EAST CHICAGO A station area with stable neighborhoods, a main commercial corridor, and large industrial tracks could see new opportunities for mixed-use, corridor-focused development, and industrial repositioning. Introduction While the East Chicago station is not being rebuilt as part of the Double Track project, the Indianapolis Boulevard corridor between Michigan/Carroll Street and Chicago Street has opportunities for corridor-oriented development. Significant light industrial and employment growth are anticipated in this area. Environmental barriers exist (including a Superfund site just outside of the TDD), but much of the industrial land use will remain. City leadership has demonstrated a willingness to collaborate on a plan to revitalize this portion of the community. Much of the city’s previous planning has focused on creating parkland around the Grand Calumet River and marsh north of the station; activating some sites for new commercial, residential, and employment uses; and maintaining a stable Roxana Neighborhood. The city’s zoning ordinance is largely focused on industrial land uses and does not contemplate TOD. Corridor planning and corresponding land use and zoning updates could help realize opportunities between the station and Chicago Street along Indianapolis Boulevard. City Economic Goals: • Attracting developers, new businesses and employers to East Chicago • Aggressively enhancing the city’s profile • Highlighting available resources such as water, power, transportation and technology infrastructure, as well as the city’s attractive financial incentives • Manage local revitalization projects and redevelopment ventures • Work to retain and expand existing business • Accelerate the growth of business within city
26 • Northwest Indiana Transit Development Districts
Population Change