How to boost the performance of your ecommerce search results

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How To Boost The Performance Of Your Ecommerce Search Results?

People coming on an eCommerce store are making a quick product purchase with the help of result oriented search results. No visitor would like to browse every category and sub category pages on a site for buying the desired product. For above circumstances, a search box on an eCommerce site is the only way out to grab instant product on an eCommerce site. Site visitors find it much more convenient to browse a product on an online store through the help of search queries rather than browsing each and every product categories and sub categories. It is important to ensure that your search results are refined and result oriented for achieving higher conversion rate optimization for your eCommerce store. Below are some of the critical steps that can help in optimizing the performance of your search results.

Handle the critical situations of your search results-

There are times when your search results yield situations like “no search results found� which is a big disappointment for your site visitors. It is a common scenario for various eCommerce sites but it can have a significant impact on your sales and conversion rates. To handle the above scenario, you need to make improvements in your website user interface and search results in order to display related products to your targeted customers. This will not only help in improving your customer engagement but will also give a good boost to your conversion rates and sales. Include suggestions and auto-correction facility-

Sometimes, visitors are not having a clear idea about what they actually want from an eCommerce store. Due to this, they are often unable to make the right online search for a product which in turn affect the store sales. For overcoming this problem, make changes in your search results to incorporate facilities like suggestions and autocorrection that can provide your customer cent percent results. The search results need to be smarter enough to provide hints about any possible spelling and semantic errors in search queries for ensuring refined search results. There are various PrestaShop extensions like PrestaShop Search Auto suggest that can optimize the performance of your search results. Keep your inventory updated and synchronize it with your search results- In an eCommerce business environment, inventory control is a critical component that can have a considerable impact on the conversion rates and sales. You need to keep a track of the product stock in your store for ensuring a seamless product delivery to customers. Find out a way to integrate your store inventory with your search results for having a clear idea about the current status of the available products. Once, the search results are synchronized as per your updated product stock, you can make changes in it for displaying the other related products in case the searched product is “out of stock�. For the effective management of the inventory on your eCommerce store or marketplace store, eCommerce site owners can take the help of PrestaShop Addons, Magento extensions and OpenCart modules for their Magento, OpenCart, and PrestaShop platforms. Take the help of web analytics and testing tool- If you are committed to improving the performance of your search results, it is important to take the help of a productive web analytics and A/B testing tool. These analytics tools can help in providing a clear insight into the performance and potential of your website by tracking the visitor movement on your site. In addition to this, you can improve the design, functionality and user experience of your website, search box and other such components with the help of A/B testing tool. Conclusion It is important to help your site visitors in the easy accessing of products on an eCommerce store for better conversion rates and sales. Take the required steps mentioned below and keep your visitors engaged to your online store through a result oriented search box. If you can offer the required products to your customers easily, it will certainly help in optimizing your conversion rate optimization efforts among your rivals.

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