Barbershop Year 12 Issue 4

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barbershop Year 12 Issue 4


@hanzdefuko_ausnz @sabre_haircare

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32 The Rise of Hanz De Fuko By Louise May


08 Editors Letter 38 News & Gear 72 Dateline Imports


10 Bridging the Gap By Julie BellingerGibb 12 Getting to Know the New Editor of BarberShop Magazine, Louise May 26-29 Carlie Cardle, An Absolute Vibe By Collette Saunders 34 The Many Layers of Matthew Clarke By Rex A.C Silver


14 AMBA 2023 Wrap Up 16-19 AMBA 2023 Winners 58-63 AMBA 2023 Winning Collections


22 Wahl Education – On the Road 24 Wahl Education – The Educators 48 Fueling the Future of the Barbering Industry By Louise May 52 Curly Hair How-To with Award Winning Jim Shaw, UK



36 A Revolution in the Art of Barbering 40 An Intergalactic Event 42 Wahl Australia’s Educational Road Tour 43 FutureFX Hands-On Workshop Takes Over Cairns, QLD


44 New Farm Barbershop In Tune with What’s Cool



54 “My Life went from Bad to Worse” By Simon Doyle 55 Anxiety: The Mind’s Tug of War Between Fear and Resilience By Tina Winchester


64 Tools of the Trade By Lance Liufau 66 Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail By Fraser Forsey 68 Building A Successful Business in The Barber Industry By Jimmy Rod 69 To Compete or Not to Compete By Anna De Sacntis


70 Business Old School! Consistency in the Road to A Successful Barbershop By Mario Fallace 71 How to Make Money in Your Barbershop this Year 74 The Evolution of Barber Apprenticeships in Australia By Gareth Philpott 76 Staff Motivation By Liz McKeon 78 One of London’s Oldest Barbershops Upgrades to CuttingEdge Booking Platform, Fresha 80 Great Leadership & Effective Communication By Dwight Hodge 82 Nuturing Your Barber Brand By Hayley Mears

36 40 42



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Linda Woodhead


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Louise May



Kellie Woodhead

CONTRIBUTORS Louise May Rex A.C. Silver Julie Bellinger-Gibb Collette Saunders Simon Doyle Tina Winchester Lance Liufau Fraser Forsey Jimmy Rod Anna De Sacntis Mario Fallace Gareth Philpott Liz McKeon Dwight Hodge Hayley Mears


PO BOX 252 Helensvale Plaza Qld 4212 P: 07 5580 5155 F: 07 5580 5166


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HAIR BIZ, Beauty Biz and Barber Shop

Barber Shop is published four times a year by mocha publishing ABN 65 091 846 189 No Part of the publication may be reproduced in any manner or form without written permission. Barber Shop does not accept responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transparencies, original artwork or other material. The views expressed in Barber Shop are not necessarily those of the publisher. No responsibility will be accepted if the publication is delayed or prevented by factors beyong the control of the publisher. No responsibility will be accepted for errors in copy, or for any loss arising from the failure of an advertisement or any part thereof to appear. © 2023 mochgroup All rights reserved.

editor’s letter I am thrilled to address you for the first time as the Editor of Barbershop Magazine and Editor in Chief of the Mocha Group. Stepping into the shoes of Rex Silver is both an honour and a challenge, and I am excited to share this journey with you all. First and foremost, I want to express my deepest gratitude to Rex for his outstanding contribution as the former Editor of Barbershop magazine. Rex has been at the helm for several years, steering the magazine with passion and creativity with a keen understanding of the industry. As Rex embarks on new ventures, I extend my best wishes for his continued success, and he will still be seen in the future as one of our esteemed contributors with some unique stories and insights. In my new role as Editor in Chief of the Mocha Group, I now have the privilege of overseeing all publications across Hair, Beauty, and Barber Magazines. This expanded responsibility allows me to delve deeper into the diverse realms of our industry, and I am eager to bring fresh perspectives and exciting content to our readers. I recently had the pleasure of attending the Australian Modern Barber Awards, marking my first AMBA event. It was an absolute blast, and I left Melbourne the next day, just buzzing with a real sense of excitement and feeling blessed that I got to meet so many amazing individuals. I want to congratulate all the amazing AMBA winners who are showcased in this issue, and a special acknowledgment goes out to all the finalists for their outstanding contributions to the industry. The event was a testament to the talent and innovation within the barbering community, and I look forward to continuing to highlight such achievements in future issues. In this edition, you will find a wealth of content, including contributions from business writers, bloggers, and several amazing features. We are committed to providing you with informative, inspiring, and engaging material that adds value to your professional journey. As we approach the festive season, I want to emphasise the importance of taking time to switch off, rest, and look after yourselves. The lead-up to Christmas can be hectic, but self-care is crucial, and I encourage you all to prioritise your wellbeing. Looking ahead to 2024, I am bursting with excitement about the plans we have for Barbershop magazine. We will continue to bring you top-notch content, feature industry experts, and explore the latest trends and innovations. I am also delighted to announce that in the upcoming issues, we will have guest editors from the industry, each bringing their unique perspectives and expertise to enrich our publication. Thank you for welcoming me into this role. I am eager to connect with you, the vibrant barber community, and to work together in making Barbershop magazine an even more incredible resource for all of us. Here’s to a fantastic journey ahead! Warm regards,

Louise May Editor Barbershop Magazine Editor in Chief, Mocha Group

@louisemay_hairbeautybarber @mochabarberaustralia





Alex Burt is the founder of Teddy Edwards Cutting Rooms, one of the most celebrated names when it comes to barbershops in the South of England. Alex started his career in women’s hairdressing in April 1995, responding to a call for apprentices in the local paper. In spite of starting in the hairdressing business with little knowledge of the craft, he quickly established himself within his salon, loving the creative aspect of the business, as well as the social side. It was in his second role within a ladies’ salon that he began to struggle to motivate himself. He was uninspired by the trend for perms and hair-ups, however, when it came to men’s hair he thrived, enjoying the precise aspect of barbering. Having discovered a passion for this niche, Alex then started working in a barbershop but wrestled with the more antiquated elements of the industry. He comments: “I couldn’t understand why barbering seemed to lack the more creative pizzazz of women’s hairdressing. So many shops were stuck in the past; to the point where they still had old 80s photos on display in the windows!” After a year’s training at Trevor Sorbie, where he really honed his skills, Alex took this education and applied it to his own natural talent for barbering. He secured a position in a barbershop and refined this amalgamation of the two skill sets, striving to give customers all the hallmarks of the hairdressing experience within the realms of barbering.

In March 2013, Alex established Teddy Edwards Cutting Rooms, (named after his grandfather), driven by the desire to modernise the world of barbering, focusing on bridging the gap between traditional barbering and contemporary hairdressing. Alex started with a two-chair shop in Brighton, but the business has evolved to now include three shops in Hove, Brighton, and Worthing. Alex is proud to lead the way in barbering in the South and strives to create a friendly atmosphere for both customers and staff - he wants his barbershop to reflect what he would have loved at the start of his own career and therefore offers a great environment where young barbers can hone their skills. The shops are visually striking, and Alex emphasises the need for good customer services, carefully selecting his team as people who have similar attitudes. He now has a team of 12 passionate and talented barbers, who all bring their own unique skills and personalities to the mix to deliver an experience that has something for every man. A past member of the Fellowship for British Hairdressing’s Project Men, an exclusive team that showcases the best of men’s hair, Alex is an ambassador for Wahl and Mattaki scissors. His work has been featured in leading barbering magazines including Modern Barber, Barber Evo and many more, and he is known for sharing his barbering skills on stage at numerous industry events. A finalist in the recent UK Modern Barber awards – Alex was applauded for customer service, interior and of course best barber! Alex believes this to be the most exciting time to work in barbering: “Over the last 20 years there has been a barber boom which was a wonderful thing to be part of, however, now that that initial movement is over the fun begins! We’re really starting to witness change and development within the industry. Barbershops are beginning to look at other ways to increase income and diversify the services that they offer such as hair colour and skin treatments. I believe that in a few years these more varied offerings will be an industry standard. I’m so excited to be part of this revolution!” 2024 sees Alex sharing his skill set in the Haircuts4Homeless 12 Steps Programme where he will teach a group of recovering addicts the craft from his Brighton base. @teddyedwardsbarbers @hairbyalexburt

Getting To Know The New Editor Of Barbershop Magazine

Louise May

Louise May is the new Editor in Chief for Mocha Group and looks after all mocha magazine trade publications across the Hair, Beauty, and Barbering Industries.

Louise has been with Mocha for a little over 3 years, starting off as the editor of Hair Biz Magazine, taking over the role of Editor for Beauty Biz Magazine 12 months later, and recently when a new role was created as Editor in Chief, she stepped into this, which also included the editor role of Barbershop. She is also on the judging panel each year for the mocha group awards including the AHIA Creative, AHIA Business, ABIA’s and AMBA’s, and co-host’s the Hot Shots House and Beauty Squad House annually. A mentoring competition aimed at the rising stars of the hair, barber and beauty industry. For the past 8 years, through her own mentoring/ coaching business, she has also looked after multiple salon owners, working with them and their teams as well as a private group mentoring platform and is also a certified life coach and NLP Practitioner. Let’s get to know our new Editor in Chief and all the plans afoot for Barbershop Magazine under her expert guardianship…

Where did you grow up? What was family life like?

I grew up in regional NSW in a little town called Goolgowi, which back then had a population of 245 people. I have a brother who is 2 years older than me. My parents owned the only local General Store and supplied the town and surrounding areas with everything from groceries, gas, lotto, hardware, videos etc. I spent every moment I could with my horses. I am a huge lover of horses and I had several growing up. My parents sold the store and we moved to a town nearby called Griffith, and this is where I started my journey in hairdressing.

Where do you live?

I live on the Mid North Coast of NSW in a small coastal town called Lake Cathie, which is 10 minutes south of Port Macquarie. We live between the lake and the ocean, and it is quiet and beautiful. We moved here in 2012 from Sydney. We used to come up in the school holidays and visit my brother and their kids and fell in love with the lifestyle. Our kids have had the best childhood living here, they do all the things that we did as kids and more!

How did you first get involved in the industry, and tell us about your journey?

I started working as a salon assistant when I was 15, and did Thursday nights and Saturdays, and then I started my apprenticeship when I was 16. When I was in my 4th year, I made the bold move to move to the big smoke (Sydney) and worked in the heart of the CBD near Wynyard station and lived in Paddington. I then opened my first salon from scratch with a business partner, however the partnership turned sour, and I decided to walk away from that business venture. From there I was offered a job in sales and education for Matrix, which I accepted, and I was with them for a few years. From there I opened my 2nd salon which I had for several years, until we made the decision to sell up everything and move out of the hustle and bustle of Sydney and head up the coast. One of our long-term staff members purchased the salon from us. We sold everything, my husband quit his job of 19 years, and we moved up north, both unemployed. I was contacted by a woman is Sydney who had just created a private branding company that specialised in haircare & skincare formulations for the professional Hair & Beauty industry. I started working with the company and ended 12 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4

up buying the distribution licence to the NSW territory. It was during this time of visiting salons and speaking with salon owners about their businesses, that I discovered that so many of them were experiencing similar issues as each other in their businesses. I started giving some small bite-sized pieces of helpful advice and these salon owners were getting really great results, it was also then that I realised that I it had really ignited a fire in my belly, and I wanted to be able to help salon owners have success with their businesses and strengthen our industry. I spent the next couple of years intensely educating myself on business and human behaviour (in fact, I still love educating myself and I will never stop learning)

And then I created a mentoring platform called The Educated Owner. Many salon owners are so talented in skill, however, unfortunately do not understand how to run a business. It is a real passion of mine to teach salon owners the foundation and framework of running a successful business. In 2019 I also took over a run-down salon franchise in Melbourne, and 6 months into taking it over, Covid hit, and we endured 6 lockdowns that we had to navigate remotely from NSW, and boy was it tough. During the lockdowns we got out of the franchise model, rebranded, and rebuilt the salon and sold it in July 2022. In October 2020 I was offered the role as Editor of Hair Biz Magazine, and I accepted it immediately! I was so blown away, then my role progressed quite quickly, with the Beauty Biz Editor’s role and now the role of Editor in Chief for the Mocha Group. I love how my career has evolved and how I have transitioned into my role with Mocha, and how collectively the Mocha team are able to help salon owners and our industry.

If you weren’t doing what you do now, what alternative career would you consider?

If you could leave this industry having achieved just one thing, what would that legacy be?

What inspired you to take on the role of Editor in Chief for the barbershop magazine?

What’s your greatest fear?

What achievement are you most proud of in your life or career?

My family and friends Our Industry and my work. People and Kindness I am adding a 4th – music!

I have 3 children, 2 boys 24 and 16, and a girl 14. I am majorly proud of them; they are my greatest achievement. I am proud of the life that my beautiful hubby and I have created for us and our kids. I am also proud of the huge number of salon owners I have helped over the years and seeing what they have achieved, and extremely proud of the magazines that have been created during my time with the Mocha brand.

Ooh that’s a hard one! As I just love what I do. I am a lover of people and love helping people create change for the better, so possibly something with social work.

I really love the role of editor of Hair Biz and Beauty Biz magazines, and the biggest thing for me is my love for the hair and beauty industries. I have an intense desire to shine a light on the industry and show our youth just how frigging amazing it is. When the role of editor in chief was put forward for me to consider, I didn’t have to think twice! I cannot begin to explain how much I love and adore the mocha family. So, to be offered a role which enabled me to encompass the barbering world as well, I just could not say no.

Three things you’re passionate about:

What’s on your bucket list?

Do a lap of Australia in our van. Ireland & Scotland and visit old castles and countryside. Sip coffee on the streets of Paris Drink Champagne in Champagne, France. Do a silent retreat with Buddhist monks. Take my family to NY for a white Christmas. Visit Tuscany and soak up the surroundings. Learn to speak French. Hold a Workshop Retreat in Bali

What’s playing on your Spotify?

Depends on the mood… I could list a million songs/artists from many different genres…. However, this is my playlist I am currently listening to today, as I am writing this. System of a Down Metallica NWA 2Pac Frank Ocean Kendrick Lamar Stone Temple Pilots Pearl Jam Yelawolf Rage Against the Machine

13 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4

Getting our youth really excited about our industry, showing our schools that it is so much more than doing hair and that it really is a great industry to be a part of. Losing a loved one and Heights.

What’s something interesting or quirky we might not know about you?

I win the majority of Music Trivia questions. I am a huge lover of all genres of music, and I come from a family that lives and breathes music on all levels. I also worked in a shoe store for a period of time and did a shoe fitting specialist course.

Do you have a motto or signature life philosophy?

Yes, “live life with integrity” … which means doing the right thing, even when no one is watching, and “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”

Describe your ideal Sunday.

My ideal Sunday is seriously just about relaxing. Getting up before the kids, and having a coffee with my hubby and watching the latest episode of trip in a Van on YouTube, whilst the kids sleep in. Having breakfast all together and then heading out to enjoy our local coastal surroundings. Either the beach, a coastal walk, lunch somewhere... I really don’t care, I am easy to please, as long as our dog Coco is heading out with us, and my family are present. Then late afternoon/early evening, making sure I have everything organised at home to kick off our week ahead. Groceries done; meals planned for the week. To-Do list done for work.

Favourite food?

Asian fusion with a Japanese or Thai influence. Milk chocolate covered macadamias.

Favourite Drink?

Coffee is my most favourite drink ever! And I am extremely fussy with it. I do love an Espresso Martini or a glass of Veuve also.

Favourite Holiday Destination?

