5 A/B Test Mistakes That Are Costing Your Business Organization Heavily

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5 A/B Test Mistakes That Are Costing Your Business Organization Heavily

With the changing dynamics of the online business environment, there is an increased thrust over the use of new tools and strategies so as to provide a comfortable position to your business organization in its particular segment. The worldwide frenzy and madness around A/B testing is the result of the similar efforts in that direction. Although, much has been said and spread about this tool but there are still numerous mistakes committed by the users that are taking down the efficiency and reliability of your A/B testing results to a great extent. Let us throw some light on those mistakes that are hindering the proper utilization of your A/B testing results.

1) You are not taking initiative to understand your users- Starting any test would be a sheer wastage of your money and efforts if you are not having a clear insight about the behavior, mindset and online activity of your targeted customers. Effective knowledge about your customers will help you in ensuring that you are conducting the right A/B testing results for your business organization. There are various ways to extract required customer information by utilizing heat map tools like Mocking Fish that have features like insight heat map, attention heat map and scroll heat map that can capture the entire activity and onsite behavior of your targeted customers on your site. Apart from this, you can include

consumer surveys so as to understand the mindset, choice and response of your targeted customers regarding various questions on your survey list. In this way, business organizations can have ample feedback from their customers about their site elements, design and navigation. With these customer data, it is easier to implement A/B testing in the required areas of your website so as to improve your conversion rates and user engagement. Tip: Understand your customers intention on your site so as to implement only relevant A/B testing to save your cost.

2) Your user experience is making it difficult to browse your site- A website needs to be engaging and easy to navigate around so that your targeted customers can spend considerable amount of time on your site. You need to make efforts so that your customers can freely move around your site without any hiccups. They should feel comfortable while moving from one page to another page on your site or making use of your site features and elements. By understanding their issues during navigation, you can implement necessary changes in your call- to- action (CTA) buttons, sign up forms, images and other such elements so as to improve your user experience and site traffic. Once, you know the problem areas in the optimization of your user experience, you can easily implement the right A/B testing results to resolve your issue. Tip: Don't just test anything to improve your user experience instead have a clear idea about the elements that are actually causing the issue. 3) You are just testing anything for the sake of A/B testing- Don't just begin your split testing with anything but rather plan it in a more effective way by understanding the sole purpose of testing that element and its actual contribution in your conversion rates. It is often seen that people start performing split tests without realizing the actual contribution of those tests and often end up with disappointment. You need to check which pages or elements on your site are getting maximum attention from your customers and what are the possible role of each element in your conversion rates. By understanding this crucial aspect, you need to select that element be it landing page, call- to action buttons, sign up forms, headlines or any other such feature for A/B testing that has the maximum weightage in your conversion rates but is getting minimum attention from your customers. Wrong selection of the testing elements will add up to your unnecessary cost, efforts and time. So, predict and implement these tests in an effective manner so as to obtain the desired


4) You are moving ahead without any specific goal or target- Depending upon the nature and expectations of your business organization, you need to set your target accordingly so as to prepare an effective strategy for achieving that target. You can have the target of your site like increasing site traffic on your site, more sign ups from your visitors, increased product sales for your online store, more clicks on your call- to- action buttons or any other such goals. Once, you are aware about the goal which you want to accomplish for your business organization, you can easily come up with different variations to implement the right A/B testing elements for the fulfillment of your desired goals. Tip: Having a clear sight on the goal will help you A/B test the right elements to achieve that goal. 5) You are not interested to complete the scheduled time period of your testing results- Arriving at a conclusion quickly can be sometimes risky if it is related to A/B testing. This is because you have overlooked the other important aspects of your test results that can hamper the long term growth chances of your business organization. It is important to analyze the changing trends of your conversion rates over the days so as to check if your conversion rates are having a steady position or are they fluctuating too fastly which could pose questions about their implementation for the long term growth of your business organization. Further, completing the scheduled time period of your test results will help you understand that the significant changes in your conversion rates are not just a matter of chance but are actually led by the changes implemented by you in your variation page. Tip: Remember haste makes waste, so don't rush yourself into implementing your A/B testing results. Have a little patience. So, it is important to pay adequate attention to these common mistakes that can have a tremendous impact on your A/B testing results. Further, by avoiding these mistakes, you can easily explore the real business potential of A/B testing tool for your business organization. Further, if you want more information about A/B testing, please do refer to our other articles

like 3 tips that can give boost to your testing efforts, Steps to ensure the success of A/B Testing and other such blogs on our site, www.mockingfish.com.

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