Jayden Lodewikus was part of the traditional Gangulu Smoking and Welcome to Country Ceremony held to mark Heritage Minerals’ official construction start at the Mount Morgan Mine.

Jayden Lodewikus was part of the traditional Gangulu Smoking and Welcome to Country Ceremony held to mark Heritage Minerals’ official construction start at the Mount Morgan Mine.
The haunting notes of the didgeridoo played by
sounded out across the former Mount Morgan Mine
site on Wednesday, 26 June 2023 heralding a new era for the site and for Heritage Minerals. The traditional Welcome to
Continued on Page 2
It was also a defining moment for Heritage Minerals as the ceremony marked the official start of early
construction works on the former gold and copper mining site.
The transportable type building will arrive on site in coming weeks
Mount Morgan Mine Manager/SSE Shane Charlton said these buildings would be used as support infrastructure for the Construction Stage of the project.
“They will support work on the Gordon Lane Access Road and the Processing Plant site,” he said.
Mr Charlton said the Processing Plant was currently in the detailed design stage.
“Long leave time items will be ordered soon with due diligence on suppliers currently being carried out,” he said.
During the ceremony, Heritage Minerals’ Managing Director, Mr Malcolm Paterson said while financial close for the project wasn’t expected until early September, the ceremony was quite significant to Heritage Minerals
“It means that the project has started for real. It’s not just about producing metal - its not just gold and copper, it’s a bigger picture for Heritage Minerals.
“We are also interested in the future of Mount Morgan,” Mr Paterson said.
As well as officially starting works on site, Heritage Minerals also opened an office in East Street in Rockhampton.
Continued on Page 4
Mount Morgan Argus is published by Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc, 1 Railway Parade, Mount Morgan. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the publishers. MMPAD reserves the discretionary right to alter, omit, reclassify or postpone publication of articles, photographs or advertisements in the Mount Morgan Argus. MMPAD takes all possible care with the publication of news, names and other information sourced by MMPAD representatives. It does not, however, take responsibility for erroneous information or spelling supplied by external sources. Please take care and ensure that information is correct and names are spelt correctly before submitting any items to this publication. MMPAD Executive
12 AUGUST 2023
8.00 AM TO 8.00 PM
Heritage Minerals...From Page 2
Heritage Minerals Managing Director Malcolm Paterson said the start of works and the new office – in East Street, Rockhampton – were milestones for the Mount Morgan Tailings Processing and Rehabilitation Project.
“Operations at Mount Morgan closed almost 40 years ago. With new technology, processes and support of the three levels of government, Heritage Minerals is building a tailings processing plant to recover gold and copper, improve water quality and rehabilitate the site,” Mr Paterson said.
“Heritage Minerals is grateful for the support of the Queensland Government’s Invested in Queensland program, the Australian Government through the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility, Rockhampton Regional Council, local businesses, and Mount Morgan residents to help us achieve this milestone.”
Heritage Minerals is also seeking additional funding for its video on the Mount Morgan documentary. The reason for extra funding is to allow Heritage Minerals to tell the complete Mount Morgan story or as much as possible and serve justice to the history of the Mine, the town and the people of Mount Morgan.
A community meeting will be held on 31 July 2023 with time and venue to be advised.
A grant from Rockhampton Regional Council’s Community Assistance Program will assist Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc [MMPAD] to provide a more robust visitor experience.
MMPAD received $940 towards the purchase of two televisions which will be used to compile historical images and videos of Mount Morgan which visitors can enjoy when they visit the Mount Morgan Rail Museum.
One of these videos depicts the annual Linda Picnic and other videos about Mount Morgan will be added over time.
MMPAD is currently investigating the possibility of installing a TV into the 2000 class Rail Motor to complement the existing soundscape. It is envisaged that the installed television will show images of the landscape that would have been seen on the way to Emu Park for the Linda Picnic, an annual event held at Bell Park.
“Bringing Mount Morgan’s past to life through imagery is just one of the ways in which MMPAD is aspiring to improve and value-add to the visitor experience,” MMPAD President, Mr John Steinberger said.
Mr John Steinberger said he was glad to have received the funding for this project and he thanked Rockhampton Regional Council.
Council is pleased to announce that the Mount Morgan pool onsite works will be commencing this week.
Rockhampton Region Mayor Tony Williams said he knows the community is eager to see the pool construction commence.
