Slow Cow

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Group 3 Students: Banchi van de Laarschot Manon Leenaars Leon Oltheten Nazlihan Saglam Sanha Lee Talisa van der Burg

Coaches: Annemarie Steen Ivo Henckens Examcode: 2259XINP02


Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3 1. Internal analysis .................................................................................................................................. 4 1.1 What is Slow Cow? ........................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 Vision ............................................................................................................................................. 4 1.3 Mission .......................................................................................................................................... 4 1.4 Culture ........................................................................................................................................... 4 1.5 Unique selling proposition ............................................................................................................ 5 1.6 Message ........................................................................................................................................ 5 1.7 What does it do, look, feel, and it’s image .................................................................................... 5 1.8 Feelings .......................................................................................................................................... 5 1.9 Core Values Slow Cow defined by Koke Oteo during the briefing ................................................ 5 1.10 Ingredients .................................................................................................................................. 6 1.11 FAQ .............................................................................................................................................. 8 1.12 History ......................................................................................................................................... 9 1.13 Slow Cow concept and Idea ...................................................................................................... 11 1.14 Products are judged on the characteristics ............................................................................... 12 1.15 Partners ..................................................................................................................................... 12 1.16 How did Slow Cow do it? ........................................................................................................... 12 2. External analysis ................................................................................................................................ 13 2.1 DESTEP analysis ........................................................................................................................... 13 2.2 Competitor Analysis .................................................................................................................... 15 2.3 Trend Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 18 2.4 Kickstarter analysis ...................................................................................................................... 20 3. Target audience ................................................................................................................................. 22 4. Strategy and goals ............................................................................................................................. 24 5. Concept Survey ................................................................................................................................. 25 6. Kickstarter Plans ................................................................................................................................ 27 7. Means ................................................................................................................................................ 29 8. Time schedule ................................................................................................................................... 31 9. Expenses ............................................................................................................................................ 32 10. Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................ 34 Attachment 1: Kickstarter Survey ......................................................................................................... 37 Attachment 2: Survey results ................................................................................................................ 39 2

Introduction Our groups goal in this project is to create a promotion plan for Slow Cow, using Kickstarter as a mean to raise funds for its introduction in the Netherlands. We first conducted research on Slow Cow and Kickstarter. According to the results from our research, we made analyses on both Slow Cow product and Kickstarter. These include internal and external analysis, trend analysis, competitor analysis, and DESTEP analysis. For the actual Kickstarter project, we came up with some suggestions on promotion and communication strategies, reward strategies, and movie features. This report also includes the result of our survey on Fontys students and advice on the financial plans.


1. Internal analysis

1.1 What is Slow Cow? Slow Cow is a unique “Relax Drink”, because of right combination of the natural ingredients it has a relaxing and calming effect on the body while simultaneously refreshing and stimulating the mind. It is a functional drink like vitamin water, Red Bull, beer and coffee. Slow Cow contains no alcohol, no caffeine, no calories and no preservatives. Slow Cow is a brand, which is huge overseas. Five years ago it was introduced in Canada. On this moment Slow Cow is coming to Europe. For now, it will only come in Denmark and the Netherlands. Overseas it is only used as a wellness drink, but in Europe they want to brand is all around; fitness centers, Stores, bars, discos and so on. Slow Cow connects perfectly with the latest trends like stay social, stay unique, stay focused and stay healthy. A canned Slow Cow is between €2,00 and €2,50. Slow Cow is for all the overworked, stressed-­‐out executives, parents, athletes, students and anxious insomniacs alike. Slow Cow is your new best friend. Like a vacation for your frazzled nerves, Slow Cow is full of ingredients that help relax your mind and body, sharpen your mental focus, all without causing drowsiness. Slow Cow is the cool, intelligent and calorie free alternative to other functional drinks containing, eight natural ingredients: L-­‐Theanine, Chamomile, Valerian, Linden, Passiflora, Hops, Potassium, Sodium. Slow Cow is not only a new product; it is the leader of a completely new category of functional drinks! It’s a complementary drink to Red Bull: Slow Cow will get you more focused and from Red Bull you get more energy. For example by studying; when students are trying study and they get tired, they will drink Red Bull to stay awake. And they will stay awake, but they will lose focus. So at the end of the process, it’s not very effective.

1.2 Vision To become number one worldwide recognized as the first and real leader of this new segment, in the functional drinks category.

1.3 Mission Become three bestselling worldwide, and ensure the base for being number one in 2015.

1.4 Culture The market must be introduced to a new category, as a new cool healthy answer to the popular culture of functional drinks that is now being lead by energy drinks and vitamin waters. Slow Cow needs to make sure that the knowledge of the effects that Slow Cow provides will be well known among the popular culture within the first year, that it is just as normal to grab a Slow Cow as going for a cup of coffee or a cigarette; they now grab a Slow Cow.


1.5 Unique selling proposition Slow Cow is a product brand. However, the crucial question remains: what advantages and USP’s can guarantee sales? What is strong enough the differentiate Slow Cow, what qualifies Slow Cow? Let’s remind ourselves that Slow Cow does actually have various competitors: energy drinks, thirst quenching drinks (e.g. Coca Cola Zero/diet), hot drinks (e.g. Café latté, green tea) and smoothies. Slow Cow must find its strongest USP’s by focusing on what exactly differentiates it from other brands. The change for a timeout in the middle of the daily stress. However we shouldn’t be naïve. There is also a tough competition in this position – albeit in completely other types of categories. Magazines, meditation, café visits, jogging, coffee, surfing on the internet, yoga and simple computer games – are all ways of taking timeout in the middle of the daily stress. Even though the relaxing drinks category is a new one, it is therefore still a hard struggle.

1.6 Message -­‐ -­‐

Slow Cow creates calmness and relaxation in the body. Slow Cow improves your mental state; improves your mental state; improves concentration, increases learning capacity, increases good moor and better memory.

