Tariq Magazine - VOL 23 - ISSUE 2 - 2019

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Vol. 23






Holy Quran ‫أعوذ باهلل من الشيطان الرجيم‬ ‫بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬


ۡ ۡ ۡ َّ ۡ ۡ ٰ ‫ل َش ٍء ق َ ِدیر‬ ‫ک۫و‬ ‫الی ِبی ِد ِہ ال ُمل‬ ‫ت َ ٰب‬ ِ ‫ک‬ ِّ ‫ک‬ ُ ‫ہ َو َعل‬ ُ ُ َ َ َ َ ُ ۡ ۡ ً ۡ َّ ۡ ‫ک ۡم اَحسن ع َمل‬ ‫وۃ لِی ۡبلُو ُک ۡم اَ ّی‬ ‫ت و الح ٰی‬ ‫خ َل َق ال َم ۡو‬ ‫ی‬ ِ ؕ ُ َ ُ َ َ ‫ال‬ َ ُ َ َ َ َ َ ۡ ۡ ۡ ۡ ‫زیز ال َغ ُفور‬ ‫و ہو الع‬ ُ ِ َ َ ُ َ ُ ْ ‫ال ْی خلق س ْبع سماوات طباقًا ۖ ما تر ٰی ف خ ْلق الر‬ ‫ح ٰم ِن‬ ِ َّ ِ ٍ َّ ِ َ ِ َ َ ْ َّ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َْ ْ ‫م ْن تفاوت ۖ ف‬ ‫ور‬ ‫ج ِع الب‬ ‫ار‬ ٍ ُ َ​َ ِ ِ ٍ ‫صر ہل تَر ٰی ِمن ف ُ ُط‬ َ َ َ َ َ

ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ ‫ثم‬ ْ ً ‫ہو‬ ‫اسئا َّو‬ ‫ك البصر‬ ‫ی ین َق ِلب ِإلَی‬ ‫كرت‬ ‫ج ِع البصر‬ ‫ار‬ ِ ‫خ‬ ِ ِ َ ُ َ َ َ َّ ُ َّ َ َ ُ َ َ َ َ َ ٌْ ‫ح ِسی‬ َ blessed is he in Whose hand is the kingdom, and he has power over all things; who has created death and life that he might try you — which of you is best in deeds; and he is the mighty, the most forgiving. who has created seven heavens in harmony. no incongruity canst thou see in the creation of the gracious god. then look again: seest thou any flaw? Aye, look again, and yet again, thy sight will only return unto thee confused and fatigued. (Al-Mulk, 67:2-5)

HADITH ‫اللهم صل على محمد و على آل محمد كما صليت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد‬ ‫اللهم بارك على محمد و على آل محمد كما باركت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد‬

ُ ‫ ق َ​َال َر ُس‬:‫ض اللَّ ُه َع ْن ُه ق َ​َال‬ ‫ول اللَّ ِه َص َّل اللَّ ُه َعلَيْ ِه َو َسلَّ َم‬ َ ِ ‫َع ْن أَ ِب ُه َريْ َر َة َر‬ ُ ‫إِ َّن اللَّ َه َع َّز َو َج َّل يَق‬ ‫ يَا َر ِّب كَ ْي َف أَ ُعو ُد َك‬:‫ ق َ​َال‬-‫ َمرِضْ ُت فَلَ ْم ت َ ُع ْد ِن‬،‫ يَا ابْ َن آ َد َم‬:‫ُول يَ ْو َم الْ ِق َيا َم ِة‬ ‫ أَ َما َع ِل ْم َت أَ َّن َع ْب ِدي ف َُلنًا َمر َِض فَلَ ْم تَ ُع ْد ُه؟ أَ َما َع ِل ْم َت أَن َ​َّك لَ ْو ُع ْدت َ ُه‬:‫َوأَن َْت َر ُّب الْ َعالَ ِم َني؟ ق َ​َال‬

‫ يَا َر ِّب َوكَيْ َف أُطْ ِع ُم َك َوأَن َْت َر ُّب‬:‫ ق َ​َال‬،‫ ْاستَطْ َع ْمتُ َك فَلَ ْم تُطْ ِع ْم ِني‬:‫ يَا ابْ َن آ َد َم‬.‫لَ َو َج ْدت َ ِني ِع ْن َد ُه‬ ‫ أَ َما َعلِ ْم َت أَنَّ ُه ْاستَطْ َع َم َك َعبْ ِدي ف َُل ٌن فَلَ ْم تُطْ ِع ْم ُه؟ أَ َما َعلِ ْم َت أَن َ​َّك لَ ْو أَطْ َع ْمتَ ُه‬:‫الْ َعالَ ِم َني؟ ق َ​َال‬ ‫ يَا َر ِّب كَ ْي َف أَ ْس ِق َيك َوأَن َْت‬:‫ ق َ​َال‬،‫ ْاستَ ْس َق ْيتُ َك فَلَ ْم ت َْس ِق ِني‬:‫ يَا ابْ َن آ َد َم‬.‫لَ َو َجدْتَ َذلِ َك ِع ْن ِدي‬ ‫ أَ َما إِن َ​َّك لَ ْو َس َق ْيتَ ُه لَ َو َجدْتَ َذلِ َك ِع ْن ِدي‬،‫َر ُّب الْ َعالَ ِم َني؟ ق َ​َال ْاستَ ْسق َ​َاك َع ْب ِدي ف َُل ٌن فَلَ ْم ت َْس ِق ِه‬ on the authority of abu hurayrah (may allah be pleased with him), who said that the messenger of allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:

allah (mighty and sublime be he) will say on the day of resurrection: “o son of adam, i fell ill and you visited me not.” he will say: “o lord, and how should i visit you when you are the lord of the worlds?” he will say: “did you not know that my servant so-and-so had fallen ill and you visited him not? did you not know that had you visited him you would have found me with him? o son of adam, i asked you for food and you fed me not.” he will say: “o lord, and how should i feed you when you are the lord of the worlds?” he will say: “did you not know that my servant so-and-so asked you for food and you fed him not? did you not know that had you fed him you would surely have found that (the reward for doing so) with me? o son of adam, i asked you to give me to drink and you gave me not to drink.” he will say: “o lord, how should i give you to drink when you are the lord of the worlds?” he will say: “my servant so-and-so asked you to give him to drink and you gave him not to drink. had you given him to drink you would have surely found that with me.” (Sahih Muslim, Book 45, Hadith 54)

Extract of the Promised messiahas

the promised messiah & imam mahdias states:

Our paradise lies in our God. Our highest delight is in our God for we have seen Him and found every beauty in Him. This wealth is worth procuring though one might have to lay down one’s life to procure it. This ruby is worth purchasing though one may have to lose oneself to acquire it. O ye, who are deprived! Hasten to this fountain as it will satiate you. It is this fountain of life that will save you. What am I to do? How shall I impress the hearts with this good news? What sort of a drum am I to beat in the streets in order to make the announcement that this is your God, so that people might hear? What remedy shall I apply to the ears of the people so that they should listen?

(Noah’s Ark, pp. 34-35)

‫بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬


Team Chief Editor: Daniyal Kahlon Assistant Editor (English): Rashid Mubashir Assistant Editor (Urdu): Salman Qamar Layout Editor: Asif Bin Owais Content Checking & Proofreading: Anas Mahmood Social Media: Mohammad Sohaib Khan Ehtesham Arif

Graphics: Labeed Mirza

Official Websites: www.tariqmagazine.org www.khuddam.org.uk Sarae Khidmat, 16 Gressenhal Road. Southfields, SW18 5QL

Management Sadr Majlis: Abdul Quddus Arif Mohtamim Isha’at: Numaan Chaudhry

In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the ever Merciful

EDITORIAL ‫السالم عليكم ورحمة اهلل و بركاته‬ Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you. Welcome to this issue of ‘Tariq Magazine’, the official organ of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK. The aim of this magazine is to present to our readers articles on varying issues, along with keeping the Majlis informed about MKA’s activities across the country. We would love to hear from our readers about ways we can improve our Magazine. The theme of this issue is in accordance to this year’s Ijtema theme, ‘The Existence of Allah’. In the current climate it is extremely important to clarify and elaborate upon this topic, due to the ever increasing faithlessness we find in the world. Hence, we have attempted to present this topic in light of the Holy Quran, the sayings of the Holy Prophetsa, the writings of the Promised Messiahas and also through the accounts of our own Khuddam with their experiences of God Almighty. We understand that this topic is not an easy theme to cover, and each individual may have their own understanding of it, but at the very least we have attempted to present the Islamic view so that our readers may benefit as much as possible. I would like to thank all the team members who have worked tirelessly to bring this magazine to life.

‫والسالم‬ With a humble request for prayers, The Editor 01.04.19




Salutations and their Meanings: sa Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam ‫َص َّلی اهلل َع ِل ْي ِه َو َس َّل ْم‬ َ َ as Alayhis-Salam ‫السلم‬ َّ ‫َعل ْی ِه‬ ra ‫َر ِض َی اهلل َع ْن ُه‬ Radiyallahu Anhu rh Rahmatullahi Alayhi ِ ‫َر ِح َم ُة ا‬ ‫هلل َع َل ْی ِه‬ aba ‫ اَ َّيدَ ُه هلل َت َعالی ِب َن ْص ِر ِه ال َع ِز ْیز‬Ayyadahullahu Ta’ala Bi-Nasrihil-Aziz

Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him Peace be on him Allah be pleased with him Allah shower His mercy upon him May Allah the Almighty help him with His powerful support



Taleem Seht-e-Jismani



(health & fitness)




These regions consist of the following Qiadats:

Number of Tarbiyyat sessions held during these two months.

Number of Taleem sessions held in these past two months.

Number of sporting events held throughout the nation.

Baitun Noor

(moral & spiritual development)



(dignity in labour)

Number of Waqar-e-Amal sessions held by the Majlis.

tabligh (conveying the message of Islam)


Number of Tabligh exhibitions held during these months.

1) Balham 2) Burntwood 3) Tooting 4) Tooting Bec 5) Tooting Broadway 6) Upper Mitcham


1) Inner Park 2) Putney 3) Putney East 4) Raynes Park 5) Southmead 6) Wimbledon 7) Wimbledon South

SOuth west 1) Bristol 2) Cardiff 3) Swansea


Holy Quran




Extract of the Promised Messiahas


Answering an Atheist Qamar Ahmed Zafar


5 Questions with Nazim-e-Ala National Ijtema MKA UK 2019 Interview


Pearls of Wisdom


Khuddam Diaries

32 34

Hazrat Musleh Maudra

Various Khuddam

Pearls of Wisdom Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba

Extract from Abid Khan Sahib’s Diary




By Qamar Ahmed Zafar, 25 Morden, Baitul Futuh 124,000 prophets - 4,000 religions 6,000 years - yet only one message…


oday atheists allege that religion is the innovation of man, something which was forged by the conniving minds of those who were thirsty for power and affluence. Is this true? Are these not the questions we face in our everyday lives? Today, I will be addressing a modern-day atheist, and will attempt to refute them from an Islamic perspective. I flattered you with some numbers in the beginning, you may ask why. Just think of this. Imagine one man comes to this world saying worship one God and believe in Him. Somebody may say he is a madman or a fraud. Then another man will arise in another part of the world and say the same thing: Worship one God and believe in Him. Some may say this is a coincidence, for two people have said the same thing. However, just ponder over this fact: 124,000 prophets came to this earth and there is no way that they could have met each other, because they either lived thousands of miles apart, or thousands of years apart. Yet, they all claimed the same thing, worship one God and believe in Him. Was it a coincidence that these men who had never even met each other all came with the same message? Could this be down to mere luck like flipping a few coins? Of course not, there had to be a divine intelligent being who vouchsafed these teachings to them, and that my dear friends, is God Almighty. The One Being capable of sending the same message to 124,000 different people in different places and different ages. Thus,

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Allah the Almighty states exactly this in the Holy Quran: ٰ ۡ ۡ ‫ہ رس ۡو ًل م ۡن‬ ۡ ِ ‫فا ۡرس ۡلنا ف ۡی‬ ‫ہ اَ ِن اعب ُدوا‬ ‫الل ما‬ ِ َ ُ ِّ ُ َ ُ َ َّ َ َ​َ ۡ ۡ ٗ ۡ ٰ ۡ ‫ِل َغیہ ؕ اَف َ َل ت َ َّت ُقون‬ ٍ ‫کم ِّمن ا‬ ُ َ‫ل‬ َ ُ