My favourite place to holiday is Port Douglas. It holds the most beautiful memories for me, as it is where my husband and I go for our anniversary, and where we take the kids between Christmas and New Year’s. I also fell in love with New York and can’t wait to go back.

Best Of The Best In Barbering Announced At Third Annual

Australian Modern Barber Awards 2023

Sunday 5th November saw the most exceptional barbers and barber shop owners that this country has to offer awarded at Australia’s premium awards program for the male grooming industry, the Australian Modern Barber Award’s (AMBA’s). Held in Melbourne at the Plaza Ballroom the gala event was a celebration of these inspiring hair and beard creatives. The evening saw some big winners across the 15 categories including Matt Clarke of Esq. Male Grooming for AMBA Australian Modern Barber of the Year, New York Barbers for AMBA Australian Modern Barber Business of the Year and the UK’s acclaimed George Smith who travelled Down Under to accept AMBA International Modern Barber of the Year.

Highlights of the night also saw Mark Rabone of Esq. Male Grooming inducted into the AMBA Hall of Fame and Fraser Forsey take out the Nominated Special Recognition Award.

Created by esteemed trade visionaries Mocha Group, owners of the Australian Hair Industry Awards and Australian Beauty Industry Awards, this awards initiative is revolutionising the way our local hair creatives engage with consumers and show off their diverse talents.

“The AMBA’s have yet again shone a spotlight on some of the most exciting global talent in the grooming world. The role of barbers and the barber shop is deep rooted in our cultural history and they remain an integral part of so many Australian men’s lives. These creatives are operating at a world class level and their talents completely wowed our judges.”

Launched in 2021 to provide men’s hairdressing and barbering trailblazers with a much needed and often requested benchmark of excellence the AMBA’s reflect the increasing impact of this industry. With men’s grooming a huge player in the global beauty market this is a timely marker of the industry’s importance with Innovius Research stating it is extrapolated to reach $534 million in 2026. Guests were treated to entertainment inspired by the lavish grandeur of the Plaza Ballroom’s historical Spanish Rococo architecture. The classical musical greats were reimagined with an electro-pop, contemporary crossover, and fusion flavour. Performances featured live vocalists, plus a powerhouse female cast on the electroacoustic harp, electro violin and electro cello. Aria Award winning DJ Peril, who has performed alongside Mariah Carey, Black Eyed Peas, Pitbull and many more, kept the beats deep at the after party.

Mocha Group Owner/Publisher Linda Woodhead was thrilled to recognise these winners,

Each award submission was deliberated on by an independent panel of judges including media, PR and business specialists, international barbering icons and specialists in the barbering industry. The awards were proudly sponsored by Heiniger, American Barber, Babyliss Pro, American Crew, Andis, Depot, JRL, Shortcuts, Excellent Edges, Timely, Comfortel and Wahl. Instagram: mochabarberaustralia Facebook: Mocha.Barber.Australia #amba2023

2023 AMBA WINNERS Best Men’s Styling Product of the Year Sponsored by Barbershop Magazine

Styling Paste by Smash It

Best Men’s Collection – Junior Sponsored by Depot

Gianni Sollazzo, Esq. Male Grooming Best Men’s Collection - Freestyle Sponsored by Andis

Costa Zacharia, Unoit Barber

Best Business Director/Owner of the Year Sponsored by JRL

Aaron Chan, Kings Domain Barber Shop Best Customer Care Sponsored by Shortcuts

Unoit Barber

Best Men’s Collection – Classic Sponsored by Babyliss Pro, Dateline Imports

Ryan Poole, Esq. Male Grooming

Best Men’s Educator of the Year Organisation Sponsored by Excellent Edges

Barbery the Craft of a Barber Academy Best Barbershop Design Sponsored by Comfortel

The BarberBar – Broadbeach Best Team Collection Sponsored by American Crew

Reed Studio

International Modern Barber of the Year Sponsored by Timely

George Smith, UK

BTS Crew Sponsored by mocha group

Leigh Winsor, Sophie Harris and Jose McManus with Suzi O’Brien for her Australian Modern Barber of the Year Collection Special Recognition Award Sponsored by WAHL Professional

Fraser Forsey

Hall of Fame Sponsored by mocha group

Mark Rabone

Australian Modern Barber Business of the Year Sponsored by American Barber, M&U Imports

New York Barbers

Australian Modern Barber of the Year Sponsored by Heiniger

Matt Clarke, Esq. Male Grooming

s r e n in W the t ee M

Created by Mocha Group, the AMBA’s were launched due to national demand for a platform to highlight creative and business achievement, recognising excellence and providing an exciting snapshot of the impressive quality of the industry. Learn more about the Winners as we congratulate them all in this special AMBA Winners coverage.


Matt’s career spans the entire barbering spectrum. He is a session stylist engaged in brand campaigns, a member of the global education teams for American Crew, Heiniger and 4B, as well as an educator for his personal brand, Matt Clarke Hair. He also serves as Director at Esquire Male Grooming, alongside Director Marc Rabone, AMBA Hall of Fame 2023 inductee, overseeing day-to-day operations, along with managing his personal clientele. Esquire Male Grooming has been at the forefront of luxury men’s styling since it first opened in its Milton location in 2004. With a second shop opening in the iconic Tattersalls Arcade in Brisbane’s CBD, they bring traditional men’s styling together with a modern twist, providing complimentary hot and cold refreshments, an eclectic soundtrack, and staff with the highest styling and shaving ability.


Sponsored by American Barber, M&U Imports


New York Barbers was established in 2014 by Mario Fallace, an industry veteran of over 35 years and owner of Berwick’s longstanding Fallachi Hair. Mario saw the rise in interest for men’s-specific grooming services, and thus the New York Barbers idea was born. Inspired by the old-school New York City barbershops and NYC itself, you immediately sense the vibe when you walk in. What started out as a 5-chair barber shop on Kempson Walk, quickly grew and soon they had moved to larger premises on Adams Lane, now a 10 chair barbershop complete with their own café serving barista made coffee. The team of talented and experienced barbers specialise in quality haircuts, beard trims and shaves, and they cater to all their clients’ needs, whether it be an old-school classic or a trendy new style.


Fraser is the AMBA’s 2021 Best Men’s Educator award winner, Director of Barber Temple, National Educator for Tommy Gun’s Australia and has trained in over 400 barbershops, salons, TAFES and wholesalers across Australia. Over his 19 years in the industry, Fraser has developed a unique style of education which demonstrates his love and passion for barbering and business. He has most recently launched to the industry ‘4BARBERS Education & Supply’ to bring the most renowned education this country has seen, with a team of leading educators from all walks of the industry, partnered with some of the world’s biggest tool and product companies. Known for his infectious enthusiasm and love for the industry, Fraser leaves those around him truly inspired to excel in this exciting industry.

HALL OF FAME Sponsored by mocha group MARK RABONE

Coined by Qantas’ Travel Insider as “administering Brisbane’s best beard love”, Mark came to Brisbane with a wealth of experience in high end UK barbershops. He wanted to bring that traditional, full service experience with him to Brisbane and so he built Esquire Male Grooming. Mark was not the only talent from his roster to be honoured, with three of his team winning as well, with Matt Clarke for AMBA Australian Modern Barber of the Year 2023 for, Ryan Poole for AMBA Best Men’s Collection – Classic 2023 and Gianni Sollazzo for AMBA Best Men’s Collection – Junior 2023. Esquire Male Grooming has been at the forefront of luxury men’s styling since first opening the Milton location in 2004. With a second shop in the iconic Tattersalls Arcade in Brisbane’s CBD, they bring traditional men’s styling together with a modern twist, providing complimentary hot and cold refreshments, an eclectic soundtrack, and staff with the highest styling and shaving ability.


Owned by industry favourite, Franc Ciccone, SMASH IT Styling Paste is an all rounder styling product which can be used on any type of hair. It can be used in dry hair to achieve a dry look or can be used on wet hair for a wet/shine look. To use in dry hair, scoop out a small amount, run in the palm of hands and fingertips then rough it in the hair and style to desired position for a soft style. In wet hair, scoop out a small amount, run in the palm of hands and fingertips then add a small amount of water and run hands together to get a fine creamy texture, then rough it in the hair and style it or dry it into desired position.


Mentored by the barbering legend and inductee into the AMBA Hall Of Fame 2023, Mark Rabone, Gianni is an incredibly talented 19 year old who is already making his mark on the industry. Mark is the man behind the acclaimed Esq. Male Grooming which has been at the forefront of luxury men’s styling since it first opened in its Milton location in 2004. Gianni now works with the team to bring traditional men’s styling together with a modern twist, working in a shop that provides complimentary hot and cold refreshments, an eclectic soundtrack, and staff with the highest styling and shaving ability.



Aaron worked with his former boss, industry icon Joey Scandizzo, to create the Kings Domain barber shop empire. The first shop was opened on Toorak Road in South Yarra and over the last 10 years he has worked to open eight barber shops, a training academy and launched a product range in Melbourne that is stocked in Coles supermarkets nationally. He currently manages over 70 employees with the goal to improve the standard of barbering across the industry through education and innovation. His impact is about much more than cuts and fades though, with the implementation of the powerful Kings Domain Refugee Scholarship program which runs through the Kings Domain Academy, giving refugees in Australia the opportunity to get the skills and qualifications they need to have a prosperous and successful career in the barbering industry.

s r e n in W the t ee M BEST MEN’S COLLECTION – CLASSIC

Sponsored by Babyliss Pro, Dateline Imports


Ryan has been barbering for five years at Esquire Male Grooming under the guidance of Marc Rabone, AMBA Hall of Fame 2023 inductee, and over that time has been able to work with some incredible barbers and educators to grow him impressive skills. He has participated in countless hands-on workshops as well as numerous look and learn industry events. He has also had numerous opportunities to work as a session stylist both as an assistant and contributing stylist, motivated by the traditions and fundamentals of men’s hair. Esquire Male Grooming has been at the forefront of luxury men’s styling since it first opened in its Milton location in 2004. With a second shop opening in the iconic Tattersalls Arcade in Brisbane’s CBD, they bring traditional men’s styling together with a modern twist, providing complimentary hot and cold refreshments, an eclectic soundtrack, and staff with the highest styling and shaving ability.


Sponsored by Excellent Edges


Barbery delivers an education experience unlike any other. With world class educators with a combined over 102 years’ experience in the barbering industry, they live and breathe barbering. With an unbeatable salon environment where students learn and assess on real clients they are able to face the rewards and challenges that come with working in a customer service environment. Back in 2016, Anna De Sanctis came up with the bold idea to open the Barbery, which would become Australia’s first and only standalone barbering Academy to support the network of Barber Boys barber shops established since 2004. To make this ambitious dream a reality, it took over a year of meeting federal and state government compliance requirements to be approved as an RTO under the powers of ASQA. This is far from the first accolades for this powerhouse organisation having previously won AMBA Director/Owner of the Year 2022 for Anna De Sanctis, AMBA Education Organisation of the Year 2022 for Barbery and AMBA Apprentice of the Year 2022.


The BarberBar is the old traditional barbershop with a welcoming friendly atmosphere and dedicated professionals, passionate about their trade, who really do understand men’s hair. Designed to be a men’s hub, it’s a true mancave, where guys can grab a haircut, hang out and enjoy themselves with a cool, relaxed Gold Coast vibe. Before or after, guests can gather at the fully licenced bar, watch big sporting occasions on the large screens, play pool or enjoy vintage arcade games. From opening hours that suit Gold Coast locals to easy access for wheelchair users to welcoming all genders, The BarberBar is all about a warm welcome and convenience for all.



In 2020 Costa Zacharia created something truly unique with his innovate barber shop UNOIT. It was based around a fresh concept which brought premium barber services and advanced skin treatments, for both men and women, together in a contemporary and creative space. UNOIT breaks the overtly masculine red and white pole image with a luxurious service that includes freshly made cocktails, lay-down shiatsu shampoo lounges, and welcome packs for all new guests. The men can enjoy deluxe shaves, award winning haircuts, keratin smoothing, colour, beard shaping and signature shiatsu massage hair-detox treatments. Then for the women, and the men, there is a bevy of aesthetics options including PRP, facials, laser, needling and injectables to name a few. But the shop also has plenty of soul as well and they are proud to donate $1 from every haircut to @heartonmysleeve, a mental health organisation which gives people a support system.


Sponsored by Timely


George grew up surrounded by hair and he is now happiest when he’s got a set of clippers or a blade in his hand. Born to parents who are both award-winning hairdressers, he has also been trained by some of the best names in the business including Charlie Cullen and Dexter Johnson. Currently he manages Smith England, the family salon, where he works as men’s specialist. Over the past few years, he has been recognised for his barbering talents and creative vision throughout the industry, winning The Big Shot Award 2023 for Men’s Collection of the Year as well as Men’s Hairdresser of the Year at the British Hairdressing Awards in 2022. He has also worked backstage as part of the Label.M team at London Fashion Week Men’s and been showcased on The Fellowship main stage and the Modern Barber stage at Salon International.

BTS CREW Sponsored by mocha group LEIGH WINSOR, SOPHIE HARRIS AND JOSE MCMANUS WITH SUZI O’BRIEN FOR HER AUSTRALIAN MODERN BARBER OF THE YEAR COLLECTION The AMBA BTS Crew of the Year award recognises the way Suzi was able to work alongside her incredible styling, photographic and make-up team and the way they supported her to create her stunning photographic collection ‘The Takeover’. As the director of The Studio X in Maroubra, Suzi began cutting hair at 15 years old. It wasn’t long before she came up the ranks and understood she had a thirst for business and a love for barbering. She opened her own shop at 17 while still in school. Now with 8 chairs, a treatment room and DJ booth, this shop is truly unique and which is also used for education and industry events. With the addition of the beauty room, they have also added facials, teeth whitening and a Cosmetic Nurse earning a reputation as an industry-leading Men’s Hair & Skin Studio.

