bar b er shop

Linda Woodhead
Jarred Stedman
EDITOR Rex Silver
Linda Woodhead
Jarred Stedman
EDITOR Rex Silver
We start this issue by first acknowledging the Kabi Kabi and Tugambeh people, traditional custodians of the lands from which be bring you barbershop magazine, we pay respect to their elders past, present, and emerging. A very warm welcome to you one and all wherever you are reading us.
Here we are at the halfway mark, half a year down - half a year to go…How YOU doin’? I hope the answer is that you are doin’ good! I am writing my editors letter in my hotel room just outside London this issue and there is nothing like distance to help you put a bit of perspective on things. I have to say, visiting some top barber shops and working with some amazing people…barbers, models, and photographers, nothing is different; people with a passion for their craft are the same all over the world and that’s why I love this industry. It doesn’t matter where you are working on the planet if you are with like minded passionate individuals, you are home.
We see this in abundance this issue with Phoenix Thompson, American Crew Global Director of Education coming down under to work with her esteemed Australian team as she takes them through their paces and onboards them with this seasons Ac-iD collection, check it out.
We see it again with 2 of our boys, Fraser Forsey and Jono Tanika Goodwin from the newly announced BaByliss Australian team go stateside to mix it with best of the best at The Connecticut Barber Expo. They even go to the Barber night of nights gala they have coined The Barber Grammy’s…. but you can’t read about that until next issue.... however, there is BaByliss event news and Frasers blog here so read that.
He is outrageous, boisterous, libidinous, licentious, lubricious…delicious!! He’s Clipper Kayne read about him!!
Our roving reporter Collette Saunders catches up with our two favourite adopted sons Eoin McCarthy and Leigh Winsor for a one on one plus one…. on One Zero One.
Moldielox is in the house!! This Far North Queensland gal is ripping it up in Mackay, lets meet her and check her shop out. And staying in Queensland we go the Gold Coast and meet a business owner who loves our industry and has set up a unique shop that’s killing it let’s go to The Barber Bar, Broadbeach for a beer and a story.
Staying on the Goldy but reaching Melbourne as well, we meet a very special human who has an amazing life and barber story, overcoming enormous obstacles and a diverse career change to excel where his passion now lays bringing his Zeppelin Barbers Brand to a national chain …. plus, side projects! One is a nod to sustainable water container solutions and the other, a couple of hair products. He is Jase Alpen.
Business tips and advice, we have some big guns here this issue. Mario Fallace delivers from Melbourne, Liz McKeon from the UK delivers as does Cat Muir from the Sunshine Coast, all passionate about our industry all generously sharing their expertise in how we can be better at running our businesses, staff and our busy lives read, read, and read.
My mate Chadstone explains how AI and Chat GPT can assist us in making our day to day easier…fascinating stuff.
Jim Shaw gives us a colour tip from the UK, and while we are there lets meet the brothers Oliver and see their shop and work. We have a super exciting piece meeting Phoenix Thompson, the Global Education Director for American Crew and getting an insight into her world, her amazing education teams around the globe and get the skinny on how an AC Collection goes from concept to reality and rolled out to legions of Crew fans in 11 regions around the planet.
This issue, it’s my honour to profile an absolute living legend in our industry here in Australia. Known globally for the same reasons he is loved by us all here for, he leads, he educates and shares his wisdom and he does it with a command and authority over our craft that is graceful and a pleasure to witness, he is of course Mark Rabone, owner and founder of Brisbane’s revered Esquire Male Grooming chain. He’s also a senior educator for both Wahl and American Crew.
Health with the Professor, balding solutions with our expert in that space Lucas Smith, blogs with Fraser Forsey, Anna DeSanctis and Jimmy Rod, we have collections…. News…. Gear…. and more….. this is barbershop magazine issue 12.2 read it!!
Editor – Barbershop Magazine
How do I read back issues? search BarberShop
How do I connect with Rex? @rex.a.c.silver
AMBA provide the Australian Barbering Industry a much needed and often requested benchmark of excellence and platform to showcase and be recognised for creative and business skills. Gala Awards Night 5th November 2023. Plaza Ballroom, Melbourne
Phoenix Thompson, American Crew’s Global Education Director, is living the dream of many an aspiring educator, I bet. 13 years, across two countries, and four cities, with American Crew, Phoenix travels around 35 days a year, it used to be more, covering 11 global regions with currently, around 50 educators worldwide.
She now calls Brooklyn, New York home, with her offices on the 50th floor of One New York Plaza in Manhattan. Phoenix thanked me for making her write down her journey and have her dig deep and have to think about barber and life story, and, then look at the written words and reflect on a career she feels immensely proud of. I guess it’s an exercise most of us never undertake and it made me feel great that she told me, how much she thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
I guess this is what a team leader does, brings out the best in all those around them, and she does so, so effortlessly as well. It’s no wonder her creative education team speak so highly of her and value the time they have with her when learning the new seasons collections and directives.
We highlight in this piece, Phoenix’s story and to help understand life in her shoes, we land on the creation and roll-out of the Ac-iD Collection….. a little something, she and David Reccuglia founder of American Crew whipped up together.
“I was brought up in the Village called Ackworth,” says Phoenix, “which is near a small mining town called Pontefract. The nearest city is Leeds in West Yorkshire, so you can imagine how small it is. It’s famous for Pontefract cakes (little liquorice rounds) and it has the remains of a castle! Movies like Billy Elliot and this is England will give you an idea of the landscape at the time.”
“My mates and I would run around the farmer’s fields, jumping off hay bales while pretending we were in music videos all before lying about being at each other’s houses, so we could stay out late and get up to mischief. I grew up with incredibly hard-working parents that would save up to take us on fantastic holidays every year, be it a caravan in rainy Scotland or a trip around Bulgaria, Istanbul, and Romania. Once we were on the bottom level of a ship, clearly the cheapest cabins available, this is where I realised that I did not have the sea legs of my dad who spent time in the Merchant Navy. I was seasick the entire time, but it instilled my desire to travel, so I am oddly grateful for that experience.”
“I remember having a lot of fun at school, although “easily distracted” showed up on my report every year, along with “could do better, if she would focus.” I always struggled to engage with anything I wasn’t interested in. I was terrible at maths, and my chemistry teacher would kick me out of class as soon as I walked in, knowing full well that I was going to disrupt an experiment. It didn’t bother me; I would go to my art teacher’s classroom and work on my art and design projects. Unsurprisingly, I loved drama, art, and music. I took flute lessons, and I even joined the orchestra. Looking back, this may have been so I would get to stay indoors and out of the cold of winter, and those couple of cute boys that were in the percussion section! “”
“All was great until the dreaded perm of ‘88. My then-boyfriend dumped me because my Casual Princess Diana Wave ended up a perfect, incredibly tight, 6” long halo of hair, and not the good kind-- a ‘just electrocuted’ vibe that was certainly NOT the picture I had taken to the hairdresser! This experience served as an early ‘effective consultation’ lesson that I would often reflect on when thinking about when teaching.”
When did you realize hair was your calling?
When I was 15, I had NO idea what I wanted to do when I left school. Cutting hair was never on my radar. I was applying for graphics courses at college (college in the UK is from 16 – 18), so, of course, I was going into something creative. In our 5th year, we had to do ‘work experience’ for a week like a way to dip your toe into potential careers, and all that changed. My school had a list of pre-approved companies that you could choose from. In true form, I was late getting to the careers advisor to go through the list, and the only placement left was at a kindergarten. Those who know my affinity for young children will laugh at this; my next question was obvious, “Uhm, can I get my own placement?”
Every Saturday, my mates and I would go into the city (Leeds), and I used to walk past Vidal Sassoon in awe and think how unbelievably cool the people were that worked there. Their hairstyles and fashion were super intriguing to me, so I waltzed in and asked them if I could intern and work for free for a couple of weeks!
They agreed, so, at first, I cleaned, washed, and dried towels, swept the floors, and did general apprentice-type jobs. I loved it so much; I asked if I could come back during the summer holidays. It was an hour-anda-half bus ride to work and back every day, but it was total freedom. Gill Daley, the GM at the time, asked me if I wanted to interview for an apprenticeship. What still stands out the most from my interview was my retort when asked: “What will you do if you don’t get an apprenticeship here?” I responded, “Well, I guess I’ll just go and study graphic design at college. There’s no point in doing hair unless I can learn from the best and be the best.” I have never been good at filtering, but this was one instance where my honesty paid off, essentially launching my career.
I left school at 16 and went straight into full-time training at Vidal Sassoon. While an amazing experience for a teenager, it was the most challenging three years of my life. Precision cutting, hard work, and 100 tons of hair swept. All the other apprentices seemed to love doing ladies’ hair, but I just wasn’t as interested in long hair (not as challenging) or colour., When I started learning men’s shapes and techniques, I was like, “THIS IS IT!” I had found my passion! I then got to work alongside absolute legends: John Vial, Edward Darley, Tim Hartley, and Mark Hayes to name a few.
I officially qualified as a barber at 19. At 21, I got a transfer as a master barber to our Glasgow location. I loved Scotland, and Glasgow was the birthplace of my grandad, so this would also allow me to connect with my Scottish roots. But just as my world was coming together professionally, my mates were planning a round-the-world adventure of their own. They would be going to Africa and Thailand, and then spending a year working in Australia. While fulfilled, I remember being insanely envious of what excitement was ahead of them. A mere three weeks and a serious case of FOMO later, I decided to leave my job, boyfriend, and my life in Scotland to go with them. Africa was as incredible as I’d imagined, but when we landed in Byron Bay for Christmas in 1998, I knew there was something special about Australia. Needless to say, I never made it to Thailand with the girls – I made Australia home.
I took a break from the stress of officially being behind the chair. I would often be found
cutting hair in the gardens of hostels or on the beach to scrape enough cash together for a box of cheap wine (Fruity Lexia if I remember correctly), as well as a late-night trip to the bakery for drunken snacks. I even tried my hand at door-to-door sales with Optus selling cable tv and phone packages. When I landed in Melbourne, I got a job teaching at Biba Academy It was there where I met some of my best mates to date, and my passion for teaching really grew.
Take us through your career with American Crew to you becoming Global Director of Education.
I remember Peter McDonald (American Crew Australian Distributor at the time) came to Biba to present the American Crew brand to the team. This is a man with unsurpassed passion and energy, and I remember thinking – I want to work for them! There was no one else at the time that was an exclusively men’s brand. I loved the story of David Raccuglia’s creation and conception of the product and brand, so long story short, I literally harassed the team at American Crew in Australia until they gave me a job. I wanted to work for them so badly, that I took a job with the Revlon Professional brand as a colour educator to get my foot in the door. At the same time, I was taking cutting classes with the godfather of the All-Star team, Gary McKenzie. That was when everything just clicked. It was like a total light bulb had gone off and was a life-changing moment. I mean, I thought I was good at what I did, but then I realized that the intricacies of AC education were mind-blowing. It was complex, detailed, and so in-depth. I realized it would give dimension to something I was already so passionate about. I kept taking classes repeatedly, and with the most incredible support and encouragement from the team, I eventually became an All–Star myself. Soon after, I became the Education Manager for Australia. Getting to work with Gary, Mark, and Lino was the most incredible part of my journey, for sure. Those are some seriously talented humans.
Fast forward to 2018; it was time to leave Australia and move to Miami to become the Global Education Manager. When the Miami office closed, I was brought up to NY in 2019. Now here I am, Global Director of Education!
Please walk us through The Ac-iD Collection
A trend collection really starts as soon as the previous one is complete and diffused to the teams.
The collection starts with David Raccuglia and me discussing hair and fashion trends that are inspiring us. We sometimes brainstorm for hours at a time about photography styles, hair, products, and music. We will be ideating and sharing screenshots back and forth over the course of weeks until inception. This is by far my favourite part of the process; it’s so exciting to kick off a creative brief with him.
With Ac-iD, we knew we wanted to showcase longer hair again. We had just completed rebranding all our education under the ACed banner, which includes all the fundamentals of our cutting curriculums-- short to long, beard and shave, and we were like, “Ok, let’s get a trend forecast collection together.”
As we are both heavily influenced by music, that is typically a foundation for us. For this campaign, David was focused on a ’90s-influenced creative, and we wanted to celebrate a country that was monumental for music in that era, so, I took that and REALLY ran with it. Growing up in the UK at that time, hair went from the hairspray and styling of the New Romantics to looser, longer, and rounder shapes of bands like The Stone Roses, The Happy Mondays, Primal Scream, and The Charlatans. These shapes have been a favourite of mine throughout my career.
The mood board for Ac-iD was about 40 slides long. It included hair images, album covers, graphics, magazine covers from ID and The Face, a Spotify playlist, and a YouTube playlist. I may or may not have gone a bit overboard. We decided to shoot in London, as we really wanted the outcome to be as authentic as possible. We started production with a brilliant agency. When you want six models of varying lengths to represent a specific haircut, each casting would be intense. They found the most talented and perfect crew and wardrobe stylist for this shoot, which made it run that much more smoothly.
Once we landed the perfect models, we looked at the hair and technical story of the collection. Paul Wilson (Global Art Director) and Crystal Heric (Technical writer) virtually met and planned the story, looking for consistencies in
sectioning, shape, and that ‘hero moment’ of the series. For Ac-ID it was simple; three lean shapes and three round shapes using graduation (which is a fresh look for us) and a disconnected area that ‘popped the top’ across all six tying them together.
The shoot was hectic! We shot six models with two photographers and a full video team recording in three different spaces in the studio. It really is ALL about the team and planning: Meticulous. Obsessive. Planning. Shoots are always stressful; you are relying on people to be able to see into your brain and recreate your vision. This one was so personal, and I couldn’t have been any prouder of the result. I asked a lot, and every single human in that production delivered.
Then, of course, I wanted to record a runway show that would look like it was filmed in the Hacienda nightclub in Manchester circa 1990. Yeah, I don’t make things easy for people, that’s for sure. I chose the song for that about a year ago. I would walk it out in my basement with my headphones on repeatedly, and I wouldn’t let up until we had the rights to use it.
A huge part of our shoots is making sure we have a definitive range of product partners. The American Crew Fiber franchise was our hero here. It showcased how versatile the product range is for all lengths and finishes, with a strong focus on double layering the same or multiple Fiber products.
Next comes the hard part, post-production. We create a technical ‘toolkit’ that has all the assets the Education/ Social/ PR and marketing teams globally need to promote the collection, and then primarily teach to barbers and stylists. Then comes the video and stills editing, creating the head sheets, the technical step by steps, and the one unique piece that the professional will receive when they take the class. It takes an army!
It is really like touring a show, I guess, but with insane production value. I was lucky enough to be coming to Australia, so I got to teach my boys here first! Next is the North American team, and then it’s off to Barcelona in July to teach Europe, LATAM, and Asia.
What are the challenges in your job?
Adjusting our mindsets regarding global education to reflect the current state of learning (virtual) Trying to get people back into in-person
training. I’ve spent time studying photography virtually, and now in person, I cannot tell you how much that has restored my belief in the value of being face-to-face.
What do you most love about your job? Working on campaigns and education and shoot production with David Raccuglia. I’ve learned so much from him. I mean, I work directly with the founder of American Crew! Not bad for a smalltown girl, right?
Favourite Destination in the World: Tough question! Safari in Africa or soaking up the music in New Orleans.
Fav Food: Mac and Cheese, but don’t forget the Bloody Mary!
Fav Movie: The Breakfast Club – It’s the way Judd Nelson flips his epic hair. What are you listening to on your playlist?
Scan the code and find out! What are you reading?
“Tenement Kid” by - Bobby Gillespie (Primal Scream)
What are you binging: Ted Lasso and Yellowjackets
Sundays, you’ll find me… Wandering around with my camera doing street photography.
