4 tips to regulate the traffic on your ecommerce site

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4 tips to regulate the traffic on your eCommerce site

Traffic is the foremost requisite for the growth of any eCommerce site as increased site visitors pave the way for higher conversions. For achieving optimum product sales and conversions, you need to have the support of a proper site traffic. With so much of options available around, it is often difficult to maintain the consistent momentum of customer traffic on a website. However, the amount of traffic on a site keeps on fluctuating due to a number of reasons like unappealing website design, difficult site navigation, slow loading speed, and other such factors. If you want to optimize the performance of your website, it is important to regulate the amount of traffic on your site. Follow these 4 simple tips that can help in keeping a check on the traffic of an eCommerce site for improved conversion rate optimization practices. Check that your website is crawled effectivelyIt is a well-known fact that crawlers or spiders crawl an eCommerce site in order to be indexed effectively for improved online search results. However, the crawling activity is mostly affected by the number of reasons like crawl errors, missing pages, broken site links, 404 errors and other such reasons. To avoid problems in the search engine results, you need to inform the search engine crawlers about all the above situations for optimizing conversion rate optimization efforts and sales. The crawlers needed to be guided about unimportant pages of your site in order to improve search engine results and online visibility. Take the help of a web analytics tool-

Web analytics tools play an important role in optimizing the site design, the usability of CTA buttons, website readability, and other such areas. E-Commerce site owners need to avail the expertise of a heatmap tool like MockingFish that can offer detailed site analysis. The tool consists of features like click heatmap, scroll heatmap, mouse movement heatmap and others to analyze the site visitor movement in detail. These web analytics tools are helpful in providing accurate details about the weak and strong areas of your site, scroll ability of your site, customer specific personal details and other such critical information. By the help of the statistical information provided through these heatmaps, site owners can make essential changes in their website in terms of the customer engagement, website design, user experience and other crucial areas. Perform a speed test on your site-

Online shoppers want to make product purchase from a site that can load quickly. The ideal time for the loading of a website is said to be of 2-3 seconds, so check if your website is able to fulfill that requirement or not. To get a better idea about the loading time and performance of your website, you need to avail the services of speed optimization tools like Pingdom, Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix and others. Based on the results of these tools, you can perform the required corrections in the site design, navigation, structure, and other key areas. Besides this, you can take the help of A/B testing tool that can provide you concrete user feedback in terms of conversion rates. There are also other alternatives such as a Content delivery network that can optimize the performance of your eCommerce site by caching your site pages quickly. It will further provide the access to your site in the same manner to your customers irrespective of their location. The CDN also makes it easier to load your eCommerce website consisting of lots of images or videos for ensuring higher conversions and product sales. Ensure accuracy on local directories- It is important to take care of your local customers by providing easy access to your contact information in the form of business hours, phone number, address and other such details. You need to also ensure that the contact information on the local business directories is correct. Site owners can also check the authenticity of their address, and phone number through Google search results. Wrong contact information on your site can mislead your customers and can cause user frustration which can affect the customer engagement to a great extent. You need to also provide your updated business address to Google My Business and Facebook page for better business promotion, customer awareness, and higher conversion rate optimization efforts. Conclusion

A website without any substantial traffic can’t help you in achieving the desired business results. The more traffic on your site means more chances of conversion rate optimization and higher sales. So, follow these crucial tips and increase the visitor count for your eCommerce site in a seamless manner.

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