1.7 What does it do, look, feel, and it’s image Slow Cow is a relaxation drink that reduces stress and aids in the improvement of concentration, memory and learning capacity without causing any drowsiness. Ingredients promote relaxation and improve the brain's capacity to focus, retain information and increases cerebral levels of dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure. Some people see it as the anti energy drink. Slow Cow places themselves in a different ballpark compared to companies like Red Bull. Emphasizing on slowing down and relax during a busy day, instead of going faster. This is in line with their motto ‘Slow Your Roll’. In addition to this, some of the ingredients are natural herbs which make this a healthy alternative. Documentation:­‐a-­‐spirits-­‐/1206-­‐slow-­‐cow-­‐ relaxation-­‐station.html

1.8 Feelings -­‐ -­‐ -­‐

Desire to pull the plug out on a day-­‐to-­‐day stress. To regain balance To achieve concentration

Source: Strategic marketing plan Slow Cow. 1.9 Core Values Slow Cow defined by Koke Oteo during the briefing Focus/concentration Health Smart Social Trendy


1.10 Ingredients

L-­‐Theanine L-­‐Theanine is an amino acid commonly found in tea (infusions of Camellia inensis). Contrary to caffeine, L-­‐Theanine increases the levels of GABA (gamma-­‐ aminobutyric acid), which is a neurotransmitter inhibitor that produces a feeling of relaxation and creates a state of well-­‐being. In addition, it is well documented that L-­‐Theanine increases mental awareness, encourage relaxation without causing sleepiness, reduces stress and anxiety, improves cognition, concentration and sleep quality. It also helps in diminishing the side effects of caffeine while building up the immune system response. A can of Slow Cow contains 100 mg of L-­‐Theanine. Chamomile Chamomile is a composite plant that possesses the following properties: tonic, stomachic, antiseptic and antispasmodic. The uses of chamomile date back hundreds of years. Nowadays, the numerous varieties of plants are used for various health problems including: irritable bowel, loss of appetite, indigestion, insomnia, anxiety and stress. It is also recognized by the World Health Organization to act as a calming agent to fend off stress, aid in sleep and ease digestion. A can of Slow Cow contains 75 mg of chamomile. Passiflora Passiflora is part of a larger family known as Passifloraceae. It is well-­‐known to be a treatment for sleeping troubles. The various elements of the plant make up its anti-­‐depressant and relaxing effects. It is reputed for its antispasmodic and sedative properties; however, it does not cause drowsiness or cause lapses in concentration during the day but instead has a calming effect. Stronger than chamomile, the passiflora is a popular recommendation when it comes to fighting anxiety due to the intellectual enhancement properties it possesses. It is particularly recommended for people who have an outgoing spirit and are ready to take on any awaiting tasks. The leaves, roots and flowers of the plant are all used. A can of Slow Cow contains 75 mg of passiflora. Valerian Valerian is a hardy perennial plant of the Valerianaceae family. The name of the plant comes from the Latin word valere, meaning to be strong and healthy. Valerian is a pharmacological phytotherapic plant used for its sedation effect. It is recognized by the World Health Organization to be useful in reducing anxiety and restlessness; it improves mental balance and is effective for restoring a good night’s sleep. In addition, it fights nervousness, anxiety, sleeping troubles, stress, as well as mood swings. A can of Slow Cow contains 75 mg of valerian. 6


Linden is a wild and ornamental tree that belongs with the Tiliaceae family. Linden is renowned for its appeasing virtues as well as facilitating sleep. Linden flowers possess antispasmodic properties. It relieves stress as well as headaches brought on by stuffed sinuses. It has calming effect and helps you sleep. It is also popular for relaxing nerves and anxiety, calming stress and muscle spasms. Linden is helpful for colds and fevers by inducing sweating and by decreasing nasal secretions. It is also used in treating high blood pressure due to psychological and nerve troubles, or for people in long-­‐term treatment because of high blood pressure caused by artery blockage. A can of Slow Cow contains 50 mg of linden. Hops Hops are a flowering plant in the Cannabaceae family. It is a nerve calming plant. Diuretic and tonic, hops are often used against rickets, anemia, general weaknesses, on convalescence, the lack of appetite, insomnia and sleeping disorders. It also has properties that act as a digestive system stimulant. A can of Slow Cow contains 50 mg of humulus. Sodium Sodium (Na) is present in the world in great quantities in mineral form, for example salt. It is an essential element in the organism’s water equilibrium as well as in regulating blood pressure. Sodium also plays an essential role in muscle contraction and is acknowledged to decrease the sensation of fatigue during exercise A can of Slow Cow contains 82 mg of sodium. Potassium Potassium (K) is essential in the transmission of nerve signals as well as muscle contractions, including the heart muscle. Potassium also plays a role in kidney and adrenal gland functions. A can of Slow Cow contains 22 mg of potassium. Documentation:


1.11 FAQ

DO YOU GET TIRED, SLEEPY OR DROWSY FROM DRINKING SLOW COW? No Slow Cow does not induce sleep, drowsiness nor fatigue. Except if you are suffering from insomnia; Slow Cow contains Valerian, which helps relieve non-­‐chronic insomnia caused by exhaustion or burnout, thereby making it easier to fall asleep. WHY IS SLOW COW BLUE? Studies has shown that, Blue is beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Blue is strongly associated with tranquility and calmness. IS IT GOOD TO DRINK SLOW COW DURING THE DAY? Yes, you can drink Slow Cow all day, every day. – It’s especially good when you have to concentrate, focus and in stressful moments. IS SLOW COW THE OPPOSITE OF AN ENERGY DRINKS? No Slow Cow is not the opposite of an energy drink. Slow Cow is a “relaxation” drink, that promotes a feeling of natural calmness. Slow Cow contains Passiflora, which helps in cases of nervousness created by intellectual over-­‐stimulation WHAT IS L-­‐THEANINE? L-­‐Theanine is an amino acid found in green tee. Unlike caffeine, L-­‐Theanine increases the level of GAB, the neurotransmitter inhibitor that produces relaxation and a state of well-­‐being. Documentation:


1.12 History

The beginning of Slow Cow in 2008-­‐2009 Incorporated in April 2008 by a group of Canadian entrepreneurs. Boisson Slow Cow Inc. set for itself the objective of producing and marketing a new kind of drink with relaxing properties… and “Slow Cow” was then born. The decision was the result of months of careful thinking about how, over the past few years, the drink market became inundated with stimulating or energy drinks (often mistaken for energizing), without anyone thinking of creating and marketing a drink with different properties while not compromising peoples normal, daily energy requirements. Fighting everyday stress while allowing the consumer to function normally. From the very start, the company received the cooperation of Supplements Aromatik Inc. in Varennes, near Montreal, a company that specialized in manufacturing botanical extracts for natural health and cosmetic products. With the invaluable involvement of its president, Michael Deslandes, and six months of work, the recipe and finished product were developed, and operations were launched in December 2008. Production could not be carried out on a large scale at first, but strongly believing in the potential of the product, Supplements Aromatik Inc. purchased a used bottling machine, thereby making it possible for the company to produce enough cans, and, in turn, sign its first distribution agreements. At the same time, the company put in its first manufacturing and printing order for a total of 267.000cans (250ml) with the Ball Corporation at the Middletown plant in New York State. Shortly after, in early December 2008, the company signed its first distribution agreement with Couche-­‐Tard, covering the majority of its 560 stores across Quebec. The first delivery was made a few later to ensure availability of the product in stores for the holiday season. Documentation:­‐2009/


