبنس یئگ اور اہلل اعتٰیل ےن زجعماہن رگن ںیم‬

‫اےس افشء اطع رفامدی ۔ادمحل ہلل ۔‬

‫وتلک یلع اہلل‬

‫وچبں یک امیبری ےک دوران وضحر ادیہ اہلل ےن رہ رطح‬

‫بج مہ ےئن ےئن امٹےل ( امشیل اغان) ےئگ ےھت ۔ ایھب‬

‫وہج ےس ڈیفرز وریغہ وخد دوھ رک دےتی ویکہکن نچک اجےن‬

‫‪ 24‬وضحر ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل تیثیحب اکی میظع وشرہ‬

‫ریمی دمد رفامیئ ۔ زگنٹیم ےک دوران رمدوں ےک رش یک‬

‫ظ‬ ‫ث‬ ‫ع� ی�‬ ‫ب�ح ی��� ی ت‬ ‫وضحر ا�ی�دہ اہلل � ا�یک م وشرہ‬ ‫خ ت‬ ‫)رضحت دیسہ اہتم الس�ب�وح مگیب اصہبح رحم رضحت �ل� یف�ہ احیسمل ااخلسم ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل رصنبہ ازعلزی(‬

‫رھگ�یل�و اومر م�یں رھبوپر اعتون‬

‫وضحر اونر یک زدنیگ الختف ےس ےلہپ یھب دخِتم‬

‫دنی ےئلیک وفق یھت۔ اور آپ ےک بش و روز رھب وپر‬ ‫دینی رصموایفت ںیم زگرےت۔ نکیل آپ اےنپ درتفی‬

‫ومعمالت ےک اسھت اسھت رھگ ےک اومر ںیم یھب وپری‬ ‫دیپسچل ےتیل اور رھب وپر اعتون رفامےت ۔ ‪1977‬ء ںیم‬

‫رصنت اہجں میکس ےک تحت وطبر رپلپسن ادمحہی ڈنکیسری‬ ‫وکسل رقتری وہیئ۔ بج مہ اھگان ےئگ اس وتق اھگان‬

‫دشدی‬ ‫ںیم‬ ‫‪ )Crises‬ااصتقدی‬ ‫رحبان(دشدی‬ ‫‪Economic‬‬ ‫‪ )Crises‬ںیم‬ ‫ااصتقدی رحبان‬ ‫‪Economic‬‬ ‫ےس زگر راہ اھت۔ ابرںیش ہن وہےن یک وہج ےس دشدی طحق‬ ‫اسیل یھت ۔ یکلم احالت ےب دح رخاب ےھت ۔ بس ےس‬

‫یلہپ زیچ سج ےن وضحر ےئلیک ریمے دل ںیم دقر دیپا یک‬

‫وہ ہی ہک یسک اعمہلم ںیم یھب وضحر ےن یھبک وخد رغیض‬ ‫ںیہن داھکیئ۔ ہشیمہ یہ ابووجد اینپ دینی رصموایفت ےک‬

‫ریما اور وچبں اک اینپ اطتق ےک اطمقب ایخل راھک۔ ہی‬ ‫درتس ےہ ہک اکی وافقِ زدنیگ وک اےنپ دینی اقمدص وک‬

‫وپرا رکےن ےئلیک اینپ ویبی یک رقابین اور رھب وپر اعتون یک‬ ‫رضورت وہیت ےہ۔ وصخًاص رھگولی ارخااجت ےئلیک وج رمق‬ ‫امجتع اکی وافقِ زدنیگ وک وطبر ااسحن دیتی ےہ ارگ‬ ‫وشرہ اک اعتون ہن وہ وت اس دحمود رمق ےس ویبی ےک‬ ‫ےئل رھگ اک رخچ الچان اکی لقتسم رکف وہیت ےہ۔ ںیم‬

‫ضعب رھگوں ںیم بج دیتھکی یھت ہک رمدوں ےئلیک ان اک‬

‫بسح ِ دنسپ اگل اسنل اور رگم اکلھپ اتنب اور اخص اامتہم‬ ‫وہات اور ویبی ےچب دعب ںیم اچب وہا اھکان اھکےت ۔ ہکبج‬

