The Mount Morgan Argus, Volume 15, Issue 1

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5 - 19 FEBRUARY 2020


D’Arcy St. Reunion...Page 4

61 years honoured...Page 9

Australia Day...Page 12

STORY PAGE 2 Photo: Cassandra Donald


Award winners...from Page 1 Community entertainer and organiser Dianne Coburn and World Championship Muay Thai Bronze Medallist,Tyson Ireland featured prominently in the 2020 Australia Day Awards. [Pictured front page with Division 5 Councillor and Deputy Mayor Cherie Rutherford]. Dianne had a double celebration on 26 January celebrating both her Community Service Award win and her 70th birthday. Dianne has been a community stalwart, volunteering for a range of organisations since arriving in Mount Morgan over 20 years ago. Her love of music has driven her to be the main organiser of event entertainment programs for such events as Australia Day, the Golden Mount Festival, Wattle Day and the Christmas Tree Festival, often taking up the

microphone herself to belt out a few Patsy Cline songs and tell a few jokes to keep the entertainment flowing. Since being in Mount Morgan Dianne has owned and operated a fish and chip shop and managed Lifeline. Dianne has also served as President of the Golden Mount Festival and Treasurer of the Lorikeets Rugby Union Club and is now involved as a volunteer with Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc. Just on six years ago, Tyson Ireland started learning Muay Thai kickboxing. In 2019 Tyson fought his way to the World Championships in Turkey where he claimed the Bronze Medal in his age group for Australia. This medal came after only three years of competition. Tyson was awarded the Judges’ Commendation for Sportsperson of the Year.

LEVEL 4 WATER RESTRICTIONS START 10 FEBRUARY Rockhampton Regional Council has today made the decision to implement Level 4 Water Restrictions in Mount Morgan from Monday 10 February. Water Committee Chair Councillor Neil Fisher said the level of No.7 Dam has fallen to below 25% capacity, which is the trigger for Level 4 Restrictions under Council’s Drought Management Plan. “I would really like to highlight how well the community in Mount Morgan has responded to water restrictions over recent months,” said Cr Fisher. “The Mount Morgan community has always been incredibly waterwise, and as the level of the dam has dropped residents have reduced their demand for water even further. “This is particularly impressive considering the hot and dry conditions we’ve seen, and that demand usually increases over the school holiday period. “You may notice that we have gone straight from Level 2 to Level 4 Restrictions in Mount Morgan, but this is not cause for alarm.

conserve water in their day-to-day lives.

“This is also a great reminder for everyone across our Region to take steps to reduce their water usage, and over the coming weeks we’ll be really looking to highlight some waterwise habits that everyone can adopt.” Divisional Councillor Cherie Rutherford said that the increased water restrictions in Mount Morgan may not come as a surprise to the community. “The No.7 Dam holds an important place in our community – not just as our water supply but also as a place for recreation – and we have seen how low it is sitting with our own eyes,” said Cr Rutherford. “I absolutely want to reiterate Councillor Fisher’s words commending residents for their water usage. “I also want to encourage residents to think about what they can do to be even more waterwise in their day to day lives – even small changes can add up to make a big difference.

“The trigger for Level 3 Water Restrictions was reached in early December, however average water use was already below the Level 3 target.

“If there are any new waterwise habits that you have adopted, send us a message on Facebook and let us know what you’ve been doing! We’d love to share some of your top tips with the rest of the community.”

“The target for Level 4, however, is 1.1ML/day, and current daily use is 1.15ML/day, so we are now asking the community to look for even more ways to

Council will send out a fact sheet detailing the restrictions on private, commercial and other properties.

MOUNT MORGAN ARGUS DISCLAIMER The Mount Morgan Argus is published by Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc, 1 Railway Parade, Mount Morgan. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the publishers. MMPAD reserves the discretionary right to alter, omit, reclassify or postpone publication of articles, photographs or advertisements in the Mount Morgan Argus. MMPAD takes all possible care with the publication of news, names and other information sourced by MMPAD representatives. It does not, however, take responsibility for erroneous information or spelling supplied by external sources. Please take care and ensure that information is correct and names are spelt correctly before submitting any items to this publication. MMPAD Executive

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5 - 19 February 2020

5 - 19 February 2020


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D’ARCY STREET REUNION Australia Day was chosen by the Leigh family of D’Arcy St as a day to bring people together. They hosted a D’Arcy St reunion to reunite past residents and meet the newer residents of the street. The idea was born when the Leigh family was supported through some hard times during 2019 when Norma, the family matriarch, lost 2 daughters in a few months. It became evident that others have very fond memories of Norma and her family. Norma will be turning 95 in April, the family was going to host a birthday celebration, but they have learned over the last 12 months not to postpone any decisions, especially when it comes to get togethers, reminiscing and sharing fond memories.

