Golden SEO Tips To Win Over Your Site Visitors- Part 1

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Golden SEO Tips To Win Over Your Site Visitors- Part 1

The “fate and future” of every online business entity is dependent on their presence on various search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and such others. If you want to have a prominent position in this tough online business environment, you need to have an impressive search engine rankings so that your targeted customers can easily find your company on search engine result pages (SERPs). For this, you need to have the dedicated team of web developers, creative designers, superb content writers and other such professionals on your side for making a strong impact on various search engines. But, if you are short of resources and manpower, you need to take a look at these wonderful SEO tips that can ensure a stupendous success in terms of the online presence and reputation of your company. 

Prepare a list of keywords that needs to be targeted-

Keywords have a great role in the field of search engine optimization as people tends to search for a product/service with certain keywords. Therefore, it is important to target these important keywords effectively on your site and content for getting higher relevance and presence on search engine result pages. You need to focus equally on long tailed keywords and LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords that needs to be used properly in your site content for bringing more people on your site. To accomplish the task of listing down all the traffic boosting keywords, you need to take the help of an effective tool like Google Keyword Planner that can provide you detailed information about most popular and most searched keywords on search engines. ď ľ Make necessary optimization in the title and descriptions of your content- The <title> tag of the HTML defines the web page of your site and needs to be of precise length. Ensure that your page title are under the limit of 70 characters and includes important keywords in the title at the beginning itself. Similarly, <meta name= description content= > HTML tag needs to be of concise words and should explain about your web page content in a brief manner. Like, meta title, the permissible character limit for meta descriptions are under 150 characters. Moreover, do remember to include target keywords in your meta descriptions as the matched keyword in the descriptions will appear in bold during the user's search query. ď ľ

Monitor and track your site visitors with the help of various tools-

For grabbing the effective attention of your targeted customers, you need to monitor your site visitors for understanding their browsing behavior, click activity, scrolling pattern and other such areas. If you are not having any clue about how to monitor your site, we will advise you to try out the various site monitoring tools like Google Analytics tool.

Apart from this, you need to avail the expertise of an effective heat map tool such as Mocking Fish that is most reasonably priced, consists of a user friendly dashboard design, provides reliable test results and offers free lifetime account facility. ď ľ Make effective use of ALT tags- In order to improve the effectiveness of your images, you need to include ALT tags with your images. They have a strong correlation with the search engine rankings and thus helps in improving the overall online presence of your website and its content. ď ľ Improve your site navigation and internal link structure- In order to improve your online rankings and conversion rates, you need to have a user engaging site navigation that makes it easier for your site visitors to roam around your site. Apart from this, you need to have a strong and robust internal link structure on your site for facilitating a stronger presence on various search engines. This strong internal link building helps in improving the PageRank and Link Authority for your internal web pages for ensuring a strong impact in the field of search engine optimization. ď ľ

Work towards improving the loading time of your website-

Site performance and loading time do make a profound impact on the search engine rankings of your business entity. Site owners need to ensure that the loading time of their website are restricted to 2- 3 seconds only for keeping their targeted customers engrossed with their site. There are various site performance optimization tools like Pingdom, PageSpeed Insights, Gtmetrix, WebPagetest and such other tools that can help in improving the loading time and performance of your website to a great extent. Apart from, do check that you are using optimized images, reduced CSS and javascript elements, non heavy background elements, HTML5, mobile responsive design and other such components that can play a decisive role in optimizing the performance of your website. By paying a considerable attention towards all these key elements, site owners can make a drastic improvement in the loading time, eCommerce conversion rate optimization and performance of their website for securing an effective position in the search engine rankings of various search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and such others. Further, to

make significant improvements in your search engine optimization efforts, you need to check the next part of this article- Golden SEO tips to win over your site visitors- Part 2.

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