‫وضحر اونر یک رطف ےس یھبک یھب اس مسق اک وکیئ ااہظر‬ ‫ہن وہا‪ ،‬اور ہن یہ ایسی وخاشہ ای اطمہبل۔ وت اکی رطف‬ ‫وت وضحر ےئلیک ریمے دل ںیم دقر و زنمتل ںیم ااضہف‬

‫وہات وت دورسی رطف ےھجم ڑبی ریحت اس ابت رپ وہیت‬

‫ہک زدنیگ وفق وت رمد ےن یک ےہ رگم وخد وت رھگولی زدنیگ‬



‫امکیس ےس ‪ 2‬ےٹنھگ یک دوری رپ‬ ‫ادمحہی اتپسہل اکاکوف ںیم ڈارٹک‬ ‫ومحمد ٹب اصبح ےس الماقت‬ ‫وہیئ۔ آپ زگہتش ‪ 20‬اسل‬ ‫ےس اینپ اہیلہ ےک رمہاہ وطبر‬ ‫وفق زدنیگ دخامت اجب ال‬ ‫رےہ ںیہ۔‬

‫فٹ‬ ‫�ال چیم اک یھب‬ ‫اکی امنیشئ ب‬ ‫ااقعند ایک ایگ۔ اس ہلسلس ںیم‬ ‫وکسل ےن امہری میٹ ےک ےئیل‬ ‫رتہبنی سٹک اور وبسٹ اک ااظتنم‬ ‫ایک ۔ چیم ‪ 2‬۔‪ 2‬ےس ڈرا وہٴا۔‬

‫اطرق زگیمنی ‪21‬‬

‫خ ة‬ ‫یلع اخن اصبح یک ڈارئی ںیم ےس ھچک دینچہ ابںیت وج ہک ٓاپ ےن امہرے ایپرے اامم رضحت �ل�یف� احیسمل ااخلسم ادیہ اہلل‬

‫اعتٰیل رصنبہ ازعلزی یک دختم ںیم روزاہن روپرٹ یک لکش ںیم یجیھب ںیھت۔‬

‫‪ 51‬دخام رپ لمتشم اکی اقہلف‬ ‫‪51‬‬ ‫اےنپ آاق یک زدنیگ لبق از‬ ‫الختف اک ولہپ دےنھکی ےک ےئیل‬ ‫دنلن ےس رواان وہا‬ ‫اغان ںیم آرکہ اریوپرٹ رپ‬ ‫آدم اور دصر اصبح دخام‬ ‫االدمحہی اغان اور اعہلم اک رپ تبحم‬ ‫اابقتسل۔‬

‫آاسوف دجسم ںیم رلنجی رمیب‬ ‫اصبح اور ربممان امجتع اک‬ ‫رپ تبحم اابقتسل اور اضف ںیم‬ ‫رتاونں یک وگجن۔‬

‫‪ 20‬دنچ ایداگر ایکلھجں‬

‫دنچ �ی�اداگر‬

‫�‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ھ‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ک‬ ‫�ی�اں‬

‫بج ںیم اہیں‬ ‫آای اور ںیم ےن‬ ‫دقتس اک ونر آپ‬ ‫یک اشیپوینں رپ اتکمچ‬ ‫وہا داھکی وت ریمے‬ ‫ذجابت ےن ااسی‬ ‫وجش امرا ےسج ایبن‬ ‫رکان نکمم ںیہن۔‬


‫خ ة‬ ‫رضحت �ل�یف� احیسمل ااثلثل رہمح اہلل اعتٰیل‬


‫یئگ۔ ںیمہ وکیئ ابتمدل ذرہعی رفس ہن لم اکس وت مہ ےن‬

‫زگرےت ںیہ۔ اس درای ےک دنمسر ںیم رگےن ےس ےلہپ‬

‫افہلص ےطایک ۔ اس رطح ہک یئک وماعق ےلم ںیہنج ںیم‬

‫ہک ارگ ںیمہ اپین لم اجےئ وت واہں دنگم اکتش یک اج یتکس‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫�‬ ‫ےہ۔ ےھجم ولعمم اھت ہک ان ��جی�رای ںیم سج ہگج اپین وموجد‬