“Our contractor, Taylor Builders Pty Ltd, will be starting on site this week with demolition scheduled to occur later in the week,” Mayor Williams said.
“After the demolition has happened, we’ll quickly move onto the construction phase with the pool on track to open and be ready for swimming in early 2024.”
Divisional Councillor Cherie Rutherford and Councillor for Parks, Sport and Public Spaces said there has been plenty happening behind the scenes in the lead up to the demolition and construction.
“Although people may not be able to see the progress physically at the pool site up until now, I can assure the community that plenty of offsite works have been happening in the lead up to the demolition and construction of the new pool,” Cr Rutherford said.
“Taylor Builders Pty Ltd has been working with six specialised consultants, ranging from electrical consultants to civil works consultants as well as working with Ergon Energy in preparation for the works.
“As I’m sure people can appreciate, designing and constructing a commercial swimming pool is a very complex process with many moving parts involved.
“We can’t wait for the community to enjoy this fantastic new facility when it opens next year.”
The Mount Morgan pool is funded by the Queensland Government’s Resources Community Infrastructure Fund and Rockhampton Regional Council.
It was an impressive and poignant sight to see Light Horse Troop members travel the streets of Mount Morgan on 25 June.
The 5th Light Horse Troop, Mount Morgan was joined by representatives from Light Horse Troops around Australia for a training weekend between 23-25 June at the Mount Morgan Showgrounds.
The training weekend included a parade from the Showgrounds, along Coronation Drive and Central Street and through Morgan Street to ANZAC Park where a special commemorative service was held in honour of Australia’s Light Horse Troops.
The Cenotaph was manned by a half-guard of troop members. Wreaths were laid by the 5th Light Horse Troop and the Mount Morgan Branch of the Returned Services League.
The Last Post and Reveille were played on a 100year old bugle by Michael Rankin, who has recently joined the 5th Light Horse Troop.
Following the service the troop members gathered at the Private Victor Stanley Jones Memorial Suspension Bridge where a short service was dedicated to the memory of Pte Jones.
Troop Sergeant, Wayne Brown said training included tent-pegging, skills and drills and just a general sharing of knowledge.
“I am very happy with the weekend,” he said.
Artful detectives, Koch and Boules will again be fighting crime in Mount Morgan this year.
The series’ producer Blue Eagle Productions has announced that they have received funding to produce Season Two of their web series Koch and Boules.
Series creator, Ian Westley said Season One was a lot of fun to produce and he hoped to make Season Two even better.
“We loved shooting the first season in Mount Morgan and look forward to shooting the second installment in the town,” he said.
“We were really happy with what we produced and it was great to see the Mount Morgan locals getting into the spirit of the show”.
Ian said he hoped to get more local people in front of the camera this season and would like to hear from anyone who would like to have a go and any business that would like to be promoted.
“We had a like of really positive feedback from the first season and have already heard from a few people with ideas for Season Two and some who want themselves, or their kids, to be part of the cast,” he said.
Funding for Koch and Boules is provided by Rockhampton Regional Council and Arts Queensland through the Regional Arts Development Fund [RADF].
“We’re really grateful to RADF for supporting us again,” Ian said.
“I honestly thought we’d struggle to get a grant this year and was really surprised when they approved it. All of the funding for the series goes to paying the cast and crew, which is a rare thing here. Not many actors or crew members have the opportunity to be paid in this region”.
Koch and Boules is a totally improvised web series, meaning the cast don’t have a script, their dialogue is improvised during the shoot. Shooting for Season Two will begin in October.
Any questions, or ideas can be emailed to ian@
Have something you need printed? or laminated?
Come down and see the friendly people at MMPAD. Contact us on 4938 2312 for prices or for further information visit us at the Railway Museum.
Above: President of the Mount Morgan Show Society, Heather Barker and Treasurer, Michael Rowe pictured with a new stove that has been generously donated to the Show Society by the Rainbow Café Mount Morgan.
Heather said the Society was appreciative of the support of the Rainbow Café and the demonstration of the Mount Morgan Community working together.
The 2023 Mount Morgan Show is on track for an exciting day of fun and entertainment on Saturday,12 August. As well as the normal show attractions of pavilions, horses and cattle, poultry, caged birds, market stalls and petting zoo, this year the special attractions are Gilmores Family Entertainment Pig and Duck Races and a Miner’s Challenge (see advertisement in this edition of the Argus).