@pheminx @americancrew
AC-iD Collection Credits
American Crew Hair Team
Paul Wilson @paulwilsoncrew
Adriana Fournier @shearwisdonpdx
Ian Harrold @ianharrold1
Creative Direction: David Raccuglia @david_raccuglia_ photography
Phoenix Thomson @pheminx
Photography: David Raccuglia
Andrew Gilbert for AKAcreate - @akacreate1
Clothes Stylist Mark Anthony Bradbury
Make-up Ciara Maccarthy
Social Media juggernaut, businessman, employer, educator, mentor, and loving partner to his beautiful Moni! (happy recent birthday from us by the way) Kayne Thomas aka Clipper Kayne, is by far the most animated and out-there personality in our industry today. His upbeat and always turned up-to-100 disposition. is totally infectious, and he lifts the mood of any room as soon as he enters.
He seems break loose and out of control but look deeper and there is a method to his madness. I recently observed Kayne interacting with a client, he was finishing off the cut and glanced into the mirror at his work and at his client and he casually says: ‘Oh yeah! I’m back baby!’ The client repeats Kayne’s mantra and pretty soon he and the client were screaming at the top of their lungs while starring in the mirror “I’m back Baby!!” over and over. You can physically see the clients self esteem grow inside him. Fresh haircut, and from out of nowhere, an impromptu motivational exercise…personalised I bet, from Kayne’s assessment of this guy’s mental health when he walked in. Insane and inspirational! This act speaks volumes about him.
This is how he starts a show too, big, improvised entrance sweeping the audience off their feet and relaxing them with a shock and a belly laugh and then it’s down to business and boy, does he know the business of barbering. He talks the talk AND walks the walk….
I was born in Tokoroa, New Zealand Hometown Mangakino is my hometown and called home until we moved to Auckland. As a kid, I was always full of imagination and curiosity, always eager to explore and understand the world around me. Mum “Misty Joseph” and the 5 of us moved to the Gold Coast which has its own unique beauty and culture, and I have been living in Australia since I was 12. As a young boy, I was drawn towards the arts - drawing and painting I loved to create and express myself through these mediums. I also had a sense of humour which I always carried with me. Growing up in NZ and Aus being exposed to different cultures has greatly shaped who I am today. It has allowed me to learn from a diverse set of people, cultures, and experiences, which in turn has made me more open-minded, adaptable, and curious. These traits have stayed with me to this day and have been fundamental in my personal and professional growth.
How and when did you discover hair and know this was your calling?
My early exposure to the barbering industry through my parents, the influence of mentors and friends in shaping my career. As a young teenager growing up in a barber shop, I was immersed in the world of hair from an early age. With both parents working as barbers, I was exposed to the industry’s ins and outs learning about different styles and techniques from an early age. As I grew older, I realized that I was drawn to the art of barbering and knew it was my calling. At the age of 15, I began honing my skills by practicing on friends and family. It wasn’t until I visited Culture Kings in Southport back in November 2010 for a haircut that I found my first mentor in Robbie. Rest in peace Robbie Alma Seumali. We hit it off, and I began learning under him. Through my time at Culture Kings, I learned a great deal about fades and designs, and the importance of building relationships with clients. However, it was my inspiration from Mr Lance Liufau Top Shelf himself that truly helped shape my style and approach to barbering. Lance’s attention to detail, and his ability to create insane designs “hair art” really resonated with me and had played a huge part in the barber I am today.
Tell us now about your shop and staff and the amazing business you have grown…
Clipper Kayne & Co is more than just a barber shop, it’s a vision my fiancé “Monique Hamilton” and I had during Covid, and we are proud to say that we have brought it to life. Our goal was to create a space that uplifted our community, where people could have a good laugh, share some banter, and get the best fades in town. We believe that we have succeeded in doing just that. At Clipper Kayne & Co we have a talented team of barbers it makes me proud to work with such a team. My brother “Gaje Thomas” is one of the four barbers who work at our shop, and together we have created an environment that is welcoming and inviting to all.
Our team is dedicated to providing our clients with the best service possible, and we take great pride in our work. One of our barbers Isaiah Brooking-McGill, has a cool story that I’d like to share. He came in to say hello while on holiday from New Zealand, and by the end of the day, he walked out with a job. It’s amazing how things work out sometimes, and we couldn’t be happier to have him on our team. Another one of our barbers, Billz Herewini, was a customer of ours for years. I had always wished for him to work alongside me and this year, that wish came true. It’s an honour to have him on our team, and
his talent and dedication to his craft are a gift to us and to our clients. Overall, Clipper Kayne & Co is a business that has grown from a simple vision to a thriving community space. As we continue to grow and evolve, we will always remain dedicated to our clients and to our community. We are optimistic about our future and look forward to what lies ahead for our shop and our team.
What have been the biggest challenges of running a small business?
When it comes to running a small business, I’ve found that one of the biggest challenges is promising people jobs when there isn’t enough work to go around. It’s important to be transparent with employees and not overcommit to tasks that can’t be completed. This is a difficult balance to strike, but it’s vital for the success of the business.
what tools you love to use and why..
As a BaByliss ambassador, I am a firm believer in the quality and effectiveness of their products. The BaByliss Lo pro FX clippers and trimmers have been my go-to tools for their precision and ease of use. Additionally, the BaByliss Pro GoldFX lithium Trimmer has become a staple in my kit for its powerful yet gentle trimming capabilities. Overall, I believe that investing in high-quality tools is crucial for achieving professional results in hair styling.
What hair care and styling products to you choose to use and recommend to your guests? Why…
As an ambassador for LVL3, I cannot recommend their hair care and styling products enough. Being a product developed in the US, LVL3 has quickly established itself as a go-to for those who want to achieve professional-looking hairstyles at home. One of my favourite LVL3 products is their perfume range, which has been perfected to the point where it leaves a subtle and pleasant fragrance that lingers throughout the day. Even better, the perfume range doesn’t clash with any other perfumes or scented products you might use, making it a versatile addition to your styling collection.
Another LVL3 product that I can’t live without is their sea salt spray, which adds volume and texture to the hair for a beachy, relaxed look.
It’s great for casual styles or adding a bit of edge to a more formal look. And for even more texture, I love using the LVL3 texture powder, which adds volume and thickness without weighing any hair down. When it comes to my styling techniques, I like to experiment with different looks for different occasions. For formal events, I tend to go for a sleek and polished look, using LVL3’s hair styling cream to create a smooth and manageable base. For more casual events, I like to use LVL3’s sea salt spray and texture powder to create a tousled, effortless look. Overall, as an ambassador for LVL3, I can confidently say that their hair care and styling products are some of the best on the market.
When did you first get approached to educate and what does it mean to you to share your passion and knowledge on to others?
I was first approached to deliver some education back in 2016. I had just competed in a National Barber Competition and placed 1st overall which enabled the opportunity to share what I love and am so passionate about.
Tanya Howell and Randy Howell at Creative edge Training approached me which I then started delivering some smaller classes of education. In 2019 I was then approached from fellow barber and educator Fraser Forsey, whom I worked with at Culture Kings. From this moment forward the rest is history, I have delivered some incredible showcases, look and learns, hands on workshops and even intensive bootcamps alongside Fraser & Barber Education Australia. I immediately was titled National Educator for BEA which soon lead to being placed on the National Education team of BaByliss which was a dream true working with a team of incredible Educators and Barbers including my friends and even Lance one of my mentors. A crazy accomplishment through this journey with BEA was my partnership and the announcement of Global Ambassador of LEVEL 3 and now on a team with some of the greatest educators in the world.
The reason I love what I do so much isn’t just the amazing people and opportunities you encounter! It is being able to feel the flame or spark in my chest when sharing my love and passion for this beautiful craft knowing I can help people to reach their potential! Secondly to make myself proud of who I’ve become, make my partner, family, and children proud of the man I’m continuing to inspire to be.
Tell us all about upcoming tours and shows
I have been so privileged to deliver education across AUS & NZ with BEA and our partnered brands and even have my fellow team members
with BaByliss heading to the USA to CT Barber Expo to showcase our skills with the US BaByliss team. Some of the cool workshops and shows we have coming up are as follows:
- BaByliss Showcase & Workshop Sunday 4th & Monday 5th June in Wollongong NSW
- BaByliss Showcase & Workshop Sunday 25th & 26th June in Melbourne VIC
- Norris Show & Workshop 31st July in Rockhampton QLD Education that will soon be announced for Perth, Adelaide, Tasmania, and Cairns!
Finally, any advice to give a newcomer to our industry?
Good attitude and consistency are key attributes that will help anyone thrive in this industry. It is essential to maintain a positive attitude, consistency ensuring that you stay on top of your game and deliver excellent results day in & day out. Another crucial thing to keep in mind is that you are not in competition with anyone else but yourself.
It is easy to get caught up in the comparison game and feel like you need to outdo your colleagues, this is counterproductive.
Instead, focus on your goals and how you can improve yourself. Being kind to people is also incredibly important, sometimes it can be underestimated. Treating others how you would like to be treated goes a long way in building strong relationships, whether it be with colleagues or clients. Remember, we have two ears and one mouth for a reason listening is a critical skill that will help you understand the people around you better.
Fav destination in the world: Seattle. US
Fav food: Spaghetti bolognes
Fav movie: Avatar
What are you listening on your playlist right now?
Maoli - Journey
D’Angelo – Cruisin’
Frank Ocean - Pink + White
Design - Spontaneous
What are you binging on TV? 10 Pound Pom
On a Sunday you will find me: With all my family members
Follow @clipperkayne @barbereducationaustralia @babylissproau @lv3australianz @hairco to stay in the loop!
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Jase Alpen has had quite a journey, recently expanding his entrepreneurial reach from the Gold Coast to Port Melbourne. We caught up with Jase to talk about his career path so far, bumps along the way and his new venture with Billy Gowers.
When did you start in the industry?
Well, my journey was very different coming into hair. From the age of 4 my whole goal was to become a tennis player, coming from a tennis family of international coaches and players it was just the way.
I moved up to the Gold Coast when I was 16 and left school from Canberra for my new tennis coach, to travel, and make a career of it. I started to get momentum playing low grade ATP events around the world… things where moving. But after a stint in India for tournaments everything changed.
Coming home and pulling out of multiple tournaments, I was missing trainings, felt so run down and not knowing what was going on with me.
Then finally the day came when I found out I had testicular cancer… The day that changed the whole journey!
After a year of chemotherapy 9 to 5 - 5 days a week really took a toll on the body. Not knowing what to do after all this…missing all the tennis and having no immune system, a mate of mine needed a men’s haircut model for training. He was an apprentice at Oscar Oscar Pacific Fair and that’s where it all changed.
Going in that night was very crazy seeing the girls, the vibe and how cool it was. I was intrigued, so I did a trial the following week and now I’m here speaking to you guys 12 years on 3 shops and a hair product just about to launch!
What do you love about our industry?
I think for me personally is the people you meet, some of the friendships I have formed and the business opportunities I have made, have all come from this industry and I am truly grateful. I mean I even met my fiancé because of cutting hair ha-ha.
What does being a Barber mean to you?
Well, it means a lot, it’s my job, my career; but for me it has been like real life linked in. It has created so many awesome things in my life.
About 6 - 7 years ago I went out on my own into a twochair hidden Baber shop called Zeppelin. I have always been against the grain; I do things different…. my way and probably the hard way! But most of all I am being true to myself, authentic!
I’ve never been the best cutter or born to do this at all, but I was born to be with people. That’s where I really feel has really thrived. It’s more than just a haircut, no ego, not tough, not cool, at the end of the day, we are just cutting hair not doing heart surgery.
Our atmosphere is like no other. People can come in and feel truly comfortable, sometimes a little to comfy haha. But that is just a reflection of what we have created, anyone’s welcome and everyone has a story. Zeppelin in Mermaid is very minimal full of concrete, and clean. To be honest I wanted to do a shop clean and simple so that it was easy to clean ha-ha. Spill a beer or product who cares its concrete. It’s bullet proof and since this store we have a seen a lot more stores opening with this sort of style which is nice.
Our newest store in port Melbourne is the same; very clean very sleek with a lil’ Scando feel.
All the chairs we use in the store are actually make up chairs cause I’m personally not a fan of the big bulky barber chairs it’s just not me, but we have just put two back in, for the lads with bad backs!
So, we have a 5-chair shop, we did have a full house, but some have gone out on there and own and some are travelling. My right-hand man Rhys Murray works next to me every day; he is one of the most talented hairstylists I’ve ever met, and our newest edition King Kobi is our apprentice.
Our store in Melbourne that we just opened, I opened it up with my old apprentice Billy Gowers, who is killing it down there cutting with the AFL players and pretty much the mayor of Melbourne, so exciting things to come with the space.
It’s funny all the staff we have had along the way you would meet them in the street and would have no idea they are barbers I love it! Just guns out! What they do is truly great to see them every day and learn off them.
What makes your shop stand out?
The biggest thing for me is the skill. Rhys and I are both hairdressers, the more traditional barber shops are unbelievable at the face and taper looking styles; super clean but the top can sometimes leave something to be desired. That’s where we differ, the way the hair sits and moves from the crown, the flow, the cut is the way it needs to be for the client to be able to do at home.
The Shape in a cut is so important that’s what really sets us apart. Also, our shop is a safe space. We have guys come in for a beer and relax and they don’t even have a haircut booked in.
What products do you love and use and sell to your clients?
We love CRISPY CLUB. Australia’s newest product no fuss no worries I mean who doesn’t like to stay crispy.
Tool Talk: Tell us your preferred clippers, scissors, and tools you use and love. Believe me companies are always watching!
I use Wahl for all my clippers everything Wahl. Scissors only the best - Excellent Edges and Dyson for blow dryer obsessed with it. For my combs and brushes I use YS park. I absolutely love my YS horsehair brush.
Tell us about any awards you may have entered or won, and things you might do outside of the shop that still represents you.
To be honest we have not gone real hard on the award side; something that we should, but it always comes down to time running multiple business and time juggling can be hard.
But we have been succefful in what we have done:-
AHIA Men’s finalist of the year 2019
AHIA Hotshots finalist of the year 2020
AMBA Barber of the year finalist 2021
AHIA Apprentice of the year 2022
We do a bit out in the community and we have been the barbers backstage for Splendour in the Grass for all the artists for the past 6 years which is sick.
We do a lot with Movember each year and we have done stuff with Lulu lemon, with Hair Festival and plenty of other events.
Of course, we have all supported and attended all the gala nights and hair expos in Australia.
What are you Barber goals?
Life throws you in different directions from time to time, I have a new business Called Hope Water with a business partner Kevin Painter, which is a bottled water brand eliminating single use plastic bottled water, which has really taken off and thriving.
At the same time, we have just opened Zeppelin in Melbourne and Crispy Club is about launch, so, it’s all happening.
I think I would really like to start focusing more on the business side for all these businesses and building and building.
I would love to do more comps especially the big ones!
Look, I’m always up for anything to be honest. I’m a bit of yes man. I’m handing in this article late cause I was in Sydney for work and I’m writing this in a hotel in Melbourne 3 days later ha-ha I don’t know where I am from one week to the next, but I love it! You only live once so do it all!
Zeppelin Barbers
2460 Gold Coast Highway Mermaid Beach, QLD 4218
1 Fennell St, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207
@zeppelinbarbers @zeppelinmelbourne
American Crew®, the leading men’s professional grooming brand, introduces the NEW Whip, an airy, weightless styling whipped formulation that provides subtle texture and flexible control for natural, effortless look.