“And We sent among them a messenger from among themselves who said: ‘Serve Allah. You have no God other than Him.” (Al-Mu’minun, 23:33) We find these teachings of One God in all scriptures. In the holy scripture of the Hindus, the Madhyandin Yajurveda, 32:2, we find the following teaching: “Supreme God has no image, no material shape.” Similarly, in the book of Deuteronomy 6:4, from the Old Testament we read: “Hear O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One.” In the same way in the New Testament Jesusas is found to repeat these very words, in Mark 12:29. Even logic demands that there must be a creator, some supreme being which was the beginning of all of this creation. To explain this clearly, there is an incident of Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifarh, who is considered to be one of the four great Imams of the Islamic schools of thought and an authentic authority on Islamic Jurisprudence, which worth mentioning. He was invited to a debate with an atheist, but was delayed for some reason. He explained the reason for why he could not arrive on time. He said: “I began to make my way to


the River Tigris, and on reaching the river bank I realised there was no boat in order to cross the river. It was getting dark, and I looked around, there was no boat anywhere nor was there a navigator or a sailor in order for me to cross the river to get to the Royal Palaces. I was standing on the river bank looking for a navigator or a boat when something caught my attention in the middle of the river. I saw a tree craft itself into a boat all by itself, I could not understand what was happening before my eyes. All of a sudden, this boat was there, ready for me to board, so I boarded it and arrived here safely before you.” The atheist was listening to all this with amazement and shock. He gasped: “This is impossible, for how can a boat suddenly come into existence all by itself ?” Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifarh smiled and replied: “If you cannot accept that a boat came into existence all by itself, then how can you accept that this entire

universe came into existence without a creator? Upon this, the atheist had nothing to say and thus the debate was won in favour of Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifarh. We can also see that the Quran, which was revealed almost 1500 years ago at a time and place where ignorance was rampant, such prophecies were revealed which could only point to the fact that it was written by none else than the All-Knowing God. For example, we read in the Holy Quran: ۡ ِ ‫ح ٰۤت اِذا ما جٓاء ۡوہا شہد عل ۡی‬ ۡ ‫ہ س ۡمع‬ ‫ہو‬ َ َ َ ِ َ َ ُ َ َ َ ّ َ َ ُ ُ َ ۡ ۡ ۡ ۡ ‫ابۡصارہ ۡم و جل ۡود‬ ‫کانُوا یع َملُون‬ َ ‫ہم ِب َما‬ ُ ُ ُ ُ َ ُ ُ َ َ َ َ

“Till, when they reach it, their ears and their eyes and their skins will bear witness against them as to what they had been doing.”

The Quran could only point to the fact that it was written by none else than the All-Knowing GOD .

(Ha Mim As-Sajdah, 41:21).

Today we can see this verse has been fulfilled to the letter through the science of forensics, DNA and fingerprints. Who could have guessed this almost 1500 years ago? Modern scientists may believe that they have stumbled upon a huge discovery by discovering the ‘Big Bang’. However, the Holy Quran already mentioned this phenomenon fourteen centuries ago: ۡ ۤۡ ۡ ‫الی‬ ‫ت و الَ ۡرض‬ ِ َّ ‫اَو ل َ ۡم یر‬ ِ ‫الس ٰم ٰو‬ َ ‫ن‬ َّ ‫ک َف ُروا اَ َّن‬ َ َۡ َ َ ۡ ٰۡ َ َۡ ً ‫ل‬ ‫ک‬ ‫ء‬ ‫ٓا‬ ‫م‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ن‬ ‫م‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ج‬ ‫و‬ ؕ ‫ا‬ ‫م‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ان‬ ‫ک‬ ِ ِ َّ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ُ َ َ​َ َ َ​َ َ ۡ ۡ ‫ش ٍء‬ ‫ح ؕ اَف َ َل یؤ ِم ُن ۡون‬ َ َ ُ ٍّ َ

“Do not the disbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up mass, then We opened them out? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” (Al-Anbiya’, 21:31) This is an amazingly accurate explanation of how the universe began and it goes exactly in line with the theory of the Big Bang. Allah says that in the beginning the universe was “ratqan” this word means “a closed up mass”, “bound together”, “a joined entity” or “pulled together” (Corpus Quran Dictionary). This goes exactly in line with the fact that in the beginning, helium and hydrogen particles were “pulled together” and what is even more amazing is that gravity was the thing holding them together, and as modern science proves, the fundamental job of gravity is to pull one mass to another mass. This is why the word “ratqan” has been used.

The modern scientific theory says that gravity could no longer hold the particles together and a huge explosion

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occurred. A crucial piece of evidence used here by the scientists is called the ‘Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation’ (CMBR). What this means is that scientists have managed to attain the earliest source of heat ever produced in the universe. It has been illustrated by showing it in radiation form and the results are incredible as they show that in the beginning an immense amount of heat was created. How could this be, one may ask? The answer to this is that a huge explosion occurred; this was and is the only occurrence that can cause so much heat. This is not the only evidence today, the fact that the universe is filled mostly with hydrogen and helium particles suggests that a huge explosion caused them to spread everywhere. This is identical to the description of the Holy Quran which says that gravity could no longer hold in the particles and a huge explosion occurred. This is implied in the word ‘fa-fataqnahuma’ which means ‘we ripped (those two) asunder’ or we tore (those two) apart”. Again, this is amazingly accurate as the separation of the helium and hydrogen elements means that their joints were ripped apart from each other and spread out vastly. Another amazing aspect is that even though the pronoun of “those two” may point to the heavens and the earth which makes perfect sense, it may also mean that hydrogen and helium were ripped apart. When scientists are asked what caused the big bang they will reply that it was the “God particle” which caused it but they will never say that God Himself caused it!

Another question people often ask is that if God exists, why is there suffering? Let me try to fill the entire answer into a teaspoon. Just because something is suffering, does not mean it was not created! If my car is suffering today with engine failure or rusty brakes (Alhamdulillah it is not), it does not lead me to believe that mechanics do not exist. What it does lead me to believe is that this car certainly needs to pay more attention towards getting a regular service! So, as humans living on this earth full of suffering, does it mean God does not exist? Or does it mean we need to pay more attention to our regular service? That is, praying five times a day and supplicating to our All-Knowing Mechanic/Creator; Allah the Almighty? Finally I would like to say that the advent of the Promised Messiahas brought about new and fresh signs for the existence of God, such as the famous incident when the doctors had said that nothing can be done for Abdul Kareem because he had become ill with hydrophobia. His parents were told he would die in a matter of days, however with the blessed prayers of the Promised Messiahas, he survived and became the first ever survivor of hydrophobia. This could only be a miracle of an All-Powerful God. So, I will end this article with the following fact; remember, 124,000 prophets - 4,000 religions - 6,000 years - yet only the one, same message.

124,000 prophets - 4,000 religions - 6,000 years yet only the one, same message Answering an Atheist 21


Questions with... Questions with... Yousaf Aftab

Nazim-e-Ala National Ijtema MKA UK 2019

Tariq Magazine: This is your first time as Nazim-e-Ala for the Ijtema, how does it compare to other events? Yousaf Aftab: Serving as Nazim-e-Ala is very humbling and blessed in the sense that the theme is directly set by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba. It is a great honour, but with that comes a huge amount of responsibility and accountability in ensuring that an appropriate event can be put in place for all Khuddam and Atfal brothers. It’s like no other event I’ve done as it’s a culmination of project managing, man management, budget planning, liaising with key stakeholders internally and externally, compromising, having attention to detail and being very patient in understanding the needs of others and supporting those that are new to the Ijtema, and finally ensuring everyone buys into the ethos of what is required. Tariq Magazine: What is the aim or underlying objective of an Ijtema, and why should Khuddam attend (what is the benefit)? Yousaf Aftab:The underlying principle is simple, it’s a gathering of fellow Khuddam and atfal brothers under one unified banner to come and learn, develop, compete, pray and build relationships. It’s a gathering with numerous blessings where everyone is there for the sake of Allah to be the best that one can be, be it in individual or team events. The Ijtema not only satiates one’s spiritual thirst but helps to develop one physically and mentally. It’s like no other gathering. It has something for everyone and its importance should never be neglected. The best words I can describe the Ijtema is by referring to the founder of Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, Hazrat Musleh Maudra: “I would like to draw the attention of those Khuddam who are not attending this Ijtema, and want to express my sadness and surprise. I would like to tell them that the purpose of Khuddamul Ahmadiyya is to develop this realisation, that they are the Servants (Khuddam) of Ahmadiyyat. A 22 Tariq Magazine

servant is one who stays close to his master. The servant, who does not stay with his master (Khilafat), in terms of time or duties, cannot be called a servant (Khadim).” (AddressatAnnualMajlisKhuddamulAhmadiyya Ijtema, 6 February 1941) Tariq Magazine: What is the significance of this years’ Ijtema theme? Yousaf Aftab: The significance of this year’s theme, personally to me is not just for one year. It’s the fabric of why we exist and such a timely reminder for us all that the existence of God is what we should understand, feel and comprehend. As stated in the following verse of the Holy Quran, our existence is to create a living relationship with Allah and feel the manifest blessings. As such the following verse encapsulates this relationship to me. Say , ‘As for me, my Lord has guided me unto a straight path — a right religion, the religion of Abraham, the upright. And he was not of those who join gods (with God).’ Say, My prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my death are (all) for Allah, the Lord of the worlds. He has no partner. And so am I commanded, and I am the first of those who submit.’ Tariq Magazine: What are some challenges & difficulties you are facing with the run up to the National Ijtema? Yousaf Aftab: The Ijtema, is like a mini-Jalsa where a 55 acre site is transformed into a village to cater for the needs of our Khuddam and Atfal brothers. As such, the challenges are dependant on many factors, the biggest one being the weather due to holding the Ijtema in September. You never know what weather you’ll get. We then, as a team, have to ensure that we have adequate parking, marquees, toilets, accommodation, sports fields, hospitality arrangements made to cater for the varying needs of our brothers attending. The Ijtema has to cater for variety of demographic requirements and

needs of Khuddam and Atfal. The expectation year on year is increased, and therefore we are always looking at ways to create more novel ways of attracting Khuddam and Atfal to attend whilst keeping the ethos and purpose of the Ijtema in mind. The last thing we want is to make it into a fun-fair as that’s not what the Ijtema is. Another challenge is getting Khuddam and Atfal to attend across the country and as such a lot of effort is put in place from Qaideen to push attendance. This is particularly important as in September school, colleges and universities reopen, and as you can imagine this itself throws up many challenges for the whole committee in ensuring we get maximum attendance so that everyone can derive blessings from the Ijtema and listen to our beloved Huzooraba and pray behind him. Tariq Magazine: How has the Ijtema progressed throughout the years? Yousaf Aftab: The Ijtema over the years has progressed only with the sheer blessings of Allah and the continuous guidance of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masihaba. We in the UK are so blessed that we are able to have Huzooraba not only attend but give us continuous guidance which helps to motivate and propel our committee to do the best in attracting our fellow brothers to the Ijtema. It also gives us the great honour and privilege of hosting our beloved Khalifa. The Ijtema, with Allah’s grace and blessings will always continue to grow and blossom. The key is that we need to work hard, dedicate our efforts towards prayers and then ensure we do the best in terms of planning to provide the best Ijtema we can offer our brothers attending. The last thing you want is to be complacent and expect things to just happen. You will always reap the rewards for the sincere and dedicated efforts you put in. One must always ensure that when planning such events that you don’t feel it’s down to your efforts, rather it’s down to the blessings of Allah the Almighty. Hence it’s important to always prayer, stay steadfast and forbearing in all our endeavours and give alms to ensure we can deliver to the best of our abilities.