INSTAGRAM. @mochabarber


Wahl Academy Australia is proud to offer InStore Workshops at your local participating Wholesaler, or in the comfort of your very own Salon or Barbershop. Recently the Wahl Education – On the Road Tour kicked off in Brisbane with Anthony (Ant) Nafatali and Mark Rabone, followed by NSW on 23rd October with Yuki Kano. More dates are due to be announced soon for Newcastle, Melbourne and more! Join the WAHL Team for an incredible experience where you’ll have the chance to learn, grow, and transform your skills by participating in different Global Cut sessions with the incredible Wahl Educators. Wahl Educators have been trained by Wahl Global Leaders in the education field and are now bringing this education straight to you across Australia with hands on look and learn workshops. Included in your ticket is lunch and beverages, Education Certificate and Mannequin is provided for Hands-On workshop. Bring your own tools, however, Wahl products will be provided to try out during the class! Keep an eye out for when your city’s tickets are announced!! For further information on all classes, pricing and dates please email 22 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4

On the Road


own barbershop in Toorak for a number of years. “I believe the barbering industry is constantly evolving into bigger and better things, I love that the combination of barbering and hairdressing is becoming stronger with a more technical focus.” Now based in Bairnsdale Victoria, but frequently educating all over Melbourne, Ben feels that barbering provides him with the ability to meet different people and to foster meaningful relationships with clients, this alongside sharing the art of barbering is something that drives and inspires Ben in his work every day. INSTAGRAM: @benwardscissorhands


Starting just four years ago from cutting hair for friends and family at home, Ant realised his passion for hair and started his apprenticeship with barbering chain Tommy Guns. His dedication and focus saw him complete his apprenticeship in less than a third of the standard timeframe and has since been recognised time and again for his skills by numerous brands in the industry. Ant finds joy in mastering the craft of Modern Techniques and adding his traditional unique spin on those techniques. Ant looks at the industry not just for hair, but the impact he can have in such a positive way to change people’s lives with a simple haircut and the energetic experience he provides. “If you trust the process, practice and repeat, you can only grow.” Now holding roles including Ambassador, National Educator and Creative Educator with some of the biggest names in the industry, Ant spends his time with salons, barbershops, wholesalers and apprentices sharing his evergrowing knowledge and passion. INSTAGRAM: @antzthebarber



Owner of South Australian barbershop Chop Chopps, Celine Kaponias, (well known as ‘Chop Chopp’ in the industry), proudly brings both her talents and her personality to the team. Having started her hair journey back in 2017, Celine gained her formal qualification and has since built her career and her loyal following clients. Celine’s passion for her craft and the barbering industry is evident in her drive to share her knowledge and skills to other barbers and stylists. “To me, barbering isn’t just about the craft, it’s about the relationships you have with your clients. It’s about the culture you create. A barbershop isn’t just a place for cutting hair, it’s a place where people can open up and feel safe.” INSTAGRAM: @chopchopps


At the age of fifteen, Ben started his apprenticeship under a traditional barber learning many techniques that are not necessarily being taught anymore. From there, he chose to learn a wide range of hairdressing techniques from a salon in Melbourne’s Western Suburbs. Spending time working in a high-end barbershop in Collins St Melbourne, Ben then used the knowledge he’d gained throughout his career to open and run his

beauty sector, Heath started with cosmetology and grooming courses before successfully gaining a hairdressing apprenticeship. His move into barbering some years later allowed his avant-garde approach to cutting and his flair for elaborate hair tattoos to grow and saw Heath win numerous awards at hair shows and industry photographic competitions. While continuing to build an interactive support network, Heath opened his own studio in Mackay in 2012, HPHFM, not only creating a large and loyal clientele but sharing his knowledge to numerous staff and apprentices. “As an artist and a creator, the pursuit of perfection should be the goal, not perfection itself. It’s the journey for perfection that uncovers the amazing techniques and styles which we base our life’s work around, and that is the beauty of our industry.” INSTAGRAM: @heathpaton

Based in tropical Mackay, North Queensland, award winning barber Heath Paton joins the Wahl family bringing with him his experience and love for the industry. With over 20 years in the hair and

Barber Jaymes Lunn has represented Wahl Australia as a Brand Ambassador for the past two years and now proudly takes his place as part of our Education Team. Jaymes has studied and worked in the barbering industry in both the UK and here in Australia. He currently owns and runs his own barbershop, HairbyJaymes in Mosman Park. A big advocate for mental health awareness, Jaymes revels in sharing his knowledge and experience with the broader community. “Barbering allows me to be creative and express my love for art & fashion!” INSTAGRAM: @barberjaymes

The Educators QLD: MARK RABONE

Director of Esquire Male Grooming in Brisbane, and a career spanning 30 years, Mark’s hair journey started in his hometown of Birmingham UK, before moving to Australia in 1994, seven years after it began. Plying his trade in reputable shops in Melbourne and Brisbane before opening his first Esquire store in Milton Brisbane back in 2004. Mark added a second store in Brisbane’s CBD in 2015 and now has an amazing team of staff found on the basis of being well educated. “What I love about education is sharing knowledge and ideas on a face to face basis, sometimes a little detail scan make a huge difference, and in an ever evolving industry like barbering, giving back to eager professionals is to me, extremely rewarding. The more tricks in the locker a barber has, the better the industry becomes.” Whilst running his stores, his passion for the industry and education saw him join the American Crew education team in 2010, with the past 6 years of that being with the international All-star team. In early 2021, Mark was invited to become part of the education team at Barber Temple and is now very excited to add Wahl to his amazing list of education providers. INSTAGRAM: @mark_rabone_hair


A master and educator of barbering, cutting and styling, Sarah Wall’s aesthetic has often been described as precise, tailored and fashion forward. Paired with over 20 years experience, Sarah’s career has seen her take root in the industry from being an educator and ambassador for international hair care brands, to winning national titles and beyond. Having worked with some of the biggest brand names in the industry, Sarah spent 16 years with a leading global hair brand as their Art Director, Head Varder Educator, Cert 3 Educator and part of their education team, before branching out to seek new experiences. Based out of Salon Lane in Surry Hills NSW, Sarah now has her own studio and incorporates a new world of hairdressing/barbering, providing bespoke services, education and social entrepreneurship. “Sharing knowledge is vital to help people grow. It fuels them with the knowledge and confidence to become the best they can be.” INSTAGRAM: @sarahwall_industries


Yuki Kano is originally from Japan and living in Sydney Australia. Starting her journey with Toni&Guy, Yuki quickly realised her passion for cutting short hair. Inspired by culture and her love for traditional barbering. She became a part of the Wahl Education Team Japan in 2019. Yuki Kano is globally recognised for her unique approach in Barbering and Hairdressing and has the ability to blend both editorial and commerciality to her work. Yuki now also joins the Wahl Australia Education Team and will divide her time between Australia and Japan sharing her knowledge and industry trends between countries. “For me, style has no gender. I love to take inspiration from the world of barbering and visualise across gender boundaries when I imagine and create styles for my clients.” INSTAGRAM: @yukikano



Mama | Barber | Salon Director | Hair | Skin

Care | Educator |Travel Agent

“Ten years ago, I started my career. I had a fire in my belly and a point to be proven! If I could do it all again, I wouldn’t change a thing” When I first saw Carlie Cardle on Instagram in May of 2018, she was one of 8 special women who inspired me so much that I immediately opened and began a page which you all know as Australian Female Barbers. Carlie is a recognised and valued artist and educator in her own right, as well as being one of the worldwide recognised RUGER family. Based in the Uk, at her heart she is all about family and community in bringing hair and skin health, and mental health to the forefront through her business model and promotion of self-care. She inspires with her perfect visual presentations and happy vibe. Digging deeper you’ll find a driven, focused, and forward-thinking entrepreneurial side to this woman. Early in her career she saw a niche market for men’s skin care and services. She then positioned herself to make changes in her skillset and career path. She was not one to sit and remain unmotivated. In making those strategic moves, came change like she had never anticipated. She partnered with UK’s best known global brand RUGER in opening a shop in her hometown of Lytham UK. She has built a successful career, married the love of her life, and had a gorgeous daughter. More recently, noting that long term she would like another income stream, she signed up and studied once again. This time she has added the title Travel Agent, which she successfully integrates into her daily craft of barbering. Our shop floors are a place where we constantly enjoy conversations about holidays had or holidays planned. Perfect idea much? I’m almost thinking I’ll go off and study myself!! Travelling the world at 24, returning to the Spa environment and feeling unmotivated, she noticed that in a short 2-year span, there had been a shift in the numbers of men having services. More eyebrow shaping, wet shaves, skin care routines! Feeling there was a huge niche in the market for delivering these services, gave her a new lease of life … and in 2015, a pivotal moment. She did a shave course at a local barber nearby and loved straight away what a change in environment the barbershop was. They could wear what they wanted, have their own style and was so much more casual than the clinical spa environment she was used to. She was hooked. Transitioning from hairdressing to barbering she signed up at London School of Barbering with an intense short course and then stood 12 long hours a day at Pall Mall Barbers and WATCHED!! Back at home she landed a job with the multi award winning Joe Cartmel. Feeding her obsession, Joe stripped back all she had learned and taught her the classical techniques and attention to detail that she still uses to this day. He pushed her to do competitions and importantly… how to execute styling. I spoke to him recently and he remembers her as an amazing barber right from the onset. Continuing her training and 1-2-1 education with Alan and Reece Beak opened up an alliance, saw the soldering of a relationship and an opportunity of a lifetime. Not only would she become one of RUGER’s impeccably talented crew, but she would also become friend, associate, and business partner. She and Alan spent endless hours planning and creating what would soon become Ruger Lytham. A unique style of barbershop for her hometown Lytham and modelled on the Ruger Oldham salon. She has grown the Lytham business and structured it to operate allowing her to step back a little. This she has achieved through coaching and mentoring her own hand-picked team and delegating roles accordingly.

“Alan let me select my own team and managed me throughout, being the most incredible mentor. The RUGER Brand has always been about the people. Lytham is such a small town, we support local always, to feel like a family, a safe space for men, keeping community together inside and outside the shop.” She has naturally embraced what is the core of RUGER. They are the “People’s barbers and the Barber’s barbers”. A family.

Carlie, you have amassed an incredible amount of skill over the years which you’ve shared through training your team and your own education program! “Yes, our shop is super diverse. We have a family feel, so I’d say the team has to be able to do any style! We keep on trend by visiting events and we do in house and online training monthly… you can’t be complacent in this industry! Even after 10 years, I won’t ever sit back and think I know everything. I’ve loved courses with Ky Wilson, Tariq Howes, Charlie Gray and of course Alan Beak has continued to support me and the team. We’ve managed to move the idea of introducing other treatments into barbershops with my skin care education program. This program I have delivered all across the UK and globally. I’ve worked alongside London Grooming, American Crew and recently moved over to Insight. Insight is a Vegan and Organic Certified, Cruelty Free and a Fully Sustainable range. It’s a new product range that I really believe in and is completely gender neutral. I wanted to do men’s skincare, not just to treat the skin, but to allow men to relax and switch off. Men’s mental health is at an all-time high, and men do open up to their barbers in shop. However, when they have a facial, it is a completely different level. They literally close their eyes, switch off their phones and have half an hour to themselves! So many clients of mine say it’s the only time they have for them to not have to think about what’s going on at work, or in their lives.” Recently you have become Travel Agent. This fits perfectly with our barbering environments where we always chat about our holidays! I’ve had the shop now for 7 years and since having my little girl my priorities have changed. I put in as much as I can at the shop but have trained my staff on how to run the business without me. It’s been a hard few years of building and coaching to get there but my team are completely killing it. This enables me to step back and spend more time with my daughter. I recently came across a lady on Instagram who had a home travel agency that she works around her full-time job. I thought, as a barber, we talk about holidays all day long. I’ve qualified now as an independent travel agent. I research and book holidays in my evenings when my daughter is asleep, so that we have a second income stream to allow us to travel more. I honestly could not think of two better jobs to complement each other. I’m not only cutting their hair, but I can also book them a trip away as well as give my client a pamper! Men want a one stop shop where they can get everything done in one go, and booking holidays is definitely up there on the priority list for them, as well as a great hair style, beard, and facial services. cont’d over page

cont’d from page 27

You mentioned your TIER Pricing System at the Barbershop. Can you tell us how that works for you and your staff?

Yes, we use a tier system at RUGER. I feel that it works so well alongside our booking system with Booksy, and allows clients to always have access to have their haircut. We all as barbers, are at different phases of our barbering careers and the pricing compliments this. It always drives our newest barbers to push to work towards bettering themselves and for our clients to grow with us.

You have featured in Barberevo UK with your RUGER Sisters who stand strong behind the chair. What has your experience as a woman in barbering been like?

As a woman in this male dominated industry, I’ve never felt out of place if I’m honest. If anything, it’s spurred me on, to prove I deserve a place to be there. I’ve only ever had a few occasions when someone has questioned my ability but it’s the results that prove that women can do just as good! I love working around the boys! They really are what make my salon if I’m honest. RUGER Lytham is an absolute vibe and I’ve never felt like I shouldn’t be here. If anything, I feel I am neutral in the environment. We want everyone to feel welcome in our shop. Man/woman if you’re 5 years old or 75! The shop door is always open and a super safe place to feel yourself. We recently featured in BarberEvo allowing us to shout about our beliefs at RUGER, that barbers and clients should all be treated exactly the same, regardless of age, gender, race, or societal position.

You recently had a family holiday in Australia. What did you notice about the Industry here?

We’ve recently got back from our 3 weeks in Australia and just love your country so very much! The standard has changed since last time I was around! Barbering has really stepped up Downunder, with styles and educational platforms. I visited Jacob at Tate & Lyle, Sydney. He’s always been a big supporter of mine and a London boy. His shop is an absolute vibe in the city centre! I also adore Suzi O’Brien’s “The Studio X” in Maroubra, Sydney. Suzi and Steph are absolutely killing it for the girls, and I couldn’t be prouder of the range and quality of services Suzi has created there.

Any current favourite brands for you?

My favourite tools are definitely BaByliss this year! I’ve always trialed many different brands over the years, but I feel Babyliss are durable, lightweight and salon friendly. It’s important to take opportunity to try new things on the market. In sharing Carlie’s story my hope is that she will inspire all who would have a desire to seek outside of the constraints of the day-to-day grind. Carlie is a perfect example of what can happen when you take that spark of an idea and do the work to bring about the change you desire. Catalysts exist every day in our lives. We just need to recognise them and take hold of them as they appear. Take every opportunity to embrace and appreciate the good and like-minded people who come our way and build strong lasting alliances. It can carry you to places you were meant to be. I thought I would give the final word to Alan Beak, Director & Cofounder of RUGER…

Alan can you give us your own words to quote in describing Carlie?

When we first met Carlie, she was a timid, shy, eager, enthusiastic keen barber. She asked loads of questions and was ultra-keen. A beautiful girl and we knew full well she was the kind of person we wanted involved in our brand. We chatted, spoke, and looked to open a salon close to where she was based and one, we found was literally a stone’s throw from her house. Our relationship grew and so did her online presence, her experience and skill. She has become, not only one of the best female barbers I have met, but she is also the nicest girl you will ever meet in your life. She is so focused on progressing and becoming bigger and better. I could not have asked for a better friend and business partner. She inspires me constantly with her drive and ambition. I love her to pieces. Carlie Cardle: @carliecardle_ Ruger Barber Lytham: @ruger_barber_lytham Registered Agent for InteleTravel enquiries @luxefamilyescape_ Collette Saunders @collettesaundershair Founder @australianfemalebarbers @afb_recruit



In the vibrant city of San Francisco, the roots of HANZ DE FUKO run deep, tracing back to its inception in 2009. A brainchild of visionaries David Alfonso and Christopher Zent, the brand emerged with a mission – to curate distinctive styling products tailored for the discerning individual. Picture this: the early days saw Alfonso and Zent diligently filling and labelling bottles in the confines of a modest one-bedroom apartment. From this humble beginning, their passion for crafting unparalleled grooming essentials ignited a journey that would soon transcend borders.

minimising our impact on the planet. Men’s Biz stores, headquarters and warehouse run on 100% Greenpower and their deliveries are carbon neutral. They recycle and reuse almost all packing materials in their warehouse.

After two years of making waves in high-end salons, the duo strategically leveraged the power of social media. The result? In just six months, HANZ DE FUKO emerged as the leading grooming product on the vast canvas of the internet. Responding to the overwhelming surge in demand, the founders aligned with the largest all-green solar manufacturing plant in North America in 2012.

Can you tell us about the Men’s Biz Brand and its unique approach to barbering and grooming in the Sydney.