‫اسامن ےس دلے وہےئ اکی رٹک رپ ھٹیب رک رتس لیم اک‬

‫ےن ‪ enjoy‬ایک۔‬

‫بج مہ واہ ں زریع افرم الچ رےہ ےھت وت ںیم یئک دونں‬

‫اکی ہگج اکی ڈمی یھب انب وہا ےہ۔ریمی راےئ ہی یھت‬

‫ےہ واہں دنگم اکتش یک اج ریہ ےہ۔ وخش یتمسق ےس‬

‫کت روزاہن اینپ راہشئ ہک ہگج ےس افرم کت ‪ 35‬لیم‬

‫ںیمہ اکی اپین اک پمپ اور ڑھچاکؤ رکےن واےل آالت‬

‫رک اجاي رکات اھت اور یھبک رٹرٹکی ےک ڈماگرڈ رپ ھٹیب رک اجات‬

‫یس ہگج وک اپین دای اج اتکس اھت۔ اکسج رہبق دو اڑکی ےک رقبی‬

‫اک افہلص رٹرٹکی رپ ایک رکات اھت۔ یھبک ںیم وخد رٹرٹکی الچ‬ ‫اھت۔ ینتج دری واہں کت ےنچنہپ ںیم یتگل یھت اس وتق کت‬

‫آدیم اانت کھت اکچ وہات ہک واہں چنہپ رک اکم رکان لکشم‬ ‫وہ اجات اھت۔ رھپ ںیم ےن رات واہں (افرم) رپ زگارین‬

‫رشوع رک دی۔ واہں راہشئ ےک ےیل وکیئ اکمن وت انب وہا‬ ‫ںیہن اھت۔ ہکلب اکی رمکہ یھب ںیہن اھت۔ ہی اکی وھچاٹ اس‬

‫اگؤں اھت۔ مہ واہں ہک اقمیم ولوگں ےک اسھت رات وک‬ ‫ایقم رکےت ےھت۔ وھجڑپنی امن رمکے وہا رکےت ےھت۔وہ‬ ‫اےنپ رھگ ےک رفش رپ دری اھچب دےتی ںیہ اور ایس رپ وسای‬

‫اجات ےہ۔‬

‫زریع امرہنی یک راےئ یھت ہک واہں (اغان ںیم ) دنگم ںیہن‬ ‫ااگیئ اج یتکس۔ واہں اہاماتن زیسن وہات ےہ ۔ ںیم ےن‬

‫وسحمس ایک ہک اہاماتن ےک دوران درہج رحارت رگ اجات‬

‫ےہ۔ اور اس ےیل دنگم ااگیئ اج یتکس ےہ۔ رگم واہں اپین‬ ‫ںیہن اھت۔ ںیم ےن وجتزی ایک ہک اغان ںیم وواٹل درای اتہب ےہ۔‬ ‫اکی دیفس وواٹل الہکات ےہ اور دورسے وک رسخ وواٹل ےتہک‬

‫ںیہ۔ ہی درای ربانیک افوس ےس آےت ںیہ۔ اور اغان ںیم ےس‬

‫یھب رسیم آےئگ۔ ارگ ہچ اےکس ذرہعی رصف اکی رصتخم‬

‫اھت۔ ہی مک از مک ریمے رجتہب ےک ےئل اکیف اھت۔ ںیم ےن‬

‫انریجیئای ںیم اینپ اکی دوتس وک دنگم ےک جیب وجھبا ےن‬ ‫وک اہک اور اس رطح دنگم یک اکتش اک رجتہب رشوع رک‬ ‫دای ۔ دنگم (ااگےن) اک رجتہب اکایمب راہ ۔ مہ لصف وک‬

‫‪sprinklers‬‬ ‫ےھت۔دای رکےت ےھت۔‬ ‫ذرہعی اپین‬ ‫ےکرکےت‬ ‫اپین دای‬ ‫ےک ذرےعی‬

‫ہی اپین درایےئ وواٹل ےس آات اھت۔ اور ارگہچ ںیم ےنادعاد‬

‫وامشر ےک ذرےعی وت ںیہن داھکی (یتعنص وطر رپ) آای ہی‬ ‫اکتش اکری اقِلب لمع ےہ ہک ںیہن ۔ رگم رجتہب یک دح‬

‫کت ہی اکی اکایمیب یھت اور اب کت واہب آدم اصبح‬

‫اریم اغان ےن اکایمیب ےک اسھت واہں اکتش یک اجےن‬

‫وایل دنگم اک ومنہن اکی ےشیش ےک اجم ںیم ڈال رک واہں‬ ‫امجتع اغان ےک ‪ exhibition hall‬ںیم راھک وہا‬