The celebration concluded with the cutting of a cake and many promises to keep in touch.

Norma deemed the day a success and judging by the amount of chatter and laughter, all were agreeable.

Above: Bevan Leigh at the D’Arcy Street Reunion.

Norma and her family have lived in D’Arcy St for over 70 years and due to the size of Norma’s yard and generosity, her home was always full of the neighbourhood children and often the venue of morning teas and catch ups. Over the years some lifelong friendships have been made and good times often reflected upon. The family utilised social media and did a letterbox drop to reach as many residents as they could. They were overwhelmed with the response that they received and the conversations that were created as others shared their memories and information. The day was attended by approximately 40 guests who had a great day and were thrilled to see some old familiar faces. Everyone enjoyed a shared morning tea/ lunch while telling stories and recollecting life in the street and “the good old days”. A street map was created which gave everyone the opportunity to identify their home and write their names and years of residence onto it. This proved to be a popular activity and started many discussions about all of the residents, their families and the happenings of the street. Page 4

Above: Dave and Marlene Smith enjoying Australia Day in D’Arcy Street.

Above: Former residents gather for D’Arcy Street Reunion. Go to Page 5 MOUNT MORGAN ARGUS

5 - 19 February 2020

D’Arcy Street Reunion reunites family, friends and neighbours

NOELENE CELEBRATES 80 YEARS IN STYLE On Thursday, 28 December 1939, Noelene Scattergood was born at Queanbeyan Hospital in NSW. Eight years later Noelene Cunynghame, who married in 1958, celebrated her 80th birthday at the Welfare Bowls Club, Mount Morgan. The lunch was a cheerful event attended by family and friends. Family travelled to Mount Morgan from Canberra and Alice Springs to attend the celebration.

Above: Maree Pezzack and Suzi Crane at the D’Arcy Street Reunion.

There were also messages from family in Melbourne and Newcastle. A special message, via FaceTime, from two great grandsons in Newcastle, was a highlight of the day. Visiting from Queanbeyan was Noelene’s sister Heather. Heather enjoyed her visit to Mount Morgan and is planning a return visit after visiting local venues and places of interest. She was overwhelmed by the friendliness shown to her. A thank you to the Welfare Bowls Club members. It was a perfect venue for our event. Contributed by C. Cunynhame

Above: Sisters Helen Wyvill and Margaret Cant at the D’Arcy Street Reunion.

TENDERS CALLED Rockhampton Regional Council have recently called tenders for the development of the Mount Morgan Mountain Bike Trails. The tenders were released on Friday, 10 January and will close on Wednesday, 12 February. The Mountain Bike Trails is one of the projects highlighted by the economic development arm of Rockhampton, Advance Rockhampton in the Advancing Mount Morgan Strategy which was adopted in November of 2019. Other initiatives from the strategy will be rolled out on a project by project basis.

Above: Gail McGrath and Norma Leigh. 5 - 19 February 2020


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THE ORANGE DOT By Larry at Fox Video

Movie Review 8 DAYS Horus is an ancient Egyption god of the sky, protector of the Pharaohs and wielder of awesome power. It is also the name given to a massive asteroid the size of Mount Everest, sixty kilometres across, that is hurtling through space at 30,000 kilometres per hour directly towards our home, planet Earth. Predicted point of impact is Eastern France. The impact will be so devastating that the Western European survival rate is expected to be zero. No-one lives - unless they can somehow make it to Russia or America. They’ve all known about Horus for the past year. The E.U. Governments were supposed to be building mass-shelter bunkers even though they knew they’d be no help at all in the event of a direct strike as predicted. Our American friends plan to try and save everyone by hitting Horus with a nuke and either blasting it into oblivion or at least knocking it so far off course that it misses

the planet entirely - but that’s like taking aim with your best sniper rifle at a six-inch fish underwater in a moving ocean two kilometres off shore, not an easy shot. Now they’re down to their last 8 DAYS and all of Europe is on the run. With Western Europe about to be obliterated we join the Steiner family, some of whom engage people smugglers and race toward Russia; others who try to secure passage to America.

and love with no consequences... How far will people go to survive? At what point does their own humanity become the price? And should they succeed will life still be worth living after...?