From the iconic landscapes of San Francisco, the HANZ DE FUKO wave surged across Europe, gracing the shelves of the world’s most prestigious retail establishments in over 40 countries. Notably, the brand found its way into the hands of none other than style icon David Beckham, a testament to its universal appeal. Today, HANZ DE FUKO stands as a globally cherished brand, a beacon of excellence in the realm of grooming. To delve deeper into the brand’s journey and its impact on the world of barbering, Barbershop Editor in Chief, Louise May, recently sat down with Hakota, affectionately known as Hux, a senior barber at MEN’S BIZ in Sydney. MEN’S BIZ has been an authority in Men’s Grooming in Australia since 2006. Awarded ‘Best Retail Destination’ at GQ Australia’s Grooming Awards and ‘Best in Class Barbershop’ by Monocle magazine. MEN’S BIZ online store launched in 2006 and is now supported by four stores and barbershops in Melbourne, Sydney, and Canberra. Their headquarters and warehouse are based in Northcote, Melbourne. They believe in ethical practices and

Over to the chat with Hux…

Men’s Biz Barbershop stands out with its fusion of classic barbering expertise and modern grooming trends. A haven where tradition meets innovation, offering precision cuts and grooming services tailored to every man’s style, ensuring a timeless and individualised experience.

What is your role within the Men’s Biz Brand?

As a senior barber at Men’s Biz, my role entails delivering expert haircutting, grooming, and styling services whilst also mentoring and guiding junior barbers to help them develop their skills and expertise.

Why did you choose to get on board and partner with the HANZ DE FUKO brand?

We choose to partner with HANZ DE FUKO because they bring you phenomenal hair and grooming products, ensuring outstanding styling outcomes. Their line offers versatile looks, strong hold, and hair nourishment that we can use to give our clients the best possible results.

What HANZ DE FUKO product are clients loving, and what’s flying off the shelf?

HANZ DE FUKO’S Claymation stands out as the most sought-after product in their styling collection, offering a strong, textured hold and a natural matte finish for a distinctive look.

Can you tell us about the men’s dry shampoo and what makes it so good?

HANZ DE FUKO’S Dry Shampoo distinguishes itself with its lightweight, non-greasy formula that effectively absorbs excess oil, refreshing and rejuvenating your hair.

What is your personal favourite HDF product and why?

As previously discussed, I find Claymation to be exceptional for the same reasons it resonates with our customers. Its popularity is rooted in its outstanding qualities.

What trends are you seeing in the Sydney CBD currently, and what HANZ DE FUKO products suit?

Men’s hairstyling trends have shifted towards textured, relaxed looks, undercuts, and beard grooming. HANZ DE FUKO’S product range caters to these trends with versatile, high-quality products that offer strong holds, matte finishes, and sustainable options, ensuring a perfect match for evolving men’s grooming needs.

How does the HANZ DE FUKO brand support you?

HANZ DE FUKO has shown a commendable commitment to providing comprehensive product knowledge. This knowledge equips us to effectively guide and educate our clients on the proper application and advantages of their diverse range of grooming products, ensuring a well-informed and satisfying customer experience.

What is the point of difference with HANZ DE FUKO?

HANZ DE FUKO sets itself apart by mixing classic grooming with a modern twist. They’ve got a bunch of top-notch, versatile products for different styles, and they’re big on being eco-friendly too.

Are there any trade secrets for using any of the products? I.e., intermixing etc?

I prefer applying a modest quantity of HANZ DE FUKO Hair Oil to damp hair prior to blowdrying, as it effectively adds moisture and enhances texture. Subsequently, I utilise Claymation on the dry hair to achieve a firm and enduring hold for my desired style. @mensbiz @hanzdefuko_ausnz @sabre_haircare

The Many Layers Of

Matthew Clarke 2023 Australian Modern Barber Of The Year BY REX A.C SILVER

We sit down with Matt in his hotel room overlooking Sydney’s spectacular Darling Harbour as he stares out and reflects on the year that was.

2023 has been a big year for Matt and this humble and grateful gentle man is more than happy with his lot; he partnered in to one of the country’s most esteemed barber establishments, Brisbane’s Esquire Male Grooming, a business he has been attached to for some time, he married his beautiful sweetheart Brooke in Las Vegas and went on an amazing 12 week honeymoon, he became an official educator for American Crew after a few years of doing the hard yards, moving his way up the ranks with them, and was hand-picked for a coveted role on the Australian/ New Zealand Heiniger Education and Artistic team. Big Year indeed! I would say you’re a bonified creative Matt but on top of having Cert 4 hair and barber qualifications, dual Uni degrees in Film, you’re a qualified Chef too! Put it all in order for us please… Ha-ha, I began working in kitchens when I was around 14 years old. I started as a kitchen hand and worked my way up. This all happened while I was in school and then transitioning to Uni, so becoming a chef became something that happened in the job that was seeing me through Uni. Film and Writing was always the dream, If anyone asked me what I did, I always said I was a student even though I was working as a qualified Chef.

How did you discover hair?

I finished my dual film degrees and started my own business in film and videography and burnt out very quickly, I realised that that industry wasn’t really for me. I still loved the work, but the business side of things really kind of beat me down. So, I went back to being a chef and I was kind of miserable there too because it was the first time, I guess that I’d really ‘just been a chef’. Upon reflecting, I just wanted to do the one thing that really kind of made me happy, and that was just cutting hair. I’d been cutting my hair and my friends hair for years, even when I was young my I would cut hair in my parents backyard. I just decided that, yep, that was when I was happiest, when I was just tinkering away with hair. I decided to take it up a little bit more professionally, went out, got myself a trade, never looked back.

You weren’t just satisfied with that either, you started teaching fairly quickly.

Very shortly after I qualified, in hairdressing because they didn’t have the barbering qualification back then of course, I moved to Europe and landed myself a job in an amazing barber shop in London, which went on to become one of the UK’s number one barber shops and has remained so ever since. Ruffians in Shoreditch, UK, have several locations now, there was a few world class barbers there that had done amazing things. They were building up an education arm and I totally got emersed in that. One of the guys Josh Stokes, was once a creative director for Tony and Guy for their global campaign, so it was a really big deal at the time. That experience kind of made me love education, So when I moved back to Brisbane, I took a job as a full-time educator at the Brisbane School of Barbering. They just started doing Cert 3’s in barbering in Australia, so good timing on my behalf. I guess that’s been everything for me…. good timing. I was an educator there for a couple of years and then worked at Esquire for about a year and then moved to Canada right before the pandemic, which was not great timing was it really? The pandemic hit, so I came home and did the whole locked in a hotel room thing for a few weeks. After I came back to Brisbane I took over the management of the Esquire Milton store. I started educating on my own and the with Americana Crew and things have been moving steadily on ever since.

2023: Businessman, Husband, Property Owner, Big Brand Educator and Creative-Award Winner. How does that feel?

Uh…Yeah..OK, Wow…when you put it like that…ha-ha. I won the Mizutani/Reuzel photo comp early in the year, got hitched in Las Vegas and

had a 3-month honeymoon, came home, partnered in with Mark Rabone in the Milton store, bought a house and officially became a part of the American Crew Team which I love so much. it’s a great honour and I get to do it with Mark. For the Heiniger Team, so far, we have toured the East Coast for their launch, Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane and have done 2 big shoots, it’s really exciting starting with a brand from grass roots level. Heiniger have been making clippers for 75 years in the animal and pet industries and being on board as they move into hair and barber industry is just amazing and the tools are epic. Oh Yeah…I won Australian Modern Barber Of The Year! I’m still coming to grips with that… thanks for reminding me!

While we are here Matt, Nevermore, the collection that won you Australian Modern Barber Of the Year, let’s talk about that.

Nevermore was inspired by Edgar Allan Poe with kind of Edwardian-Victorian era Gothic thrown in. A little bit of Bram Stoker’s Dracula with its vampire-esque tones. I like the weirdos in society, the punks the fringe, the different. You will always see that one way or another in my work. There was a lot of thought that went into it as far as the haircuts. but deeper than that, primarily it was more of a high concept shoot. I wanted to be able to kind of showcase everything, every aspect of men’s hair. but I still wanted it to feel cohesive and, not necessarily only for men’s hair. In my head, I wanted a collection that could be in any kind of high fashion magazine. I worked with some pretty cool stylists and designers on that shoot and showcase their work too.

Want to name some names?

Absolutely…. Styling: @tshana_stylist Designer: @djordjewitch Mua: @brooklynmua Creative Direction: @jabbasmakeup Photographer @theresahall11 Hair: Matt Clarke. 35 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4


A Revolution In The Art Of Barbering.

Step into the future of barbering at EXPO4BARBERS, the most monumental event in the history of grooming in Australia and New Zealand. Immerse yourself in an unparalleled convergence of top-tier grooming professionals, cutting-edge technology showcases, and live demonstrations by globally renowned barbers. This is not just an event; it’s a revolution in the art of barbering.

Creative Designs, Freestyle, and the Technical Challenge.

Discover the latest trends, master new techniques, and explore the tools that will shape the industry’s future. EXPO4BARBERS is more than an exhibition; it’s an experience that will redefine the boundaries of style and innovation. Don’t miss this game-changing event that finally gives barbers the voice and respect they truly deserve.

But the excitement doesn’t stop there! Join us for the EXPO4BARBERS Opening Party, where the energy is high, and the atmosphere is electric. Mix and mingle with industry leaders, grooming professionals, and fellow enthusiasts. It’s the perfect kick-off to a weekend that promises to reshape the landscape of barbering.

Stay tuned for dates and times, as EXPO4BARBERS promises to be the epicenter of style and creativity, setting a new standard for the world of barbering.


Saturday 20th April 5:30PM - BARBER BATTLE & EXPO OPENING PARTY Sunday 21st April 10am-6pm - EXPO4BARBERS DAY 1 Monday 22nd April 9am-3pm - EXPO4BARBERS Day 2 Get ready for the ultimate showcase of skill and creativity at the EXPO4BARBERS Barber Battle! Barbers from across Australia and New Zealand will go head-to-head in four electrifying categories, each pushing the boundaries of innovation and artistry to WIN a share in over $10k in prizes and bragging rights to Champion of the biggest Barber Battle in the country. From precision fades to avant-garde designs, witness the best barbers compete for the coveted titles, showcasing their mastery in Classic Cuts,

Be there to witness the intensity as these skilled professionals demonstrate their talent under the spotlight. The Barber Battle at EXPO4BARBERS is not just a competition; it’s a celebration of the craft, a testament to the diverse skills within the industry.

Prepare to be inspired by the presence of a true icon in the world of barbering – our special international guest educator and world-renowned Barber Josh OP. With a reputation that precedes him, Josh OP brings a wealth of knowledge and innovation to EXPO4BARBERS. Join us at EXPO4BARBERS for 2-days or 4 education sessions with Josh OP to share his expertise, insights, and cutting-edge techniques that have captivated audiences worldwide. As a trailblazer in the industry, he has redefined the standards of excellence in barbering, making him a soughtafter figure for aspiring barbers and seasoned professionals alike. Don’t miss the rare opportunity to witness Josh OP in action, as he demonstrates the artistry and precision that have made him a global sensation, takes you through his success and enables you to create your own path to growth. Learn from the best, be inspired, and elevate your skills to new heights with the guidance of a true master.

36 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4

Saturday 20th, Sunday 21st & Monday 22nd APRIL 2024 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

Stay tuned for the schedule to catch Josh OP’s exclusive sessions at EXPO4BARBERS – an experience that promises not only education but a glimpse into the future of barbering. With education and stage education from some of the best educators this country has seen from some of the most powerful brands in our industry, this will be a networking power centre for all! Save the dates and stay tuned for more info – EXPO4BARBERS is not just an event; it’s a movement that will leave a lasting impact on the world of barbering.

Enquiries: Website: Social: @expo4barbers



Step into the wild with ‘Tiger’, Comfortel’s fierce new barber chair. Cloaked in sleek black upholstery and gleaming with golden accents, it’s as majestic as the king of the jungle. Beyond its striking looks, ‘Tiger’ boasts roaring features ensuring throne-like comfort. Even the proudest of lions would envy its upholstered footrest and elevated leg support. For a chair that’s a perfect blend of style and function, let your customers experience the royal treatment with ‘Tiger’.


The HP Whirlwind Professional Hair Dryer is a powerful, high-performance hair dryer that’s designed for professional use. It features a high-speed motor that can reach up to 110,000rpm (revolutions per minute). This high speed allows for quick and efficient drying, helping to reduce heat damage to the hair. The hair dryer has a sleek black design and a comfortable ergonomic handle that’s easy to grip and manoeuvre. It comes with multiple speed and heat settings, allowing you to customize the airflow and temperature to suit your hair type and styling needs. The cool shot button helps to lock in your style and give you a sleek, polished finish. The HP Whirlwind Professional Black Hair Dryer also features advanced technology, which helps to reduce frizz and static and adds shine to the hair. The heating element helps to distribute heat evenly and prevent hot spots, further reducing the risk of damage to the hair. Features:- 1600 - 1800 Watts, Super light 300g, Super Powerful, High speed 110,000rpm Motor, Brushless motor for longer life, Ceramic Technology, Reverse self-cleaning system, 3 speed / 3 heat settings, Cold shot function and 3 Metre strong cord In the box:- 1 x Diffuser, 1 x Wide Nozzle and 1 x Regular Nozzle

NEW REPACKAGED/REFORMULATED PRODUCTS BY REF REF Rough Paste REF ROUGH PASTE 404 is a workable paste with a matte finish and strong hold. Hair styles will have structure, control and volume once ROUGH PASTE 404 is applied. REF. ROUGH PASTE 404 contains the exclusive Strengthening Quinoa Protein (100% Vegan) which contains essential amino acids, assisting in the repair, protection, shine and conditioning of the hair, preserving the hair’s natural beauty. REF Sculpting Gel REF SCULPTING GEL 433 delivers structure and weightless volume to hair styles - a flexible gel that allows you to create whatever hairstyle you desire, while achieving medium hold, shine and definition! REF. SCULPTING GEL 433 contains the exclusive REF. Colour Preserve System, a natural UV-filter and colour enhancer obtained from natural sunflower seed extracts. Strengthening Quinoa Protein (100% Vegan) contains essential amino acids, assisting in the repair, protection, shine and conditioning of the hair, preserving the hair’s natural beauty. REF Styling Wax REF STYLING WAX 534 delivers hairstyles that require extra long-lasting hold, with maximum control and medium shine, and it’s easy to work in and wash out. Infused with Carnauba Oil, it also contains REF’s exclusive Strengthening Quinoa Protein (100% Vegan), which contains essential amino acids, assisting in the repair, protection, shine and conditioning of the hair, preserving the hair’s natural beauty. It also contains REF’s Colour Preserve System a natural UV-filter derived from Sunflower Seed Oil, for ultimate UV protection


Available in Pomade, Clay and Paste, these tubs are ideal for short to medium hair, with a clean and kind formulation. Featuring a naturally derived fragrance and housed in a stylish, stackable tub made from 100% PCR materials.


SMASH IT Styling Paste recently took out the win as the Best Men’s Styling rpoduct at the AMBA 2023 gala wards night. Judged in clean skin containers, products were judged without knowledge of name and put to the test by a panel of experts over a 6-week period. SMASH IT, owned by industry icon Franc Ciccone, is an all-rounder styling product which can be used on any type of hair. It can be used in dry hair to achieve a dry look or can be used on wet hair for a wet/shine look. Australian Made Smash it is a semi matte hairstyling paste that allows you to mould your hair into any shape. A strong hold texture that is oil free and allows you to restyle your hair throughout the day without feeling hard or sticky and with no residue. And as the saying goes… Don’t just style it, SMASH IT

INTRODUCING MOTION COSMETICS AGVD: ANTI GRAVITY. WEIGHTLESS - MEDIUM-STRONG HOLD This innovative texturising powder offers instant lift and texture, giving you grip with a buildable style and long-lasting control. This alliance of superior materials not only hydrates but contains antimicrobial molecules that eliminate breakage whilst promoting a healthy scalp distributing vital nutrients to your follicles. MSF1: CLOUD. WEIGHTLESS - MEDIUM-STRONG HOLD A Flexible velvety putty elegantly balanced to offer effortless style and nourishment with a medium hold. Formulated with the highest grade Australian clay, Cloud creates a gritty lived in texture with a volumizing weightless matte lustre. Cloud is loaded with antioxidants fighting free radicals while moisturising the hair and scalp. This unique blend of elements encourages sleekness by smoothing the surface of the cuticle to strengthen, moisturise and prevent hair fall delivering essential nutrients to your follicles. LSF1: SATIN. LOW SHEEN - MEDIUM-STRONG HOLD A sophisticated appendix of ingredients are casted to create this velvety putty. Satin transports an elegant sheen and fluid style with a medium hold. Perfect for sleek or undone styles that need extra hydration and lustre. This unique combination not only detoxifies your scalp but contains water repelling compounds that seal the cuticle to reduce tangles whilst adding a soft illumination.