This new launch is perfectly timed to sit alongside the newest campaign for 2023: ‘Join the Crew’. This dynamic campaign celebrates the brand’s broad range of enthusiasts and industry professionals, inviting all hair aficionados around the world to bring out their best, unique selves with American Crew. Designed with all hair types, textures, and diversities in mind, the brand presents a fresh approach to their best-selling hair products: pucks.
A new ‘puck’ to join the team is Whip with a weightless formula which distributes easily to create a light, non-sticky, pliable hold and natural shine for healthy-looking hair. With a subtle, fresh mint fragrance, it readily absorbs to provide definition and separation. American Crew launched in 1994 with six core products and have since evolved into a multifaceted portfolio—with styling pucks leading the charge. ‘Join the Crew’ brings to life the evolution of the brand’s core DNA, inspiring users to find the best styling product for their hair type and desired look. Whether it’s casual or night out on the town, each high-performing American Crew styling puck is suitable for specific hair textures, cuts, densities, and lengths to achieve different results. From light hold creams to heavy hold pomades, the campaign encourages all hair enthusiasts to find their go-to styling puck to suit their hair individuality and ultimately look and feel their best.
For fine to coarse hair of medium to longer lengths, Whip’s hybrid formula is ideal to create a fashion-forward natural look, while still providing the smooth, shiny hair that American Crew is acclaimed for.
American Crew founder, David Raccuglia says, “What I love about this product is the airiness of the texture and the control it provides while not taking over your hair. Whip keeps hair light, as if you didn’t have any product in it to begin with.”
- Airy, weightless whip formulation
- Provides light, pliable hold and flexible control
- Distributes evenly through hair
- Does not add stickiness
- Subtle, minty-fresh fragrance
- Paraben-free
“American Crew pioneered the men’s grooming space almost 30 years ago, starting from just one puck to now ten! We offer the largest variety of styling pucks to address all hair looks and needs, which is what Join the Crew is all about. It seems like ten is a lot, but Pros can face styling challenges if they don’t have the right products to use, and with the array of different hair textures that exists, it’s important to offer different styling variations and products,” said David Raccuglia, Founder of American Crew. He continued, “To be the best styling brand for all, we feel we have the best arsenal of products to service the professional category.”
“Whip for me has been a great addition to the Crew line up. Its airy formula feels almost weightless, allowing maximum flexibility in the hair while still providing the texture I need to create an effortless-looking style. This product works great on a variety of styles from longer lengths to curls, making Whip a must have product for people who want control but hate the idea of product in their hair.” Luke Munn
For the latest on American Crew® including news and grooming tips, follow @AmericanCrewOz on Instagram and Facebook, and visit
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Tell us you and your barber story thus far….
I have lived in Mackay for most of my life, I love the area and appreciate what it has to offer. We are jam packed with a lot of talented people in our region and I have had the honour of working with a few of them over my hair journey so far.
I started in the Hair industry at the age of 22 working in some of the best and most education rich salons in Mackay.
I have worked in everything from hospitality, beauty therapy and electronics before and during those times and eventually took a short break while I had my daughter. I soon worked out the hardest and most important job of my life was being a mum. When I re-entered the industry I was given the opportunity to work in a traditional barbershop that I had always had my eye on and from there I found everything I had ever dreamt of in a profession. I attended the first barber Expo in 2019, searching for education and connection in the industry. It was there I met several people that have inspired and Fuelled my passion for everything Barbering has to offer.
What do you love about Barbering and being a Barber Amy?
I love what a simple and well executed haircut can do for the person that wears it. Hair is an amazing tool of self-expression, and we are so lucky as professionals that we get to be the artists. We bring peoples visions of themselves and their message that they want to display to the outside world to life.
From the moment I stepped foot in a salon I knew I wanted to work in the industry. When I walked into my first role as a barber I knew I had found my passion and a culture that I felt connected to. Barbering has given me a creative outlet, as well as a means to support my family. It has given me the confidence to truly believe in myself and that self-healing allowed me to cultivate connection and conversation with people in our little shop.
Moldielox opened in July of 2020. I was working at a shop that unfortunately felt the squeeze of COVID and they had to make the hard decision of letting go some of the teams positions to survive the hardships. While at home, I took part in an online barber course and had conversations with others who were in the same or worse positions. Through those connections and consultation with my family I made the decision to pursue the dream of opening my own shop.
My super supportive and patient husband helped me find the perfect shop and as a team we completed the whole fit out ourselves. The look of the shop has slowly changed over the past three years. With gifts and personal touches added by clients, team members, family, and friends. I have never felt prouder of what we have all achieved.
I have always been into different forms of self-expression from the norm, I love Heavy music, Alternative fashion, and alternative looks. I saw what we lacked in my hometown for people like myself who are searching for their “place” in a regional area. I wanted to bring a safe space for anyone who needed it. All of these things are what fuelled what Moldielox eventually became. From the decor that comprises of a mix of industrial feels, the alternative scene, and tattoo/skate cultures, to the comfort of your favourite bar. We wanted it to have the vibe of your best mates place where you can talk freely with connection and no judgment of being your true self. Not forgetting the music that ties it all together, a mix of punk, heavy metal, and alternative tunes.
Our team has a good mix of industry professionals and Emerging Barbers, all with personality, big hearts, and passion for the industry. This recipe has created the Moldie fam I enjoy today and the genuine human connections it harbours.
What makes your shop stand out?
Moldielox offers everything from traditional to old school styles, but our most popular is definitely the Mullet. We have some amazing Mullets getting around town and I love every single one!! Something that we offer that sets us apart, are our private bookings. Clients can book the shop and our team out for their special occasions which include unlimited pool games, drinks, haircuts, shaves, and personal appearance services done before the event. We love being a part of our customers big life events and see it as an honour that they choose us.
What products do you love and use and sell to your clients?
Moldielox has a small selection of product lines we believe in and support whole heartedly. At the moment Jericho is our clients favourite brand for beards. We love what they stand for and the quality of ingredients they use. Slick gorilla and Reuzel is my favourite choice for my clients and are a heads best friend. Slicks sea salt spray is one of the most sold and used products we have on offer, and we love how their styling finishers pair with it for great end results. Reuzel are one of my personal favourites, their range has something for everyone, and their quality is never in question. My dream would be to one day attend the Schorem old school barber academy in holland to see the legends themselves.
Tool Talk: Tell us your preferred clippers, scissors, and tools you use and love. Believe me companies are always watching!
Our shop has a good mix of tools between us all. Myself, I love my Wahl cordless legends and my BaByliss foil shavers and trimmers. And scissors well I can’t go past my ICandy scissor collection! My raptors and my green straight blades are just awesome for creating texture and organised chaos in cuts. I just love texture!
Can you tell us about barber events you have been to or maybe community events you get behind?
Moldielox are big on mental health. We strive to be open and supportive by attending events in Mackay that stand for the same morals and belief systems we hold. We have cut hair for multiple large and personal fundraisers in our area and are always available for a good cause.
We do clothes drives and fundraise for the Mackay mental health unit at our local hospital. Unfortunately, a place which is a very underrated, underfunded and underappreciated in our communities.
We invest in training and online education with the amazing One Zero One team and the talented trainers at the Barber Academy. We work with these groups because of their balance of education in the hair industry and their love for investment in personal growth of individuals, that call it their profession.
My goals for Moldielox are just to run the shop with passion and heart. I want to offer an accepting, inspiring and fun space for team members and clients alike. My goal in the industry is along the same lines but with a more personal message. I want to share my experiences of balancing family and business and inspire other mothers and woman in the industry. I enjoy having open conversations with people that are undertaking the same adventures and trials while also proving to myself I can be my own version of successful. I want to be a good role for my children and show that you can follow your passions with the support of the community around you. I would love to keep encouraging and facilitating education and I’m always looking for new ways to bring that to my team and myself.
Hairdressing has had its share of family success stories. But for the past 10 years, three talented brothers from Sussex have been quietly shaking things up with a new breed of men’s hairdressing at MaxOliver.
Meet Max, Oliver and Josh, the dynamic trio who run their three salons in Crowborough, Royal Tunbridge Wells, and their latest opening - Lewes. Possibly always destined for a career in hair, oldest brother Max was already cutting hair in his mum’s living room at the age of 13. “Mum was a hairdresser but when she first asked whether I’d considered it as a career, it hadn’t even crossed my mind,” he admits. Max went on to sign up as the only boy from his school on a ladies’ hairdressing course. But as his confidence grew, buzz cuts and barbering were where his love – and his talents – really lay.
At the age of just 16, Max got his first job in a local salon and in 2013 by the age of 22, Max opened the first MaxOliver salon in Crowborough, with mum, Linda taking the lease on the space upstairs. “I knew I loved cutting men’s hair, but I didn’t like the ‘conveyer belt’ feel of barbering,” Max confides. “I was fed up being told to hurry up and I could see a need for a service where you take time and offer something extra.”
Meanwhile, younger brother Oliver was forging his own path in ladies’ hairdressing. Based in nearby Tunbridge Wells, he was enjoying a flourishing career with Toni & Guy. Talented, ambitious, and relishing the fast-track to creative opportunities at the London Academy, it took some convincing to get him to come on board. “Oliver is such an accomplished cutter - the best I’ve ever worked with. I swear, he even dreams about cutting hair in his sleep.” Max laughs. It also took a serious promise that MaxOliver mustn’t ever be a one-stop barber shop.
In fact, the philosophy today is quite the opposite. The brothers call themselves ‘Men’s Hair Specialists’ as opposed to barbers and MaxOliver bridges the gap between a highend salon and a traditional barbershop. It’s a professional environment where you don’t just get a haircut, you get the whole package. “It’s for anyone who wants to pay more care and attention to their hair,” Max explains. “You’re treated as an individual and we help people from all walks of life look and feel good.” It helps that the shops also offer a familyfriendly atmosphere with a relaxed vibe, cool music, and nice coffee. The boys put its success down to ultimately listening to, interpreting, and understanding their client’s needs.
MAX: Oldest of the three brothers Max keeps a cool head and takes care of business. Steady, calm and a good listener, he’s the driving force behind the making of the brand MaxOliver.
OLIVER: Creative, style conscious and very talented, Oliver describes himself as a ‘lion on a lead’. The creative visionary, Oliver has a wealth of technical knowledge and heads up education at MaxOliver.
JOSH: Charismatic but laidback and almost always fully booked, Josh is a great all-rounder who is charming, popular and gets involved in all areas of the business.
Youngest of the three, Josh, was the last to join the fold and became something of a protégé for his older brothers. He rose through the ranks as MaxOliver’s first fully trained stylist, cultivated by Max on barbering and Oliver on long hair, he became a model for the kind of multi-skilled cutters MaxOliver is now known for producing.
Today, education is a key focus for MaxOliver. Its internal education program has been built to thoroughly educate their stylists in both classic barbering and modern-day hairdressing - bringing together the best parts of each to build something stronger. “We’ve devised a collection of six technical MaxOliver cuts that everyone in the team has to master to become fully qualified,” Oliver explains. “It keeps expectations and standards high. We specialise in the mechanics of men’s hairdressing.” It’s something they pride themselves on delivering to the highest standards and with an unmistakable flair.
With such a thriving brand in place, plans for expansion are of course on the table. But one thing the tight-knit team is keen to retain is the principles of the family business they’ve created. “With a family business you have trust and loyalty,” Max reflects. “Another benefit of being related is that your minds work alike, and you understand each other. You can speak your mind without offending each other.” Oliver describes the dynamics between the three of them as: “the perfect brotherly ranks – we all know our place and where we fit in the mix.”
It’s a philosophy that runs throughout the business and, however exponentially things take off, they’re keen to protect in the future. Everyone they’ve recruited has either been a previous customer or they’ve experienced the brand and wanted to become a part of it. And they seldom leave. Not only do the brothers look out for each other, team members become almost part of the family too. “Our staff make MaxOliver what it is today,” Max confides.
“Finding good quality talent is the biggest challenge in our industry,” Max reflects. Rare then to get three such exceptional ones from just one gene pool. “It seems to work and come naturally to all of us. There’s no place for ego here at MaxOliver,” Max explains. Absolutely not. Just topquality hair in a setting that challenges the conventions of a ‘barbershop’ and is cutting its own visionary niche in the hair world.
@maxolivermh @gorgeousprhair
Ever been to a hair seminar, product launch, look and learn demonstration or hair workshop, and feel you’ve connected with one of the guest artists on stage and that they are only speaking just to you?
You’ve made eye contact and you’ve become totally emersed in what they are saying and ‘sharing’… you feel like you’re in the intimacy of your own shop being carefully tutored by your trusted boss, just you and them and the model. You laugh at a joke they make and snap to the realisation 150 people around you are laughing too, and this is shared experience… but you still feel you’re the one everything is being directed to.
This is what it’s like if Mark Rabone is on stage and you are in the audience, he has the ability to make you feel he’s only talking to you and you’re the most important person in the room!
Mark has been an educator for well over a decade so I’m sure a lot of you have seen him and experienced everything I’ve just said… but there is way more to this man than that.
He is an astute businessman that owns and runs 2 of Brisbane’s most revered men’s hair establishments, Esquire Male Grooming (celebrating 20 years in biz in 2014); he’s an incredible employer that actively thinks of the wellbeing of his staff, both in terms of their inner and creative happiness; he pains over how he can service his clients better, demanding ever increasing skill-set abilities from himself and his team, and of a higher standard of luxurious treatment offered at his stores. He is a husband, dad, and a Pom… and we love him!
So, I grew up in Birmingham UK in a working-class family. my memories through the early through the 70s and the 80s was typical of my era I was into BMX, skateboarding, breakdancing, playing football and basically just having fun with my friends.
I was always into art, so given the times, and my obsession with American culture at the time, (everything looked sunny and cool in California) graffiti was to play a big part of my early teens!
We had a close family, with my Dad one of 4 brothers. My uncle Roy had a sign writing business and my dad felt that with my artistic style of lettering with my graffiti, an apprenticeship at Uncle Roy’s place would be perfect for me, but….
How did you discover the Hair World?
Hair wasn’t my first career choice, I wanted to do fashion design, but unfortunately I wasn’t invited to complete year 11 and 12 at school. In June 1987 I saw an advert for a local salon looking for an apprentice and it seemed like the closest thing to fashion!
After a year I moved to Raffles in Birmingham City Centre. I still wasn’t fulfilled with my hair journey through, and after I finished my 2nd year I was ready to try something else… fortunately, there was a barbershop underneath; John Hayes, and I did my 3rd year down there at a traditional barbershop and I loved it!
“One thing Wahl has that no one can refute – is a long heritage in reliability, and that speaks volumes to the stylists using their product” Mark Rabone
From there I spent 3 long summers working on the Greek islands having fun, doing a variety of jobs but always cutting hair, then returning to the UK for the winter. Sometimes working at a shop, always doing a second job behind a bar, but basically I realised that I enjoyed working in a social environment and cutting hair on a beach with no blow dryers or clippers and limited products really showed the value of a good cut!
I’d planned in my final Greek summer of 1994 to see how far my scissors and comb could get me travelling the world, well that summer I met my Australian wife and I fast tracked to the other side of the world!
When we arrived back in Australia for good, we moved to Melbourne, and I worked at Wax Men’s Haircutter ‘s in Grenville Street Prahran for 4 years. The founder Paul Bartollo, a fellow Brit was a great inspiration to me in business, and he gave me heads up that barbers weren’t all seen as a destination for old men or guys that want ‘just a haircut’.
After my wedding and close to a year cutting back home in Birmingham in Rackhams the main department store at the time, we were heading back to Queensland, and I only had one thing in mind and that was to open a modern barbershop of my own
Tell us about Esquire Male Grooming:
So yeah, we opened the first Esquire in Milton in November 2004 and I wanted to create a space that was masculine but modern, I wanted to give Brisbane men a barber service that had all the trappings of a unisex salon - appointments, refreshments, wider service menu and backed up by a full professional range.
