Mocca Magazine November 2013

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In This Issue

7 Editor’s Note

47 Ask Aunt Pearl

9 DR Takeover 2014

51 Pride Guide

27 Mister Unexpected


By Rafael Solece

55 Pageant Calendar

35 Maybe Its Time For

56 Websites, Blogs and

Your Life Class

You-tube Channels

41 National HIV/AIDS


57 National Club Listings

Resources Website:



Advertising: Ask Aunt Pearl:


Editor’s Note Thanksgiving is fast approaching and I ask that each of you take some time to reflect on the good and the bad of the past year. What has changed in your life and what has remained the same ? What are you most thankful for? How many of your New Year’s resolutions have you kept? No matter what your scorecard states, rejoice in the fact that you have made it this far and you still possess the opportunity to reach any of those goals that have been set by you. While Thanksgiving is a time of turkey and stuffing and Black Friday sales, it’s also a moment to reflect of your life and how you feel it is going. Did you end any friendships this year? Did you make any new ones? Did you elevate yourself at your job? Did your try something new? Did you learn any new skills? How is your relationship with your family? Who did you help this year? Who help you? All of these questions can be starting points for new adventures in your life. Life is ever-changing and don’t forget to change along with it. Things that used to work in your life might not fit into your life anymore. Things that might not have fit into your life in the past might have a place there now. Take some time to reflect on your existence and look for ways you can enhance it. MAKE THE IMPOSSIBLE, POSSIBLE. The power to do it is within you. All you need is the will to make it happen.

And please feel free to send me any comments or suggestions to Rodney L. Berry 7


DR Takeover 2014 Welcome Back to Fantasy Island

The recent events of Inferno DR are still fresh in the minds of many people. I’m still blown away to think that the event that I’ve personally attended for the last 3 years has been reduced to the horrible situation that occurred this past Labor Day weekend. While I was extremely saddened to hear so many people had been displaced, I also felt a deeper sadness for the fact that one of the events that I anticipated going to each year, might have seen its last year in existence. I’m now extremely elated that someone has decided that the show must go on. The team from DR Takeover has planned a wonderful set of events to keep this trip going bigger and better than ever. I recently had the privilege of having a discussion with part of the team responsible for DR Takeover. They chatted with me about getting past the challenges presented to them from last year’s Inferno DR event to planning the festivities for DR Takeover 2014. Each of the people I talked with had traveled to Punta Cana; D.R for Inferno DR 2013, so each person had a personal story about how they coped with finding out the devastating news. Mocca: How many times have each of you been to Inferno DR Events? Ray: I’ve been to the last three Inferno DR Events Malik: I’ve attended for the last three years as well Spencer: I’ve been for two years, 2011 and 2013 Mocca: Did any of you arrive at the resort on Wednesday August 28th or earlier? 9

DR Takeover 2014 Welcome Back to Fantasy Island Ray: I arrived at the resort on Wednesday August 28th at around 1:00pm. I met up with a group of friends at the airport when we all arrived and we shared a cab over to the resort. When we arrived at the resort we proceeded over to the arrival lounge where the previous event check-ins had taken place. There were people in there and they didn’t look like they were happy, but it wasn’t immediately obvious to me what was going on. So I went up to the desk where the hotel staff started the process to check me in. When the young lady returned to the desk, she stated “Mr. Holmes, we have your room, however we require a payment of $1200 to complete your check-in. I responded “No ma’am. I’ve already paid for this thru Wil Williams. She then informed me “That is the issue. Mr. Williams hasn’t made the payment to secure your room. So if you would like to stay, you will have to make your payment directly to the resort.” At that moment, panic set in and I then realized why all of the people were sitting around with the blank stares and disbelief on their faces. I realized that it was because we all felt as if we Guests arriving to check-in at the resort had been had. At that time, we began an all-out cry to get a message out to the Courtesy of Instagram attendees in the US preparing to board planes for the event. We felt we had to quickly alert them to what was waiting for them at the resort. A barrage of text messages and Facebook messages went out to quickly inform them. It wasn’t until 3:45PM that we received an email that the event had been cancelled. And that is when it felt like the floor had been pulled from under me. It was just unimaginable that people would be allowed to travel all the way to this resort, in another country, only to find out hours after arriving that the event, they had fully paid for, had been just cancelled. After a group discussion, with all of the new friends we had made in this crisis, we weighed the cost of returning to the US versus staying for the weekend. Since there are very few flights that travel to Punta Cana (some carriers only have one flight a day to that airport and the return flight had departed) we did a cost analysis of staying one night at the resort and incurring change fees and higher ticket prices to return home versus paying the cost of paying the full amount to stay at the resort. 10

DR Takeover 2014 Welcome Back to Fantasy Island Ray cont.: We also knew that by adding those additional costs to return early, we would not get that money back. But we could recoup the original money paid by filing a fraud claim with our banks or credit card companies. It was just more costeffective to stay. After this decision was made we sent out messages letting everyone in the states know that we were staying and if they could handle the additional cost to go ahead and come. There would be others here to enjoy the weekend with them. We then started receiving messages from people informing us that they were still going to attend. I and my frat brother Robert White Party contacted management to see what part of this event could then be salvaged for those of us arriving at the resort. Malik: I arrived at the resort on Thursday. I was informed by my friends that I had convinced to attend this year. After class on Wednesday, I saw that I had numerous voicemails from them inquiring about what was going on with the event. I assured them that nothing was wrong because I had attended in previous years. But it was apparent that from the posts to Facebook and other social media, that there was a problem taking place with this year’s event. Some my friends that had already arrived at the resort (they booked with the resort directly) were unaware of the situation that some of the other attendees were facing. The ones that booked though Worldwide Travel Partners were the ones experiencing issues with their reservations. Spencer: I was also scheduled to arrive on Thursday. So Wednesday, as people began hearing about what was going on at the resort, I was at the barbershop getting a haircut. As I sat there in the chair, I started receiving multiple phone calls from the person who I was planning to share a room with at the resort. After completing my haircut, I took his call and he asked me if I had seen the emails about the event. I got off the phone with him and checked my email. I saw the email from the resort informing me that my room had not been secured and to contact the travel agency. I’m thinking that this has to be a joke someone was playing. 11

