Cro trends that you should look on for your cro campaign in 2017

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CRO trends that you should look on for your CRO campaign in 2017

Conversion rate optimization(CRO) is the word when you talk about e-commerce business. It is a shared destination of all the e-commerce websites that are operating out there. Achieving an optimum conversion rate is what every e-commerce website strives for. However only a few of them are able to achieve it by utilizing various tools and techniques available in the market. Analyzing the trends play an important role in conversion optimization. Here we will discuss about those trends which are prevailing in the e-commerce market and look at how they are contributing in optimization of conversion rates. Trends to follow for a successful CRO of your website

Here are few trends you should follow so as to optimize the conversion rate of your website. 1. Testing the mobile app (if you are using one): With majority of the traffic on websites being driven by goes on browsing mobile apps, having an optimum and effective mobile application of your

website has become the need of the hour. Having a mobile app alone completes most of the task in your CRO campaign. To make the experience of your website and application optimum, you should conduct A/B testing and heatmapping of your mobile app so as to identify the loopholes in your conversion chain. There are various A/B testing and Heat map tools available in the market that you can choose for your campaign. I prefer MockingFish tool, as it is a free tool and provides a combination of A/B testing and Heatmap tool in one package. 2. Optimize the mobile view: Keeping in mind the traffic driven by mobile apps, your focus shall be on conversion optimization through mobile route. Given the fact that 4 out of 5 customers use mobile for their purchase the amount of potential the mobile traffic carry can’t be neglected. So, both your SEO and CRO plans should consist a proper handling of mobile based users. Even Google has made clear that it is switching to the mobile forst indexing very soon. Neglecting the mobile optimization in 2017 is not a good sign at all. 3. Innovate with abandonment mails: Use effective techniques to enhance the conversion from your abandoned cart e-mails. Presenting some positive review, stats, figures or survey regarding the product as they a have better chance of converting viewer in to a potential customer. Look for the ways to prevent shopping cart abandonments. For example, upgrading your multi-page checkout structure to a one page checkout would be a good start in abandoned cart prevention. 4. Product description: Work on your product description. While I say work, it dosen’t mean you should go on to provide extensive details and analysis of your product. Instead, write keeping in lieu the fact that what it carries for the customer. Including video as a product description considerably enhances the chances of conversion. There are certain modules and extensions that can help you with integration of product videos or related blog posts on the product pages. They will help you provide a better product education plus improve the customer engagement on your product pages. 5. Update: Keep on updating your e-commerce website with various effective modules and plugins that are available in reference to the CMS platform you are using. Plugins such as one page checkout, marketplace module and wishlist feature extension have a significant chances of multiplying your conversion rates by several times. If you are using an eCommerce platform, you should think about extending the functionalities with addition of plugins and extensions. There certain modules in the market that are designed for conversion optimization of the e-commerce sites. One page checkout module for PrestaShop is one such example. Final words To keep yourself up with the competition you should adopt trends that are prevailing. E-commerce is one arena where the margin for error is very thin and a slight delay in response can provide your rival an upper hand over you. In order to stay firm in the market you should focus on keeping yourself updated so as to avoid any hiccups in conversion optimization.

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