Heiniger GM Dale Harris

Heiniger Creative Team

40 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4

Jules Tognini

Artistic Director Robert Braid

Creative Director Rex Silver

Heiniger Professional recently went on the road with a quick 3 City tour to present and demonstrate the 5 models that make up the new Swiss made Clippers Intergalactic Range. Attendees from Hair and Barber industry were treated to a show as exciting and different as the machines themselves. The format for the shows consisted of Heiniger GM Dale Harris opening with a short address to the crowd on Heiniger and its background in designing and manufacturing high-end professional clipper equipment to the animal and pet industries and now, the big move to add hair to their portfolio. After an impressive Impact Video was aired on a big screen that they ingeniously also used to showcase the live shoot and first segment of the show, Creative Director and MC Rex Silver then ran through the range sharing the unique features and tech specs of each model. The Creative Team were then introduced and brought to the stage with their 1st Models. Rex has amassed some big guns on this team, the UK’s Multi Award winning Robert Braid, Heiniger’s Artistic Director with 3 times Australian Men’s Hairdresser of the year Jules Tognini and International Award Winner Barber, and Australian Modern Barber of the Year Finalist, Matt Clarke.

Rex briefed the crowd as to the flow for the evening being that part one, “the guys will do a model each and we’ll talk about our experiences with these machines and how they have opened a window to a whole new world of creative freedom with the cut finish delivered by the precision blades and powerful motors”. To the attendees amazement and joy, Rex then announced part 2 would see the chairs on the floor be taken away at interval, and the creatives cutting chairs placed on the floor where attendees were invited to take part in presenting the next 3 models. An intimate and hands on masterclass with the creative team with a chance to experience first-hand and hands-on, the unique system Heiniger have delivered. A good move and certainly well received by the attendees.

Photo Credits All Colour images Heiniger All B&W Jarred Stedman @heinigerprofessionals @ heinigerprofessionals_ausnz @liloffthetop @the_sophisticated_scumbag @r.braid

41 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4


Wahl Australia's Educational Road

Tour Elevating Skills with Yuki Kano

Wahl recently brought their educational road tour to Sydney, featuring the skilled Yuki Kano. The event showcased two cutting-edge styles - ‘The Shag’ and ‘The Textured Skin Fade’ - through a Look & Learn workshop and a Hands-On workshop at The Studio X. Yuki’s proficiency in combining clippers and scissors was a focal point. The Look & Learn workshop demonstrated ‘The Shag’ on a live model, providing insights into trendy techniques. The HandsOn workshop, centred around ‘The Textured Skin Fade,’ allowed participants hands-on experience with mannequins under Yuki’s guidance. Yuki’s unique approach emphasises using both clippers and scissors, providing a stylistic advantage and minimising the risk of repetitive strain injuries (RSI) and stress. She highlighted the importance of clippers for swift and precise cutting. As an added bonus for the Sydney class, Mocha Groups Jarred Stedman, did an editorial shoot with Yuki’s model, to demonstrate how the cut can be transformed on camera. The educational road tour has covered Brisbane, Sydney, Newcastle, and Melbourne, featuring renowned educators like Mark Robone, Anthony Nafatali, Sarah Wall, and Ben Kane. Wahl’s commitment to education and innovation was evident, with Yuki Kano leaving an indelible mark on participants, equipping them with valuable skills. The success of the Sydney workshop sets the stage for more exciting events as Wahl continues its educational journey across Australia. Stay tuned for upcoming workshops in a city near you as Wahl Australia shapes the future of grooming and styling. @wahlproaus @yukikano Imagery ©mocha group 42 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4

Futurefx Hands-On Workshop Takes Over Cairns, Qld

BaBylissPRO Australia 2023 Education Team led an exciting, interactive workshop in Cairns, QLD, with a record turnout of over forty-five people getting the chance to work one-on-one with our educators. The workshop was hosted by Cairns Hair Beauty Massage on 4th of September and located at Pullman Reef Casino. Lead Educator Fraser Forsey (@barbereducationbyfraser), Global Educator Jasmine Kathleen (@jasminekathleenn) and Educator Jonathan Tavita Goodwin (@taperedout) lead the way, sharing expert tips and techniques, trade insights, and hands-on practice. Over forty-five attendees had the opportunity to gain hands-on experience under the advice of the BaBylissPRO Education Team and receive personal feedback and guidance to refine their skills. The workshop started with a live demonstration, showcasing all the latest trends, techniques, and styles every barber needs to know, as well as the versatility of BaBylissPRO barbering tools. Qualified barbers and hairdressers were able to refine their skills and learn some new tricks. “I’m learning different techniques and different things, I’ve always struggled with keeping weight lines, so teaching me that – it’s kind of been easier,” said one attendee. Guests were quick learners who managed to acquire new techniques in just a day. “The students are taking a lot from it. You can see with their mannequins how much they’ve learnt already”, Jasmine mentioned. Confidence was radiating off the students by the end of the day, as Jonothan observed, “All the students have brought some really good energy and it’s been a really positive day”. It was the perfect event for industry newcomers, where attendees were able to learn how to excel in the industry through networking and the importance of expanding your professional network, while connecting with fellow barbers and fostering collaborations. Students had the opportunity to discover which BaBylissPRO tools the team can’t live without, like the BaBylissPRO SnapFX and LoPROFX Clippers and Trimmers. Furthermore, the BaBylissPRO Education Team engaged with the audience during a Q&A session, providing attendees with valuable insights to their burning questions from the best in the business. “The best thing about this is even with so many people, you’re able to completely step through and formulate the haircut, and it’s amazing,” said Lead Educator Fraser.

43 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4

NEW FARM BarbershOp IN Tune With What's CooL The Brisbane barbershop Mustachery on Brunswick believe that music plays a huge part of their business culture. Customer experience is at the forefront of what they do, and it’s more than just a haircut. They believe having a music licence is crucial to the health of Australian music industry, which they value deeply. Mustachery on Brunswick are a happening barbershop nestled in the bustling district of New Farm in Brisbane’s Inner North. Priding themselves on ‘Cool Vibes, Good Tunes and Awesome Barbers’, they’ve established themselves with a solid clientele, and an effortlessly cool reputation to match. Owner Joanna Roberts believes that music plays a vital role in their customer’s experience, an important factor when clients are spending often long periods of time in the chair. “Barbers understand how crucial it is to establish the mood for our clients’ experiences, and music is a key component in striking the correct tone. We rely on music to create a welcoming and cosy atmosphere that puts our guests in their element and sets the perfect mood for their stay. We feel that by carefully choosing music that represents our brand, it favourably impacts both our staff and the calibre of the services we offer.” Curating playlists are just one option for a business owner. Readymade playlists with a particular theme or mood can be a simpler choice for those who are time-poor but still want to create the right setting for their customers. Why not ask your clients what they like and offer to queue up something special? They’ll walk out buzzing with a memorable experience and will look forward to coming back. Joanna and her colleagues try to keep the playlists fresh to avoid a stale environment for both staff and customers: “We frequently change up our playlist to meet the needs of our consumers. Rock, Indie, Metal, Hip- hop, R&B, Jazz, and other genres predominate. We also play chart-topping pop songs on occasions.” The Mustachery keeps atmosphere at the forefront of their service, offering cold beers and other refreshments, great music, and engaging conversation along with high-quality haircuts and grooming amongst a vibrant backdrop of urban graffiti art, amongst the walls. “Our brand and our clients both benefit from music. It enhances the environment of our shop It’s a great conversation starter, finding common ground with our clients and improving our rapport with them. It improves each visit and makes it more memorable, elevating the overall client experience.” Joanna adds. A brief scan of their social media page shows that the Mustachery is made up of a colourful collection of staff who all have distinct interests and specialties, from 70’s culture and handlebar moustaches to rockabilly motorcycle enthusiasts, and rock stars by night. Each barber brings something exciting to the table and their music tastes are very much intertwined with their style and hair expertise, giving what they do some serious authenticity. Being good music citizens, they believe that having a OneMusic Australia licence is imperative for a business such as theirs, especially as music is an imperative component to their offerings: “We understand the value of music licencing as a reasonable cost that helps artists and the sector as a whole. We ensure that we have the legal right to play all of the music we use in our shop by purchasing all necessary licences, which is essential from both a moral and legal standpoint.” @mustacheryonbrunswick

“The power of Heiniger machines and

accuracy of their blades make this range stand out in the crowd


Fuelling The Future Of The Barbering Industry BY LOUISE MAY

JRL’s Australian debut marks the beginning of a new era in the barbering industry. Their mission goes beyond grooming tools, dedicated to shaping the Australian barbering and hairdressing industry.

Following the incredibly successful launch into the Australian market, JRL are now set to embark on a ground-breaking journey as they introduce the dynamic Australian National Education Team. This collective powerhouse is born from a visionary collaboration with 4BARBERS. Together, they aim to foster a vibrant and inclusive community, raising the industry’s standards, expanding creativity, and nurturing the next generation of hair professionals. With this Education Team of experts who are practitioners, mentors and educators, they will reform the way professionals approach their craft. This vision includes taking the industry by storm through a series of dynamic roadshows, educational workshops, and exciting events spanning across the vast landscapes of Australia. These highly anticipated events will serve as a platform for sharing the latest trends, cutting-edge techniques, and invaluable insights that empower professionals to excel in their careers. The synergy between JRL and 4BARBERS has delivered an Educational Team to be reckoned with – a team poised to revolutionise the industry.

Let’s meet this exceptional team! ROB SZINCSAK - Originally from the UK but

now an integral part of the Australian barbering community, Rob’s expertise extends beyond the salon. He’s hosted educational workshops for renowned brands and established his own brand, hair.byrob Education, a testament to his knowledge. He’s an expert in the mechanics of hair, the intricacies of cutting, and the art of shape and structure within a haircut.

LUKE MUNN - Hailing from Adelaide, Luke is an

award-winning stylist whose love for hair is nothing short of astounding. His impressive collection of awards speaks volumes about his commitment to excellence. But what truly sets Luke apart is his dedication to educating and mentoring. He’s not just a stylist; he’s a sought-after mentor and inspiration for budding stylists.

EVONIK - Known as ‘EVONIK’

on social media, Itesh brings his unique artistic vision to the JRL team. With eight years of experience in the hairdressing industry and a collection of accolades, including the prestigious title of ‘Lord of the Barber,’ EVONIK is a master of innovation and boundary-pushing. He’s a force driven by a desire to lead the charge in the ever-evolving world of hair fashion.

BENJAMIN BADRY - Melbourne’s rising star, Ben, is making waves in the industry. With a growing reputation, he’s had the privilege of styling celebrities both locally and internationally, such as Central Cee. Ben is the embodiment of new talent and fresh perspectives.

STEPH CHOPS - Sydney’s gem,

Steph, boasts 15 years of experience in both hairdressing and barbering. Her dedication to the craft shines through in everything she does. Steph is relentless in her pursuit of improvement and growth, earning the respect and admiration of peers and clients alike.


award-winning hairdresser and educator based in Melbourne. His journey began in 2016, under the mentorship of industry leaders. From the basics of hair cutting to his own unique style, Moe runs VZNRY, a barbershop that blends the best of both worlds - salon and barbershop techniques.

MONEYCUTS – Well known as

MoneyCuts, Kalib Monaei’s natural talent in managing barbershops has made him an industry expert. He’s not just an award-winner; He’s not just an award winner, MoneyCuts’ leadership, technical prowess, and commitment to diversity and education make him an invaluable asset to the JRL Education Team.

- Completing our JRL Educator Team is Melbourne’s very own barbering aficionado, Salih. His journey is one of passion and perseverance. Salih honed his skills at the prestigious Biba Institute in Melbourne, and for the past six years, he has been dedicated to his craft. Salih is not just a skilled barber; his genuine care for his clients’ well-being, both physical and emotional, makes him a compassionate artist and a source of inspiration. SALIH

The JRL Educational Team’s National Tour, set for the first quarter of 2024 promises to deliver an immersive journey and you are invited to join them on this transformative ride as the team takes to the road. These platforms are the gateway to the latest trends and revolutionary techniques and innovative tools that will fuel the future of the barbering industry. This is an adventure you won’t want to miss, so stay tuned for more details, and be part of the new wave! For further information

CuRly HaiR HOw To: With Award Winning Jim Shaw, UK

This men’s curly hair look almost replicates that of a mullet and features super short sides with longer length, textured curly hair on the top. Although fades and short back and side haircuts are a huge trend for male clients with straight hair types, they also look incredible on those with wavy, curly and coily hair textures, allowing male clients to embrace their natural hair texture and show their waves/curls/coils off in all their glory. To achieve the look: 1. Start by using clippers, taking the hair super short at the sides and back. 2. I would then with scissor over comb to get the hair on the sides even shorter, as well as to help achieve a cleaner finish. 3. Ensure everything connects and then cut your hair on top with your scissors and comb, ensuring it is even. Ensure this is longer in length. Note – wet curls look longer in length than they will appear when they are dry, so always be cautious when cutting curly hair and cut the hair gradually to avoid going too short and taking too much length off. 4. Product is key when it comes to this look – you want your curls to stand out and look their very best without frizz and flyaways. Start by applying a prep product that will provide your look with flexibility, whilst also giving it shine and a thicker fuller appearance. A great product for this is the American Crew Forming Cream. 5. Next, dry the hair with a hairdryer and diffuser, working in sections to dry your curls and position them where you want them. Ensure to pull the curls above away from the head for more volume and finish drying each section of hair by pressing the cool setting on the hairdryer to avoid frizz. 6. This look also features the curls hanging close to the eyes and over the forehead. To achieve this, ensure your curls fall in this area before diffusing and lightly point the diffuser up to the hair. 7. Finish with a product like American Crew Defining Paste to give your curls further definition and added texture as well as added hold and shine. @jimshawhair

DISCOVER THE WORLD OF TREATMENTS with our two new Scalp Care products


109: Calming Shampoo for all hair types 209: Soothing Scalp Lotion NEW PRODUCTS

“Depot’s new 109 and 209 anti itching shampoo & soothing scalp lotion are perfect for the spring-summer seasons, especially for counteracting any environmental or external impurities. They’re also amazing for generally sensitive scalps. I would say keep these handy! The scalp is the first receptor to stress so soooothe it perfectly with these natural ingredients.”

NO. 1 0 9


NO. 2 0 9




“My life went from Bad to Worse.”