2010 -­‐2011 recognition Slow CowTM starts 2010 at the Winter Fancy Food Show in San Francisco. Held January 17th to 19th, 2010. This show is the largest gathering of specialty, gourmet, and ethnic, natural and organic food industry players on the West Coast of the United States. Slow Cow got TV interviews with various United States networks, including The Food Channel. The many visitors were enchanted to discover a new product. Shortly after visiting the Winter Fancy Food Show In San Francisco, Boisson Slow Cow Inc. was selected as a 2010 SOFI™ Silver Finalist for outstanding creation by the National Association for the Specialty Food Trade (NASFT). The SOFI awards are highly coveted in the industry, recognizing excellence in new foods and drinks. Specialty Outstanding Food Innovation

Slow Cow won at the Fancy Food Show by the National Association for the Specialty Food Trade (NASFT) in New York City. Best in its class Many of the major supermarket chains contacts Boisson Slow Cow Inc. to start selling Slow Cow in Canada, in November 2010 IGA and METRO open the doors for Slow Cow and with this recognizes not only Slow Cow as a fantastic product but also the category in general. In December 2010, Slow CowTM is happy to have obtained its natural product number (NPN) from Health Canada. This excellent news launched our international expansion. The NPN means that our product is one of the safe, effective and high-­‐quality health products approved by Health Canada. Its safety and effectiveness Are Thus certified. 2010 and 2011 was also the years were Slow Cow and this new segment got a lot of positive press to mention a few: New York Times writes, “The industry is expected to generate $500 million in sales revenue this year, according to IBIS World, a year-­‐over-­‐year increase of about 327 percent.” Daily Finance writes, “What goes up must come down, the saying goes. The stock market and the real estate market certainly did. However, are we ready to swear off Red Bull and the other liquid uppers that helped fuel the hypertensive, party-­‐never-­‐stops mindset that got us into this mess? A growing number of beverage marketers are betting that we are.” writes, “Some 22.4 million cases, or 127 million liters (36 million gallons) of relaxation drinks were sold in 2010, double the amount sold in 2008. By 2014, U.S. volume sales will exceed 300 million liters (79 million gallons).” Documentation:­‐2010-­‐2011/


2012-­‐2013 Slow Cow is growing. In addition, quite rapidly acutely. 2012 and 2013 are the years were Slow Cow’s Brand now is established, and the conquering of foreign territories will start. In 2013 Slow Cow will be available in to almost 350 million people. And the goal for 2014 is to reach selling points for 750 million people. Progressive Brand Management (PBM) Based in Denmark, the people behind PBM have more than 20 years of experience on the international market, especially in the Middle East and Asia. Over the next couple of years, PBM will ensure that Slow Cow will be available in the Middle East, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United Kingdom. Documentation:­‐2012-­‐2013/ 1.13 Slow Cow concept and Idea Many liked the logo, brand, and all over idea when the product was launched. However not by all, in the beginning months of 2009 Boisson Slow Cow Inc. Received a “demand letter” from Red Bull to change the Slow Cow logo, if Boisson Slow Cow Inc. did not, Red Bull would start legal produces. Now the Anti-­‐Energy drink was official born. The press gave the term “anti-­‐energy drink”. After many discussions, Slow Cow and Red Bull came to an understanding and Slow Cow agreed to change to logo to what we know today. This is also one of the reasons why that Slow Cow is recognized worldwide as the real relaxation drink, and the leader of this new segment. Documentation:­‐2009/


1.14 Products are judged on the characteristics Taste Quality Innovativeness Ingredient profile Merchant disability

1.15 Partners Slow Cow also works with many other partners around the world. Including distributors and licensee that is working hard on getting the products ready to launch in France, Dominican Republic, Scandinavia, Bolivia, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the USA. Documentation: Strategic Marketing plan Slow Cow.

1.16 How did Slow Cow do it? Cool, Calm and Focus. Slow Cow took these three values as something very important that they needed to spread out to as many people as possible. Calm The definition of calm is “Nearly or completely motionless “. This is of course not what we intend people to be like. However what we do intend is that people need to be more “calm” in their everyday life, it can be when people are driving to or from work, when the traffic is crazy and can make most people angry and stressed you need to remember that it doesn’t get you there faster by acting angry or stressed. So think about what you do and stay calm. Focus Since the very birth of Slow Cow, the company has always known that staying focused was one of our core values. This is for everyone, the students who need to prepare for an exam, but also while they study in their everyday life. When you are done studying it does not stop there, then you enter the job market or perhaps you are starting a family, in all aspects of life you need to stay focused. Cool Slow Cow is highly active in fashion, and day to day sports like running, cycling. Even though the marketing has been, and of course always will be, vary from country to country, this red line of coolness, calmness and focus will always be easy to spot in Slow Cow. Documentation: Documentation: Strategic Marketing plan Slow Cow. 12

2. External analysis

2.1 DESTEP analysis Demographic Total population is 16,805,037 (July 2013 est.), and people in the age of 15-­‐24 takes up 12.2% of the total population. In this age, there are more males than females (male 1,041,181/female 1,002,125). Three largest cities are Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Hague, which could possibly be the biggest markets. Obesity rate has been increasing constantly. Since Slow Cow is calorie-­‐free, this would appeal to those who are concerned about their health and weight. Documentation:

Obesity rate of the Netherlands

Economic The Netherlands has the sixth-­‐largest economy in the euro-­‐zone and is noted for its stable industrial relations, moderate unemployment and inflation, a sizable trade surplus, and an important role as a European transportation hub. This shows that people could be willing to pay extra for a healthy product like Slow Cow, even if it is more expensive than its competitor products. Documentation: Social-­‐cultural Due to the increased level of education, more and more people are aware of health issues. Since Slow Cow could be seen as a healthier alternative for existing energy drinks, this could appeal to people. Documentation: Technological Social network service and social media has grown hugely in the recent years. In 2013, 9.3 million of Dutch people were using Facebook. This development opened up a whole new area of marketing. Promotion through such means is especially important for Slow Cow, since it targets people of young generation, who are greatly influenced by social media. Documentation:­‐number-­‐of-­‐facebook-­‐users/ 13

Ecological Because there is an increasing awareness about sustainability and corporate social responsibility, it would be a good idea if Slow Cow can show that the company and product is eco-­‐friendly and cares about the society. Documentation:­‐case studies/the_importance_of_the_aalborg_commitments/

Political Because of the economical crisis, banks are less inclined to grant credit to substitute companies. Documentation:­‐geven-­‐mkb-­‐minder-­‐snel-­‐krediet.htm


2.2 Competitor Analysis We made a competitor analysis to have a look at different providers of functional drinks. What does the Netherlands have to offer when it comes to functional drinks like Slow Cow? It’s always good to have a look at different types of competitors. In this analysis we separate direct competitors and indirect competitors and we analyze the differences and the similarities to Slow Cow.