From originally being by myself we grew to 5 stylists and always took on apprentices; my aim with the team was always to provide a workplace and environment that was better than the rest, that way they won’t want to work anywhere else!
10 years later we opened the second Esquire in Tattersalls Arcade instilling unparalleled service in men’s hair to the CBD. We recognise that the small differences mean the most to our customers and we are constantly evolving to remain one of Brisbane’s finest. I believe that’s it is all down to training, motivation and keeping the team happy… finding out what motivates the guys individually is the way I keep the business moving forward, and of course encouraging creativity.
cont’d over page
To that end we do photo shoots annually, quarterly training in store, and of course many external events and inspiration evenings which my team enjoy attending and can feel being part of the growth of Esquire. I am also a huge believer in taking on apprentices and adding to the future of the Industry, the popularity of barbering over the past decade has made it much easier to get enthusiastic trainees, as long as you’re willing to put the time into them.
One thing that goes unheralded in our business is that the most important beneficiary of all this - the client, really does notice, and they too are aware that they are getting good value for their money because of all the ongoing involvement we have in ourselves as stylists. Quality does shine!
Personally, I’ve had to evolve along the way, nearly 2 decades in business and the landscape has changed immensely, still staying with my core belief meant expectations changed, and if I didn’t change and evolve myself, we wouldn’t remain where we are today.
What are your fav tools of the trade?
Like most barbers or tradesmen, I am very particular about the tools I use and have quite an enviable kit, my favourite scissors are between 6 1/2 to 7 inch and always Japanese steel.
I was taught a long time ago about the durability and precision of Japanese steel & I have owned Tondeo and Hikari in the past, but for the last decade used Mizutani. I’ll always use a feather razor which I think is the most underrated and easily accessible tool to use for any techniques a thinning scissor or texturizing scissor could do, and also gives a great finish on a whole haircut for many styles.
The clippers I’ve always used in my career has always been Wahl, they’ve never let me down. I use all of their clippers and trimmers and their foilers too.
The five-star cordless clipper range has been revolutionary (I don’t miss keeping a cord out of the way) the different types of blades each clipper has, all have different benefits and outcomes, charge times and engine power giving me their right clipper for any haircut I’m faced with, thus making my work that little bit easier.
Anytime I’ve been tempted to try another brand… I have to say I’ve been disappointed. One thing Wahl has that no one can refute – is a long heritage in reliability, and that speaks volumes to the stylists using their product.
My current favourite clipper are the cordless legends - they have an extended cutting blade which allows me to get through bulk and coarse hair with ease. As a bald man who foils his head regularly, wait until the new Vanish Foilers are out, the best yet!
Products loved, used, and proudly sold at Esquire?
The main product we use in our shop is American Crew. I was first introduced to this product in the 90s whilst in Melbourne, it was revolutionary at the time and has not stood still since.
Their shampoos, conditioners and shaving range have been a staple, alongside their styling products for nearly 30 years. The styling products which I most love right now is the Grooming Spray, the Matt Clay Spray, the Boost Powder and Matt Clay paste and the-soon-to-be-released “Whip”. What I love about the American Crew range is you can mix to get the finish you desired finish, also the Ethos that the company has are very much in line with my way of thinking and that is ‘the haircut is the hero’ and the product is there to emphasise the cut – and they back this this up with education.
I have been educating now for 13 years and I am blessed to do it for the two brands who have helped shaped my career.
I was asked to join the American Crew team through a conference and competitions and a meeting with the distributors of the time. That experience of education in classes and onstage led to a meeting with the Wahl Family. Their investment in the team to bring all elements of our industry together, having the team together at Brisbane’s Barber Temple for a week twice in 1 year and develop all of our skills was inspirational! We have to learn the collections that we are to teach so I get to be the student every year, which when you are surrounded by your peers and helping each other along the way is massively important to my growth as a barber, you really should never stop progressing your skill set in our industry on your own hair journey.
I’m very lucky I get to pass on knowledge and techniques to others who wish to learn, and I continually am amazed at the talent we have here in Australia. I’ve learned plenty along the way from students in my class too, education really is a sharing experience.
In reflection so far, my career has exceeded my expectations as to what a barber can achieve .. I would never have thought possible I’d be a part of hair shows in the US and Europe as well as all over Australia. To be part of a judging team for many competitions is an honour, and to have fun on stage doing something I love still blows my mind!
On top of that, the friendships I’ve made within the industry from around the world is incredible, and all united by hair!
The shops are still a huge part of my life and I’m on the floor doing full days 3 times a week! The buzz of the shop floor with all the banter and laughs we have… the interactions with clients and being around the team is something that gets in your blood, and I don’t think it’s something I could ever walk away from entirely. Plus, there’s still more to come from us as a team.. watch this space!
“There is something very gratifying about being of service. Knowing in oneself that the gift you give is not for self-gratification but for the extension of the receiver. The humility and “no egos”, combined with analytical minds, no “salesy” feels, and their subconscious views and mindsets, are a first for our industry within the framework of Eoin McCarthy’s and Leigh Winsor’s newly launched ONE ZERO ONE. “
After enjoying the claps and successes, the awards, global brands, world’s biggest football teams, music artists, cutting hair and educating, their mission now is to help and serve the people of our industry on a larger scale. To teach others to gift to themselves a level of success and ability to choose how to live life. The concept is simple and not one that many do gift themselves… choice. CHOICE is their biggest accolade.
Creating ONE ZERO ONE has allowed Eoin and Leigh the freedom to step into a mission that serves others. The concept and name were born out of one of their workshops, where Leigh was mentioning the synchronicities of consultation and foundations, which refer to the starting point of a journey.
“How are you doing?”, they will ask you!
Well, I caught up with them on a recent Zoom to ask them that very same question.
Your Tagline “Limitless Potential” and your “Brand Promise” is unique! Tell us about that and how it sets you apart.
“We’ve spent almost 2 decades building levels of evidence in the form of awards and material success. Everyone in the industry can seem to do hair to meet client expectations at a reasonable standard these days. Our point of difference is everything BUT the hair! It’s our wealth of knowledge. It’s our ability to see possibilities and opportunities that others can’t and, most importantly, we have the courage to go after them and question the blueprint.
Our courses and offerings provide much more value than just the hair stuff. We do that too! Our aim with the hair material is to help people in developing a foundational baseline of knowledge that is so good when they are on autopilot, that they can focus on the stuff we believe actually matters. The connection to self, the human connection with our clients and supporting a healthy life for our attendees. We used to be a one stop shop for educational services in the past. Now we only offer a couple of services. Our main one being our 3 DAY COURSE which is a transformational experience for all involved. We also run the form of “The Hair Index “subscription. This is our combined 20+ years of experience condensed into one $10 per week online on-demand library. These offerings allow us to work on projects such as our coaching and photography, where we help people scale their businesses and prepare themselves for photographic competitions such as AMBA and AHIA.”
You are an extremely cohesive team. What do you do to support that cohesiveness?
“We run our business in an extremely unique way. We have pretty much broken all of the norms that can be broken in the industry. Working our business, we optimise to support our lives, not the other way around - which is the most common route. Every day we strive to seek and gain more knowledge in the form of acquiring our own mentors and knowledge. We don’t chase money; we acquire knowledge and as a natural consequence money is magnetic. When one chases something, the natural response is - run away. Money is nothing but a fuel source for us to express our purpose. Creating ONE ZERO ONE has allowed us the freedom to remove ourselves from the situation and step into a mission that primarily serves others. When we do that we serve ourselves at the highest level as a natural consequence.”
Products and Tools?
“We have a great quote we like to use in our workshops. “In the mind of one who thinks, any tool will do. In the mind of one who is not willing to think, no tool is good enough.” These days we only work with companies in which we fully believe in.
We endorse products we believe in. You won’t see us use or recommend anything else. If we are to talk product - we have just launched a new scissor with Excellent Edges. It is called THE 101. The all-round scissor we’ve been looking for in order to eliminate decision fatigue.”
cont’d on page 32
What are some of your life’s pivotal moments that have helped propel you to where you are now?
LEIGH: The two most pivotal moments in my life have been
1. The moment I was born.
2. The day I left home to come to Australia. Naturally, the moment I was born, interrupted my peace and forced my soul into this mode of survival in human form. I then compounded that at the tender age of 20 when I came to Australia. On reflection, I really had no choice but to survive. It has solidified a sense of responsibility and resilience in my life, my fulfilment and ultimately, my successes. I’m so grateful for the experiences I’ve had, no matter how great or challenging they have been. They have given me many reference points to show where I can develop and evolve as a human. As Seneca once said, ‘We often suffer more in our heads than we do in reality’.
EOIN: “The two most pivotal moments in my life have been
1. Lining up against my childhood heroes as a pro cyclist.
2. When I engaged my first business coach. There was a moment in time around 2014/15 that I raced against some of my childhood heroes. The reason it was so profound is because it made me realise that if I put my mind, heart, and soul into something it can happen. It solidified a mindset of anything being possible. I still carry this with me today. Potential is limitless.
In 2022 I had my second most pivotal moment by engaging my first ever business coach. He opened my perspective to the reality of life and business, completely taking me out of the constructs that I created around myself. It made me realise the importance of oversight. An investment that I will be forever grateful for.”
When I first met Eoin, he was prepping a model backstage at Hair Expo in 2019. Quietly, almost mechanically, tapering like he’d done it 10,000 times before. It was not until recent times that I have appreciated the depth of that action and the person performing it. If you listen to The Network Podcast, or join THE OZONE Community on Facebook, you will know what I mean. His attitude is one of independence. Nonconforming, and with aspirations within himself, he has now ditched the norms, disproved stigmas, and is constantly working toward new goals. Coming from a competitive and sometimes gruelling cycling background, he has invested in himself and can apply many concepts learned from it and align it with the same principles he uses with hair.
For example, competitively riding a race is a start and finish process that has taken years of repetition and discipline to complete. Is a perfectly executed hair style a start to finish process? I think yes! Hair requires the same principles. He has enough insight to success and loss that he can confidently mentor and direct not just in the mechanics of hair but also the lifestyle and mindset required to create a satisfying existence in hair. He has a desire to share his mindset with people because, in his mind, nothing is impossible! Sounds cliche, maybe, but his early naivety helped get him to where he is by observing. His relentlessness developed early and the power of the compounding effect of consistency has now helped him escape the machine and work toward freedom.
Leigh is a soulful, charismatic presence in any room. His unassuming personality is magnetic and settling to those who approach him. This is also reflected in his training and coaching. The depth of thinking which comes from a disciplined mind is transferred to the mechanics required in the execution of precision styling. He has a unique style which encompasses more than just pivot point. His genuine desire to guide and mentor comes from his own lived experience of guidance and a journey that he describes as 4 seasons. These 5-year blocks have been given distinct titles. The first the Perfectionism Piece, where he just wanted to get really good at his chosen skill. The next 5, the Sharpening Phase, he draws analogy to being “in the trenches” exposing himself to as many scenarios and hours under the sun, conquering any hair type after sharpening the sword. By the 10-year mark he truly felt his confidence. The third phase, the Validation and Proof, was a journey of self-worth. Here he proved himself as a reputable force in the industry by testing everything he had accumulated in knowledge and education. Entering as many competitions as possible with both successes and losses. In the current phase hair serves as the medium to reach people and impact on a deeper level way beneath the surface that we hairstylists are used to. In recent years Leigh has pursued his passion for photography, creating stunning imagery and videos, working alongside some of the industry’s best including luminaries like David Mannah, Andrew O’Toole, and Sean Higgins. Photography has been a natural progression for him and it’s expression flows innately through. It is through his knowledge and expertise in this medium that he now wishes to assist those in the industry who are ready to step up to online photographic competitions and photoshoots.
This year’s Hair Festival 2023 sees Eoin and Leigh hosting Barber Hub once again over the two days and presenting a one hour “The Million Dollar Consultation” educational session on Monday 12 June in the Elston Room. The success of their 2022 inaugural presence saw the Barber Hub stand the most visited in the entirety of the Hair Festival weekend. Little wonder I say! The people come for what they offer not simply to be entertained, but to be a part of what they see as a genuine movement towards something that, to now, has been untapped in the Australian Festival and Expo environment. These are two people who will never be the guys who just “do enough”. They recognise obligation and responsibility, presenting the best versions of themselves and bringing wholistic health, mindset, and brain performance to the Industry.
Please use the QR Code below to gain more insight into their business ONE ZERO ONE, and a special gift to you from Eoin and Leigh.
Empowering Hair Professionals to reach LIMITLESS POTENTIAL
One Zero One Education
Eoin McCarthy @eoinmccarthyhair Leigh Windsor @leighwindsor
Collette Saunders @collettesaundershair
Founder @australianfemalebarbers @afb_recruit
Director @jackreedfoundation
According to a recent survey, the male grooming sector continues to grow from strength to strength. Since 2012, beauty and personal care launches specifically targeted at men have increased globally by more than 70%!
BaBylissPRO, the renowned leader in professional hairstyling tools, is proud to introduce its esteemed Australia and New Zealand Education Team. Composed of industry-leading experts and educators, this dynamic team is set to revolutionise the hairstyling landscape through their innovative educational seminars and the launch of cutting-edge barbering tools.
As we step into 2023, BaBylissPRO enthusiasts can expect an exciting line-up of educational opportunities and game-changing product releases.
The BaBylissPRO Australia and New Zealand Education Team comprises a diverse group of skilled professionals who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and expertise. Led by industry veterans and fuelled by a commitment to excellence, this team is dedicated to equipping hairstylists with the latest techniques, trends, and skills to elevate their craft.
BaBylissPRO is renowned for its immersive and educational seminars, and 2023 promises to deliver some exceptional training opportunities. The seminars will cover a wide range of topics, catering to the needs of hairstylists at every level of expertise. From foundational courses for beginners to advanced workshops for seasoned professionals, BaBylissPRO’s educational offerings ensure that stylists have the tools they need to excel.
New product launches
• BaBylissPRO SnapFX Clipper and Trimmer
• BaBylissPRO SnapFX Gold Clipper and
• BaBylissPRO LoPROFX Clipper and BaBylissPRO LoPROFX Gold Clipper and Trimmer
• BaBylissPRO UV Double and Single Foil Shaver
Upcoming Education Event Schedule
• NSW - June 4th & 5th
- Sunday June 4th: Education & Product Showcase
- Monday June 5th: Hands on Workshop
- Address: Hosted by Hairco at Belinda’s Hair Creation, 411 Princes Hwy Corrimal NSW
• June 2023 - Melbourne Educational Event
• July 2023 - South Australia Educational Event
Additional NSW-based events to be announced, and further AU/NZ 2023 dates to follow. Tickets will be available through Eventbrite.
Pastels are one of the biggest trends we’re seeing this season. pastels come back on trend year after year in however for 2023 pastels have a more contemporary and stylish update my favourite, current and on trend ways for male clients to wear pastels this year.
For men, a great way to wear pastels this spring is by teaming their chosen pastel tone with their natural shade, particularly if they have a haircut that is longer on the top and shorter on the sides. I love to cut my clients hair right down at the sides, revealing their natural hair colour, and then bleach and tone the top longer section of hair. this creates a super cool and quirky contrast. I particularly love this look with a steel grey tone on the top or a blue. this is a great way for male clients to update their look with colour without opting for too much of a bold-statementhue.
Adding an opulent pearlescent toner is another way for male clients to give their pastel hue an up-to-date finish for 2023. by giving the hair an opulent pearlescent finish instead of the ordinary soft pastel this will give the hair a more expensive luxurious and high shine look.