Pearls of

Wisdom by Hazrat Musleh Maudra

“...the more refined and subtle a thing is, the more imperceptible it is to the naked eye. Its existence is known through its effects rather than by looking upon it, by smelling it, by tasting it or by touching it. Hence when seeking to determine the existence of Allah the Almighty Who is the most subtle of all, it is unjustified to put limitiations on the requirements for belief in His existence such as that His existence can only be attained through sight. Has anyone seen electricity? And yet is it possible to deny the truth of electricity when telegrams are sent by it, machines are operated by it and bulbs are lit by it? Modern research on ether has initiated many breakthroughs in the physical sciences, but have scientists been able to discover a method of seeing, hearing, smelling, touching or tasting this compound? Yet if one denies its existence, the process by which sunlight reaches the earth cannot be explained. Therefore, under these circumstances, it is wrong [for atheists] to ask to see God in order to believe in Him. Allah the Exalted is certainly visible, but He can be observed only by such eyes as are capable of seeing Him. For those who desire to look upon Him, God stands before the world through His strength and power and despite being hidden, He is the most manifest of all.�

(Ten Proofs for the Existence of God, pp. 5-6)



The following are some personal accounts of Khuddam & Atfal regarding their personal experiences with Allah the Almighty.





At the same time, our parents were searching for a house to buy. Sometime later, they found one they liked and by the Grace of Allah we moved in with the hopes, apart from other benefits, that we would be free of the mice. To our dismay a few days of having moved into the new property, we started spotting mice again. They seemed to have followed us, creeping into one of the many boxes that were used to move our belongings to the new house. A short while later, Allah the Almighty blessed me with the opportunity of being able to sit for itikaf (an act of worship where the worshipper stays at a mosque for the last 10 days of Ramadhan solely for the worship of Allah). During itikaf, I had the opportunity, along with other prayers, to pray for Allah to relieve us from this distress too. I do not remember the exact words of my prayer. However, 10 days later, when I went back home, there was no sign of any of the mice. It was almost as if they never existed, and everyone at home had completely forgotten about them. Alhamdulillah. May Allah enable us to be truly grateful to Him. Ameen.


send us your experiences with

We had a mice infestation in our family home for some time. We tried many methods to get rid of them but were unsuccessful. They were affecting most of the family on a daily basis as we were worried about them getting into our food.

My personal experience with Allah is part of my daily life. There is not even a single day when Allah has not reminded me of His existence.

But just through prayers, he had not only recovered (despite having to go on the ventilator) but also since then he has not been admitted to hospital.

My belief in prayers always gets stronger as I always feel inner satisfaction after praying.

I have experienced that the more time I spend in Jama’at activities, the more Allah helps me and protects my family.

28 Tariq Magazine

Suleman Khalid, Nottingham, East Midlands

Three years ago, my child, with complex health needs, was declared with life-limiting conditions.


It was an extremely hot day in August in a land where we did not speak the language, where we did not know the laws, where we were outsiders, strange to the locals in every aspect. We arrived in this foreign land not knowing the culture or history of the land in order to study medicine. It was the first year and we were searching for a suitable accommodation, which was affordable, convenient and commutable. We decided to live off-campus as the living conditions at the university were no less than military confinement, where 7 people shared one barrack with 3 small subdivisions, and toilets were just a hole in the ground with a continuous stream of water, a bit like the trains in Pakistan. As we had never been subjected to such harsh conditions, we opted for living off-campus. Although external residence was almost 10 times more expensive, we were adamant and searched for a great many days. We searched over 20 different complexes, spoke to hundreds of people and eventually found one suitable location that met all of our pre-set criteria. Having found what we thought was the best accommodation we did not hesitate at all and contacted the landlord at once. However, within minutes we were told that the apartment was being given to someone else. This was heartbreaking for us, as we had spent hours finding this prime location. But Allah did not think it was suitable for us so we went back to our hotel and we prayed, “O Allah, please help us find an apartment like the one we saw earlier today”. After all we could not afford to live in a hotel for the entire 5 years. What were we going to do? The very next day, I woke up to an amazing text from a real estate agent, a very nice and humble gentleman. The text read, “I have found a property like the one you saw yesterday, but cheaper and with a better view, it is also in the same building just one floor above the one you saw yesterday.” Our faces lit up with excitement and hearts filled with joy. We spared no time finalising the deal.

My name is Abdul Salam and the country I am referring to is ‘The People’s Republic of China’.

Abdul Salam, Wolverhampton, West Midlands

As everyone does in England, at the age of 16, I sat my GCSE exams. I revised quite a lot in preparation for these exams because as everyone knows, they are of immense importance. I tried everything in my power to be well prepared for these exams yet I still thought that I would not do very well. My parents had faith in me, my teachers had faith in me, my peers had faith in me but I lacked faith in myself. I prayed to Allah to help me become confident in myself and to help me do well in my exams, and also to help me make my parents proud. There was a specific high-end sixth form that I wanted to attend that required pretty high grades. I prayed to Allah to help me get into that sixth form. I also wrote many letters to Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, for these exact reasons.

Eventually, results day came around and I was very nervous. However, when I opened the brown envelope holding the pathway to my future, I was blessed with a smile on my face, an acceptance letter to the sixth form and my parents telling me that they were proud of me. This is my personal experience with Allah, but I am sure many others can also relate to this.

Aadil Zeeshan, Wallsall, West Midlands

Khuddam Diaries 29

Proof of a Living By Tahir Khalid Mitcham, Baitul Ehsan


will be very intimate and personal in this article, because I cannot hide my feelings or the truth behind what was going on in my life before this experience.

It is a known fact that when everything in one’s life is going great and one has no worries or problems, one naturally becomes complacent in remembering one’s Creator, whereas one should be more active and thankful in their prayers. In the same manner, I became complacent. This happened when my wife became pregnant. I showed signs of complacency in my faith because everything was going so smooth; there were no problems, no complications, or anything of the sort for that matter. The most worrying thing was my wife’s occasional car sickness. Throughout these nine months due to the fact that everything was so smooth I was not focusing on my prayers and spirituality as I should have. I felt like I had done my part. I had written a few letters to Huzoor-e-Anwaraba requesting prayers for a quick and painless delivery, had given Sadqah (donated money to charity) and then just sat back and kind of felt like everything would be fine. It was close to midday when my wife’s water broke. We took my wife to the hospital and the doctors checked her and the baby’s heartbeat and said, ‘Everything is fine, go home and relax. When the contractions begin you can return.’ We were adamant that we wanted to stay but they still sent us home. After an hour or so my wife messaged me asking me to hurry back as she was bleeding heavily. I had just offered my Zuhr Salat in the mosque so I rushed back and we took her to the hospital. When we arrived, the doctors checked the baby’s heartbeat and at that time, it was fine,

30 Tariq Magazine

but my wife was still bleeding quite heavily. They immediately took her to the delivery ward and checked the baby’s heartbeat again and suddenly it started to drastically drop until there was no heartbeat. A consultant rushed in and said we have to deliver the child immediately through an emergency caesarean. They took her to the operation theatre and did not let me stay beside her. I remember the last words I told my wife were that we believe in Allah the Almighty and there is wisdom behind everything He does, so stay strong and everything will be fine Inshallah. As I left the operation theatre I remember telling the doctors that if you have to make a choice, save the mother. My mother and I waited in the delivery room for around twenty minutes and I remember sitting there praying, and phoning people to get a message to Huzoor-e-Anwar for prayers. Two doctors then walked in and said: ‘Your wife is fine and she is recovering, but your child has lost a lot of blood so he is undergoing blood transfusions.’ Around an hour later I

After praying, the doctors said to come and see him as they were about to transfer him, and because his state was so precarious they could not guarantee that he would survive the journey. They also said that we would have to make a decision on whether we want to continue his life or not, as his quality of life would be very poor. Throughout this ordeal I was in touch with Abid Khan sahib, who is the press secretary for Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba, and he told me to not make any decision without seeking the guidance of Huzoor-e-Anwaraba.

asked if I could see my son. The doctors directed me to the neonatal ward. When I went to the ward there were many babies. In one part of the room there were 7 doctors surrounding one very pale baby. I was not sure if that baby was mine as he had a pink hat and was quite pale. The doctors told me that this was in fact my child, and the next few sentences really shook me to my core. They said he needed CPR for 20 minutes, and that 20 minutes without the heart beating meant that there was no oxygen going to his brain so he was at a high risk of brain, lung, liver and kidney damage. They said he was not responding at all and his blood pressure was critically high, and his acid levels were so high that the monitors could not measure it. After trying to digest what the doctor said I walked up to my son for the first time and said ‘Assalamo Alaikum’ (Peace be upon you). Immediately his right arm and leg shot up and a strange kind of warmth overtook me. At that moment, I felt that everything would be fine, because Huzoor’s prayers were with us. I remember smiling when the doctors said he would have brain damage because I was telling myself that Huzoor has named him Ashar ‫ أشعر‬which means the mos t perceptive. Thereafter the doctors told me he needed to be transferred to another hospital which offered better neonatal care, but that transfer was delayed as my son started having seizures in his brain. I remember praying in a small room right opposite the ward and crying my heart out to Allah to save him and grant him a complete recovery. The whole situation was so overwhelming. I never imagined having to hold such a weight on my shoulders.

Over the next 12 days, at every moment of slight recovery we sought the guidance and prayers of our beloved Huzoor-e-Anwaraba. I went to offer prayers in Fazl mosque regularly and was fortunate to personally update Huzooraba on my son’s recovery. Huzoor’saba prayers and continuous guidance opened the doors of Allah’s mercy and grace to my son and allowed him to make a complete recovery. Alhamdulillah (All praise belongs to Allah). Without the love and prayers of Khilafat, I am certain the result would have been different. Khilafat is the reason that my son is still alive today. It is the reason that he is laughing, crying, playing and feeding just like any other child at his age. Surely, other people who are not Ahmadi Muslims would have felt hopeless, but we never did because we knew that Huzoor’s prayers can move mountains. It is through Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya, the advent of the Promised Messiahas, and the Holy Prophetsa that we Ahmadi Muslims are able to witness a living God, who accepts our prayers and shows us His infinite power and mercy. It is just up to us on how strongly we want to hold fast to this rope of Allah.

Pearls of

Wisdom by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba

“Hazrat Musleh Maudra used to narrate an incident of the Promised Messiahas with regards to the existence of God. The Promised Messiahas stated that an atheist used to study in the same class as Hazrat Mir Muhammad Ismail sahibra. Once, an earthquake struck and he unintentionally began to shout ‘Ram, Ram’. (He used to be a Hindu, but turned to atheism). When Mir sahib asked him, ‘You deny the existence of God, so why did you say Ram, Ram?’ He responded that it was by mistake, and that it just randomly came out of his mouth. Hazrat Musleh Maudra states that the reality is that atheists are steeped in ignorance, whilst believers in the existence of God have true knowledge. It is for this reason that at the time of death, or in a state of fear an atheist might think to himself that he himself is wrong. If he had the true knowledge, then in contrast to this what should happen is that at the time of his death he would admonish others to abandon the concept of God, stating that there is no God. However, the exact opposite occurs. Hence, this is a mighty argument in favour of the existence of God, due to the fact that the concept of it is found in every nation.”

(Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba Friday Sermon, January 2015)



32 Tariq Magazine


“Does it mean that an atheist can never do anything that is moral or good?” In response, Huzoor said: “I do not say that atheists are immoral or have no good in them and this is not what was meant by the quote that you read. The true meaning is that we believe that it was the Prophets of God who taught and instilled a moral code within society. Before God sent His representatives, man remained primitive, uncivilised and were living like animals. Thus, we consider that morality was taught by the Prophets but it certainly does not mean that atheists are immoral or have no good in them.” Another guest from Slovenia asked: “Your Holiness, why does man need to believe in an afterlife to be good and moral in this life?” In reply, Huzoor said: “In today’s world, the threat of punishment is used to deter people from wrongdoing. For example, there are people who may be tempted to steal or to do wrong but refrain because they fear punishment or being sent to jail. The same logic applies to our religious belief in the afterlife, whereby for the sake of our betterment, there are religious and spiritual laws and we believe that if man transgresses them, then there are consequences.” Huzoor continued: “Our fear of Allah is a fear based upon love, just like how a child does not wish to displease his mother, we do not wish to disappoint our Creator. On the other side, God Almighty is extremely merciful and fair and so those who do good, even if they do not believe in Him or in the afterlife, will be rewarded for their deeds.”