‫ےہ۔ ہی ایھب کت تہب اےھچ وطر رپ وفحمظ ےہ۔ ںیم ےن‬

‫اس اکم رپ دو اسل رصف ےیک ےھت رگم دعب ںیم آاپبیش یک‬ ‫وہسایلت ہن وہےن یک وہج ےس اےس اجری ںیہن راھک اج‬ ‫اکس ۔‬

‫اطرق زگیمنی ‪15‬‬

‫ےس فطل ادنوز وہا رکےت ےھت۔ ہتپ ںیہن وہات اھت ہک‬

‫رکیت یھت۔ اس رطح ںیمہ سب ںیم ٹیس احلص رکےن‬

‫واےل نیغلبم ےس اپچیت انبان یھکیس یھت۔ حبص وسریے‬

‫اکی دہعف ہی سب اہجں رپ متخ وہا رکیت یھت واہں اج رک‬

‫بک سب رخاب وہ اجےئ یگ۔ ںیم ےن امٹےل ںیم رےنہ‬

‫انےتش ےک ےیل دو اپچایتں ںیم انب ات اھت۔ اعم وطر رپ ںیم‬ ‫ربڈی اور اڈنے انےتش ںیم اتیل اھت۔ دورہپ اک اھکان ںیہن‬

‫وہات اھت۔ وکسل دنب وہےن ےک دعب اھکان ایتر رکات اھت۔‬ ‫اسرڈنی یلھچم ای رکبے ےک وگتش ےک اسھت اپچایتں‬ ‫(وہیت ںیھت)۔ رشوع ےک ان دونں ںیم ریما ‪ 25‬اپؤڈن‬

‫وزن مک وہ ایگ اھت۔ رھپ ھچک دری دعب کیھٹ وہ ایگ اھت۔ اس‬

‫‪ adventure‬وک یھب ںیم ےن ‪ enjoy‬ایک۔‬ ‫ایک ۔‬

‫ان دونں اکی اور اڈیورچن وہا۔ ےسیج ںیم ےن ذرک ایک‬

‫ےہہک رصف اکی سب وہا رکیت یھت وج امٹےل اور اسالاگ‬ ‫ےک درایمن یتلچ یھت ۔ ہکلب امٹےل ےس وسہل لیم آےگ‬

‫کت اجیت یھت اہجں ڑسک متخ وہ اجیت ےہ۔ اہیں ےس‬

‫واٹل رنجی رشوع وہات ےہ۔ اکی دہعف ںیم اور امہرے‬

‫غلبم رزاق ٹب اصبح امٹےل اج رےہ ےھت۔ رزاق‬ ‫اصبح آےت رےتہ ےھت اور دو نیت دن ریمے اسھت‬

‫رہھٹا رکےت ےھت اور وچبں وک االسایمت ڑپاھای رکےت‬ ‫ےھت۔ ہی سب بج کیل ےس رواہن وہ رک اسالاگ یچنہپ وت‬ ‫اس ںیم ڑھکے وہےن یک یھب ہگج ںیہن یتلم یھت۔ اس‬ ‫ےیل مہ اےسی رکےت ےھت ہک بج سب اسالاگ یتچنہپ یھت‬ ‫وت مہ اس ںیم وسار وہ رک ‪ 17‬لیم ےک افےلص (سب ےک‬

‫آرخی اٹسپ) کت اجای رکےت ےھت۔ واہں ےس سب ںیم‬ ‫ےنھٹیب یک ہگج لم اجیت یھت۔ ویکہکن واہ ں سب اخیل وہ اجای‬

‫خ ة‬ ‫‪ 14‬رضحت �ل�یف� احیسمل ااخلسم ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل رصنبہ ازعلزی‪ :‬اغان ںیم‬

‫ےک ےیل ومجمیع وطر رپ ‪ 34‬لیم اک زادئ رفس رکان ڑپات اھت۔‬

‫رخاب وہ یئگ ۔ ہی اشم اک وتق اھت۔ اس وتق ںیم ڈلبگن‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫مرلی رخدیےن ےک ےیل اجراہ اھت۔ وکسل یک امعرت ےک‬ ‫ےیل اس وتق اسرے اکم وخد یہ رکےن ڑپےت ےھت۔‬ ‫ڈلبر یھب مہ یہ ےھت اور رٹنکرٹکی یھب مہ وخد ےھت۔ رات‬ ‫اک ادنریھا وہےن واال اھت۔ ریمے ربفی سیک ںیم اکیف‬

