Nu&straks marketing communication plan

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Marketing Communication plan for Nu&Straks By: Wouter van Bavel Manon Leenaars Joey Meeuwisse Evelien Boom Joris Verheijen Pia Bults

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Assessors: Rudolf Juliet Sanne Heesbeen

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Index Page Team Index Introduction Problem Indication

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1. Internal Analysis 1.1 Seven Domains 1.2 Mission & Vision 1.3 Marketing 5 P’s 2. External Analysis 2.1 Competitor Analysis 2.2 Trend Analysis 2.3 DESTEP Analysis 2.4 Media Analysis 2.5 Target Group Analysis 3. SWOT Analysis 3.1 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats 3.2 Confrontation Matrix 3.3 Options 4. Concepts 4.1 Concept 4.2 Message 4.3 Visuals 5. Means 5.1 Means explained 5.2 Planning & Budget 6. Conclusion

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Attachments Attachment 1. Media analysis, Omroep Brabant Attachment 2. Field Research

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Introduction Fontys Academy of Creative industries prepares students to be communication experts/ concept developers within the entertainment industry. Due to this, students of the academy do think it is important to practice developing communication plans for a festival for example. There is a part within the advanced courses which is called the special program week. As a group of 6 students of the Fontys Academy we participated in the special program week, which took place from 24 till 28 February 2014. We got the following assignment: Develop a marketing/communication plan with a strong concept for a festival, which is called Nu&Straks014. This festival will take place from 1 till 4 November 2014. We do think it is a really interesting festival to write a plan for, because of the diversity the festival has to offer and the target group this festival wants to reach. Have fun reading!

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Problem Indication Nu&Straks is a festival which will be hold in several areas within Tilburg. It is important which strategies they have to follow, to get a good vision of the target groups they want to reach as a festival. The festival asked the students of the Academy of Creative industries to develop a communication plan how to implement the strategies and concepts witch the students write in the reports within the festival. As students we got the assignment from a company which is called Nu&Straks. This festival wants to reach the whole city of Tilburg. Because of the diversity and the different areas of the festival Nu&Straks do not know which way to go. The problem statement is: how to create brand awareness for the festival Nu&Straks? Delineation Due to the ‘motivaction’ method we used, -within the 8 different domains- we have chosen the target group which we will focus on which we will advise in our plan for this festival. Methods of research - We did field research by doing a survey due to which media the people who live in Tilburg use. You will find the results of survey in the chapter ‘’media-analysis’’. - We did desk research. - We made an internal analysis (mission/vision and seven domains) and external analysis (trend analysis, competitor analysis, media analysis, target group) - We combined the internal and external analysis into a SWOT and a confrontation matrix with its options. Solutions By creating a strong communication concept for the festival Nu&Straks, the festival can enter the market in a way that fits with their core values.

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1. Internal analysis Nu&Straks014 is an ‘Urban festival’ which implements seven domains of 'Quality of Life'. Related to the present and future. The first edition of this festival will take place from November 1st till 4th 2014.

1.1 Seven domains 1. Sports 2. Health 3. Food 4. Leisure 5. Appearance 6. Home 7. Work Nu&Straks014 wants to show that Tilburg area is leading when it comes to activities, initiatives and 'Social Innovation', which lead to maintaining and improving the quality of life.

1.2 Mission & Vision

Vision Nu&Straks014: Happiness and well-being become increasingly important components in our lives. In and around Tilburg we actively try to improve quality of life in large numbers both private and business. We want to share our knowledge and experiences on this subject and need practical and innovative handles on this subject. Mission Nu&Straks014: NU&STRAKS014 is the Quality of Life pioneer in Tilburg region and beyond. People and businesses get inspired and encouraged to start (inter)actively with improving the quality of life. Core values Nu&Straks014: operates according to a number of core values Do Exploring Energetic

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1.3 Marketing mix 5 P’s Product The product is the event Nu&Straks014 which will be held in Tilburg from November 1 till November 4. On Saturday and Sunday it is really easy accessible because there is no entrance. On Monday and Tuesday there is an entrance fee, so it should be targeted on people who have something to do with the term Social Innovation. Price On Saturday November the 1st and Sunday November the 2nd the event has no entrance fee. People can come in and leave at any moment of the day. On the 3rd and 4th of November there is an entrance fee of €23. That’s the entrance for both the 3 rd and 4th of November. Prices of food and drinks aren’t determined yet. Nu&Straks has €6.000 budget for their marketing communication. That’s the only budget given. Promotion At the moment there’s no active promotion for Nu&Straks014. On internet you can’t even find a thing about Nu&Straks014. In this marketing communication plan we are going to give Nu&Straks a marketing communication advice. Place Tilburg, and especially the Spoorzone is the location for the event. The Spoorzone is the part near the train station and it’s it going to be the biggest creative part of Tilburg. In the Spoorzone you can find buildings such as the Hall Of Fame, Koepelhal, Smederij 013, Wagenmakerij, etc. There are a lot of different options as Nu&Straks014 locations in Tilburg. All restaurants, bars and other cultural places have the option to participate at Nu&Straks014. People The staff of Nu&Straks014 at the moment are Bram Cuijpers, Sanne Heesbeen en Rudolf Juliet. They have a lot of contacts within Tilburg and that makes it easier to for example recruit volunteers. Because of the low budget a big part of the personnel should be volunteers in our opinion.