DR Takeover 2014 Welcome Back to Fantasy Island So I immediately tried to contact a friend that I knew had already arrived at the resort to see if he could tell me what was going on. I was unable to reach him. So I logged into Facebook and saw all of the streaming messages about the event. I then tried to reach my contact at Worldwide Travel Partners. I made several phone calls, left voice messages, sent emails, even left messages for Will on Facebook. I wasn’t receiving any response. The person I was to share a room with found out that our flights were valid. We had already spent a great deal of time and money preparing for the event. We decided it would be more cost effective to go ahead and attend the event. I had access to the additional funds needed and I had Courtesy of Instagram

friends on the ground there that would have my back. Mocca: How were you able to reconstruct the events of the weekend? What part did the resort play in this process? Ray: On Wednesday, after the decision was made to continue our stay at the resort, we sent out messages informing people to attend if they were able. Those messages sparked concern with those that were trying to decide if they would attend, as to whether there was a room reserved for them (even though it had not been paid for). So, in working with one of the managers of the resort, we were able to assure them that while the reservation had not been paid for, they still had one reserved and the reservation would be honored upon their arrival. 12

DR Takeover 2014 Welcome Back to Fantasy Island Ray cont.: Those conversations with the manager led to the manager discussing with us how the event could move forward with some of the events that were scheduled by Inferno. The resort was so gracious and accommodating to us through that situation. They clearly showed that they wanted our business. They showed that they would have had no reason to refuse us if the group payment had been made. They had already allocated space and resources anticipating our arrival. They showed us a list of the core events and stated that they were fully prepared to produce these events if the group wanted to move forward. Malik: A lot of the people there had attended previous events so we were familiar with each other. When I saw Ray, I had never met him but he was a familiar face. Ray came over to me and informed me that the resort was willing to produce some of the previous events. He asked would I be willing to help coordinate the events to enhance everyone’s experience. Being that in New York I have Courtesy of Instagram planned many events, I was gung ho to pitch in and help. We all were assigned aspects of each event to manage, insuring a successful set of events. One of my duties was entertainment for the pool party. So I worked with Wesley (of AconnectionTV) to round up entertainers and create a schedule of events for the pool party. Robert brought different fashion articles with him to sell while at the resort, so we asked him to provide fashions for a fashion show. We then rounded up models and a host for the fashion show. All the preparation for each event flowed the same way. Everyone was so helpful in creating the events. It was actually very inspiring. Mocca: At this point we are about 7 weeks from the event’s end. Through official statements from Inferno DR and World Travel Partners, refunds or credits would be issued to all participates for the funds paid to them for the event. How has your experience been dealing with them and receiving the refunds or credits? 13

DR Takeover 2014 Welcome Back to Fantasy Island Malik: I believe that the majority of people filed a claim with either their bank or their credit card company to receive a refund. There were some people that are waiting on a refund from World Travel Partners but I don’t know of anyone that has received a refund from them at this point. Ray: Most of us have already filed claims with our respective banks or credit card companies and have either received full reimbursement or are awaiting full reimbursement. However there was a limitation in receiving a bank reimbursement. If someone paid Worldwide Travel Partners with cash, check, money order or made a final payment more than 60(in some cases 90) days before the event, their only real option for repayment was to receive it from World Travel Partners. Just like Malik stated, I don’t know of one person that has received a refund Worldwide Travel Partners yet.

Courtesy of Instagram

Spencer: I also don’t know of anyone that has received a refund yet thru Worldwide. Recently some of them have received emails from Worldwide requesting that they electronically sign a form to release their refund payments.

Mocca: So the new event that been birthed from this is DRTakeover. What prompted the decision to make this a reoccurring event? Ray: Based on the momentum seen by the 400 + attendees this past year, after the pool party we questioned people on whether they would support and return next year to this event. People were very complimentary about how the weekend’s events brought joy to a bad situation. They also expressed concerns that as long as they could book their own travel and accommodations, they would return for future events.


DR Takeover 2014 Welcome Back to Fantasy Island Mocca: Who is on the team managing the event? Ray: The management team is comprised of Myself, Malik and Robert. We have additional team members that are helping manage specific aspects for the weekend. In addition, we built a Facebook group before last year’s event just to talk with other attendees and share experiences. The group morphed into “The Takeover” to make sure attendees had access to information while attending the event and now that has morphed into “DR Takeover14” for next year’s event. This entire group of over 300 people have acted as the steering committee for this event. They have provided input and insight into continuing this event. And they are spreading the word about next year’s event to their friends to help make next year’s event as successful as possible. Mocca: What will be the difference between DR Takeover 2014 and the past Inferno events? Malik: One of the biggest differences we want people to see is that we want the event to be seen as ‘inclusive’. A blended event for both men and women. There will be no separation between men and women. There will be one website for all. The planning of this event included females so they don’t feel like an afterthought of the events. Women will be completely integrated into all events so that they feel the events were designed for them. Ray: Another thing that will give this event a different feel is the commitment to having more daytime events designed for people to network and connect with one another. 2014’s event will include a comedy show, a music concert, a day party and a brunch. Things outside of the normal nightly themed parties to bring everyone together (perhaps in different attire). So that there will be something for everyone. 15

DR Takeover 2014 Welcome Back to Fantasy Island Ray cont.: One other new aspect of the event is called DRImpact. This will be our community outreach effort we’re adding to the event. We have adopted a school in the local community. We’re asking all participants (or anyone who would like to give) to donate school supplies for this school. During this past year’s trip, I attended a City Tour excursion with my friend Geoffrey. During that city tour, one of the stops included a visit to this school. We were asked to donate some supplies during the tour and I experienced one of those life-changing blessings that you feel when you have the opportunity to bless someone with no expectation of being blessed in return. In speaking with the principal, she informed me that she prayed to receive the help that she needed for the school. Before I left that school, I gave her a hug and told her that God had answered her prayer. When I returned to the resort, I shared my experience with Courtesy of Instagram some of the other participants. The immediate response was that they would like to help in any way that they could. I then discussed with Geoffrey how we could add this to the future event. That is how DRImpact was born. On Friday during the 2014 event, participants en mass will travel to the school to present the donations, meet the students, teachers and principal of the school; in the hope of enriching the learning experience there for the children. Mocca: How are the amenities packages set up for DR Takeover 2014? Ray: We have an adjusted business model as a result of the event’s previous promoter. As you can imagine, many are reluctant to work with a third party tour operator. The decision was made to allow participants to book their own travel and hotel accommodations. That way, each attendee will have the security of maintaining that their reservations are valid and paid for fully. We will ask the participants to purchase an event pass that will provide them entry into all of the on and off-resort activities, as well as transportation to and from the airport. 16