‫ڑبی رمق وموجد یھت۔ اس ےیل ڈر اھت۔ اینپ ذات ےک‬ ‫ےیل ںیہن ہکلب ہی وخف اھت ہک ںیہک وکیئ ہی ربفی سیک‬ ‫نیھچ رک ہن اھبگ اجےئ۔ آھٹ ون اور رھپ رات ےک دس‬ ‫جب ےئگ ‪ ،‬سب یک رمتم اک اکم لمکم ںیہن وہا اھت۔ آرخ‬

‫ںیم اوہنں ےن االعن رک دای ہک اوہنں ےن اکی رٹک‬

‫ڈراویئر ےک ذرےعی وج ہک امٹےل اج راہ اھتواہں اغیپم وجھبای‬ ‫ہک دلج یہ دورسی سب آاجےئ یگ۔ ہی دلج یہ آھٹ ےٹنھگ‬ ‫وطلی اھت۔ اسری رات ںیمہ واہں زگارین ڑپی۔ ےھجم‬ ‫اکی چنیب رظن آای سج رپ ںیم ھٹیب ایگ اور ربفی سیک وک‬

‫وبضمیط ےک اسھت ڑکپ ایل۔ ارگ وکیئ صخش ربفی سیک‬ ‫ےننیھچ یک وکشش رکے وت ےکٹھج یک وہج ےس ریمی آھکن‬ ‫لھک اجےئ۔ ںیم ےن ومولی اصبح ےس اہک ہک ریما‬

‫ایخل ےہ ہک آدیھ رات آپ وس ںیل آدیھ رات‬ ‫ںیم(وسولں اگ) اتہک ربفی سیک یک افحتظ رک ںیکس۔‬

‫ایلگ حبص‪ 4‬ےجب سب آ یئگ۔اس رطح مہ امٹےل چنہپ ےئگ۔‬

‫اکی دہعف ہی سب رفس ےک دوران راےتس ںیم رخاب وہ‬


‫م‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اغان ں‬

‫حضرت خلیفة املسیح اخلامس‬

‫ایده اهلل تعالی بنصره العزيز‬

‫دنمرہج ذلی ابعرت وضح ِر اونر ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل رصنبہِازعلزی اک ارٹن ووی اک ہصح ےہ وج ہک وضحر یک الختف ےس ےلہپ یک اغان ںیم زدنیگ ےک احالت‬ ‫ےک ابرہ ںیم ےہ۔ اس ارٹن ووی ںیم وضحر ےن اینپ روز رمہ یک رصموایفت ےک ابرہ ںیم اتبای ےہ نج ےس ادنازہ اگلای اج اتکس ےہ ہک آاسوشئں ےک‬

‫ریغب زدنیگ تہب لکشم وہ اجیت ےہ ۔ نکیل وضحر ےن اتبای ہک وہ ایسی زدنیگ وک فیلکت ےنھجمس ےک اجبےئ اےسی‪adventures‬وک ‪ enjoy‬رکےت‬ ‫ےھت۔ سلجم دخام االدمحہی وی ےک وک ہی ارٹنووی ‪ 2008‬ںیم دص اسہل الختف وجیلب ےک ومہعق رپ ےنیل یک اعسدت یلم۔‬


‫ںیم ےن واہں اےنپ ایقم وک اکیف ‪ enjoy‬ایک۔ بج ںیم‬

‫آراہ وہں ای الفں ہگج اجان اچاتہ وہں ۔ وریغہ وریغہ۔ ینعی‬

‫ہگج اج راہ وہں اہجں یلجب ہن سیگ اور ہن یہ اپین۔ وکسل‬

‫ںیم ایک رکان اچاتہ وہں۔ ںیم دنچ امہ ان ےک اسھت واہں‬

‫واہں ایگ اھت اس وتق ےھجم ہتپ ںیہن اھت ہک ںیم اکی ایسی‬ ‫ےک رپلپسن ےھجم امکیس ےس اےنپ اسھت اسالاگ ےل ےئگ۔‬ ‫وج اغان ےک امشیل العہق ںیم اکی دور دراز ہبصق ےہ۔ اہیں‬

