MUNSTER RIDGE ROAD A station area adjacent to trail infrastructure, stable residential neighborhoods, and the addition of the West Lake Corridor could see new opportunities for mixed-use, infill, and neighborhood development. Introduction
Station Area | County Comparison
The Ridge Road TDD is situated in a stable and highly walkable neighborhood with historic commercial businesses along Ridge Road between the Indiana-Illinois State Line and Calumet Avenue. This station includes a modest parking area and is thought of mostly as a “kiss and ride” station. The town has been proactive in preparing for this station to be built and forthcoming investment, which sends a positive message to the development community. The town has completed a recent character-based zoning code (Town and Planning Design Collaborative) that provides appropriate TOD zoning. The town is also working on a complete streets project to improve the walkability and sense of place along Ridge Road and Calumet Avenue. City Economic Goals (Town of Munster): • Promote sustainable growth - concentrate at strategic redevelopment areas • Support transit as critical to a prosperous town • Create a legacy of unique parks and open spaces • Grow as a hub of regional trail systems • Strengthen infrastructure to meet future needs • Redevelop old areas as walkable, mixed-use centers
16 • Northwest Indiana Transit Development Districts
Population Change