Northwest Indiana TDD Summary - Munster Dyer Main

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MUNSTER/DYER MAIN STREET A station area with a high concentration of vacant or underutilized land and the addition of the West Lake Corridor could see new opportunities for mixed-use, infill, and employment development. Station Area | County Comparison

Introduction The Munster/Dyer Main Street TDD is unique to the West Lake Corridor because it is located within two municipalities and is separated by Main Street. This area demonstrates tremendous greenfield development opportunities, both directly around the station and on the Columbia Avenue and Sheffield Avenue corridors. The new station and parking area could transition to joint development over time. Much of the remaining developable sites in Munster and Dyer are situated within this TDD and are largely consolidated amongst a few non-residential owners. Both towns have been proactive in preparing for this station and anticipated investment in the vicinity, and they are working to determine the next steps to extend Main Street to Joe Orr Road in Illinois. Munster recently updated its characterbased zoning code and up-zoned some properties near the station. Dyer recently updated its comprehensive plan and commenced a project to update its zoning code to enable TOD development near the station. City Economic Goals (Town of Munster) City Economic Goals (Town of Dyer) • Promote sustainable growth • Strengthen Dyer’s identity as a livable concentrate at strategic redevelopment and a family friendly “home town” areas • Create a new walkable downtown core • Support transit as critical to a prosperous town

• Capture the economic potential of the new train station along Main Street

• Create a legacy of unique parks and open spaces

• Transform Sheffield Avenue into a vibrant multi-modal street

• Grow as a hub of regional trail systems

• Maximize economic development potential along Calumet Avenue

• Strengthen infrastructure to meet future needs • Redevelop old areas as walkable, mixed use centers

• Invest in long-term redevelopment of US 30 • Prioritize investments in creating a connected trail system

20 • Northwest Indiana Transit Development Districts

Population Change

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