DR Takeover 2014 Welcome Back to Fantasy Island Mocca: What is the cost of the event pass? Ray: The passes can be purchased from now until January 15, 2014 for $150.The price will rise after that point. Our goal was to keep the cost affordable, so we created this early bird time period. From Jan 16, 2014 until March 15,, 2014; the cost will be $200. After March 16, 2014 until the beginning the event, the cost of a pass will be $250. Mocca: What prompted your decision to stay at the Melia Caribe Tropical Resort? Ray: We had multiple people suggest that we move the event to a different resort or even a different island. All of those suggestions are very valid and still on the table for future events. Unfortunately, we started planning for this experience about 6 months later than we would have required for vetting a different resort or even a different island. With only 10 months to go, it wasn’t feasible to leave Punta Courtesy of Instagram Cana or begin to have a Jewel Nightclub real conversation about how our group would be accepted at another resort in a country that still subscribes to a very Catholic perception of our sexuality. One of my fears was that the good time normally experienced by all would be diminished if parts or the whole of our group were treated as second-class citizens. The Melia knows our audience and knows what to expect from our event. They have always been more than welcoming to our community. Even though every resort has some room for improvement, I have never experienced feeling unwelcomed or unappreciated because of any facet of my personality at the Melia. So, the final decision was made to remain at the Melia, at least for this next event. 17

DR Takeover 2014 Welcome Back to Fantasy Island Mocca: Where can people find more information about DR Takeover? Website: Mocca: With the recent events that took place at the onset of this past year’s event, what do you have to say to those people that are a little bit skeptical about attending DRTakeover 2014? Ray: The first place to start would be by admitting the risk and the page that was ripped out of history and our collective consciousness. That situation changed everyone’s perspective (even those that had no plans of attending Inferno). It is still a very present scandal. The first thing I will say is I am with you and I completely understand your skepticism. But I can assure you that this entire event is completely different because it was birthed from the people that had to live through that scandal. We are determined to continue an event that has brought so much joy to so many people while minimizing the risks that people now fear in attending an event such as this one. Also, this entire event is being built by people who suffered the same consequences, that were part of that community that suffered thru the same experience of Inferno 2013, so that we can continue the momentum of people that love an end of summer vacation at an all-inclusive resort where they can let their hair down and have a good time. And afterwards, return back to your professional status in life having had 4 days where you bonded with others, you celebrated with others, made some great connections and possibly started some lasting friendships. That’s what DR Takeover is all about. And with that, you’re able to manage your own hotel and airline relationships. Structurally, we are set up so that the event is not contingent on one person. DR Takeover will continue as planned with the highest level of integrity. 18










The Back of the Closet

Mister Unexpected by Rafael Solece There is a saying that states, good things come to those who wait. I personally never really understood the statement. People usually say it after good things happen to them. You hardly ever see someone who is waiting on something good to happen, sitting around whispering under their breath; good things come to those who wait. This is partially because when people are waiting on good things to happen they aren't really sure if the good thing they are waiting on is actually coming, they're just hoping that it does and they are relieved if/when the good thing presents itself. I suppose, if you really think about it, having hope is the same thing as expecting good things to come your way. What happens if you aren't expecting anything to happen? I try not to. I think of life as a series of unexpected events: nothing ever really goes the way we want them to go anyway. Usually the good things that happen to us have nothing to do with what we are hoping for. They are completely unexpected surprises; although they may be good things, they are still completely unexpected. The problem with most of us is that we spend way too much of our lives chasing after things and people that look really awesome to us. We covet them, pray for them, fight for them in the hopes that they will eventually become ours, but usually the things we want are not what we need; nor are they necessarily good for us. But really, who of us can see that? We want what we want, right? Wrong! The truth is we don't know what we really want. We have no idea what is good for us. We are just grasping at all the shiny things in front of us. 27

The Back of the Closet

Mister Unexpected by Rafael Solece I use to have a crush on this guy. He was gorgeous, a very nice tall drink of water. The kind of guy that I would have stepped over my momma to get to; and yes, that was how sexy he was to me. I wanted to lay my hands on him (in a biblical sense). Eventually I got up the courage to talk to him. Let’s just say that the way I had played the conversation out in my head was way different than it actually went. He was a complete and utter girl. Do not get me wrong I love the effeminate boys, but Baby Sunshine (that was my nickname for him) was a total queen and he made no excuses for it. We ended up hanging out, having drinks, and partying until the sun came up. I never did get him in the bed, but we ended up becoming really good friends. To this day, he is probably one of the closest friends I have and that totally wasn’t what I was expecting to come out of our meeting. But I have learned to expect the unexpected.Good things do come to those who wait, but usually those good things are not what we expect. They are unexpected surprises that often seem like exactly what we were waiting for. When in fact we were looking and waiting for something completely the opposite. If you think about it, some of the best things that ever happened to you in life were unexpected surprises; your best friends, your kids, your job, the place you live, and even that special someone in your life. I have learned that in life, the good things that come to us in life often come at unexpected times. If you are still waiting for the good things to come, do me a favor and don't sit around whispering good things come to those who wait. Don't sit around waiting at all. Go on with your life and do what I do; expect nothing. Trust me when I say this, Mister Unexpected in right around the corner; whomever or whatever that may be. Join the conversation Click here or go to to leave your comments about this article.




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Maybe It’s Time for Your Life Class! After watching a few episodes of Oprah’s Life Class, it got me thinking ‘How many Gay men need to attend some classes like this’. Oprah had classes on subjects like: “Being from a fatherless home” and “Being an absentee father”. I started thinking about some of the topics that gay black men would benefit from. Topics like: “How sex controls your life”, “How to build a relationship”, “Why are gay men so afraid of commitment”, “Why gay men fear rejection” and “How to overcome family not accepting your sexuality”. These topics are needed greatly by many men to achieve peace in their lives and build lasting positive relationships. The way we come into our sexuality can dictate how we live our lives within it. If we don’t tackle the demons plaguing our lives, we will only be adding to the problems that we will face as we live our lives. If you are unaccepted by members of your family, that can cause different shifts in your personality. You might seek the approval of everyone you come in contact with. You might also shun those you meet to prevent them from rejecting you too. Many of us have people within our circle that we can see these traits within. If we don’t work on our issues they can become like a cancer and attack other aspects our lives. Getting to the bottom of our issues can help ourselves and others to understand the reasons why we act and react the way we do. One of the biggest problems most people have is they believe others are responsible for the problems in our lives. The truth is they might have something to do with it but ultimately, its our reactions to those issues that create our problems. You mother could have disowned you, But it is your reaction to being disowned that will shape how it will affect your life. You could use it as a crutch and blame it for all of your shortcomings. You could use it as a stepping stone to reach your life’s aspirations. It all depends on how you decide to use that experience. Life will always put situations in your path. The way you handle them and the way you apply those instances in your life will dictate how your life is affected by them. The more power you give them the more power they have over you. 35

