5 Killer Elements That Make A Wonderful Website

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5 Killer Elements That Make A Wonderful Website Only an appealing website can win the heart of your site visitors and can help in improving the conversion rates for your business organization. It is something that stands perfectly apt in this present business scenario where business organizations are making sincere efforts to engage site visitors through the use of an impressive website. However, it is not a cake walk and it requires great expertise, time and extraordinary creativity to draw customers towards your business organization. Making a killer website is a crucial task and it has the potential to change the fortunes of your business organization. Here are the useful tips that can help in creating an exciting and conversion friendly website for your eCommerce organization. 1) Easy navigation and appealing design- It is one of the important factor that can help in engaging the customer with your business organization. For influencing people to make product sales through your eCommerce site, it is important to improve the user experience to a great extent. A/B testing tool can help a lot in this direction and can improve the usability of your website. User should feel free while navigating through any page of your website and there should not be any hiccups through the entire process of making online product order through your eCommerce store. 2) Website content- A website would be capable to grab the instant attention of the targeted customers only if it has an appealing content that can keep your visitors engaged to your site. You need to focus strongly on the authenticity, quality and SEO friendliness of your content so as to make a strong impact among your potential customers. Provide something interesting, informative and as per the interests of your site visitors so as to grab customer attention towards your business organization. 3) Mobile friendly optimization- More and more people are today using various mobile based devices like smart phones and tablets to do online shopping. So, it becomes imperative to improve the website usability and appeal for this mobile platform by optimizing your eCommerce site. Business organizations can take the help of various A/B testing tools like Optimizely, Mocking Fish, VWO and such others to improve the mobile friendliness of their site. You need to make necessary changes in your mobile website design so as to make online shopping through mobile devices more easier and fun. 4) Addition of social media sites- The role of social media is expanding to a great extent and thus it is essential to integrate this feature into your website design so as to keep customers hooked to your eCommerce site. By the use of these social media icons, business organizations can encourage site visitors to share their views and opinions about their advertised products on their social media accounts. It is increasingly becoming a global tool to connect business organizations with their targeted customers.

5) Performance and loading speed- A delay of more than 2-3 seconds in the loading of your eCommerce site can be detrimental for the growth and progress of your business organization. No customer would like to be get stucked while ordering any product from your site or while making online payment through your site during the final checkout process. By improving the performance of your website and its consequent loading time, eCommerce organizations can easily improve their conversion rates and product sales to a great extent. Use of the various web testing and analytics tools can help you a lot in this difficult mission. So, don't ignore your website appearance, usability and online presence as these factors have a direct influence on the customer traffic and sales revenue of your site. By making your website user experience more interactive and seamless, business organizations can make a huge impact in this area of eCommerce business.

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