Direct competitors:

ChillCat (Dutch company, bankrupt 2013) Info: ChillCat is a drink to relax and makes you wonder. You keep your focus and concentration, but your body and mind are totally chill and relaxed. ChillCat is for your Chill moment. Differences: ChillCat is available in supermarkets. Similarities: ChillCat contains also L-­‐theanine, a component of white and green tea, and this ensures that you will be totally chill. It’s a sugar free drink, and contains natural ingredients, low calories and contains no additives. ChillCat contains no caffeine and no taurine. Documentation:­‐Cat-­‐ BV

Red Bull Info: Red Bull Energy Drink is a functional drink, specially developed for times when you want to perform more. Red Bull gives you 100% wings when you need them. Differences: Red Bull is also offered in supermarkets, pubs, bars and nightclubs. One of the ingredients of Red Bull is caffeine. Similarities: Red Bull is also a functional drink with zero calories and zero sugar. Targeted on a big and broad audience Documentation: http://energydrink-­‐­‐bull-­‐energy-­‐ drink#howitworks



Info: SHE is the first fashionable energy drink specially designed for women. SHE is for the confident woman who knows exactly what she wants and what she stands for. This woman plays various roles; she's girlfriend, mother, student, worker, businesswoman, inspiration and energizer. SHE is the woman-­‐friendly answer to all those male-­‐oriented energy drinks in the market. SHE is in fact fully aware of her health and demands that an energy drink is supplying the power, but without all the sugars and additives. Differences: Bigger focus on the lifestyle and brand of SHE, instead of the energy drink. They target group who wants to identify with a brand, to feel involved. SHE has healthy additions such as Aloe Vera, Ginseng and Vitamin. It has a delicious fresh peach flavor. It’s targeted for woman and available in supermarkets. Similarities: She has no calories and sugars.

Documentation: http://www.she-­‐

Indirect competitors: Sourcy Vitamin water Info: Sourcy Vitamin water is focuses on "anyone who wants to drink something sweet, which is also healthy. There are eight flavors Sourcy Vitamin Water, raspberry and pomegranate to mango and guava. Each flavor has its own vitamins. Above Sourcy Vitamin Water is tasty and wonderfully refreshing! Differences: Sourcy Vitamin water is not an energy drink, it contains calories and sugars. It’s available in supermarkets. Similarities: Sourcy Vitamin water is a healthy functional drink.



Royal Club GOOOD Energy

Info: Royal Club GOOOD Energy is a fresh dose of positive energy in a handy bottle. With natural ingredients. It has a nice fruity sparkling sting and bite. That makes Royal Club GOOOD Energy that fresh boost for those moments that you could use some positive energy. Royal Club GOOOD Energy is available in the flavors Rapid Raspberry, Lime Unlimited, Max Booming Mango and Berry. Differences: It contains caffeine from the South American guarana berry. It’s available in supermarkets and school. Similarities: Royal Club GOOOD Energy is an energy drink. Documentation:

Coca-­‐Cola Zero Info: Coca-­‐Cola Zero delivers the great taste of 'Coca-­‐ Cola', with zero sugar. Coca-­‐Cola Zero is advertised to taste more similar to regular Coca-­‐Cola than Diet Coke. While this makes it a popular choice for individuals trying to watch their weight or avoid sugar, some of the ingredients in the product may pose health risks to some individuals. Differences: Coca-­‐Cola Zero is specifically marketed to men. It’s available in supermarkets and school. Similarities: Coke Zero is a diet soda that contains no sugar or calories



2.3 Trend Analysis

Functional beverages take big role in our daily routine. They help keep us hydrated, prevent and help health problems, support our athletic performance or simply provides to our overall nutritional well-­‐ being. The choices for beverages have become so specific that they appear to be almost exclusive for and individual. The functional beverage market has steadily increased over the last decade, with a sharper rise in the last couple of years. According to Data monitor, the global non-­‐alcoholic beverage market is valued at just under $500 billion worldwide, with Europe accounting for the largest portion are $189 billion. China has become the fastest growing country at an overall growth rate of 77% over the past decade. Documentation:­‐ content/uploads/2012/06/Functional_Beverages_FINAL_ENG.pdf Consumer trends are an essential part of uncovering innovation opportunities. And following new trends must be considered if you want to develop your company nowadays. It's all about how companies do provide value to the customer that matters. And by following trends you have the chance to learn consumer needs and values. Here are some trends that are important for companies to relate them with their product or service. Social Media: Given the tremendous exposure of social media in the popular press today, we are in the middle of a new communication landscape. Its essential knowing that the various forms social media can take and how to engage it with product/service and learn. Mobile and web-­‐based technologies to create highly interactive platforms via which individuals and communities share, co-­‐ create, discuss and modify user-­‐generated content. Documentation: Functional_Building_Blocks_of_Social_Media Photo sharing: Consumers are willing to share additional personal information, such as their location or photos, top five Facebook friends’ names , in return for financial rewards or better service. Uniqueness: Product uniqueness focuses on products or services that aim to satisfy unmet consumer needs. Create an unique value proposition and strong differential from competitors is the most important factor for customer’s choices. To appeal to consumers' emotional considerations the essential thing that must be considered in this process. The value of a product or a service is the key to develop a product uniqueness strategy. Documentation:­‐importance-­‐product-­‐uniqueness-­‐as-­‐marketing-­‐ 6810354.html?cat=3 Health/ Nature/ Relaxation: In this quite busy world many new innovations are offer consumers alleviate hectic schedules and enjoy their free time with healthier food choices, anti-­‐stress methods or on-­‐the-­‐go fitness devices. From living a healthy lifestyle and enjoying sports, to seeking the services of a personal shopper, the preferences of today’s consumer continue to change. Documentation:­‐ Markets-­‐Lifestyle-­‐Trend-­‐Report#.U3SE-­‐_l_vM4 Mychiatry: For the last years we can say that mind is the new body. Quantified Self’ products and services will continue to grow. Two types of consumers fuelling this trend: Those for whom mental health is (like physical fitness, career progress, and academic achievements) a new benchmark, yet another area for them to outperform their peers. Those time-­‐starved, overworked, stressed and anxiety-­‐plagued consumers for whom MYCHIATRY innovations offer much needed relief from the pressures of modern life. Documentation: 18

Guilt-­‐Free Status: Consumers getting realised that how much damage done by their consumption and with this awareness they are trying to avoid products that can be harmless to the planet, society or themselves. Consuming without thinking maintainability might get cause a never-­‐ending guilt spiral. Which creates exciting opportunities for brands that combine tackling this guilt spiral with consumers’ endless status seeking. Known by all. Iconic, well known GUILT-­‐FREE products. Visibly guilt-­‐free. High status, chic or fashionable products that are visibly sustainable, ethical or healthy will deliver a GUILT-­‐FREE STATUS hit. Storied. If a product or service isn’t known or visible, it will need a GUILT-­‐FREE story that the owner can tell others (and impress them with). Documentation: Crowd Shaped: In 2014, more people will pool their data, their profiles, and their preferences, in groups (small and big) to shape new goods and services. Via social media, histories, ecommerce, endless read/watch/play lists, smartphone GPS services and more, connected consumers are creating vast profiles and data trails that relate to everything from their music preferences to their daily movement. Documentation:


2.4 Kickstarter analysis

Kickstarter was launched in 2009. Since then 6.2 million (of which 32.000 are Dutch) people have pledged over 1 billion us dollars. This funded more than 61.000 creative projects. At the moment thousands of projects are raising funds on the website. The way it goes is that project creators choose a deadline and a minimum funding goal. If this goal is not met, no funds are collected.