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2. External Analysis 2.1 Competitor Analysis We made a competitor analysis to have a look at different events in- and outside of Tilburg. What have the Netherlands and especially Tilburg to offer when it comes to festivals, social innovation and other events? It’s always good to have a look at different types of competitors. In this analysis we separate direct competitors and indirect competitors and we analyze the differences and the similarities to Nu&Straks. Direct competitors - European Social Innovation Week: Info: ESIW is a from Monday-to-Friday five day event in the region of Tilburg. The event is about the cooperation of local, social and community initiatives and parties in an international context. Live Together, Do Stuff Together, Learn Together, Take Care Together. Differences: Higher threshold, more conference-like event, targeted at suit-and-tie people, every day in a different theme, lots of different scientific subjects Similarities: Social innovation, location, urban event, and lots of collaborations. Documentation: - Cultuurnacht Tilburg Info: Thirteen hours to discover what Tilburg has to offer in art and culture. The program covers a lot of expositions, dance, music, theatre, special combinations and inspiring meetings in the whole city of Tilburg. Differences: One day event, Similarities: Urban event, targeted on a big and broad audience, quality of life, Easy accessible, lots of different locations. Documentation: Indirect competitors - Social Safari Amsterdam Info: During 10 days, 23 participants, from more than 10 different countries such as Kenya, Costa Rica, Iran, Zimbabwe, Guatemala and Nicaragua, went on Social Safari in Amsterdam. In the midst of the urban jungle participants set out to find new social solutions for some of the most wicked challenges in our city such as youth unemployment, youth care for young criminal offenders, a declining urban neighborhood and the rise of a shared economy. Differences: Other region, bigger focus on the international part, the end-product is a big thing, Similarities: Social innovation, urban event Documentation: 8|P a ge

- Festival Mundial Info: Festival Mundial is a festival in Tilburg with a focus on all sorts of world-music. Mundial has 20 areas and 12 stages with a big variety in art and music. Differences: Music and art festival, outdoor event Similarities: Easy accessible, together, Tilburg, multiple days, targeted on a big and broad audience, quality of life, spoorzone, cultural development Documentation: - Incubate Info: Incubate is the annual celebration of cutting edge culture in Tilburg, the Netherlands. It is a festival exhibiting a diverse view on indie culture as a whole, including music, contemporary dance, film and visual arts. It brings more than 200 cutting edge artists in an intimate context to an international audience. Black metal next to free jazz, refreshing art next to inspiring debate. Differences: Music and art festival, not specifically targeted on Tilburgers (it’s targeted on different alternative niche markets), international audience, not about social innovation Similarities: Easy accessible, Tilburg, urban event, duration, lots of collaborations, cultural development Documentation: - Kindergarten Info: Kindergarten is a one day outdoor festival with a focus on Electro and Techno music. It’s a festival with different stages in the Stadspark Tilburg, specifically targeted on Dance lovers, Differences: Dance festival, one day festival, not about Social Innovation Similarities: Easy accessible, Tilburg, quality of life, creative Documentation: - Wereldredders Info: is a platform for people who want to make the world better. It is the brother of Tourist Save The World ( who develops good deed tourism for groups, schools and tourists. Terra Futura is the covering organization (a foundation) who develops and busies world-saving initiatives. Differences: Not an event Similarities: Social innovation, quality of life, co-creation Documentation: Conclusion There are a lot of interesting organizations in Tilburg and its region. And the good thing is Tilburgers like to collaborate, festivals like Mundial and Incubate work together with Tilburg University and Fontys Academy for Creative Industries. So there is a lot possible for Nu&Straks. Make organizations stronger by working together. It’s a good thing of living in Tilburg and Brabant. 9|P a ge

2.2 Trend Analysis 1. Human Pearls A lot of people have recently learned that integrity and trust in our society is not something that comes naturally. We have a skeptical vision; towards ourselves, banks, commercials, politicians and recently added, the ‘Google/Facebook complex’, that gives us a lot, but at the same time takes away so much personal information and privacy. Everything added up, it makes contemporary society not that harmonious – which hurts the economy as well. ‘Fake & phony’: we hate it now more than ever, but feel surrounded by it as well – in excess. The consequence that it brings is that we have an intense yearning for developing everything that is authentic and pure, and knowing what compassion is. We call it: ‘the yearning for human pearls’. Little symbols or gestures that inspire courage and reach out to other people. Gestures that have the power to move your heart and soul. Quote 'We tend to think that features such as compassion and sympathy are not rooted in basic human psych. Mirror neurons prove us otherwise.’ Best example: Swings that make music while using it. Without a doubt something small, but it can help make someone’s day a lot better. 2. Give Me Stories In our world with its wild diversity, with its breathtaking combination of cultures and DNA, a world of ideas and blood, no identity is stable. Melting, dissolving: it’s all part of our hectic existence. Powerful stories that draw our attention, involve us: they are the counterweight. Stories know to absorb us. Stories give us meaning and a goal. Stories enlighten us. They inspire us to reach out into ourselves and be a better person. They connect us to our region, our country, the planet. They also give meaning to brands around us, which we would like to be surrounded with. Stories can have a retroorientation, that way they help us accustom to a warm past. They could also be about the future, where they act as a catalyst for excitement that is to come. Stories can move mountains. Stories can be tender and fragile. We all need them. Quote: 'Corporations, brands, ourselves: we are all stories that develop and unreel at the same time. If we become estranged to it, we’ll grow estranged to everything and everyone.’ Best example: Skate Shades makes cool new sunglasses out of old skateboards of well-known skateboarders.