Ashy silver blondes have been on trained for some time but as we come into the new season we will see her colours becoming a lot warmer. now is the time for men to go blonde and if they’re feeling to try yellow!
A yellow-blonde hue Can look great when teamed with the right cut. I think this looks particularly stylish with a crew cut. it’s such a fun playful colour in the perfect match for men with bubbly personalities.
With the Barbie movie coming out soon, Pink being a huge trend on the catwalks for both women and men and the ‘Barbiecore’ trend surging across social media, It’s inevitable that pastel pink hues will be one of the most popular pastel shades for men this year. pastel pinks look fantastic on men who are already blonde And fade out of the hair seamlessly. pinks are also always a popular choice as they work well on all skin tones.
For those feeling daring and adventurous pairing two or three pastel tones together is another modern way for male clients to wear their pastel hair for 2023. by teaming shades of blue, pink, and green together this will create an incredible rainbow inspired hue that will have heads turning.
The key to pastel hair colour looking its best and long-lasting? Hair care. clients should be advised to use good quality Professional shampoo and conditioner that is for coloured hair. they should also consider using a hand mask once per week to keep their hair in optimum condition and the colour sealed in. heated styling tools can of course lead to colour fade so it’s important that clients are aware with heated styling, to always protect their hair with a heat protection spray first.
@jimshawhairBill Galanis, owner of Barber Bar, Broadbeach studied architecture at RMIT in Melbourne along with Sales & Marketing. Having been an entrepreneur since he was 23, mainly in the housing and construction sector, he established a successful NEW home company called Greater Melbourne Homes which Ihesold back in 2003.
Here is a man who clearly enjoys the challenge of setting up startup’s, with a number of successful companies under his belt, and in 2020 this included the birth of The Barber Bar.
We spoke to Bill about his concept bar and barbershop
What made you get into the barber industry?
I believe the barbering industry is the most under rated profession/ trade/service. The fact that ANYONE can pick up clippers and call themselves a barber was the reason I decided to get into the industry. You know the saying “When there’s no structure opportunity awaits”. The current business model in the way the barbering industry operates their business’, I believe, is pre-historic and does not offer the genuine professional barber a promising career path that offers them a worklife balance and financial stability.
What does being a Barber mean to you?
Barbering is a profession that offers men a place to go and get away from everyday life and just focus on themselves… anything from men’s grooming, pampering or just someone to talk to. Your time in the Chair is exactly that… ALL ABOUT YOU.
When, why and how did you open this shop?
I was talking with my personal barber who I followed around. When I found him, he was at Hope Island, QLD. After 7 months he changed shops and moved to Coomera. Then again after about 7-8 months he jumped again to Mermaid. I decided to ask him why do you keep changing shops?
He said “Prior to starting we have a mutually agreed verbal on the job description, remuneration etc... After a few months the agreement changes in favour of the owner so you just run with it. After 6 months or so the job condition is completely different to what we had agreed on and the remuneration doesn’t cover my living expenses, so I look for a better workplace.” Now, I know my Barber is a bit of a “hot head”, so I started asking other Barbers and the response was the same. I did some research and thought this will be a good opportunity to set up a Barbershop with a difference based on what I expect from my Barbershop and the current barbershop mentality. I went to my Barber and proposed to him that if I can come up with concept for a Barbershop set up in which I will attract the customers, it will be up to the barbers to maintain the customers, based on service and professionalism to which he said it would work. So, after some R & D I decided to set up a modern “old school” barbershop that is inviting, with good vibes, great atmosphere and where people want to meet not only just for grooming but as a place to relax… like a “mancave”.
I decided to create a place where everybody knows your name and applied for a fully licenced premises…. WOW! What a challenge!
Also set up a pool table, 2 big screen TV’s, VIP members and specials for the members with discounts offers etc…
The interior design is the traditional Black & Gold with grey undertones. The logo represents the barbering industry with the classic “scotch on the rocks” glass representing the bar and ambience of the shop. Each Barber station has its own hair wash basin and towel warmer, concealed power points for a clutter free work area.
Each person is greeted by our concierge/front person who confirms his booking and offers him a FREE complimentary beverage of his choice before he is greeted by his barber to commence his service. All services also come with our signature hot & cold scented towel prepared FRESH every morning.
We have also created a database of over 2,500 thousand customers. All our barbers are experienced, professionally educated, either locally or internationally, and have adopted the TBB work ethic. Most of all, everyone - clients, barbers & staff, experience the difference in traditional men’s grooming.
The shop has 6 chairs, 5 qualified barbers, (men & women) and 2 apprentices of aboriginal background.
We cater for groom packages, special events and can be booked for private events as we can accommodate up to 60 people. The Shop opened its door on the 28th of April 2021. Three weeks later QLD shutdown the borders due to COVID 19. We were fortunate enough to be the approved barber for the NRL bubble groups that were here on the GC and the locals were also very supportive.
Mainly, our warm friendly atmosphere. We are also FULLY LICENCED and our clients can come in for a drink, watch sports, or play pool without having a service. Our signature Scented towels, Razor services and finishes, VIP membership and special offers, packages, product promotions and apparel has also been popular.
Most of all customer satisfaction where the focus is on the service not the time.
We proudly use and recommend American Crew/Revlon products. The back up support and everything they offer really aligns with our business model.
We also use and promote Jericho Australia beard product. Local business and great products for our Beard Club members.
Do you work with the local Community?
Yes! We are proud sponsors of Dylan Lockard – QLD Strongest Man and competing for the Australian & World Strongest man... GO DYLAN! We sponsor Aaron Schoupp from Gold Coast Titans and Lilly Street, (one of our Barbers) who plays for Women’s Southport Sharks AFL. We also held an LIVIN org event BEARD 4 BATTLERS fundraiser for Mental Health, PTSD & suicide prevention where we raised over $5,000.00
What are you Barber goals?
We are in the process of looking for other sites, both in QLD and nationally.
Our goal is to have another 4 shops in QLD within the next three (3) years, two (2) shops in both NSW & VIC and I am also in the process of setting up an educational facility within the next three (3) months
The BarberBar Shop 2 / 97 Surf Parade
Broadbeach QLD 4218
sponsored by
To purchase tickets, visit: Instagram: @mochahairaustralia Facebook: Mocha Hair
sponsored by
AHIA Creative 2023 Awards Gala 7pm-late, Mon 12th June 2023 The Star. Sydney. To purchase tickets, visit: Instagram: @mochahairaustralia Facebook: Mocha Hair
Photographer: Leigh Winsor. Stylist: Saloan Celia Makeup: Jessica Collins Phototgrapher - Chris Geracitano. Makeup - Alicia RobertsonTo purchase tickets, visit: Instagram: @mochahairaustralia Facebook: Mocha Hair
It’s great to be back! I hope you enjoyed my last article on Beard Micropigmentation. Quirky, I know. This time, I’m here to help guys make better decisions with good, honest information about hair restoration, in particular, Hair Transplants and how far they’ve come in recent years.
We all play a part in normalizing hair restoration as an everyday thing. It’s up to us to make it okay to seek medical attention and fix what we don’t like about our appearances. Barbers are the “front line” of this unwanted follicular war.
Hair loss is a common concern for many men, impacting their confidence and self-esteem. Fortunately, hair transplant procedures have evolved as a highly effective solution for combating hair loss and restoring a naturallooking head of hair. As a barber, it is crucial to understand the benefits and processes involved in hair transplants to better assist your clients who may be considering this option. In this guide, we will explore the fundamentals of hair transplants, including the types of procedures, preand-postoperative care, and how you can support your clients throughout their hair restoration journey.
To comprehend the significance of hair transplants, barbers should
first grasp the underlying causes of hair loss. There are various factors contributing to male pattern baldness, such as genetics, hormonal changes, and lifestyle choices. By familiarizing yourself with these causes, you can provide informed advice and empathy to your clients seeking hair restoration solutions.
A. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): This technique involves extracting individual hair follicles from a donor area and implanting them into the recipient area. FUE offers a minimally invasive approach with reduced scarring and a quicker recovery time.
B. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): FUT involves removing a strip of hair-bearing skin from the donor area, dissecting it into individual follicular units, and transplanting them into the recipient area. Although it leaves a linear scar, FUT can be suitable for clients requiring a larger number of grafts.
A. Consultation and Assessment: Discussing the client’s expectations, assessing their hair loss pattern, and determining the donor area’s suitability are essential steps in the consultation process. Barbers can play a pivotal role by providing support, realistic expectations, and guidance during this stage.
B. Preoperative Care: Educating clients on preoperative care, including medication restrictions, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and proper hair care, is crucial to optimize the success of the transplant procedure.
C. The Transplantation Procedure: Barbers may not directly participate in the surgical process, but understanding the basics helps provide better advice to clients. During the procedure, the surgeon extracts hair follicles from the donor area and implants them meticulously into the recipient area, considering factors like angle, density, and hairline design.
D. Postoperative Care: After the transplant, clients require detailed postoperative instructions. Barbers can guide clients on proper hair washing techniques, scab removal, and managing any discomfort or swelling. Reinforce the importance of following the surgeon’s instructions to ensure optimal results.
Barbers play a significant role in managing their clients’ expectations throughout the hair restoration journey. Hair transplants take time to yield final results, and it is crucial to educate clients on the gradual growth process, shedding of transplanted hairs, and the need for multiple sessions to achieve desired density. By providing support and reassurance, barbers can alleviate anxiety and help clients maintain realistic expectations.
As a barber, understanding hair transplants can be a valuable asset for your business. By keeping up with the latest advancements in hair restoration techniques and offering post-transplant haircare services, you can cater to clients seeking comprehensive solutions. Building relationships with reputable hair transplant clinics and surgeons in your area can also result in client referrals and collaboration opportunities.
The ARTAS iX robotic hair transplant system is an advanced technology used in the field of hair restoration. It is designed to assist surgeons in performing precise and efficient hair transplant procedures. The system incorporates robotic technology and artificial intelligence to enhance the accuracy and outcomes of hair transplantation. With only a hand full of Robots in Australia, Medici Capelli is the only hair restoration clinic to offer this in Queensland.
Here are some key features and aspects of the ARTAS iX system:
Robotic Assistance: The ARTAS iX system utilizes robotic arms that are controlled by highly sophisticated software. These arms are equipped with advanced imaging technology, precision tools, and algorithms that enable them to perform hair transplant procedures with great accuracy.
Imaging Technology: The system uses high-resolution cameras and digital imaging to map and analyze the patient’s scalp in real-time. This allows the robotic system to identify and select the most suitable hair follicles for transplantation, based on factors such as quality, density, and natural growth patterns.
Artificial Intelligence: The ARTAS IX system employs artificial intelligence algorithms to assist in the hair transplant process. The AI algorithms help the robotic system make intelligent decisions, such as determining the optimal extraction and placement of hair follicles for the most naturallooking results.
Minimally Invasive: The robotic technology used in the ARTAS iX system enables minimally invasive hair transplant procedures. It employs a technique called Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), which involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area (usually the back of the scalp) and transplanting them to the recipient area. FUE is known for its precision and ability to leave minimal scarring.
Precision and Efficiency: The ARTAS iX system offers high precision and efficiency during the transplant procedure. The robotic arms can quickly and accurately extract hair follicles, reducing the risk of human error. The system’s algorithms also aid in determining the optimal distribution and placement of transplanted follicles, ensuring natural-looking results.
Customization: The ARTAS iX system allows surgeons to customize the hair transplant procedure according to the patient’s individual needs and aesthetic goals. The software enables the surgeon to design the hairline and plan the distribution of transplanted follicles, considering factors such as hair density, hair angle, and desired appearance.
Post-Procedure Recovery: After the hair transplant procedure, patients usually experience a relatively quick recovery period. The minimally invasive nature of the ARTAS iX system minimizes discomfort, scarring, and downtime compared to traditional transplant techniques.
It’s important to note that while the ARTAS iX system offers advanced technology and precision, the success of a hair transplant procedure also depends on the surgeon’s skill and expertise. The hair restoration specialist at Medici Capelli is well experienced in using the ARTAS iX system and can help ensure optimal results.
Approaching a client about a sensitive topic like hair loss can be challenging for a barber. Here’s a suggested way to address the issue respectfully and tactfully: Create a comfortable environment: Ensure privacy within the barber shop by providing a separate area or booth where you can have a discreet conversation with the client. This will help them feel more at ease discussing personal matters.
Use professional language: Choose your words carefully to maintain a respectful tone. Avoid using blunt or negative terms like “balding” or “losing hair” that might cause embarrassment or offense. Instead, use neutral phrases such as “thinning areas” or “receding hairline.”
Establish rapport: Begin the conversation by focusing on the client’s overall grooming and appearance. Compliment their hairstyle, facial hair, or any other positive aspects you notice. This sets a friendly and positive tone before addressing the specific concern.
Be empathetic and understanding: Recognize that discussing hair loss can be sensitive for many people. Approach the topic with empathy and understanding, acknowledging that it’s a common issue that affects many individuals.
Provide professional observations: During the haircut or styling process, you may notice areas of thinning hair or a receding hairline. In a nonjudgmental and supportive manner, mention that you’ve observed certain changes or patterns in their hair that could benefit from further attention. Offer information on solutions: After mentioning your observations, provide some general information about hair transplant procedures as a potential solution. Explain that hair transplantation has advanced significantly in recent years, providing natural-looking results, and boosting self-confidence.Recommend a specialist: Encourage the client to consult with a hair transplant specialist who can provide a comprehensive assessment and personalized advice. Offer to provide references or information about reputable professionals in the field.
Maintain confidentiality: Assure the client that their privacy is a priority and that any discussions or observations made during the conversation will remain confidential. This builds trust and shows that you genuinely care about their well-being.
Remember, approaching the topic of hair loss requires sensitivity and respect. Every client’s situation is unique, so tailor your approach accordingly and adapt to their reactions. Your primary goal should be to offer guidance and support while maintaining a positive and professional atmosphere.
As medical/scientific research continues, current opinion as expressed herein may change. Man is almost totally hair covered. Lanugo hair covers the foetus until the seventh month whereupon it is lost. Postnatal hair is usually Vellus and Terminal. Vellus hair is capable of change at puberty.
Terminal hair is the subject of this paper. Throughout the ages of man, hair loss has been little understood. Research is progressively adding to our understanding of this complex vexatious problem which affects approx. 65% of caucasoid males and approx. 45% of caucasoid women by the age of 55 years. Currently we are evidencing treatments with lasers, Minoxidil, and too many ‘snake oil cures’ to list here. With the exception of hair follicle redistribution surgery (which has its limitations) no reliable treatments have been marketed.
Androgenetic and Androgenic Alopecias share a common factor – each is androgen related. The former is genetically inspired, the latter is acquired. Some recent reliable research into AGA comes from EHRS, I incorporate some of their findings in this paper.
Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is associated with the androgen dihydrotestosterone (5-alpha -DHT) which is the principle pathogen affecting androgen-sensitive hair follicles. It is apparent that individuals possessing enzyme type 2 steroid 5 alpha-reductase tend to develop AGA. Individuals who lack it tend not to develop AGA.
AGA can therefore be categorised as a DHT (dihydrotestosterone) mediated process characterised by the inexorable miniaturization of androgen sensitive follicles. AGA treatment aims therefore to stop or reverse the process of follicle miniaturisation. This may in theory be accomplished by preventing the formation of DHT via the drug Finasteride (Propecia) or by modulating DHT-binding to the androgen receptor with drugs e.g. Cyproterone Acetate. However it has been demonstrated that other enzymes e.g. Aromatase and 3 alpha -hydoxysteroid-dehydrogenase may also be involved in the local metabolism of DHT.