Here you can see a chart of the visitors and the countries they’re from. Of course the United States is on top with over 4.2 million uniques. The Netherlands traffics 177.586 unique visitors.

So in addition to the fact that only 0, 51% of the backers have been Dutch, only 1.95% of the unique visitors are Dutch. Furthermore the way to pledge and pay is by using your credit card. This can make it much more difficult. The Netherlands aren’t a credit card country. According to an article in ‘Emerge’ 35% of the Dutch use a credit card for private payments online. To put this in perspective: in the United Kingdom this is 90%. In the United States the average number of credit cards per person is 3.5. So because the Dutch aren’t as used to paying online with their credit cards, this can act as a threshold to pledge and become a backer. The websites reaches 11 million people every month, of which 5.2 million (49%) are in the U.S. Because of the limited data on backers in the Netherlands, we decided to draw up a profile of the visitors in the United States. Of course you can’t copy this one-­‐on-­‐one to the Dutch, but both are Western countries, so this could give a good indication. This Kickstarter website reaches over 11 million monthly people, of which 5.2 million (49%) are in the U.S. 77% of the unique visitors in the states are male and 23% is female.


In the next pie chart you can see that the biggest group regarding income makes around 0 – 50.000 us dollars per year. This can come as a surprise: you would assume that people with more household income are likelier to visit and support.

The biggest age group here are young adults (25-­‐34 years old), after that the groups of 35-­‐ 44 years old and 18-­‐24 years old are the biggest. 54% has finished college and are therefore college graduates. Next in line are the people who didn’t go to college with 31%. Ethnicity may not be of use, because the

Netherlands and the U.S. aren’t really comparable when it comes to ethnicity. The countries are fundamentally different regarding this topic. But the reason for still mentioning it, is because we believe it’s striking that 78% of the visitors are Caucasian. Documentation: ffic


3. Target audience Our client stated that Red Bull on the one hand is a competitor, but on the other hand is not. This because Slow Cow can be used at different moments during the day when an energy drink like Red Bull is pointless. For example in the evening you would normally would like to relax or study a bit. Because its right before you go to bed, an energy drink or coffee isn’t a good idea because of the caffeine. So you could say other energy drinks are not a real competitor for Slow Cow. At the same time you can also drink Slow Cow during the day. For instance right before an exam. Other energy drinks are at these moments a definite competition. Because of this we believe it’s necessary to also research who are drinking Red Bull now. Their target audience is a potential audience for Slow Cow. Also, these are people who need or want a drink with an effect. A drink that tastes good and quenches thirst isn’t enough. They want an additional physical response. The so-­‐called ‘functional drink’. Because in some way energy drinks and Slow Cow can be used for the same goal, their target audience overlaps. So to summarize this group is certainly an audience to target. Of the total consumption of drinks a day, the Dutch drink at average 263 ml soda. This is about one glass. Around 1/3 of soda consumption is a diet variant. Carbonated drinks are mostly consumed with 68% and non carbonated drinks are 32% of soft drinks. Coca Cola is the most popular soda pop. Second are soft drinks without carbonate. Drink Percentage 1. Cola 39% 2. Lemonade without carbonate 20% 3. Lemonade with carbonate 9% 4. Orange soda 9% 5. Ice tea 8% 6. Sports drink 5% 7. Lemonlime 5% 8. Other 4% 9. Energy drink 2% Here you can see that energy drinks are still the least popular.

It’s obvious that energy drinks are most popular with adolescents. Especially high school students and higher education students consume energy drinks. Also our client stated themselves that Slow Cow can be very useful right before an exam or a study cram session: so they already think of adolescents as a possible target group. With 948.949 students in secondary education and 1.192.368 students on universities etc. this is one of the most important target audiences. What’s also positive, is that Slow Cow doesn’t belong to the category energy drink (the smallest category of all) and concurrently competes with the other categories. A different possible target audience are parents. Being a parent is always hard, stressful and hectic. But the first group we think of are our parents who have young babies and children. These are often people who, next to raising a child, also have to support themselves by having a job. They need a moment from time to time to unwind and relax. This is where Slow Cow can come in handy. Woman


in the Netherlands are at average 29.4 years old when they have their first child. So an important target audience could also be young parents between the ages of 30 ‘till 40 years old. Another target audience could be people who have trouble sleeping. In more severe cases this can be people who have insomnia. In the Netherlands between ten and twenty percent of the people are struggling with this condition. It occurs in every subgroup of the Dutch population. The problem is that a sleeping disorder is not always diagnosed which makes it harder for us to pinpoint who this group is.


4. Strategy and goals

What Slow Cow wants to do is to inform our target group about Slow Cow. Slow Cow wants them to know that is healthier to drink Slow Cow than drinking any other kind of energy drink. And that you keep focused after drinking Slow Cow. Another goal for Slow Cow to achieve is to persuade their target group. That Slow Cow is in fact better for your mind and body than an energy drink such as Red Bull. How is Slow Cow going to do that? It will all be explained in the topic; means. Goals Company goals: -­‐ Within a year, Slow Cow wants to sell 200,000 cans in the Netherlands. Slow Cow can measure this by looking at the sales. -­‐ Within 30 days, Slow Cow wants to reach €70,000 euro’s from backers on Kickstarter. This is can be checked by looking on the Slow Cow page on Kickstarter. Communication goals Knowledge: What Slow Cow wants is that the target group knows that this drinks is healthier than any other energy drink and that your focus will be approved. Also that Slow Cow is on Kickstarter and needs backers. Attitude: What Slow Cow wants the target group to think is that they think about their health. They should think that Red Bull is bad for them, their focus and their health. The target group should find it such a good idea that they want to back the project. Behavior: What Slow Cow wants their target group to do is that the target group wants to back the Slow Cow project on Kickstarter. The target group needs to use their money for funding Slow Cow project on Kickstarter. The target group has to buy Slow Cow when it’s available in stores too.