Then there’s Daniz, a good copper who tries to stem the tide of anarchy rising in the face of catastrophe, Klaus with his own secret bunker and beautiful yet unwilling captive guest, Robin and his ‘End of Days” religious resurgence, Jonas and his ‘End of Days’ party and a multitude of other exciting, fascinating protagonists.

The hope of their continued existence is all a person has to cling to, but how do we find that hope in the face of Horus?

Suddenly people can break the speed limit at will, have wild unprotected intimate relations, do all the drugs they want, shop with no money, live without working

DEE RIVER OLDIES We had a good roll up of members at our “Welcome to 2020” Morning Tea held in January. Members had a chance to catch up, enjoyed a cuppa, cake and a sandwich. Members joined in when the ‘Best of Sitting Dance’ video was played and it was well received. Members discussed the activities and meetings that will take place in the next few months. Meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of the month at 2 pm and the Morning Teas are on the fourth Wednesday at 10 am.

In the end the only things that matter are; who and what are really important to you in your final hours - your last 8 DAYS. 8 DAYS is rated MA15+ for “strong themes, violence, sex scenes, drug use, nudity and coarse language” and it runs for eight riveting hours. The world is ending. What will YOU do? 8 DAYS - Loved it!

We are considering a bus trip to the Moura Mine Memorial, then coming back to Goovigan Hotel for lunch. The date for this outing is to be advised, but it is expected to be held in late March or early April. See “Save the Date” on the back page of the Argus for the next date for the meeting and morning tea. Please contact one of the steering committee if you have any questions - Carol Glover President 49381995, Melray McNamara Treasurer - 0411 144 316, Colleen Constable - 0427 161 131,Until next time, stay happy and healthy. Submitted by the Steering Committee.

Morning Teas will alternate between a guest speaker one month, then a musical morning tea the next. Page 6


5 - 19 February 2020

Pride in Your Town Here we are at the beginning of another year and we wish you happiness throughout. We trust you will remember your act of kindness each day as the situation in Australia at present needs all the kindness it can get. Over the break we read a “Sensational List “, and we wish to share much of it with you. It is mainly for the older person, but could be interesting for the not so old. 1. It’s time to use the money you saved up. Use it and enjoy it. Don’t just keep it for those who may have no notion of the sacrifices you made to get it. Remember there is nothing more dangerous than a son or daughterin-law with big ideas for your hard –earned capital. 2. Stop worrying about the financial situation of your children and grandchildren, and don’t feel bad about spending your money on yourself. You’ve taken care of them for many years, and you’ve taught them what you could. You gave them an education, food, shelter and support. The responsibility is now theirs to earn their own money. 3. Keep a healthy life, without great physical effort.

Do moderate exercise (like walking every day), eat well and get your sleep. It’s easy to become sick and it gets harder to remain healthy.

good on you – keep it and be proud of it. It’s part of who you are.

That is why you need to keep yourself in good shape and be aware of your medical and physical needs.

They may not have the same ideals as you, but they are the future, and will take the world in their direction.

Keep in touch with your Doctor, do tests even when you’re feeling well. Stay informed.

Give advice, not criticism, and try to remind them that yesterday’s wisdom still applies today.

4. Don’t stress over the little things. You’ve already overcome so much in your life.

8. Even if you do not feel like it, try to accept invitations.

You have good memories and bad ones, but the important thing is the present. Don’t let the past drag you down and don’t let the future frighten you. Feel good in the now as small issues will soon be forgotten. 5. Regardless of age, always keep love alive. Love your partner, love life, love your family, love your neighbor and remember: A man is not old as long as he has intelligence and affection. 6. Don’t lose sight of fashion trends of your age but keep your own sense of style. There’s nothing worse than an older person trying to wear the current fashion amongst youngsters. You’ve developed your own sense of what looks