Aromatase which has been found in epithelial follicular tissue should diminish the quantity of intra-follicular testosterone available for conversion into DHT.
3 alpha -hydoxysteroid-dehydrogenase found to be present in the dermal papilla actually accelerates DHT dependent hair follicle activity (scalp hair loss and secondary sexual body hair increase).
Is it possible therefore that AGA may respond to increased levels of
Aromatase and decreased levels of 3 alpha-hydoxysteroid-dehydrogenase. Further research is required.
Medical treatments currently available:
We accept that testosterone conversion to DHT by steroid 5 alphareductase plays a crucial role in AGA and Prostatomegaly. Research has shown that specific substances e.g. synthetic finasteride and dutasteride inhibit the conversion and may promote hair growth.
We are conscious that 5 alpha-reductase inhibiting drugs were found to potentially cause deformities in the male foetus of breeding mice so may be unsuitable as a treatment for AGA in males who may be fathering children. Whereas some current opinion suggests that abstention from the drug for a period of approximately three months will negate any risk, opinion amongst some prospective patients is one of concern. Can we also ignore the possibility of long-term side effects – as yet unknown!
Hair follicles cease to regenerate hairs due to androgenic (endocrine changes) or androgenetic (inherited androgen related factors). Rarely is this associated with hat wearing, circulatory or vitamin deficiency. Men and women are affected.
Female pattern loss may commence as a single coin-sized thinning patch in a central position just behind the fringe area. This thinning may extend to inculcate much of the scalp. One in five women will probably experience some degree of hair thinning associated with illness, ageing, hormonal changes after menopause or heredity. Wigs may be an answer. Topical prescription drugs may assist, but rarely is lost hair replaced-naturally.
Hair restoration surgery offers one possible solution. The best candidates for this procedure are sufferers of scalp damage and androgenic or androgenetic alopecia. The procedure involves the redistribution of an individual’s hair bearing follicles from safe ‘donor’ sites at the occiput to the balding regions. A skilled specialist surgeon can produce remarkable results dependent upon the availability of adequate numbers of donor follicles.
Techniques used: e.g. scalp reduction, micro-grafts (containing a single hair) and mini-grafts (containing two or three hairs), flaps and tissueexpansion. More than one technique may be employed during a procedure. As suitability to each technique depends on individual circumstances, one to one advice is essential
To unleash your creativity, it starts with the perfect chair ...
If soft plastics are recyclable, why are they not being recycled in Australia? The short answer is that we consume more soft plastic than we currently have the infrastructure to recycle.
300,000 tonnes of plastics are sent to landfill each year, and for a long time, soft plastics were unable to be recycled. Companies like REDcycle stepped up to help tackle the overwhelming statistic. REDcycle created a model for collecting soft plastics from consumers, partnering with major brands including Coles and Woolworths, and then sending the plastics to their partner recyclers.
What happened to REDcycle?
Australians began recycling a whopping 5 million pieces of plastic per day through the REDcycle program. Australians were doing it and doing it well. However, due to the rapid volume of plastics being recycled, the pandemic & other unforeseen challenges, REDcycle’s partners became unable to accept & process the volume they were receiving. As a result, REDcycle’s program was put on hold in November 2022.
So, what is the silver lining to come out of this?
Australians, more than ever, are aware of their plastics consumption.
They are on board with the mission, researching ways they can initiate recycling themselves and finding alternatives to the soft plastics they can avoid. The good news on soft plastics recycling is that there is an infrastructure on its way, however, it will be around 1-2 years before it is fully operational.
How can the Hair Industry help?
Through the Sustainable Salons program, we collect soft plastics via our Plastics bin for members wanting to recycle the plastics used in their business.
Salon owners can also reduce their soft plastics consumption using some of the recommendations below.
- Avoid giving out soft plastics to clients when making sales and encourage them to bring their own reusable bags or containers for products
- Educate staff and clients on the importance of reducing waste and recycling properly
- Take note of how salon stock is packaged when it arrives. Ensure you are partnering with brands that are choosing sustainable packaging and materials
- Make sustainable swaps
- Look for plastic-free packaging alternatives such as glass or aluminium jars or containers, which are easily recyclable
- Use biodegradable or compostable alternatives like biodegradable packing peanuts or compostable mailers
What can salon owners do to assist their clients wanting to recycle their soft plastics?
Currently, Sustainable Salons does not recommend accepting soft plastics from clients, for two reasons:
1. Soft plastics currently make up less than 5% of the plastics Sustainable Salons collects from our members, and we do not have the infrastructure to sort & process a significantly larger volume of soft plastics.
2. Our program is specially designed for salon waste, and if we introduce residential waste to our streams, there is a risk of crosscontamination with the other materials we collect.
We love that salon clients share in our mission to make sustainability reality, so we have listed some tips and alternatives below:
- Reducing soft plastic consumption where you can. For example, purchasing essential products in bulk rather than purchasing single products wrapped in plastic packaging
- Use reusable bags for shopping and keep them in convenient locations such as in the car or by the door.
- Encourage clients to switch to reusable alternatives like beeswax wraps instead of cling wrap, or reusable straws instead of plastic straws.
- Check with your local council to find out if they can accept soft plastics. Some councils are now trialling soft plastics collections.
- Repurpose soft plastics in creative ways, such as for art projects.
How is Sustainable Salons closing the loop on soft plastics?
1. Partnering with Soft Plastics Recycling Specialists: Sustainable Salons is currently working with specific partners who specialise in soft plastics recycling. By partnering with these experts, Sustainable Salons is able to ensure that recycled soft plastics are being
put to the best possible use.
2. Transforming Soft Plastics into Furniture: One exciting initiative that Sustainable Salons has already demonstrated is how soft plastics can be turned into furniture, crafting a 400 kg park bench out of soft plastics recycled by our members.
3. Transforming Soft Plastics into Oil: Sustainable Salons is also experimenting with a company that will turn more than one ton of our recycled soft plastics into oil. This oil will then be resold to make new recycled plastic. This initiative is an exciting development that offers a circular solution for soft plastics that would have otherwise gone to waste.
4. Buying & Supplying 100% Post-Consumer Recycled Products: Through our Sustainable Salons program, our members also have access to our Rewards Store where they can purchase a range of environmentally friendly products, including our new 80L Bin Liners made from 100% Australian post-consumer waste providing a circular solution for soft plastics.
For everyday soft plastics, try to reduce, and use as many alternatives as possible to reduce plastics in your daily life. By consciously choosing not to purchase products containing soft plastics, we teach these companies that we want change. By continuing to encourage salon clients and consumers to purchase products that are made from a % of Australian soft plastics, it supports the funding needed to build bigger infrastructure for soft plastic recycling. The same goes for Sustainable Salons; the more people who support Sustainable Salons, the more we grow, the bigger our facilities, and the more materials we can recycle.
Keen to learn more about how we recycle plastics?
Scan the QR code!
I wanted to spend this issue talking about something that I think is really important and something that I’ve learnt along the way on my journey as an Educator & Barber in this industry.
I think for the consistent barber/stylist out there that are working jobs, also business owners & apprentices we can get carried away at times just doing our job which is cutting hair grinding away one customer after another.
We do lose sight at times of something that is so important and is really the foundation of everything that we’re doing as a hairstylist/artist in this industry and that that is “Creativity”. I don’t mean that we aren’t being creative when we are creating day to day beauties with our customers. We have been lucky enough to spend some time in the USA at one of the biggest Barber Expos in the world and from a very well-known successful educator Barber Josh OP in his education session over here he mentioned allowing time to CREATE and be creative and push the boundaries and step outside the box of your general day-to-day work and cutting hair on customers.
It can be as simple as purchasing a mannequin and a tripod and putting aside some time for you to create and really push your skill set. It could be as simple as also organising a few of your friends or customers at home or in your studio or in your shop after hours when you don’t have the concentration on business and customer service where you can allow yourself to create different styles or perfect the styles that you’re currently doing. Also utilise that time too grow your social content or produce a photo shoot to utilise new styling techniques with new products you’ve never used before or don’t stock in your business. Maybe even try new tools that you’ve never used before and you’re too nervous to try on your customers out of a lack of confidence.
Practice and implement new services or adjust your steps in the way
you do a haircut and achieve your goals in cutting. One thing that I’ve found is if I’m practising a new process it’s good to practise on models/ mannequins instead of your clients, when doing this you’re able to give 100% of your creativity instead of being worried about my customer service and the focus on your customer.
I’ve also always taught and said to myself and others around me that you need to love yourself wholely and completely before you can give anyone the best version of yourself. Which means love yourself contently before others, when you master this everyone you encounter in life will get the best version of you. That is the true trick to motivating and inspiring others around you.
Another amazing quote by a fellow educator is “If you’re putting other people first then you’re not going to be able to deliver the best service or the best version of a cut”.
Essentially the meaning of this is that you need to put all your effort, time, and love into yourself, into your skills, into your tools, your products, your business before you can deliver the best version of your creativity and the line it’s you can reach.
To enable the potential within to grow in this industry put all your energy and your training into YOU and maximise your creativity because at the end of the day the beautiful thing about this industry is there is no limits, there is no rules, there is no certain way of creating, there is no wrong or right answer. We can push the limits as much as we possibly can and you can do that by adding your personality, your flavour into everything that you’re doing.
Pushing these boundaries in creativity will also help you to grow naturally and allow your customers the best version of your inner artist, because at the end of the day a good haircut will make them look good, but a good Barber will make them feel good.
This one is for the younger generation that is just getting into the barbering industry. Even though it can relate to all, but I specifically want to speak to the new barbers, that have newly found their love for cutting hair.
So, you have gone through the stage of cutting your friends hair in the garage or at school, past the stage of trialling your skills out on your younger siblings. Now you want to move onto something bigger and better and really take this seriously and enter an apprenticeship or sign up to a barber school. If you are at this point and you are taking that leap, I want to applaud you for getting to this point. But what I am going tell you next is something that I learnt for myself throughout the 18 and a half years I have been in the barbering industry.
What I want to make you aware of is the many avenues of opportunity there are within this amazing world that you are/have entered called barbering. I also want to let you know that as of right now, your main goal and focus is to learn the trade. Learn as much as you can with every second of the day, that you are working or studying. Please do not steer away from that right now. I am not telling you this so it can distract you from what is important right now, but I am telling you this so that you prepare yourself for the coming years, mentally and physically for what is out there waiting for you. If you so choose to go down one of these avenues.
Some of you may know already but when I first started cutting hair, I never wanted to be a barber. In fact, I hated getting haircuts myself, let alone giving haircuts to other people. But as fate played out for me, I was given an opportunity to start my journey in barbering. At the time I had nothing to lose because I had just gotten fired from a warehousing job and I wasn’t doing much with my time. In fact, I was spending most of my days hanging out at the local barbershop which my cousin and his mate owned, and I fell in love with the environment. Which I am sure many of you fell in love with before you decided you wanted to cut hair. Anyway, my girlfriend who is now my wife and the mother of my children and my brother who now cuts alongside me almost every day, told me that I had nothing to lose and to just give it a go. So, I dived in head first and I have now been in it for almost 20 years. But don’t think that I haven’t had my doubts and times where I wanted to try something else, because I have. I was about 2 and half years in and I decided I wanted to try youth work out. I lasted about 7 months before I got back in the barbershop part time, then another 4 months later I was back behind the barber chair full time. But at least I gave it a go, even though it didn’t work out. I knew that barbering was where I wanted to be.
Fast forward a few years and I had been in the industry for about 6 years. I came to a point in my career where I felt that I was given a gift of being able to cut hair, and I wasn’t meant to keep it to myself. In fact, I came to a realisation where I believed that I was meant to share my knowledge with as many people as I could. To help others learn and up skill so they could support themselves and their families.
This is where my passion for education began to grow, this passion still exists within me right now. Hence the reason why I am a part of the very first Australia/New Zealand BaByliss Education Team and also an educator for both HairCo Australia and Barber Education Australia.
This is just one of the many avenues of opportunity that is waiting for you in the coming years as you grow as a person and as a barber. With the use of social media, many more paths have opened up so please don’t limit yourself. Because there is a big wide world out there, and fortunately for us, our profession is essential no matter where you live in the world.
As I always sign off, Never Stop Learning, Stay On Your Grind & Keep It Top Shelf.
Wow, the year has been going so fast! It’s almost the halfway point of 2023. Thank you to the team at Barbershop Magazine for having me back again to talk business. I hope everyone is ready for the new financial year, and in saying that… sales vs wages. How are they looking for you?
I’m going to sound like a broken record here, but this is the most important part of your business. Having a business plan, having a great accountant and a great cash flow, all these things lead to success. The greatest thing that Covid taught me was how to balance the books. When you have no money coming in and money going out, it becomes hard. You really learn new skills, understanding, cash flow forecasting and overall, you learn to pay attention to what’s going on around you and your business.
Last year was a great year for us as we put on 15 apprentices. I was going through Facebook groups looking for apprentices and people were DMing me about how do I train, and how I deal with the complaints. Look, in training apprentices, you are going to get complaints. It is your role and responsibility to work next to your apprentice while they’re cutting and watch over them, be a mentor. It is also the perfect time to put on an apprentice if you’ve been thinking about it. With the run into Christmas, you need to be on the lookout now. If you can have someone up-and-cutting by then, this will help with extra staff over the holiday periods. It’s not rocket science guys!
If you want to create an industry, if you want to have a busy shop, if you want to be a famous social media barber… It all begins as an apprentice. Someone gave you a chance and now it’s time to pay back that favour. Train Train Train! It’s what Jimmy Rod’s was built on.
If you haven’t put on an apprentice before, reach out to training organisations in your area. They can guide you through the steps on how to put someone through their apprenticeship program although they won’t find the apprentice for you, that’s your job.
I use the Barber Academy to help train my apprentices, I’ve got a great relationship with the owners and the trainers, and they understand what I require from them to make sure my apprentices have everything they need. So, reach out, make some phone calls, and help create an industry we all can be proud of.
Till next time….. Live Fast-Look Sharp…. I am Jimmy Rod.
As a barbershop owner, you can probably relate to what I’m about to say. You’ve had “that guy or girl” walk into your shop and ask for a job. You ask, “are you qualified?”, they say “no”, you say, “how long have you been cutting hair?” and in most instances they say, “a few years”. That seems enough, you give them a trial, ask them to do a few different haircuts and usually by the end of the day, you’ve given them a job.
But why don’t they have a qualification? This boils down to a few simple reasons:
- Our industry is only formally regulated in SA and NSW. This means that in every state and territory, besides SA and NSW there is no law to prevent you from cutting hair.
- People don’t see the value in having a qualification. They often think, why do I need to have a qualification if I’m allowed to cut hair anyway.
- People also don’t see the value in investing in themselves, why? For the same reason mentioned above. Why do I have to?
I’m here to tell you a little bit about Australian qualifications and their value.
The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is the national policy guide for regulated qualifications in the Australian education and training system. The AQF defines the essential characteristics, including the required learning outcomes, of the different types of qualifications issued across the senior secondary education, vocational education, and training (VET) and higher education systems in Australia.
The key reasons why we have the AQF is to ensure national consistency as well as common understanding across our worldclass training system what defines each qualification.
A Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in Australia authorised to deliver education and training, that has barbering on their scope of registration delivers the same qualification no matter which state you live in. The only difference and what sets training providers apart, is the delivery, quality and flexibility of the training and learning outcomes, the overall student learning experience, the student’s support network, access to sufficient resources and the RTO’s ability to successfully retain students.
One of the biggest changes in the hair industry was the anticipated return of the Barbering qualification in 2016. With a rise in the men’s grooming sector, this highlighted the need for its return.