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3. The Power of the Social Web Internet makes being connected possible, now more than ever. We’re doing this with a large amount of people with reasons just as diverse. Sometimes we get together just for fun. Sometimes we get together because we organized; can accomplish more, for ourselves or for our community. That’s why a lot of people discuss things on online gathering places before they make a real appointment with a doctor. Think of websites as Without the power of the social web there would be no Arabic Spring. Sometimes we unite primarily to get better out of it, economically speaking. It is the growth of the shared economy – impossible to have existed without the power of the social web. Is that social web a new phenomenon for 2014? Of course not. We have known the manifestations of it for over a decade. The point is that the social web, even in 2014, will stay a powerful source in our lives. A lot of new faces, movements and surprises will keep showing up. The power of the social web is the soil of where an increasing amount of our lives is spend. Quote: 'We believe in social progress. We believe that the virtual connection on the internet is the most important device to give that social progress life. We call ourselves, all around the world: the Peer Progressives.’ 4. PartYcipation In 2014 the youth has not only shown their best party outfits, they’ve shown their creativity as well. Young people are getting used to having more input considering the parties they attend. In 2012 the parties were already organized for the visitors, but now they are able to literally create their own party. Amount of involvement developing product:

A consumer with little involvement in the development process is placed in the left (developer) column of this model. A consumer with a lot of involvement is placed right (facilitator).

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5. Sharification Wanting things isn’t that applicable anymore in 2013. Sharing is the new owning when it comes to our youth. They are the trendsetters; predict what will grow big and being kept under a keen eye by trendwatchers. One of the newer trends is ‘do it together’. People are trading and loaning all sorts of things through sites as They are picking loaning and renting over ownership. This trend is called Sharification; the swapping, renting and loaning of stuff. There are a lot of products you would like to have, but there isn’t enough money for it, or you simply don’t want to spend the money on it. This has been the case for music for a while now; downloading and sharing music through YouTube or Spotify. When was the last time you bought a cd? Sharification is a meso-level trend; ‘A need for obtaining things on a different, cheaper way has arisen, instead of buying everything brand new. To fulfill this demand, different trends on micro-level are found making sure these products can be shared and traded with ease’. One of the reason this trend came to life within youth culture is the economic crisis. There is less money to spend and people are finding different methods to still obtain some. Another reason is that we are becoming more and more aware of our environment and want to recycle our products: sustainability. The fact that you might make someone else’s day by sharing is just added value. Next to trading and renting products, services are being sold as well. is such an example. For a few euro’s you are able to buy a meal by one of your neighbors, who made something extra. This way you get to know the people in your neighborhood better and cooking for more people means it’s cheaper as well. Sharification is still something very young, and not a term recognized by a lot of people. A lot of people only use Marktplaats at this moment. That’s where you buy things, sharification is sharing and renting. Things you can ask yourselves are questions such as” ‘What effect does the growing trend Sharification have on welfare? What are the factors needed to be taken into account to make Sharification a success? When is hosting a site such as worthwhile? 6. Die Once Live Twice The 24 hour mentality is of big importance in the already so busy lives of the youth. The smartphone is promoted from being on the dresser to lying on your pillow, WhatsAppgroups interrupting your sleep. Closing times are non-existent. Young people are going out during the day or on a Tuesday night, for example to the ‘Dagverblijf’ festival where they host their parties on peculiar times: from 14:00 till 00:00. After that they immediately head out to their fitness club, which keep being open 24 hour a day more and more. Shopping after normal closing times is also possible in 9 streets in Amsterdam, using your smartphone to scan QR-codes on display. Stores are adapting to the 24 hour economy and through the internet everything is available 24 hours a day anyway. To pay for that, people are applying for a multitude of jobs at the same time. Between college going for tutoring, building an application whilst eating dinner, and after that going to work at a bar. Documentation: - -

