5 A/B Testing Tips That Can Improve Your Conversion Rates

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5 A/B Testing Tips That Can Improve Your Conversion Rates

Various business organizations of the world are making constant discussions and efforts about how to improve their conversion rates so as to emerge victorious among their business rivals. Although various strategies and approaches are used to make significant gains in conversion rates but still A/B testing has been a tried and tested formula in this context. You can effortlessly improve your site usability and conversion rates by performing A/B testing of the various site elements. But, here testing only the right site elements will give you an edge in terms of the site traffic and conversion rates. Apart from this, there are other areas where A/B testing can be implemented so as to improve your business fortunes. Here are some of the areas where conversion rate optimization with A/B testing tools can change your business fortunes to a great extent. 1) Subject lines of your targeting emails- It is a known fact that not all emails are considered by targeted customers as worth opening and are left unnoticed most of the time. Even if you have taken care of making your emails anti spam, there are no sure shot chances that it will be opened by your targeted customers. In this case, you can perform A/B testing on your various email subject lines and can compare your email open rates so as to get a better idea about an appealing and engaging subject lines that can improve your conversion rates. Further, you can decide about using emojis or text, statements or questions based on the result of your A/B testing so as to make your emails more readable and conversion friendly. 2) Sender name of your promotional and targeting emails- It often makes impact on the minds of the readers to know about the sender's name which creates their interest in a particular email and increases the rate of your email opening. Your business organization should understand the impact of the sender name on their emails so as to increase their reach and usability among their targeted customers. Moreover, they can perform A/B testing on elements like company's name or the name of an individual, full name or the first name of the sender, different sender's name variation so as to improve the readability and email opening rate of their targeted emails. Based on the response and feedback of your customers, you can implement the winning A/B test variation in your email sender name for the

purpose of email readability and conversion optimization. 3) Placement of the call- to- action (CTA) buttons- Putting your call- to- action (CTA) buttons anywhere in your emails will not do any good as you need to have a proper placement and position of your CTA so as to get maximum attention from your targeted customers. You need to perform A/B testing on the placement of your CTA buttons with image or text, position of your CTA buttons with respect to your email content like left, right or center so as to get maximum attention from your targeted customers for the purpose of increased conversion rates. 4) Creation of an offer for your targeted customers- For improving your product sales, you need to create an appealing offer that can grab the instant attention of your targeted customers. In order to make your offer more interesting, you can implement A/B testing on the use of percentage reduction or the exact dollar amount in your offer so as to decide which variation draws more number of customers. Similarly, you can perform A/B testing on the number of days or the week shopping offer duration so as to decide whether number of days bring more customers to your site or the number of weeks. By making these changes, you can easily improve your conversion rates with your A/B testing efforts. 5) Time duration of your email sending- It is a known fact that customers are actively checking emails only at a particular instant of time be it morning, afternoon or evening. In order to increase the readability of your emails, you need to perform A/B testing on sending time of your emails like morning and evening and should compare the opening rate and conversion rates so as to get the better idea about which email variation has got the maximum attention from your customers. Further, you can also A/B test whether you need to send emails at the starting of the week or at the ending of the week so as to get maximum conversions from your targeted customers. These are some of the A/B testing tips that can give an added thrust to your conversion optimization efforts. So, start devoting your time to this A/B testing so as to improve your conversion rates and product sales among your customers.

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