RSL Sub-Branch to Reform Mount Morgan’s Returned Services League SubBranch will reform following a meeting held on 18 January 2020. Eleven ex-service and community members attended the meeting and decided to reform the Mount Morgan RSL Sub-Branch. It was also decided that a committee be elected at the 5 - 19 February 2020

7. Respect the younger generation and their opinions.

Baptisms, graduations, birthdays, weddings, conferences. Try to go. Get out of the house, meet people you haven’t seen in a while, experience something new (or something old), but don’t get upset when you are not invited. Some events are limited by resources, and not everyone can be hosted. The important thing is to leave the house from time to time. Go to museums, go walk through a field. Get out there. 9. LAUGH A LOT. Laugh at everything. Remember, you are one of the lucky ones. You managed to have a life, a long one. Many never get to this age, never get to experience a full life, but you did, so what’s not to laugh about. Find the humor in your situation. 10. Think clean, be tidy and kind, and prepare to enjoy 2020.

next meeting to be held at 3.00 pm on 22 February 2020 at the Community Service Hall. All ex-service members and interested community members are invited to attend the meeting. I thank all members who attended the first meeting and hope all ex-service members attend the next meeting. For further information, you can contact me on 4938 2755. Submitted by Barry Lollback.


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Both Mount Morgan State High School and the Central State School started the 2020 school off with new faces behind the Principal’s desk. Former Rockhampton State High School Deputy Principal, Dan Petersen (above) started his six month tenure replacing Trevor Rickertt who is on leave. Mr Petersen hopes to improve engagement in the classroom, making lessons taught more relevant and engaging for the student while at the same time remaining true to the Australian Education Curriculum. He made the move to Mount Morgan so he could teach in a smaller school and to



The Mount Morgan Police would like to wish a happy new year to our lovely community. We hope your break over Christmas was well spent with family and friends. We are happy to report the majority of our community was well behaved. I have spoken numerous times before on property security and I would like to mention it again. You may have heard of an increase in the theft of copper, tools and other scrap metals around the area. Unfortunately there are people that believe they are entitled to your possessions simply because your house is vacant. If you own an empty house in Mount Morgan please ensure it is properly secured from thieves. Trail cameras are a great tool for catching offenders and give Police the evidence we need to prosecute these people. Page 8

further develop his leadership abilities. Central State School Principal, Mrs Michelle Emery (above) is permanently based in Mount Morgan. Mrs Emery taught at Arcadia Valley. Mount Morgan Central is a bigger school than where she taught previously. Mrs Emery said she is looking forward to building relationships with the families of the children attending the school. “The staff here is amazing, as is the school and the children,” Mrs Emery said. They can be purchased for as low as under $100 and up, depending on the quality. On the subject of property crime please ensure your own residences are locked and secured. We have had a number of break in’s by opportunistic thieves. Walk around your property and try to imagine where you could sneak in. Ensure your windows and doors are always locked. If you do not secure your property then it is only a matter of when you become a victim, not if. Also be mindful of who you allow into your home, whether you know them or not. If people are at a disadvantage there are numerous government and private agencies available to assist people who are struggling. Don’t allow yourself to become a victim. If you wish to know more regarding property security or would like a free security audit for your home or business then please come and see us. I will ensure a keen and energetic young Constable is sent around post haste to assist you. Officer in Charge - Sgt Matt Harling


5 - 19 February 2020



Mount Morgan legend Del Rowley is starting to wind down after an incredible nursing career of 61 years, including 24 as Director of Nursing.

all of Del’s career has been at Mount Morgan Hospital. In fact,

she’s worked in three Mt Morgan Hospitals – being present for the construction of the past two. Del has many memories of delivering babies at Mount Morgan Hospital, including twins and breech deliveries. Midwifery was always her first love and she was considered an exceptional midwife.

Del didn’t want a fuss for her retirement, but DON Gordon Luck wasn’t going to let one of the true greats slip off without an acknowledgement of a lifetime of dedication. She’s since decided to convert to casual and stick around as needed, because retirement “isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be”.

She has been a licensed x-ray operator for 37 years, including in the old wet bath x-ray days. In 1986 she hired a “moustached biker bloke” who went on to later become current Director of Nursing, Gordon Luck.

She tried it once before and lasted 11 months before returning to work and re-educating as a credentialed diabetes educator.

In 2006 she decided to retire, and Gordon returned to the Golden Mount to take on the top job. Less than a year later, after feeling the frustration of retirement,

Del started work aged 16 and did her four years of study to become a registered nurse at Mount Morgan.

