Go for ecommerce conversions with these personalization tips (part 1)

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Go for eCommerce Conversions with These Personalization Tips (Part 1)

Everybody has a strong urge to give a personal touch to their element of choice be it clothes, mobile phones, cars or even the eCommerce stores and are not shying away from spending few extra bucks for their share of customization. Due to the strong competition in the eCommerce business segment, store owners are looking for new exciting ways to grab the instant attention of their targeted customers for making maximum conversions. Personalization is not some sudden practice that has suddenly grabbed the fancy and imagination of people all around the world but it has touched upon this yet unexplored area of eCommerce business. If you do not feel much excited about this, let us throw some light about its potential in improving the business scenario for your business entity. Provide customer information about how your products are made- You can effortlessly grab the customer attention and can make drastic improvements in your conversion rate optimization exercise for making that initial business lead. Make use of an engaging infographics, videos, graphics, images and other such components for revealing your brand story in the most appealing manner. It will not only improve your customer engagement and but will also help in improving your brand awareness among your targeted customers. If you want to know more about an effective brand building exercise, do check out these articles5 Secrets to a compelling brand story telling. 4 action points for an effective brand building. How to strengthen your brand awareness with web analytics tool? Encourage your customers to share their real stories- Find out ways by which your targeted customers can engage with your eCommerce store for giving a boost to your brand appeal and customer engagement. Provide them an ample reason which can encourage them to share their brand story on your site that can attract the immediate attention of your site visitors. Remember that “Joy of giving and sharing� can take your business to great heights

if it is implemented effectively. Show information about the common and related interests of your customersProviding information about the interested topics and categories of your customers acts as a major “turn on” for your site visitors and can compel them to make a purchase through your online store. You need to take the help of an effective click heat map tool like Mocking Fish that can keep a track of all those areas which are clicked by your customers for providing a clear insight about the interest areas of your targeted customers. By providing timely updates and information about their topics of interest, you can effortlessly create a loyal army of customers and followers for your online store without spending much amount on conversion rate optimization services. Add a lighter or humorous side to your business- Nothing grabs the immediate attention of your customers faster than a joke, meme or a light hearted conversation. Utilize this crucial aspect in your business by organizing small quizzes, store activity and other such light hearted events for adding the fun element to your business entity. “Talking about business and business every time does not make sense and a humorous activity can be major break through for your eCommerce store as it makes customer more engaged”, so don't shy away from trying out this promotional aspect. It is the need of the hour to adopt these minor changes in your promotional activity for making a significant improvement in your conversion rate optimization activities. If you are able to add a little sense of personalization in your eCommerce store, you can effortlessly grab higher customer attention and conversion rates for your business entity.

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