An Australian qualification is a highly regarded commodity across the world, this is due to the consistent and stringent quality assurance system we have in place. This is a system which many countries and regions does not have. Due to the reputation of our quality assurance system, we have seen a rise in international student numbers arriving onshore to complete their Australian qualification. However, this still has not met the demand of qualified barbers in which is a known fact that there is a skills shortage.
As an owner of a RTO, I know firsthand the legalities involved to remain compliant and maintain ongoing registration under federal law as well as the importance of delivering high quality, effective and engaging education.
There is also a stigma around full time institutional delivery (training outside of a traditional apprenticeship), a method of learning that seems to be immensely underrated. This is a great opportunity to remind you all that you have the opportunity to comment through industry consultation phases of new training products or when training packages and courses are under review. If you find yourself in a situation as a barbershop owner and you aren’t happy with the quality of training, you do have the ability to move your apprentice if you are not entirely happy with the training that is being delivered or the outcomes of that training.
Another lesser-known training product is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). The RPL process can recognise your previous training and skills through an evidence-based assessment approach which and may result in a full Australian qualification being awarded or gap training.
The key to cleaning up our industry and eliminating the backyard barbers who aren’t prepared to invest in themselves is to understand the training system and understand the value and importance of an Australian qualification. Together we can make barbering great again!
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The Hairdressing and Barbering industry have always been an essential part of our lives. Our services have always been in demand. However, in recent years, with the rise of technology and competition, it has become increasingly difficult for all small businesses to thrive, and our beloved Hair Industry is no different, essential, or not. How do we stand out even more, what’s the next hoop to jump through?
AI and Chat GPT come into play. AI and Chat GPT can assist small businesses in our industry to grow and optimise their business plans and big ideas for starters.
Chat GPT might be the new kid on the block but have a careful read through this and you will realise we have been using AI for a lot longer than you think, in the apps and software programs we have grown to love and most importantly TRUST!
In this article, we will explore how AI and Chat GPT can be a valuable tool for you, to start with here are 12 areas in your business these amazing tools can and have been helping you save time and assist you to operate more efficiently. Your already using AI and may not have even known, you’ll see what is familiar, and what is new with ChatGPT, it’s fascinating and it’s the future.
1. Social Media Marketing: Where would our hair businesses be today without it! Social media is the powerful tool to reach out to our target audience. However, creating content and managing social media accounts can be time-consuming and overwhelming. AI and ChatGPT can help small businesses create engaging and relevant social media content. ChatGPT can help businesses generate ideas for social media posts, while AI can help schedule and automate posts.
2. Customer Service: Customer service is essential for any business, and small businesses in hairdressing and barbering are no exception. AI and Chat GPT can assist small businesses in managing their customer service more efficiently. Chat GPT can provide quick and accurate responses to frequently asked questions, while AI can help manage appointments and send reminders to customers.
3. Data Analysis: Data analysis is critical for small businesses to make informed decisions. AI and Chat GPT can help analyse data, such as customer feedback and sales data. AI can also provide insights into customer behaviour and preferences, which can help small businesses tailor their services to meet their customers’ needs.
4. Inventory Management: Inventory management is crucial for small businesses to ensure that they always have the products and supplies they need. AI can manage their inventory more efficiently. AI can help monitor inventory levels, predict demand, and automate the reordering process.
5. Staff Management: Managing staff can be challenging for all of us. AI and Chat GPT can help small businesses manage their staff more efficiently. AI can help schedule shifts and manage payroll, while Chat GPT can provide training materials and answer employee queries.
6. Pricing Strategies: Pricing strategies are essential for small businesses to remain competitive and profitable. AI and Chat GPT can help Hairdressers and Barbers develop pricing strategies that are appropriate for their market. AI can help small businesses monitor pricing trends and competitor pricing, while Chat GPT can provide insights into customer perceptions of pricing.
7. Website Optimization: AI and Chat GPT can assist small businesses in optimising their websites to improve their online visibility and attract more customers. AI can help with search engine optimisation (SEO) and website analytics, while Chat GPT can provide insights into website design and content.
8. Personalized Services: Personalised services are becoming increasingly important for our industry, AI and Chat GPT can help small businesses tailor their services to meet the individual needs and preferences of their customers. AI can provide insights into customer behaviour and preferences, while Chat GPT can help create personalised recommendations and promotions.
9. Reputation Management: Reputation management is critical for small businesses to build and maintain a positive reputation. AI and Chat GPT can assist salons and barber shops to manage their reputation
more efficiently. AI can help monitor online reviews and social media mentions, while Chat GPT can provide guidance on how to respond to negative feedback and manage customer complaints.
10. Business Planning and Ideas: AI and Chat GPT can help with business planning and idea generation. AI can assist small businesses with market research, identifying trends and opportunities, and developing business strategies. Chat GPT can help generate new ideas for services, promotions, and events to attract and retain customers. One of the most critical components of any successful business is a well-crafted business plan. Unfortunately, creating a business plan can be a daunting task, especially for small business owners who may lack experience in this area. AI and ChatGPT can help alleviate some of this burden by providing valuable insights and suggestions for optimizing a business plan. For example, ChatGPT can provide customized recommendations on marketing strategies, pricing, and customer segmentation based on the user’s specific business needs. This information can help small business owners make more informed decisions and improve the chances of success.
11. Appointment Scheduling: Scheduling appointments can be a time-consuming and cumbersome process for small businesses. However, AI and ChatGPT can automate this process, saving small business owners valuable time and resources. ChatGPT can assist with appointment scheduling by providing a chatbot that can answer customer inquiries, such as available appointment times or service offerings, and even schedule appointments directly. Additionally, ChatGPT can help reduce no-shows by sending appointment reminders to customers via text message or email.
12. Financial Management: Managing finances is an essential aspect of running any successful business. However, small business owners often lack the resources to hire a dedicated financial manager or accountant. AI and ChatGPT can assist with financial management by providing automated solutions that can help small business owners track expenses, manage cash flow, and generate financial reports. Additionally, ChatGPT can provide customized recommendations for optimizing financial performance, such as identifying areas to reduce expenses or increase revenue.
Understanding ChatGPT and its capabilities.
ChatGPT is a powerful AI tool that is designed to engage with humans in natural language. It is built using cutting-edge natural language processing (NLP) technologies, which enable it to understand and respond to complex queries and requests. Essentially, ChatGPT is a chatbot that can converse with humans and provide them with relevant information, recommendations, and support.
How to implement ChatGPT in your small business.
Implementing ChatGPT in a small business requires careful planning and consideration. The first step is to determine the specific use cases for ChatGPT within the business. This may include appointment bookings, customer support, or lead generation, among others.
Once the use cases have been identified, the business will need to select a chatbot platform that can be used to build and deploy ChatGPT. There are a number of platforms available, each with their own features and capabilities. Some popular options include Dialogflow, Botpress, and Tars.
Your business can benefit greatly from the implementation of ChatGPT. By automating tasks, improving customer engagement, and generating new leads, ChatGPT can help you to stay competitive in a crowded market. However, it is important to carefully plan and implement ChatGPT to ensure that it is used effectively and efficiently. With the right approach, ChatGPT can be a most valuable asset. As you can see, AI is all over and in the apps and programs we use everyday already, ChatGPT is just another tool we have to bring in to help keep us on the top of our game.
@chadstonegregorypierceturnerA business plan is a crucial tool that serves as a roadmap for barbershop owners, guiding them towards success. While it is possible to operate without a plan, doing so increases the likelihood of getting lost along the way. By developing a comprehensive business plan, barbershop owners can gain a clear understanding of the bigger picture, plan ahead, make informed decisions, and significantly improve their chances of achieving their goals.
One of the primary benefits of a well-written business plan is its ability to help barbershop owners define their objectives and track their progress as the business grows. It is essential to formulate a business plan as the first step when starting a new venture, as it is also necessary for attracting investors. Moreover, a business plan plays a crucial role in facilitating better decision-making by providing answers to critical business questions in advance.
Writing an annual business plan allows barbershop owners to articulate their vision in realistic terms and identify any gaps in their growth strategy. The process of creating and updating a business plan also helps prevent major and costly mistakes by enabling the identification of potential pitfalls before they arise. While passion is often the driving force behind barbershop businesses, it is not a guarantee of long-term success. A wellcrafted business plan bridges the gap between vision and reality, ensuring that the business idea aligns with a viable and sustainable model.
Furthermore, a business plan keeps barbershop owners accountable to their long-term vision and strategy. Sharing this vision with staff members ensures alignment and a shared understanding of the barbershop’s objectives. Additionally, having a business plan in place allows for easy sharing of relevant sections with external professionals such as accountants, marketing freelancers, and mentors who play a crucial role in supporting the barbershop’s operations.
A business plan becomes even more critical when seeking external financing or considering selling the barbershop in the future. It serves as the most effective way to demonstrate the long-term viability of the business to potential investors or buyers. Moreover, developing a business plan provides barbershop owners with a deeper understanding of their competition, the market landscape, customer trends, and potential business disruptions that may not be immediately apparent. By conducting thorough market research and analysis, a business plan helps mitigate risks associated with entrepreneurship and enhances the chances of success.
Approaching a business plan as a living, breathing document is crucial. Creating a master business plan that is regularly updated based on the barbershop’s activities allows for customization without starting from scratch. By maintaining an up-to-date business plan, barbershop owners can adapt to changing circumstances and seize new opportunities.
Executive Summary:
The executive summary serves as the introduction to the business plan. It should be compelling and succinct, capturing the essence of the document.
Business Overview:
This section provides background information and the history of the barbershop. It may also include a mission statement if the business has one.
Service and Product Information:
Details about the services offered and products sold by the barbershop are outlined in this section. It should highlight the benefits to clients, unique selling proposition, and the company’s market advantage.
Market and Sales Plan:
An effective business plan demonstrates an understanding of the target demographics and outlines strategies for reaching them. Key points to include are pricing strategies, client promotion tactics, and plans for customer retention and market share growth.
Comprehensive financial data is crucial for a robust business plan. It should include a financial forecast, income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, capital expense expectations, and an assessment of the current monetary health of the business, along with projections for future success.
Barbershop/Organizational Team:
This section defines the company’s hierarchy and introduces key personnel. It can also include details about the management style and company culture.
Supporting documentation that didn’t fit into the main document can be included in the appendix. Examples may include contracts, references, permits/licenses, product images, organizational charts, and detailed financial reports.
Funding Request:
For start-ups or those seeking investment, a dedicated section outlining the funding request is necessary. It should specify the type of funding, how it will be utilized, and the expected timeframe.
Whether starting a new venture, seeking funding, aligning team members, or clarifying goals, a well-crafted business plan is invaluable for achieving barbershop success. It should be regularly updated and focused on the elements vital to the business’s growth and success. While a business plan doesn’t require expert writing, it should be written to enable expert execution. By carefully considering the importance of a business plan, barbershop owners can confidently create their own roadmap to success.
Why ‘MVP’? Because you, the owner, really are the Most Valuable Player in your salon, and that comes at a price. Next in line, the second-place peeps, are your busiest and most highly requested staff, not necessarily the longest standing… hear me out.
Now more than ever, our clients are becoming more frugal, extending their appointments out, generally buying into the hype that they SHOULD be in a financial crisis because the media feeds them that info, it’s also absolutely no secret that our clients are also cancelling last minute, and finding cheaper alternatives to so many of their essentials and luxuries in life, including their hair appointments.
So, how do we fix this? Discount ourselves? Eeek, no. Offer ‘deals’ to get new clients or the long gone to return? F NO! There are a few different strategies to help this, but this is my all-time fave, introducing TIERED PRICING STRUCTURES.
What exactly is tiered pricing? It’s a scaled pricing system for your services based on experience, technical ability, and how in-demand you and your team are.
The baseline, or “average” price would be worked out on your shop’s running costs, broken down into a per-minute labour cost, plus any products required. Confused? DW I can help you with that! *insert winky face here*
The highest price point, usually a percentage above the base price, would reflect the owner, director, the boss, CEO, whatever you label yourself, and the barbers who are the heaviest in requests and bookings. The lowest price point is your apprentices, juniors, and trainees that are in the earliest stages of training.
Dependent on the size of your shop and your team, I have worked with clients that have 6-7 tiers of pricing because they have large salons with lots of moving parts, or some that just have two tiers because they have
3 chairs and 3 people. In my hairdressing salon (22 people on the floor) we had 6 levels, and in my barbershop (6 barbers on the floor) we had 3 levels, and they both ran like a well-oiled machine.
Tiered pricing is f*cking ground-breaking for any service-based business, especially in the barbering world. It really does provide your clients with financial options, and you’ll open yourself up to a broader range of clients.
As well as that, it is the number one way to start the process of cutting back your time on the floor, or step back completely for more lifestyle freedom. It is also the best way to free up your busier barbers to make way for more higher-paying clients, and to busy up your quieter, or newer, or less experienced staff.
At the end of the day, it’s not that you’re necessarily the best barber on your team, nor are you necessarily the most experienced, but as the owner your time is the most valuable. Tiered pricing isn’t about belittling your people or creating a toxic hierarchy, but you, the owner, have invested everything into your business, you’ve taken the risk, you wear all the hats and bear all the responsibilities and you also have things in your business that only YOU can do. Therefore, you’re the MVP and you need to be charging a higher rate than your staff.
Most importantly, by implementing tiers, your time on the floor will be more monetary, meaning you are maximising your takings and enabling yourself to spend more time on the business.
Clients who are happy to pay the higher $$$ for your more experienced barbers will stay with them, meaning your busier staff are earning you more money for the same time worked, and the rest of the clients who
need to find more budget options will filter down to your lower tier barbers meaning they’re busier too, YAY!
Would you ever go to a law firm an pay the same for the Partner as you do for the lawyer fresh out of Uni? No. Does that mean the newbie doesn’t know what they’re doing? Also no. But the partner has more to do, more to oversee, a hellova lot more responsibility, and that is why they are more expensive. Get it now? Love that for you!
When do you implement a tiered pricing structure?
• In short, if there is more than one of you, and you’re all running the same pricing, it’s time! It’s also time to create this in your business if you, or even some of your staff are so busy and over booked and others are quiet.
• If you are experiencing push back on pricing, cutting your pricing down is NOT the answer, tiering is! How many apologetic plumbers do you know that cut down their labour costs because you questioned them about their $200 for replacing a washer that took them ten minutes? ZERO. So, don’t buy into that bullsh*t, mate! This is the best way to offer budget options while retaining your clients.
• If you’re wanting to earn more money and work less hours on the floor of your shop, the time is now.
• When you want to get your juniors BUSY and BOOKED UP and your up-and-comers THRIVING, hell yeah!!
The HOW?
So, how exactly do we bring this all together? How do we roll it out to our clients?
First, nail your pricing. Hot tip: this is NOT BASING YOUR PRICES ON THE SHOP DOWN THE ROAD, or the dream shop, or anyone else full stop. Pricing is created by:
1. Understanding your business’s bottom line; every cost, product, person, sundry, expense, running cost, EVERYTHING that contributes to the salon operating and opening its doors.
2. Deciding how much profit you want/need from your business. Want is okay too BTW.
3. Breaking that cost into a per [income generating] employee hour and/or minute.
4. Multiplying that out by the time required for EVERY service offered.
5. Adding in the cost of goods/product required to complete each individual service (if applicable).
6. Then, adding a % surcharge for the top tier people in your business, and,
7. Deducting a % surcharge to the lower tiers in your business.
Let me give you an example of a five-tiered system:
Boss: Should always be 25%-50% higher than the base price. This would be your owner, boss, CEO, whatever you call yourself. Usually the quickest, and usually the most booked.