Del returned and reeducated and has been filling the vital position as diabetes educator in Mount Morgan and continued to this week doing all shifts including nightshifts covering wards, emergency and aged care.

Apart from a short stint in Ipswich and Rockhampton where she did her midwifery training, and four years of parttime work for Blue Care in the community after the birth of her first child,

As testament to Del’s dedication, she retires with more than 2000 hours of sick leave owing. Gordon paid tribute to Del’s professionalism, saying she’d always been supportive and understanding, and continued to grow and learn. “I’ve appreciated having you as one of the team and we will miss you!” he said. Congratulations Del, and thanks so much for everything. 5 - 19 February 2020


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TV Antenna Sales & Installation Mount Morgan Extra TV Outlets and Cabeling TV Tuning Telephone outlets and extensions

Eric Stevenson Ph: 0417 006 591 ACMA License No. T 14409


TAXI 0459 131 008

New Homes Extensions Restumping Car Ports

Renovations Alterations Decks Driveways


Clinic 1st Tuesday of the Month

Tony Harney Plumbing

Stanley Constructions Home Renovations

Available for all domestic and commercial work. Blocked drains, leaking taps or any other maintenance issues

Phone Tony

0429 669 499 Servicing Mount Morgan ABN : 76 171 835 370

We specialise in general carpentry repairs & steel Fabrications From design & planning to simple handyman services, we do it all.

Phone Gordon Lee today: 0418 886 997

QBSA 735099

QBCC 1110090

Mark Humphreys’ Electrical 8 Baldwin Street Mount Morgan 4714 Electrical Lic. No. 74711

Discover the difference! Meet Angela Douglas: •Local area agent

•Knowledgeable about the local community

Phone: 0439 727 609 FAX: 4938 2885

Domestic, Rural, Commercial Installation and Repairs,

Promptly Servicing

Mount Morgan & Wowan Districts Page 10


•Listens to your needs •Proven results over and over •New logo, same great person •Free, no hassle appraisals

Angela Douglas: 0401 953 882

5 - 19 February 2020

SUNBRIX SAND & SOIL Landscape supplies

Soil Garden blend Sand Sugar cane mulch Hardwood chip Decorative rocks Builder’s blend (sand & 10mm rock mixed) Cement bags and blocks, Pavers and MORE! PHONE 0418 542 961

Old Bouldercombe Brickworks 53622, Burnett HWY.

That Truck & Bobcat Bloke ABN: 35347197734

Call Geoff: 0411 707 741 Based at Razorback, MOONGAN Small acreage clean ups, land clearing, fence lines, fire breaks, shed pads & more. Post hole borer & spreader bar

Stewarts Towing

& Service Station

6 Central Street, MOUNT MORGAN Phone: 4938 1283

24 Hour Service - 7 Days a Week

Passmore Refrigeration Air Conditioning & Refrigeration

Split system installations Commercial and Rural

Finlayson & McKenzie Funerals

Sandi Wood (nee Inslay) from Mount Morgan was born and raised within the Mount and is well aware of the needs of the Mount Morgan community.

Bob Wheeler 0419 663 277 Po Box 91 Mt Morgan

Sandi is Mount Morgan’s funeral consultant and is available for all funeral advice. Contact Sandi for more information and competitive prices with burials, cremations or prepaid funerals.

5 tonne tipper truck Excavator & Kanga Tractor, Slasher & Poison Sprayer Licenced Poisons Contractor 5 - 19 February 2020

Sandi Wood your local consultant Phone: 4922 1269


Page 11

Celebrating Australia Day in Style

Australia Day 2020 was a day of music, facepainting, free sausage sizzle, amusement rides and information stalls. Organised by the Rotary Club of Mount Morgan and sponsored by Rockhampton Regional Council, rain threatened in the early part of the event, but the rain clouds disappeared, allowing for everyone to enjoy the festivities. Photos: Top Left - the Mount Morgan State High School Cadets raised the Australian Flag; Middle Left: Freda McDougall was one of the many entertainers for the day; left - Fun Time Amusements provided free face painting of which Noah Paull took advantage; Above top:Paramedics, Hope Carson, Wendy Porter and Kevin Porter provided information on Snake Bite Kits and Robbie Galloway and 99 years young, Conne Spreadborough travelled from Rockhampton for the festivities. Page 12