Moving from Ireland where I grew up with limited resources has lit a fire in me to be the best at what I do. Which has pushed me to then help others be the best at what they do. This is a non-negotiable for me; I LIVE BY THIS. For me; it’s not about showing up at the barbershop, doing 12 haircuts and going home. It’s a lifestyle. There’s so much more to this career that I don’t think most people see. To be able to use my platform to have a positive impact on other’s lives is my primary purpose as a barber. Another huge part of all of this, is to have a humble approach to this message. The lines between arrogance and confidence are blurred in my opinion. I feel by me, being fully me, sharing my truth with my clients and other barbers it has allowed them to do the same. This is the first step to breaking down those walls and belief systems that people use to protect themselves. It goes way past the hair for me. Like I said, this is a lifestyle. My career started in Dublin Ireland when I was 15 years old. I started as an apprentice in a local barbershop where it was 12 euro for a haircut and it would take 20 minutes. Those guys really introduced me to the world of barbering and gave me an insight into what it really means to work in a barbershop as an apprentice. While being there I invested the little money I made from that job into multiple upskilling barber courses that were in the most popular barbershops in Dublin at the time. That’s where things really started to become clear to me, that this can be so much more than just quick 20 minute haircuts. I applied for a job in that barbershop I originally did those upskilling courses with. They took me on and I used that as a huge opportunity to grow and learn. I spent awhile with that brand and met some really good people. Including my first mentor Aaron Kiely. He spent so much time with me. We would stay behind in the evenings to go through different techniques. From this he indirectly helped me to mature in this industry.

At this time, I was really struggling with my mental health and I always had a notion in my head that I was less than or wasn’t good enough to do what I wanted in life. I turned to substance to fix this. They just made my problems worse and I quickly spiralled into addiction. I spent years in addiction and my life went down the drain. I lost jobs, friends, relationships and my hope for life. My life went from bad to worse. I ended up deciding enough was enough. I went to a rehabilitation program and cleaned myself up. When I did this, my career took off. I decided I want to travel the world and become a well-known, world-wide barber. I knew there was more to this than Dublin. I moved to Spain where I worked in a Spanish barbershop for about a year, learning and speaking Spanish. Building up a client base there. That was like my trial run for living abroad. After I left Spain at Christmas 2021, I knew I wanted to go somewhere else. That led me to apply for some jobs around the world and I got an offer here in Melbourne, Australia. I have been living here since April 2022. Since then, I have pushed myself to new heights in my career. I have been mentored by some of Australia’s leading educators to push myself into the education space and share my value/ knowledge with the industry here. I have found huge purpose within that space. I offer a wide range of education. Upskilling education for barbers in this industry to come and learn about hair, marketing and seeing their value and self-worth. My goal for 2024 is to build my own education brand and you can follow this journey on my Instagram platform. @simondoylehair.

54 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4

Anxiety: The Mind’s Tug of War Between Fear and Resilience BY TINA WINCHESTER

Within the complexities of human emotions, anxiety stands as a formidable thread, weaving both distress and resilience into the fabric of our lives. It’s a tangle of contradictions, a mind’s tug of war between fear and the unwavering strength of the human spirit. At Mentally Well Workplaces, this one of the most sought-after topics we’re asked by businesses for help with.

Anxiety is an evolutionary response that has served our species well, alerting us to potential dangers and preparing our bodies to fight or flee. However, in the modern world, this once-essential survival mechanism can become a persistent and distressing presence, influencing thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. At the heart of anxiety lies fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of judgement—the list is as varied as the individuals who experience it. This fear triggers a cascade of physiological responses—racing heart, shallow breathing, tense muscles— preparing the body to confront a threat. However, when anxiety is chronic or disproportionate to the situation, it can hinder daily functioning and take a toll on mental well-being. The mind’s tug of war between fear and resilience can be intense and exhausting. Anxiety can cast a shadow over every thought and decision, making even the simplest tasks seem daunting. It can lead to rumination, where the mind endlessly replays distressing scenarios. This internal struggle often isolates individuals from their surroundings, exacerbating feelings of loneliness and helplessness. Remarkably, within the realm of anxiety, a spark of resilience can emerge. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity, to harness strength from challenges. When faced with anxiety, individuals often develop coping mechanisms that illuminate their inner resilience. These may include facing what has sparked the anxiety, seeking support from loved ones, engaging in mindfulness practices, or seeking professional help. Our internal dialogue has a huge role to play, it is like a constant companion, a voice that accompanies us through every moment of our lives. This chatter, often unnoticed, holds immense power over our anxiety, our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Our internal dialogue is like an invisible scriptwriter, constantly narrating our experiences, reactions, and interpretations and it frequently gets it wrong! This dialogue is shaped by a blend

of past experiences, beliefs, societal influences, and selfperceptions. It’s a lens through which we view the world. The way we talk to ourselves shapes our self-perception. Positive and affirming self-talk can cultivate self-esteem and confidence, while negative self-talk can erode self-worth and hinder growth. Our internal dialogue often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy; if we repeatedly tell ourselves we’re not capable, we might unconsciously sabotage our efforts. Turning our inner critic into a supportive coach is a transformative journey. Instead of berating ourselves for mistakes, we can approach challenges with self-compassion. This shift acknowledges our humanity and encourages us to learn and grow from setbacks. Just as anxiety doesn’t define a person, neither does it have the power to extinguish resilience. Building a toolbox for resilience involves cultivating self-care practices that nurture emotional and mental well-being. Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, and engaging in activities that bring joy can all contribute to a more resilient mindset. In the tug of war between fear and resilience, seeking support is not a sign of weakness but a testament to strength. Connecting with loved ones, sharing experiences, and seeking professional help can provide the guidance and tools needed to navigate anxiety’s challenges. Therapists and counsellors equipped with strategies like cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) can empower individuals to reframe negative thought patterns and develop effective coping mechanisms. Anxiety is not a defeat—it’s an invitation to uncover the resilience that resides within us all. Tina Winchester is the Co-Founder and Mental Health Director of Mentally Well Workplaces/Career Development Centre

55 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4


Gianni Sollazzo Esq. Male Grooming

Costa Zacharia Unoit Barber


Ryan Poole


Esq. Male Grooming

Reed Studio



Leigh Winsor, Sophie Harris and Jose McManus with Suzi O’Brien for her Australian Modern Barber of the Year Collection

Matt Clarke Esq. Male Grooming



Tools of the Trade BY Lance Liufau

I wanted to touch on a topic that I feel gets overlooked a lot of the time because we have so much of it, we are spoiled for choice when it comes to it. In fact, the industry and the market are saturated with it, but I feel that there is still room for more if done correctly. What am I talking about? I’m talking about TOOLS. Now, we all know that having the right tools is just as important as having the right techniques in order to use these tools in the correct manner. But I get asked often “what brand is your favourite” or “what clipper is your go to”. Even though I am part of the Babyliss Australia Education Team, for me personally I can honestly say that Babyliss is my favourite brand to use. Anyone who knows me or has read my past articles and blogs, would know that I try my absolute best to speak and act with integrity. So, the main reason why I stand by Babyliss, is because I can literally use Babyliss products from the beginning to the end of a haircut, from the clippers to the trimmers, to the foil shavers. Right down to the accessories like grips for the hair and clippers. I’ve been approached by other clipper companies before, but I turned them down because they might have had a weapon of a clipper, but the trimmers weren’t the greatest or vice versa. I felt that I wouldn’t be doing myself or anyone else justice if I was to stand on stage and speak highly of a product, that I didn’t 100% believe in. Hence the reason why Babyliss is my brand of choice. But does that mean that everybody is going to be the same? Am I saying that you have to stick to one brand? NO. As a barber and a hair professional, you must select a product that works well for you, that also gets the result that you want. And being that you may not be a representative of a specific company, the world is your oyster. You can choose whatever brand of tools that you wish. What I am finding is in more recent times are barbers that are testing the waters of releasing their own brands, which I feel is great. I think in this life we only get one shot and growing not only as a barber but as business owners is awesome for not only the individual but for the industry as well. Some will last the test of time, and some may not, but that is ok, because they gave it a go. So, I guess in conclusion, I’d like to ask all of you reading this right now, what are you going to do to help yourself grow? This is a question I think we should be asking ourselves on a daily basis. It doesn’t have to be something as immense as launching a clipper brand, but it could be as small as trying a new technique while cutting hair today, or switching up your process in order to achieve a certain result. Either way we must always strive for growth and evolution, that way we can all assist in growing this wonderful industry that we are blessed to be a part of. As I always say, never stop learning, stay on your grind and keep it TopShelf. Lance Liufau @lance_topshelfbarber

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As the curtain falls on another year in the dynamic realm of hair and barbering, it becomes imperative for professionals to reflect on their achievements and redefine their goals for the upcoming year. The importance of meticulous preparation cannot be overstated, as it serves as the cornerstone for success in an industry that thrives on innovation and creativity.

Education events play a pivotal role in professional development. Attending workshops, seminars, and industry conferences not only imparts knowledge but also provides exposure to emerging trends and techniques. Investing in education is an investment in the future, empowering individuals, and teams with the skills necessary to thrive in a competitive environment.

Looking back at the accomplishments of the past year, provides a valuable roadmap for growth. Whether it’s mastering new techniques, expanding clientele, or elevating artistic expression, acknowledging these achievements forms the foundation upon which professionals can build for the future. Recognising one’s strengths and areas for improvement is essential in the ever-evolving landscape of style and grooming.

Fuelling the inspiration and motivation tank is not a luxury but a necessity. The demands of the hair and barbering industry can be intense, and maintaining enthusiasm is crucial for personal and team well-being. Regular team-building activities, motivational sessions, and fostering a positive work environment contribute to a culture of continuous improvement.

Participation in competitions, be it on the salon floor or in editorial showcases, is a pivotal aspect of staying at the forefront of the industry. These platforms not only offer a chance to showcase skills, but also act as crucibles for innovation. Engaging in competitions fosters a culture of healthy competition, pushing individuals to surpass their own limits and set new standards for excellence. Business planning is a non-negotiable element for sustained success. Evaluating the financial health of the salon, setting realistic targets, and exploring avenues for growth are vital steps. Strategic planning ensures that the business remains agile in response to market trends and customer preferences.

In essence, the new year in the hair and barbering industry beckons professionals to not only celebrate past victories but to meticulously plan for the road ahead. It’s a canvas awaiting new strokes of creativity, a stage for showcasing evolving skills, and a business landscape that rewards foresight and adaptability. As the scissors cut through the strands of the old year, let it be a symbolic gesture of readiness to sculpt, innovate, and succeed in the vibrant tapestry of the year to come. @barbereducationbyfraser

66 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 3


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Building a successful business in the barber industry in Australia BY Jimmy Rod

Let’s face it, the last few years have been hard but it’s time to grow again! The next few months are going to be busy with store openings for Jimmy Rods. I want to share ten quick tips for helping to grow a successful business. 1. Identify Your Niche To stand out in the competitive barber industry, identify a niche that sets your business apart. This could be a focus on classic cuts, contemporary styles, or a specialization in grooming services. Understanding your target market will help tailor your services to meet specific needs. Don’t just copy what the Barber down the street is doing. 2. Quality Training and Staff Invest in skilled and well-trained barbers. The success of your business is closely tied to the expertise of your staff. Ongoing training keeps your team updated on the latest trends and techniques, ensuring they deliver top-notch services to clients. As I always say the success of your business is training apprentices. You’ll never grow your business without staff. 3. Create a Unique Atmosphere The ambiance of your barbershop plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining customers. Whether it’s a classic and traditional feel or a modern and trendy vibe, ensure that the atmosphere aligns with your target demographic. Comfortable seating, appealing decor, and good music can enhance the overall experience. 4. Embrace TechnologyUtilize technology to streamline operations and enhance customer experience. Implement

online booking systems engage with clients through social media, embracing digital tools can give your business a competitive edge in the modern market. This is an important tool as people have not have the time to sit and wait in the traditional walk-in Barber shops. If you are in a walk-in Barber shop, the good old chalkboard does the trick.

8. Selling products

5. Prioritize Customer Service

9. Stay Informed About Trends

Consider expanding your revenue streams by offering grooming products such as tools, hair products, or branded merchandise. This not only adds value to your business but also provides customers with convenient access to quality grooming products.

Exceptional customer service is the key to building a loyal clientele. Train your staff to be personable, attentive, and responsive to customer needs. Encourage a friendly and welcoming environment that makes clients feel valued and appreciated.

Now with social media you can follow the trends from anywhere around the world or attend industry events, follow fashion and grooming blogs. Adapting to evolving trends ensures that your business remains relevant and appealing to a diverse clientele.

6. Marketing

10. Focus on Hygiene and Safety

Develop effective marketing strategies to promote your barbershop. Utilize social media platforms to showcase your work, share customer testimonials, and run promotions. Collaborate with local influencers or businesses to expand your reach within the community or the old-fashioned way- the classic pop up. Yes, give up your free Saturday or Sunday. Show the community what you can do. 7. Build Strong RelationshipsCultivate relationships within the community. Partner with local businesses, attend community events, and sponsor relevant activities. Building a strong presence in your local area can enhance your business’s reputation and attract a steady flow of customers. Customers are looking for a great haircut but also a place where the community gets together to have fun and enjoy themselves. 68 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4

Prioritize hygiene and safety standards within your barbershop, is always a big one for me. Yes, barbers need to clean! Cleanliness and adherence to health protocols not only ensure customer well-being but also contribute to a positive reputation for your business. And change your razor blade every time. Building a successful business in the barber industry requires a combination of skill, innovation, and good old customer service. By identifying your niche, prioritizing quality training and customer service, embracing technology, and staying attuned and on top of market trends, your barbershop can thrive and become a go-to destination for grooming services in the community. Live fast look sharp! @jimmyrods


TO COMPETE OR NOT TO COMPETE... BY Anna De Sanctis After attending the AMBA’s last night, I thought it is only fitting to base this blog on the value of healthy competition. I’ve come across some compelling and interesting views on whether it’s healthy to compete or not compete, and would love to share with you, my views. To set the tone, last night we celebrated Australian barbering at the highest level. A room filled with artists, product companies, mentors, and some of barbering’s most elite. Linda and her Mocha team really know how to throw a good party, with the venue on point, entertainment spot on and the drinks flowing endlessly. It’s always nice to see familiar faces, and of course, new ones too. We like to look at not just and awards night, but our annual reunion, a reunion in which our industry desperately needed. In context, competitions such as the AMBA’s is the perfect outlet for the creative souls of our industry, to express their flair and showcase their work at an exemplary level and to benchmark against their peers. Those who are motivated by competition are motivated by at least these three reasons: - competition allows them to satisfy the need to win, - competition provides the opportunity or reason for improving their performance, and - competition motivates them to put forth greater effort that can result in a win. Healthy competition increases self-esteem and incites increased effort to achieve personal goals. It is proven that healthy competition makes you stronger and builds resilience with

many valuable lessons in both winning and losing.

demonstration of initiative and commitment, not just a 9-5 barber.

I have always encouraged my family to be involved in competitions. From karate and soccer to footy and cheerleading. This provided my children with valuable life lessons, to learn what it feels like to not always win, become resilient and to identify areas for improvement. Taking leaps out of their comfort zone into unfamiliar territory encourages growth. Now as young adults, they are forming their own coping strategies, proving that competitions have been a valuable learning experience. For example, my daughter Caprice, has been recognised for her hairdressing creativity and is finalist in two categories for this year’s AHFA, after only 2 years. Seeing my little girls name up in lights at the gala dinner, is a very proud moment for me, I’m such a proud mamma. Win or lose, she gave it her best shot.

I’ve certainly seen over the years how our team members have continuously refined their work for competitions, this is growth, however winning is not the sole purpose of competing. The purpose of competing, the true reason why we as humans compete, is because competition brings out the very best in us and each other. Competing brings innovation, new insights, and moments of individual accomplishment and collective teamwork. On top of that, it’s good for our bodies. Yes, physically competition increases psychological activation, which prepares our body and mind for increased effort and enables higher performance. If you are fortunate enough to win an award, winning activates the reward sceptres in our brains and produces a rush of dopamine (the feel-good hormone) to the pleasure centre of your brain.