5. Concept Survey

We did a small survey which was held under the target group of Slow Cow. Most of the participants are females within an age of 20 till 24 years. In conclusion we can say that according to our small survey the target group didn’t know about Kickstarter before the special program week, but they are curious about it. They will fund a project on Kickstarter as a backer, but they don’t see themselves funding a project on Kickstarter within a year. The vast majority thinks Kickstarter is easy to use. We especially looked at the interests of our target group and how we can use this in making our concept. We found out that the target group spends the most of their money on festival tickets. That was also the best experience of the target group. That’s why we choose as a reward to organize the Cool Cow event for the participants of the Kickstarter campaign. In conclusion we can say that our concept is focused on triggering the target group to fund the Kickstarter campaign for Slow Cow. Most of the participants don’t use websites like Groupon, Vakantieveiling and Sweet Deal. Surprising was that almost 50% had the ability to use a credit card online. This is much higher than the country’s average. Moreover they spend €50,-­‐ till €100,-­‐ on online purchases per month. With this results we can we can say that according to our small survey, the Cool Cow event is the best way to attract the target group to fund the Kickstarter campaign for Slow Cow.

The Cool Cow event To engage and convince potential backers in investing in Slow Cow they will receive next to their deposit plus five percent an additional reward. The reward is the most important component of the Kickstarter campaign. An original and differentiated reward can be the final push to convince people to back your project instead of someone else’s. Especially because the five percent fee is the same in every other project on Kickstarter, so that’s the decisive aspect of the campaign. To reward people for backing for Slow Cow we want to permit free access to an event. Not just any event. This will be a special and exclusive Cool Cow event organised by Slow Cow. It’s going to be completely aimed at relaxation and unwind. The event will show all the characteristics of a spa, sauna and a Wellness centre. The three most important core values of Slow Cow, cool calm and focus, will be represented at this occasion. The event will take place in a national park. The visitors will be spoiled with all the luxury a sauna has to offer but outside in the open. Different saunas will be available, but also resting rooms / areas and of course massages. But don’t get it confused: it will be an actual full on festival. Meaning that when someone is not going to visit the sauna or spa they still have a great day. There is going to be a bar with beverages (alcoholic and non-­‐alcoholic) and a stage where artists and acts will perform that add to the relax experience. For example lounge music, reggae and jazz are perfect music genres for this kind of event. Also what is important is that the visitors of the event will be wearing their bathing suits.


One of the eye catchers of the festival will be the cows who will walk around freely. How much more ‘Slow Cow’ can you get it? In the centre of the festival area there will be a big fake cow that can be milked by the guests. But instead of milk you will get a delicious glass of cold Slow Cow. The attendance of the cows (real and fake) will be unique happening on the festival and this can generate free publicity. In our campaign we already use the Slow Cow to create a buzz before the Kickstarter activity. This is also a reason why this aspect will be the focus point of the event. In addition it’s a nice highlight for the fact that the product is 100% natural and it can be an addition to your health. We believe that the Cool Cow Event is a great reward because ‘relaxation events’ are few in numbers. Even in a festival country like the Netherlands. A majority of the festivals are about loads of people, loud music, live performances and of course alcohol and drugs. That’s why this event will be unique in his own and on top of this the event is more focused on quality than on quantity. Standing in line for an hour to get a drink isn’t something that fits with the values on which Slow Cow is build. Only the backers will get access to the festival. The Cool Cow event has two main goals. On one hand the festival is of course a reward for the backers, but on the other hand it’s also a great marketing tool. The event will generate a lot of media attention for the introduction of Slow Cow in the Netherlands. An event like this has never been done in the Netherlands: the cows, the combination of wellness and festival and the fact that this is for backers from Kickstarter of a product. Introduction Slow Cow on Kickstarter Hallo! Slow Cow is een uniek “relax drankje”,omdat het geheel bestaat uit natuurlijke ingrediënten en de perfecte combinatie die het geeft tussen een relaxed en kalm effect op het lichaam terwijl het een fris en stimulerend effect geeft op je geest. Het is een funtionel drankje zoals vitamin water, Red Bull, bier en koffie. Slow Cow bevat geen alcohol, geen caffeine, geen calorieen en geen conserveermiddelen. In Canada en Amerika is Slow Cow al een tijdje een groot succes en Slow Cow is ready to take over the world! Maar dat kunnen we niet zonder jou hulp! Dus back ons met je geld om het in Nederland te introduceren, en als beloning zal er een Cool Cow event plaatstvinden. Er zijn drie verschillende gradaties van tickets voor dit event. Back je ons €25,-­‐ en je krijg een gratis toegangkaartje. Back ons €50,-­‐ en je krijgt een gratis toegangkaartje en al je eten en drinken gratis. Back je ons €100,-­‐ en je ontvangt een gratis toegangkaartje, eten en drinken en een gratis massage van 30 minuten. 26

Dus waar wacht je op? Investeer in ons! En dan zien wij je op het Cool Cow event.

6. Kickstarter Plans 1. Soft launch -­‐ Starts 30 days before the actual launch -­‐ Via Slow Cow website, Facebook page. -­‐ Contents; announcement of the Kickstarter project, start and end date, rewards -­‐ Reply to feedbacks and make adjustments 2. Actual Kickstarter launch -­‐ Total 30 days -­‐ Post widget/links to website and Facebook -­‐ Post updates 1-­‐2 times a week -­‐ Promotion; pop-­‐ups, flyers, contact presses, blogs and websites (fashion, sports, party, music, festival…) 3. After the project -­‐ Send out different levels of rewards, thank backers individually -­‐ Post the outcomes on website & Facebook



7. Means

Several communication tools will be used for the promotion of Kickstarter and Slow Cow. At first, to create attention for the introduction from Slow Cow at Kickstarter, we will use a big, striking fake cow. See the picture below. This cow is of course an eye catcher itself. Normally, this cow is deployed at parties so people can milk it like a real cow. For this occasion, the cow is affixed with logos of Slow Cow. The surprise is that there is no milk coming from the udders but there is Slow Cow coming out of it! Participants may fill their glass here. Also, this glass will obviously be equipped with Slow Cow logo. And then after they drink there glass they continue their way and will get a small card with information on in. On one side this card will explain what slow cow is. -­‐ Increasing your focus -­‐ It helps you relaxing -­‐ No calories -­‐ No sugars -­‐ No fat -­‐ No carbs -­‐ Non protein The other side of the card will explain what Kickstarter is. When Slow Cow will make its appearance, and of course explanation about the reward. 29