‫امہری راہشئ اکی تہب وھچےٹ ےس اکمن ںیم یھت۔‬ ‫دو رمکے ےھت۔ اور اسےنم نیت اچر ٹف اک ربآدمہ اھت ۔‬

‫ان دو رمکوں ےک اسھت اکی نچک اور اٹٹلئ ابھت اھت۔‬ ‫واہں اکی رمکے ںیم ںیم راتہ اھت۔ اور اکی رمکہ ںیم‬

‫وہ اینپ یلمیف ےک اسھت رےتہ ےھت ۔ آپ وک ادنازہ وہ اگ‬ ‫اکی ادمحی ےک ےیل ینتک لکشم وہ یتکس ےہ اہجں اسھت‬

‫یہ اکی یلمیف یھب ریتہ وہ۔ اٹٹلئ اجان وہ ای یسک اور ہگج‬

‫اجان وہ اس ےک ےیل ےلہپاالعن رکان ڑپات اھت ہک ںیم ابرہ‬

‫اینپ رہ رحتک ےک ابرہ ںیم ےلہپ ےس آ اگہ رکان ڑپات اھتہک‬

‫ایقم زپری راہ۔ رھپ ںیم اگل رھگ ںیم راہ۔ ںیم اکی اسل‬ ‫کت اینپ یلمیف ےک ریغب االیک راہ۔اسالاگ ےس رتس لیم ےک‬

‫افےلص رپ اکی ڑبا رہش امٹےل اھت۔ ان دونں مہ وکسل ےک‬

‫ےیل ےئن البک یک ریمعت رک رےہ ےھت۔ مہ واہں ڈلبگن‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫اک ی‬ ‫مرلی رخدیےن ےک ےیل اجای رکےت ےھت اور رھگ یک‬ ‫رخدیاری اور اھکےن ےنیپ یک زیچںی رخدیےن ےک ےیل‬ ‫یھب واہں اجےت ےھت۔ رتس لیم دور واعق امٹےل اجےن‬

‫ےک ےیل رٹاوپسنرٹ یک ایھچ وہستل وموجد ںیہن یھت۔‬

‫وگرٹنمن یک سب یھت وج امٹےل اجای رکیت یھت۔ اکی حبص‬ ‫ےک وتق اور دورسی اشم وک اجای رکیت یھت۔ مہ اس رفس‬


‫وضحر ادیہ اہلل تیثیحب اکی میظع وشرہ‬


‫اک رمد دخا ےک شقن دقم رپ‬

‫خ ت‬ ‫)رضحت دیسہ اہتم الس�ب�وح مگیب اصہبح رحم رضحت �ل� یف�ہ احیسمل ااخلسم ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل رصنبہ ازعلزی(‬

‫دعلی زہشاد‬

‫فہرست مندرجات‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫‪18‬‬

‫خ ة‬ ‫رضحت �ل�یف� احیسمل ااخلسم‬ ‫اغان ںیم‬ ‫دنچ ایداگر ایکلھجں‬ ‫یلع اخن‬

‫ادیه اهلل اعتٰیل رصنبه ازعلزی‬

‫اہلل ےک انم ےک اسھت وج ےب ااہتن رمح رکےن واال‪ ،‬نب امےگن دےنی واال اور ابر ابر رمح رکےن واال ےہ‬

‫�پ� ی ش‬ ‫� ظفل‬

‫السالم عليكم ورحمة اهلل و بركاته‬ ‫راسہل اطرق ےک اس امشرہ ںیم آپ وک وخش آدمدی ےتہک ںیہ۔‬ ‫اس راسہل اک دصقم ہی ےہ ےک اقرنیئ یک دختم ںیم فلتخم وموضاعت‬ ‫رپ لمتشم اضمنیم شیپ ےئیک اجںیئ اور سلجم دخام االدمحہی یک کلم رھب ںیم‬ ‫اسمیع ےس اب ربخ راھک اجےئ۔ اس ہلسلس ںیم مہ اقرنیئ یک راےئ یھب اجانن‬ ‫اچںیہ ےک ہک سک رطح راسہل ںیم رتہبی الیئ اج یتکس ےہ۔‬ ‫خ ة‬ ‫اس امشرہ ںیم رضحت �ل�یف� احیسمل ااخلسم ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل رصنبہ ازعلزی یک اشنمء‬ ‫ےک تحت دخام و اافطل ےک اغان دورہ ےک ابرہ ںیم اتبای اج راہ ےہ۔‬