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Conclusion Trend Analysis For the Nu&Straks festival, it is important to respond on the latest trends. We have chosen four trends from the chapter trend analysis, which overlap the most with the festival. The trends are: Give Me Stories, The Power of the Social Web, Partycipation and Sharification. These trends overlap with some core values of Nu&Straks: Social innovation, Happiness, Share Experiences, Exploring and Inspiring. Below you’ll find a summary per trend, indicating why this trend is chosen, together with the common things they have with the festival. Give me Stories In our world with its wild diversity; with its breath-taking combination of cultures and DNA, a world of ideas and blood, no identity is stable. Melting, dissolving: it’s all part of our hectic existence. Powerful stories that draw our attention, involve us: they are the counterweight The trend Give me stories is important for the organization Nu&Straks. Listen to different stories and share them will inspire people. The inhabitants of Tilburg with different characters share what happiness is for them. The goal for us is to create brand awareness with the blog for the festival Nu&Straks. The Power of the Social Web Internet makes being connected possible, now more than ever. The social web, even in 2014, will stay a powerful source in our lives. A lot of new faces, movements and surprises will keep showing up. The power of the social web is the soil of where an increasing amount of our lives is spent. Nu&Straks wants to create brand awareness together with the target group of the festival. The trend today’s society believes in social progress. We believe that the virtual connection on the Internet is the most important device to give that social progress life. Sharification One of the newer trends is ‘do it together’. This trend is called Sharification; the swapping, renting and loaning of stuff. It is also about inspire and share experiences. One of the reasons this trend came to life within youth culture is the economic crisis. The trend of 2014 is sharing we are more unmaterialistic. We don’t need to buy it if we can even share it. The trend Sharification creates a feeling solidarity. The goal of Nu&Straks is to explore the world together with their audience. We will ask the inhabitants of Tilburg what happiness is for them with a photograph. We will share their photo including a quote or short story on Facebook and a blog. The audience of Nu&Straks will get an impression into the lives of strangers in Tilburg. Our concept will include the feeling of inspire, discover and be happy. Partycipation: In 2014 the youth has not only shown their best party outfits, they’ve shown their creativity as well. Young people are getting used to having more input considering the parties they attend. In 2012 the parties were already organized for the visitors, but now they are able to literally create their own party. Partycipation has a lot to do with co-creation. People who experience good things together have a longer lasting memory of the experience on hand.

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2.3 DESTEP Analysis Demographic As the target group for Nu&Straks festival it has a focus on all the inhabitants of Tilburg. We have chosen this broad target group because the festival wants to target all ages and social environments. On January 2013 Tilburg counted 208.537 inhabitants and with that Tilburg is the 6th biggest city of the Netherlands. Tilburg is a young city. Almost a third of all the inhabitants are younger than 30 years. 75% of all the ‘Tilburgers’ has the Dutch nationality. Around 8.000 people got the Turkish nationality. A little under 6000 people got the Moroccan nationality. Around 5000 people with the Indonesian nationality live in Tilburg, about 4000 with the Dutch Antilles nationality and about 3000 people with the Suriname nationality. Age Structure



0-14 years



15-29 years



30-44 years



45-54 years



55-64 years



65-79 years



80+ years






Tilburg counts three train stations: Tilburg Central Station, Tilburg University and Tilburg Reeshof. On average 39.173 people travel through these train stations on an average working day. Economic The biggest part, 18.6%, of Tilburg is working in healthcare. 16% works in retail trade. 12% works in industry. 10% works in education. Tilburg is counting 7.847 unemployed people. The average income in the Netherlands in 2012 was 22.600 per year. Tilburg has an average income between 27,7 – 30,3 thousand per year. Documentation:

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Social Since a couple of years Tilburg is a booming city. The city works hard to make it a beautiful and interesting city. Especially with the new plans in the Spoorzone Tilburg is getting more and more creative. A lot of cultural events and festivals are organized in the Spoorzone. The Piushaven is getting more interesting as well. Documentation: Tilburg is a young city with a lot of people who go to school and students. Tilburg is counting 16.964 people who go to primary school. High school counts 12.617 people. Tilburg counts 14.875 ‘MBO’ students, 15.416 ‘HBO’ students and another 12.952 University students. Documentation: The municipality of Tilburg has a lot of accommodations for inside and outside sports. Tilburg has two ice rinks, a couple of swimming pools and five big sports halls. Tilburg has also a skate park, cycling and BXM track, an athletics track and several sports parks with a total of 100 sports fields. Documentation: Social innovation: In a year there are about 320 events in Tilburg. A lot of them take place in the city center, the Spoorzone and the area around the Piushaven. In the Reeshof, the Leijpark, and the city quarters of Berkel-Enschot and Udenhout there are also a lot of events. There is a big diversity in the events. Cultural events, flea markets, student festivals, sports events and ‘Carnaval’ are examples of them. The well-known ‘Pink Monday’ is the biggest event in Tilburg with 300.000 visitors. It’s a part of the ‘Tilburgse Kermis’ which has a total visitors number of 1.200.000. The ‘Meimarkt’ had more than 100.000 visitors. Here are some events with more than 15 | P a g e

25.000 visitors: Festival van het Levenslied, Incubate, Hap Stap, Tilburg Culinair, Boeken rond het Paleis and Festival Mundial. And here are some other Tilburg events: Tilburg Ten Miles, Internationale Warandeloop, Rondje Tilburg, Playgrounds, Tilburg Zingt, Dancetour, Oktober Dansmaand, Palm Parkies, diverse winterevenementen, Drijf-in, Sint-Job, Unentse Mèrt, Back to the 90s, Kindergarten. Technological The Power of the Social Web is a technological change. That’s already mentioned in the Trend Analysis. At the end of 2013 almost 75% of all the Dutch people had a smartphone. The number of smartphones in the Netherlands is still increasing. Documentation: Ecological Nu&Straks has a lot to do with ecological stuff. People are getting more and more aware of their environment. Organic and ecologic food is getting increasingly popular. In 2012 consumers spend a record sum of 1 billion euros on biologic food. Food is also an important part of Nu&Straks. Documentation: Political The municipality of Tilburg is doing a lot of city marketing. Next to technologic area of Eindhoven there is the Social Innovation area of Tilburg. This is all about businesses, governments and education working together. Nu&Straks is getting support from the government to create their festival. Documentation:

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2.4 Media Analysis We performed a short survey under the people of Tilburg, to get a view in what kind of media they use. Not only traditional media but social media as well. We did this to get a better look in what kind of media we can use in Tilburg to attract attention for the Nu&Straks festival and our promotional tool. In our survey we asked the people of Tilburg a couple of questions which you can find in Attachment 2. Regional Newspapers We found out that most of the surveyed (58%) read Het Brabants Dagblad on a daily basis. This comes as a surprise as we thought that local newspapers weren’t read as much as nationwide papers. Brabants Dagblad Edition Tilburg The Brabants Dagblad is a regional newspaper that is being distributed in North Brabant. The newspaper is the most used form of communication to reach the inhabitants of Brabant. Within the readers-market, the BD is known as a high quality paper which has a strong name, is connected directly with the region and has a strong bond with the province. Spread: The biggest reach in the region. An average amount of around 324,900 readers during week days. An average amount of 370,700 readers on Saturday. The paper has multiple editions designated to different regions in Brabant, so every region gets specific news. With the coming of their digital edition and their website, the reach of the paper has risen to 481,332 consumers. Documentation: National Newspaper In nationwide media, the free newspapers we included, the Spits, is the highest in the survey with 26%. This has as main reason that the newspaper is free of cost and available in the Dutch public transportation. Spits Spits is a free newspaper for an audience that is on the way to work or study. The target group is the age group between 18 and 34 years. Spits has a spread of almost 1,9 million. This free newspaper achieve this by continuous and innovative responding to changing media consumption trends and areas of interest. Spits stands for timeliness, convenience, and focuses on the things that make life more enjoyable. Documentation:

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Regional Broadcasting In the survey we asked if the people of Tilburg listen to or watch the local television and or radio stations. The questions were delineated to Tilburg stations and the biggest station in Brabant; Omroep Brabant. Omroep Brabant, in being the biggest, has the main favorite under surveyed, with 70% of the votes. Omroep Tilburg is being watched and listened to by 21% of the people. We can say with certainty that Omroep Brabant is the most suited form of communication on radio and television to use for the Nu&Straks festival. Omroep Brabant The mission of this TV-station is to connect the people of Brabant and keep them connected to the region. On a daily base, the radio department of Omroep Brabant has 200.000 listeners. And around 530.000 people who watch the TV shows. The website has 11.000.000 visitors per year. The network is also available on socialmedia and the internet. Documentation: Omroep Tilburg Tilburg has its own local television station, which broadcasts a cable news overview and makes its own programs. The public broadcasting society transmit their shows in and around Tilburg and has a local reach of around 300,000 people. The age of the target group is set between 20 and 65 years old. Omroep Tilburg offers companies and other possible advertisers the opportunity to advertise with a TV or radio commercial and digitally on the website. They offer a custom made price for your media budget so everyone is able to advertise in their own range of budget. Documentation: Social Media We performed a short survey under the people of Tilburg, to get a view in what kind of social media they use. We did this to get a better look in what kind of social media we can use in Tilburg to attract attention for the Nu&Straks festival and our promotional tool. Facebook is as expected the most used form of social media under the surveyed (39%) with YouTube coming in second with 23%. Although Facebook isn’t really a good form of media to use as advertising space, we can use it as a viral platform to spread our communication tool. YouTube on the other hand is used more and more as a platform for fun and changing commercial actions by all kind of companies. When a short film goes viral it has a reach of millions within weeks. Both of these social media are free and therefore very suitable for our plan, keeping in mind that the budget is limited.

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YouTube YouTube is used more and more as a platform for fun and changing commercial actions by all kind of companies. When a short film good viral it has a reach of millions within weeks. Documentation: Facebook Facebook is an online social networking service. It is the fastest growing social network in the Netherlands. You can refer the ads to a company page. With Facebook ads, it is possible to demonstrate at relevant persons at the right time. It is possible to segment right target audience. There is a possibility to select on geographical factors, demographic factors and interests. Advertising on Facebook is still relatively cheap compared to other media. Documentation: Websites The most used local website is with 89% of surveyed saying that they use them. This site can be an ultimate tool to use as announcement place and redirecting to the website and marketing tool. brings people together! It’s the website with the best Tilburg news. It is the most used local website with a weekly average of 60,000 visitors viewing 300,000 pages together. Every Friday morning more than 30,000 members get the newsletter, summarizes the past week and a look ahead at the coming weekend in their inbox. keeps you always up to date! Documentation: Summary All of the most chosen types of media are free in use, or low in cost, this is in our advantage so that we can use the most of our budget for our marketing communication tool. This survey is not binding, but it gives us a view of how the people of Tilburg use which media.