Let’s not forget the process that it takes to get there, which isn’t always an easy one. The most important step in the process is selecting the right team to support your journey and to have your family and friends cheer you on, those that want to stand in your corner. The next, deciding your category, workshopping your vision and endless practice sessions to perfect your hairstyles, to selecting your photographer, stylist, MUA, and submission writer, you may as well add Project Manager to your CV. You only want the best in your camp. If you are employed within an organisation, discuss with your employer if they would support your journey. As an employer of barbers for over 20 years, Don is always excited when a team member wants to showcase their talent and represent Barber Boys. As an employer we see this as a

Returning from this year’s AMBA’s with our shiny new trophy for the Best Men’s Educator of the Year Organisation category safely boxed up and carried onto the plane, I have certainly had my boost of dopamine but as I mentioned in my acceptance speech, to those finalists who get to that point and even those that didn’t, I understand how hard it is and that in itself is the important part, enjoy the process, continue to invest in yourself and if you’re a shop owner, your team. Whether you win or not networking with Australia’s barbering elite at a night like the AMBA’s is a win. So, let’s get ready for 2024, bring it on and smash it out… win or lose it’s good for you! @barberyaustralia

Business Old School! Consistency in the Road To A Successful Barbershop. BY MARIO FALLACE, NEW YORK BARBERS. 2023 AMBA BEST BARBER BUSINESS OF THE YEAR

When it comes to the world of barbering, consistency is not just a buzzword but a fundamental principle that can make or break a business. In this article, we will explore the significance of consistency in the journey to a successful barbershop, emphasising how it affects client loyalty, financial stability, and the well-being of your team.

spreading the word about your exceptional barbershop experience. As the network of recommendations grows, your customer base expands, leading to a steady and reliable income stream.


In the world of grooming and styling, clients seek more than just a haircut; they desire an experience they can depend on. A successful barbershop is built on the foundation of consistency, providing clients with the same level of exceptional customer service and haircut quality every visit.


Your team is a critical component of your barbershop’s success. They, too, crave consistency – a workplace where they can rely on steady work and, consequently, a predictable income each week. This stability is achievable through consistent income generated by your barbershop, and it all circles back to the cornerstone of providing unwavering service to your clients.

Customers want a barbershop they can trust, knowing they will receive a great service each time and leave with the haircut they desire. Once a client finds their “go-to” barber, they become fiercely loyal, returning to you for all their grooming needs. To achieve this, you need to establish yourself as their trusted barber, the one they turn to time and time again.

A consistent income for your barbershop ensures that you can meet your payroll obligations and retain a skilled and motivated team. When your employees know they have consistent work and income, they are more likely to remain loyal to your business, and their job satisfaction and productivity will be higher.

Creating a loyal clientele ensures a consistent flow of customers, and this steady stream of business is the lifeblood of your barbershop. These satisfied clients will not only return but also recommend your services to their friends and family, effectively becoming your advocates and expanding your customer base.

In conclusion, consistency is not just a nice-to-have quality in the barbershop business; it is a fundamental requirement for success. Your commitment to delivering consistent service and results to your clients is what keeps them coming back, fuels word-of-mouth marketing, and ensures a stable income. Moreover, this consistency extends to your team, providing them with the job security and satisfaction that will help your barbershop flourish. So, remember, on the road to a successful barbershop, consistency is the key. Ask yourself the question: Am I consistent?


From a financial perspective, a consistent income is the bedrock of a thriving barbershop. It’s what enables you to meet your operational expenses, such as staff wages, rent, utilities, and other bills associated with running a business. Ensuring consistent services to your clients significantly contributes to this financial stability. Consistency in service delivery not only retains existing clients but also attracts new ones. Satisfied customers become brand ambassadors,

@newyorkbarbers 70

Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 3

How To Make Money In Your Barbershop This Year! Running a salon is expensive. The day-today maintenance of keeping a business open, paying staff, and making sure you have working, up-to-date equipment all adds up. The biggest cost of running a salon is wages – just under half of all your expenses goes on paying staff. Then, on average you’ll spend about 7% on purchase and 4% on rent and utilities. After this you’ve also got to consider the cost of insurance and legal fees, so you’re protected for any potential damage. As these expenses rack up, there’s not a business around that wouldn’t like to be making more money this year. But what are some strategies you can use to increase your profit? We spoke to Jade Spehr, business coach and qualified accountant to find out her top tips for making money as a salon owner. Stop discounting You might think that discounting your services is going to bring more clients through the door. But it’s a strategy that Jade can’t stand. “Discounting is a swear word in our community,” says Jade. “It’s not the answer. The type of clients you attract when you discount are often not the type of clients you want to work with.” She explains that the more you discount, the more you have to work to earn the same amount. If your prices are higher, your books might not be as full, but you won’t have to work as hard to earn the same amount. Learn how to create value Instead of discounting, create value. Your clients will be more likely to stick with you in the long term if you have clients that value quality over cost. And if you can nurture those relationships,

you’ll end up getting more out of your clients. “Long-term sustainable growth is not a quick fix,” says Jade. “Quick fixes – like discounts – are really damaging to your business. Instead, create offers that add value.” Learning value creation strategies means you can create unbelievable offers to impress your clients without discounting your core service. Stability, culture, and profit “Having a strong, solid culture is a really core element to having a thriving business,” says Jade. “This weaves across your clients, your team, your business and your brand.”

products or setting up more services. Maybe they want to focus on their brand to differentiate from their competitors.

If your staff love going to work, then your client base is going to love going there too. If staff are exiting the business all the time, your clients will see that on social media and wonder what’s going on.

“We love working on the market positioning around diversification strategies,” says Jade. “There’s so much you can unlock in terms of brand awareness, PR opportunities, status in the marketplace.”

With a stable culture, you can create stability in sales. That means getting stable around your marketing, branding, lead conversions and sales processes.

When it comes to making more money for your salon this year, focus on value, profit, stability and above all your reasons why you’re doing something. Having your strategy front and centre will help you align your goals and make solid, transformative plans for the future.

“When a business is performing really well, you see consistency around all of these processes,” says Jade. “Generating income feeds into profitability which makes the business sustainable long term – and the staff don’t burn out.” Diversifying your business The first thing to clarify, Jade explains, is what it is that you want to diversify and why.

Find out how Timely can free up your time and give you insights into your salon, so you can put more time into developing your business strategy.

“We work with business owners to help them diversify in a number of different ways,” says Jade. “The number one thing to get to the bottom of is ‘Why are you diversifying’?”

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It could be that business owners want to step away from the business, so they want to set up a succession plan. Maybe they want to increase their revenue streams, either by selling more

You could save a life – learn to spot a suspicious spot.

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90% of melanomas can be successfully treated if caught early. As a barber, you’re in a unique position to spot a suspicious spot in hard-to-see places. That’s why TAFE NSW has partnered with experts to deliver an online 45-minute microskill to help you recognise suspicious skin spots that could help save a life.

One Battery. Unlimited Tools.

An entire ecosystem of tools based on ONE battery. Change the way you work with BaBylissPRO FXONE GoldFX collection. Launching 2024, FXONE ecosystem revitalises GoldFX Clipper and Trimmer. New pivoting Stick Shaver. Huge boost in efficiency and usability!


One battery. Unlimited tools. Joining the FXONE ecosystem in 2024, the revitalised, much-loved BaBylissPRO FXONE LoPROFX collection. Ultra-low profile with superb ergonomics. Powered by new ultra-high performance N1 brushless motor. Metalinjection moulded (MIM) blue titanium blades.

Hygiene Powerhouse

Not just a shaver! First to market, new BaBylissPRO UVFOIL Metal Single Foil Shaver is a hygiene powerhouse. UV disinfecting lid effectively kills 99.9% of bacteria. The perfect shaver for finessing very tight, fine areas. Also available in the muchloved double foil shaver.

The Disinfectant Solution

The hygiene revolution doesn’t stop! New BaBylissPRO BarberSONIC Disinfectant Solution Box is a first to market disinfectant solution box with sonic vibrations. Sonic vibrations release hair, dirt and grime. Fast, easy hygiene for guards, combs, and blades.

Barberology Must-Haves

Complete your collection. BaBylissPRO GoldFX and RoseFX Metal Comb Sets perfectly complement BaBylissPRO tools. Made from high quality stainless steel, these two combs suit general haircutting and clipper-over-comb, scissor-overcomb techniques. Ergonomic, ultra-thin.

All-in-One Grooming

Multipurpose to the max. Silver Bullet Smooth Operator 11-in-1 Grooming Trimmer Kit is a onestop shop for personal grooming. 11 (count ‘em!) snap and lock, magnetic attachments and clipper guards. Charge anywhere, anytime via USB.

Go-To Grooming Tool

Fast, easy, multipurpose. Silver Bullet Confidential Personal Groomer Trimmer is your clients’ go-to for grooming. Trim and shape any face or body hair, including eyebrows. Powered by only one AA battery. Great for on-the-go.

Maximum Multipurpose, Maximum Quality

All-in-one premium grooming. Silver Bullet Secret Service 11-in-1 Grooming Trimmer Kit includes 11 easy-fit attachments and clipper guards, including micro shaver. Premium kit with ALL your grooming essentials. Easy peasy USB charging.

Demon Barber

Speed it up. Switch it up. Silver Bullet Speed Demon Hair Clipper is a professional go-getter clipper with three interchangeable body kits. 10,000 rpm turbocharged magnetic motor, ultra-hard black diamond blade and turbo boost function.

The Boss of Shaving

The is the boss. StyleCraft by Silver Bullet The Boss Shaver is a 2-in-1 professional finishing shaver with built-in retractable trimmer. Superclose cutting, ultra-thin titanium hypoallergenic foils. Staggered, smart contouring shaver heads.

The Most Advanced Dryer

Lighter, more powerful and incredibly intelligent. Dry hair faster than ever before with the iQ Perfetto Hair Dryer. Now available in three colours: grey, black and rose gold.

The Style Lowdown

Special edition influencer BaBylissPRO LoPROFX Hair Clippers in Red and Blue arrive in Australia. Ultra-low profile, high performance, intuitively ergonomic with graphite fade blade. Red for special edition influencer Van Da-Goat (@ vandagoat). Blue for special edition influencer Nicole Renae (@_nicolerenae).

A Connoisseur of Clipping

Expert results with Silver Bullet Connoisseur Clipper. An incredible five hours cordless runtime combined with high speed 6,800 rpm DC motor. Steel fixed and ceramic moving blades. Six comb attachments.

High Torque Collection

Torque of the town. Unleash your grooming potential with BaBylissPRO FX3 Clipper, Trimmer and Shaver. From fades to trims to shaves, these advanced, high torque, ultra-sleek tools have you covered.

For more information: call Dateline Imports on (02) 9666 3611 or visit

The Evolution of Barber Apprenticeships In Australia. Navigating Trends In 2024 BY GARETH PHILPOTT

In the world of hair, the role of barbers continues to evolve, and in 2024 barber apprenticeships in Australia are no exception. As we step into the future, the profession is not only about mastering the art of hair cutting but also adapting to technological advances, embracing diversity, and focusing on your own personal brand.

Barber apprenticeships in 2024 are moving away from the one-size-fits-all model. Recognising that individuals have unique learning styles and career aspirations; programs are becoming more flexible and customisable. This flexibility allows apprentices to focus on specific areas of interest, whether it be traditional barbering, advanced styling techniques, or even entrepreneurship skills for those aspiring to open their own shops. Again, referring to hairdressing a lot of salons would prefer their apprentice work on basin and blow-drying skills, some salons would prefer they learnt cutting first. This is where we need to be flexible as an RTO. For example, our Academy provides fortnightly in salon training, as well as the opportunity for apprentices to come into our Academies whenever their shop or salon allows them too. Technology plays a pivotal role in reshaping traditional professions, and recently barbering has been highly influenced by growing platforms. Barber apprenticeships in 2024 are witnessing a surge in tech integration. Online platforms offer interactive modules and tutorials, making education more accessible and flexible, using such platforms as The Hair Index by One Zero One, Hair in Motion and individual brand platforms. I have heard a lot of people saying AI is a load of rubbish, Robots will never be able to cut hair, well newsflash it is already happening. So, if we continue to take the human aspect out of cutting hair then we are on for a slippery slope. Barbershops are not just places for haircuts; they can be a safe zone for many people. In 2024, apprentices are being trained to not only

provide a high standard of haircuts but also to create a sense of community within their shops. Hairdressing salons understand the cultural dynamics of diverse clientele and creating an inclusive and engaging atmosphere, which should be key components of the modern barber’s skill set. One thing we are finding currently is we have a lot of teenagers who are coming into barbering but not knowing basic skills like punctuality as they don’t really have those life skills yet, so this is something we have had to implement in our training.

a barber is no longer confined to cutting hair; it’s about creating an experience, fostering a sense of community, and adapting to the ever-evolving demands of a diverse clientele. Barber apprenticeships are preparing the next generation of barbers not just for a career but for a dynamic and ever-changing journey in this industry.

With a growing global consciousness towards sustainability, the barbering industry in Australia is also embracing eco-friendly practices. Apprenticeships now incorporate training on using sustainable products, reducing waste, and adopting energy-efficient practices. This not only aligns with the industry’s commitment to environmental responsibility but also caters to a clientele increasingly conscious of the ecological impact of their choices. In 2024, social media continues to be a powerful tool for barbers, and apprentices are learning to leverage it effectively. From showcasing their skills on Instagram to creating engaging content on platforms like TikTok, apprenticeships now include modules on building a personal brand in the digital space. Social media not only serves as a platform for self-promotion but also to connect with a broader audience and stay inspired. It is a key part of our industry now, but in 2024 what will be the next platform? As we venture into the new year, technology is reshaping the way apprentices learn, diversity is enriching the industry, and sustainability is becoming a guiding principle. The role of 74 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4

@garethphilpott @Thebarberacademyaus @Hairacademyaus

2024 AWARDS 2024 AMBA

PR O D U C T E N T RY D E AD LIN E 2 2 .07.24 GENERAL ENTRY DEADLINE 26 .0 8 . 2 4 F I NALIST S AN N OUN C E D 30 .0 9 .24 AWARDS NIGHT 0 3.11.24

2 0 2 4 A H I A C R E AT I V E & H OT S H OT S E NTRY D E A D L I NE 2 8.03 .2 4 FIN ALISTS ANNOUNCED 0 6 .0 5.24 GAL A NIGHT 0 1. 7. 2 4


PR O D U C T E N T RY D E AD LIN E 03 .06 .24 GENERAL ENTRY DEADLINE 22.0 7. 2 4 F IN ALIST S AN N OUN C ED 0 2.0 9 .24 GAL A NIGH T 21.10 .24


P R O U D LY OWN E D BY m o c hag r o u p


Motivation is the driving force which causes us to achieve goals. Since employee motivation is extremely essential for the growth of a barbershop, managers and supervisors need to know how to motivate their employees. Maintain your own enthusiasm It is impossible to be a motivating, effective manager if your own enthusiasm for the barbershop starts to diminish. To prevent this happening, you will help to maintain your passion for your barbershop by maintaining your health and managing your own stress. Surround yourself with positive people, train all your staff in how your business operates. Make good rules, stick to them yourself and you will reap the rewards. Be open and honest, lead by example and your team will follow. Motivate yourself – if you are enthusiastic about your job, it will be easy to make those working with you enthusiastic also. What can you do better to motivate yourself? Always work with the objective of aligning the goals of the organisation with the goals of the employees. Learn to delegate and give due importance to teamwork. Don’t do everything yourself. Excellent leadership involves delegating responsibility and authority to employees. Let them decide how they want to carry out tasks. When you delegate, your team will get the impression that you want them to take stronger roles in their jobs. Top 10 Proven Ways to Motivate Employees: 1. Personally thank employees for doing a good job one to one, in writing, verbally or both. Do it timely, often and sincerely. 2. Be willing to take the time to meet with and listen to employees – as much as they want or need. 3. Provide specific and frequent feedback about their performance. Support them in improving performance. 4. Recognise, reward and promote high performers, attend to and deal with low and marginal performers so that they improve or leave. 5. Provide information on how the company makes and loses money, upcoming new products/services and strategies for competing in the market place. Explain each team members role in the overall plan. 6. Involve all staff members in decisions, especially as those decisions affect them. Remember involvement equals commitment. 7. Give employees a chance to grow and learn new skills; encourage them to do their best. Show them how you can help them meet their goals while also achieving the barbershops goals. Create a partnership with each employee.