‫وکشش یک یئگ ےہ ہک دخام یک زابین اس اتریخی رفس یک اکعیس یک اجےئ۔ زین‬ ‫وضحر اونر ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل رصنبہ ازعلزی یک زدنیگ ےک اغان ےک وحاہل ےس دنچ‬ ‫اومنل ولہپ یھب اشلم ےئیک ےئگ ںیہ بج آپ واہں وطبر وافق زدنیگ میقم‬ ‫ےھت۔‬ ‫اخاسکر امتم میٹ اک رکشہی ادا رکان اچاتہ ےہ وہنجں ےن ڑبی تنحم ےس اس امشرہ‬ ‫یک ایتری ںیم دمد یک۔‬ ‫ایس رطح زخمن اصتوری اک یھب ےب دح وکشمر ےہ نج یک دمد ےس ںیمہ افلخء‬ ‫ہلسلس یک انایب اصتوری احلص وہںیئ۔‬ ‫داعٴوں یک اعزجاہن دروخاتس ےک اسھت‬


‫دمری اٰیلع‬


‫بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬


‫میٹ‬ ‫دمری اٰیلع‪ :‬دااینل اکولہں‬

‫انبئ دمری (رباےئ اردو)‪ :‬املسن رمق‬

‫انبئ دمری (رباےئ ارگنزیی)‪ :‬رادش رشبم‬ ‫‪،‬رظن اثین‪ :‬زرتشت فیطل‪ ،‬رفظ اہلل اخن‬ ‫احظف ااسہم ٹب‪ ،‬احظف اشزہبی رین‬

‫ڈزیانئ‪ :‬میلع ادمح‬

‫‪Official Websites:‬‬ ‫‪www.tariqmagazine.org‬‬ ‫‪www.khuddam.org.uk‬‬ ‫‪Sarae Khidmat,‬‬ ‫‪16 Gressenhal Road.‬‬ ‫‪Southfields, SW18 5QL‬‬

‫ن‬ ‫م ی���ی�جم� ن ٹ‬ ‫�‬ ‫دصر سلجم‪ :‬دبع ادقلوس اعرف‬

‫ممتہم ااشتع‪ :‬امعنن وچدہری‬

‫کالم االمامؑ‬ ‫مس�ی‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫رضحت ادقس ح وموعد عل� یہ االسلم رفامےت ��یں‪:‬‬

‫�پ� ش‬ ‫اس وتق اعم وطر رپ وقومں اک انمرظہ دخا اعتٰیل یک رطف ےس ی� ٓاگ�ی�ا ےہ رگم اس‬ ‫م�‬ ‫وقتی وایل وہ اور زابن وک اھبنسل‬ ‫یں حتف و رصنت اُیس وک ےلمیگ وج دخا ےک زند�یک ٰ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫رک رےھک۔ دنبوں رپ ملظ ہن رکے۔ ان ےک وقحق یک راع�ی� رکے۔ رفس م�یں‪ ،‬رضح‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫م�یں ینب ونع ااسنن یک دمہردی اور راع�ی� رکے وت دخا اعتٰیل اس یک راع�ی� رکات‬ ‫�یک ت‬ ‫دمداگر وہات ےہ۔ �یہ ابلکل‬ ‫اور‬ ‫ویل‬ ‫اک‬ ‫اس‬ ‫وخد‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫وت‬ ‫ےہ‬ ‫�‬ ‫ا‬ ‫وقتی د ھ�‬ ‫ےہ۔ بج وہ ٰ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫�ہ‬ ‫یچس ابت ےہ ہک دخا اعتٰیل اک یسک ےک اسھت وکیئ امسجین رہتش ��یں ےہ۔ دخا اعتٰیل وخد‬