Maybe It’s Time for your Life Class! In the life classes, they discussed the life events that took place, the person’s immediate reaction and how that situation is affecting their present lives. They also discussed how different things that took place in their childhood had affected their reaction to these present situations. That was very important because the way people deal with childhood events can work itself into their adult lives. We all know of someone who you view a certain way and upon meeting their parents or other family members you see the same traits within those people. The friend’s reaction to the parent or relative reinforces how you have seen them deal with others in their life. You see that current actions in their lives can be traced back to the actions they dealt with as children. Without some deep selfassessment of their lives, these actions will continue. The biggest gift one can give themselves is the ability to get out of your own way in the dealings of one’s life. So many times the way we look at a situation and the inability to look at things differently can cause gigantic issues in one’s life. Taking the stance that things can only be seen in one way will cause you to look at situations in a jaded fashion. There are too many people in this world with a multitude of things affecting their actions to only be able to see things one way. It is always in your best interest to step back from a situation and take a deeper look at it to make sure that you’re viewing it appropriately. You also must not get stuck in doing things one way because that’s how you have always done them. If there are other paths you can take, It might be a good thing to try something new. We are all evolving creatures and we should strive to be better every day for ourselves and for the people around us. Most gay men have active sex lives. Some would say too active. But how does this active sex life play into how they create relationships. Is sex limiting your ability to find a relationship? I would say that sex is a limiting factor for many gay men in building relationships. When sex is easily accessible for a man, he normally feels no need to establish a relationship deeper than the sex. Gay men need to work harder at building a friendship with potential mates rather than try to have sex. Most men today will tell you that they don’t date because most men are not looking for that. Dating is one of the easiest ways to get to know the person that you’re interested in. Even though most men say that they are looking for a mate. They are not willing to invest their time into getting to know a guy. I’m not sure how they think a relationship will occur but that is their mode of operation. Gay men have become programmed to only look for sex from other men and not look for relationships. It is causing a new generation of men to not have the skills needed to create and sustain lasting relationships with other men. 36

Maybe It’s Time for your Life Class! Gay men are becoming more and more closed off in their thinking. Many will tell you that they don’t need any more friends and that a man is only good for sex. That thought process is creating an atmosphere of separation, causing may men to have a much harder time in their sexual and platonic relationships. Men that feel they don’t need any new friends can sometimes be very cold to the friends of their actual friends. They also can be cold to new people meeting them for the first time. Part of the thought-process is due to the drama that they feel might come from new people being introduced to their circle. While I can agree about the drama not being needed, new friends can introduce new experiences to your life. Men are also looking for perfection if they decide to try and build a friendship or relationship with someone. They have this long list of demands and expectations. But they would be the first to say a potential mate has to accept them as they are. One a connection has been made, they look for the smallest things to end a relationship which in turn causes a situation that no one can live up to. The smallest flaw or imperfection seen in a potential mate is grounds for ending the relationship. If you ask anyone in a relationship what it takes to maintain one, they will tell you flexibility and compromise. Black gay men have taken on this air that everyone should be who they want them to be and not accept people as they are. When you look at dating sites (and Hook-up sites) men have these long lists of criteria that have to be met in order to get some of their time. Most would not meet the same criteria themselves nor would they allow someone else to place that burden upon them. But it is ok from them to place that burden on a potential late. Men have to realize that while everyone is not for everybody, you can’t place all of these demands and constraints on a potential mate. Black gay men need to get real with themselves if they want to develop a better relationship with themselves and others. We should all strive to conduct our own personal life classes to become the best person that we can be. It will not only enhance your life but also of everyone you come in contact with. Life is already hard enough without adding additional stress and strife to our own lives. The benefits cannot be measured by gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and working to become a the best you can be.





National Resources for HIV and AIDS awareness. Herwe is a listing of HIV and AIDS resource information National HIV Hotlines

HIV/AIDS Info 1-800-448-0440 National AIDS Hotline (24 hours a day, daily): (800) 232-4636 AIDS Action Hotline 1-800-235-2331

State HIV/AIDS Hotlines Below is a State by State breakdown of Information resources dealing with HIV and AIDS Alabama AIDS Hotline In Alabama: (800) 228-0469 Alaska AIDS Hotline In Alaska: (800) 478-2437 If Calling Out of State: (907) 269-8000 Arizona AIDS Hotline In Arizona: (800) 232-4636 If Calling Out of State: (602) 364-3610 Arkansas AIDS Hotline In Arkansas: (800) 232-4636 Arkansas AIDS Foundation: (501) 376 -6299 California HIV/AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 367-AIDS In San Francisco (415) 863-2437


Information available in English, Spanish and Filipino TDD for the deaf: 1-888-225-AIDS. Colorado STD/HIV Hotline Denver only: (303) 692-2777 In Colorado (toll free): (877) 478-3448 If Calling Out of State: 303) 692-2783 Connecticut Health Department National (860) 692-2783 Delaware AIDS Hotline In Delaware: (800) 422-0429

The Night Reign Fell to New Orleans


State HIV/Aids Hotlines District of Columbia AIDS Information Line

In Louisiana: (800) 992-4379 In Louisiana: (504) 821-6050

(202) 332-2437 HIV/AIDS Administration Dept.

In Louisiana TDD: (877) 566-9448

National (202) 671-4900

Hours of service: Monday - Friday 10 am - 8 pm, Saturday 10 am - 4 pm.