Advanced: Should always be 10%-25% higher than the base price. This tier should include your busiest, most in-demand, top earning barbers. Qualified/Seniors: Should be the base price. This should be your fully qualified barbers working competently and confidently.
Emerging: Should always be 10%-20% under base price, because they are still finessing their skills. This tier is for Apprentices, freshies who are straight outta college, or still in college, and those who need a little more work. The ‘emerging’ are normally a little slower, need a bit more training and supervision.
Obviously, tiering, the same as pricing, works on a case-by-case basis and we need to design what works specifically for your business structure, your team and you. But some points to consider are, how many services does your shop offer, and can everything be done by everyone? How many staff do you have? Are some slower, faster, not quite up to standard? Are some of your people running full columns? And last but not least, are you paying some of your staff more than others?
I think the biggest question by now is “how do I roll this out without pissing off my clients?” and the direct response to this is, choose a date, stick to it, and prepare your clients for it.
“Hey [NAME], effective 1st July 2023 [SHOP NAME] will be implementing a pricing adjustment on all services. Pricing is available HERE, or buzz us on 0466 120 983”
From there, all clients get charged the new prices effective from that date. If your clients are not happy with your new prices, this is a perfect opportunity to segue them into changing who they see or dropping down a tier to meet their pricing needs, change up their services, or sell them into a membership if that’s something you offer.
And to finish this off, I will leave you with this… I bet you went into business to make people look hot, be creative every day, but most of all you put everything on the line to provide yourself and your loved ones an amazing life, that happens when you realize that you run a business, not a charity. Time to charge what you’re worth!
Nobody wants to pay more tax that they have to and the key to minimising your taxes is to ensure that you claim all the tax deductions you’re entitled to. If you’re in the hair and beauty world, there’s a long list of potential tax claims that might apply to you. Not all of them will apply to everyone but it will pay to spend a bit of time running your eyes down this list to see which of them apply to you.
If you want to make a claim for work-related expenses, you need to follow the three golden rules:
• The expense must relate to your work
• You mustn’t have been reimbursed by your employer
• You must be able to prove that you spent the money. That means that you must keep receipts, invoices, or statements to demonstrate that you actually incurred the expense.
H&R Block’s tip is to keep electronic copies of all documentation relating to expenses. Paper receipts get lost or fade, so keeping everything together on your phone or computer will save time and effort when you come to complete your tax return.
There’s a reason why nearly 70% of people use a tax agent to help them do their taxes. Tax is complicated and stressful and if you do it yourself, you’re likely to make a mistake. You might claim something you weren’t entitled to and find yourself audited by the ATO or you might miss out on a deduction you could have claimed but didn’t realise was available to you; the result is a lower refund than you could have got.
Using a tax agent like H&R Block takes away the stress and opens up a whole world of expertise to guide you through the process, so you can be sure you’re claiming everything you’re entitled to. Get expert advice and the fee will generally be more than covered by the bigger refund, and the peace of mind.
If you use your car as part of your work, for instance to travel to clients, between jobs, to expos or to collect supplies, you can claim the costs of your work-related journeys. If you use your own car, either claim 78 cents per kilometre up to a maximum 5,000 kms or keep a logbook and claim your actual expenses. You can also claim for parking, tolls, and public transport if you don’t use your car.
You can’t claim the costs of traveling to and
from work (the daily commute) though you might be able to make a claim if you’re required to transport bulky equipment, which you can’t safely store at work (TIP: the ATO checks this very closely so make sure you can prove your claim!).
You can claim the cost of buying tools and equipment that you use in your job or business. If the item costs $300 or less, you can claim it straight away and if the cost is more than $300, the cost is depreciated over several years. If you’re in business on your own account, rather than being employed by someone else, you can immediately write off all items of equipment whatever the cost. This could include haircutting and hair-styling tools, mobile phones, laptops and bags or briefcases.
You can also claim the cost of insuring workrelated equipment.
You can claim the cost of any work-related courses that you undertake, provided that they relate directly to your current role and aren’t intended to boost your skills into a promotion or another role entirely. That could include courses on makeup techniques, massage, and nails. It could also include management training if you supervise staff. Courses run by a university or TAFE such as a Cert IV or Diploma, or Diploma in Salon Management could also be relevant. In addition to the cost of the course, you can claim travel costs to and from the course, accommodation, and meals if you’re required to sleep away from home, books, stationery, and depreciation on computer equipment used in your study.
If you’re required to wear a uniform at your workplace, the cost of purchasing the uniform is claimable and you can also claim for the cost of cleaning the uniform. Conventional clothing doesn’t count as a uniform so ideally any garment you claim for should have the business logo on it.
You can also claim for protective items such as gloves, aprons, hats or hair nets, goggles, and non-slip shoes.
If you are in an occupation that requires physical contact or proximity with customers or clients, like hairdressing, you can claim a deduction for items that protect you from COVID-19 (and other infectious diseases) such as:
• Gloves
• Face masks
• Sanitiser
• Antibacterial spray.
Don’t forget to claim these expenses if they apply to you:
• The cost of annual subscriptions, including professional association fees and union fees
• The cost of work-related magazines and journals
• The cost of work-related books (such as those covering hair design, make-up, colouring or management theory and practice) @hrblock
The barbering industry has been booming in recent years, with an increasing number of men seeking professional haircuts and grooming services. However, with the way the industry is evolving, it is essential for barbers to expand their skill sets and be knowledgeable about a wider range of hair types and styles.
Specialising in just one type of haircut and clientele can be dangerous in today’s market. Many clients are now seeking more than just a skin fade, and men’s hair trends are shifting towards longer hair with more layers. There is less clipper work and more scissor work involved, which means barbers need to be proficient in scissor work to meet their clients’ demands.
Moreover, it is vital to ensure that barbers are educated on various hair types and styles nowadays. Clients are no longer just limited to a single hair type or style, and they come in with a wide range of hair textures, lengths, and styles. A lack of knowledge and skill in catering to diverse hair types can result in a decrease in client satisfaction and, consequently, affect business growth.
While many barbers can do skin fades amazingly, the reality is that clients and trends are changing. Lots of men are embracing longer hair, curls, and waves. However, some barbers may struggle with longer hair, hair with waves and movement. They may be top notch at fades and clipper work, but further education is necessary to cater to a broader clientele.
Fortunately, Australia now has many barber education centres that can help with upskilling. Institutions such as Barber Temple, The Barber Academy, and Barbery the Craft of a Barber, just to name a few, among others. There are many companies in the industry providing barber education, offering training sessions and lookand-learns to barbers
This education will help them learn the latest hair techniques and trends, allowing them to provide premier services to their clients.
It is worth noting that upskilling will increase and sustain clientele for barber businesses. Back in the 80s, barbering died out because trends changed, and men wanted longer hair. This resulted in a mass exodus that culled barbershops because hairdressers were the ones who could do the longer styles. As a result, barbers must not repeat history and continue to evolve with the industry.
In conclusion, the barbering industry is continuously evolving, and it is necessary for barbers to expand their knowledge and skill set to cater to diverse clients. Specialising in just one type of haircut and clientele can be detrimental to the growth of a barber business. By upskilling and keeping up with the latest trends and techniques, barbers can ensure client satisfaction, increase clientele, and contribute to a prolonged future for our industry.
@newyorkbarbersVinny had known Kevin McKenna for years. He stood for the old guard. That bloke who ran a tidy little business, knew its customer, stayed true to its product. Free from the burden of trends and the bullshit that came with them. A spot where men could be themselves, speak their minds, be comfortable in a chair without judgement. An institution that once dotted the retail landscape and yet was now a dying breed. Sitting around one Saturday afternoon once the shop had wrapped its trade, Kev mentioned it may be time to slow it down and hang up the clippers for good. Problem was - and Kev was well aware of it - selling the business wasn’t going to be an easy feat. Anyone looking to take over the lease was most likely on the tangent of converting it into a café, dry cleaner or something far more mundane such as accountant or law firm offices.
Vinny’s ears pricked! His other set-up; Palace Barbering, located only 6 or 7 clicks down the road was established and doing well. He felt he had accomplished everything he had set out to… but a fire was still burning. There were more things to be done.
Taking on any existing business involves big shoes that need filling – and Vinny was up to the task. He loved that the shop had its roots buried deep in time-old tradition. The fact there were a mix of younger clientele mixed with the pensioners who, like clockwork dropped by on certain days, at specific hours. Then there was the quiet reflection (accompanied by a whiskey) at a days end.
The challenge now was to upkeep Kev’s standards, giving the location a new lease on life, whilst honouring everything Kev had built in his 23 odd years at Tuart Hill.
The handover had begun….
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Visit www.uppercutdeluxe for more industry news and vids
Story courtesy of UpperCut Deluxe Blogs
Meet Panther, the wild child of barbers chairs, ready to pounce on your Barbershop style game! Its smokey dark chrome finish sets it apart from the pack with a distinctive design that’s both modern and classic. Unleash your wild side with Panther, the barber’s chair that oozes untamed sophistication. Its sleek and stylish design, combined with maximum comfort, makes Panther the purr-fect choice for any barbershop looking to make a roaring impression.
The new Pro-One Zero foil shaver features a turbocharged 10.000 RPM rotary motor; this lightweight waterproof shaver features an integrated trimmer to capture longer hairs. The latest model on the market gives you a precise LED battery level display and 120-minute cordless runtime. Contact M&U Imports (03) 9555 1533 /
BaBylissPRO Australia is proud to announce members of the 2023 Education Team have jetted off to North America to attend the highly coveted Connecticut (CT) Barber Expo 2023. Complimenting the international BaBylissPRO Barberology team, Fraser Forsey (@barbereducationbyfraser) and Jono Goodwin (@taperedout) will spend two full days working alongside industry juggernauts, learning, educating, attending the expo Grammy awards night, and proudly representing Australia.
Commonly referred to as the biggest barbering show in the world, The CT Barber Expo is the place to be for exclusive brand launches, new industry trends, invaluable, hands-on education and a coming together of the international barbering community, many attendees travel across the world just for the chance to participate in this monolith of an event.
Men’s grooming has taken a long time to crack, but as the pieces finally slot into place, new trends are emerging.
To develop fully, a number of significant shifts have needed to take place: for outdated stereotypes to change, for modern masculinity to evolve, for men’s interest in using new types of products to grow.
And the good news is that there has been enough of a shift in each of these areas for analysts, brands and retailers to believe it is now happening.
In 2022, the US men’s personal care market grew by 10.7% versus 2021 to total $5.5 billion in retail sales according to Mintel estimations.
Sales of men’s prestige skin care accelerated by 23% in 2022 to $190.1m according to Circana (formerly IRI and NPD).
And in the UK, exclusive data from Kantar reveals that men’s toiletries and fragrances grew by a healthy 7% in 2022, making it one of the country’s strongest categories in total beauty and personal care.
Here, Cosmetics Business gives a taster of five key trends that are emerging and evolving in male grooming.
TikTok’s #GRMW trend has found a way to do what the grooming industry has been trying to crack for years: encouraging men to adopt make-up and skin care routines.
For decades, it has been a tough shout for brands to persuade men to go beyond basic cleansing and maybe moisturising.
But a rise in video content around male grooming and self-care routines on social media featuring men using their favourite skin care and cosmetics products is opening up the idea to more men.
TikTok has seen real growth in male grooming routine content, with #GRWM (Get Ready With Me) videos by male creators reaching more than 83.2 billion views overall, and brands say that seeing men carrying out their daily routines with beauty and grooming products is making them feel more acceptable and accessible to men.
Spurred on by strong growth in grooming, beauty retailers are adding fast-growing indie brands to their men’s aisles in the biggest reshuffle the high street has seen in years.
With its rapid spike in growth, the groin and body grooming category has been the crown jewel of the men’s category in recent years.
According to Circana (formerly IRI and NPD), sales of body grooming products have accelerated by 72% over the past two years as men focused on de-fuzzing when re-entering society following the pandemic.
Trend 4: Perfume
Fragrance ancillaries have long been the support act of the perfume world, overlooked in favour of the main event.
Convenient gifts for fans of a particular fragrance brand, the products contain a small percentage of the fragrance oils used in their edp counterparts and generally include a deodorant, sometimes a shower gel, and an aftershave balm at a stretch.
But men’s fragrance brands have never ventured above the jawline with their range extensions – until now. The past year has seen some of the biggest and most successful fragrance brands in men’s perfumery dip their toes into facial skin care.
Trend 5:
From dry skin to acne, there are a proliferation of product choices when it comes to tackling skin concerns.
Yet clinical products designed for the specific requirements of male skin – and are clear in their positioning for men – are hard to come by. This is despite that fact that one in two men experience skin care problems (US data, Kantar Men’s Grooming Study, May 2020).
The opportunity for clinical and ingredient-led solutions formulated for men, has arrived.
StyleCraft by Silver Bullet Saber Trimmer is the one and only trimmer you need. Digital brushless motor and black diamond ‘The One’ deep tooth cutting blade for fast, smooth clipping.
Ready to feel the Silver Bullet heat? Silver Bullet City Chic Hair Dryer saves time and money. Super hot, super fast for your fastest blow-dry. Available in black, violet and aqua.
BaBylissPRO’s most institutive tools now available in limited edition gold. Ergonomically designed with ultra-low profile, BaBylissPRO LoPROFX Gold Clipper and Trimmer deliver hard-working durability with elegantly intuitive feel.
The most powerful clipper and trimmer ever made. Silver Bullet HeadLiner Clipper and Trimmer are powered by super high torque 11,000 RPM motor for unbeatable performance. Cord/cordless, lightweight and ergonomic.
THE SUPERPOWER Get closer than ever. With super-torque 10,000 rpm motor, StyleCraft by Silver Bullet The Rebel Shaver is engineered for shaving perfection. 100 minutes cordless runtime and gold titanium foil head.
Hotter, faster, better and, most importantly, affordable. Silver Bullet Ethereal Hair Dryer delivers 2000 watts of power for a heavenly hair-drying experience every day. Available in black, pink and aqua.
Men’s grooming tools which get the job done. Gear Precision from Tweezerman is a high performance range which includes nail clipper, toenail clipper, slant tweezer, facial hair scissors, shaving brush.
Banish breakage. Restore strength. 12Reasons Keratin range harnesses hydrolysed keratin to protect and fortify damaged hair. Collection includes shampoo, conditioner, serum and mask. 100% Australian-owned.
Revolutionary industry firsts now available in gold. Enjoy UNLIMITED cordless runtime with BaBylissPRO SNAPFX Dual Battery Clipper and Trimmer. You don’t quit and neither should your tools.
With Silver Bullet, seconds count. Silver Bullet Sonic Speed Clipper is ultra-efficient, ultra-fast and ultra-high performance. 9,000 rpm AC linear motor with lithium-ion polymer battery for 2 hours cordless runtime.
10 MINUTE MEN’S COLOUR Screen Dorado 10 Min Hair Colour Cream is the perfect colouring service for root touch-ups, grey coverage and colour blending. Easy 10 minute add-on, colour service. Ultra-fast yet long-lasting.
Definition, texture and hold with a matte finish. HH Simonsen Styling Paste is easy to work with for ultracool styling. Created in Denmark. Built on experience. Made for professionals.
The power of customisation with StyleCraft by Silver Bullet Rebel Clipper. This professional modular cordless clipper is equipped with super-torque motor, Black Diamond blades and three interchangeable body kits.
Introducing Screen for Man, the Italian all-male hair and skin care line. Quality ingredients, sophisticated formulations and sublime results. Styling products, shaving products, daily shampoos, conditioner and more.
For more information: call Dateline Imports on (02) 9666 3611 or visit