8. Provide employees with a sense of ownership in their work and the barbershop. The ownership can be symbolic (for example, appointment/ business cards for all barbers).

enough because sometime, they will move in the wrong direction. You’ve also got to master the art of giving constructive feedback, that doesn’t de-motivate them.

9. Strive to create a working environment that is open, trusting and fun. Encourage new ideas, suggestions and initiative. Learn to allow staff to learn from, rather than punish mistakes.

Barbers don’t like making mistakes and they don’t like the manager drawing attention to them. Give staff the chance to correct their own mistakes whenever possible and praise them for doing so. The two guidelines of giving feedback are:

10. Celebrate the success of the barbershop and of the individuals working with you. Take time for team and morale building meetings and activities. Be creative and fresh with your ideas. Everybody wants to feel proud of the barbershop they work for. It enhances their reputation, makes them feel good, look good and gives the barbershop access to the best people. Don’t be afraid to work with the best. But sometimes the best people can be difficult. They are single minded; they have tunnel vision – that’s what makes them good. They can be reluctant to compromise, can even be intimidating, but if you motivate them with an attitude that you want to do something well, they will respond positively.

1. Always exaggerate the good and downplay the bad. 2. Always praise in public and correct in private.

Tackling Poor Morale

Effective Feedback

Poor morale undermines the commitment of employees, hurts the product and service they offer, and can alienate clients. It can arise for many reasons such as a difficult economic climate, a personality clash or poor management – all of which may result in a high stress environment and this is the last thing you want your clients to experience.

Just moving your team into action isn’t quite

Poor morale can be encompassing that, after a

76 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4

while it is difficult to know how to find its source, and thus how to reverse it. What may start just as individual apathy can deteriorate into a generalised infectious problem that spreads throughout the entire barbershop. The good news is – it is reversable! Personal problems, work stress for example, will affect a team at all levels, including the manager. So, do you know how to get yourself back on track when your morale is the worst in your team? Everybody need to vent frustration and anger sometimes or to receive assurance that they are appreciated, don’t let paths of communication break down when you are feeling low. Your staff are the barbershops most valuable resource. By creating an environment of open,

constructive feedback, staff will feel inclined to co-operate with you as you drive your barbershop forward. Tackling poor morale is not a once in a lifetime activity; it needs to be sustained over a long period of time. Communicating in these ways will show that you are in charge of your barbershop, you care and value your team, and you are committed to providing a satisfying place to work.

Be Honest and Transparent A large part of motivation is about trust. Your team should consider you the most reliable source of information. Never lie to your team, keep them informed about what’s going on as much as possible. If there is bad news, it is better they hear it from you first, rather than from corridor gossip, often exaggerated and distorted. Give them a chance to voice their

77 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4

questions and answer to the best of your ability. Remember peoples’ feelings matter. When faced with doubts, they need to feel comfortable coming to you for clarification, allowing you to put concerns in perspective for them, helping them to remain focused and motivated. Don’t be an average manager or boss – be a motivated leader, because people do amazing things when they are truly motivated. And, watch your business soar to new heights! @lizmckeonbizliz

One of London’s Oldest Barbershops Upgrades to Cutting-Edge Booking Platform, Fresha.

The leading marketplace and booking software for the beauty and wellness industry, Fresha, is excited to announce its new partnership with one of London’s oldest barbershops, Pall Mall Barbers. Originally established in 1896 and then renamed Pall Mall Barbers in 2005 by Richard Marshall, the business has grown to include nine shops over its 18 years. The team prides itself on offering the best barbering service, using global grooming techniques and staying ahead of trends. Founder Richard Marshall’s approach and leadership have led Pall Mall Barbers to become the largest independent barbering business in London, with 64 chairs across their locations and 23 award-winning products, not to mention the flagship shop at Rockefeller Centre on Fifth Avenue in New York City. This collaboration with Fresha will help them integrate a seamless, tech-based experience into their innovation-driven services, bolstered by a storied barbering history that dates back 127 years. “We’re passionate about lifting up storied businesses like Pall Mall Barbers, so bringing

them on as a Fresha partner is a big win for us,” says Tim Frankcom, Fresha’s Chief Commercial Officer. “With their history and excellent reputation, we know they’ll find even more success with the added capabilities Fresha offers.” “When I pieced together the history of Pall Mall Barbers, it was a really exciting discovery and made my ambitions to build a brand start to come to life,” says Richard. “And now, working with Fresha will help cement Pall Mall Barbers as a barbering destination, making it easy for all our clients to come to one of our shops and experience our heritage and expertise.” Pall Mall Barbers was renamed and modernised in 2005 by Richard, but its roots go back to 1896. While redecorating after buying his first space, Richard discovered a business card

with the heading ‘Pall Mall Toilet Saloon’ dated 1910, indicating the space housed a barbering business for almost a hundred years before he changed the name and took it into the future. Now, Pall Mall Barbers is a multi-award-winning, global barbershop that puts the customer experience first and delivers best-in-class results. Their success is driven by Richard’s entrepreneurial spirit, building the business from the ground up with no investment, and his decades of experience in barbering, along with his team’s knowledge of styling techniques and traditions. You can find Pall Mall Barbers on the Fresha marketplace at or by downloading the Fresha app on the App Store or Google Play. Fresha is the world’s #1 beauty and wellness marketplace powered by all-in-one free business software with integrated payments. With over 100,000 partner venues in more than 120 countries, Fresha simplifies business operations and enhances customer experiences. To learn more, visit, download Fresha on the App Store and Google Play, or follow Fresha on Facebook and Instagram. Also visit or follow Pall Mall Barbers on Facebook and Instagram.


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Great Leadership & Effective Communication Can one exist without the other? BY DWIGHT HODGE

In business today, great leaders must possess effective communication skills. No matter how fantastic your vision, ideas or plans are, you’re already off to a rough start if you can’t convey them to others. Leaders need to be effective communicators.

Effective communication doesn’t have to be a challenge or chore. Like anything new, having a plan can ease the nerves and give you the space to experiment and try new ways. Let’s take a step back to understand what I mean by communication. Before moving forward, remember there are two sides to effective communication. 1. Sharing: Using words and gestures to get your point across. 2. Listening: Tuning in to both the spoken and unspoken. The thing is most people only focus on talking or sharing and need to remember to sharpen their listening skills. To be tops when communicating, you’ve got to work on both. Listen as much, if not more, than you talk. As you gear up for 2024, here are two simple and effective ways to level up your communication game. The 4 Cs of Communication and the Intention – Action – Outcomes model. First, let’s delve into the 4 Cs of Communication. These are four areas you should keep in mind: 3. Connect: Before diving into a conversation, build a connection and rapport with the other person. If you skip this step, people might put their guard up, making it hard for them to really hear you. Failing to connect is a surefire way to erode relationships, trust, and team culture. 4. Consider: Allow the other person the time and space to share. Be open and curious and listen to their perspective. Curiosity is a superpower in the world of leadership and communication. You can’t be curious and judgmental at the same time. So, be curious and understand the value of another person’s perspectives when listening. 5. Context: When it’s your turn to share, ensure you’re on the same page and understand each other. It’s not just about sharing. It’s about communicating at the level of their experience, knowledge and understanding. Good leaders shift their style depending on who they’re talking to. 6. Coach: Instead of barking orders and dictating what others do and how they do it, ask questions and make space for others to share their ideas. Good communication isn’t a weapon to control others; it’s a resource to help everyone grow and develop. It’s about showing them a different way of thinking, being and doing. To become a more effective communicator, focus on one of the 4 C’s, or alternatively, all four at once. Determine where you want to improve, be bold, and seek feedback from others. This enables you to see fresh perspectives and sheds light on blind spots you didn’t even know you had.

Now, let’s talk about the Intention-ActionOutcome model, the three-step secret sauce for effective communication:

wonder why you didn’t achieve your expected outcome. So, remember to consider your intentions.

7. Intention – Why you’re communicating and your purpose for doing so. 8. Action – How you communicate. 9. Outcome – The result you achieved from the actions you took.

Self-awareness is at the heart of the 4Cs and the Intention – Action – Outcome communication models. To embrace more effective communication methods, be aware of the gap between your current skill level and your desired approach. In the end, we are all imperfectly human and becoming a pro at communication is a journey. It’s not about being perfect or comparing yourself to others. It’s about getting better, one conversation at a time.

Your intentions can either be good or bad. And trust me, nothing good comes from bad intentions. So, only start a conversation if you come from a place of good intent. Before acting on your intention, think about the outcome you want to achieve and paint a clear picture in your mind of what that looks, sounds, or feels like for you. Imagine you want to share with your team an excellent review the salon received about Sarah, one of your team members. You intend to celebrate Sarah’s efforts and the fantastic client experience she created and highlight specific actions for the team to repeat. There are numerous ways to do this. A few options may be; • Send the team a group text, • Call them all individually, • Meet with each team member in person, or • Share the positive review and feedback with Sarah in front of the team. Each option meets your intention. However, the outcome for each will be very different. The daily hustle and bustle of operating your business is real. You’re often time-poor, under pressure and juggling everything simultaneously. This can lead to a lack of or failure to consider your intention. But having a clear and positive intention, followed by thoughtful actions, can steer your communication in the right direction. Without it, you jump straight into action and then 80 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4

Dwight Hodge is an experienced leadership coach and mentor. His career spans over two decades as a Director, business owner, coach, and mentor. He founded The Creative Leader, a leadership coaching practice that assists business owners in propelling their leadership capabilities to the next level. Dwight is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), holds qualifications in Business and Personal Coaching, is a Master Coach of NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP), and holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Sculpture) from the Victorian Collage of the Arts (VCA)


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Nurturing Your Barber Brand.

The Significance of Customised Social Media Strategies BY HAYLEY MEARS

When it comes to marketing a barber business, a common mistake is to apply the same principles of content marketing and output as you would a salon business. The comparison of the barber market vs the wider hairdressing market couldn’t be more different. There are so many unique variables that need to be considered to really hit the sweet spot. I always educate our social media and marketing clients that your content should cover five basic content pillars. YOU and Your Team.

1. This content is even better than featuring the clients. While it’s great to highlight your skill set and add to your Instagram portfolio, this isn’t the content that gets the most engagement. Your clients and other local businesses are invested in you and your team on a deeper and more personal level, beyond what you can do behind the chair. They want to see and hear about your latest adventures, achievements and your thoughts on anything and everything.

The Community You Work In.

2. Your content should always speak to your geographic location. When you post content really think about who you want to reach that you’re not already connected to. What demographic of clients are you trying to attract? Most importantly, where are they located? As a general guide anyone that lives within a 5km radius is ideal. They are more likely to give you repeat business and are a client you can build an ongoing relationship with. These clients are likely already connected to many other Instagram pages from your local community. Think about what pages your ideal client would be tracking in your area? Coffee shops, restaurants, bars, local gyms, surf clubs, football teams. You job now is to build online and digital relationships with those pages, so their following has visibility to your likes and comments on their pages. You can also get really creative with localised Guerrilla campaigns. Add stickers with your QR codes to local events, sponsor the coasters at your local pub with a QR code and a call to action to follow your page.

Your Portfolio of Work.

3. Of course potential and existing clients want to see the amazing work you do, but don’t flood your feed with lots of similar content that is published back-to-back. Add variety to these posts as much as possible. Use different angles to take the pics, show your diversity in skill set and make sure you have great lighting.

Reels and Video.

4. This is the ONLY way to reach unconnected accounts organically. To get the reach of new followers and grow your audience you need to work with optimised video content. The key tips are:

- Use a cover photo for your reel that will fit into the square Instagram grid feed. If you use a portrait style shot as your reel cover photo you will end up cutting off the top and the bottom. - Maximise the music you pair to the video. Find a trending track that has a good beat that syncs to the style of your video. You can save your favourite songs when you are scrolling across them by hitting the “save’’ feature. - If you get a really good amount of views, wait a few days before adding a boosting budget. This will allow you to maximise the FREE organic reach first and you will be working with a post that you know has been successful already. Your money stretches much further. - Add links to your retail products. It’s essential you have a Meta shop feature set up.

Branding, Education and Call to Action. 5. This is the part where outsourcing is everything. This is the part where you need to get some professional looking artworks to break up all the other content. It gives your page more of an editorial edge. This could be anything from: - Appointment availability - Father’s Day or Christmas retail packages - Styling tips and hints - Recent accolades 82 Barber Shop Year 12 Issue 4

- Education and technique tutorials - Trend forecasts These tips are a great place to start if you need to reactive your social pages if they have been a bit static or dormant. Try to post a MINIMUM of three times per week. You can do behind the scenes Instagram and Facebook stories daily and save them to your Instagram story highlights. When you have content that is really successful or unsuccessful analyse why you got those results? Was it a combination of the brand message, time of day you posted and the visual you used? If you want help to get your Instagram page active with engagement, we can help. Follow the QR code to our Barbershop Instagram package. The package is $550 and includes: - Instagram cover story artwork template - 10 Instagram tiles designed for your business for use across the year. - Set up of the mini website hosted on your Instagram page OR two reels valued at $150 Hayley Mears Six Underground Media @sixundergroundmedia

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Articles inside

“My life went from Bad to Worse.”

page 54

Nurturing Your Barber Brand. The Significance of Customised Social Media Strategies

pages 82-83

Great Leadership & Effective Communication. Can one exist without the other?

pages 80-81

One of London’s Oldest Barbershops Upgrades to Cutting-Edge Booking Platform, Fresha.

pages 78-79


pages 76-77

The Evolution of Barber Apprenticeships In Australia. Navigating Trends In 2024

page 74

How To Make Money In Your Barbershop This Year!

pages 71-73

Business Old School! Consistency in the Road to a Successful Barbershop.

page 70


page 69

BLOG SPOT - Building a successful business in the barber industry in Australia

page 68


pages 66-67

BLOG SPOT. Tools of the Trade

pages 64-65

CURLY HAIR HOW To: With Award Winning Jim Shaw, UK

page 52

Fuelling The Future Of The Barbering Industry

pages 48-51

NEW FARM Barbershop in Tune With What's Cool

pages 44-47

Wahl Australia's Educational Road Tour Elevating Skills with Yuki Kano

page 42

A Revolution In The Art Of Barbering.

pages 36-37

The Rise of HANZ DE FUKO

pages 32-33

CARLIE CARDLE An Absolute Vibe

pages 26-31

Getting to Know the New Editor of Barbershop Magazine - Louise May

pages 12-13


pages 10-12


pages 8-9
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