In metro DC. & VA: (800) 322-7432 Georgia AIDS Information Line In Georgia: (800) 551-2728 AID Atlanta In Atlanta: (404) 870-7700 If Calling Out of State: (404) 876-9944 Hawaii STD/AIDS Hotlines

Maine AIDS Hotline In Maine: (800) 851-2437 If Calling Out of State: (800) 775-1267 Maryland AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 358-9001 In Maryland, (Bilingual) 800-638-6252 In Metro DC. & VA: (800) 322-7432

In Hawaii: (800) 321-1555

Hispanic AIDS Hotline: (301) 949If Calling Out of State: (808) 922-1313 0945 Illinois AIDS Hotline In Illinois: (800) 243-2437 In Illinois TTY/TDD: (800) 782-0423 Indiana HIV Medical Services Office In Indiana: (866) 588-4948

Baltimore only TTY area: (410) 3332437 Massachusetts AIDS Hotline In Massachusetts: (800) 235-2331 If Calling Out of State: (617) 536-7733

TTY/TDD: (617) 437-1672 Call National AIDS Hotline (24 hours a TTY: (617) 450-1427 day, daily): (800) 232-4636 Iowa AIDS Hotline In Iowa: (800) 445-2437 If Calling Out of State: (319) 338-2135 Kansas Health Department In Kansas (785) 296-6174 National (877) 526-2437 x2 Kentucky Health Department In Kentucky: (502) 564-6539 x2 Louisiana AIDS Hotline


Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. Spanish spoken. Se habla Espa単ol. Michigan AIDS Hotline In Michigan: (800) 872-2437 TTY/TDD: (800) 332-0849 Spanish: (800) 826-SIDA Health Care Workers: (800) 522

State HIV/Aids Hotlines Minnesota AIDS Line

New Mexico AIDS Hotline

In Minnesota: (800) 248-2437

In New Mexico: (800) 545-2437

If Calling Out of State: (612) 373-2437

If Calling Out of State: (505) 476-3612

Mississippi AIDS Hotline

New York State HIV Counseling Hotline

In Mississippi: (800) 826-2961 National (AIDS Administration): (601) 576-7723 Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services If Calling Out of State: (866) 628-9891

(800) 872-2777 (M-F 2-8, S & S 10-6) Deaf and Hearing Impaired: (800) 3692437 TDD Spanish Hotline: (800) 233-SIDA New York State Information Hotline

In Montana: (800) 233-6668

(800) 541-2437 (info tapes 24 hrs; counselors Mon.-Fri. 8-8, Sat. & Sun. 10-6)

Eastern Montana AIDS Hotline: (800) 675-2437

NYC Department of Health AIDS Helpline

Western Montana AIDS Hotline: (800) 663-9002

1-800-TALK-HIV (counseling, recorded information, and testing information) AIDS Institute Experimental Treatment Info Line

Montana AIDS Program

If Calling Out of State:(406) 444-3565 Nebraska AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 782-2437 Nevada AIDS Information Line In Nevada: (800) 842-2437 If Calling Out of State: (775) 684-5900 New Hampshire AIDS Hotline In New Hampshire: (800) 752-2437 If Calling Out of State: (603) 271-4502 New Jersey AIDS Hotline

(800) 633-7444 GMHC AIDS Hotline (212) 807-6655 (M-F 10-9, Sat 12-3) GMHC TDD: (212) 645-7470 Body Positive Helpline 800-566-6599 (2-6pm Mon-Fri) Long Island AIDS Hotline (516) 385-AIDS (M-F 9-9, tape after hours) AIDS Council of Northeastern NY AIDS Information Hotline (518) 445-2437 (800) 201-AIDS

In New Jersey: (800) 624-2377 (24 hrs, 7 days) If Calling Out of State: (609) 984-5874 TTY/TDD: (201) 926-8008


State HIV/Aids Hotlines North Carolina AIDS Hotline

South Carolina AIDS Hotline

In North Carolina: (800) 232-4636

In South Carolina: (800) 322-2437

National, Health Info: (919) 733-3039

If Calling Out of State: (803) 898-0749

North Dakota AIDS Hotline

South Dakota AIDS Hotline

In North Dakota: (800) 782-2437

In South Dakota: (800) 592-1861

If Calling Out of State: (701) 328-2378

Health Department: (605) 773-3737

Ohio AIDS Hotline

Tennessee AIDS Hotline

In Ohio: (800) 332-2437

In Tennessee: (800) 525-AIDS

In Ohio TTY/TDD: (800) 332-3889

If Calling Out of State: (615) 741-7500

If Calling Out of State: (614) 466-0265

Texas AIDS Hotline

Oklahoma AIDS Hotline

In Texas: (800) 299-2437

In Oklahoma: (800) 535-2437

Health Department: (615) 490-2505

Oregon AIDS Hotline

Utah AIDS Information Line

Area codes 503, 206 and 208: (800) 777-2437

In Utah: (800) 366-2437

Voice & TTY: (503) 223-2437

Vermont AIDS Hotline

Oregon Health Department

In Vermont: (800) 882-2437

(503) 223-2437

Virgin Islands AIDS Hotline

Pennsylvania AIDS Hotline

(809) 773-2437

In Pennsylvania: (800) 662-6080

Virginia STD/AIDS Hotline

Health Department: (717) 783-0572

In Virginia: (800) 533-4148

Puerto Rico Linea de Infor SIDA y Enfermedades de Transmision Sexual

In Virginia Hispanic line: (800) 3227432

In Puerto Rico: (800) 981-5721 If Calling Out of State: (809) 765-1010 Rhode Island AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 726-3010 Health Department (401) 831-5522


If Calling Out of State: (801) 487-2100

Virginia Health Department (804) 3717455

Washington HIV Client Services In Washington: (877) 376-9316 Washington HIV Client Services If Calling Out of State: (360) 236-3426 West Virginia AIDS Hotline In West Virginia: (800) 642-8244 If Calling Out of State: (304) 558-2950 Wisconsin AIDS Hotline In Wisconsin: (800) 334-2437 If Calling Out of State: (414) 273-2437 Wyoming AIDS Hotline In Wyoming: (800) 675-2698 If Calling Out of State: (307) 237-7833

HIV/AIDS Websites


Ask Aunt Pearl Dear Aunt Pearl: I have been in a relationship with my partner for 3 years . During the second year we had some issues and met someone new and began an affair. This new guy understood my need and we really connected outside of the bedroom. After sneaking around with him for about a year, he informed me that he wanted me to leave my current relationship and be with him only. I didn’t feel like I was ready to leave my relationship so we ended the affair. I ended up telling my partner about the affair and we’ve been able to work through it and maintain the relationship. Recently I’ve started sneaking out to seen the other guy again, but its strictly platonic. He is currently in a relationship. We both decided we would not go down the sex road again. My partner found out about us meeting and is insisting that I not see my friend anymore. If we are not going to have sex again, I don’t see why I can’t be friends with him anymore Am I wrong for thinking this way. Or should my partner let me enjoy my friendship with him?