In five weeks we will go to the following places on Wednesday and Saturdays with this extraordinary striking cow: -­‐ Amsterdam, the Dam -­‐ Rotterdam, Alexandrium plein (against the Primark) -­‐ Den Haag, Centrum -­‐ Utrecht, Central Station -­‐ Eindhoven, Technical University -­‐ Tilburg, Fontys -­‐ Nijmegen, University -­‐ Hilversum, Mediapark -­‐ Groningen, Centrum -­‐ Maastricht, the Vrijthof square. We have chosen for the Media Park because there is a big chance that famous people will see the cow, milk it en twitter about it. Also there is an opportunity that we will be on the television. It has been calculated that if all days are busy and there will be constantly people milking a total of 2,400 people will get a glass of Slow Cow. We have chosen to take even more information cards because there always will be people who actually are interested but do not make the step to actually milk a cow in a busy shopping street. There will be two promotion ladies to accompany this campaign and help with the milking process if necessary. Further they will hand out the information cards to everyone who has milk the cow. These ladies are obviously dressed in a shirt of Slow Cow. On these cards also the Facebook page of Slow Cow will be indicated. This page will have an important role in the promotion of Slow Cow because this is the easiest way to give the most current information about the product and the Kickstarter process. It is important that the target group will be reminded of Slow Cow’s introduction at Kickstarter. After the first touching point with the cow they need to be remembered and the communication has to go one. At this moment there is no Dutch Facebook page for Slow Cow. We assume that there will be one. This will be used for updates regarding to Kickstarter. So the Slow Cow cow is in combination with the information cards and the Facebook page responsible for the promotion of Slow Cow at Kickstarter. Then of course there is the Kickstarter campaign that also is a communication tool. It’s also creates a lot of publicity. With currently 268,000 visits a month in The Netherlands the attention you generate here will be huge. And then there is the Cool Cow event. This is a reward to attract potential backers but also a great communication tool that we want to use to attain national media attention and increase the brand awareness of Slow Cow. We predict that it will increase significantly because of the fact that it’s a unique event. More information about the Cool Cow event and how this will be uses as a communication tool you will find on page 25 – 26.


8. Time schedule

Design flyers Milk the Cow and spread the flyers Kickstarter The Cool Cow Event Using Facebook Design flyers Milk the Cow and spread the flyers Kickstarter The Cool Cow Event Evaluation Event Using Facebook

Week 20 X

Week 21 X

Week 22 X

Week 23 X

Week 24 X

Week 25 X

Week 26

Week 27

Week 28

X Week 29

X Week 30

X Week 31

X Week 32

X Week 33

X Week 34

X Week 35











9. Expenses

Festival ground We have estimated that around 1.400 people will visit the Cool Cow event. The area that we are going to need will be no bigger than one hectare. Renting a piece of lands varies greatly in the Netherlands. Ground in the Randstad is much more expensive than ground in for example Limburg or Drenthe. Due to the limited amount of time it was not possible for us to receive a specialized bill. We based our calculations on the price farmers pay per hectare. The amount is around 900 euro’s a month. To be safe we say it will cost around €1000,-­‐ euro’s in best case, €2000,-­‐ normal case and €3000,-­‐ worst case Sauna Portable saunas are available for €75, -­‐ a piece. This fits six people. We estimate that we will need around 80 saunas. This will come down to €6000,-­‐. Also the saunas have to be transported. You can rent a truck for €133, 10 a day and gas expenses are around €100,-­‐ per truck. This will come down to € 133, 10 x 20 = €2662, -­‐ and €2000, -­‐ for gas. Total costs sauna: 6000 + 2662 + 2000 = €10.662 Massage An average masseur costs around €40, -­‐ per hour. For a workday of 8 hours this will be €320 per masseur. If we would hire twenty masseurs, this will cost €6.400,-­‐. Stage The maximum we need is one stage. A stage of 62m2 with sound and light and a team for building comes down to €6969, 60. Music The type of music we were thinking of was reggae, lounge and jazz. We could hire a DJ who can do a live set and different types of acts. These will not be famous or well-­‐known acts. If you target upcoming artists they will be happy to perform in front of a large audience for minimum costs. If every artist performs for one hour and you estimate the costs per act around €100, -­‐ this will come down to 12 x €100,-­‐ = €1.200 Fake cow Hiring a fake cow will cost €65,-­‐. This is going to be the centre of the festival. We estimated that ten cows are enough. This will come down to 10 x €65, -­‐ = €650,-­‐. In addition to this we also need the fake cows for our ten days ten cities campaign: 10 x €65,-­‐= €650,-­‐. Total costs fake cows: € 650 + € 650 = €1.300,-­‐ Security Of course we also need security. You can’t have an event without it. The costs per security employer are €27,30 per hour. We will need them for at least 12 hours. The general norm is 1:250. But we also need security to guard for example equipment. That’s why we say you will need at least ten employers. This will come down to: 10 x 12 x €27, 30 = €3.276,-­‐ Bar On an event people would like something to drink. The costs for the bar are estimated at two bars with each ten employers. This will cost around €3.000,-­‐. 32

Fencing The event is only available for people who backed Slow Cow. This means that the location needs fencing. We estimated earlier a location of approximately 5.000 m2. The costs per fence are €2,50. The total costs for fencing will be €8.000,-­‐. Food Food will cost €10, 00 per person. We reckon that 2/3 of the 1.400 backers will receive a free dinner. This will come down to 934 x 10 = €9.340,-­‐ Cards The cards are full color on both sides. If we would order 5000 the price would be € 52, 51. Cups We estimated that we need about 2.400 cups. You can order them in bulks of 3.000. The price would be € 52, 53. Unforeseen cost We estimated that the costs will be 15 percent of the total expenditures. Worst case Normal case Best case Ground € 1.000,-­‐ € 2.000,-­‐ € 1.000,-­‐ Sauna € 10.662,-­‐ € 10.662,-­‐ € 10.662,-­‐ Masseurs € 6.400,-­‐ € 6.400,-­‐ € 6.400,-­‐ Bar € 3.000 € 3.000,-­‐ € 3.000,-­‐ Music € 1.200,-­‐ € 1.200,-­‐ € 1.200,-­‐ Stage € 6969,60 € 6969,60 € 6969,60 Fake cow € 1.300,-­‐ € 1.300,-­‐ € 1.300,-­‐ Security € 3.276,-­‐ € 3.276,-­‐ € 3.276,-­‐ Fencing € 8.000 € 8.000 € 8.000,-­‐ Food € 9.340,-­‐ € 9.340,-­‐ € 9.340,-­‐ Cards €52,51 €52,51 € 52,51 Cups €52,53 €52,53 €52,53 Unforeseen costs 10% € 5.325,26 € 5.225,26 € 5.125,26 Total costs € 58.577,90 € 57.477,90 € 56.377,90 The total cost would in worst case be €58.577,90, in normal case € 57.477,90 and in best case € 56.377,90. This is over budget. Next thing to do would be looking for partners or sponsors. Companies who would suit your values and have the same target group as you. You can think of smaller local business who’s aim is a healthier lifestyle. But also bigger companies who would be happy to advertise at your festival.


