13 Email Marketing Tips For An Effective Customer Targeting

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13 Email Marketing Tips For An Effective Customer Targeting

It is rightly said that “Time does not move for certain things” or “Some things get better with age”. It would not be an overrated or hyperbolic statement if the same is said about the email marketing campaigns that are flourishing with every passing time. In this age of brutal competition, it is a difficult exercise to drive customers towards your online business for increased conversions and product sales. However, this tough job has been made some what easier for you with the help of these 13 awesome email marketing tips. Let us take a look further.


Work towards the effective timing of your emails-

Everything has a proper timing and place for its occurrence and promotional emails are no exception to it. You can't expect to have a bumper site traffic along with the simultaneous increase in your product sales without the proper backing of email campaigns that are promoted at the appropriate time. Online businesses need to utilize the web analytics tools like Mocking Fish to understand the onsite activity and behavior of their targeted customers for a productive promotional emails.

Further, there are insight heat map tool from Mocking Fish that can provide you information about the taste of your customers, browsing time of customers, device used, location and other such crucial data that can help you in the effective designing of your sales targeted emails. Once, you know the most active time of your visitors, you can effortlessly increase the open rates, readability and convertibility for your promotional emails. 2)

Use an engaging, original and non spamming subject lines-

In emails, subject lines are the first thing that grabs the immediate attention of your targeted customers, so they needs to be eye catchy, informative and engaging. Don't use subject lines that may be perceived as a spam content by your email delivery system and could affect the rate of your email deliverability. You can use impressive lines like “Last chance”, “Don't miss out”, “Cheers to our users” and other such phrases that can persuade your customers to pay attention to your targeted emails.

Apart from this, you can also use A/B testing tools like Mocking Fish for testing the different variations of your subject lines that grab the maximum attention of your customers. By understanding the convertibility of these variations, you can select the best subject lines for your sales focused emails for driving maximum conversions and sales. 3)

Add a tinge of personalization to your emails-

Try to establish a mutual connection with your audience by giving a personal touch to your promotional emails. You can use the first name of your customer, provide a region specific, festive specific or linguistic specific offer to your customers so that they could feel more connected to your online business. But, don't go too far in this approach as it may also divert your customer’s attention if you are too casual with them. 4) Understand the actual purpose of your email campaigns- “Don't shoot arrows in the dark but first take the proper aim and then go for the ultimate shot”. While preparing for an effective email campaigns, you need to have a clear idea about what are you going to write, who are your targeted customers, what is the offer or deal about and other such information in the best possible words for generating the required curiosity for your emails. Once, you know the actual reason behind your promotional campaigns, you can effortlessly increase your email open and click through rates (CTR). 5)

Command Full Control Over Your Targeted Audience-

For getting the required expected results from your email promotional campaigns, you need

to have a respectable attention of your targeted customers. Show them the USP of your product, brand image and true worth of your advertised product or offer for making them perform the required call- to- action (CTA). Begin your content with an engaging story line, a well kept secret or with a healthy dose of vital information that are sure to grab the attention of your customers and can earn their loyalty towards your business. Once, you know you are being heard, it would not be much difficult for you to pitch for an aggressive sales campaign. 6) Synchronize and organize your emails contacts effectively- Once, you are ready to go all out for your email promotions, visualize your targeted customers well in advance for increasing the reach of your emails. Customer segmentation can do the trick for you here. Divide your customers on the basis of their location, age group, interest and other such parameters for synchronizing your email contacts and to get a clear picture of your targeted audience. Sending your emails to just anyone would only add up to your marketing cost and will only increase your cost to customer acquisition. Further, it will not help you in any way regarding conversion optimization and product sales. 7) Don't ignore other aspects of online promotional mediums- To ensure your email message reach far and wider corners of the world, you need to involve other mediums of customer engagement like social media marketing, PPC campaigns, search ads and other such channels. Among these, social media is the most reliable communication medium for various businesses as sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linked in, Instagram and others have millions and billions of users that defy geographical boundaries, linguistic barriers, cultural differences and other such factors. 8)

Pay Added Thrust To Design, Content And Loading Time Of Your Emails-

In this world where everybody is so much obsessed with the good looks, an unimpressive email design can diminish the overall appeal and worth of your email content. Use a high quality detailed image, inspiring call- to- action (CTA) buttons, informative links, engaging headlines and other such site elements to improve the readability of your targeted emails. If you are unable to get the required attention of your targeted customers, you can't drive them towards your purchasing funnel on your eCommerce store. Further, do ensure that in the

race of improving your visual appeal, you have not made your emails too bulky that can affect their ultimate loading time and can reduce their customer reachability. 9) Try to provide reasons to your customers for sharing their email addresses- No online customer would like to share their personal information like email addresses without any valid reason due to the increased chances of online theft and forgery. In this situation, it is important to use a persuasive approach for your customers like subscription for free newsletter, ebook, registration for a webinar, sign ups for availing gift/coupon cards and other such mechanisms. If you are offering something valuable to them in exchange of their email addresses, they will love to engage with you without any apprehensions. So, believe and spread the “joy of sharing” for getting customer loyalty and conversions. 10)

Choose The Best Email Service Provider For Your Company-

For making maximum impact among your customers, you need to select the best email service provider for your online business. Cost, level of customization offered, email features, delivery success ratio and other such relevant metrics needs to be considered by you while arriving at a final conclusion regarding your email service provider. To begin with, you can opt for any email marketing service providers like MailChimp, Aweber, Campaign Monitor, GetResponse, Constant Contact and such others depending upon the features required and budget of your marketing efforts. 11) Remove clutter from your existing database- It is time to update your database regularly by adding new email addresses of your customers into your contact list so that you can target a large group of customers. Further, it is important to update your database by removing expired information and improving the contact list by updating it with new contacts. There are various tools that can help in updating your contact list and the verification of your customer’s email addresses. Some of them are as follows D&B, Jigsaw, StrikeIron and such others. 12) Focus on various metrics to determine the success of your email campaignsFor determining the success of your email campaigns, you need to focus on various metrics like email delivery rates, open rates, click through rates, conversion rates and other such

factors. Analyze all these metrics carefully in order to assess if your email marketing campaigns are heading in the right direction or not. 13)

Utilize various web testing and analytics tools for an engaging copy-

Mediocrity is not enticing for most people and you need to have something out- of- the- box to grab the instant attention of your targeted customers. Web testing and analytics tools like Mocking Fish can do a splendid job in this direction by giving a unique and appealing look to your email message copy. Test the different variations of your message for getting the most engaging message that can grab the instant attention of your targeted customers. Apart from this, do track and analyze the onsite behavior and activity of your visitors for getting a fair idea about their taste and preferences. If you are thinking about making the most of an upcoming sales event or festive season, you need to invest your time, money and efforts in the email marketing campaigns. These sales focused campaigns can surely drive huge traffic on your eCommerce site for improved conversions and product sales.

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