Another guest said that she had read a quote of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IVrh about religion being inextricably linked to morality. Upon this the guest asked:

Extranct from Abid Khan Sahib’s Diary 33



Jamia Ahmadiyya UK will be holding its entry test and interview on 10th and 11th July 2019 for this year’s intake of students. The following conditions apply: Qualifications: Minimum qualifications for the candidates are six GCSE’s, three A-Levels or equivalent with C grades or 60% marks. Age on Entry: Maximum age of 17 years for students with GCSE’s or 19 years with A-Levels or equivalent qualifications. Medical Report: The applicants MUST submit a detailed medical report from the GP with whom they have been registered. Written Test and Interview: The applicants will take a written test and will appear before a Selection Board for interview. Only those who pass the written test will be invited for an interview. The written test and interview will be based on the recitation of the Holy Quran, the Waqfe Nau Syllabus, and proficiency in reading, writing and speaking the English and Urdu languages. However, candidates will be judged for their inclination towards learning and reading the translation of the Holy Quran and the books of the Promised Messiahas. Procedure: The application will ONLY be accepted on the prescribed Admission Form available from the Jamia UK office. It must be accompanied by the following documents: • • • • • •

Application must be endorsed by the National Ameer. A detailed medical report from the GP. Photocopies of the GCSE or A-Level results. If the results are awaited, the candidate must include a letter from his school/Sixth Form tutor about his projected grades. Copy of applicant’s passport. 2 passport size photographs. The spellings of the name must be the same as in the passport. Any change must be accompanied by the certification for that change.

LAST DATE: The application for the 2019 entry MUST arrive by 30th May 2019. Applications received after that will not be considered. Applications should be addressed to: THE PRINCIPAL Jamia Ahmadiyya UK Branksome Place Hindhead Road Haslemere GU27 3PN For any further help or clarification, please telephone: +44(0)1428647170 or +44(0)1428647173, +44(0)7988461368(Mob.), Fax: +44(0)1428647188 Jamia is open from Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 2 pm. Visitors are welcome ONLY by prior appointments.


‫یھب دیعس رطفت ےک ےیل اکیف و اشیف ذریخہ وخارق‬ ‫اک وموجد ےہ۔ ہکلب چس وت ہی ےہ ہک ےسیج ٓاپ ہیلع‬

‫االسلم ےن رفامای ےہ ہک ’’اُس ےن اِس دقر زجعمات‬

‫رضحت حیسم وموعد ہیلع االسلم ےن ہی میلعت دی ہک ارگ‬

‫اک درای رواں رک دای ےہ ہک ابانثتسء امہرے یبن یلص اہلل‬

‫اّلم ںیم رفق اظرہ ہن ایک اجےئ وت التمایشن قح یھبک یھب‬

‫وبثت اس رثکت ےک اسھت یعطق اور ینیقی وطر رپ‬

‫اتزہ ٓاامسین اشنونں ےک ذرہعی یقیقح ومنم اور کشخ‬ ‫دخا وک اپ ہن ںیکس۔ ٓاج ذمابہ ےک امنیب یہی وہ امہب‬ ‫االایتمز ےہ سج ےس اثتب وہات ےہ ہک ذمبہ االسم‬ ‫اکی زدنہ ذمبہ ےہ اور اس اک دخا زدنہ دخا ےہ۔‬ ‫رضحت حیسم وموعد ہیلع االسلم اس ابرہ ںیم رفامےت ںیہ‪:‬‬ ‫’’ذمبہ ریغب اشنن ےک ااسنن وک دخا ےس زندکی ںیہن‬

‫رکاتکس اور ہن انگہ ےس رفنت دالاتکس ےہ۔ ذمبہ ذمبہ‬

‫اکپرےن ںیم رہ اکی یک دنلب آواز ےہ۔ نکیل یھبک نکمم‬ ‫ںیہن ہک یف اتقیقحل اپک زدنیگ اور اپک دیل اور دخا‬

‫رتیس رّسیم آےکس بج کت ہک ااسنن ذمبہ ےک آہنیئ‬ ‫ںیم وکیئ وفق ااعلدۃ اظنرہ اشمدہہ ہن رکے۔ یئن زدنیگ‬

‫رہزگ احلص ںیہن وہیتکس بج کت اکی این نیقی دیپا ہن‬ ‫وہ اور یھبک این نیقی دیپا ںیہن وہاتکس بج کت ومٰیس اور‬

‫حیسم اور اربامیہ اور وقعیب اور دمحم یفطصم یلص اہلل ہیلع‬

‫وملس یک رطح ےئن زجعمات ہن داھکےئ اجںیئ۔ یئن زدنیگ‬

‫اُیہن وک یتلم ےہ نج اک دخا این وہ نیقی این وہ اشنن ےئن وہں‬ ‫اور دورسے امتم ولگ ق ّص�وں اہکوینں ےک اجل ںیم‬

‫رگاتفر ںیہ دل اغلف ںیہ اور زابونں رپ دخا اک انم ےہ۔۔۔‬

‫اچس ذمبہ ویہ ےہ سج ےک اسھت زدنہ ومنہن ےہ۔‘‘‬


‫انچہچن اامم اّزلامن رضحت ادقس حیسم وموعد و‬

‫دہمی وہعمد ہیلع االسلم وک اس دقر اشنن اطع ےیک‬ ‫ےئگ ہک ارگ ااصنف ےس اکم ایل اجےئ وت اس زامہن ںیم‬

‫ہیلع وملس ےک ابیق امتم اایبنء مہیلع االسلم ںیم ان اک‬

‫احمل ےہ‘‘‪ 13‬نکیل ارگ وکیئ صخش وخد یہ اینپ ٓاںیھکن‬

‫دنب رک ےل وت وہ ٓارخت ںیم یہ رصبِ دحدی اپےئ اگ۔‬

‫‪.1‬رضحت رمزا ریشب ادلّنی ومحمد ادمحؓ‪’’ ،‬رضحت حیسم وموعد ہیلع االسلم ےک اکرانےم‪ ‘‘،‬از‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫اونار اولعلم دلج ‪�( ،۱۰‬لف�ورڈ‪ :‬االسم ارٹنلنشین زنشیکیلبپ‪۱۹ ،‬۔۔)‪۱۷۳ ،‬۔‪۱۷۴‬‬ ‫‪.2‬رضحت رمزا الغم ادمح اقدایینؑ‪’’ ،‬ربانیہ ادمحہی ہّصح اہچرم‪ ‘‘،‬از رواحین زخانئ دلج ‪،۱‬‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫(�لف�ورڈ‪ :‬االسم ارٹنلنشین زنشیکیلبپ‪۶۰۹ ،)۲۰۰۹ ،‬‬ ‫ي�ة‬ ‫�ة‬ ‫�غ�ة‬ ‫‪.3‬ولسي ولعمف‪ ،‬ادجنمل يف الل ‪( ،‬ریبوت‪ :‬المط�بع ااكلوثل� يك� ‪۴۸۸ ،)2010 ،‬۔‬

‫‪.4‬رضحت رمزا ریشب ادمحؓ امی۔اے‪’’ ،‬ہلسلس ادمحہی دلج ‪( ‘‘،۱‬اقداین‪ :‬اظنرت اتفیل و‬ ‫فینصت‪۲۸۰ ،)۱۹۳۹ ،‬‬ ‫‪.5‬رضحت رمزا الغم ادمح اقدایینؑ‪’’ ،‬ربانیہ ادمحہی ہصح مجنپ‪ ‘‘،‬از رواحین زخانئ دلج ‪،۲۱‬‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫(�لف�ورڈ‪ :‬االسم ارٹنلنشین زنشیکیلبپ‪۵۹ ،)۲۰۰۹ ،‬‬ ‫‪.6‬رضحت رمزا الغم ادمح اقدایینؑ‪’’ ،‬ازاہل اواہم ہّصح ا ّول‪ ‘‘،‬از رواحین زخانئ دلج ‪،۳‬‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫(�لف�ورڈ‪ :‬االسم ارٹنلنشین زنشیکیلبپ‪۲۶۱ ،)۲۰۰۹ ،‬‬ ‫‪.7‬رضحت رمزا الغم ادمح اقدایینؑ‪’’ ،‬اکی اسیعیئ ےک نیت وسال اور ان ےک وجاابت‪ ‘‘،‬از‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫رواحین زخانئ دلج ‪�( ،۴‬لف�ورڈ‪ :‬االسم ارٹنلنشین زنشیکیلبپ‪۴۳۴ ،)۲۰۰۹ ،‬‬ ‫‪.8‬رقآن اپک‪ ،‬وسرۃ ازلرم‪۴۳ ،‬‬

‫ٹ‬ ‫‪.9‬رضحت رمزا الغم ادمح اقدایینؑ‪’’ ،‬رصنۃ اقحل‪ ‘‘،‬از رواحین زخانئ دلج ‪�( ،۲۱‬لف�ورڈ‪ :‬االسم‬ ‫ارٹنلنشین زنشیکیلبپ‪۴۹ ،)۲۰۰۹ ،‬‬ ‫‪. 10‬رضحت رمزا الغم ادمح اقدایینؑ‪’’ ،‬رسہم مشچ آرہی‪ ‘‘،‬از رواحین زخانئ دلج ‪،۲‬‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫(�لف�ورڈ‪ :‬االسم ارٹنلنشین زنشیکیلبپ‪۱۰۵ ،)۲۰۰۹ ،‬‬ ‫‪.11‬رضحت رمزا الغم ادمح اقدایینؑ‪’’ ،‬وفلماظت دلج ‪ ‘‘،۱‬از رواحین زخانئ دلج ‪( ،۴‬روبہ‪:‬‬ ‫اظنرت ااشتع‪۵۶ ،)۱۹۶۰ ،‬۔‪۵۷‬‬ ‫‪.12‬رضحت رمزا الغم ادمح اقدایینؑ‪’’ ،‬رتایق اولقلب‪ ‘‘،‬از رواحین زخانئ دلج ‪،۱۵‬‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫(�لف�ورڈ‪ :‬االسم ارٹنلنشین زنشیکیلبپ‪۴۹۷ ،)۲۰۰۹ ،‬‬

‫ٹ‬ ‫‪.13‬رضحت رمزا الغم ادمح اقدایینؑ‪’’ ،‬ۃقیقح اولیح‪ ‘‘،‬از رواحین زخانئ دلج ‪�( ،۲۲‬لف�ورڈ‪:‬‬ ‫االسم ارٹنلنشین زنشیکیلبپ‪۵۷۴ ،)۲۰۰۹ ،‬‬

‫اطرق زگیمنی ‪31‬‬

‫معجزات‪:‬ایکغلطی‬ ‫زجعمہ یک االطصح ںیم اکی اینبدی یطلغ وج دالخ‬

‫وہیئگ یھت وہ ہی یھت ہک زجعمات ےک وہظر ےک ےیل‬

‫اہلل اعتٰیل وک اےنپ انبےئ وہےئ وقانین وک وتڑان ڑپات‬

‫ےہ۔ رضحت حیسم وموعد ہیلع االسلم ےن اتبای ہک‬ ‫ارگ ضعب رشاطئ وپری وہ اجںیئ وت اہلل اعتٰیل یک ازیل‬

‫تّنس اک یہ ہی ہّصح ےہ ہک ضعب وقانینِ دقرت ےئن‬

‫ٓاپ ےن رفامای‪:‬‬ ‫ادناز ںیم اظرہ وہےت ںیہ۔ انچہچن ؑ‬ ‫’’ایس اعدت اہیہٰل ےن وج دورسے وظفلں ںیم اقونن‬

‫دقرت ےس وموسم وہیتکس ےہ ضعب زیچوں ےک وہظر‬ ‫وک ضعب ےک اسھت رشموط رکراھک ےہ سپ وج اومر ازیل‬

‫ادبی ارادہ ےن دقموسں یک داعؤں اور ان یک رباکت‬ ‫اافنس اور ان یک وتہج اور ان یک دقع تمہ اور ان ےک‬

‫اابقل اایم ےس واہتسب رکرےھک ںیہ اور ان ےک رضتاعت‬

‫اور ااہتبالت رپ رتمبت یک اجیت ںیہ وہ اومر بج اںیہن‬

‫رشاطئ اور اںیہن واسلئ ےس وہظر ںیم آےت ںیہ بت‬ ‫ان اومر وک اس اخص احتل ںیم زجعمہ ای رکاتم ای اشنن‬ ‫ای اخرق اعدت ےک انم ےس وموسم رکےت ںیہ۔‘‘‬