Heather said the Show Program is available at a number of businesses in town and also available on the Shows web site Completed entry forms and money can be dropped into the Mount Morgan Visitor Information Centre at the historic Rail complex. Please make sure forms are complete and correct money is provided.
Heather has urged everyone who was interested in exhibiting at the Show to obtain a program to check on classes and to get their projects finalised and ready to enter.
“The fuller the pavilions are the better”, Heather said.
The Show Society is looking forward to another successful Mount Morgan Show.
With the financial year ending, it is that time again when Mount Morgan Citizens Club Inc calls for renewal of our Membership. Email mountmorgansolidersrooms@ gmail for a form, or please attend our next General Meeting, 10:30am, Sunday, 30 July. The last 12 months has been a whirlwind of activity, and the Club has put in much groundwork to see multiple improvement projects funded, and due to be completed in coming months. Along with grants and improvements, we have also supported numerous groups through use of the facilities and have fundraised whilst providing community events to facilitate fitness and social/emotional connection for locals, the elderly, youth and marginalised. The end goal is a fully renovated Soldiers Rooms Hall to cater for our community needs long into the future. With the acquisition of the Manse, St Enoch’s Church and Upper Dee Hall at 78 East Street for the proposed Arts Precinct going through just last December, the next chapter for our club will be a busy, but exciting one! We invite yourself and anyone you may know who is interested in joining, to come along on this journey with us. Tenants have taken up residence at the Manse now the interior has been revamped, and this secures an income to progress forward, and grants can be pursued now the Soldiers Rooms works have been funded. Below is a list of some of the things achieved throughout this period, but to keep up this momentum, more Members are needed.
Soldiers Room Hall
• Dirt fill supplied and spread to level car park area.
• Downstairs area painted and floored as gym fit out.
• Defibrillator supplied and fitted. (Successful Grant application).
• Flagpole and garden added.
• New roof and insulation - Install October.
• New flooring - Toilets, kitchen, and servery area in commercial linoleum with commercial coving. Late September/October install. (Successful Grant application)
• Stainless Countertops - In kitchen with double commercial sink and servery. August install. (Successful Grant application).
• New Ladies toilet countertop - July install.
• Staircase revived traditional style- in progress.
• Fretwork to be reinstated - in progress
• Fenced in storage area - in progress
Arts Precinct
• Full interior renovation of the Manse - ceilings/ floors/walls /windows/plumbing/electric/kitchen & bathroom update - Complete.Pergola and Pioneering Women and Mens Garden - Install over coming months. (Successful Grant application)
• Work on the Church will commence shortly.
We would like to extend our gratitude to the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal, NAB, the Department of Environment and Science and Here for Hearts for their generosity in supporting our endeavours.
Our next Dance will commence after the Winter period, on Saturday, 23 September. It will be Medieval themed, with prizes for best costume, lucky door and raffles. Many thanks to Pirruwani Art for the donation of a fantastic artwork, and Alli’s Massage for a luxurious hot stone massage voucher. Our dances are open to all ages and abilities and are always heaps of fun! Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the photography event and New Years Gala Ball as previously advertised, due to overstretched volunteers with our current workload, but hopefully something we can pick up a year or so down the track, especially once the Arts Precinct is up and running.
Submitted by Kirra Swain - SecretaryThe Rotary Club of Mount Morgan enjoyed another successful day at the last Baree Market held recently.
Club members provide a variety of cakes, caramel tarts, sweets, jams and spreads, and chili sauce etc., for sale at the regular Baree Market.
Some nice pot plants were also a feature of the Rotary Stall, which has a few regular customers. Rotarians who serve on the stall enjoy the day out and get to meet many new friends and visitors to the market.
Attending the Baree markets generates regular income for the club which then goes towards community support projects.
One project the club supports is the Mount Morgan High School student camp on North Keppel Island. This annual event provides a great opportunity for students to learn about the environment, teamwork, tolerance, and personal development.
It is wonderful to hear from the students about how they have benefitted from the camp.
The Baree Market is a great opportunity for Rotary to get out in the community and earn some income.
+The Rotary Club appreciates the work of the local committee which runs the market in order to keep the Baree Hall, a valuable community asset, in operation.
