Hit The Bull's Eye For Your E-Commerce Store With These 15 CRO Tips
Conversion rate optimization seems to be the only buzz word and the sole axis on which the entire business activity revolves around. If you can't make a significant increase in the conversion rates of your online business, it means that you are fighting an “already lost battle” among your other business rivals. No doubt, getting conversion rate is a bit difficult task but it is not something “divine” which is beyond your control and interference. Online businesses can effortlessly grab a major pie in this segment by paying a little heed to these CRO tips. 1)
Make effective use of popups in your website-
It is beyond any debate that “popups” are an effective medium to grab the instant attention of your targeted customers. Utilize them for showcasing your most recent promotional offers and deals to your site visitors for persuading them to shop from your online store. However, make sure that your popups are not creating problems in the site navigation for your targeted visitors. Learn the art of making “effective utilization of popups without causing frustration” among your site customers. Further, you should try to create a sense of urgency through your promotional deals and offers for driving more customer traffic and product sales towards your website for changing your business fortunes. 2) Turn your marketing efforts a little personalized- The obsession and madness around the personalization has been from long time back and people want everything from cars to bikes, mobiles to clothing accessories personalized as per their choice and interest. Following the same line, you need to add personalization to your marketing and promotional efforts for improving your product sales and eCommerce conversion rate. Make your customers feel that these promotional offers are specially tailor made for them so that they can be persuaded to buy online from your eCommerce store. Further, you need to use the first name/last name of your customer for pitching your offer as the most “customer oriented”. Apart from this, you can transfer the email addresses of your newsletter subscribers into an effective email marketing software like MailChimp, Constant Contact, Aweber and such others for the effective targeting of your customers. 3) Take required UX improvement steps based on the analytical data and testing results-
For taking the required corrective actions for improving your customer engagement, conversion rate, product sales and user experience, store owners need to have the effective support of an A/B testing and web analytics tool. Although, you could find numerous options down the lane but Mocking Fish has been our choice for more than one reasons. It has a user friendly dashboard design that makes it easier to be understood and analyzed by any technical/non technical individual, has a reliable test result, most affordable price of $10
for business plan while startup plan is available without any cost for the entire lifetime and other such features.
Implement split testing on the various elements of your website like call- to- action buttons, registration forms, images, banners, headlines, landing page and other such components for improving their functionality, customer grabbing potential and convertibility. You need to test the different variation of your web elements on your selected customers and can implement the winning page on your site based on the conversion rates achieved by the each variation page. Similarly, heat maps like click heat map, scroll heat map or insight heat map can provide you detailed information about your customer click activity, scrolling behavior, browsing behavior of your site traffic and other such crucial information about your site. 4) Work towards making your forms “conversion enhancers” and not your “conversion killers”-
Every online business make use of forms for various purposes like customer registration, checkout process, newsletter subscription or other such activities. But, what is painful is the fact that most of these forms are actually “conversion killers� for your site and turn the visitors attention away from your store. Some of the useful tips that can be of great help in improving the usability of your web forms are as follows: - Keep your web forms short and engaging by eliminating unnecessary form fields. - Display required essential information in front of your form fields for guiding your customers in the crucial task of form filling and to avoid the chances of errors. - Make restrictive use of validations like captcha code that tends to increase the time of form submission. For more information about improving the functionality of your web forms, you need to check out this article- Online Shopper Registration-Yes, it is easy and can be improved.... 5) Analyze your competitors website for making business strategies accordingly- In a cut throat competitive business environment, it is important to constantly track your rival websites for analyzing their marketing strategies and to take counter actions accordingly. Keep a close tab on all the promotional deals available, user experience offered to site visitors and other such metrics that are generating site traffic and conversion rate for your rival business in order to replicate their success story without any hiccups. However, don’t be a copy cat and try to emulate the required changes into your website considering your targeted customer base and site goals. 6)
Grab customer trust and attention through various ways-
In a business environment, it is important to build the trust and loyalty of your targeted customers for facilitating an effective business environment for better conversions. Businesses can make online shoppers more comfortable in doing shopping by adding various trust badges and security seals on their site. These badges and security seals give the impression to customers that they can do online shopping without any concerns like payment detail confidentiality and security, safety from fraudulent transactions and other such reasons. Apart from this, eCommerce stores need to provide multiple payment and shipping options to their targeted customers for ensuring their active participation on their online stores for improving their product sales and conversion rates. 7) Ensure a faster product searching on your store- It can be hard- hitting for your business if you are not allowing your targeted customers to search their interested products without any significant delay on your site. You need to implement various searching techniques through parameters like brand, quantity, color, size, price and other such criteria. With a faster product searching, customers will love to engage with your online store and will boost your product sales to a great extent. Further, it will improve the website navigation around your store which will inturn play a crucial role in the difficult task of conversion rate optimization. 8)
