5 explanations on why website heat map is important

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5 explanations on why website heat map is important

Website heat map is a modern means used by marketers or website owners to decide a path of actions in CRO front. They do so by tracking the visitor's behavior in relation to your website. Tracking your visitor's behavior is something that is not done like eye tracking. Instead, A website heat map tool is introduced to the website which tracks the movement of your visitor's mouse on a particular page. A website heat map tracking gives you an idea of where visitors are spending time on your website.

A website heat map gives you some solid data? The efficiency of the website heat map tool to give a precise data is depended on various factors. The quality of the heat map tool you use is one of those factors. It doesn’t mean that the best heat map tools give you a 100 % accurate data. However, it’s enough to show you the areas which you should improve on the conversion front. It also lets you know about the ideas for improving the pages by editing them with more precise choices. On the whole, a proper heat map analysis will let know the following: Areas on your web pages where most visitors hover Areas of your landing pages that get most of the clicks Areas on your landing pages that do not get proper attention

Areas of the page where people stop for a longer duration while scrolling etc.

Caption: A click heat map and Scroll heat map represent the data in different ways Description: The data for both the heat maps are collected by your website heat map tool.

Here are some more important applications of a website heat map:

1. A website heat map tool lets you know where your visitors clickWebsite Heat maps can without much of a stretch show which regions on your page get the most clicks, consequently outwardly demonstrating what intrigues your group of visitors. This implies, you can recognize what element, content, or service on your website your customers truly think about, and what they need to see.

2. A website heat map tool shows the sections which leak your conversion funnelThe website heat map not only indicates the best performing elements but also the worst performing elements are not spared from its eyes. There might be some elements that your visitors might not like. It might also be possible that those elements might be distracting the conversions of other elements on the site. On the whole, those elements need your attention so that they can be improvised to perform well without disturbing other elements. Therefore heat maps can help you to eliminate

clutter from your website.

3. A website heat map lets you draw the attention to needful informationWebsite Heat maps can undoubtedly indicate which zones on your page get the most attention in terms of clicks and hovers, subsequently outwardly demonstrating what intrigues your group of visitors. This implies you can comprehend what element, product, or service on your website, your guests truly think about, and what they need to see at that moment.

4. A website heat map tells you the best place to put an element on the pageHeat map analysis will always give you the bet and worst area of your web pages. This information is represented visually by marking the areas in different colors according to the attentions received by them. This data will help you to decide a perfect place for an important element on the web page where it will have more chances of being noticed by the visitors. Thus ensuring a more conversion friendly placement for the elements.

5. Bad areas can be improved by modifying with an aid from A/B testing toolIn the real world, you cannot afford to choose a trial and error method. The bad or non-performing areas outlined by your website heat map tool cannot be left that way. You need to perform some modifications to ensure a proper performance from those elements. It might be also possible that removing those elements would score better conversion for you. These are all hypothesis until and unless you test the validity of these hypothesis using an A/B testing. A modification done in accordance with A/B testing has better chances of improving the conversion rates. At least it will save you from making a wrong modification. A/B testing in aid for a website heat map is not a compulsory thing to include but it’s a wise approach for sure.

Concluding, Thus, we understood how a website heat map can provide some solid data to help us improve our websites on conversion fronts. A proper heat map analysis can discover unlimited ways to optimize the user engagement of your website and ultimately strengthening the conversion front. You can check out and try the MockingFish heat map tool for free to discover the hidden conversion potential

of your website.

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