Craig Edmonston President,Mount Morgan Rotary
PH: 0427 761 707
Bed and Breakfast
Call Lizzy on 0408 262 505
That Truck & Bobcat Bloke
ABN: 35 347 197 734
Quality Cremation Services
Meeting your needs with Quality & Compassion
ABN: 54 894 799 119
Servicing Mount Morgan Region
Phone 4921 2673
ABN 52 081 926 QBSA 19514
Domestic & Commercial Work Specialising in: • Restumping • Extensions
Call Geoff: 0411 707 741
Based at Razorback, MOONGAN
Small acreage clean ups, land clearing, fence lines, fire breaks, shed pads & more. Post hole borer & spreader bar
DINE IN - TAKEAWAY OPEN 7 DAYS phone 4938 2758
Mark Humphreys’ Electrical
8 Baldwin Street
Mount Morgan 4714
Electrical Lic. No. 74711
Phone: 0439 727 609
FAX: 4938 2885
Domestic, Rural, Commercial Installation and Repairs, Promptly Servicing
Mount Morgan & Wowan Districts
ABN: 24 757 904 038
Dawson Green - Mount Morgan Local NO JOB TOO SMALL!
CALL DAWSON ON 0413 825 787
Email -
Most Home Repairs - Doors, Windows, Walls, Gates, Patch & Paint
I will not accept jobs over $3,300.00
• Renovations • New Home Phone: 4938 1887 ~ Mobile 0419 741 611
Tony Harney Plumbing
Available for all domestic and commercial work.
Septic to Sewer Connections Blocked drains, leaking taps or any other maintenance issues
Phone Tony 0429 669 499
Servicing Mount Morgan
M.A.W Mowing & Handyman Services
ABN: 30 706 300 266
Mark Williamson 0403 571 561
Clinic 1st Tuesday of the Month
Firearm Accessories – Militaria- Fishing – Bait
- Archery – Ammo – Gifts – Television Antenna Sales & Installation - Metal Detectors and Prospecting Gear - Camping Gear!
ABN 86 894 469 085
Eric J Stevenson. DNRME License to Sell Explosives 1300622
69 Morgan Street, Mount Morgan
Firearm Sales / PTA’s still from 11 Glen Gordon Street by appointment
Firearm Dealer License No. 50001499 Mount Morgan Guns
Discover the difference!
Meet Angela Douglas: Local area agent
Knowledgeable about the local community Listens to your needs
Proven results over and over
Free, no hassle appraisals
Angela Douglas: 0401 953 882
Swaffield’s Property Maintenance
ABN: 68 537 641 178
Mobile: 0432 448 530
• Lawn Mowing and hedge trimming
• Yard cleanups and rubbish removal
• Wood chipping and dump runs
• House move out assistance
• Public Liability Insurance
No job too big or too small!
Call Jason on 0432 448 530
Meet 9 am - 12 noon Wednesdays
Phone John on 0429 055 165
Mobile Dog Clipping
Phone Des: 0447 275 402
Finlayson & McKenzie Funerals
Sandi Wood (nee Inslay) from Mount Morgan was born and raised within the Mount and is well aware of the needs of the Mount Morgan community.
Bob Wheeler 0419 663 277 Po Box 91
Mt Morgan
Tilt Truck Service, Excavator
Slashing, Mowing, Tractor and Poison Spraying
Licenced Poisons Contractor
Sandi is Mount Morgan’s funeral consultant and is available for all funeral advice.
Contact Sandi for more information and competitive prices with burials, cremations or prepaid funerals.
Sandi Wood your local consultant
Phone: 4922 1269
Visitors to the Mount Morgan Library on a Monday morning may find that a Play ǀ Read ǀ Sing session is taking place in the tiny, but well-loved children’s activity space. The new program, which runs from 10:00am for 30 minutes every Monday features a simple story session for young children and their parent/carer. Play ǀ Read ǀ Sing is free and you don’t need to book – just drop in and join the story fun at your local library. There’s lots of things for kids to do at other times as well, with LEGO® building blocks and colouring available all the time, and Switch gaming consoles, pre-loaded with some great games, available for use in the library. And keep an eye out for our pre-packed craft bags that you can take home to enjoy whenever you like.
Do you love music across the decades? Our current library competition links to World Music Day. On display at all our library branches is a selection of pictures of famous singers. All you have to do is match them with their well-known songs and you could win a $50 JB Hi-Fi gift voucher for your efforts! The competition runs until Wednesday 26 July with the winner drawn on Monday 31 July.