5 - 19 February 2020

LIBRARY EXTENDS OPENING HOURS There’ll soon be more time to browse, read, and borrow at the Mount Morgan Library, with opening hours set to be extended from Monday 3 February. Chair of Community Services Committee Councillor Rose Swadling said the library will now be open an extra eight hours per week. “These new opening hours will give the community more opportunities to access a great range of library services and resources on offer in this charming heritage listed building,” said Cr Swadling. “Not only can library members access free Wi-Fi and public computers, they can also print and scan resumes, learn how to use modern technology, engage in discussions about books, play Lego, download e-audiobook and e-books, stream movies, play a

game of mah-jong and euchre, or browse the shelves – all in airconditioned comfort.

“The Mount Morgan Library is a welcoming, inclusive and creative space for the entire community with some absolutely fantastic and helpful staff.

Mount Morgan Library Opening Hours from Monday, 3 February Monday


9:00am – 1:30pm 2:00pm – 5.00pm 9:00am – 1:30pm 2:00pm – 5.00pm 9:00am – 1:00pm 2:00pm – 5:30pm 9:00am – 1:30pm 2:00pm – 5.00pm 9:00am – 1:30pm 2:00pm – 5.00pm 9.00 am - 12 noon



Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

PILLOWCASE PROJECT The Australian Red Cross was in Mount Morgan last Wednesday (8 Jan) and one of our volunteers was asked to supply some information around The Pillowcase Project. While no-one attended the session at the Mount Morgan Library on Wednesday, this was only one of four sessions that we held in partnership with the Rockhampton Regional Council Libraries and we had a great turn out overall. The Pillowcase Project is a disaster resilience education programme for grades 3-4 (ages 8-10). The aim of the Pillowcase Project is to create a generation of children who are aware of the importance of personal preparedness, are empowered to take action to prepare for emergencies and who share what they have learn with friends and loved ones, knowing their actions are contributing to household and community resilience. The particular targeting of the Pillowcase Project is based on research identifying promising attributes in students of this age group including the excitement for learning and exploring, a willingness to participate in group activities or demonstrations, and an enthusiasm for communicating lessons and messages to friends and loved ones. Please feel free to get in contact if you have any more questions. Courtney Cronin - 07 3367 4714. 5 - 19 February 2020

“Don’t forget that library membership is free, and once you have a library card you can access the resources and services at any of the four Rockhampton Regional Council library branches throughout our Region.”

FESTIVAL NEWS Members have been diligently completing all manner of permits, and licences, so that the festival can proceed. We have also circulated a letter, to businesses, and residence, asking them to become involved, if you have not received one I do apologise, but find it listed below. The Golden Mount Festival Association would like to welcome any involvement that your organisation had in mind on the day of the festival 2nd May 2020 and should you need any assistance please do not hesitate and contact us. It would help if you could indicate the area that you would like to participate in:

• Window display • Procession • Running the cutter • Enter a stall • Re-union

Could you please advise the Golden Mount Festival Association by 1 April 2020. The theme this year is “Past, Present and Future”, which gives everyone plenty of scope to come up with different ideas. Our next meeting will be held on 12 February 6.00 pm at the Community Service Hall. We are still appealing for new members, so please come and join us. R. Needham - President


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This letter was written by Edwin Francis Morgan and published in the Bulletin on 6 May 1893. Due to its length, it will be published over two issues.

To be or not to be. The Dee has completed its Annual General Meeting and to everyone's surprise we are continuing as an incorporated entity and not as we had first thought as a reinvented association of bowlers.