‫آپ ےن اتبای ہک ااسنن وج ابت اینپ لقع‬ ‫ایس رطح ؑ‬

‫ےس دنلب رت داتھکی ےہ اس وک الخف لقع ھجمس اتیل ےہ‬

‫احالہکن دنلب رت از لقع وہان ےش درگی ےہ اور الخف‬

‫لقع وہان ےش درگی۔ زجعمہ قش ارمقل ےک ابرہ ںیم رفامای‪:‬‬

‫’’ضعب اندان قش ارمقل ےک زجعمہ رپ اقونن دقرت‬

‫یک آڑ ںیم پھچ رک ارتعاض رکےت ںیہ نکیل ان وک اانت‬

‫ولعمم ںیہن ہک دخاےئ اعتٰیل یک دقروتں اور وقانین اک‬ ‫ااحہط اور ادنازہ ںیہن ایک اج اتکس۔۔۔ ااسی ااسنن وج ہی‬

‫دوعی رکے‪،‬وہ دخا اک رکنم ےہ۔۔۔ ضعب ولگ اکی‬ ‫ٰ‬

‫ادٰین ادٰین اور ومعمیل ابوتں رپ ارتعاض رک دےتی ںیہ‬ ‫اور کش ںیم ڑپ اجےت ںیہ۔ًالثم اربامیہ ہیلع االسلم وک‬

‫ٓاگ ےن ںیہن الجای۔۔۔ دخا وخب اجاتن ےہ ہک اس‬ ‫دح کت ٓاگ الجیت ےہ اور ان اابسب ےک دیپا وہےن‬ ‫ےس رفو وہ اجیت ےہ۔ارگ ااسی اصمہحل اظرہ وہ اجوے‬ ‫ای التب دای اجوے‪ ،‬وت یف اوفلر امن ںیل ےگ۔ نکیل ایسی‬

‫وصرت ںیم اامین اببیغل اورنسح نظ اک فطل اور‬

‫وخیب ایک اظرہ وہاگ۔ مہ ےن ہی یھبک ںیہن اہک ہک دخا‬ ‫قلخ اابسب ںیہن رکات‪ ،‬رگم ضعب اابسب اےسی وہےت‬

‫ںیہ ہک رظن ٓاےت ںیہ اور ضعب اابسب رظن ںیہن‬

‫ٓاےت رغض ہی ہک دخا اعتٰیل ےک ااعفل وگ انوگں ںیہ۔‬ ‫دخا اعتٰیل یک دقرت یھبک درامدنہ ںیہن وہیت اوروہ‬

‫عل�(سٰی‪)۸۰:‬۔۔۔‘‘‬ ‫ںیہن اتکھت وھو بلک خلق ی‬

‫اطرق زگیمنی ‪29‬‬

‫‪ 28‬قلعت ابہلل ےک دنچ وااعقت‬

‫اطرق زگیمنی ‪27‬‬

‫دح کت اامین الہکات ےہ ہک بج ھچک اافخ یھب ابیق رےہ‬

‫بج اسرے رپدے لھک ےئگ وت رھپ اامین اامین ںیہن‬

‫راتہ ایس وہج ےس اسرے یبن اامین اببیغل یک راعتی‬ ‫ےس زجعمے دالھکےت رےہ ںیہ یھبک یسک یبن ےن ااسی‬

‫ںیہن ایک ہک اکی رہش اک رہش زدنہ رک ےک ان ےس اینپ‬ ‫وبنت یک وگایہ دالوے ای آامسن کت رند ابن رھک رک اور‬ ‫بس ےک روربو ڑچھ رک امتم داین وک امتاش دالھکوے۔‘‘‬


‫زجعمہ اک وماقف تنس اہلل وہان‪:‬‬

‫زجعمہ ےک ےیل رضوری ےہ ہک اس ںیم وکیئ ابت اہلل‬

‫اعتٰیل یک تّنس ای اس ےک ودعہ ےک الخف ہن وہ۔ ارگ ااسی‬ ‫وہ وت اسرا رواحین اظنم یہ درمھ ربمھ وہ اجےئویکہکن‬

‫اُس یک رہ ابت کش یک اگنہ ےس دیھکی اجےن ےگل اور‬ ‫دخا اعتٰیل یک ابوتں رپ نیقی اھٹ اجےئ ویکہکن اس وصرت‬ ‫ںیم نکمم ےہ وہ ودعہ ھچک اور رکے اور لمع ھچک اور‪،‬‬

‫احالہکن اس یک ذات اچسیئ اک رسہمشچ ےہ۔ ًالثم وہ ےہک‬

‫ہک ںیم رمدوں وک زدنہ ںیہن رکوں اگ نکیل اس ےک‬

‫ربسکع وہ ہی ’’زجعمہ‘‘ اظرہ رک دے ہک اسیج ہک ضعب‬

‫املسمونں ںیم ہی رواتی وہشمر ےہ ہک وکیئ زبرگ‬ ‫ےھت نج ےک اسےنم اکپ وہا رمغ الای ایگ۔ اوہنں ےن‬ ‫زمے ےس اس اک وگتش اھکای اور رھپ اس یک ڈہایں‬

‫عمج رک ےک اہھت ںیم ڑکپ رک دابںیئ اور وہ ڑک ڑک رکات‬ ‫وہا رمغ نب ایگ۔ ااسی زجعمہ اقلب وبقل ںیہن ویکہکن‬

‫اہلل اعتٰیل یک تّنس اور اس ےک ودعہ ےک الخف ےہ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُ َّ َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ْ َ ْ َ ‪8‬‬ ‫اسیج ہک رفامای ف ُي ْم ِسك ال ِ ت ي� ق ضَ� َعل يْ َ�ا الوت۔‬

‫‪ 26‬زجعمات یک تقیقح‬

‫رضحت حیسم وموعد ہیلع اٰولصلة و االسلم رفامےت ںیہ‪:‬‬

‫“ املسمونں‬

‫رپاہنتی اوسفس ےہ‬

‫ہک وہ رضحت ٰیسیع ہیلع االسلم یک‬ ‫رطف اےسی زجعمات وسنمب رکےت‬

‫ںیہ وج رقآن رشفی یک ایبن رکدہ‬

‫تنس ےک اخمفل ںیہ۔ اور وہ راہ ےتلچ‬

‫ںیہ سج اک آےگ وکہچ یہ دنب ےہ۔”‬



‫زجعمہ ںیم اافخء اک پ ہ ُ‬ ‫�و‪:‬‬

‫امہری اتدیئ احلص ےہ اور اس ےک اخمفل رگوہ وک وہ‬ ‫اتدیئ احلص ںیہن۔ اس ےیل زجعمہ ںیم وکیئ ایسی اخرق‬

‫ت‬ ‫زجعمہ یک حق�یق� ی� وک ےنھجمس ےک ےیل ہی رضوری ےہ‬

‫اعدت ابت رضور وہین اچےئیہ وج رگوہ اخمفل وک اعزج رک‬

‫ہک ےلہپ اامین یک تقیقح وک اھجمس اجےئ۔ سپ اجانن‬

‫دے۔‪ 4‬سپ زجعمہ ےک وہظر اک ایلص اور اھبری دصقم قح‬

‫اچےئیہ ہک زجاء اور وثاب اک دمار اامین رپ ےہ اور اامین‬

‫اور ابلط ای اصدق اور اکذب ںیم اکی اایتمز دالھک رک نیقیِ‬ ‫اکلم دیپا رکان وہات ےہ ہن ہک یسک امتےش اک ااہظر رکان ۔‬

‫ایس وتق اامین الہکات ےہ ہکبج ضعب اومر وپدیشہ‬


‫اور ضعب واحض وہں۔ ورہن ارگ رہ اکی زیچ ےس رپدہ‬

‫زجعمہ یک تقیقح ایبن رکےت وہےئ رضحت حیسم‬

‫ااھٹ دای اجےئ اور رہ ارم ارہظ نم اسمّشل وہ اجےئ وت‬

‫رواحین رتیق اک دس ابب وہ اجےئ اور اامین اک دصقم‬

‫وموعد ہیلع االسلم رفامےت ںیہ‪:‬‬


‫یہ متخ وہ اجےئ ویکہکن بج وسرج ولطع وہ اجےئ‬

‫زجعمہ یک تقیقح ہی ےہ ہک دخاےئ اعتٰیل‬

‫وت اس رپ اامین الان اقلب رعتفی ںیہن الہک اتکس۔‬

‫اکی ارم اخرق اعدت ای اکی ارم ایخل اور امگن‬ ‫ےس ابرہ اور ادیم ےس ڑبھک�ر اکی اےنپ روسل‬

‫ایس رطح زجعمات ںیم یھب ضعب اومر وپدیشہ وہےت‬

‫ںیہ اتہک ومنم ان رپ اامین ال رک اقلب اتسشئ اور‬

‫وثاب اک قحتسم رقار دای اجےئ۔ ورہن ارگ اس مسق اک زجعمہ‬

‫یک زعت اور دصاتق اظرہ رکےن ےک ےئل اور‬

‫داھک اجےئ ہک ًالثم وجیہن وکیئ یبن اک ااکنر رکے زعرالیئؑ‬

‫اس ےک اخمنیفل ےک زجع اورولغمتیب التجےن یک‬

‫اس یک اجن اکنل ںیل وت اظرہ ےہ ہک ایسی وصرت ںیم ہن‬ ‫اامین رےہ اگ ہن اس اک ارج۔ اہتبل ان وپدیشہ اومر وک اس‬

‫رغض ےس اےنپ ارادہ اخص ےس ای اس روسل یک‬

‫دح کت یھب وپدیشہ ںیہن وہان اچےئیہ ہک اکی دنملقع اور ریغ‬

‫داع اوردروخاتس ےس آپ اظرہ رفامات ےہ رگم‬

‫بصعتم ااسنن وک وخاہ وخناہ اتریکی یک رطف ےل اجںیئ۔‬

‫اےسی وطر ےس وج اس یک افصت ودحاتین وّدقتس‬ ‫وامکل ےک انمیف واغمرئ ہن وہ اور یسک دورسے یک‬ ‫واکتل ایاکراسزی اک اس ںیم ھچک دلخ ہن وہ۔‬


‫رضحت حیسم وموعد ہیلع االسلم رفامےت ںیہ‪:‬‬ ‫’’ااشکنف اتم ےس اامین اببیغل وج دمار وثاب اور ارج‬


‫ےہ دور وہ اجات ےہ اور داین ومنہن رشحم وہ اجیت ےہ۔ سپ‬ ‫سج رطح ایقتم ےک دیمان ںیم وج ااشکنف اتم اک‬

‫وتق وہاگ اامین اکم ںیہن آات۔ اِیس رطح اس ااشکنف‬ ‫اتم ےس یھب اامین الان ھچک دیفم ںیہن ہکلب اامین ایس‬

‫اطرق زگیمنی ‪25‬‬

‫سپ دخاےئ رامحن اک ااسحن ےہہک اس ےن ںیمہ‬

‫رضحت اامم دہمی ہیلع االسلم یک امجتع ںیم اشلم‬ ‫وہےن یک وتقیف دی۔ العوہ درگی االصاحت ےک‪ٓ ،‬اپ‬

‫ہیلع االسلم ےن زجعمات اور رکاوتمں ےک قلعتم وج‬ ‫طلغ ایمہفں ںیھت ان یک یھب االصح رفامیئ۔ لقع ےک‬

‫رپاتسر وج رغمب یک یئن ’’روینش‘‘ ےک زری ارث زجعمات‬ ‫ےک اِاکنری نب ےھٹیب ےھت‪ ،‬آپ ےن ان ےک اسےنم اتزہ‬

‫اور زدنہ اشنانت شیپ رک ےک دجدی دور ےک اجدورگوں اک‬ ‫مسلط وتڑا۔ اور وہ ولگ وج رہ ربط و ایسب وک زجعمہ ھجمس‬ ‫ےھٹیب ےھت ان ےک اسےنم آایت و زجعمات ےک قلعتم‬

‫اےسی ہتخپ اوصل ایبن رفامےئ نج ےس اس امہ رگم‬

‫دچیپار ہلئسم رپ وگای اکی اتکمچ وہا وسرج ولطع وہ ایگ۔‬ ‫آپ ےن ہی میلعت دی ہک ان دوونں رفوقیں ےن زجعمہ‬