10. Evaluation

The communication among us has been open and clear. Our pitfall was that we were sometimes inclined to speak Dutch, but when this happened we always translated afterwards. All the work was divided equally. Everyone pitched in. There was no one who got a free ride. Everyone had his or her strong points and used it to help the group. There was also a clear progress from day to day so we worked productive together. In addition to this there was also a mutual understanding: if someone could not finish a task for some reason, we tried to help each other. Our interaction was polite and respectful.


Resources­‐a-­‐spirits-­‐/1206-­‐slow-­‐cow-­‐relaxation-­‐ station.html Strategic marketing plan Slow Cow.­‐2009/­‐2010-­‐2011/­‐2012-­‐2013/­‐2009/­‐number-­‐of-­‐facebook-­‐users/­‐case studies/the_importance_of_the_aalborg_commitments/­‐geven-­‐mkb-­‐minder-­‐snel-­‐krediet.htm­‐Cat-­‐BV http://energydrink-­‐­‐bull-­‐energy-­‐drink#howitworks http://www.she-­‐­‐vitaminwater.aspx­‐Cola_Zero­‐ content/uploads/2012/06/Functional_Beverages_FINAL_ENG.pdf ing_Blocks_of_Social_Media 35­‐importance-­‐product-­‐uniqueness-­‐as-­‐marketing-­‐6810354.html?cat=3­‐Markets-­‐Lifestyle-­‐Trend-­‐ Report#.U3SE-­‐_l_vM4­‐gemiddelden/67-­‐gemiddelde-­‐leeftijd-­‐eerste-­‐kind­‐en-­‐fitness/sauna/a1003020608-­‐huur-­‐een-­‐sauna-­‐sauna-­‐huren-­‐ verhuur-­‐mobiele-­‐sauna.html­‐%7C-­‐DJ/Stage42-­‐DJ-­‐pakket­‐inhuren-­‐beveiliging/­‐auto-­‐s/vrachtwagen­‐Cards,-­‐8.5-­‐x-­‐5.5-­‐cm,-­‐4-­‐4-­‐color-­‐ printing.htm?websale8=diedruckerei.06-­‐aa&pi=PVKV844&ci=001847­‐bekers-­‐180-­‐ cc-­‐-­‐3000-­‐stuks.html­‐populariteit-­‐en-­‐gevolgen-­‐van-­‐energy-­‐drink-­‐als-­‐ redbull-­‐en-­‐isostar­‐189-­‐sportdrank.pdf­‐card-­‐ownership-­‐statistics/


Attachment 1: Kickstarter Survey

This survey is about the use of Kickstarter. Kickstarter is the world's largest crowd funding platform. Kickstarter is a new way to fund creative projects. When the target is reached the object or project is made/produced and delivered to its backers. A backer is someone who is funding a creative project on Kickstarter. Backing a project is more than just giving someone money. For backing a product you will get a reward. As a student, we would like to know what your ideas and thoughts are of Kickstarter. Filling out this survey will only take approximately 2 minutes. We thank you for your time and input! What is your age? 0 17-­‐20 0 20-­‐24 0 24-­‐30 What is your gender? 0 Male 0 Female Did you know about Kickstarter before the special program week? 0 Yes 0 No If I hear about a new crowd funding platform I’m curious. Strongly disagree 0 0 0


0 Totally agree

0 Totally agree

Would you fund a project on Kickstarter (as backer)? 0 Yes 0 No Do you see yourself funding a project on Kickstarter within a year? 0 Yes 0 No Do you think Kickstarter is easy to use? Strongly disagree 0 0



What is your best experience this year? 0 Holiday 0 Festival 0 Major purchase

Where will you spend your money on? 0 Going out 0 Vacation 37

0 Festival

0 Fashion 0 Food Do you use sites like Groupon, Vakantieveiling and Sweet Deal? 0 Yes 0 No How much money do you spend on online purchases per month? 0 €0 -­‐ €50 0 €50 -­‐ €100 0 €100 -­‐ €150 0 €150 -­‐ €200 0 €200 -­‐ €250 Do you have the ability to use a credit card backing a product on Kickstarter? 0 Yes 0 No After backing a project, I would like to get a reward. Strongly disagree 0 0 0


0 Totally agree

What would you prefer as a reward if you backing a project on Kickstarter? 0 Festival ticket 0 Product 0 Attribution 0 Holiday discount 0 Concert ticket 0 Something else:


Attachment 2: Survey results

What is your age? 17-­‐20

1 (5 %)


11 (55 %)


8 (40 %)

n = 20 # 20 What is your gender? Male

7 (35 %)


13 (65 %) n = 20 # 20

Did you know about Kickstarter before the special program week? Yes

7 (35 %)


13 (65 %) n = 20 # 20

If I hear about a new crowd funding platform I' am curious. (Strongly disagree -­‐ Totally agree) 1

2 (10 %)

2 3

9 (45 %)

4 5

4 (20 %)

4 (20 %)

1 (5 %)

n = 20 # 20 Would you fund a project on Kickstarter (as backer)? Yes No

11 (55 %) 9 (45 %) n = 20 # 20


Do you see yourself funding a project on Kickstarter within a year? Yes

5 (25 %)


15 (75 %) n = 20 # 20

Do you think Kickstarter is easy to use? (Strongly disagree -­‐ Totally agree) 1

2 (10 %)


3 (15 %)


6 (30 %)

4 5

8 (40 %)

1 (5 %)

n = 20 # 20 What is your best experience this year? Holiday

8 (40 %)

Festival Major purchase

11 (55 %)

1 (5 %)

n = 20 # 20 Where will you spend your money on? Going out

11 (55 %)


11 (55 %)

Festival Fashion

14 (70 %) 5 (25 %)


8 (40 %)

n = 20 # 49 Do you use sites like Groupon, Vakantieveiling and Sweet Deal? Yes No

7 (36.84 %)

12 (63.16 %) n = 19 # 19


How much money do you spend on online purchases per month? €0-­‐€50

5 (25 %)


7 (35 %)


5 (25 %)


1 (5 %)


2 (10 %)

n = 20 # 20 Do you have the ability to use a credit card backing a product on Kickstarter? Yes

9 (45 %)


11 (55 %)

n = 20 # 20 After backing a project, I would like to get a reward. (Strongly disagree -­‐ Totally agree) 1

0 (0 %)


1 (5 %)


1 (5 %)


5 (25 %)


13 (65 %)

n = 20 # 20 What would you prefer as a reward if you backing a project on Kickstarter? Festival ticket

Product Attribution Holiday discount

8 (40 %) 0 (0 %)

4 (20 %)

Concert ticket Something else

15 (75 %)

6 (30 %) 4 (20 %) n = 20 # 37

Legenda: n = aantal respondenten dat de vraag heeft gezien # = aantal ontvangen antwoorden 41

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