Dear Trying to Love Two: You are dead–ass wrong for trying to maintain a friendship with someone your partner knows you had an affair with. You might believe that the two of you will not have sex again, but keep seeing him. It will happen. How would you feel if this situation was reversed? Could you handle your partner maintaining a friendship with someone he cheated on you with? I don’t think you would be too happy. You need to focus your attention on your relationship and not on this supposed friendship. Sounds to me like you have a good man, since you continue to stay with him and he continues to stay with you after all of this. You better wake up see what you have before it is all gone. Because a man, even a good man can only take but so much foolishness before he throws in the towel.



Ask Aunt Pearl Dear Aunt Pearl: I recently met this guy while hanging out with some friends at the park. This guy is very attractive, has a nice body, a great personality and seems to be pretty successful. The issue is our ages. This guy is 47 years old and I am 24. I’ve always had an attraction to older guys, but normally they have been no more than 10 years older than me. Being that he is double that, this situation has had me concerned. I’ve been out on one date with him and it was cool. But I did feel uncomfortable about the age difference. Friends are telling me that I need to get over it and see where this can lead. But I don’t want to lead this man on and give him the impression that everything is cool. How should I handle this situation? Should I let age keep me from a good guy?

Dear Young Lust From your letter, it appears that you’re the issue in this pairing. The other guy clearly knows your age and is comfortable with that. You’re the one with the issues regarding age. And your friends are right. You might miss out on a good man because of your issue with the age difference. It doesn’t appear that they see anything wrong with the two of you dating. You need to have a ‘Come to Jesus’ meeting with yourself and decide if you can really deal with this or if you need to let it go. I’m sure you’ve learned not to play with people’s emotions. After only one date this guy is not really invested in you yet. So you need to decide which way you plan to go before you go any further.

If you have a question or situation that you would like Aunt Pearl to help you with, send your letter to or you can submit the letter from the comments page at



Black LBGT Pride and Circuit Events 2013 Calendar Tempted to Touch

DC Black Pride

Las Vegas, NV

Washington, DC

March 23-27

May 24-26, 2013

Big Boy Pride

Sizzle Magic City– Miami

Orlando, FL

Miami, FL

April 4-8, 2013

May 23-28

Philadelphia Black Pride

Orlando Black Pride 2013

Philadelphia, PA

Orlando, FL

April 21, 25-28 , 2013

May 28-June 2, 2013

Blatino Oasis

Inferno Puerto Rico

Palm Strings, CA

San Juan, PR

May 3-5, 2013

May 23-27, 2013

Houston Splash

Say it Loud!: Black and Latino Pride

Houston, TX May 9-12, 2013

Albany, NY May 30-June 1, 2013


Black LBGT Pride 2013 Calendar Portland Black Pride

Harlem Pride 2013

Portland, OR

Harlem, NY


June28-30, 2013

DC Latino Pride Washington, DC June 6-9,2013

Windy City Black LGBT-SGL Pride Chicago, Il June 28– July 4, 2013

Memphis Black Pride

Memphis, TN June 14-16

Pride and Promote Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA July 3-7, 2013

South Carolina Black Pride

Columbia, SC June 19-23, 2013

Charlotte Black Gay Pride Charlotte, NC July 18-21, 2013

Columbus Urban Pride 2013

Columbus, OH June 21-23, 2013 ColumbusUrbanpride

Portland Latino Pride Portland, OR July 19-21, 2013 52

Black LBGT Pride 2013 Calendar Newark Pride

Mocha Weekend Black Pride

Newark, NJ

Rochester, NY

July 12,2013

August 8-11, 2013

Detroit’s Hotter Than July

Emerald City Black Pride

Detroit, MI

Seattle, WA

July 23-28,2013


Triangle Black Pride

Oakland Black Pride

Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill, NC

Oakland, CA

July 25-28, 2013

August 5-7, 2013 Hhtp:// Kentucky Black Pride Little Rock Black Pride Little Rock, AR July 26-28, 2013

Louisville, KY August 8-11, 2013 Indianapolis Black Pride Mocha Weekend Black Pride Buffalo, NY August 1-4, 2013


Indianapolis, IN August 9-11, 2013

Black LBGT Pride 2013 Schedule Jacksonville Black Pride

Dallas Black Pride

Jacksonville, FL

Dallas, TX

August 9-11, 2013

October 3-7, 2013

UK Black Pride

Baltimore Black Pride

London, England

Baltimore, MD

August 17 ,2013

Oct 7-13, 2013

Fire Island Blackout

Nashville Black Pride

Fire Island, NY

Nashville, TN

August 9-11, 2013

October 18-20, 2013

In the Life Atlanta

Gainesville Black Pride

Atlanta, GA

Gainesville, Florida

August 30-September 2,2013

October 25-27, 2013

Inferno Dominican Republic

Jackson Black Pride

Punta Cana, DR

Jackson, MS

August 29-September 2, 2013

November 14-17, 2013


Black Gay Pageant Calendar July 21, 2013

WESSLAND Newcomer & Closetball

Atlanta, GA

Jul 24 -25, 2013

Mr Texas USofA At Large

San Antonio, TX

Jul 28, 2013

Mr & Miss Florida Platinium Newcomer Tampa, FL

Aug 1-3, 2013

Miss Gay USofA Newcomer

Oklahoma City, OK

Aug 10,2013

Virginia National Newcomer

Norfolk, VA

Aug 13-16, 2013

Miss Gay Texas USofA

Dallas, TX

Aug 23, 2013

Envy Newcomer

Birmingham, AL

Aug 30-Sept 2, 2013 Mr & Miss Continental

Chicago, IL

Sep 15, 2013

Mr Duval Newcomer

Jacksonville, FL

Sep 19, 2013

Miss Texas USofA At Large

San Antonio, TX

Sep. 22, 2013

Texas FFI

Dallas, TX

Sep 28, 2013

Nationz Pageant

Richmond, VA

Oct 2-4, 2013

Miss USofA At Large

Orlando, FL

Oct 7, 2013

Miss Dreamgirl Continental

Chicago, IL

Oct 16 -18, 2013

Mr Gay USofA

San Antonio, TX

Oct 19- 20, 2013

Missouri State 2013

St Louis, MO

Oct 24-27, 2013

MBU Grand and MBU

Atlanta, GA

Nov 1-2, 2013

International Rose City & Newcomer Thomasville, GA

Nov 23-24, 2013

Mr & Miss Renaissance Newcomer

Atlanta, GA

Dec 1, 2013

Wessland Mr, Miss, Empress

Atlanta, GA

Dec 8, 2013

Mr Duval

Jacksonville, FL

If you have information on event to be listed here, please send the details to


Websites, Blogs and You-Tube Channels Worth Checking Out You-Tube Channels 3LWTV AconnectionTV ADTV Black and Sexy TV Boy Drama FreeFall Web Series Funky Dineva judys Fuxwitit The Series No Shade T.R.A.D.E It All The Skorpion Show YBN Entertainment