And while we’re on the music theme - check out the great range of digital music magazines available on Libby. Current issues of Billboard Magazine, Jazzwise, Computer Music, GarageBand and Pianist are some of the titles available for loan 24/7. Ask us how to access these online.
But wait, there’s more! We also have a competition running for the month at all libraries where you could win a double pass to see JUST… LIVE on Stage at the Pilbeam Theatre on Saturday 05 August. This very funny stage play is based on the books written
The first six months of the year has passed quickly with meetings, morning teas and bus trips keeping us busy. The Dee River Oldies Group has welcomed new members, and everyone is looking forward to what is ahead. We thank our members for their ongoing support.
Our next meeting in July is on Tuesday, 18 July 2023 starting at 2 pm and our August meeting is on Tuesday, 15 August 2023 starting at 2 pm. Our meetings and morning teas are held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church). Check out ‘Save the Date ‘ on the back page of the Argus for more details. Wednesday, 26
by Australianauthor Andy
Griffithsand illustrated by Terry Denton. Write a funny riddle on the entry form (and draw a picture) to go in the draw for this great prize; entries close on Wednesday 26 July.
We have tonnes of great Andy Griffiths books available on BorrowBox in eBook and eAudiobook format. The popular Treehouse series is covered, as well as classics for young readers such as Just Doomed, The big fat cow that goes Kapow!, What Bumosaur is that? and The bad book. We also have these seriously funny books available in a book format.
Have you discovered the free Word Puzzle& Trivia and Colouring & Craft booklets issued each month at the libraries? Content is carefully curated throughout the year with a range of activities to suit all ages and abilities – you might discover some surprising new snippets of information! July booklets include tasty treats like World Chocolate Day and International Fruit Day, celebrations of things as diverse as UFOs, pyjamas, chess and trees, and nods to the fantastic worlds of Alice in Wonderland and Beatrix Potter. So get your grey matter working in 2023 and pick up your free booklets today!
The Mount Morgan Library is located at 31 Morgan Street, Mount Morgan and can be contacted on phone 4936 8169. Borrow and return library items from any of our Rockhampton Regional Libraries in Mount Morgan, Gracemere, and Rockhampton.
For more information about library services or membership, please contact the Libraries Administration Office on phone 4936 8043 Monday to Friday.
July 2023 will be our ‘Christmas in July’ Morning Tea starting at 10 am in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. The cost is $5. Come along and enjoy the morning catching up with friends and enjoying a cuppa and some Christmas goodies. We will be having some games of Christmas musical bingo on the day. On Wednesday, 23 August 2023 will be our ‘Damper at the Hall Day’. Starting at 11 am there will be damper and syrup for morning tea, followed with savoury mince and rice for lunch.
The cost is $5. Raffle and lucky door prizes. Come along and enjoy the day. Stay happy and healthy. Rug up and keep warm.
Submitted by the Steering Committee - Carol Glover 4938 1995 or Colleen Constable on 0427 161 131
On Saturday, 24 June, the Mount Morgan Golf Club hosted the 7th annual Wally Hall Memorial three person Ambrose.
Eleven teams competed for trophies donated by Wally’s family. The event was well patronised with many of Wally’s family and friends in attendance and all had a very enjoyable day.
Winners on the day were Doug Wooffindin, Lance Croskery and Chris Whitley with a nett score of 47.3. Runner’s Up were Jai Browne, Jason Browne and Di Browne with 51 nett.
Nearest the pin prizes went to Lance Antcliff, Josh Antcliff, Shai Pearce and Zoe Mackay. Long drives were won by Lachlan Mackay and Shai Pearce. Sharryn Hall did a wonderful job selling raffle tickets with almost $1200 being raised for the Qld Cancer Council.Thanks also goes to Nathan O’Brien from Mount Morgan IGA who donated two meat trays for the raffles.