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2.5 Target Group Analysis

Source: everything in this document is from

According to Motivaction, a research and strategy company located in The Netherlands, there are 8 different kinds of people in our modern society. Every single one of them has a different approach when it comes to media usage and ways of absorbing information. In this chapter you'll find a rundown of every group, what defines them, and how they should be approached. The scale is made up of 2 indicators. The horizontal scale being values, from left to right it goes from traditional to postmodern. The vertical scale is status, which is seperated into low, middle and high. Documentation:

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1. Traditional Bourgeoisie (light green) The traditionals are a moralistic, duty-bound class that are aiming for a status-quo, holding on to traditions and materialistic possessions. They are seen as the cornerstone of our society and hang on to traditional standards and lead tranquil and harmonious lives. In society, they are involved people. They are solidary with minorities and involved with the wellbeing of the environment. They have an acceptance of authority and rules. When it comes to their lifestyle, the traditionals are duty-bound people, embracing order, regularity and discipline. They avoid risks and are sober and thrifty. During their spare time, they enjoy passive entertainment. Their families is a central part of their lives and have a traditional distribution of roles between the sexes. In general, there are more woman then men, are low qualified and have a higher average age then most groups. Documentation: 2. Modern Bourgeoisie (orange) A conformist, and status-desiring class seeking the balance between tradition and modern values such as consuming and pleasure. They are also seen as the cornerstone of our society, but contrary to their traditional counterpart, aim at obtaining status and appearance. In society, they desire authority and rules. They also desire recognition and respect. With regards to their lifestyle, they are conformist and risk avoiding. They lead regular lives aimed at consumption and pleasure, while being sensitive to materialism and status. Their family is a central part of their lives and have a traditional distribution of roles between the sexes. In general, they are low qualified, have about an equal ratio in men to woman, and consist of all age groups. Documentation: 3. New Conservatives (blue) The liberal-conservative upper class that embraces technological advancement en stands up against social and cultural change. They hold on to traditional standards and protect their social status. They are critical people and are interested in politics and history, while maintaining a hierarchical type of life. Regarding lifestyle, they live sober lives and enjoy art and culture. They avoid risks and hold dear to etiquette. The group has more males then females and are more elderly compared to other groups. They are high qualified and their average income is high as well.

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4. Convenience-Orientated (yellow) The impulsive and passive consumer strives for a unworried, pleasurable and comfortable life. They are materialistic, and want to lead a free and easy life, seeking entertainment. They have no interest in politics and society, but desire recognition and respect. They work and perform well, but have no great ambitions. They do not like consistency and responsibility. Their lifestyle is impulsive and aimed at the present. They are informal, materialistic and consumers. They want entertainment and experiences, while being aware of their outer appearance. The group consists of more females than males, has less older people, are low qualified and have low incomes compared to other groups. Documentation: 5. Upward Mobiles (red) Career-orientated individualists with an outspoken fascination for social status, new technology, risk and tension. They are free of tradition and duty and want to obtain social status. They are open to change and renewal, are internationally orientated and desire recognition and appreciation. Work is a central thing in their life, used to obtain their identity and status, they also use it to generate a bigger income. Their lifestyle is materialistic and status-dependant. They want entertainment and to consume. They like technology, are impulsive and adventurous, whilst maintaining their freedom. They maintain relationships with people who have the same mindset as them. The group consists of more men than woman, has relatively more younger people of all educational and income levels. They mostly look for relationships with people of their own class. Documentation:

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6. Cosmopolitans (grey) Critical world citizens that develop postmodern values and integrate experiences with modern values such as success, materialism and pleasure. Their ambitions consist of success in society, self-development and social movement. They are interested in politics and society in general, with a focus on international, and are tolerant. Working is a central part of their life, having big ambitions and using your profession as a sign of identity and status. Their lifestyle is materialistic and technology-minded. They are impulsive and adventurous, status dependant and honor the etiquette. Art and culture is also one of their interests. With social regard, they are networkers, maintaining relations with people who have the same opinions as they have. The group consists of about the same amount of males as females, and has more younger people with higher incomes then other groups. Documentation:

7. Post-Materialists (dark green) The society-critical idealists that wants to develop itself, oppose social inequality and stand up for the environment. Their ambitions consist of self-development, being solidary and social, and having an interest for immaterial values. They are involved in society and politics, reflecting and being critical people. They are tolerant and solidary, while having an international interest. Working is not something that is the main drive, trying to find balance between living and working. They find it important to be useful in our society. Their lifestyle is planned and fundamental, sober and not based on consumerism and entertainment. They enjoy art and culture. They are individualistic people who, when in a relationship, have a separated circle of friends. The group consists of more females than males, of higher age. They are high qualified and consist of all levels of income. Documentation: 8. Postmodern Hedonists (purple) The pioneers of the experience-economy, in which experiment and breaking moral and social conventions have become goals on their own. This group wants to be free, live in the present, be independent and get new experiences in their life. They are little involved in society and politics, are tolerant and believe in equal opportunity for everyone. Working does not play a central part in their life and they enjoy their private lives more. They are impulsive, adventurous, have the 'anything' goes mentality and like art and popular culture. They like to experience things. In social circles they are individualistic, finding friends more important than family. The group consists of the same amount of males as females, with younger, high educated of all income levels, people overall. Documentation: 23 | P a g e