Engage your customers for getting the required social proof on your site-
Effective customer engagement is the foremost key point that can take your online business entity on the acme. You need to keep your customers engaged to your site through the help of user reviews, testimonials, customer surveys, user comments, social media likes and other such mediums in order to attract more number of customers towards your online store. Further, there are numerous social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Linked in and such others that have a huge number of users that can help in improving the social presence and engagement of your eCommerce store. 9) Reorganize your home page effectively for grabbing the instant customer attention- “Home page of your site” is like the entrance door of your home which welcomes your visitors and thus it needs to be given much priority and attention during the business promotional activities. Store owners need to reorganize their home page effectively and should feature its top rated product, best selling product, new product or most viewed/searched products on their main “home page” for getting the instant attention of their targeted customers. Further, you need to showcase your available products in the most appealing manner as “What engages people effectively is what also sells more aggressively”. Moreover, you need to provide “Add to cart” or “Buy now” button along with the each featured product so that shoppers don’t have to search out for your product while making the online purchase. 10)
Make your product descriptions more detailed and engaging-
Product descriptions are one of the most under- rated element of an eCommerce website but most of the users do spend a considerable time on product descriptions for getting a detailed information about their desired product before making the final purchase. It is mandatory to include all the required details about the featured product in your product descriptions for eliminating any emerging doubts and concerns in the mind of your targeted customers. It is important to add a detailed 360 degree product images in your product descriptions for providing a quick access to your featured product. This will help your customers in getting an effective glimpse about your product for facilitating a bumper product sales on your site. 11) Keep your “About Us” page more realistic, human and near to the appeal of your company- It is one of the significant fact that “About Us” is one of the top 5 viewed page on a site and hence they need to be appealing and engaging. Don’t go too far in portraying your company as the most “bankable and popular” eCommerce store as it can give the impression of being “unrealistic and fake” online store. Use the testimonials of real people and not some computer generated machine for getting the confidence and trust of your customers towards your store. Just keep it real, relevant and not too much exaggerated for keeping your customers hooked to your online store for boosting your product sales, customer engagement and conversion rates. 12) Offer freebies to your targeted customers- People are always more excited about freebies and offers that are provided on various websites and love to engage with them accordingly. Provide them freebies like free shipping services, discount coupons, gift cards, shopping offers and other such facilities for grabbing the instant attention and interest of your targeted customers towards your online store. Explore the “joy of sharing” for initiating the complete makeover of your online store. 13)
Reduce the shopping cart abandonments on your store-
There are numerous customers that come on an online store but often return back without completing their online purchase. These type of customers not only increase the shopping cart abandonments but also hurts the reputation and brand image of a company to a great extent. To save your online store from these severe consequences, it is important to improve your checkout page, landing page, web forms, website loading speed and other such site components for making your online shopping experience a seamless task for your customers. 14) Provide detailed contact information about your company- Don’t let your customers work hard in extracting the contact details of your company. Provide your contact information like email address, phone number, fax and other such details at an appropriate place of your website for providing a quick access to your customer service representatives. You also need to provide an effective live chat service to your customers for helping them out during the online checkout process in order to save their crucial time and efforts. 15) Show clear progress indicators while making the online payment- There are numerous customers who are doing the online shopping for the first time and are not much comfortable while making the online payment. In scenarios like this, it is important to guide your customers with clear instructions, walk- throughs and other such mediums for facilitating a faster online shopping experience. Provide a clear insight about the stage on which your customers are currently performing so as to promote a faster checkout experience on your online store. Take a careful note of all these amazing tips for improving your eCommerce conversion rate for getting a complete makeover of your online store. With this valuable information, getting conversion rate, product sales, site traffic and customer engagement for your eCommerce store will not be a herculean task like before. So, make the best move now and get assured business returns.