How I discovered Mount Morgan So far as I’m aware, there has never been a true report published in any of the Queensland papers. Some I contradicted and others I did not think it worthwhile bothering about. I have a record of everything that transpired in this connection so that what follows may be taken as absolutely true. In July, 1882, my brother Tom and I decided to go out on a trip prospecting, the reason being that Sandy Gordon, who was working in our employ at Mount Wheeler, had promised to take us to a place where he knew there was a silver lode. I provided horses, etc, and we started from Rockhampton On Thursday, 13th of July, taking Gordon with us. The first place he took us to Was a mountain peak of sandstone what known as the ‘Pigeon Box’, where there was what a couple lode on one side of it. We intended to have a day or two prospecting there, but when we arrived at the top and saw nothing, we came down and searched around for a spot with water to camp at for the night. I said the best thing to do under the circumstances was to go back to Jones’s selection -the nearest water handy - or get to the other side of the range. It was then dark. Sandy said he knew of water three miles away. We went over the range at the ‘Razorback’ that night and camped on Dairy Creek, a tributary of the Dee. Next morning we started off for what he called the ‘Nine Mile Creek’ down towards Calliungal head station. This is where the silver lode was supposed to be -some 18 or 20 miles from Mount Morgan. We arrived at the Nine mile in the afternoon and camped that night on the point of a spur, having a good prospect all round the creek and ridges before turning in. On Saturday morning we went where he thought the silver load was, but found nothing. We put down two shafts on the spots he pointed out, and I think there were five or six reefs we cut trenches across. We prospected all day until sundown, never getting more than a few specks of gold reward our labours. That night brought with it a very heavy downpour of rain-It might almost be called a waterspout- lasting for two hours or more. The Creek came down in a torrent and every gully was a banker. Nearly everything was washed out of the tent. I got up in the night and put the horses out of the angle of the Creek on to the Top of the range for safety. Submitted by Mount Morgan Historical Museum

The past seven years, although heartbreaking and traumatic for many members past and present, have inadvertently helped the 'Dee” to reinvigorate itself with unforeseen financial assistance from the Rockhampton Regional Council, after nothing short of a Godly inspiration that has lifted our members passion for the game of bowls, and the fun we enjoy each time we come together at the club. Following on from the 'reinvigoration meeting' at the 'DEE' their recent AGM has elected and appointed a new volunteer working group for 2020. To be or not to be. The Dee has completed its Annual General Meeting and to everyone’s surprise we are continuing as an incorporated entity and not as we had first thought as a reinvented association of bowlers. The past seven years, although heartbreaking and traumatic for many members past and present, have inadvertently helped the ‘Dee” to reinvigorate itself with unforeseen financial assistance from the Rockhampton Regional Council, after nothing short of a Godly inspiration that has lifted our members passion for the game of bowls, and the fun we enjoy each time we come together at the club. Following on from the ‘reinvigoration meeting’ at the ‘DEE’ their recent AGM has elected and appointed a new volunteer working group for 2020. The committee is Groundsman/green keeper - Daniel Watson, Assistant green keeper/Councillor - Steve Bryant; Assistant Groundsman - Rikki Gambin, Bar Manager/Treasurer - Samantha Matthews Assistant Barman - Matthew Fox, Bowls Selector/ Vice President - Michael Willis; and President/ Secretary - Kevin Fox. With a new team and the commencement of a new decade we hope to bring some new changes such as the: ٠ Reintroduction of ‘Social’ members, possible reaffiliation of the ‘Dee” once 20 bowlers are regular players at the club, purchase of a courtesy vehicle to boost participation at the club; and re-installation of the bore to water the green. The management committee at the ‘Dee’ would like to thank the Rockhampton Pentecostal Church for supporting the ‘Dee’ over the past year, they have assisted the club to remain financial.

Continued next issue. Page 14

Continued on Page 15 MOUNT MORGAN ARGUS

5 - 19 February 2020

Dee Bowls Club...From Page 14

In Memoriam

They will surely be missed when they take up permanency elsewhere under the banner of the Pentecostals of Mount Morgan Inc. If wanting to come and have a fun time whilst either watching or playing bowls, we are presently open on Sundays from about 3.00 pm, with names in to play bowls by 3.30 pm, with play commencing shortly after. The ‘Dee’ is still available for ‘booked’ licensed functions at a negotiable and affordable price, simply contact the Club’s President/Secretary Kevin Fox for further details on 0423 410 917, we look forward to hearing from you. FOR SALE: 1 x Electric Eight (8) Hole Ground Puncher (aerator) $3,200 or nearest offer. Kevin Fox - President/Secretary.


GEOFFREY DOUGLAS HOEHNE 13 Oct 1964 - 4 Feb 1995 25th Anniversary We lost someone we loved so much Bringing hurt beyond belief There are no words to heal our pain Our sadness and our grief. We've lost someone so very close So beautiful and so dear We think about your amazing smile And wish that you were near. Miss you forevery! Love Dad, Mum, Bruce, Nev, Sis, Brian, Maddi and Lochie. xx

Deslea’s Cutz for Mutz Mobile Dog Clipping Phone Des: 0447 275 402

ABN: 88 822 875 877

Are you seeking funding for a community PROJECT or EVENT?