‫یک تقیقح وک ںیہن اھجمس اور ہی ہک اُیس زجعمہ وک میلست ایک‬ ‫اج اتکس ےہ‪:‬‬

‫‪.1‬۔۔۔سج اک ذرک ااہلیم اتکب ںیم وہ ای سج یک اتدیئ‬

‫ںیم زربدتس اتریخی وبثت وموجد وہ۔‬

‫‪.2‬۔۔۔وج تنس اہلل ےک الخف ہن وہ وخاہ اظبرہ ااھبنچ‬

‫رظن آےئ۔‬

‫‪.3‬۔۔۔سج ںیم وکیئ افدئہ دمرظن وہ اور رفقیِ اخمفل‬

‫اس یک ریظن شیپ رکےن ےس اعزج آاجےئ۔‬

‫‪.4‬زین اتبای ہک زجعمہ ںیم اکی رگن اک اافخء یھب رضوری‬

‫ےہ ارگ اافخء ہن رےہ وت زجعمہ یک الص رغض وج اامین اک‬

‫دیپا رکان ےہ اضعئ وہ اجیت ےہ۔‬

‫‪ 24‬زجعمات یک تقیقح‬


‫اصطالح‬ ‫“معجزۃ” وگ رعیب زابن اک ظفل ےہ نکیل ہی ظفل ہن‬

‫رقآن میکح ںیم اور ہن یہ دحثی وبنی ﷺ ںیم لمعتسم‬ ‫وہا ےہ۔ اس ےک ےیل رقآن رکمی ںیم ’’آتی‘‘ ینعی‬ ‫اشنن یک االطصح یتلم ےہ۔ ہی اشنن اہلل اعتٰیل یسک یبن‬ ‫ےک وتطس ےس اظرہ رکے وت اُےس ’’زجعمہ‘‘ اور ارگ‬

‫یسک ویل ےک ذرہعی اظرہ رکے وت اےس ’’رکاتم‘‘‬ ‫ےک انم ےس وموسم ایک اجات ےہ اہتبل رکاتم یھب‬

‫درالص یبن وبتمع اک یہ زجعمہ وہات ےہ۔‪’’ 2‬زجعمہ‘‘‬ ‫یک االطصح اس ےیل یھب اامعتسل یک اجیت ےہ ویکہکن‬

‫رفقی اخمفل اس یک ریظن شیپ رکےن ےس ’’اعزج‘‘ آاجات‬ ‫ےہ۔ اصبح دجنم ظفل ’’زجعمۃ‘‘ یک ہی رعتفی رکےت‬

‫ںیہ ہک‪’’ :‬أمر خارق العادة يعجز البشر عن أن يأتوا‬

‫بمثله‘‘ ینعی زجعمہ اُس ُ‬ ‫اخرق ااعلدت زیچ وک ےتہک‬ ‫‪3‬‬

‫ںیہ سج یک لثم الےن ےس رفد رشب اعزج آ اجےئ۔‬

‫معجزہکیحقیقت‬ ‫زجعمہ یک رغض‪:‬‬

‫زجعمہ یک رضورت ایس ےئل شیپ آیت ےہ ہک ات دخااعتٰیل‬

‫داین رپ ہی اظرہ رک دے ہک ہی امہرا دنبہ ےہ اور اےس‬

‫تعارف‬ ‫ٓ‬

‫اگراپوکاپاتسکنےکیسکدرابرےکانمرظاورواہں‬ ‫فت‬ ‫تف‬ ‫گ ےننساک ّا�اق وہا ےہ وت ٓاپ وک‬ ‫ےک اجموروں یک ُ و‬ ‫بخ‬ ‫ُ�ویب ادنازہ وہ اگ ہک وہ ولگ یسیک وحسمر نک‪ ،‬دوی امالیئ‬

‫’’رکاوتمں‘‘ ےک ذترکے رکےت ںیہ۔ رھپ اکی اخص‬ ‫رفہق ےک انم اہند املعء ےن ان وھجیٹ رکاوتمں یک ایسی‬ ‫ن‬ ‫دشودم ےس ریہشت یک ےہ ہک وعام ّ‬ ‫الاس وک وگای ےّصق‬

‫اہکوینں یک اویفن رپ اگل دای ےہ۔ رھپ ضعب وصروتں ںیم‬

‫اایبنء اور احلصء ےک ااعتسرہ اور اجمز واےل الکم وک تقیقح‬ ‫رپ ومحمل رک ےک رفیض زجعموں اک ووجد ڑھگ ایل ایگ ےہ۔‬ ‫اس وخش ایخیل اور ارفاط ےک ربسکع وہ رفتطی ےہ وج‬

‫درہتی ےک زری ارث دیپا وہیئ۔ انچہچن یفسلف زماج ولوگں‬

‫ےن زجعمات اک رسے ےس ااکنر یہ رک دای۔ اےسی رظنایت‬ ‫وک سج ارگنزی الفرفس ےن بس ےس زایدہ وہا دی‪ ،‬اس اک‬

‫انم ڈویڈ ویہم ےہ۔ الفرفسوں ےک ایخالت اک رد رکےن‬

‫یک وکںیشش وت رضور یک ںیئگ نکیل ضحم رظنایت اور‬ ‫یلقع داللئ یک دح کت ہن ہک اہشدت ےک رہبت کت۔‬

‫اطرق زگیمنی ‪23‬‬

‫م‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ت‬ ‫�ز‬ ‫�‬ ‫ک ج ق ا�‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫ت‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫عقیل احمد کنگ‪۳۳ ،‬‬ ‫برمنگهم ویسٹ‪ ،‬ویسٹ مڈلنڈس‬

‫‪ 22‬زجعمات یک تقیقح‬


‫رضحت ومولی الغم روسل اصبح رایکیج ریض اہلل ہنع ایبن رکےت ںیہ ہک ںیم اور ریما اکی اسیھت۔‬ ‫مہ الوہر ےس دیپل لچ ڑپے ۔رجگات اےنپ اگؤں ںیم اجان اھت۔ رات وک دس ےجب ےک رقبی مہ‬ ‫اکومیک ےچنہپ۔ اکی وریان دجسم ںیم ڈریہ اگلای۔ ریمے اسیھت وک اخبر وہ ایگ۔ ںیم ےن اوکس دجسم ںیم اٹل ای‬ ‫اور اھکےن اک ااظتنم رکےن ےک ےئل ابزار الچ ایگ۔رگم اسرے ابزار ےک رکچ اگلےئ‪ ،‬وکیئ داکن یلھک ںیہن‬ ‫یھت۔اناکم واسپ آای۔ بج دجسمںیم آای وت ریمے زعزی اک اخبر زمدی دشت اایتخر رک اکچ اھت۔ےھجم ڑبی‬ ‫رکفداریگنم وہیئ ہک ارگ رپدسی ںیم وافت اک احدہث وہایگ وت ایک رکوں اگ؟اس ااسحس ےک شیپ رظن ںیم‬ ‫دخا ےک وضحررگہی وزاری ںیم رصموف وہ ایگ۔وھتڑی دری ےک دعب ںیم یسک اکم ےک ےئل دروازہ وھکل‬ ‫رک دجسم ےس ابرہ الکن وت ابرہ اکی آدیم ڑھکا اھت۔ اس ےک اہھت ںیم اھکےن اک رٹے۔ رگم رگم روایٹں‪،‬‬ ‫ولحہ اور وگتش اک اسنل۔ ںیم ےن وپاھچ ہک آپ ےن سک ےس انلم ےہ۔ وہ وبال ںیم آپ ےک ےئل اھکان الای‬ ‫وہں۔ںیم ےن اہک ربنت سک وک دوں؟ ےنہک اگل ربنت ی ہ ی‬ ‫� رپ رھک دانی۔رضحت ومولی اصبح رفامےت‬ ‫ںیہ رات وک دس ےجب سک وک ربخ ہک اہیں وکن رہھٹا وہا ےہ۔ اس دجسم ںیم اس دجسم ےک وریاےن اتب‬ ‫رےہ ےھت ہک اہیں رپ وکیئ امنز ڑپےنھ یھب ںیہن آای۔ اھکان اھکای‪ ،‬ربنت اکٹل دےی ڈنکی ہپ۔ ڈنکی اگلدی۔‬ ‫حبص بج امنز ےک ےئل اےھٹ وت ایک دےتھکی ںیہ ہک ڈنکی وت ادنر ےس یگل وہیئ یھت رگم ربنت اغبئ ےھت۔‬


‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬

‫رضحت یتفم دمحم اصدق اصبح ریض اہلل ہنع۔ اںیہن ااتسلگنن ںیم غیلبت ےک ےئل اجیھب ایگ۔دنمسر‬ ‫ںیم وطافن آایگ۔ رحبی اہجز وکچہےل اھکےن اگل۔ اےکس ببس اںیہن عیق یک اوریلتم یک دشدی فیلکت‬ ‫وہیئ۔ وہ رمکہ ےس ابرہ ےلکن۔ اہجز ےک رعہش ہپ آےئاور دنمسر وک اخمبط وہ ےک رفامےن ےگل ہک‬ ‫اے دنمسر‪ ،‬ےھجت ربخ ںیہن ہک اس اہجز ںیم وکن وسار ےہ؟ اس اہجز ںیم حیسم وموعد اک وحاری‬ ‫وسار ےہ وج غیلبت االسم ےک ےئل رفس ہپ اگل وہا ےہ۔مھت اج۔ رپ وکسن وہاج۔وت وطافن رباپ رکےک‬ ‫ےھجم فیلکت دے راہ ےہ؟ ان اک ہی انہک اھت ہک دخا اعتٰیل ےن وفراً دنمسروک مکح دای‪ ،‬دنمسر اک وطافن‬ ‫مھت ایگ ۔ اور یتفم اصبح ایبن رکےت ںیہ ہک رحبی اہجز ویں لچ راہ اھت ےسیج مہ یکشخ ہپ وہں۔‬

‫رضحت ومولی اوب ااطعل اصبح ایبن رکےت ںیہ ۔ ںیم نیطسلف ںیم غلبم اھت۔ اکی رات یغیلبت ابمہثح‬ ‫ےک دعب ںیم واسپ اج راہ اھت۔ لگنج ںیم ےس زگر راہ اھت‪ ،‬ےھجم اھجڑویں ںیم ےس وکیئ رسرساٹہ‬ ‫یس وسحمس وہیئ۔ ںیم ےن اھجمس وکیئ ڈیگر‪ ،‬وکیئ رخوگش وہاگ ۔ ںیم اتلچ ایگ۔ وھتڑی دری ےک دعب‬ ‫ےھچیپ اکی افرئ یک آواز آیئ۔ ےھجم وکیئ ھجمس ہن آیئ ہک سک ابت یک ےہ۔ اےلگ دن اتپ اگل ہک ومولی‬ ‫اصبح! اخمنیفل ےنآپ وک دیہش رکےن ےک ےئل واہں آدیم ڈگپڈنی ےکدوونں رطف اھٹبرےھک‬ ‫ےھت۔ ہک بج آپ اہیں ےس زگرںی‪ ،‬آپ وک امر ےک اہیں دیہش رکدای اجےئ۔ رگم بج آپ‬ ‫واہں ہپ آےئ اوہنں ےن افرئ رکےن یک وکشش یک‪ ،‬دنبوںیق یلچ یہ ںیہن۔آپ واہں ےس زگر‬ ‫ےئگ۔ اوہنں ےن رھپ دنبووقں وک الچےن یک وکشش یک وت دنبوںیق لچ ڑپںی۔ وہ افرئ یک آواز یھت۔‬ ‫اطرق زگیمنی ‪21‬‬

‫تعلق باللہ کے چند واقعات‬

‫از رقت�ی�ر وم‬

‫الان رشبم ادمح اکولہں اصبح‬

‫ل‬ ‫یتفمٔ‬ ‫ہلسلس امجتع ادمح�یہ اع مگ�ی�ر‬

‫رضحت ومولی الغم روسل اصبح را ج��یکی‬ ‫ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬

‫رضحت یتفم دمحم اصدق اصبح‬

‫ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬

‫رضحت ومولی اوب ااطعل اصبح‬ ‫رہمح اہلل اعتٰیل‬

‫‪ 20‬قلعت ابہلل ےک دنچ وااعقت‬

‫اطرق زگیمنی ‪19‬‬

‫وہ دخا ’’ارلمیح‘‘ یھب ےہ ینعی کین ولمعں یک‬

‫زایدہ ڑباھ رک زجا داتی ےہ اور یسک یک تنحم وک اضعئ‬ ‫ںیہن رکات۔ ارگ وکیئ درہہی یھب کین اکم رکے وت‬

‫اہلل اس وک یھب زجا داتی ےہ۔ دحثی ںیم آات ےہ‬ ‫ہک اکی افہشح وعرت وک رصف اس ےیل شخب دای‬

‫ایگ ہک اس ےن اکی ایپےس ےتک وک اپین الپای اھت۔‬ ‫وہ دخا اکلمل ادقلوس یھب ےہ۔ ینعی وہ دخا ااسی‬

‫ابداشہ ےہ سج ںیم وکیئ بیع اور زمکوری ںیہن۔ ااسنین‬ ‫ابداشوہں یک رطح ںیہن ےہ۔ ًالثم ارگ امتم ولگ اکی‬

‫کلمےسلکناجںیئوتاسکلمےکابداشہیک وکیئتیثیح‬ ‫ہن رےہ یگ۔ دخا یک ابداشتہ ایسی ںیہن ےہ ہکلب وہ‬

‫اکی دم ںیم امتم کلم وک انف رک ےک یئن ولخمق دیپا رکاتکس‬

‫ےہ۔ رھپ داین ےک ابداشہ وت ملظ رکےت ںیہ نکیل ہی ابداشہ‬

‫یھبک ملظ ںیہن رکات۔ ہکلب ہی ابداشہ ااسی ےہ وج ’’املھیمن‬ ‫یز‬ ‫البار‘‘ےہ۔ ینعی بس اک احمظف‪ ،‬بس رپ‬ ‫العز�‬ ‫ج‬ ‫اغبل ےہ اور ڑگبے وہےئ اکومں وک انبےن واال ےہ۔‬ ‫رھپ اہلل اعتٰیل اتہک ےہ ہک وج وکیئ آامسونں ںیم‬

‫ےہ وہ یھب اس یک دمح رکےت ںیہ۔ وگای ہی ااشرہ داتی‬

‫ےہ ہک اکانئت ںیم زنیم ےک العوہ یھب آابدی ےہ‬ ‫اور وہ ولگ یھب دخا یک دہاوتیں ےک اپدنب ںیہ۔‬


‫رھپ دخا اعتٰیل اتہک ےہہک‪:‬‬

‫َّ ّٰ َ َ ٰ ُ َ ْ َ‬ ‫اِ ن الل عیل ِک ش ی ٍ ئ‬ ‫� ق ِد ْ ی ُ�‬

‫(ارقبلة‪)2 : 109 ،‬‬

‫‪ 18‬اہلل ونر اوٰمسلٰت و االرض‬

‫وہ رہ ارادہ رپ اقدر ےہ ۔ رہ اکم رکاتکس ےہ۔ نکیل اینپ‬

‫افصت ےک الخف یھبک ںیہن رکات۔‬

‫اس رپ ضعب ولگ ہی ارتعاض رکےت ںیہ ہک ایک دخا‬

‫اعتٰیل رمےن رپ یھب اقدر ےہ ای ایک دخا اعتٰیل وھجٹ وبےنل‬

‫رپ یھب اقدر ےہ ۔ اےسی رتعمنیض وک اخوم ش رکےن ےک‬ ‫ش ئ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ےئل َع ٰیل ُ ِّک ش ی ْ ٍ ئ‬ ‫� ےکاافلظاامعتسلےئکںیہاور َ ی� ےک‬ ‫ینعم اچیہ وہیئ زیچ ای ارادہ ےک وہےت ںیہ سپ اس آتی‬ ‫ےک ینعم ہی ںیہ ہک رہ اس زیچ رپ اقدر ےہ سج اک وہ ارادہ‬

‫رک ےل۔ ان اافلظ ےس وہ ارتعاض یلک وطررپ ابلط وہ‬

‫اجات ےہ ویکہکن دخا اعتٰیل ومت اور وھجٹ اک ارادہ ںیہن‬ ‫رکات ویکہکن ہی اطتق ںیہن ہکلب زمکوری یک العتم ےہ۔‬ ‫وہ دخا ’’ایحل اویقلم‘‘ یھب ےہ ینعی ہشیمہ رےنہ‬

‫واال ےہ اور بس ولوگں اک اہسرا یھب ےہ۔ داین اس‬ ‫ےک اہسرے ےس اقمئ ےہ۔ وہ ازیل ادبی ےہ۔‬ ‫رھپ رفامای ہک وہ دخا ااسی ےہ ہک ہن اس یک ذات ںيم‬

‫وکیئ رشکي ےہ ہن اُس یک افصت ںيم وکيئ اس یک امدنن‬

‫ےہ۔ ہن وسيع‪ ،‬ہن رام‪ ،‬ہن رکنش‪ ،‬ہن دبھ اور ہن وکیئ اور۔‬ ‫‪..‬‬

‫ہشيمہ ےس اکي یہ اہلل ےہ اور ہشيمہ اکي یہ اہلل وہاگ۔‬ ‫(صخلم از االسیم اوصل یک الفیفس)‬


‫رقآن اتہک ےہ ہک اہلل اعتٰیل االیک ےہ اس اک وکیئ رشکی ںیہن۔‬

‫ویکہکن ہی نکمم یہ ںیہن ہک دخا اےنپ دنمش ےس تسکش اھک اجےئ‬

‫اور ارگ مہ وبقل رکںی ہک دخا ےک العوہ ضعب ایسی ایتسہں ںیہ‬ ‫نج یک ابعدت رکین اچےئیہ وت رھپ ںیمہ ہی یھب امانن ڑپے اگ ہک اےسی‬ ‫دخا یک ابعدت ویکں یک اجےئ وج اےنپ دنمش ےس اہر اجات ےہ۔‬ ‫وہ ااسی اکلم دخا ےہ ہک سج یک وخایبں اور افصت ایسی اٰیلع اور‬

‫میظع ااشلن ںیہ ہک ارگ آپ داین یک وموجد زیچوں ںیم ےس یسک ںیم‬ ‫وہ وخایبں التش رکان اچںیہ وت یھبک ںیہن ںیلم یگ ۔ سپ آپ دخا ےک‬

‫العوہ وکیئ ایسی یتسہ وسچ ںیہن ےتکس ہک سج یک ابعدت یک اج ےکس۔‬ ‫رھپ وہ دخا اعمل ابیغل ےہ۔ ینعی سج رطح مہ وسرج اور اچدن وریغہ وک دھکی‬

‫ےتکس ںیہ اس رطح مہ دخا وک ںیہن دھکی ےتکس۔ اینپ ذات وک رصف دخا یہ رتہب‬

‫اجاتنےہوکیئدورسااسیکذاتوکاسیکااجزتےکریغبںیہنولعممرکاتکس۔‬ ‫وہ دخا اعمل ااہشلدۃ یھب ےہ ینعی وکیئ زیچ اس ےس یپھچ ںیہن رہ یتکس۔‬

‫وہ اکانئت ےک ذرہ ذرہ رپ رظن راتھک ےہ اہیں کت ہک وکیئ ہتپ یھب زنیم رپ‬

‫ںیہن رگات رگم دخا وک اس اک ملع ےہ۔ نکیل ااسنن ااسی ملع ںیہن رھک اتکس۔‬ ‫وہ دخا ارلامحن یھب ےہ۔ ینعی اس ےن ریغب ااسنونں ےک لمع ےک اس‬

‫وک رےنہ یک رضورایت اطع ںیک۔ اور اس یک انبیئ وہیئ زیچوں ےس بس‬

‫اجدنار ربارب افدئہ ااھٹ رےہ ںیہ ۔دخا وک امےنن واےل یھب افدئہ ااھٹ رےہ‬ ‫ںیہ اور ہن امےنن واےل یھب‪ ،‬ومنم یھب افدئہ احلص رکےت ںیہ اور‬ ‫اکرف یھب ۔ ًالثم وسرج انبای ‪ ،‬اچدن اور اتسرے انبےئ۔ امہرے رےنہ ےک‬ ‫ےئل زنیم انبیئ۔ ہی بس زیچںی ہن وت مہ ےن امیگن ںیھت اور ہن یہ امہرے‬

‫یسک لمع ےک دبہل ںیم اہلل ےن اطع ںیک۔ ہکلب ہی بس ھچک اہلل ےن اےنپ‬ ‫امتم دنبوں ےک ےئل انبیئ ںیہ ات ہک وہ بس اس ےس افدئہ ااھٹ ںیکس۔‬

‫نَّ ل ّٰ َ َعلَ‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ا�‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ُک ِّل شہ� ئ ق ی�ُرْ‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ٍ ِد‬ ‫ُ‬


‫اہلل اعتٰیل اینپ افصت ےک ذرہعی اچہپان اجات‬

‫ےہ۔ رقآن رکمی ںیم اہلل اعتٰیل رفامات ےہ ہک‪:‬‬

‫َ َ ُ ْ أَ‬ ‫ال ْس ن�َ‬ ‫ال ْ َس ُاء ْ ُ‬ ‫فل‬

‫رصف اکی یہ یتسہ ےک ےئل وبال اجات ےہ اور وطبر انم‬ ‫شت‬ ‫م‬ ‫ےک وبال اجات ےہ۔ اہلل اک ظفل امس اجدم ےہ ُ ْ� َ�ق ںیہن‬

‫ےہ۔ ینعی ہن ہی اور یسک ظفل ےس انب ےہ اور ہن اس ےس‬ ‫وکیئ اور ظفل انب ےہ۔ (ریسفت ریبک دلج دمہ ہحفص‪’’ )536‬اَہلل‘‘‪:‬‬

‫(ینب ارسالیئ‪)17 :110 ،‬‬

‫ہی انم دخا ےک ےئل رعیب زابن ںیم امس ذات ےہ۔ وج‬

‫ان امتم افصت اک وت ذرک رکان نکمم ںیہن۔ اہلل اعتٰیل وخد‬

‫ںیم دخا اعتٰیل ےک ےئل وکیئ ااسی انم ںیہن وج رصف اہلل‬

‫ہک امتم اےھچ اور وخوصبرت انم اہلل اعتٰیل ےک ںیہ۔‬

‫رفامات ےہ ہک دخا ےک املکت اےنت زایدہ ںیہ ہک ارگ‬ ‫امتم درتخ ںیملق نب اجںیئ اور امتم دنمسر ایسیہ نب‬

‫اجںیئ وت رھپ یھب ان املکت اک ااحہط ںیہن ایک اج اتکس۔‬ ‫اہتبل رقآن رکمی ںیم وموجد افصت یک روینش ںیم مہ‬

‫رصتخماً دےتھکی ںیہ ہک دخا یسیک میظع ااشلن یتسہ ےہ۔‬ ‫اہلل اعتٰیل اانپ اعترف ویں رفامات ےہ‪:‬‬

‫اعتٰیل ےک واےطس وبال اجات وہ اور اکی رفمد ظفل وہ اور یسک‬ ‫دورسے ےک ےئل یھبک اامعتسل ہن وہات وہ ۔ًالثم ارگنزیی‬

‫زابن ںیم اہلل اعتٰیل ےک واےطس دو ظفل وبےل اجےت ںیہ۔‬ ‫اکی ‪ God‬اور دورسا الرڈ ‪Lord‬۔ وس اظرہ ےہ ہک اگڈ‬

‫(‪ )God‬اک ظفل ارگنزیی زابن ںیم امتم رویم اور ویانین‬ ‫اور دنہی وتبں رپ وبال اجات ےہ اور دویاتؤں ےک واےطس‬ ‫یھب اامعتسل وہات ےہ اور الرڈ اک ظفل وت ااسی اعم ےہ ہک‬

‫الل َل إ َ َل إ َّل َأ ن�َ‬ ‫إ َّن ن� َأ نَ� َّ ُ‬ ‫ِ ِ‬ ‫ِ​ِي‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ف ْاع ُب ْد ِ ن ي�‬

‫اکی ومعمیل وفج اک ارسف یھب الرڈ وہات ےہ اور اکی وصہب‬ ‫اک احمک یھب الرڈ وہات ےہ۔ ااسی یہ افریس زابن ںیم اہلل‬

