HAMMOND GATEWAY A dual-station area with infrastructure improvements, downtown synergy, and the construction of the West Lake Corridor could see new opportunities for mixed-use, infill, and neighborhood development. Introduction The Hammond Gateway TDD is unique in its opportunities due to its designation as a major station for both NICTD lines, its proximity to the State Line, developable property available by South Shore Double Track and West Lake Corridor, and Chicago Street/Gostlin Street realignment (construction in process). By looking at the immediate area around the station and downtown together, there is an opportunity to connect future development at the Gateway Station to a more active downtown with a future West Lake Station. There is an opportunity to focus transit-oriented development (TOD) around the station area and downtown to help stabilize walkable single-family neighborhoods within the TDD. Environmental barriers exist, but much of the industrial land use will remain. The city is proactive with a successful plan that focuses on revitalizing downtown and positioning it for a future downtown West Lake Station and TOD, which sends a positive message to the development community. Furthermore, capital planning will be needed to identify development-enabling infrastructure. The tremendous potential for this station area could prompt corridor plans and updates to land use and zoning to enable development. City Economic Goals: • Leverage the station’s location along both the South Shore and West Lake Lines to become an employment destination second to Downtown Hammond • Create long-term development sites for housing, office, or research/flex uses on station parking lots and vacant land near the station area • Link the Gateway Station area to Downtown Hammond with bicycle, pedestrian, and transit connections • Create a thriving downtown neighborhood through increased supply of housing in the city core
12 • Northwest Indiana Transit Development Districts
Station Area | County Comparison
Population Change