Submitted by Roger Brewster - Secretary
Recently I took ownership of my first Venco Pottery Wheel. Thirty-five years exactly after my makeshift student wheel was sold by my parents when I left home…I was suitably excited. What made it extra special was that after searching fruitlessly online for a wheel and trying to hire one unsuccessfully I advertised on my local Facebook noticeboard. I inserted an image of a Venco, not really thinking I could score such a good brand, and let my neighbours know I was on the lookout for one if they had it lying around. A short time later ‘Kayla’ replied that she did and would offer it to me at a very reasonable price. As things stood with my business finances this was out of my reach at the time. I let her know and this great gal replied, ‘just let me know when you can and it will be waiting for you’! Suffice to say thanks to a Centrelink lump sum payment I was finally able to make good on my promised purchase. I visited Kayla and her husband at their beautiful property just up the road from my studio. Not only did they give me the wheel that had been safely stored in a container, but they invited me to tour their garden and shed full of historic artefacts. As a keen bottle collector and lover of antiquities (thanks to living in Longreach and taking up fossicking) I raptured over the shed come museum full of local bottle finds, early mine equipment, archive photos and metal detector discoveries. In short, the delight for any ‘Antiques Roadshow’ devotee. I was privileged to be shown their Memorial Garden, built in honour of their daughter, and overflowing with fairy themed props and beautiful flowering orchids. The highlight of the visit was when Kayla showed me a honey glazed ceramic fairy castle that had been made by her elderly neighbour from, can you guess? White clay found in her neighbour’s garden, then fired and gifted to the Memorial Garden. It was priceless…the sharing of personal stories, discoveries, and beauty.
This is becoming a regular occurrence; as I stop to talk to locals, hear their stories I discover new treasures of history and clay. That is what I enjoy the most out of running workshops too; meeting likeminded creative people and sharing stories. Look out for the upcoming Wattle Day Workshops and Biloela Creative Capers in July so you can join in the creativity and sharing of stories. Submitted by Louise Jones.
Caricatures are inherently unflattering. The above 1914 caricature of local MP, James (‘Jim’) Crawford, doesn’t disappoint in that respect.
The son of a coal miner, Jim was born in Bulli (near Wollongong), New South Wales, in 1870. In his early years, he worked as a coal miner and railwayman. Seeking adventure abroad, he later worked in Scotland, Canada and New Zealand in various mining, farming and seafaring roles.
Jim came to Mount Morgan in about 1907 and found work as a miner. Dissatisfied with the lack of union representation for the miners, he formed the Fitzroy Miners’ Union and became its first secretary. He appeared on behalf of his fellow miners in the 1908 Mount Morgan Disaster Inquiry.
Having made a reputation for himself as a unionist, Jim then went into state politics. He became the Labor member for Fitzroy in the Legislative Assembly on 2 October 1909 and held the seat until 27 April 1912. In the 1912 state election, he was re-elected to the Assembly – but this time, as a ‘Ministerialist’ for the new seat of Mount Morgan. The 1913 edition of the
Webster’s Dictionary defines the archaic term as: ‘A supporter of the ministers, or the party in power’. The Liberals won the 1912 state election. Hence, Jim, as a ‘Ministerialist’, now supported the Liberal Party. Jim had fallen out with Labor in 1910 over his support for religious instruction in state schools. The below extract from the verse accompanying his caricature highlights the controversy about his break with Labor:
‘He entered Parliament ‘neath Labor’s flag, And in the straight path tried to go;
But when ‘twas sought his mouth to gag, And put the curb on, Jim said “No!”
Some call him “renegade” and “rat”, And at the poll have tried to beat him;
But, fighting hard, he won, and since has sat, Despite all efforts to defeat him …’
Whilst representing Mount Morgan, Jim’s underlying ambition was to enter the legal profession. He used the Parliamentary Library in Brisbane to study for his law degree. His verse concludes with:
‘… Now, as a student of the law, he sees Himself in ermine on the bench at ease’.
His involvement with the causes of the 1908 mining accidents ‘probably turned his thoughts in the direction of the law as a profession’ (Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878-1954), 28 August 1915).
Jim’s legal career took off after he lost his seat in the May 1915 election to James (‘Stoppy’) Stopford (Labor), who held the seat until it was abolished in June 1932. He passed his final bar examination and was admitted as a barrister to the Supreme Court of Queensland in late 1915.
Jim practised law in Clermont, Central Queensland, for about a year. Tragically, he drowned in the devastating Clermont flood on 28 December 1916 (aged 46). He and his wife, Myra (née Clarke), were swept away with their house. Myra survived and lived until 1957. The couple didn’t have any children. It’s eerie to think that Jim nearly drowned on two other occasions – stories told by his brother, Harry Crawford, in The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 18721947) in 1938, in which the above photograph of Jim was included. The first time was as a three year old when he fell into a well. The second instance of facing the same fate was on a boat full of cattle crossing the Atlantic during a severe storm. It appears that it was third time unlucky for Jim Crawford.