Choice of Target Groups and Overlap with Nu&Straks Documentation: For the Nu&Straks festival, it is important to choose a target group on which you want to direct your communication to. In this regard, we have chosen 3 different social groups from the previous chapter, which interests overlap the most with what the festival is. The three different groups are: Cosmopolitans, Post materialists and Postmodern Hedonists. These groups have the same defining characteristics, namely: adventurous, impulsive, united, social, casual, optimistic, self-development, interested in arts and culture, high qualified and younger of age. These characteristics overlap with the core values of Nu&Straks. Nu&Straks stands for exploring, trying out, inspiring, happiness, health and well-being, which overlap really well with the current spirit of the age. Below you'll find a summary per group, indicating why this group was chosen, together with the overlaps they have with the festival. Postmaterialists: This group is defined, culturally, by their interest in society and the environment whilst living a sober life, which Motivation has listed as a current mentality trend in their 2013 report. They try to find a balance in their work and personal life, which are two domains of living a happy life. We think that it might be of their interest to attend the event. They are different from the Cosmopolitans in the fact that they are not materialistic. Cosmopolitans: This group is ambitious, materialistic, has an overall higher income , they are also impulsive and adventurous. We feel they would have an overlap with what the festival is because they like explore, get inspired. They are interested in their own quality of life, in a materialistic and modern way. They would have interest in visiting the festival for status, appearance, eating well and healthy, sports and exercise. It could also be used as a way to network with other visitors, creating contacts they can use for their career driven lives. Postmodern Hedonists: We feel that at Nu&Straks they get handed the opportunities to gain a lot of new experiences. Whether it is a workshop about lightning in your house, or just eating a nice meal at an alternative restaurant, there is a lot to explore for these people. Another important factor is that they like to go out with friends, which the festival gives opportunities for. These are all core values Nu&Straks has.

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Where are they: The target group has a couple things in common. They both like art and culture, experiencing things, exploring things and try new things. You can find a lot of art and culture in the city of Tilburg. There are lots of museums, stages and cinemas. You can find some numbers in the Social part of the DESTEP. There is a big diversity of bars, restaurants and other places to go out where we can find the target group. Here you can find an overview of the different cultural activities and trendy hotspots in and around Tilburg. Museums Textiel museum, De Pont and the Natuurmuseum are the three biggest and well known museums of Tilburg. They all have changing expositions and a lot of visitors come to these museums. Venues Very well known in Tilburg is of course the 013. But the Schouwburg Tilburg, Theatres Tilburg, the Paradox, Hall of Fame and Theatre de Nieuwe Vorst are great venues. Bars Very popular bars within the target group are De Studio, Café Bolle and Polly Maggoo. But also Dudok and the Spoorzone are getting increasingly popular. Cinemas Cinecitta, Euroscoop, Pathe. Restaurants and pubs Spaarbank, Koffiecafé, Bruutvrij, Locals, Stadscafé Meesters, Intermezzo, Humphrey’s, Tapas Bar Manana, Mugs and Muffins, Beagles and Beans, Prins Heerlijk, Havana, Sushi Koi, Soups and Shakes, ’t Pakhuys, Broodjeswinkel Kras. Businesses and shops Lokaal 21, Luycks Gallery, Bomenlounge, Smederij 88, Spoorzone, Interpolis. Universities and public spaces Bibliotheek, BKKC, Tilburg University, Fontys and Avans Hogescholen. Documentation:

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3. SWOT Analysis S 1: S 2: S 3: S 4:

Strengths Fixed office Positive and firm team Big network Long preparation

O 1: O 2: O 3: O 4: O 5:

Opportunities Midpoint Brabant T 1: Partycipation T 2: Power of the social web All options are open Give me stories

W 1: W 2:

Weaknesses No comparison First-time experience

Threats Midpoint Brabant Depending on government funds

3.1 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats We had an email conversation with Sanne Heesbeen of Nu&Straks. It was very hard for us to come up with Strengths and Weaknesses because they are all about the organization. So Sanne came up with some Strengths and Weaknesses which fit really well with the organization. The opportunities are all products of the external analysis. O1. Midpoint Brabant: Is all about the Social Innovation part over here in the region of Tilburg. The government wants to put Tilburg on the map with Social Innovation. It’s an opportunity because the government is willing to put money in it. O2: Partycipation: It’s one of the trends in our Trend Analysis. Young people like to participate in organizing the event. Not only attending events but contributing to the event with co-creation. O3: Power of the Social Web: People are more and more active on the Social web. When people like something there is the possibility that it goes viral, so there is the possibility that a lot of people see it. O4: All options are open: It is the first time that Nu&Straks is going to happen. So everything is possible. The concept is really open. A lot of choices are to be made in the coming months. Jump on trends and attach them to the event. T1: Midpoint Brabant: It’s not only an opportunity but also a threat. The government over here is making Social Innovation increasingly important. So it is clear that a lot of Social Innovation events are going to happen here in the coming years. T2: Depending on government funds: The municipality of Tilburg has some funds for Social Innovation events. Nu&Straks is getting some government funds for the 2014 event. If the municipality of Tilburg decides to quit funding Nu&Straks it could mean some negative issues. 26 | P a g e

S1 Fixed office S2 Positive and firm team S3 Big network S4 Long preparation W1 No internal comparisson W2 First-time eperience

++ ++

++ ++

++ ++

++ -+ -+



T2 Depending on government

T1 Midpoint Brabant

O5 Gvie me stories

O4 All options are open.

