Best practices & quick wins to what extent can you reuse ab tests of others

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Best Practices & Quick Wins- To What Extent Can You Reuse A/b Tests of Others It is a common scenario where people do start running or following a thing, product or trend religiously without actually understanding its sole purpose and intention. This is the case with most of the people who sometimes blindly follow a trend without actually having a deep insight about that trend. Due to this limited exposure and knowledge, it becomes difficult to get optimum results out of implementing that trend. If you are a new admirer of A/B testing and has embraced it in order to keep up with the present business trend, it is time to recall your association with this web testing approach. This is because you are not the only one in the queue and thus you need to employ some out- of- the- box techniques that could give you an edge over your rivals. Most often, site owners are following the A/B tests that are followed by other sites and are trying to follow it without understanding the entire scenario behind those testing experiments. This not only gave them "half baked results" but also causes wastage in terms of time, money and efforts. It is important to understand those A/B testing results of your competitors before falling into the temptation of trying it on your own site. Here are the quick insights about various best practices of A/B testing that can be the game changer for your online business. Get an effective insight about the nature and type of your targeted customers You need to understand this simple plain fact that you are involved in a different business unlike that site which performed that A/B testing experiments. It is also possible that you have the different targeted customers for your business that could affect the performances of your A/B testing experiments in the long run. Don't expect the similar conditions for your A/B testing experiments which was present with the earlier A/B testing approach that could drastically affect the success rate of web testing results. Apart from this, you need to understand the key performance indicator (KPI) which has been considered during the implementation of those testing experiments. Don't solely rely on the wisdom of others but find out the grey areas of your site- It should be noted that "one shoe size does not fits all" and you need to analyze the grey areas of your site that needs immediate improvement. It is possible that the parameters selected by that site during A/B testing may not hold good for you at all. It would be better to utilize the services of an effective heat map tool that can keep a close track on your site activity and can inform you about the areas that requires your instant intervention. A/B testing is more than tweaking minor changes and go for big hunt- Don't get satisfied with implementing minor changes in your CTA buttons, images, web forms and other site components. This is because it will not help you in achieving big results for your online business. Instead, you need to focus towards improving the website design,

site traffic, user experience, navigation and customer engagement for making significant gains. You need to train your guns towards bigger targets if you are really interested in making initial leads in your respective business domain. In a nutshell... Thus, it is important to follow a sensible approach of quick introspection before implementing the A/B testing results of other sites for avoiding major disappointment later on. Don't be a "copycat" as it will not bring any good to your business entity if you are aimlessly implementing the web testing approach of your neighbors. It is more about understanding your business more effectively before making the A/B testing suggestions for your website. Moreover, it is important to know this fact that "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing", so get involved with A/B testing accordingly. Your few minutes of introspection can save your online business from severe consequences in terms of conversion rates and sales.

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