How top brands use video content marketing without getting the ad skipped

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How top brands use video content marketing without getting the Ad Skipped?

Business setups are adapting to a very modish type of content marketing strategy called as video content marketing. Businesses are flourishing; YouTube has become the favorite destination for both B and C from the B2C model. It’s only that the businesses are enjoying the experiences with video contents but also the consumers/viewer are getting engaged like never before. But, the stats convey something contrasting. According to a YouTube video study by Content marketing institute on 100 popular brands, out of 200,000 business videos across 1270 YouTube channels, more than 50 % videos had the view count fewer than 1000. This is called “YouTube Nation� The study by content marketing institute revealed that top 100 brands like Coca-Cola, Toyota, McDonald, Disney, and Nike, and so on are not just creating effective videos but they have also utilized their official websites to feature the videos posted on YouTube. The top 100 brands have invested around $4.3 B in video content marketing. But, why even after investing so much these videos are not able to gain the desired followers? Video content marketing on YouTube Posting a video with some tags and a brief description is merely enough for your

followers on YouTube. In fact, the total effort you had spent on producing the video is nothing as compared to the efforts that you would require promoting it. The content marketing institute conducted the research, and picked out some effective strategies that would definitely work and is being actively followed by most of the popular YouTubers:

1. Producing lots of videos with different content: It was a point that was picked after analyzing the top YouTube video marketers. It was found that most of the top YouTubers

produce comparatively much-augmented videos with different content

each time. Here is a screen shot of the Pixability report for Video marketing Grade by Starbucks:

The stats presented above show a clear vision of how the online video performance does not just bank on the views gained; It is more about the viewers and their engage with the video. The conversion rate of your video content depend on four major areas: Performance of video on Website Performance of video in SERPs The likes, shares, views on YouTube The likes, shares and views on Social media These four factors affect the performance of your video content up to a very major extent. It is a harsh truth that your YouTube channel might get millions of subscribers, but even after that view counts might remain very few as compared to the number of subscribers you already have. Your YouTube channel is not the only place where you can promote your video content; Social media plays a great role in promoting your content both on the channel and off the channel. In Fact, it was the evolution of social media that made the YouTube videos even more popular. A video recommended by some friend on a social media site would definitely gain a view by the receiving party. Users always consider the recommendation from a friend, relative or an acquaintance worth watching at least once. And this is the time when your video gains a new viewer which would later multiply to millions if you can encourage the viewers to like, comment or share the video. 2. The active relationship between your YouTube Channel and website: The content above this fold explains how the YouTube App or the YouTube site is not the only place for your content to perform. A proper sync which defines a dynamic relationship between your YouTube presence and your website can secure the bulk of views and engagement. Even in the study by content marketing institute cited how that most of the trending and effective videos on YouTube by the top brands had a perfect relationship between the channel and the official website. It was clearly noticed that these websites did not just embed the YouTube video anywhere but on a proper place. It was the wise placement of YouTube videos on the sites which did not just gained the views but also helped in conversion of the Landing page, Product page etc where the video was embedded. A wise placement of videos worked as an informative content on YouTube plus it acted as a tool for better product education which had some story to tell. Here is an example of similar a relationship:

Here the website placed the YouTube video on a product page which was relevant to the video. It did not just gained the views but also educated the consumers about the product in a much convincing way.

3. Engaging the community with desired videos- The third pick from the research explains how the videos are not just a one side communication from the brands but they have been produced to respond to the feedbacks by the customers. This is called

as engage back strategy, a paramount strategy for creating user engagement. Social media cannot be just referred to a social site, but any site which allows a scope for interaction between the users is called as a social media platform. YouTube in recent times has emerged as a perfect social media platform that allows the users to like, share, comment and express their views. So, we must understand that YouTube is not just a video archive but also an effective and powerful social media platform. In their research, the Content marketing Institute has explained how the YouTube campaign by Old Spice delivered the videos in response to the community feedback. Here is the glance:

4. Utilization of call to action with engaging content: YouTube Advertising is somewhat different from the Google's AdWords. Comparatively, Ads on YouTube receive the conversions ten times better than the AdWords. Paid media is one of the most important parts of creating an effective video and later gathering the desired conversions. A content which is informative and appeals some call to action is more likely to get converted rather than creating a pure Ad video which is more likely to get skipped by the users. Utilization of sponsored Ads is much better than the paid Ads. Some popular YouTubers might help you spreading your words if a proper sponsorship is provided to them without influencing their reviews about your products. So, stick to paid media but not paid reviews.

Conclusion The key to having a successful YouTube campaign is to keep experimenting the new ideas for better engagement. Your video content might mean to be an Ad campaign for you, but for the viewers, it should become something that is interesting, engaging, informative and most important compelling. A proper blend of engaging content with proper utilization on YouTube and off the YouTube (official website and social media) will have a positive impact on your campaign. Make it so engaging that viewers will come to see the video by themselves. KitKat's "YouTube Break"campaign is a good example of engaging content.

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