Radio Channels BeScene Radio Da DooDoo-Dirty Show Lodoun Radio The Paisley Show

Online Magazines/Blogs Be Magazine Cypher Avenue GBM News G-List Society Mused Magazine Rod 2.0 Tropical Desires Urban Socialites Magazine

Websites Black Men’s Dating Club Kaoz Online No More Down Low The Gay Chronicles The Luckey Star

If would like to submit a website or You-tube channel, send it to:


Club Listings Alabama Montgomery FAT BOY’S FOLLIES 215 N Court St, Montgomery, AL 36104

Mobile B BOBS 213 Conti St. Langston’s Mobile,AL 36602 Phone: 251-433-2262

Arizona Phoenix INCOGNITO 2424 E Thomas Rd Phoenix, AZ 85016 Phone: 602-955-9805

California Los Angeles Metro Circus 6655 Santa Monica Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90038 Club Metro @ The Factory Ultra Suede, 661 Robertson Blvd West Hollywood ,CA 90056 Phone: 323-769-6333


Factory 652 N Lapeer Drive West Hollywood, CA 90069 Phone: 310-659-4551 Faultline 4216 Melrose Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90029 Phone: 323-660-0889 ANNEX 835 S La Brea Ave Inglewood ,CA 90301 Phone: 310-671-7323 Club Seduction@The El Cid, 4212 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90029 Phone: 818-633-3056 Metro @Here Lounge, 696 Robertson Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 70069 Phone: 323-769-6333 Hamburger Mary’s Long Beach 740 East Broadway Long Beach, CA 90802 Phone: 562-436-7900

Oakland Club Rimshot @ Bench & Bar 2111 Franklin St, Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: 510-444-2266

Club 21 2111 Franklin Street Oakland, CA 94607 Phone: 510-268-9425 ALIBI EAST/BACK ALLEY 225 S San Antonio Ave Pomona, CA 91766 Phone: 909-623-9422

San Diego BRASS RAIL 3796 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA,92103 Phone: 619-298-2233

San Francisco Blackout 525 Harrison St San Francisco, CA Phone: 415-263-6923 CLUB RED @ BLONDIES 540 Valencia San Francisco, CA 94110 Phone: 415-339-8310

Colorado Denver Tracks Nightclub/ Cream Fridays 3500 Walnut St Denver, CO 80205 Phone: 303-863-7326

Club Listings District of


Columbia Fort Lauderdale Washington DC Bachelor’s Mill 1104 8th Street SE Washington, DC 20003 Phone: 202-546-5979 Club Aqua 1818 New York Ave. Washington, DC Club Fusion (inside Club Quest) 1368 H St NE 2nd floor, Washington DC, 20002 Phone: 202 471-0772 Club Muse 717 16th Street NW Washington, DC DEEP END @ ANDALU 1214 18th St, NW, Washington DC, 20036 Phone: 202-785-2922 Delta Elite 3734 10th Street NE Washington, DC 20017 Phone: 202-529-0626 FIREPLACE 2151 P St NW, Washington DC, 20037 Phone: 202-293-1293

Bill’s Filling Station 1243 Ne 11th Ave Ft. Lauderdale Fl Phone: 954-525-9403 Boardwalk 1721 N Andrews Ave Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311 Phone: 954-463-6969 Boom 2232 Wilton Dr Ft Lauderdale FL, 33305 Phone: 954-630-3556 Boy Bar 1220 Normandy Dr . Miami Beach FL 33141 Phone:305-864-2697 Coliseum 2520 S Miami Rd Ft Lauderdale FL, 33316 Phone: (954) 832-0100 Georgie ’s Alibi 2266 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors FL, 33305 Phone: 954-565-2526 J’s (Women’s Bar) 2780 Davie Blvd Ft. Lauderdale Fl Phone: 954-581-8400 Johnny`s 1116 E Broward Blvd Ft Lauderdale FL 33301 Phone: 954-522-5931

New Moon 2440 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: (954) 563-7660 Ramrod (Leather /Levi/ Uniform) 1508 NE 4th Ave Ft Lauderdale FL Phone: 954-763-8219 Torpedo 2829 W Broward Blvd Ft Lauderdale, FL 33312 Phone: 954-587-2500 Trixies 600 S Dixie Highway Hollywood Fl Phone: 954-923-9322 Voodoo Lounge 111 SW 2nd Ave Ft Lauderdale FL, 33301 Phone: 954-522-0733

Jacksonville InCahoots Nightclub, 711 Edison Ave, Jacksonville FL, 32204 Phone: 904-353-6316

Madeira Backroom Bar 14601 Gulf Blvd Madeira Beach FL, Phone: (727) 392-2814


Club Listings Miami


Azucar 2301 SW 32nd Ave Miami Phone:305-441-6974 Cameo 1445 Washington Ave Miami Beach FL, 33139 Phone: (305) 532-2667 Club Boi 1060 N W 79th St Miami FL, 33147 Phone: 305-836-8995 J’s Bar 2780 Davie Blvd Miami FL, 33312 Phone: 954-581-840 Jamboree 7005 Biscayne Blvd Miami Laundry Bar 721 N Lincoln Lane Miami Beach FL, 33139 Phone: (305) 531-7700 Palace Food Bar 1200 Ocean Dr Miami Beach FL Phone: 305-531-7234 Twist 1057 Washington Ave Miami Beach, FL Phone: 305-53-TWIST Score 727 Lincoln Road Miami Beach, FL Phone:305-535-1111

Parliament House Resort, 410 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, Florida 32805 - Phone: 407-425-7571. Southern Nights 375 S Brumby Ave Orlando, FL Phone:


Tallahassee Brothers Nightclub 926 W Tharpe St, Tallahassee, FL, 32303 850-386-2399