Rockhampton Regional Council is now calling for applications for round three of the 2019/2020 Community Assistance Program. Eligible organisations within the Rockhampton Regional Council area seeking assistance with projects or events are encouraged to apply. Information for applicants and application forms are available from Council’s Libraries and Customer Service Centres, online at or by calling 4932 9000. Applications close 5pm, 16 March 2020.

5 - 19 February 2020


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Feb 9: Country Music Dance. Community Service Hall. 1 - 5 pm. Adults: $8 and Children $3. Bar Operating. Feb 18: Dee River Oldies Group monthly meeting. Starts at 2 pm held at St Mary’s Church Hall, Gordon Street. (Behind Anglican church). Feb 22: Mount Morgan RSL Sub-Branch Reformation meeting. Community Service Hall, 3 pm. Feb 26: Dee River Oldies Group morning tea - Guest Speaker. Starts at 10 am at St Mary’s Church Hall, Gordon Street. (Behind Anglican Church) Feb 29: QCWA Cent Sale. CWA Hall. Mar 1: Clean Up Australia Day. Apr 10: Good Friday - Mount Morgan VIC and Railway Museum closed. Apr 25: ANZAC Day. May 2-3: Golden Mount Festival Weekend. May 3: Mount Morgan Rodeo at Mount Morgan Showgrounds.

PAINTER: Semi retired. W. Cruickshank Phone 0488 104 774 or 0488 105 257. QBCC No-75608. GUNS & AMMUNITION: MOUNT MORGAN. ERIC J. STEVENSON. Dealer Licence 5000149. PHONE 0417 006 591 ALL COMPUTERS & REPAIRS: Your local computer specialist Nathan. Phone between 10 am to 8 pm. PHONE: 4938 2451 Monday to Friday


Meeting at the Dee Bowls Club 10 am Sunday for Church Services. All welcome. Contact: Pastor Owen Kurth for further details

0421 641 428

Hoy every Wednesday at CWA Hall, East Street at 10 am.

WANTED TO BUY: Panes of coloured glass. Leave message on 4938 1644. We’ll call you back.

Blue Care Trash & Treasure, Gordon Street. Every Friday from 8.30 am to 12 noon. Bags of clothing $5. Marion’s plants for sale.

FOR LEASE: Studio Apartment/Gallery on main h’way in centre of town, close to tourist traffic. Also ideal storage facility/business premises. Low rent. Leave message on 4938 1644. We’ll call you back.

MMSHS 50 YEAR REUNION Year 10 - 1970

FOR LEASE: Local Storage Facility/Business premises on main h’way in centre of town, close to tourist traffic. Also ideal Studio Apartment/Gallery. Leave message on 4938 1644. We’ll call you back.

On Golden Mount Festival Weekend, 2-3 May 2020

WANTED: LOCAL QUALIFIED TERMITE INSPECTION EXPERT. for annual inspection of local buildings. Experience in pest control a necessity. Leave message on 4938 1644. We’ll call you back.

Any people who were in this class or taught this class in any year of your schooling are welcome. Yr 8 - 1968, Yr - 9 - 1969, Yr 10 -1970, Yr 11 - 1971, Yr 12 - 1972 Come to all or any of the events. Contact Mary Pitman for information by email to

FOR SALE: Hafco Weedmaster 330 m thicknesser Model T 135 with helical cutter $600.00. 0429 055 165. 4/3/20






Ask us How

Open 10:00am - 8:00pm Tuesday - Sunday


$5* 3 or More

THANK YOU: Debbie Alley wishes to thank all ticket customers and friends for supporting her over the last two years. Happy New Year to all.

All financial members are invited to attend the Mount Morgan Community Service Club AGM, for the election of an executive committee. The meeting will be held on Sunday, 23 February at 10 at the Community Service Hall, 18 Morgan St, Mount Morgan. Kirra Swain (Secretary)

Next Argus:


All inclusions required by: Tuesday, 11 February 2020 by 4 p.m. Ph: 4938 2312 Email: Page 16


5 - 19 February 2020

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