O3 Power of the social web.

O2 Partycipation .

O1 Midpoint Brabant.

3.2 Confrontation matrix




3.3 Options We connected some trends and opportunities out of the external analysis with the strengths of the organization. And we came up with some options. We found a connection between opportunity 4 (all options are open) and strength 4 (long preparation). A lot of things aren’t decided, so we think it’s a good thing to dig into trends and work them out in some new concepts for the festival and the marketing communication of the festival. Another connection is made in opportunity 3 (power of the social web) and strength 4 (long preparation). We have seen it in the survey we did. A lot of young people are using the social web. Do something with it, use it in a creative way. Go viral with a video for example. One of the concepts come out of opportunity 5 (give me stories) and strength 4 (long preparation). We think give me stories has a big connection with Nu&Straks. You can find the concept in the next chapter.

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4. Concept 4.1 Strategy

Nu&Straks is a festival that wants to actively inspire people to improve the quality of their lives. They do this by sharing knowledge and experiences on this subject. The way we want to profile ourselves is by linking every communication towards our target groups back to the basis of the following story. This is what the Nu&Straks festival believes and wants; this is what they stand for. "We believe that every person deserves to be happy, and that there are many ways to increase the quality of life. We achieve this by, together with everyone involved, sharing tips and experiences on making life a little bit better. Happiness is created together. Experiences are shared with others. "

4.2 Message Themes There are a lot of different themes present in the vision. They are: happiness, quality of life, being together and experiences. These themes are important for the look and feel we want to depict in our communication. All these themes are also found in the vision of the company on its own and overlap really well with the current mentality trends according to ‘Motivaction’ in The Netherlands. One liner/Slogan/Payoff To communicate the core of this message, it has to be shortened to make it clearer and understandable in the blink of an eye. Therefore, the message that goes together with all of our communication, and our concept is as follows: "Everyone deserves happiness!�

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4.3 Visuals Poster

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5. Means After an extensive research and small survey, we decided to use the following means of communication.

5.1 Types of Means

Facebook Will be the backbone of our campaign, in the survey, the people of Tilburg showed us that they use this form of social media the most of all. As said in our analyses, Facebook is free and has big reach under our target groups. The concept we created will be spread on Facebook to use this reach and the high activity of our target group. YouTube This is the second most used form of social media in our target group, the big strength of YouTube is the viral effect it has when a video is catchy, inspirational, funny etc. We’re going to use this channel to show behind the scene footage of the campaign, and show the taken pictures of the people in Tilburg with their stories in a sort of presentation. Brabants Dagblad This local newspaper of Brabant has, according to our research the best reach under the possible target group, as it has a special Tilburg edition. We can use this paper to create awareness for our campaign and possibly show some of the pictures of the people with their story to trigger possible visitors. Spits This free newspaper is spread nationwide for free, mostly in the public transportation. We can use this form of communication for awareness of our campaign. This website is mostly for people of Tilburg created by the city council. Advertising here will come with a cost, but this site is visited by the complete target group. We will use this channel to show the campaign and create awareness for the campaign and festival. Posters + sticker Tilburg is a city with a lot of spaces to put a posters with a lot of people passing by them. We will put the photographed people on posters with their story and spread them throughout Tilburg on busy and well visited places. The stickers will be used as a teaser, this guerilla marketing tool will be spread at random places in Tilburg to tease people about the festival and get inquisitiveness among the target group

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5.2 Budget & Planning Mean Facebook YouTube

Starting date 5-3-2014 5-4-2014

End date None (ongoing) None (ongoing)

Brabants Dagblad edition Tilburg Spits Posters + sticker



18-6-2014 5-5-2014 5-5-2014

----5-11-21014 5-11-2014

Intensity Twice a week Once per month Once per month

Cost € 200,€ 0,-

Once Ongoing 500 pieces

€ 1.870,€ 1.750,€ 257,75


€ 5.577,75

€ 1.500,-

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6. Conclusion In conclusion we can say that according to our research, the concept and with that it´s marketing communication strategy will guarantee that the Nu&Straks festival will reach its goal of 5000 visitors in four days, when executed correctly. We found out that the target group of Nu&Straks was easily defined with use of the motivaction research, and especially what their interests are en how they can be reached. The means of communication were researched via a media analyses and a small survey which was held under the population to Tilburg. With these results, although the survey wasn´t big enough to be valid, we concluded that the means of communication stated in the communication plan are the best to use in reaching the target group. The trends we found are compatible to the target group we found with motivaction and the core values of the Nu&Straks Festival. We especially looked at the interests of our target group and how we can use this in making our concept. The concept is focused on triggering the target group in means of inspiration, activation, exploration and energize. The concepts we present in this plan are multi deployable in all forms of communication we picked in conclusion of our research. In conclusion we can say that our concept is the best way to attract the target group to the festival.

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Attachment 1: Media Analysis, Omroep Brabant Total reach of Omroep Brabant

Internet visitors

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Radio listeners

Attachment 2. Field Research

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