How to kill your website with these 3 ultimate ideas

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How To Kill Your Website With These 3 Ultimate Ideas?

There are uncountable ways to destroy a website. It's funny that sometimes you won't even realize that you are actually poisoning your dear website with your silly mistakes. In fact, it is the easiest task to perform on your website and your business. Here, I am going to mention some easiest ways to kill your website by poisoning it in several ways. Ultimate ways to poison your website: Way #1: Kill the UX and UI and your website is 70 % dead- Websites depend on the users and visitors to show their contents and presentations. A website without visitors is like a body without a soul. If you can somehow kill the number of visitors on your site by degrading the user experience, you will kill 70 % of your website. 1. Do not update your website and its contents ever. Once it is online, leave and let it be as it is. It is the most craving idea that hits to my mind. If I want to destroy my website, I will just simply leave it in the position where it was once way back when I made it live. What if you spent uncountable nights and days in developing it, so much of optimization were performed in the early phase, right? So there is no need to work on it anymore. Leave the contents and everything like it was, and you will surely make your kill for good. 2. Do not perform A/B testing ever- A/B testing is really good for the health of your website's UX and UI. If you perform an A/B testing on your site, it will resurrect your website from the dead. And you simply do not want this, right? So, avoid A/B testing for good this time. Otherwise, none of your efforts to kill your website would work if you even look at this tool called A/B testing tool.

3. Do not even go in proximity to heat map tools- If you want to kill your website then you simply do not just want to avoid the A/B testing, you have to maintain a long distance from heat map tools too. Otherwise, so much of effort that has been put in avoiding A/B testing would go in the vein if you ever think to using a heat map tool on your site. The heat map tool is really good for the website as it will help you know the behavior of your visitors on the site. Once you know the behavior of your visitors on the site, you would be able to serve them with what actually they need. And you simply, do not want this, right again? So, leave it! Don't even try to know about a free heat map tool.

4. Make the category or menu structure on homepage complex and unpredictable- Browsing through the category options on your site is a common trait in all your visitors. After searching for a product/services through your search box, category/menu option navigation is the next most used method of browsing the websites sites by the visitors. Considering this, navigation control through different categories on your eCommerce site is a paramount factor to be included in your plan; If your plan is to revive your site. But, your plan here is to poison it instead. So, let it be! just ignore this suggestion.

Way #2: Kill the load time optimization, your website is 80 % dead- Loading speed has become one of the major criteria while deciding the rankings in the SERPs. Not only SERPs, visitors on any site would want the site to load in not time. Increasing the load time of a website is an ultimate way to kill the productivity of your website. So, you should look at these ways to kill the load time optimization of any website.

1. Don’t even think of adopting Google AMP- Google AMP is an HTML based framework developed by Google to design some really fast loading mobile friendly pages irrespective of the kind of mobile devices used. If you adopt the Google AMP, you start impressing the mobile user's community by your load time and content. This is not good for your motive to kill your website. Why encouraging even the mobile user to visit your site if your motive is to poison your website finally? So, Let's just avoid it and achieve our final motive to wipe down our web pages from the mobile search results.

2. Design your site for yourself- This is your site and you are really possessive about it. You don’t care if your design idea for your site is not liked by your visitors. It was your money and your effort to design your site and you want this to be strictly according to your needs and requirements. So, as I would repeat once again; avoid A/B testing or a heat map tool. Because these tools will help you discover the shaky parts of your site and encourage you to improve them according to what your visitors would like. So, it’s your website, and your rules and wishes are more important than an enticing UX; if your motive still remains as killing your website. 3. Do not optimize the images for faster browsing- Images pay a great role on a website. Any website is not complete without a proper utilization of images to educate the customers. For better customer engagement, it is always recommended to serve scaled images by compressing them. Compressed images would load faster without compromising the images quality. All the images and files used on the site should be compressed to save the load time. Since your goal is to destroy your website here, you need to avoid the suggestions of this point too. 4. Maximum and unsupervised use of JavaScript - JavaScript is used to make the contents of the pages as dynamic. But with each JavaScript code, you also make your site heavier to the server. The minimal use of JavaScript will ensure that your pages are light weight and get loaded quickly. So, it is recommended to overload your website with the unnecessary use of JavaScript as it will help you to destroy the Load time optimization of your website.

Way #3: Kill the Search engine optimization your website is 100 % dead- The world of SEO has been evolving from time to time. The extent of SEO has reached to off page practices from on page practices only. The visibility of a website on any of the SERPs is 100 % depended on the SEO of the website. While Google is always a prime focus in SEO, but ignoring other search engines is also a good idea to kill your website’s visibility. Here are some Rouge SEO practices that you must be practicing to look your website. 1. Stuff your website with the bad links- Recently Google has rolled out its penguin 4.0 update. It says that penguin is real time now. So the rogue practices would now result in immediate punishments by Google. It is an ultimate opportunity to kill the SEO of your site. Bad links are hated by the Google Penguin. So make it work for you. Overload your website with irrelevant and bad links and Google will make your task of killing your website as smooth as butter.

2. Do not update your contents regularly- Updating your contents regularly will send a good signal to the search engines. Google always prefer updated contents to be encouraged in its SERPs. By updating your content you will improve the SEO of your site, and you do not want this right? So, it's time to leave the contents of the web pages as an orphan and outdated. 3. Avoid updating the metadata- Metadata makes the content on the web pages as transparent and easily discoverable to the search engines. But your goal is to hide your contents from the search engines. So, you need to ignore the meta tags while designing your web pages. Leave the meta tags empty while posting a content on your website. There more than 101 ways to destroy your website. Some of the really important ones are mentioned above. It is now depended on your goal if you want to adopt the ways to save your website or ignore them so that you can kill your website from multiple angles. One of the most important points that have been discussed here is to adopt an A/B testing and heat map tool. By adopting these tools you can easily collaborate all the ways mentioned here in one to improve the quality and visibility of your website. I wonder if anyone really seeks the 101 ways to destroy their website for good.

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