How to design smarter website ui to leverage ecommerce conversion optimization

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How to

Design Smarter Website


to Leverage

Ecommerce Conversion Optimization?

The immediate need of catching the visitor’s eye in order to get better engagement has led to rise in various techniques. The website now focuses mainly on the design part as it is the backbone of a website. The better is the design of the website more are the chances to get conversions. In the effort to provide a better design, the first thing that website needs is a smart UI. The interface provided by the website decides the behavior of the customers and the significant improvement in the rate of conversions. The distribution of the contents in the website plays a crucial role in determining the feasibility of the user interface. A better interface will understand the needs of the visitors and will be ready with enough options so that the visitor can freely move inside the website with better understanding. However, if the website lags a better interface then the chances are that the visitor loses the motive to visit the website in the first place and will eventually end up in moving out of the website. Therefore, the requirement of a better interface is an important aspect in the eCommerce conversion. There are various aspects and tools that could help the website owner to provide a better UI. As it is a challenging job, therefore, a thorough study needs to be conducted about the necessary changes that are required to be made in the website to lead to better results. The website has various aspects, not only does the UI concerns with the basic layout of the website but at the same time multiple features such as placement of content, their positioning , the landing page and many other inbuilt options.

So a challenging job which requires a lot of attention can be done. The website might consider following options while designing the smart website UI.

1. First Impression

According to a survey, “66% of the customers tend to scroll down the webpage to get the better view but 70% of the views are given to the upper fold of the website�. Thus, it becomes quite important for the websites to provide a better insight of the website in the upper fold. As, most of the customers tend to create an overall impression of the website after viewing the top fold. The website can provide visual cues. More customers like to interact when they are provided with video contents on the website. It helps in relating better and at the same time makes the better impression. Another aspect of the first impression would be by making the website performance better. The website must try to make use of text in place of images as it considerably increases the size of the page, with the heavy page size the load time for the website is way more and it directly effects the performance. Thus, taking more time could create a bad impression on visitors.

2. Provide ease with clarity

One of the main aim of the web store owners is to get better conversions. To achieve this goal the website may be introduced to different features but the owner must make sure that the simplicity and the ease to use various website feature must not be compromised. The website must use a shorter and simple approach in order to reach out to the customers. At any point the visitor must not feel like being pressed down to complete an action. Use the simple design with powerful meaning. The visitors are used of visiting online stores and any efforts which seem to be dominating the visitors comfort zone will rule out the possibility of successful conversion. Thus, the website must use colors to catch visitor’s attention and at the same time the clarity in thoughts by providing a clear and less clustered choices will add to the advantage of the website.

3. Customer behavior

One of the important thing to get a better UI for the website would be by understanding the behavior of the customers. As most of the customers follow a general pattern to browse the website. Hence, the owner can always use various methods in order to see how the visitors are engaging themselves with the website and then make necessary changes to the website. In order to do this, the website owner can use Click heat map tools, which track down the behavior of the customers click rate throughout the website. Once the website owner understands how the customers behaves on the website and which of the features are not able to interact properly with the customers, necessary modifications can be made by the web stores. The click rate highly determines the way a user wants the website to interact with them.

4. Persuasive design

The website must use the content able to persuade, trust design. Forcing the customer to perform an action would be not a suitable approach to get better conversions. Instead the website must first try to create an impression where they take opinion of the customer, to perform an action and later on entrust the customer to make an action. This leads to the slow progress in the process of conversion and at no time did the customer feel like being manipulated by the website. Another approach to convince the user is by ensuring the customer to perform an action whose outcomes are known by the m at the time of performing. Most of the CTA’s must be designed on this approach of taking the customer’s trust and then asking them to make an opinion based upon their understanding of the content.

OVER TO YOU The influence of the UI in order to leverage the eCommerce conversion is quite important. The website must always try to be clear and simple approach with the visitors as it leads to better understanding between the website and customers. A better understanding of customer’s behavior ensures that the visitor is interested in making a purchase from the website.

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