‫اعتٰیل ےک واےطس وکیئ اخص ظفل ںیہن وج ظفل زایدہ رت اہلل‬

‫(طه‪)20:15 ،‬‬

‫ںیم اہلل وہں ۔ ریمے وسا اور وکیئ وبعمد ںیہن سپ‬

‫ریمی ابعدت رکو ۔‬

‫رصف دخا اعتٰیل اک اخص انم ےہ۔ دورسی یسک زابن‬

‫اعتٰیل ےک واےطس وبال اجات ےہ وہ دخا ای دخاودن ےہ۔ دخا‬ ‫اکی رمبک ظفل ےہ اور اس ےک ینعم ںیہ وخد آ۔ وج‬ ‫وخد وخبد ےہ۔ اور یسک ےن اس وک انج ںیہن اور افریس‬

‫اہلل‪:‬اہلل اس ذات اپک اک انم ےہ وج ازیل ادبی اور اَلْح ُ‬


‫ال ْ َق ُّ�ی�وْم ےہ اور امکل و اخقل اور رب بس ولخمق اک ےہ‬ ‫اور امس ذایت ےہ ہن ہک امس افصیت۔ رعیب زابن ےک وسا‬

‫یسک اور زابن ںیم اس اخقل و امِکل لک اک وکیئ ذایت انم‬ ‫ںیہن اپای اجات۔ رصف رعیب ںیم اہلل اکی ذایت انم ےہ وج‬

‫رٹلرچی ںیم ہی اافلظ اوروں ےک واےطس یھب اامعتسل ںیم‬

‫آےت ںیہ۔ ااسی یہ رکسنست زابن ںیم سج دقر اہلل اعتٰیل‬

‫ےک انم ںیہ وہ بس افصیت ںیہ۔ وکیئ امس ذات ںیہن۔‬ ‫(دبر‪30‬؍ اتسگ و‪6‬؍ ربمتس ‪1906‬ء ہمیمض اابخر دبر اقداین‪12‬؍‬

‫دربمس ‪)1912‬‬

‫َالل ُہّٰ‬

‫نُ� ْ ال َّس ٰم ٰ ت َو ا َلار�ض‬ ‫�‬ ‫و‬ ‫ر‬ ‫و‬ ‫ِ ِ‬

‫ٰ‬ ‫وجودذات باری تعالی کااظهار‬ ‫بذریعه صفات باری تعالیٰ‬ ‫وصنمر ادمح ایضء اصبح ‪،‬‬ ‫اجہعم ‪ ،‬االسم ٓاابد‬


‫ووجدذات ابری اعتٰیل اکااہظر‬ ‫ذبرہعی افصت ابری اعتٰیل‬


‫قلعت ابہلل ےک دنچ وااعقت‬


‫زجعمات یک تقیقح‬

‫وصنمر ادمح ایضء اصبح‬

‫رشبم ادمح اکولہں اصبح‬

‫لیقع ادمح گنک اصبح‬

‫فہرست مندرجات‬ ‫‪4‬‬

‫رقٓان رکمی‬


‫دحثی یبن ﷺ‬


‫الکم االامم علیه السالم‬

‫�پ� ی ش‬ ‫� ظفل‬

‫اہلل ےک انم ےک اسھت وج ےب ااہتن رمح رکےن واال‪ ،‬نب امےگن دےنی واال اور ابر ابر رمح رکےن واال ےہ‬

‫السالم عليكم ورحمة اهلل و بركاته‬

‫راسہل اطرق ےک اس امشرہ ںیم آپ وک وخش آدمدی ےتہک ںیہ۔‬ ‫اس راسہل اک دصقم ہی ےہ ےک اقرنیئ یک دختم ںیم فلتخم وموضاعت رپ لمتشم اضمنیم شیپ‬ ‫ےئک اجںیئ اور سلجم دخام االدمحہی یک کلم رھب ںیم اسمیع ےس اب ربخ راھک اجےئ۔ اس ہلسلس ںیم‬ ‫مہ اقرنیئ یک راےئ یھب اجانن اچںیہ ےگ ہک سک رطح راسہل ںیم رتہبی الیئ اج یتکس ےہ۔‬ ‫اس امشرہ اک وموضع اسالہن اامتجع یک انمتبس ےس یتسہٴ ابری اعتٰیل راھک ایگ ےہ۔ وموجدہ احالت‬ ‫اور اس اعمرشہ ںیم داین وک احلص رکےن یک بلط ےک دم رظن رےتھک وہےئہی ارم الزم ےہ ہک اس‬ ‫وموضع رپ لیصفت ےس ابت یک اجےئ ۔‬ ‫وس ہی وکشش یک یئگ ےہ ہک الکم ایہٰل‪ ،‬دحثی وبنیﷺ اور رضحت حیسم وموعد ؑ ےک اراشدات‬ ‫یک روینش ںیم اس وموضع وک واحض ایک اجےئ۔ ایس رطح دخام ےک ذایت رجتابت یھب اشلم ےئک‬ ‫ےئگ ںیہ۔‬ ‫ارم واعق ہی ےہ ہک یتسہٴ ابری اعتٰیل رپ ابت رکان آاسن ںیہن ےہ اور رہ اکی رفد اک اس ابرہ ںیم‬ ‫فلتخم زجتہی وہ اتکس ےہ۔ رپ ہی اکی ادٰین اکوش ےہ ہک االسیم رظنہی ےس ابت اقرنیئ کت‬ ‫اچنہپیئ اجےئ۔‬ ‫اخاسکر امتم میٹ اک رکشہی ادا رکان اچاتہ ےہ وہنجں ےن ڑبی تنحم ےس اس امشرہ‬ ‫یک ایتری ںیم دمد یک۔‬ ‫داعٴوں یک اعزجاہن دروخاتس ےک اسھت‬

‫والسالم‬ ‫دمری اٰیلع‬ ‫‪01.04.19‬‬

‫بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬


‫میٹ‬ ‫دمری اٰیلع‪ :‬دااینل اکولہں‬

‫انبئ دمری (رباےئ اردو)‪ :‬املسن رمق‬

‫انبئ دمری (رباےئ ارگنزیی)‪ :‬رادش رشبم‬ ‫رظن اثین‪ :‬زرتشت فیطل‬ ‫احظف اشزہبی رین‬

‫ڈزیانئ‪ٓ:‬افص نب اوسی‬ ‫میلع ادمح‬

‫وسلش ڈیمای‪:‬دمحم بیہص ادمح اخن‬ ‫ااشتحم اعرف‬

‫‪Official Websites:‬‬ ‫‪www.tariqmagazine.org‬‬ ‫‪www.khuddam.org.uk‬‬ ‫‪Sarae Khidmat,‬‬ ‫‪16 Gressenhal Road.‬‬ ‫‪Southfields, SW18 5QL‬‬

‫ن‬ ‫م ی���ی�جم� ن ٹ‬ ‫�‬ ‫دصر سلجم‪ :‬دبع ادقلوس اعرف‬

‫ممتہم ااشتع‪ :‬امعنن وچدہری‬

‫کالم االمام‬ ‫مس�ی‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫رضحت ادقس ح وموعد عل� یہ اٰولصلة و االسلم رفامےت ��یں ‪:‬‬

‫ہ‬ ‫امہرا تشہب امہرا دخا ےہ امہری اٰیلع ّذلات امہرے دخا م�یں ��یں ک�ی�وہکن‬ ‫مہ ےن اس وک داھکی اور رہ ا�یک وخب وصریت اس م�یں اپیئ۔ �یہ دوتل‬

‫ےنیل ےک القئ ےہ ارگ ہچ اجن دےنی ےس ےلم اور �یہ لعل رخ�ی�دےن ےک‬

‫القئ ےہ ارگ ہچ امتم ووجد توھکےن ےس احلص وہ۔ اے رحمووم! اس‬ ‫�م ہ‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫س�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ہمشچ یک ت رطف دوڑو ہک وہ ں ی�راب رکے اگ �یہ زدنیگ اک ہمشچ‬ ‫�م ہ‬ ‫�‬ ‫م�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ک‬ ‫ےہ وج ں اچبےئ اگ۔ ں �ی�ا رکوں اور سک رطح اس وخربخشی‬

‫وک دولں م�یں اھٹبدوں۔سک َد ْف ےس م�یں ابزاروں م�یںانمدی رکوں‬ ‫ہک اہمترا �یہ دخا ےہ ات ولگ نُس ل�یں اور سک دوا ےس م�یں العج رکوں‬ ‫نن‬ ‫کھ‬ ‫ل�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ات ُس��ے ےک ےئل ولوگں ےک اکن ں۔‬ ‫)یتشک ونح‪ ،‬رواحین زخانئ دلج‪ 1 9‬ہحفص‪21‬۔ ‪22‬‬


‫حدیث نبویﷺ‬ ‫اللهم صل على محمد و على آل محمد كما صليت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد‬ ‫اللهم بارك على محمد و على آل محمد كما باركت على ابرهيم و على آل ابرهيم انك حميد مجيد‬

‫ْ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫خف ًیا‪ ،‬فأ ْ‬ ‫حب ْ‬ ‫قال اہلله تع ٰ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ت أَ ْن‬ ‫ب‬ ‫م‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ز‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ك‬ ‫‪:‬‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ ّ‬ ‫َ ُ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫َ َ ُ َ​َ‬ ‫ْ ْ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ُْ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫خل َق ِلعر َف‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ل‬ ‫خ‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ع‬ ‫أُ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬

‫اہلل اعتٰیل ےن رفام�ی�ا‪ :‬م�یں ا�یک یفخم زخاہن اھت‬ ‫اور م�یں ےن اچاہ ہک م�یں اجان اجؤں۔ انچہچن م�یں‬ ‫ےنولخمق وک �پ�ی�دا ک�ی�ا اتہک م�یں اچہپان اجؤں۔‬ ‫)رماقة اافملحيت رشح اكشمة ااصملحيب۔‪(9/ 3633‬‬

‫قرآن کرمی‬ ‫أعوذ باهلل من الشيطان الرجيم‬ ‫بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫ۡ ۡ‬ ‫ٰ‬ ‫ک ال ُمنتہی‬ ‫و اَ َّن ِا ٰل ر ِب‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ۡ ٰ‬ ‫َ ۡ‬ ‫ٗ‬ ‫ک و اَبکی‬ ‫و انہ ہو اضح‬ ‫َ َ َّ ُ َ َ َ َ َ‬ ‫ٗ‬ ‫ۡ‬ ‫ات و اَحیا‬ ‫م‬ ‫ا‬ ‫و‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َو اَنَّ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ۡ ۡ‬ ‫ۡ ۡ‬ ‫ٗ‬ ‫ٰ‬ ‫کر و الُنثی‬ ‫اذل‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ج‬ ‫و‬ ‫الز‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ل‬ ‫خ‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫و ان‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ َ َّ َ َ َ َّ َ‬ ‫َ َ َ‬ ‫ۡ‬ ‫ۡ‬ ‫ِم ۡن نُّط َف ٍۃ ِا َذا تُم ٰن‬

‫ت‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫اور �یہ ہک ی�رے رب یک رطف یہ ابآلرخ انچنہپ ےہ۔‬ ‫اور �یہ ہک ویہ ےہ وج اسنہات ےہ اور ُرالات یھب ےہ۔‬ ‫یھب رکات ےہ۔‬ ‫اور �یہ ہک ویہ ےہ وج امرات ےہ اور زدنہ‬ ‫�یع� ن ن‬ ‫اور �یہ ہک ویہ ےہ سج ےن وجڑا �پ�ی�دا ک�ی�ا‪ ،‬ی �َ�ر اور امدہ۔‬ ‫ہفطن ےس بج وہ ڈاال اجات ےہ۔‬ ‫وسرة امجنل‪53 : 44 - 48 ،‬‬

‫طارق ‪TARIQ‬‬


‫مجلس خدام االحمدیہ یوکے‬

‫وقومں یک االصح ونوجاونں یک االصح ےک ریغب ںیہن وہ یتکس‬ ‫رضحت حلصم وموعد ریض اہلل ہنع‬



‫طارق ‪TARIQ‬‬


‫مجلس خدام االحمدیہ یوکے‬

‫یتسہٴ ابری اعتٰیل‬

‫‪No. 2‬‬


‫‪Vol. 23‬‬

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