4 Unconventional Ideas That Can Boost The Sales On Your E-Commerce Store Often, eCommerce organizations are seen making business strategies and marketing efforts to boost sales volume on their site. It is one of the chief concern for every organization that is involved in the business of eCommerce. Increasing sales for an organization can be tough if it doesn't have anything nice and interesting to offer its potential customers. With changing business circumstances, it is important to try something out- of- the- box marketing strategies that can grab the instant attention of your customers. Take a look at some of these unconventional methods that can make a huge impact on the sales counter of your eCommerce store. 1) Reduce the number of shopping cart abandonments- Business organizations that are operating with the intention of making increased product sales need to focus on the issue of shopping cart abandonments. A significant rise in the shopping cart abandonments are decreasing the product sales as it is affecting the confidence and loyalty of the online buyers. Further, it is seen that out of 10 incidents of no sales, 5 are reported due to the incomplete shopping orders. In order to check this situation, it is important to understand the mindset of your customers through some of the best A/B testing tools like Optimizely, Mocking Fish, Unbounce and such others so as to reduce the number of incidents of shopping cart abandonments. 2) Use of the onsite surveys- It is important to analyze your customers mind and behavior from time to time so as to remove any bottlenecks from your conversion process that is hindering your sales. By having clear knowledge about the possible loopholes in your website design and mindset of your targeted customers, business organizations can easily improve their product sales and site traffic. This can be done by the use of various onsite surveys, web testing and analytics tools, site related quiz and other such methods. Some of the 5 best A/B testing tools that can help in tracking and analyzing the onsite behavior and activity of your site visitors are Optimizely, Mocking Fish, Unbounce, Maxymiser and VWO. 3) Performance of the website- A user friendly and faster loading eCommerce site can easily make your customers hooked to your business organization and can strengthen your chances of business growth. There should be seamless navigation through your eCommerce site and the customers should feel comfortable while initiating any product order from your site and making the final payment through the checkout process. All this activity should be an easy cake walk and there should not be any technical glitches through the entire process so as to encourage customers towards your site. Further, an effective website performance will strengthen the brand appeal of your organization and will make your eCommerce store a well known name among other business rivals. So, take note of these above points and you can easily be an eCommerce champion in terms of the conversion rates and product sales. By implementing these steps, you can easily make your customers return to your eCommerce store and can boost your chances of making product sales.