‫راتھک ےہ۔ وہ وخد دعل ےہ دعل وک دوتس راتھک‬ ‫ااصنف ےہ اور ااصنف وک دوتس ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫� ہ��‬ ‫وقتی یک راع�ی� رکات ےہ اےس‬ ‫ےہ۔ اس ی‬ ‫ل اظرہی روتشں یک رپوا یں رکات۔ وج ٰ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ل اُس ےن رفام�ی�ا ِا َّن‬ ‫وہ اےنپ لضف ےس اچبات ےہ اور اس اک اسھت د�ی��ا ےہ۔ اور ایس ی‬ ‫هلل اَ ْت َق ُ‬ ‫اَ ْك َر َم ُك ْم ِع ْندَ ا ِ‬ ‫اك ْم (احلجرات‪ )14 :‬سپ اس انمرظہ م�یں یقتم یہ اکم�ی�اب وہاگ۔‬ ‫وفلماظت دلج وسم‪ ،‬ہحفص ‪198‬‬

‫حدیث نبوی ؐ‬ ‫اللهم صل على محمد و على آل محمد كما صليت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد‬ ‫اللهم بارك على محمد و على آل محمد كما باركت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد‬

‫َأ َّن َر ُس ْو َل ا ِهلل صلى اهلل عليه وسلم َق َال‪ْ :‬الُ ْس ِل ُم َأ ُخو‬ ‫ْالُ ْس ِل ِم‪َ ،‬ال َي ْظ ِل ُم ُه‪َ ،‬و َال ُي ْس ِل ُم ُه‪َ ،‬و َم ْن َك َ‬ ‫اج ِة َأ ِخي ِه‪،‬‬ ‫ان ِفي َح َ‬

‫ُ‬ ‫َك َ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫اج ِت ِه‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ف‬ ‫اهلل‬ ‫ان‬ ‫َ َ‬

‫روسل اہلل یلص اہلل عل� یہ وملس ےن رفام�ی�ا‪ :‬املسمن املسمن اک اھبیئ ےہ ہن وہ‬

‫اس رپ ملظ رکے اور ہن اےس ( یسک اظمل ےک ) رپسد رکے ۔ اور وج صخش‬ ‫اےنپ یسک اھبیئ یک رضورت وپری رکےن م�یں اگل وہ اگ اہلل اعتٰیل اس یک‬

‫رضورت اور احتج وپری رکے اگ ۔‬ ‫صح�ی‬ ‫�ی ث‬ ‫ح اخبری‪ 6951 ،‬اتکب‪ 89 ،‬دح � ‪12‬‬

‫قرٓان کر یم‬ ‫اعوذ باهلل من الشيطان الرجيم‬ ‫بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫اك ْم ِّم ْن َذ َك ٍر َّو ُأن َثى َو َج َع ْل َن ُ‬ ‫اس ِإنَّا َخ َل ْق َن ُ‬ ‫اك ْم‬ ‫َيا َأ ُّي َها ال َّن ُ‬

‫ُش ُع ْو ًبا َّو َق َبا ِئ َل ِل َت َعا َر ُف ْوا ‪ -‬إ َِّن َأ ْك َر َم ُك ْم‬ ‫اكم ‪ -‬إ َِّن َ‬ ‫اهلل َع ِل ْي ٌم َخ ِب ْي ٌر‬ ‫َأ ْت َق ُ ْ‬

‫ِع ْندَ ا ِ‬ ‫هلل‬

‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫مہ‬ ‫مہ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫اے ولوگ! � ی یق���اً مہ ےن ��یں رن اور امدہ ےس �پ�ی�دا ک�ی�ا اور ��یں وقومں اور‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ق�‬ ‫م� ی � س�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ک‬ ‫ب�یل�وں ں م �ی�ا اتہک مت ا�یک دورسے وک اچہپن وکس۔ الب ہبش اہلل ےک‬

‫زند�یک مت م�یں بس ےس ز�ی�ادہ زعمز وہ ےہ وج بس ےس ز�ی�ادہ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫�ہ ش‬ ‫یقّتم ےہ۔ � ی یق���اً اہلل دایمئ ملع رےنھک واال (اور) م�ی�ہ ابربخ ےہ۔‬ ‫احلجرات‪49:14 ،‬‬

‫طارق ‪TARIQ‬‬


‫مجلس خدام االحمدیہ یوکے‬

‫وقومں یک االصح ونوجاونں یک االصح ےک ریغب ںیہن وہ یتکس‬ ‫رضحت حلصم وموعد ریض اہلل ہنع‬



‫طارق ‪TARIQ‬‬


‫مجلس خدام االحمدیہ یوکے‬

‫غانا نمبر‬

‫‪Nov-Dec 2018‬‬


‫‪Vol. 23, No. 1‬‬

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