For more information about the first member for the new electoral district of Mount Morgan, James Crawford (1870-1916), and his successor, James Stopford (1878-1936), visit the ‘Former Members Register’ at the Queensland Parliament website:
Next Issue: Dr Oliver Smithson, F.R.C.S.
This author has made best efforts to provide accurate information for this publication of ‘Mount Morgan in Pictures’.
JULY 15: Mount Morgan Men’s Shed 10th Birthday celebrations at former Dee Bowls Club from 10 am.
JULY 18: Dee River Oldies Group - Monthly Meeting starting at 2 pm to be held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church).
JULY 18: Mobile Women’s Health Clinic. Phone 4912 5100 for an appointment.
JULY 26: Dee River Oldies Group - ‘Christmas in July’ Morning Tea starting at 10 am to be held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church). Cost is $5. Come along and enjoy the morning catching up.
JULY 29: Christmas in July Cent Sale held by Mount Morgan Rodeo Association. School of Arts, Morgan Street. Doors open 12 noon for 1 pm start.
JULY 29: Ladies’ Open Championships Mount Morgan Golf Club, Burnett Highway. 9 am Shotgun start.
JULY 30: Men’s Open Championships Mount Morgan Golf Club, Burnett Highway. 9 am Shotgun start.
AUG 12: Mount Morgan Show. Mount Morgan Showgrounds.
AUG 15: Dee River Oldies Group - Monthly Meeting starting at 2 pm to be held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church).
AUG 23: Dee River Oldies Group - ‘Damper Day at the Hall’ starting at 11 am to be held at St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church). Cost is $5. Damper and syrup for morning tea followed by savoury mince and rice for lunch.
SEPT 2: Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc - Wattle Day Festival from 9.30 am until 2.30 pm. Live entertainment and more.
SEPT 9: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
SEPT 12: Mobile Women’s Health Clinic. Phone 4912 5100 for an appointment.
SEPT 23: Mount Morgan Citizen’s Club Medieval Dance at the Mount Morgan Soldiers’ Rooms, 18 Morgan Street. Starts 7 pm $10 Adults. $3 children.
OCT 14: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
NOV 11: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
NOV 18: QCWA Cent Sale. School of Arts, Morgan Street. More details to be advised.
NOV 21: Mobile Women’s Health Clinic. Phone 4912 5100 for an appointment.
DEC 9: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
DINNER MEETING - THURSDAY - GRAND HOTEL 6.00 for 6.30. Interested people are encouraged to attend or send an Expression of Interest to PO Box 2, Mount Morgan
Meets on the last Sunday of each month at 10.30 am.
Soldiers’ Rooms, 18 Morgan Street, Phone - John Tuxworth 0429 055 165
PHONE: 0428 277 421
Invitation: You are invited to come and enjoy a cuppa and sausage sizzle and celebrate 10 years of Men’s Shed in Mount Morgan. Saturday, 15 July at the Dee Bowls Club - 10 am to 1 pm. Phone John on 0429 055 165.(2)
GARAGE SALE - 15 JULY 2023 - 7 AM
Carpentry, motor & garden tools, furniture plus much more.
63 Grey St, Walterhall, Mount Morgan
For Sale: Queen size bed & Mattress$150 - Phone - 0422 588 341.
FOR Sale: Hot water system - Dux Pro Flo 125 lt, relief valve fitted. Phone Robert on 0427 824 324 -$50.
Have something you need printed? or laminated?
Come down and see the friendly people at MMPAD. Contact us on 4938 2312 for prices or for further information visit us at the Railway Museum.
Meets every third Monday at the Green Shed - Thompson Ave 9.30 am meet for 10 am start.
Blue Care Trash & Treasure, 21 Gordon Street. Every Friday from 8.30 am to 12 noon. Every first Saturday of the month from 8 am to 12 noon Bags of clothing $5. Marion’s plants for sale.
Meet 9 am - 12 noon Wednesdays
Phone John on 0429 055 165
All inclusions required by: Tuesday, 18 July 2023 by 4 p.m. Ph: 4938 2312 Email: If you don’t