Tampa Azalea Lounge 1502 N Florida Ave Tampa, FL Phone: 813-228-0139 Baxters 1519 S Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa FL Phone: 813-258-8830 Cityside Lounge 3703 Henderson Blvd Tampa FL G Bar 1401 E 7th Ave Ybor City FL Phone:813-247-1016

Keith’s 14905 N. Nebraska Ave Tampa FL The Male Room 4502 S Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa FL Midtown Tavern 9002 N. Florida Ave, Tampa, FL Phone: 813-915-0819 Radar 4202 W Cayuga Ave Tampa, FL Rainbow Cabaret 4421 N Hubert Ave Tampa, FL, 33614 Phone: 813-877-7585 Valentine’s Nightclub 7522 N Armenia Ave Tampa FL Phone: 813-936-1999

Georgia Atlanta 595 North 595 North Ave Atlanta, GA BULLDOGS 893 Peachtree St. Atlanta GA 30309 Phone: 404-872-3025 Club Rain 448 Ralph David Abernathy Atlanta, GA 30312

Club Listings Atlanta cont. Club Rain 448 Ralph David Abernathy Atlanta, GA 30312 Cream Ultra Lounge 3249 Buford Hwy Atlanta, GA 30329 First Fridays at Cantina 3280 Peachtree Road Atlanta, GA Finns 84 12th Street NE Atlanta, GA 30309 Le Buzz, 585 Franklin Rd, Atlanta GA, 30342-2778 Phone: 770-424-1337 Mixx 1492B Piedmont Ave. Atlanta, GA 30309 Phase One 4933 Memorial Drive Stone Mountain, GA 3 Rush Lounge 2715 Buford Hwy. Atlanta, GA 30329 Scorecards 1371 Clairmont Road, Decatur, GA 30033 Third Saturdays at AJA 3500 Lenox Road Atlanta, GA XS Ultra Lounge 708 Spring St

Iowa Des Moines BLAZING SADDLES 416 E 5th S Des Moines, IA, 50309 Phone: 515-246-1299


ROSCOE’S TAVERN AND CAFÉ 3356 N Halsted St, Chicago IL, 60657 Phone: 773-281-3355 TASTE 6331 S Lowe St Chicago IL, 60621 Phone: 708-802-1705



BERLIN 954 W Belmont Chicago IL, 60657 Phone: 773-348-4975 Urbano At Evergreen 809 West Evergreen Chicago, IL GENTRY ON HALSTED 3320 N Halsted St, Chicago IL 60657 GENTRY ON STATE 440 N. State St Chicago, IL, 60611 Phone: 312-836-0933 Little Jim’s 3501 N Halsted Chicago IL, 60657 Phone: 773-871-6116 PENTHOUSE SUNDAYS @ Club 720 720 N. Wells St Chicago IL Phone: 312-787-8720

Wichita Club Glazier 2828 E 31St South Wichita KS, 67216 OUR FANTASY 3201 S Hillside Wichita KS, 67216 Phone: 316-682-5494

Louisiana New Orleans Fusion’s 2004 AP Tureaud Ave, New Orleans, LA, 70116 Phone: 504301-5121 OZ 800 Bourbon St New Orleans LA, 70116 504-593-9491 PARADE DISCO 801 Bourbon St. New Orleans, LA 70116 Phone: 504-529-2107

Atlanta, GA 30308 60

Club Listings Maryland Baltimore HIPPO, 1 W Eager St, Baltimore MD, 21201 Phone: 410-547-0069 PARADOX 1310 Russell St Baltimore MD 21230 Phone: 410-837-9110

Magnolia ’s 5 S Vandeventer St, St. Louis, MO, 63108 Phone: 314-652-6500

New York New York City

Boysroom 211 Ave A New York NY Phone:212-995-8664 Michigan Club Channel Detroit 860 Atlantic Ave Brooklyn, NY MENJOS Club Langston 928 W McNichols 1073 Atlantic Ave Detroit MI, 48203 Brooklyn, NY 11238 Phone: 313-863-3934 Phone: 718-622-5183 OFF BROADWAY EAST Club Rush 12215 Harper 579 6th Ave Detroit, MI, 48213 New York NY Phone: 313-526-8401 Element Woodward ’s Cocktail 225 E Houston St Bar New York NY 6426 Woodward Ave ESCUELITA Detroit MI 301 W 39th St Phone: 313-872-0166 New York NY, 10018 Phone: 212-631-0588 G Lounge St. Louis 223 W 19th St, New York FACES, 130 N 4th St NY East St. Louis, MO Phone: 212-929-1085 62201 Groove Phone: 618-271-7410 125 W Macdougall (7 W 3rd),



New York NY Phone: (212) 254-9393 Krash 555 W 33rd St. Btw. 10&11 Ave, New York NY, 10010 Phone: (917) 560-8024 Long Island Eagle 94 N Clinton Ave. Bayshore, NY, 01706 Phone: 631-968-2750 LUKE AND LEROY 21 7th Ave S, New York NY,10014 Phone: (212) 645-0004 NO Parking Bar 4168 Broadway @177th St. New York ,NY Phone: (212) 923-8700 MONSTER 80 Grove St, New York NY, 10014 Phone: 212-924-3558 Oscar Wilde 221 E 58th St, New York NY,10022 Phone: 212-355-3395 SplashBar 50 West 17th Street New York, NY 10011

Club Listings New York City cont. Stereo 555 W 33rd St New York NY Therapy 348 W 52nd St New York NY, 10019 Phone: 212-397-1700

Ohio Cincinnati The Dock 603 W Pete Rose Way Cincinnati OH 45202 Phone: 513-241-5623

Columbus Traxx Columbus 50 Long Street Columbus, OH43215


Texas Austin CHARLIES 1301 Lavaca St, Austin TX, 78711 Phone: 512-474-6481

Dallas Havana Nites 4006 Cedar Springs, Dallas,TX 75219 Phone: 214-526-9494 Club 20/20 2020 Leland, Houston TX, 77003 Phone: 713-227-9667 The Brick 2525 Wycliff Ave #120 Dallas, TX 75219 Houston Bartini 1318 Westheimer Houston TX Phone; 832-443-1016

Pittsburgh Pegasus Lounge 818 Liberty Ave Pittsburgh, PA15222 Phone: (412) 281-2131

Virginia Richmond CLUB COLOURS 536 N Harrison St Richmond, VA, 23220 Phone: 804-353-9776

If you would like a club in your area added to the club listings, send the information to: 62


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